War Memorial's Daniel Clem - Local History Archives

War Memorial's Daniel Clem - Local History Archives

War Memorial's Daniel Clem - Local History Archives


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AI the N.w. of<br />

AI the Point.. Ev.ry<br />

Thuncf.y Morning<br />

,',. Vol. 32--No. 20<br />

'l'~<br />

, ~JmADLINES<br />

.: l."<br />

:.":.<br />

of tlle<br />

WEEK<br />

; .:~ AM Compiled b~ the<br />

;"arou. Point. NfWI<br />

..-<br />

rosse<br />

Entered u second CLus Matter al<br />

the POll Ollie. It :oeUolt. IIlchl'lJI<br />

Salvage Operation<br />

Pointe<br />

Complete News Coverage of A.ll the Pointes<br />

Thursdav, Mav 20, 1971<br />

Exarnple of Cooperation<br />

•. 00 Per Year<br />

lOe .er cOP"<br />

ews<br />

Hom, of 'hi New.<br />

26 Pages-Two Sections .Seetion One<br />

<strong>War</strong> <strong>Memorial's</strong> <strong>Daniel</strong> <strong>Clem</strong><br />

D . N G 1 Top Star at<br />

'. rlve ear oa ; North Higll<br />

~$5,000 Short Now Su~:n~~n.~~'i~;pi.<br />

-: ,'-- 111 S f I A Tragic Accident<br />

uanc1a,.. ay 11 uee.ss u nnouneement by Campaign Chairmen ._<br />

'l1IE HOUSE WAYS AND Wiftiem Croul Expected by Target Datej A promising young<br />

MEANS Committee approved No Gifts Too Small North High baseball player<br />

WedDeIclay a DiDe billion dol. died early Monday after<br />

las-packale ol new Social sec- Grosse Pointe <strong>War</strong> <strong>Memorial's</strong> 1971 Annual being hit in the head Sat-<br />

. ui-ity and welfare relorms. But Family Participation Campaign's target date is Memo- urday, May 15, by a pitched<br />

.:Jf 're~ted .nother tmiversal rial Day, May 30. As of this date it appears t\1at baseball. The tragic death<br />

-SOcial Security increase next William J. Crout, drive chaiman, will ~ able to make ended a long vigil in which<br />

.:f,.r for 26 million Americans. a successful announcement at the Memorial Services the youth had r{;mained l'n<br />

:'i'tie panel finished writing the heduled ~ 1<br />

'iiiOit comprehensive welfare SC ~or 1 a.m. Monday, May 31. a coma for more than 36<br />

:.iiUi in lIome three decades. It James D. Tracy, presidentt hours.<br />

of the Cl!l1ter'l Volunteer<br />

:,,,,O:Wdprovide a $2,400 annual Board of Directors apeaJting Rotary Club <strong>Daniel</strong> <strong>Clem</strong>, 18, .of 21U<br />

:~~me. floor under. a family of fo the . Hawthorne, remained con .<br />

•. I"; ••• WIth no other mcome. AI- r entire board said, "The scious ,for half a minute while<br />

- lIIemorlal Center in Its 22Dd D - A - d<br />

•.~ the ,bill caniel $3.3 year of service seeml to have r~ve ~me his brother Tom, 17, watched<br />

:\.Inioo in improved caJh bene. earned. the respect and .sup. over him before an ambulance<br />

:.(Itf to lelected groups of Soc- port of ~relSingly large num. A B' J_ was called to the scene. He<br />

~M, Seeurity beneficiaries, the bers of Pointers makiDg the t urgm. rs was immediately t a ken to<br />

~:clqinmittee rejected four sep- ltMual fund drIves for mainte. Sinai Hospital.<br />

iJrite propo.als. for across-the' nanee successful .nd enabling Danny bad been hel!vily In-<br />

~~rd benefit mereases. an ever-enlarged progr.m of Residents Urged to Etch volved in sports at North High<br />

:~,; • • - classes, services and activities Driver License Numbers and bas e b a II Coach Joe<br />

c. . Friday, lIay U possible. servin. the commu. on Valuable Items for Scbneider considered him the<br />

'I !lity OD this Board. therefore, key man on the baseball squad.<br />

,~..'HENRY FORD II, chairm.n bec1lmes a wonderful satisfac: Identification "He was rea II y coming<br />

>oFFord Motor Company, de. tionand challence." around and putting it all to.<br />

Clared Thursday that thE: l:om- . NH4I ., ... lIore By Pepper WhlteJaw gether during the last two or<br />

~DY m.y be forced by riain. There is still $5,000 to be The Rota r y Club of three weeks," Schneider said.<br />

eoItI to produce an even garnered in the forthcoming Grl;lsse Pointe is presently <strong>Clem</strong> had pitched a shutout<br />

.maller car m the future but weei: to achieve the $90,000 organizing a program call- Thursday, strikillg out 12 bat .<br />

. JikUc.ted he had no idea just needed to maintain the beau- ed "Operation Identifica- ters and hitting three home<br />

""'ea. He added wryly: "Mini- tiful grounds and buildings tion" directed at cutting runs as Nor t h beat Lake<br />

,041', mini-profits." Ford made Pholo by J. S. ~Forpst that form. unique civic cen. down thefts and burg. Shore High, 10-0.<br />

'.' comme!!u to !lewsmen Pictured above is what was left of the 1962 red Clair in December of 1969 as it was being towed out ter for aU five Pointes. Tbe lanes in the area. Saturday, Danny \'135 play.<br />

after an addre.s to the share- Chevrolet convertible which plunged into Lake St. of the Lake on Saturday, May 15. Memorial sUll'covera the costs ing ror a Detroit league ball<br />

~en meetmg, ia which he of its serviees and programs "Operation Identification" club when he was hit. Batting<br />

~Urged that ,ttie government~ throUlh income from invested is a system by whieh local left handed, he was, weuing<br />

.datedufety and emis- Salvage Job r_'ews Busy at Lakefront Center Sets endowments and fees. .residents Iborrhow'd free of protective head gear that<br />

~. equlpment might boost '--d . ~ Gifts from aU Pointers in eharge, e eetrlc an enKl'av- guarded the right side of his<br />

".'t'llJ'ices f." • ..,.,.. ...".. from. present G H d P k G tt F 1 whatever amount are eneour. era from ",llir local police de. fane, but he had anparenUy<br />

e iIi-t- M l! part 't d t h.... Y<br />

ets azar at' s e mg lie. les emorll1 a'ed. The Center Is OpeD tr, meil s an e c , m mcon. twistt!d and exposed the left<br />

H~ • * * 0 f Lak R d f Ann I0 - D S .. are iDeome tax deductible and drlver:~ .license Dumber on pitch.<br />

,ie'. ""'. els.<br />

.,:r Sabril7. May IS ut 0 e<br />


.tt:~AN.Leon1d "-I:S'/rriphon of ' C 'ra""<br />

~v called ODthe Western fRY C Who h<br />

am.s Friday Jo test Soviet in- ,0HnurtelemdovOveser aSreawa",c<br />

1aUOaI and begin negotiations .. ..<br />

OD:'wa7S of. reducing 'troop in December, 1969<br />

1"'11 and arms in Central<br />

~pe. Speaking in n,ilisi, By Pepper WhiteJaw<br />

lOll. No gift is too small. AU spicuous spots, their Michigan side as he tried to dodge the<br />

ea y or ua penmg ay ervr.ce .re l1'a~ received at any valualilll Items. . "He (the pitcher) had a<br />

------- ' , tllJ1e of the year. .. . . .These residents arc then aUfearm fastball that moved a<br />

PooJs.n(J.~~rniture 'P.i~:tifeguards .... j~' :'if.ithAll ReSiclenfs .. Ura.defo-:.tJ_••~~~,,_er.JilTI!~ s~id.<br />

Many Already at Work Helping with .... Attend 'TraCliti&nlT'ei~:; !ti_~.. .. .'.,. ~:"" ~tyo.t'~~',*~~~>'.i ..Ni~I:~~~'<br />

I Pre-Opening Preparations mony To Be Held on whose gifts baverecenUy been. the pre m I s e S h~ve been dUcking, Danny kind of turned<br />

-------- L I. f T received. Tbey are: marked for ready IdentUlca- and bailed out. He tried to<br />

By Greg Boyd ~Ind thernselv~s with a major ttlte ront errace April 7 tl.on by law enforcement agen. back away and the pitch<br />

The impending Memorial I Job every sprmg in ps.fcblng Yr. aDd IIrs. James M. Cles. caught him right behind the<br />

Day weekend, traditionally tbe tbe cement sl.abs together after All Grosse Pointers are Clabault, IIII'. aIld Mrs. Wil. AlJo Given Form. left ear,"<br />

~;c.pital of Soviet Georgill, Operation Salvage began<br />

~bev slill the Soviet Union t 10 15 S t d<br />

WMId do all in its power for a : .a.m., a ur ~y,<br />

'!f!i~ngthenln, peaceful co. M,:y 15, WIth Farms Pollee<br />

start of the active summer season,<br />

is resulting in a, nurry<br />

of activity at all the Pointe<br />

mlUlicipal parks in prepara.<br />

the rough wmters,<br />

Last year, two diUerent<br />

types oI patching cement were<br />

used on a sample basis In<br />

urged to take<br />

hour from their<br />

onal weekend<br />

honor and pay<br />

one half<br />

long Mem.<br />

holiday to<br />

respect to<br />

iam J. Clart, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

D. J. Clitford, IIr. aDd Mrs.<br />

Minton JI: Clute, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Ken Collinson, Jane Collber,<br />

Th!:: or home owners are<br />

also given an "Owners, Form"<br />

on which to list all items in.<br />

eluding auto accessories, such<br />

After the boy was taken to<br />

the ho!pital, doctors put him<br />

on a respirator and classified<br />

his condition as "serious."<br />

Qlijenee of states, regardless qhief Robert Fer~er hand'tlon for the flood of residents hopes that they could find a those of o.ur town who Mrs. John Conway, Mr. and as wheel covers, tape decks, Tom <strong>Clem</strong> said that he was<br />

@eir social system." ling land operations .and expected to invade the pleas. good sealer. According to have fought and died in Mrs. Donald H. Corey, Mr. and radios and batteries. (These told, that Danny was in an ir .<br />

. , • • • Shores Dir~tor of Public Iure spots. . Hallmann, the experimental World <strong>War</strong> II, Korea and Mr•. Joseph C. Cox, IIr. and auto items are among the most reversible coma and that his<br />

8uday, May 18 ~afetr, Joe Vita~e,. assist- Municipal recreation work. patchwork didn't work we~. Vietnam. .lIrs. Arthur E. DeCoster, Mr. common iteme stolen in The bodily functions would have to<br />

;~"-' . mg h1m, by handling water ers are busy cutting grass and 'But th~ recreation crew WIll and Mrs. J~bD J. DeDDe~y, Pointe area). pull him out. He died without<br />

.; PRESIDENT NIXON rallied operations. I grooming shrubbery, repaint. be ~orking all tho way to the The brief but impresaive Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dla. If law enforcement oUicers regaining conseiou~ness.<br />

,u~rt Saturday from former Vitale was aboard the 31- ing bath houses, cleaning grills Hobday weeken~ and Hall. ~:;~~~~n ~~il~~ t~~e a~la~':u:~ :~:dG~~ft J>~~e~\:::' find stolen items, or items 'Danny's athletic prowess<br />

rrl!sldeDt Lyndon B. Johnson foot Chris.Craft Sea SIdH fire. and picnic tables, and repair" mann says they II be ready . . ,. suspected to have been atolen, was valued not only on the<br />

~ad ~ f~er State Depart- boat owned ,by the Grosse ing docks The greatest con. for the hordes of Woods resl. the lake side terrace and Virginia Dorian, !fr .. and Mrs. with these identification mark- baseball squad, but !llso as a<br />

'~nt and rentagon o~cla1s Pointe Yacht Club and outfit.<br />

I:n ::an effort to defeat a pro- ted as a fire-flghtinlS vehicle<br />

~sal to cut U.S. troop stre~gth by the Sbores. Tbis reporter<br />

~,Jurope in half. Mr. NlXon I bo d th f<br />

r; bid' such<br />

f hi<br />

a cut<br />

"<br />

would be<br />

i<br />

an<br />

"It<br />

~ so skimmed<br />

.was a<br />

some<br />

ar<br />

22<br />

e<br />

knots<br />

.cra t<br />

per<br />

as<br />

~~r 0 lltor~c ~Imens o~s, hour acre.ss Lake St. Clair un-<br />

~d Johnson said It would. en. dertbe able helmsmanshlp of<br />

lINer what we have achIeved Ed Leahey, of the GPYC's<br />

In. the past and sbatter our t'.<br />

hopes for. the future .." Senate m~sr::s: CP~:"te Farms City<br />

centration' of work however<br />

is mostly centered ~n thema:<br />

jor attraction for each park:<br />

h . i I<br />

t e sWlmm<br />

Tb<br />

ng<br />

Woods<br />

poo.<br />

e .<br />

.Woods Park and Recreation<br />

Director Don Hallmann a~d<br />

his men probably face the bIg.<br />

gest pool job of all the .Pointe<br />

dents. And hordes It will be<br />

~s estimates ~f swimmers us.<br />

mg the pool m the course of<br />

one day range to 8,000.<br />

H<br />

a<br />

11<br />

mati'!. WI<br />

'll h<br />

ave<br />

10 llf<br />

e<br />

guards watching' over the<br />

crowd at one time during peak<br />

periods. The guards usually<br />

get a good workout and must<br />

stay constantly on the alert.<br />

grounds of Grosse Pointe <strong>War</strong> Donald E. Drape" ltbss Zelma<br />

~e~~o:i.~.O~~o:e~:r~e M:ru 3~ Duckwitz, Ilr. and Mrs. Don.<br />

aId A. Edwards, IIr. and Mrs.<br />

held in adjacent Friel Thea- Harold H. EmmoDl, Jr.\ Dr.<br />

ter in case of rain. and<br />

d'"<br />

IIrl.<br />

Willi<br />

Fra~ J.<br />

F<br />

Eurs,<br />

be<br />

Mr.<br />

Tbe order o[ service Is alS an ...rs. am a r.<br />

follows: Alfred L. ravrow, Mr, and<br />

Raising and Half Masting IIrs. James C. Flowers, Mr.<br />

o[ Colors: Boy Scout Troop IDd Mrs. Harry W. Frost, Jr.,<br />

96, Grosse Pointe' Memorial Mr. .nd Jlrs. J .. Crawford<br />

ings, they. can locate the name<br />

and address of the owner within<br />

minutes. The check Is con.<br />

ducted by' sending tile driver's<br />

lieense number to Lan.<br />

sing on the LEIN (Law En.<br />

!orcement Network) machine.<br />

John A. MacCartneyinitiated<br />

the idea locally after read.<br />

ing about the success of such<br />

tight end for the Nor.seman<br />

[iIOtball team. Baseball, how.<br />

ever, was his first love. He<br />

was so good at the sport that<br />

he had been nontacted<br />

..<br />

hy sev.<br />

eral colleges' and the Detroit<br />

Tigers, Schneider said.<br />

Dan's father, Gene <strong>Clem</strong>,<br />

had much to do with the de-<br />

velopment of Dan as a base-<br />

De!Rocratie Leade: M~e Mans. Manager Andrew Bremer, Jr. employes. The large, Circular Hallmann r(~ports that two Church. Frost, Jr., Mrs. CalVIn Gauss, a program in Monte~ey Park, ball player. He has an avid<br />

fiMI, the. proposal s chl~f spon. told the NEWS that the Farms p.ool has bee~ settling ever swimmers a day are pulled Advancing 3nd Placing of Mr. alld M~s. Earl W. George, Cal. John told the NEWS that interest In baseball himself,<br />

¥f, .caUed on the-PreSident ~ Police Department pI ann e d smce cons~ucbon first began out of the pool on the aver. Colors: Commander EAward Richard Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. of the 4,000 homes which used h8S been asso'ciated with Lit.<br />

• ,~~pt ~viet Leader Leomd this operation In cooperation for the faCIlity 22 years ago. age. The life saving record, Kramer, Al g e r Post 995, Harold Gospel, Mrs. Robert B. the identification system only tie League teams for several<br />

Btr~Z:phe:n~~~:s ~d:~~~~a~ with the Michigan National It first began with just the however, ls a perfect one. V.F.W. ~~r::t~~~ ..DMISla~~IVl~r~. three breakings and entries years, and had coached young<br />

"Ilntral<br />

. ..<br />

Europe<br />

.<br />

Guard, the Shores Department<br />

of Public Safety and the City<br />

sides of the bowl-shaped struc.<br />

ture paved, with sand in the<br />

Improvements<br />

this year are<br />

to the park<br />

10 new picnic<br />

Invocation:<br />

Kiely, . D.O.,<br />

Rev. Ra) H.<br />

Grosse Pointe<br />

Hadley, Dr. aDd IIrs. Herbert<br />

H. Hagermoser, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

were reported.<br />

Marked Contra."<br />

Dlin/lY.•<br />

Funeral servIces<br />

.<br />

fol' DaDiel<br />

>' • • • •<br />

,'>. HOlIday, Ha)' 17<br />

;.;'-<br />


of Grosse Pointe Police De. center. LaKe water was then<br />

Ipartment. pumped into the pool circulat.<br />

Object of Operation I ed and pumped out.' In 1957,<br />

E Objective: removal of a 1962/ the Department of Health or.<br />

tables and three new grills.<br />

Workmen are busy painting<br />

and cleaning other tables.<br />

Residents will be enjoying the<br />

MemorIal Church.<br />

Welcome; Rea r Admirlll<br />

Lcon J. Jacobi, U.S.N. Ret.,<br />

Veteran's Chairman, Grosse<br />

Lawrenee I. Haller, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. John P. Hansen, J. Har.<br />

old Harder, Mr. and Mrs. C.<br />

P. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Wi!.<br />

'In some 7,000 homes not are beina held toda~, Thur~.<br />

using the system, over 1,800 day, May 20, at 1 0 clock In<br />

breakings and entries occur- A. H. Peters Funeral ~ome.<br />

red. John said the following He Is survived by hIS par.<br />

William P. Rolers said Sunday<br />

that the United States is "very<br />

Chevrolet which has been in<br />

Lake St. Clair, south of <strong>War</strong>dered<br />

a filter plant<br />

and the Woods made<br />

install~d<br />

arrange.<br />

sundeck, Installed by the side<br />

of the pool two years ago, and<br />

Pointe <strong>War</strong> Memorial Associa.<br />

tion.<br />

lIam P. Harris, Jr., Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Harry Hayter, Mrs. Delos<br />

year many Monterey Park elt.<br />

Izens scampered to their local<br />

ents,<br />

<strong>Clem</strong>;<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Gene<br />

two brothers, Thomas<br />

,J(nDous" to negotiate a mutual<br />

;l1,s....soviet trooP. withdrawal<br />

::'~r ~~rB~~~ t~~ Z:b~~<br />

RUssians to elabou,te on their<br />

ner road, since the evening of<br />

December 22, 1969, when Its<br />

driver, Samuel Randolph Mar.<br />

ble, 25, last known address<br />

ments to buy the water from the. harbor with a docking<br />

51. Clair Shores. capacity of 230 boats is bound<br />

Since then the pool has been I to b.e busy w.ith all but just a<br />

paved on a pl'ecemeal basl's. few spaces filled. Because or<br />

th b Id II<br />

Introduction of Those Officlating:<br />

Commander Lou i B<br />

Hyde, Grosse Pointe Amercan<br />

Legion Post 303.<br />

P. Heath, Ms. Barbara Wick stations to borrow those etch.<br />

Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Hngo S. ing tools. The 01 Program was<br />

Higbie, Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. spOnsored ,by the Exchange<br />

Higbie Mr. and Mrs. Dale J'I Club of Monterey.<br />

'<br />

8nd John; three sisters, Susan,<br />

Nancy and Betsy; a gra:ld ..<br />

mother, Mrs. Jean DeMattei,<br />

and grandparents, Mr. and<br />

M Raymond Volz<br />

ClU~ for early negotiations. (Cofttiniied on Page Z) I Hallmann and his men now ce~t ~oag~,o~~ ~;nt~ ~~n f:~t pr:s~~~~~~: G:~::s p~~t;r;:; (CoIltlDuei OIl Pa,e 25) (Colltlnued on Page 4) . f~ierment Is In Fo'rest Lawn<br />

Beam, RO"ers<br />

•<br />

laid, will con. .<br />

1ft<br />

1 gth<br />

en .<br />

H<br />

e<br />

t<br />

repor s a<br />

fl.<br />

ew Memorial Assoc atlon, _"<br />

' Icerl1etery<br />

.<br />

. :;ih~i~an~~:-:ee~ b::~:A.rmed Man Arrested for IShPace145 are lefft for boats in Presentation o£ Gold Star Name Four as Candidates -----<br />

C "-'.t P rt 1 dB. e to 18 oot range. (Contlnueli on Pa.e Z) MUST LIKE COLOGNE<br />

ommo.1wa a y ea. er reZ- The Farms .. E' HAd Woods police received a call<br />

hev. Threatening Policelnen Farms Park Director Ed N -P----d- L' or Carnegie ero war, Wednesday, MIlY 12, from the<br />

• • '" Lauer reports his 400,000 gal. ew roce ures store detective at J. C. Pen.<br />

,". held.)',<br />

,'SPoKESMEN<br />

May 18<br />

for the three<br />

A Farms man Is allv-e-to-d-a-y--I-U-g-U'Oand<br />

Winter were dls.<br />

because two Farms policemen patched to 311 Touraine at<br />

Ion pOol Is just about ready<br />

for swimmers. Ofticlally th.~ On Park<br />

p F<br />

asses Fer~~~s<br />

P 11<br />

';a:l~g<br />

Chi -r-R-b-t--M--S-l k I' d h t<br />

a :tron; ~l~ C:tS';erln<br />

ney's, 19251 Mack, reporting<br />

o : c 5~ ~s :a~s~nge:s~' that he was holding the sister<br />

major ailtomobile manuiadur. kept cool heads and did not 1:47 8.m., to Investigate a reo opening Is scheduled for Me. In an effort to simplify mat. to have "four unselfish per- At the foot of Tonnancour, of a Detroit resident who had<br />

lug.;companlti<br />

arelt indicated<br />

in the Detroit<br />

that if the raUopen<br />

fire when the. man aimed<br />

a .45 c81iber (lutomatlc pistol<br />

ported fight among a group<br />

of people. When they arrived,<br />

~~rl~~eDa:u:~Js L~~:r ::~~n~<br />

and Its a good, hot day, he'll<br />

ters, Grosse<br />

Installing a<br />

Pointe<br />

new<br />

Woods Is<br />

procedure<br />

sons"<br />

heroic<br />

recognb:ed for their<br />

actions In rescuing<br />

the car struck<br />

Island, veered<br />

the curb of an<br />

and went out of<br />

~'~~~d~~:IV:to~~It~:f~:e C~~~~~~<br />

I Th I 1<br />

~.d strike continues, the in. at them. And, because of their the policemen stated in their open the pool for any residents with regard to the park passes three people, two women and control, shot over the break. t"gd at I~ dea: ru~ dl~ g r t<br />

dusJry wll! shut down in a action the officers are being report, they found elRht peo. that want to swim. to be distributed to each rllsl. a child, from the ley waters wall and 20 feet out into the k~ow ~e~e b~of~ers ~ad ta:eon<br />

'Week. The nationwide strike,<br />

Inlltltuted by The Brotherhood<br />

ol.,RaUway Signalmen, has al.<br />

re.adY cauled a Ihortage of<br />

recommended for citations for<br />

valor, it was disclosed by Po.<br />

lice Chief Robert K. Ferber.<br />

According to Information<br />

pIe on the sidewalk, with one<br />

man Stock\',:ell, standing west<br />

of No. 312.<br />

As Miglio exited from the<br />

Lauer will be emp~oying 11 denl.<br />

guards altogether with five In previous years park pass<br />

t hi applications were handled by<br />

~nagc penagk<br />

of Lake st. Clair on May 7. He<br />

Is recommending the rescuers<br />

for consideration by the Car.<br />

lake and plunged Into 10 reet<br />

of water. The water tempera.<br />

ture W8S 34 degrees.<br />

the bottles while they were<br />

. I t f<br />

shOPPing n the s ore and 0 •<br />

at ~o.mponents and materials, and released by the chief, recom- scout car, Stockwell, it was<br />

th~ main Pdoolthdur. mail, Involving Um.e consum.<br />

watching oPertl~ s<br />

d<br />

ban h Trh<br />

negle Hero Fund Commission, The three most certainly fered to cooperate fully with<br />

ee ing "red tape." Now each Pittsburgh, Pa. would have drowned, Chief police.<br />

mendation for the citations<br />

. ill'Jlot only aHedin, the auto CI<br />

)~nts. but also Kellogg's, in have been forwarded to ty<br />

aattle C r e e k tb t1' Manager Andrew Bremer, Jr.,<br />

largest . . cereal mat ,ena e r I. on Of- s for th e poUce 0ffl" c"rs. Pat ro I. fielall of the complny laid man Philip Mlgtio iI1d Johanth.t<br />

they would dose today be. nes Winter, who without firsaid,<br />

turned and pointed a . n:le eac. e<br />

lake, which has become In.<br />

blue steel .45 automatic at the creaslngly unpopular for swim.<br />

patrolman, and three times order<br />

ed the 0fl'Icer to pu t up his the merslastindecade 'l'he is Pointe still a during major<br />

hands. Also, iMlglio was or. tt I<br />

dered to tell Winter to ralc,p. a ract on at the Farms. The<br />

resident Is asked to bring In<br />

lb'<br />

the fi1llld out applicat on forms<br />

personally at the Woods City<br />

Ha, II were h thea. y'll be st mp<br />

ed and issued immediately.<br />

City Manager Chester Peter.<br />

The names of the heroes,<br />

wHh all pertinent facts, are<br />

already, or should be at this<br />

tlme, in the hands of Com .<br />

misllon officials.<br />

The four are being cited for<br />

Ferber stated, if they had not<br />

h<br />

een saved .rom t elr sinking<br />

automobile.<br />

The first to g0 to the assist •<br />

anee or the two women 8nd<br />

chllp, was Edward Reaume,<br />

-----<br />


Woods police received a call<br />

Thursday, May 13, from the<br />

principal at Parcells Middle<br />

School reporting that a stu.<br />

c~e of Inability to .hip out<br />

Ult firm's products. Congress<br />

ff~pected to act on President<br />

Nil/on's request to seek an end<br />

:ffthe walkout.<br />

Ing a shot, :mested Robert G,<br />

Stockwell, 36, of 3U Touraine<br />

road, during the dark, early<br />

morning hours of Friday, May<br />

14. Stockwell Js charged with<br />

felonious assault.<br />

his hands.<br />

Winter, who was using the<br />

police car as a shield, had his<br />

service revolver aimed at<br />

Stockwell, but was admon.<br />

(Continued on Page 4)<br />

Farms Park Is the only park<br />

:~~~~:~s g~ar~s for lake<br />

h an auer says Ol~<br />

a ot day t,ere'll be more<br />

people In the lake than in<br />

(Continued on Page 2)<br />

sen. says the new procedure recognition for the rescue of 25, or 19818 Sherry. 51. Clair<br />

will simplify matters consider- Mrs. Nancy Slaner of 1601 Shores, who was driving by<br />

ably. Those who do mall their Roslyn road, who wao drIving at the time. Reaume, a Viet.<br />

applications In may not re. her car west on Lake Shore nam veteran, married and the<br />

celve them until aft\!r the S1!a- road, with Mrs. Sharon Stoec. father of a three.yeal'.old<br />

son starts. kel of 1496 Roslyn road, and (Continued on Page 2)<br />

dent had dutifully turned in<br />

a bleycle that had been on the<br />

school grounds. Woods police<br />

retrieved the bike and hnve<br />

It In storage rea d y to be<br />

claimed .<br />

...... 1 ~ •<br />

" • .i' ......<br />

..: ,,~~

the<br />

Iirc"t<br />

m<br />

7llna',<br />

fuhiom<br />

Are You a Man<br />

,<br />

Without<br />

aStor.<br />

•<br />

~<br />

"Th, stor, with fhe<br />

personal touch"<br />

Minutes away from all Pointes<br />

1.94 to Metropolitan Beach Exit<br />

1430 So. e;,"Iot, Mount <strong>Clem</strong>ens<br />




Get the best price for the best installation of central air<br />

conditioning in your home. And get the best 'equipment<br />

.:.....Carrier.<br />

OnlJ Carrier's' ~OUIIDOIIE gites , •• IIt~ese:l<br />



* LOW SPlED fAN * WEArNEI AItMO~ Ullin<br />


flEE SURVIY-flEi ES"MATE-fII&1K11G &V~ILA'LE<br />

TU '6-4848<br />


Refrigeration & Heating, 'nc.<br />


147U HA....<br />

S.,ivn; the Pcintes lina 1931<br />

AuthO'ize~.~ ONI.,<br />

6 RO 5 S E PO I N TEN EW 5<br />

Eat, drink and be merry, for<br />

tomorrow your 11m may blow<br />

.Honor Ron: Hor:orable Mat-<br />

thew C. Patter~n, XaYi r ,<br />

your hard earned .hekel,.<br />

.<br />

.City of Grosse<br />

PreleD.tation<br />

POJJlte Parll:.<br />

of Flag: Mrs.<br />

Oscar XeBer, president, Aux1l-<br />

_-- 8q)s. ...__!art Alger Post ~, V.F.W.<br />

~<br />

%j<br />

. ~<br />

EUNS .<br />

Awarding of Certificate" of<br />

Honor Poatbumously to those<br />

who gave their lives in the<br />

Vietnam conflict: Mrs. Cyrus<br />

K. Weatherby, regent, iMrI.<br />

Gordon 'Ripley, chaplain, Eliza.<br />

beth Cass Chapter, D.A.R.<br />

Clanic good looh<br />

and eontemporclIY comfort •••<br />

P!acinl of Wreaths: Auxll.<br />

!ary Alger Poat 995, V.F.W.,<br />

Mrs. Olear Kener, Awdliary<br />

, Ban Weeluns. mocco51ns. Grosse Pointe American Post<br />

In a choice of,<br />

styles and<br />

colors<br />

for men.<br />

Q<br />

303, Mrs. Vietor Goodman,<br />

Cenior Girl Scout Troop 1614<br />

and Girl Scout Cadet 'troop<br />

886, .<br />

Volley, Taps and Echo: Firing<br />

Squad, U.S. Marine Re.<br />

cruiUng Station, Detroit. Buglers,<br />

Glenn Hahn and John<br />

Schaffer.<br />

W.<br />

Benediction: Msgr. Francis<br />

X. Canfield, St. Paul's Roman<br />

Catholic Church.<br />

ReUring of Colors: Comnlander<br />

'E d war d. Kramer,<br />

Aller POit 995, V.F.W.<br />

Ushers: Senior Girl, Scout<br />

Troop 1614, Girl Scout Cadet<br />

Troop 886;<br />

(1"rtt1Im.ftIfIdte clothl", individuallv<br />

ta!1Orild for you ••. 1specl.' custo,mer<br />

sentlce from .Mcobson's to lIStUte<br />

penonallzed comfort, character and<br />

perfect fit. Suits, sport c~ts<br />

.nd shirts made to your measur.<br />

from the world's fl~ fabrics.<br />

W. Invlt. you to ~.Int yourself<br />

with the Indivldu.llzed Ml'YIees of<br />

lacobson's Men'. ShOp.<br />

JacobsoriS<br />



---------<br />

a new conc(:pt in<br />

clothing comfort<br />

the KNIT<br />



Instead of weaving the polyester yarns,<br />

these fabrics are ingeniously produccd on<br />

a KNITTING LOOM. This affords a<br />

two.way strerch that makes a suit or jacket<br />

'as easy /oing as a Cardigan Sweatcr .••<br />

plus •. ' -,n almost unbclicvable ability to<br />

retain its shape.<br />

Like all MADISON garments, these are<br />

tailored to our own exacting requirements<br />

in both business and casual styles.<br />

from $90,<br />

520 WOODWARD<br />

-<br />



Thurscl.v. M.V 201 In!<br />

KellDeth Bell alld Ser.eant the ,ntlte operltioa WII alm"<br />

Sim Hoatt.<br />

at protectin, boaten, aM '<br />

Crews Busy at Lake Parks Lake Salvage Operation AU fOreel l.Dvolved praise ew!m.mm alld ketplnf 1.8'<br />

the joint eUort and added tbat St. Clair clear of debrl.. . ......-;.<br />

(C.-dallNl IrMa PII' . ..<br />

1) a.nd will be l"ltcbiftl twrI tlM (CF H ••• ,,.. •••• 1) completely aone ••. the trans.<br />

.'.' \<br />

pool OIl. shorter bow'I durillal 3IU Spr1qle, Detroit, Will be. million aDd dWerenUallntact,<br />

,'.",i<br />

the pooL<br />

weekday. oW mid.JuM wben iJt( pur.loled' north.bound 011 and three of the four tires sUll<br />

PreparaUon for the pool fa-<br />

I<br />

all the "hoo~lI are out. Lake Sbor. drin by Park po. inflated. Tbe divers alld police<br />

cilities 11 juat about c:omplete.<br />

'I'IIe Put lice. Karble ~l)It cOlltrol of bls aaid tbat much of the dam.<br />

several .uardJ from South Park Director of ParD and ear at Wamer road, .truck two ale to the Clr other than the<br />

H1Jh, Sl Paul and one or two<br />

RecrelUon Don Guinan 11.. llJbt pole. kIlockinl them to ~ront bumper, w h I c h was<br />

colle,es that bave aD early his men busy palntlq tile the 'l'OWld, tbea plun.ed over smashed at Impact, was done<br />

summer recell bave been pool ,utters before a private the breakwall and ~k1dded on by ice bltUnR the car. (Sur.<br />

Esc1u.lvely for the ma. of lra41tioa {f<br />

working for almoat two weeks. contractor mOV" 1n to clean thin Ice Into the lake alld sunk prisinlly, the currents are<br />

The pool bas been cleaned pool witb acid. He'll be usin. to the bottom. fairly strong even thit: close,<br />

...". :-<br />

aDd pllnted, along with the<br />

.... ,<br />

M life guards for the tara. Orll!nallY it WSI believed to • h 0 r e, according to tbe I<br />

I<br />

.uttera. The three meter blgh<br />

SOO,OOO-,al1M elpllcity pooi that Karble crawled throuCh divers.)<br />

•)<br />

bolrd Ind the two Jow board. and the two .lIIIl1er wadinI IJl OpeD window to .afety to The enUre operation took 31<br />

have been cleaned J.l:ld paint.<br />

..... ~<br />

paoli. Before "bool leu out' llolld Ice, however, after recov. minute ••.. a symphony of<br />

ed with .and on the divin.<br />

,1round mid.JUDe, he IIY., the eriDl the car divers believe the cooperation, The vehicle was<br />

surface and the guards will be paoli will be open for .wiJr.- impact threw him clear of the then towed to Farms Texaco<br />

rabin. the flce bricu oc the ming 011 and after Kemorial vehiele. He wu auisted to service for junklng.<br />

pool deek that hive fillen dur-<br />

Day from noon oW 10 ...m the breakwall ~y Park, City Cblef Ferber told the NEWS<br />

ing the winter.<br />

".' . and Farms police oWcers.<br />

Lauer, a 22-yelr veteran at<br />

Guinan reportJ IDOIt of the Karble was aubsequenUy that the Arl'olY Corp of Engi.1<br />

work for his<br />

the Park, will be .witchiD.<br />

men baa been convkted In Park K\Inlcipal lleers was oriC!nal1y requested I<br />

his<br />

• uard. on III LO.inuteinterval.<br />

done at the Park'. Thr .. Mile Court for reckie .. driving as to remove the car, whicb may<br />

on a rotating basil, aJ is the<br />

facility. New gras, hu bee a result 01 the hiila speed h~ve been a huard to boaters<br />

clle with all the paru. Farma<br />

planted alOl1' with MW trees chase wblch belln at BeaCOllS- and swimmers in the area.<br />

and shrubbery. Alao the ten- fleld and Jeffenon In The Early in April of this year the<br />

IIW'dJ are not allowed to read<br />

nis eourts ",ill be relurfac:ed Park aDd ende~ with the driv. Corps told the Farms it had<br />

or lilten to any radios while<br />

this spr1nl. Guinan, wl16 11 er in the lake in Tb.l Farma. ao llnd vehicles available to<br />

on watch.<br />

worklna towards I muter'. lIarble currently has a limUar ~mr:ke the automobile from<br />

An attracUon for Farm.<br />

degree 10 llecreationll 1Ian- Clse of reekless driving and e e.<br />

resIdents will be the wlter<br />

alement from Wayne state, IJl additional charge of flilure Chief Ferber, Chief Vitale<br />

polo net that hiS proven to reports also the rec:ollltruc:tlon to appear pendiDi in Farms and Chief Teetaert then ar.<br />

be popular 10 past years.<br />

of a lIew eDtrallce cate It the IIUDieipal COUrt as a result of riDged this joint exercise of<br />

TIle Cft1<br />

'I1lree Mile Park. the incident. cooperation with their depart-<br />

Park Superintendent at the But the main park will .Wl P~ I.l4 shore Saturday menta alld Major Robert Still..<br />

be the busiest this aummer monuna were divers Leon<br />

Suil] from $165.()()<br />

City, Tom Gauerke, reports<br />

SOli, executive oHicer of the<br />

. ',,'<br />

mott of the work has been with the 217.boat capacity Sehoyaa, 01 Col~~1 road and F.irst Battalion of the ~e.cba. OddJadltl] from 1135.00<br />

',,'j<br />

doM on tbe grounds rather dockl!lc Irta almoat complete. City of Groue Pomte Patrol. JJJZe~ :25th Infantry.Mlchigan<br />

than just the pool. 'I1le large, ly filled man Vlrlil Beaupre, who yolo National GUlrd. 'I.'he Guard<br />

heated pool, and the small pool . ullteered to assist in the Ill. penonnel were unier the com. I'<br />

are just about ready. A pd. fte SMret Ylce operation. The pair bave mand of Chief <strong>War</strong>rant Officer 'Norm.an!-lilton<br />

vate eomplny ..us hired to do Shores Park Direetor Don. been alliJUn. local police as ~ ..- --<br />

the I cid-eleaniDg, and' work aId Meuinl hu ordered DeW volunteers for maDY yean. , .. , _"I. vn# 'I1f, ..r Travel Clothe. for<br />

< • ,. ,<br />

0«1 the entire park has been furniture for the pool deek (They ,Iso dive for weapoDs<br />

cootinuing since early March. use aloll( with a few DeW thrown In the lake, for various ~/

iThursday, May 20, 1971<br />

K",.. " tn"e P.. " L.., CO.<br />

._-.' 'r .<br />

::<br />

:(<br />

"<br />

.~ ., .' ••<br />



: 1 0... Car 01 ""'<br />

~~5550 E, W,rr.n<br />

~. Pelelkr. Mer •<br />

w. C.II AIIjlllt 0.. PIe.<br />

T. Y~r ......<br />

F.atvrin,<br />

Qualte, Maid Kltchana<br />

885.4770<br />

U US .Li ttf. Mac~<br />

St. Clair Shores<br />

• g e.<br />

,i:. k;<br />


' S been DO effort mad. to inlti-<br />

Arnold Fue hs rotements tute der,wJratel)' Deeded aDd<br />

10Dl overdue f1sell reform iD<br />

Ch,allenged By Glancy ~,,~~l~~Dd. Il~U:SJ;<br />

By<br />

The<br />

Board<br />

ju.t make th1I community<br />

Pepper Whitelaw 1 that unless it Is adoC~ed by moM~. ctt:1~r:::Ul~al:ot )I~ns;~~<br />

regular meetine of the ~he Board ... tonlg •h' i n1aht tblt thlJ .tatement of<br />

of Education on Mon. m total ',' . that the sc: 00 Xr. Fuchs' ,hocked him .1.<br />

day lIIay 10 was such a<br />

lengthy one the NEWS was<br />

unable to report all the "hap.<br />

system will be in I de!1~I~ mOlItmore than anything elle<br />

st!"t;, next ye~~, of lome , rucbl said. ''The ImpUc.Uot1<br />

million dollars. 01 that ,tatement it that we<br />

penings" in last week's issue. "The recommendation II' do not run • t!aht II.cal .hip,<br />

In keeping with our policy of sumes that we. wilJ lose rev. that we do not maint.in Ill)<br />

providing "in -iept.h" cover8ge en,ue from state aid in the impeccably accurat, ,ingle set<br />

of the meetings. we take this neighborhood of, one million of book., that our finandal<br />

opportunity<br />

Allred R,<br />

to report trustee dollars.<br />

Glancy, Jr.'s reo I agrt~<br />

We don t know tbis.<br />

there are indications<br />

and bu,ine ..<br />

th<br />

aUalrs<br />

Is'<br />

are<br />

f<br />

not<br />

buttal to a statement made by that the State aid will be cut ::::i:ated ea:~~C:ntO s~<br />

vice.president, Arnold Fuchs,<br />

at the April 5 meeting and<br />

later distributed under the<br />

names of Donald J. Semmler,<br />

to some extent, but no, one,<br />

least of all the admlnistrators<br />

making this recommenda.<br />

lion, C8n assure us, at this<br />

II IDy [ know in my own busi-<br />

Uill ti "M GI<br />

neS8 a a 0tlI. r. anc)'<br />

then commented 011 ~ tact<br />

Calvin Sandberg and Mr. time, that ,~he cut will be ~~~~pen::~; ~~:1h.m:i<br />

Fuchs. throughout the com.<br />

munity,<br />

In that printed report it<br />

was stated: "Since the 'local<br />

press' dill not see £it to publish<br />

the comments of vice.<br />

that severe. Ithis. (We rellOrted these con.-<br />

Mr. Glancy, Monday eye' flrmatlons In Il8t week',<br />

ning, in his rebuttal, s~ld: issue)<br />

"Mr, Fuchs seems to obl~ct Mr.' Glancy Slid "these 1m.<br />

to the fact that the admm •. plicatfons will do more than<br />

istration assumes that we, may IanytbiDg elM to completely<br />

president Fuchs, 'We have lose as muc~ as one million destroy the eommunity's con.<br />

taken this opportunity to re- f~om sta~ aid, .t t,he same fidence in the scbooJ system<br />

lay his comments to you."<br />

The Fuchs. Semmler. Sand.<br />

tune o{fermg no estimate of<br />

any amount as an alternative.<br />

and In the board of trustees<br />

and any trustee, or group of<br />

berg report referred to Dr. ~s of ~prU 5, based OD aU trustees, who make such a<br />

Theos 1. Anderson's recom- mformatlon on hand at that charge by these impUcations<br />

:Yes.<br />

.:<br />

:{;enerutions of Christiull Sdcntists throughout<br />

mendalion for staff<br />

which Mr, Fuchs<br />

Semmler opposed<br />

reduction<br />

and ~tr,<br />

and Mr.<br />

time, when It .was ~~cessary<br />

to make a baSIC deCISIOnper.<br />

~aining to Olle of the most<br />

is unworthy to bold office, and<br />

1 am making this statement<br />

in public and Cor the record."<br />

ithe world<br />

:"<br />

,~iseasc<br />

have<br />

even<br />

been healed of every kind of<br />

'" bl .. h<br />

meura e disease -- throug.<br />

Sandberg abstained from sup.<br />

porting at the April 5 meet.<br />

Important. ~ertainly .one ~f<br />

the largest It~IS which will<br />

be part of the new budget, t~e<br />

Mr. Fuchs<br />

amendments<br />

intendent's<br />

suuested three<br />

to the superreeommendatiOllI<br />

;~od's help alone. By using the same method that 1l1~Ionday evening, !\Ir. Glancy administration had to ta~e th~ at the April 5 meeting. Mr.<br />

;~:hrjst Jesus taught and proved.<br />

I,<br />

k:ome this Wednesday to our public testimony<br />

'. II h<br />

'.:<br />

l'eferred to this "co,sponsored<br />

statement" as "a carefully<br />

edited version of the actual<br />

statrnent made by Mr. Fuchs<br />

figure, not a more optimishc<br />

one,", ' ,<br />

Fuchs report also. state~.<br />

"The recommenda~l~m 15<br />

Glancy commenteU 011 those at<br />

last Monday's meet1nf.<br />

Mr. Fuehs first amendment<br />

was "This board will adopt<br />

tIl1eeting. You can hear your neighbors te w Y<br />

'Y<br />

~(iley've turned to God for health and their<br />

at the meeting of April 5 and<br />

indicated that the tapes of<br />

b sed on the sUPPosition that<br />

a. ..<br />

our local revenues w~ be m.<br />

bud<br />

the concept for zero get.<br />

ing tor the '71 alld '72 and<br />

~piritl1al well-being.<br />

I,<br />

1(,' h. - Sc- \A.["'.Jnesday<br />

:, nstian lence Vn=\)<br />

E.<br />

vemng<br />

that meeting were proof of<br />

this. :Mr. Fuchs did not re.<br />

spond to }(r. Glancy's reo<br />

crease only some e1~h~ per.<br />

cent by the re~ent ral,'llDg of<br />

S t,a t e 'Equalized Vr.luation<br />

ra.t~er than the 1~ percent<br />

all subsequent budgets."<br />

Mr. G la n c y said "this<br />

amendment which pertains to<br />

something Mr. Fuclls cans<br />

(Testimony Meetings ,~"""'1 m~~. Fuch's statement said: Orlgmally f~re,cas~. Right now, "zero budget," is a phrase I<br />

l: ' [fJ', "Perhaps mj' major objection th~re ar~ md1cutions ~at the find difficult to idenWy with<br />

'"FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST =, -; to the proposal is that it can. false will be less tuan 12 any bUdgetary procedures<br />

... ,.. .. ' .. nle fou,.. 2.2 CNifertI Av.. ~ ; not be fl"nancl'ally substanti .. percent~ bu:t t~ere al't: e~ua~y with which I nm fimlliar. The<br />

~ ISunJn Sc:BI(~ &: SunJ.a\ S

-<br />

Page Four<br />

••11,,_. DelIt""<br />

1C11~"""<br />

.. er .. t.... R_<br />

At_lie" C.III....<br />

P•.-.IIIMI<br />

ArttlltKlurtl Wwk.<br />

(_pM" H_ •<br />

C_ .... rel.1 IIr.l ..<br />

"0..;,...4"<br />



AII.CHITICTURAL "R\' .:1<br />

7776840<br />

hcningl 881.91H<br />

2 I 719 HARPER AVENUE<br />

ST, CLAIR SHORES. MICH .48080<br />


0", 0' ,.. (" '1U" \' F ,,("~r S'ubl .. \ \\<br />


\<br />

GRINDIR?<br />

. C.R<br />


20497 Mack Avenue<br />




17328 MACK at ST. CLAIR - TU 5-1565<br />

.'<br />

TU 1.6130<br />

!IJ<br />

J<br />

I<br />

1971 ElDORADO COUPE<br />


But Before You 'Buy Be Sure to Vi,it .. ,<br />

COFFEY CADillAC .."<br />

3180 E. JEFFE'RSON LO 7.6811<br />

Cyril and Allen Verbruggf!j<br />

proudly announce. 2<br />

important additions to their<br />

"customer convenience\\ policy<br />

Verbrugge's now carry a full line<br />

of SANDERS PRODUCTS, Cakes -<br />

Pastries Ice Cream and Fine<br />

Candies<br />

In our attempt to bring you the<br />

best possible delivery service we are d<br />

pleased to announce that all deliv- ~<br />

eries are now made by Champine's ~<br />

Delivery Service. ~ :;<br />

Thestt are iuSl 2 more (lGod reasons 10 sflOP al<br />

Thursday, May 20, 197<br />

01 fire arms are not required Ilion IdenilllcaUon" will go .<br />

Challenges Statements Rotary Club Holds Drive I by~:.w~a~.::e~te;~ld the ~ e~~~~~ J~lyP~~t~~:atg !<br />

_______ '" NEWS that hopefully "Opera. the program. 10<br />

(eo.uuH fr. PIc. J) Ieedure which would under. (Continued from Page 1) unclaimed, unidentified mer. .-<br />

In reviewing the proposed new mine the authority and res, The NEWS contacted the chandise in the station's prop. Porch enclosure. ~<br />

budget on a llDe-by.liDe basis, ponsibllity of our Cbief Exec. Police Chiefs of all five erty room.<br />

before voting OIl approval. utlve Officer, the Superinten. Pointes to get their reaction Director of Public Safety<br />

Mr. Fuchs' ill h1J written dent, by having our Director to this program, All were en. tor Grosse Pointe Woods, Don. SCREEN, AWNING, WINDOW.<br />

statement on h1J second of Duainesll and Finance reo thusiast!c and all had con. aid B. Coates said, "Anytbing SLIDING GLASS DOORS,<br />

amendment said "thh system portin, directly to afid res. suited with Rotarians on this of this nature that renders<br />

malntbins more than one set pOuible only to the Board and program. service to residents of our<br />

of financial. statements (how. not to tbe Superintendent. Shor

"<br />

42$<br />

. ~: Thursday, May 20, 1971<br />

. :.Happl.Dess that comes with I The fellow with time to<br />

,.1 prIce ta, attached 11 easily spare has made good ~ of<br />

loIt. . hla time.<br />

J. C, GOSS COMPANY -6330 E. JEfFEUO~<br />


::',TIE US DOWN<br />

"<br />

,<br />

1 0/<br />

2/0<br />

One Year Savings Certificates Compounded Quarterlv<br />

Issued in minimum of $5.000.00<br />


%<br />

Daily Int.erest Passbook Savings Compounded Quarterlv<br />

No Minimum. Accounts Insured to $20,000.<br />

Police and Fire Departments<br />

of each city have copies of the<br />

Stop at the most convenient Colonial office for efficient service others' card systems. When<br />



With Bryant you are assured of Cef1lral air condilioning that Is<br />

certified to be "Performance-Rated" by the Air Conditioning &<br />

Refrigeration Institute.<br />

ThInk Bryant-Think Performance<br />

• Long.L1re compressor-the heart of<br />

your cooling system<br />

_ Time-Tested 2-ln.1-low cost operation<br />

• Dynamically balanced Ian & motor-quiet operation<br />


We are experienced in Installation and service-""we provide a<br />

good Job at a fair price.<br />

'Rlted In leeordlnee wllh "'RI 'landlrd 210.66 ""'II 18.000-120,000BTUunU,"<br />

CALL 571-4610<br />

FLAME<br />


11621 VAN DYKE<br />

~<br />

150 Dog Owners<br />

Tagged in Farm<br />

. I<br />

CALLYOHl.Rm<br />


llO-ll"OII .. lf DtIt cOIllrol CIII "dO.I\-7OYrt,11<br />

trowbl •• It Itf., II<br />

1111. Ctll the ,,,.11'. V'UI.RIII<br />

- TE Ht'lO, No mort ,tilt. lit<br />

IIItrt 'IMIIIIlI.<br />

....- ""Gill,,"<br />

~ot<br />

,. urw """-TIc.-<br />

Pet rtn.w. ~I't '" ""~,<br />

.." ,-''''__ UflII<br />

Report Window<br />

Breaking Spree<br />

Woods residents and visitors<br />

h.ave been beseiged by .a rash<br />

of broken windows, mostly on<br />

cars and most of tbem occur.<br />

ring on Wednesday, May 5.<br />

Police suspect that the break .<br />

ale in each was caused by<br />

,hots from a B.B or pellet gun,<br />

Possibly from a passing car.<br />

Robert sell, 19687 E. Kings<br />

court, .caUed pollee to nport<br />

the breaking of his front room"<br />

window sometime between<br />

Wednesday, at 7 p.m. and the<br />

next morning just before 7.<br />

'I'be five by six foot window<br />

had a small bole .punctured in<br />

the eenter.<br />

Mar y Paone, 23316 Edsel<br />

Ford, in St. Clair Shores, reo<br />

ported the front left window of<br />

her car was shattered while<br />

the carewa parked m front of<br />

1567 Robert John Wednesday<br />

lIt '.<br />

evening.<br />

Another car owned by David<br />

Gracey, in Detroit, was found<br />

to have its left window a180<br />

shot througb. Gracey discovered<br />

the damage around 8:50<br />

Wednesday night while his car<br />

was parked in front of 115<br />

Hampton.<br />

Mrs. Charles Begeman, 879<br />

Hampton, atopped a Woods<br />

patrol ear a few minutes be.<br />

fore 9 p.m, Wednesday to<br />

show the patrolman the brok.<br />

en window on the left side of<br />

her car. The car had been<br />

parked In front of the home<br />

for less than an hour.<br />

Woods police received are.<br />

port 1110 n day, May 3, from<br />

Susan Kadluboskl, of Detroit,<br />

of the breaking of the rear left<br />

window of her VW while it was<br />

parked in front of IB50 Dournemouth.<br />

Also , the rear window of a<br />

car parked in the drive of<br />

19283 Raymond court had its<br />

left rear window shattered<br />

sometime between 10 p.m.<br />

Monday, May 3, and 8 a,m.<br />

Tuesday.<br />

i2.U: :;: JJ j Ji! & jj£ t2 .. J $<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS ----------------<br />


1II Withltlll<br />

Phone: 962-4970<br />


15HD Gr.ndrivll'<br />

at Gl'llnfitl d<br />

Phon.: 273.3860<br />

. exs J]<br />

Cd<br />


14135 Woodwlld<br />

Phone: 866.2343<br />

WARREN<br />

2G958 V," Dyke<br />

Phone: 754.2460<br />

$1(1<br />

"<br />

Here,area few reasons why there are so many satisfied<br />

patients wearing Van Dyke Vision Center Glasses:<br />


27103 Gratiot<br />

Phone: 779.2190<br />

ROVAL OA.K<br />

1220 WllCIdw.rd<br />

Phone: 54 7'" 222<br />

1£(24$ IWU<br />

,<br />



• Any Dodors Pr.scription Fill.d.<br />

• Verilite Contact Lens.s At Reasonable<br />


21207MaIc<br />

Phon.: 888.1 OM<br />

Ore, of Optometry:<br />

A. M, Lewl., H. 8erlln,<br />

J. W. Mite", H. M. M"lcowilJ,<br />

L. A., Itoll, H. L. 8roWII,<br />

Y. M. MIIIIl', A.. M. Kowell<br />

For the mortgage<br />

you need for<br />

the new home<br />

you want ...<br />

turn<br />

to us<br />

-"That's my bank"<br />

a d'E"~<br />

Page Five "I<br />

., 1St I T. Th ft 1 The license number obtained I The examination for Mc•<br />

Mutua,1 Fire Aid Big Boon C ate les uspec ll .. Ire e s 1 by the would-be vlc~im was \ Clear was set for yesterday,<br />

To Pointes,<br />

By Jame. J, NJI1m<br />

Harper I an alarm I.s<br />

------.--.-<br />

A St. Clair Shvres resident<br />

W00dS has bet.''l arrested for an of.<br />

fense that is provilng to be a<br />

. ed M t I real problem for many relli.<br />

recelV , u ua dents in The Pointe, especial.<br />

1 d th int d<br />

bemg InVO ve, ey orme<br />

Shores officials that the)' had<br />

received a call from one of<br />

their residents who had also<br />

obtained the same license<br />

the same as McClear s. May 19.<br />

------------------.----<br />

Lt....... UPHOlSTERING<br />

All .. ~<br />

14121 ~ck A....<br />

CO<br />

,<br />

PIM.. VA. 2.9660<br />

Residents of the Pointe and<br />

Harper Woods bave the best<br />

fire protection, barring none,<br />

Aid gDeS into eUecl..<br />

AU fire trucks are equipped<br />

with emergency radios and all<br />

Iy the ones who own station<br />

wagons: tire and wheel thefts.<br />

Steve McClear, 20. 23125<br />

number aUer<br />

tempted theft<br />

spare tires.<br />

seeing<br />

of one<br />

an<br />

of<br />

at.<br />

his • Custom •<br />


for communities of their size,<br />

through the utUiution of the<br />

best fire fighting techniques<br />

land the availability of all per.<br />

sonnel and equipment of the<br />

alarme are rel~yed over these Socia, SI. Clair Shores, was<br />

radios. The Police Departm~nt arraigned Wednesday, May 12,<br />

of the city involved transmits I on a charge of committing<br />

tbe area card lIumber over the larceny from an aulo. and<br />

Mutual Aid Radio. The. card I taken down to the Wayne<br />

The resident had driven<br />

back to his house the night<br />

b~!ore the Shores Incident oc.<br />

curred, and saw someone try.<br />

inll to steal the spare tire on<br />

• IT.. PICk lip atId d,htltfW<br />

• ~=.I'om hufld',dI01ft,..<br />

_ CUllom IlIGde dip eOtln.<br />

• guGf'GKI,1d • (emu lW~l4bll<br />

six departments in times<br />

emergencies. This is the<br />

of<br />

reo<br />

is "pulled" and<br />

cities instructed<br />

any city or<br />

by the card<br />

County<br />

bond.<br />

jail in lieu o( $5,000 his other car,<br />

(ound himself<br />

When the thief<br />

in the beam o( nil ES\'IMlTES - VA 2.'660<br />

sull of the Mutual Fire Aid to answer the alarm, do so. Shores police were first the headlights, he dropped the OYII If YlARS IXPIIIINCI<br />

;11~;1~;:t~":g~<br />

Pact Initiated and signed by On arrival at the! scene of alerted to McClear Sunday, booly and bolted for his<br />

~~:~ikfF~~i:~;~1 ~~~:tr::~;~:f~~E:7:E<br />

caf. ,<br />

rYifioi;f:':iiAvE":i:"REFRi'G:ERiToif"11<br />

~~~te~\~~:n~o ~~esul~~":ta~ro~ al~~:~ this happens. the ~~u~~~o i~~~!~e:e l~a,~ t~::f~ \j~ FULL OF MI LK AND BUTTER! ~~t<br />

erty. And, as the yeat'S passed, drain of protection wlll hit of a spare tire of one of the :.:' 0 f . . f II l b' I ,. I Th ',':<br />

new and veteran firemev have one or more of the cities reo cars parked In a drive in :::: ur re rtgerator IS U 0" 10 oglco S. ey are ::::<br />

been sent and sre still going sponding to the alarms, and Woodland. After one of the .;.: , t t b' f f'll' . :.:<br />

to schools to lealn the up.to. that is when the fill.in goes culprits placed the lire in their :::: Impor an to our usmess 0 I 109 prescnp- :::<br />

date methods of fire fighting. into dfect. The numbered card car imd drove off. tht', duty. ;::: t' :::<br />

New and more modern equip.. instructs departments nol in. conscious resident took up ::~: Ion s, :::<br />

men! has been purchased by volved to move to the unpro. chase. .:.: W' f'" d 3 000 000' 1927 :.:<br />

the various departments, so tected cities, and to remain Following the car down :;:: e ve I e over, , Since, :j:,<br />

thatladay this protection is at there until all the personnel Lake Shore, he managed to::: A d - h a full I'lne of convalescent sup- ::::<br />

its peak and becoming better and equipment at the comlag, get the license number and::: n we 0ve ::::<br />

as time passes, t. t t th' sp get a look at the driver as he ::-.'; I' d' b t' . t d h II ' ' :.:::<br />

ra Ion re urn 0 elr re ee. "ullftd up alongsl'de. The d."I"'- ,:'.: pieS, 10 e IC equlpmen an ypo-o ergenlc :'.:',<br />

Mutual fire aid means that live quarters. t' ~.. ..<br />

these communities hIve some- There are cards on file on er was identified in a line.up::: cosmetics, ::::<br />

thing to oUer each other in which the letter "M" follows as McClear, .:. .:.:<br />

the line of equipment and a number. The "M" signifies When Ci~y pollee ~eard that:;: May we serve you? i:i:<br />

~ :.') ... ~:,:<br />

ol~~ :~~~~::. ;h:~~te;h~f r~i~; ~~~ti~:ri~~ t:~~a~~:n~e~~~ ~:o~~d:~~: ~~ea;n~ses~~~ ..• ~.'~.;.'<br />

trucks, bearing the na,me of /l ~<br />

individual dties, at the scenes spond at the same time as the '.' ( ..A '..<br />

of serious conflagrations, department r e 'ponse is auto- :::: ::::<br />

~;r~:rl~d~r:s, at:d a p~:~~~ ~a~:~es~~ry~eCOnd radio call :~~\19876 Mack Ave. w::::» 16361 Mack Ave. !~~j<br />

(owned by the Woods), all of ne~e::ea':.r~~s;ft~~. t~Ch':~~~ ::::TU 1-1385 ~ TU 2-1040 ::;:<br />

:~~~h operate in theIr unique nursing h ,>mes, and other ::::::;:.:::;:::::;:::::::.:::::::;:::::::::::;:::::::::;:;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.<br />

The Mutual Aid System is buildings or places where the<br />

an asset to each of the Pointes public is apt to be together<br />

and Harper Woods, in that it in large numbers.<br />

gives them big city protection In times of diS'llster or riot,<br />

at small cily costs. It is inter. all communities ean call for<br />

estlng to note how this system aid from the Detroit Fire De.<br />

works, partment, and Detroit can<br />

Each city has devised 0 eard count on the !lve Pointes and<br />

system, mutually agreed upon, Harper Woods, when and if<br />

whereby the city is dIvided In. needed,<br />

to sections. Each .card is Dum- Th1I system gives the cities<br />

bered, and the cards are di. a tremendous amount of pro.<br />

vided into three alarms and tectioD, with as low a cost<br />

a fill-in, depending on the I". as possible to the taxpayers.<br />

cation of each community. The<br />

More than 150 citizens of the<br />

• !,proximately 300 who 1aned<br />

SAVINGS ARE INSURED TO $20,000. to obtain 1971 tags for their<br />

• ' dogs, have reeeived violation<br />

COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS tl~=e~~le:~~r~~\.~m~;~:;<br />

Chief Robert Ferber.'I'be<br />

DETROIT, 18901 Kelly at Moross-DR 2.8877 deadline for the license. was<br />

EAST DETROIT, 15751 Nine Mile at Gratiot-PR 1.8820 May 1.<br />

GROSSE PTE, WOODS, 20247 Mack at Hunt Club-TU 6.1080 The chlef said that there are<br />

GROSSE PTE. FARMS, 63 Kercheval, "On the Hi1I"-TU 6.6661 about 950 dog owners in the<br />

HOURS 9'30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday 'tiff 8 p.m. Farm., aDd aU had been .ent<br />

, • , cards informIng them of the<br />

deadline. After that date, pet<br />

owners who lailed to comply<br />

with the City OrdJnanee, are<br />

given a violation ticket, Ind<br />

must pay a line of $2. Ouring<br />

this week:, the fine, UDder a<br />

new ordlnall

P~ge Six<br />

LAWNIlona 'I'.uEN<br />

George YOUDI. 711 Haw.<br />

thome, eaned WoodI pollee<br />

lThis 'Weekls<br />

Bell R;ng~rs<br />

Semi-Boneless<br />

Stuffed<br />

'. $1°9<br />

STEAK .,.<br />

-<br />

G R () SSE POI N_!._E_N_E_W_S __ . . . Thursd.y, ~'Y 20, 1971<br />

Obituaries<br />

I LOUI; R. MAXON Voight Will tbe blilband of the<br />

Funeul $f'tI'ices for Louis late Helen. He.1I survived by<br />

Russell Maxoll. ot Lakeland a aon. George; a dau,bter,<br />

avenue, Pol n t e advertising Adele; five grandchildren; six<br />

I<br />

giant and philanthropist, were great.grand c h II d r e n; two<br />

held all Wednesday, May 19, in brothers. John, and Charles<br />

St. James Lutheran Church. Henning; two silters, Mrs.<br />

He died on Saturday. May Celia Przytulakl. and Mrs.<br />

15. in SI. John Hospital. He Katherine T. Opolewskl.<br />

learnp.d his falher's trade, that Mr. Voight worked for the<br />

of a mill mechanic, as a child Istate of Mlchig8n In the main.<br />

in the isolated lumber town o{ tenance department belore h1l<br />

Onaway. Mich, He came to De. retirement.<br />

trait at the age at 14. He work. Interment was in Holy Cross<br />

ed for a number of small De. Cemetery.<br />

troit area newspapers. By the<br />

time he was 17. he was editor<br />

of the Highland Park News.<br />

Born in Marietta, Ohio, Mr.<br />

Maxon organized Maxon, Inc.,<br />

when he was 27 years 01 age.<br />

He built it into a multl.mil.<br />

lion dollar rival of New York's<br />

most prestigious advertising<br />

agencies. The firm was dis.<br />

banded shortly after his retire.<br />

ment p.ight years ago.<br />

His ties with Onaway were<br />

so strong that he returned to<br />

build a luxury summer home<br />

there,<br />

During the dE:pression. when<br />

Onaway could not alford to<br />

kecp 110 families on welfare,<br />

he !laid all their grocery bills.<br />

He bought uniforms and in.<br />

struments for the high school<br />

band and paid the bills for the<br />

sc.lool's hot lunch program.<br />

On many July Fourths, he<br />

provided ice cream cones fClr<br />

all Onaway children.<br />

He married his second wife,<br />

Ruth Wold, in 1946. She had<br />

been his secretary.<br />

Besides his wife he is sur.<br />

vived by two daughters, Ruth<br />

Bryn and Mrs. Marjorie <strong>War</strong>e;<br />

three sons, Lou A., Min A.<br />

and Frank D. and four grand.<br />

children.<br />

Interment was in Onaway.<br />

Mem'lrial tributes may. be<br />

made to Bon Secours Hospital.<br />

rice. Effecti"e, May 20 - May 21 -<br />

Closed Sundays as Usual.<br />

Closed Wednesdays at 1. P.M.<br />

U,S,D,A. CHOICE<br />

May 22<br />


Funeral services for Mr.<br />

Kilbride, 83, of 88'1 Anita ave.<br />

nue, were held on Saturday,<br />

May 15, In the A. H. Peters<br />

Funeral Home and from 5t.<br />

Joan of ~c Church. He died<br />

on Thursday. May 13, in SI.<br />

John Hospital.<br />

Mr. Kilbride was born In<br />

Athy. Ireland and lived in The<br />

Pointe tor over 46 years. He<br />

was active la the Catholic<br />

Youth Organliatiot., the SI.<br />

Vincent de Paul Society and<br />

the Knights o{ Columbus.<br />

He came to tms country in<br />

1911to find employment as an<br />

accoUJltant with the telephone<br />

company in Cbicago. The com"<br />

pany was deeenlraUzing in<br />

thllse days, so Mr. Kilbride<br />

was sent to Detroit in 191. to<br />

aet up business offices here.<br />

He married Lillian, EO'Loranger<br />

on IaDUfl')' U. 1916. In<br />

that year, be began his long<br />

ISsociaUoD with JohnKiDg<br />

(Kunsky), President Kunsky-<br />

Trendte 'lbeatres. His business<br />

association ',ylth Mr. Kiit, COIl.<br />

tinued .until the latter'. death<br />

In 1952.<br />

Mr. Kilbride started his own<br />

theater businu. in 1932 when<br />

he beught the Strand Theater.<br />

Over the next 16 years he ac.<br />

quired four other theaters,<br />

The Alhambra, Beverly. Dawn<br />

JACOB £'. VOIGHT and Globe. The Alhambra,<br />

Funeral services for Mr. still atandln., is the oldest<br />

Mr. Voight, 83, of 19956 East neighborhood theater in De-<br />

Emory court, were held on troit. Mr. Kilbride sold the<br />

Saturday, May 15, in the A. H. theatera in the late 1950'. and<br />

Peters Funeral Home and became a real estate broker.<br />

from St. Joan of Arc Church. He continued in the commer.<br />

He died on Wednesday, May elal real estate business until<br />

12, in Memorial Hospital, his retirement in 1969 at the<br />

<strong>War</strong>ren. age of 81.<br />

Born in Germany, Mr. He was hono~ by the CYO<br />

in 1965 after a qllarter century<br />

of active service serving<br />

a. president, treasurer and<br />

a.. iltant treasurer of the<br />

Board of Directors during the<br />

PORK<br />

LOIN<br />

ROAST49~.<br />


~9oIDOOR8LQAiST $1~~<br />

w. c.rry • ~ ~ .. AM ...... L1...... to Complement Ivery M.. 1.<br />

Village food ••• "WHERE THE ACTION IS"<br />

25 years. A new recreation<br />

center at the CYO girls camp<br />

was ded1eated to him. Mr. KiI.<br />

bride was the driving foree<br />

hehlnd the establishment of<br />

the highly successful CYO<br />

ClI.rdps. one for. boys and ,'One<br />

for girls, on the. shore.:. of<br />

Lake Huron.<br />

He became involved in the<br />

CYO camps in the late 193()'s<br />

when the late Cardillal Mooney<br />

directed the .organization<br />

to explore the pollibUlty of<br />

creating such camps. The<br />

Board. of Directors named Kll.<br />

bride chairman of its new<br />

camp committee. Some 25,000<br />

youngsters enjoyed the fun at<br />

the camps in the first 20<br />

years.<br />

Mr. Kilbride was awarded<br />

the Catholic Youth Organization<br />

"Joe GIaser Award" on<br />

March U, 1961l,for his long<br />

and meritorious service as a<br />

member oc the ooard. The<br />

award was presented by the<br />

then Mayor Jerome Cavanagh<br />

at a eeremony at Mercy Col.<br />

lege. .<br />

The Kilbrides were memo<br />

bers oCSI. Ambrose parish for<br />

26 rears (1923.1949) and are<br />

presently members of St. Jilan<br />

of Arc parish.<br />

Surviving Mr. Kilbride are<br />

his wife, Lillian, four sons,<br />

Bel'l)ard L. Jr., Thomas J.,<br />

Paul V. and Terence K.; six<br />

daughters, Mrs. Kathleen Dls.<br />

serf Mrs. Jane CourteviUe,<br />

Mrs. Muriel Conlan, Mr•.<br />

Margaret Fausone, ':Mrs. Pau.<br />

line Diedrich and Mrs. Sblr.<br />

ley Dolan; 47 grandchildren; I<br />

six g rea t.,randchUdren; a<br />

brother and. two sisters.<br />

lnterment was in 'H a 1y<br />

Sepulchre.<br />


Funeral services for former<br />

Pomter, Sue AUaon Carrvtben, seeauae of an extremely high<br />

15, were held 011o TueId'Y, lIay rate of vandallam on the<br />

18, at 1 o'eloclt, ill the V.rltey. arouDd. and proper!) ot the<br />

den Funeral Home. She died LoebltKH)r Club, 1018 Sunning.<br />

on Saturday, May 15, at Jack. dale, club representatives bave<br />

son Memorial H o. pit a\ 1D aaked the Woods for permis.<br />

Miami, Fla., Ifter a 1oIl, W. Uoe to put up a three.foot ex,<br />

ness.<br />

teDslon 011o the lence surround.<br />

Sbe was an boDOr .b.at at inI the gall course. There is<br />

Pine Crest Preparat«)' SeboOl a chance that there ma)' be an<br />

m Fort Lauderdale aDd at. add1tional barbed wire struc.<br />

teDded Grolle Polllte Univer. ture Oft toP 01 tba t.<br />

slty SCboo~.before mewllla with<br />

ber famlly to Florida III It'iO.<br />

Clarence Bessert, director of<br />

Sue 11 survived by her moth.<br />

tbe elub, had asked the coun.<br />

er, Mn C. Wallaee ToIeI, Jr.,<br />

ell for ~ variance on May 3<br />

of 16 MiJIlIetoaka J'OId, Sea<br />

IDd the councU scheduled the<br />

Ranch Lakes, Fla.; her father,<br />

public bearing for the propoaal<br />

George n. Carruthers, 0: De.<br />

at their rescheduled meedni of<br />

troit; a aliter, LYDDA.; ber<br />

Friday, May 14.<br />

llrandmothers, Mrs. Jobn B. After some discussion, ,the<br />

McKinley, of Grosse Poillte matttr was tabled UJltll the<br />

Shores and Mrs. Georle W. re.lliar meeting of Monday,<br />

Carruthers, of WiDdaor. Juae 7, to aUow the city time<br />

Interment was ill Forest to 1lOl\fyeach ol the residentl<br />

Lawn Cemetery.<br />

llving adjaceat to the golf<br />

Memorial tributes may be course of the proposal by mail.<br />

sent to the National Leukemia At the meeting of May U, a<br />

Foundation.<br />

club representative told the<br />

coullCl1 that beer cans end<br />

ALBZaT,B. XLEII refuse are constantly being<br />

Funeral services for IIr. to u n d on the golf course<br />

lOem, 80, of 285 Lothrop road, IrOUDdsand that vandalism is<br />

were held on Wednesday. lIay oecurriDg much more fre.<br />

19, in the Verheyden Funeral quen~.<br />

Home and from St. l'awoOD' ,He said that when thieves<br />

the-Lake Church. He cl1ed 011 started to take the nags from<br />

Sunday, May 18, at his resl. the golf grl!ens, the club put<br />

denee. up flail without any number.s<br />

A native Detroiter, Mr. Xlem iD hopea that the souvenirs<br />

is survived by h1J wife, Bya. would lose their attractiveness.<br />

clnth; his ch!1drea, Albert. The nail continue

,<br />

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Thursday, May 20, 1971<br />

Public Schools'<br />

Session Starts<br />

Summer<br />

on June 21<br />


• No other mower is built like ill<br />

• No other mower performs like itl<br />

• No other mower is so useful!<br />




l;/:., -_<br />

, , ~ .....;,.:.w•• J~w '<br />

-'<br />

"W" ..;,.... ...".;.-._'-:'~,..' ••• .,;: ~ u.•-.;-............. .._ i>-tu : j,.'~"J-"•• tJ,.,,'~, - ..P ..: : ,,-'_ .;. ---~.; ~_.,~,.;: .. ,...~~,;;,~.., •.-..;....., .....<br />

PI. Eight<br />

.~='::~=~~\~~Church Slates IFireboat Gives<br />

_it_il_lD_eYe_ll_tr_ade_. __ Abortion Debate Skippers Peace<br />

WATIR<br />

HEAR.'<br />

'new IUCHlVAl • VA 2.9070<br />

A<br />

I':~:\<br />

\ \ .<br />

St. Paul'. Evan,elilt Luth.<br />

eran Church 1. presenUnC an<br />

Abortion Reform Forum, Mon.<br />

day, May 2', at '1:30 p.m. at<br />

the church at the corner of<br />

ChaUOJlte and Lothrop roadl.<br />

Abortion ref 0 r m lupport<br />

views will be expussed by<br />

Rev. David Abbott and the<br />

oppoa1ng viewl by Rev. Paul<br />

.lUandl. A quesUon and an.<br />

swer period will foUow.<br />

TM forum it open to all and<br />

no admission or donation will<br />

be aaked.<br />

Spring Is here and an In.<br />

creasing number of boats are<br />

beginning to show up at the<br />

municipal piers to be moored<br />

for the summer boating lea.<br />

son. One of the boats bein,<br />

launched and readied II of<br />

prime importance to the peace<br />

of mind of all Pointe skippers.<br />

This is the rela lively new fire .<br />

boll.t supplied and stafled by<br />

Grosse Poinle Yacht Club and<br />

Shores officials.<br />

Tbe boat, cbristened last<br />

Augut.:t, had originally been<br />

used as a multi.purpose serv.<br />

ice boat by the yacht club for<br />

itl members. Tbe Shores, see.<br />

ing the need for more ade.<br />

quale fire protection than land<br />

locked facilities for the boats<br />

in the joint barbor, made an<br />

arraignment with the yacht<br />

club. The agreement was that<br />

the yacht club would supply<br />

, the $4,000 craft and the muni.<br />

cipality would finance lhe<br />

firelighUng equlpmenl to can.<br />

vert it to a fire boa t.<br />

The 31.foot boat was outfil.<br />

ted with $2,500 worth of equip.<br />

ment, including three hoses.<br />

the largest a two.incher, with<br />

a total output of 400 gallons a<br />

minute.<br />

New this spring lor the skU!<br />

is a loam.generating conduc.<br />

tor whieh can be attached to<br />

Olle of the hoses. The main<br />

advantag~ of the foam is that<br />

it can't sink a boat. The any.<br />

where from two to five men<br />

operating the craft will be<br />

able to fi1l the uerage boat<br />

with IUds in two minules flat.<br />

Sergeant Charles Wenrich,<br />

in charge of the wbote opera.<br />

Uon, saYI that the .tuff II non.<br />

corrosive, easily removed,and<br />

not damaging to the tvats.<br />

Boaters at the other municl.<br />

pal park. cIn also rest us ier.<br />

Yacht club and Shores offi.<br />

cials report that the boat's<br />

serv lcea are a valla ble to auy<br />

other nearby barbor that may<br />

find a need.<br />

TIlE ANGLE<br />

Today the early bird who<br />

catch" the worm Ulua1ly<br />

.pend. the relt of the da)'<br />

&h1n,.<br />

B<br />

TU 1.2150<br />


Thursday, May lO, 1971<br />

- - .~~. '"""""'~"--""lI!'lQ,;""'A 8"",."-",... q"",,Z."PIlllA"',~.4-",~....:."',)IIIIl_III,q"'''f ... ,X-IIlll,W ... }4'''i'!'ll, .......<br />


AWNINGeD.<br />

Canvas • Vinyl • Acrilan • Dacron<br />

LO 7-2293<br />




Servin, Grosse "ointe Since U3J<br />

760 I E, Jeffenon<br />



1117_<br />


Your Remodeling PI::nned by Experts<br />

Wo .1 cusrOM CRAFl' hove ._ ., "'" .... , ~... _ ......... lIn. oxperts in<br />

th•• ,ea 10 help y •• .,1_ y •• , ololing job-.o Ihot ih "!g. & 'ost<br />

....11Ibe tollor04 10 your h"lloill".1 n .<br />

W .,..ly w,l!teft dotaii..r _cifl ;" ":J"",,ce, 10 yo. will hlty<br />

u ,. _etly what rOIl' _,/otH ''''' will ....<br />

You Know Complete Cost In .Advanee<br />

You e.'t afford ".uHltlllllri'l u ftOFcon we. Our price I. exact.<br />

. You Get Financing Help You Need<br />

CUST~CU.FT k wo hew 10 oIifain fm-ci., for yo •• ! tho low... ,_,<br />

, 111010 ! lnl ' toto••<br />

.w. (aft n Y'" ~n tNfw .. ce" ,whee Y."r iH will lte finisM41 • ~ • Ie Y.<br />

o.onp'on GII ... Ier'", II. .<br />

.You Get Top' Quality Job, Finished On Time<br />



•<br />


I!<br />

!<br />

r,<br />

\<br />

Ii<br />

'''Iu",,,c.<br />

Cou"seI;"g<br />

I.arrJSma.,<br />

G.'. '-ttl .2..... 1<br />

The B .11'0 IS Maauflet\ll'lq<br />

ComPD¥. JDc«porIW, .11<br />

awarc;lecl I coatraet b)' the<br />

"arml COWleU os MODday,<br />

MIY J, to IMJd • U.UIlit<br />

bloeber at Kerb)' nekl. ne<br />

firm aubmiued the Iow.. t bkt<br />

tor u.e JoII, ol!eriDI 10 .reet<br />

the stuck f. a total of $20'511.<br />

Shop Early for Large Selection<br />

of<br />

HallJaart Graduation and<br />

Father's Day Cards<br />

r.. . 11S,,",<br />

· I...... c--.. s.we.<br />

• I••• tfc • s .-y .....<br />

• hit ......<br />

~<br />

• Perty.... .... lifts Try Ow ....<br />

• c.Iet • ""'... T ...<br />

City Card and Gift Shop<br />

19111 MACK AVE, AT MOIOSS<br />

7-MACk SHQ" .... CDlTU .. I .....<br />

- Ii".. , in plHJ,mac",,'ic~ls<br />

- dis';r.:,ive gifts<br />

• c-..... u.. .. e.-Ia c....<br />

. ....<br />

• ,..... u..., • c.Na<br />

S.. Our $".';0" 0;<br />

lin. Montag Stationery<br />

Speciol Closeout<br />


Reg,<br />

3.50<br />

'1 9 •<br />

~;;:;;;-iii;;-;;;:ii-;;;;;;::;;-;;;-;;;;;;:-~-;;:;-i;;;;'lliii-_-~-~WI<br />

Notre Dame Pharmacy<br />

Opeft DooIIy .:so .... oo-~ ..... ~ .:so ... :00<br />

16926 K.rchftal, 1''''''''' Setvice TU 5.2154'<br />

••••••<br />

••••<br />

••••<br />

Last section<br />

of th., Eastla nd<br />

Apartme"t<br />

Community<br />

Just a very fewof these choice '<br />

apartments left. Join fine nellhbcn.<br />

Great loeaton. Adjacent to Eastl.nd<br />

center ..Wafk to fine shoos, "S~Ufllnts,<br />

thelter. Close to 1.94 Edsel Ford<br />

Freeway.Makeyour movetodayl<br />

IElUll 2 UDaaOMmnlllm<br />

$289.S0/month Includes carpeting and<br />

all utilities, except electricity.<br />

1:01llMIIIUTY MOIISt - SWIMlllI'" ,.<br />

MocMl located at Ec.tlond on.. , at<br />

hcKonlfield 0,1..<br />

Furnished by J. L. Hudson Eastland<br />

Studio of Interior Desiln.<br />

Open 11:30.5:30 Dallyand Sunday<br />

(Closed Tues.)Phone 839.2455 • 886-2584<br />

Mai,'e To Have<br />

Spring Concert<br />

The Maire School PTA will<br />

hold its aDllUlI Spring COlleen,<br />

lOll1pt. Tbursday, Kay 20, at<br />

7:15, IJl the Icbool gym. Mra.<br />

MeAde! (Anlbel) Lucluky,<br />

mualc teicher, wlll direct the<br />

fourth and fUth grade chorus.<br />

Preceding the concert wUl be<br />

a short bu.!Jws, meeting duro<br />

Ing ....hlch c.Ddidat.. for the<br />

Scbool Bolrd will spelk brief.<br />

ly. New P'l'A board members,<br />

serving (or two.year term.,<br />

Lou Cerre, Camille Peterson,<br />

Conrad Ott, Llnday Raym~d<br />

and Virlln1a John5oD, tbl~<br />

grade .. acber at Maire. Will<br />

.lso be introduced.<br />

Mrs. Peter Sbuert and her<br />

committee will provide refresh.<br />

menu.<br />

.Girls' Softball<br />

Teams Active<br />

Will Open Bids<br />

On School Bonds<br />

The Trusteel 0( the Grosse<br />

Polnte Board of Education will<br />

open bid. Dext Monday night<br />

on the sale of bonds for the<br />

renovation of South High<br />

School. The special meeting<br />

will be held at 8 p.m. on May<br />

U in the Botlrd Room of the<br />

Administration Building, 389<br />

St. Clair Avenue.<br />

Last December 7 voters in<br />

the school district approved a<br />

$3.8 million remodeling project<br />

for. Grosse Pointe's orlglna.<br />

high school, opened in 1928.<br />

On May 10 the trustees also<br />

approved the schematic design<br />

plans and authorized the archl.<br />

teet to proceed with the development<br />

and working d~lw,<br />

ings for the South High project.<br />

Four classrooms in the rear<br />

Annex building at South High<br />

and the Quonset Hut will be<br />

demolished as the pre.con-<br />

.truction work begins on the<br />

Ille,<br />


LittLe League Results<br />

GROSSE POINTE CITY Idefending champion Braves<br />

ILUOa8 8.0. Dodger pitcher, John<br />

Dodgers v~. Cards, May 11: CantweU, a10:'051had. his see-<br />

Dodger starter. Tom Birk, and ond consecull.ve no bitter but<br />

reliel~r, Jeff Palms, allowed the Brav~s pltcher, Tom loti<br />

the Cardinals only seven hits doubled In the fourth lor the<br />

and lour rUIlS as their team only Brave hit. The only other<br />

over.powered the Cards 14.4. Brave to reach bas';! was Mike<br />

The Cards starter was Doug Marlinez who had a hit on cr.<br />

Skipp, who allowed 15 hils ror.<br />

and 14 r:lIIs in a losing eHorl. Besides allowing only one<br />

The Dodgers jumped on hit John Cantwell struck out<br />

Skip ill the bottom of the first 16' Brave batters and didn't<br />

lor live runs. Dave Evendl!n allow a walk. The Dodgers<br />

led oU with a ~ingle. followed scored in the top of the third<br />

by hits from John Cantwell, on Dave Evenden's leart of!<br />

Tony Montague, a walk to single. followed by two outs,<br />

Tom Birk and Larry Cough. then John Cantwell hit a long<br />

Iin's sharp single to right to double, scoring the first run.<br />

account for the Dodgers five Catcher Tony Montague fol.<br />

runs. The Carus came back lowed with a sharp single.<br />

with two runs in the second scoring Ca..twell. The Dodg.<br />

on singles by Leon Blo.ldeU ers scored three more runs<br />

and little George Conway; plus in the fourth on three walks,<br />

walks to Hauk Peabody and two errors and a double by<br />

Chris Pollard. Evenden.<br />

The Dodgers came back in In the fifth Dodger bats ex.<br />

the bottom of the second with ploded with a lead aU homer<br />

WedDesday. May 12 saw three more rUTis.Thc Dodgers by Tony Montague. This was<br />

the fll'st ao(tball contest be- wrapped the game up in the followed by hits by Tom Birk,<br />

tween the Texaco :3tars at the bottom of thc tifth b)' scoring Dave Evenden, Jelt Palms and<br />

North Divt.lon aDd the serv. five runs on seven hils. Tom a walk to Mark Allen account.<br />

ice Art Plillerettp.s ot the Birk led 0(( with a single. He ing tor three more runs. With<br />

South Division. The final (Jut. scored on Larry Coughlin's this win the Dodgers are now<br />

come was 20-13 with the Plas. double. After two strike.outs in first place alone with a 41<br />

terette. the victors. Home the Dodgers had five straight rec(lrd.<br />

runs for the winning team hits by Evcllden. Jeff Palms. 0 $ •<br />

. were hit by Marge Blackwood Rocky O'Hare, John Cantwell, Behind the thrce hit pitching<br />

and Mary Maiee. and Tony :l\Iontague. of Pete Coles the Cubs were<br />

Dave Evenden and John 9 to 0 winners over the Cards<br />

The Purple Pickles won over Cantwell lead the Dodgers Thursday )lay 13. The Cubs'<br />

the Mongette. with a score of with three hils each. Cardinal hiWng attack was led by Tim<br />

12.8. WinDing pitcher was shortstop Trip Maghielse had Lane, John Fitzgerald, Tim<br />

Sherry Dolson'L with Sue Lun- a perfect day with three, as Hurley, Mark Ulmer and John<br />

den hitting a hOme rur;. Slue did Chris Pollard with two Beebe with two ,hits apiece.<br />

JohDloD hit a home l'UII or for two. Sl:.uring the Cards pitching<br />

the MOllcettes and Caroline * * * were Tom Conway, Henry<br />

Reed wu the pitcher. Dodgers vs. Braves, May 12 Peabody and Dan Gorenflo.<br />

A pitcher'. batUe ensued I-The Dodgers shut out the Conway had two doubles and<br />

between the Go.Go Girls and . Chris Pollard l' sin g I e,<br />

the Flame., with the Go-Go C Cl b Gorenflo and Paul Maghlc:lse<br />

Girl. wlD1llJlg 8-3. Winning anlera It did the Cards' catching .<br />

pitcher WII K,aren charton,' Meets Tltesday The Cubs are now tied with<br />

the Braves for second place,<br />

Mr. Mecourt I Go.~o Girls The Grosse Pointe Camera one game behind the league<br />

boomlDg bats won thell' fo~ Club will meet on Tuesday, leading Dodgers.<br />

I,me on Thursd.?" .gamst May 25, at 8 o'clock, at the On Monday, May 10, the<br />

the Texaco Stars, Wlth a score <strong>War</strong> Memorial. Cubs defeated the Braves. I<br />

ol'I8-5. Home runs for the Go. There will be competition in 6 to 3. .<br />

Go Girls were hit by Karen monochrome and color slides. pitcher with John Fitzgerald<br />

Charlton and XlaD' Kayser- Visitors are welcome. . catching. Duncan MacEachem<br />

Iand Steve Coticcbio pitched Peter Coles and Tim Lane. Lott, .Bob Montg~ry, Michael<br />

tor the Braves and Steve Mark Ulmer and Tim Boyse Martinez, COtlC.Chl~ami Mac.<br />

Potter was the rec1ever. contributed doubles with Boyse Eachern got hits In a losing<br />

_ Th:_c_u~_~a_d_sing_l_es_b_Y _d_r_iv_in_g_in_t_h_re_e_r_u_n_s._-T_om cause for the Braves.<br />

~~<br />







$1 S 15~d.<br />

95<br />

FROM y~.<br />

\If First 3.9S yd.)<br />

DACRON<br />

AND<br />


IHEI.5<br />

lan. ---------------------_ ,------------------------;------<br />

Brownell Field hosted a<br />

I'me 'l'bunday, Kay 13, be.<br />

. tween the Purple Pickle.. of<br />

, the North Diriaion aDd the<br />

Serviee Art Plaaterettes of the<br />

, ::outb Divialon. The game wall<br />

: pretty WeD decided in f'vor<br />

of the Pluterettes wiw the<br />

fifth lDIlln, when the Plcklel<br />

. rallied to bring ill ,Ix rwu,<br />

makin, the tiDal score 33~<br />

'. with the Pl8lterettes wlJlning.<br />

Home run hitters for the Pial'<br />

terettel were Xary Magee,<br />

Mar,. Blackwood, Caroline<br />

Schulte and :Kim Gaarder.<br />

'I'b. Flames pulled oU their<br />

fint win of the .aSOD on<br />

'l'burlday. 'May 13, agalJl.t<br />

the MODletie" with • ,core<br />

01 13.11,<br />


-W L<br />

1 I<br />

t t<br />

• f<br />

• •<br />

1 I<br />

f ,<br />

from '12~.<br />

2 Store-<br />

For Your CoDvenjeDce~<br />



llf First 15.00 YI!.)<br />


1935 S. Te1es-raph 25001I Utile Mack<br />

Near Po.liae at 10 MIle<br />

FE 2-9163 775-0078<br />

Open 9:30 to 5:30 Daily<br />

Mon. nites 'til 9 :Oo-Cloaed Sunday<br />



FOR BOATS!<br />

PORCHES, Ere.<br />

. (If Firsts 2.9S tll 5.00) '295 y~.<br />

; If Fint S.OO)<br />

,<br />


S7$<br />

.. " .. POULWUTIR<br />


SUIT<br />

witt. tile<br />


39.50 V.I ...<br />

Foul<br />

Weather<br />

Comfort<br />

with Styl<br />

Jacket Only<br />

24.50 Value<br />

$17 95<br />

the<br />

s~,'sw.ul, iDe.<br />

1.... MACK TU 2-1_<br />

0"''' DAILY, TO•<br />

kt. till S ..... '<br />

• • 4q: .......<br />

lOIlOUM<br />


HOME<br />


DETROiT. MICH.<br />

821-3525<br />

Assumable 5~% Mortgage<br />

Chok~ Location In the Farms<br />

Delightful neighborh':lod, four bedrooms, two baths<br />

on second floor. Living room with dining room area,<br />

powder room, library, c:ountry (modern) kitchen with<br />

ample eating area with connections for washer and<br />

dryer odioining kitchen - olu'minum storms and screens,<br />

gos F.A.. heat, coppe. plumbing - two and a half<br />

. car garage with electric: door opener.<br />

Snown by appointmenf<br />

GEORGEL PALMS, Realtor-8S6-4444<br />

a<br />

,<br />

.,;;:*(<br />

Z; .(Ilk., J, .<br />

, "','F.<br />

iK l¥ ,f$QA A .. 4 1<br />

6 RO SSE, POI N TEN E W S<br />

Second Tennis<br />

Clinic to Open<br />

Due to the great demand<br />

for tennis instruction the<br />

Neighborhood Club is going<br />

to open an additional eUnic<br />

at Grosse Pointe North.<br />

This clInie will also be<br />

headed 'by Miss Stephanie<br />

Prycbltko and will be held<br />

from June 28 to July 30, every<br />

Monday, Wednesday and Fri.<br />

day.<br />

At 9 8,m., boys and girls,<br />

ages 9 and 10, will play at<br />

10 a.m., boys and girls, ages<br />

11 and 12, are scheduled, and<br />

at 11 a.m., boys and girls,<br />

ages 13 through 16; will play.<br />

The cost will be ~ for the<br />

clinic plus a $5 membership<br />

fee in the club, l! the young.<br />

ster is already a member for<br />

the '1971 season only the $S<br />

fee is required.<br />

Those interested may regis.<br />

ter in person at the Neighbor.<br />

hood Club or, if by mall, enclose<br />

name, age and a cbeck<br />

for fees. A memuershlp card<br />

and registration for the clinlc<br />

is available at the club.<br />

Those already signed up for<br />

• clinic at Grosse Pointe<br />

South will not be allowed to<br />

change location.<br />

U the North cl1ll1cill .ueces.<br />

ful, it may be expanded to<br />

include adult instruction In<br />

l8'T2.<br />


Encourage the compeUtive<br />

Ipirit - the minute compeU.<br />

tion steps out, monopoly moves<br />

In.<br />


COMERelAL<br />

PIPI." c..<br />

PlUM•• IHEATfl'<br />

.ts'04 DIOtIVAL • VA l.f070<br />

t<br />

\4 i# F4I $AX ,I.I 44' JZi2 ae: j£ i3<br />

GP Swim Club Stage. Meet Dev~8 Suffering ',.'JuniorTennis Tournament I<br />

Cl~~esw~:8: C~~~~ltio~w~: eV~~:b~~~d' under, Ace Dick. Battmg Slump ,Scheduled June 12 and 13<br />

cenUy , .• against Itself. It son, 18.3, 25 Ylmi nine aDd By Cralg »OOIDS<br />

held an inter.club meet to 10, Mike Bernlrd, 31.0, 50 By Greg Boyd<br />

determine wbo are the cblm. yardsi elibt Ind under, Ace Sulferlnl throup tbeirwont<br />

pions within Us own ranlu. D1eDon aDd Paul Treder, •. 0, bUlln,.lwnp of the .. alOl2,the In an effort to provide an<br />

The Ige group, winner, time, 50 yaw; me aDd 10, Mike lJlue DevU me dropped all outlet for aU Pointe young.<br />

and distance In the freestyle Bernard, 1:09.3, 100 yardli 11 three of their ball lames lilt stera and eventually adults in<br />

----.-------- and 12, Drew Pillsbury, 1:06.5, weeIt against Monroe. Wyano sanctioned tennis competition,<br />

100 yard.; 13 lDCl over, JOM dotte and Grosse Pointe North. a &roup just recenUy formed<br />


(U 4-5700<br />

1137 AUDUBON<br />


Byhlll SChweltler<br />

D'flOU<br />

«now<br />

r".,...,.<br />

Aeeording to the diction ••<br />

ary, the word CROOK has<br />

two meanings. one Is defined<br />

II the "Twisted put of •<br />

thing," the other 88, "Any.<br />

one of the criminal class-.<br />

swindler."<br />

The latter definition comes<br />

to us from a word coined by<br />

the Chicago Tribune in 1879.<br />

It was meant to compare a<br />

crIminal to the links of twisted<br />

rall.fences, popular at that<br />

time. SInce a<br />

criminal did<br />

not "follow<br />

th e straight<br />

and narrow<br />

path" he was._<br />

then buDded<br />

'CROOKED,'<br />

The term<br />

clught on, but the meanblg es.<br />

caped us. Today we straIght.<br />

en out croob by just letting<br />

them be. When they get rich<br />

enough - they'll Itrlliht~11<br />

out on their own.<br />

TIle best WIY to be sure<br />

of really dependable Real<br />

Estate service Is to head<br />

rtrllight for our door. Make a<br />

nole of our \wI) locations:<br />



21300 Mack Ave.<br />

PHONE: 886-4200, and<br />

18530 Mack Ave.<br />

PHONE: 888-1270<br />

Ter1'lU<br />

GlIid~W<br />

Arrangeci<br />

it.lk<br />

Participants may play in<br />

not more than on~ division in<br />

singles and doubles and aU<br />

players are asked to bring a<br />

can of USLTA approved tennis<br />

balls.<br />

Reinharii, 1:0602, 100 yard.. The Devils ollly reanaged to has laid the groundwork with The officers in the East<br />

In the blckstroke event: score two rUlls 'in the three tbe Grosse Pointe JaYI:ees for Side TennlB Ciub are George<br />

eiebt and under, 'Oln Treder, contests. their firlt temois tournament Black, of Gray's Sport Shop;<br />

22.6, 25 yards; nine Ind 10, Tom .Dufour WII the first this lummer. Ann Clmpbell, board of dh'ec.<br />

Chuck Stayn, 40.8, 50 yards: South hurler to feel tho hitting The group, known II the tors member of the Neighbor.<br />

11 and 12, Drew Pillsbury. hi..dequariu, as he lost to Eut Side Tennis Club, e.stab. hood Club; Charles T. Cud.<br />

36.0, .'10 yardsj 13 and over, Monroe 1-0. Outfielder Bruce ll.shed itself after interest was Up, president of the Detroi~<br />

Kirk Barlter, 1:11.9, 100 yards. KasUtz was the only Devil hit. shown in The Pointe for some Tennis Patrons; Richard Kay,<br />

In the breast stroke e\'ent: ter to show authority a,ainst kind of tennis association in director of the Grosse Pointe<br />

eilht and under, Dill. Treder, the Monroe pitebine. KuHtz Grosse Pointe. to sponsor its Community Services; Kirk<br />

25 yards; me and 10, Mike stroked two of the five Grosse players in (lUlcial competition. Leiebton, tennis director of<br />

Bernard, 50 yardsi 11 and 12, Pointe hits. So the Jaycees and the Tenni'.l the Grosse Pointe Jaycees;<br />

Jim Shook, 50 yards; 13 and The clOIesl the DevUs could Club have joine

I<br />

. !<br />

Peg. Twelve<br />

6 It 0 SSE PO I N TEN E W S<br />

-----------~--------------------------------------<br />

Grosse Pointe New, IM I h d I I<br />

ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. emoria Center Sc e u e<br />



SeeoDd Clul POllla,e Paid at D_lrolt, Ilicbi,u 0 D U. •<br />

pen a y a,m.. p.m.<br />

FULLY PAID CIRCULATION *AJJ MemorJaJ 'poDJOud letivlUetI open to the<br />

Grosse Pointe publle. Hospital equipment Iv.Ulble<br />

Phone TU 2.6900 for free loan: erutches, wheel ehlln. beating lamps<br />

MelllNrMiclll,aa Preu Au('/.Uon aDd NatlolJal I:dJcorlaJ .uaodatlolJ and hospital beds.<br />

WHkly Ne....p.per Repr~ntatlve. .IlJ'USI:NT"TIV~ Inc. GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTE R AN D<br />


... ruth AvtDIIe, Ntw )'ork Ill.NewYork BYran\..7300 LENDING LIBRARY. Mn. Hury Frost on dut~ Toes-<br />

CHICAGO m'Ylc!!: d W d d Th<br />

ISJ Norih IUdll,aD Avenue Phont FInancial"221-C IYS, e nt's .y, ursdays, 10 •. m.-4 p.m. Vo unteer<br />

.-O-S-E-R-T-S-.-E-V-G-A-R- .....-E-U-ITORand GENERAL MANAGER eODSultaDt on duty Fridays 2-4 p.m. 881-4594.<br />

Dv T 51 MANAGER Thursday, May 20<br />

WILLIAMADAMO ...... " ..., A Eft I NG .9:30 a.m.-Red c.~ossHome Care for the Disabled.<br />

JANET MUELLER ,..... FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY .10 B "1 Tr . t.<br />

JAMES J. NJAjM _' , NEWS :00 a.m.- rali e anscrlp Ion. Mrs. John McNa.<br />

PIPPER WHITELAW... NEWS mara, Instructor.<br />

GIlEGORY H. BOYD. .. , NEWS 10:00 a.m.-Louisa St. Clair Chapter JJ.A.R.<br />

LIWAH KARR _ _ _ ,.,.ADVERTISING .12:30 p.m.-Landscape Painting. Carol Wald, In.<br />

MAllY LORIMER,., ' , ADVERTISING structor.<br />

PAT ROUSSEAU.. ". ADVEHTISING .1:00 p.m.-Crewel Embroidery. Marnie Fessenden,<br />

.JACIt MeALPlNE . ADVERTISING Instructor.<br />

Itt~THY BRYEN , ,.,., ' ADVERTISING .1:00 p.m.-Red Cross First Aid. JlJrry Hummel,<br />

.JOHN'MacUNZIE , _._ _ BUSINP:SS Instructor.<br />


ALa&UA WILKE,., CLASSIfIED ADVER'C1SING .4:00 p.m.-Ballet. Mary Ellen' Cooper, Instructor,<br />

DOIOnIY SOHIMANSKY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .7:00 p.m.-Painting All Media. Carol Wald, In.<br />

....-rY RAUGHT.. . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING structor.<br />

1lAaIJ: iUl.lINER _.._ -._ CIRCULATION .7:00 p.m.-International Dinner. Evening in Swe.<br />

den.<br />

_--<br />

1<br />

Publ<br />

1<br />

'IC Schools 'In Focus .7:30 p.m.-Witchcraft. Gundella, Instructor.<br />

-------_____________<br />

.8:00 and 9:00 p.m.--Thursday<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ted<br />

Night<br />

Forrest,<br />

Dance Club.<br />

Instructors.<br />

B1 Dr. TheM. I. Anderson, Superintel1dent of PubUc Schooll .8:15 p.m.-"Swedish Scrapbook"-color travelogue<br />

personally presented by Franklyn Car-<br />

Our mounting conce.m over lhe same time lalking about<br />

ney.<br />

the future of public education lhe imporbnce of "local coo.<br />

Friday, May 21<br />

ltenu from our recent ex. trol!"<br />

perience locally of being fOf(:ed No matter where the cuts<br />

.1:00 p.m.-Spring Flower Arranging. Mrs. Richard<br />

to reduce staff as a result of originate. w h e the r through<br />

T. Gerathy, Instructor.<br />

the March 15 millage defeat, millage defeats or legislative 1:00 p.m.-Detroit Society of Women Painters and<br />

but also from legislative pro. action. slaff reduction cannot<br />

Sculptors.<br />

poIals and news of pending result in anything but a less .2:30 and 4:30 p.m.--Sailing Instruction (at Cooper<br />

bills which reach us daily. effective educational pro-gram<br />

Marina). Fred Detwiler and Lou Maxon,<br />

Here in Grosse Pointe the for our youngslers.<br />

Instructors.<br />

erosion of the staff of the Currently we are virtually *4:00 p.m.-Ballet. Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor.<br />

~ public schools and libraries is in un d ate d by legislative .7:00 p.m.-Beginning and Advanced Karate. Sang<br />

becoming a matter of concern "position papers" from various . Kyu Shim, Director<br />

a b 0 u t which responsible sources. How these will be<br />

citizens must soon take con. lranslated into legislative bills<br />

7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre, "Lit-<br />

certed action. Over the last is anYQne'sguess.<br />

tle Women."<br />

two years o~r scho~l. sysl~m These statements are a re- 8:00 p.m.-Remoc Investment Chlb.<br />

has reduced Its admin;strative action to the April 12 state. 8:00 p.m.-De La Salle Prom,<br />

force by 20 percent ',12 per- Iment by Governor Milliken,<br />

Saturday, May 22<br />

cenl for 1970.71 8nd 8 J>!!r.1"Excellence in Education. .9:00 a.m.-Sailing Instruction (at Marina). Fred Det.<br />

cent .for the next year), Its Equity in TaX'ation." What<br />

wiler and Lou Maxon, lnstroctors.<br />

teachIng force by 17* per. will be the eventual outcome *9:30 a.m.-Ballet. Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor.<br />

cent (4~ % last ~ear and of the Governor's proposal to 11:00 a.m.-Detroit Society of WO!Ilen Painters &<br />

13';1'. thll: yell), Its plant substitute a personal income<br />

person!,el staff by 8~<br />

Sculptors Meeting and Luncheon.<br />

% and tax and a value. added tax:<br />

Its office force by 10%. over for the property tax in order .3:00 p.m.-Travel Photography Workshop Green.<br />

the same two.year penod. to "assure that revenues for<br />

field Village. Allan Stross, Instroctor.<br />

La~t year we ~urtaf1ed ex- educational finance will grow 12:15 p.m.-Jane Thorn.Robert Bicsak Wedding<br />

pendltures amounting to $727,' more in line with needs"?<br />

Reception.<br />

000 proposed for 1970.71 and The Governmental Affairs 7:30 p.m.-Gro.sse Pointe Children's Theatre, "Lit-<br />

.. a result of the March ~5 Committee of the Michigan<br />

tle Women."<br />

millage defeat, We are agam Association of School,Adminis. *7:30 p.m.-Duplicate Bridge. Mrs. Marvin Bourget,<br />

forced to cut staff and pro. trators has written that it. is<br />

Director.<br />

I:ram. this time ~o the extent opposed to the Governor's<br />

of .1,400,000 pro]ected for the position of waiting until the 6:00 p.m.-Kathy Van Buskirk. Alan Sonnanstine<br />

comingyear. end of the year to find new<br />

Wedding Reception.<br />

.Readers are fully aware sources of revenue. It urges<br />

Sunday, May 23<br />

that if subsection 6 of ~ection action by July 1.. Further, 10:00 a.m.-Anawim.<br />

8 b of Public Ac, 100 had not lhat group does not agree that 10:00 a.m.-Ballet Rehearsal.<br />

been amended, the public the school property tax should *7:00 p.m.-Supper with the Stars.<br />

schools a:td libraries in Grosse be reduced to zero mills. It<br />

Monday, May 24<br />

Pointe would .have had to cut is their opinion that at least a 9:30 a.m.-Weight Watchers of Eastern Michigan,<br />

expenditures proposed for the portion of the property tax<br />

Inc.<br />

staH and program for 1971-72 base must continue as a stable<br />

by approximately $1 millitln source of revenue. The Com. .10:00 a.m.-Cancer Center Workshop.<br />

between April B and April 18 mittee agrees, however, that 12:15 p.m ..;.....;RotaryClub of Grosse Pointe.<br />

of thiJ year, As we said when heavier reliance should be *12:30 p.m.-Duplicate Bridge. Mrs. Philip Gibbs, In.<br />

thE:law was changed, !Wefelt placed on income tax.<br />

structor. .<br />

lure that the principle of. All citizen.. are urged to *1:15 p.m.-Slymnastics. Ricky Dove, Instructor.<br />

limitation would reappear. take an interest in legislative *4:00 p.m.--BalletRehearsal. Mary Ellen Cooper,<br />

Proponents of such a position proposals aHecting public ed.<br />

.- Instructor. '<br />

are again making noises at ucation.<br />

*7:00 p.m.-Ed. Pscy. "Mental Hygiene." Leon Of-<br />

Ilo-.____________________ Letters to the . Edt.tor<br />

.<br />

To The Editor: and of operations projects.<br />

chus,:tnstructor.<br />

I*7:80 p.m.-Water Color. Donald Schrom, Instructor.<br />

*8:00 p.m.-Sculpture. Frank Varga, Instructor.<br />

8:00 p.m.-Michigan ,neers. Society for Professional Engi.<br />

Tuesdav, May 25<br />

Last week's News carried a For next year, non.teaching<br />

letter from a student at North areas have been slashed as<br />

High School concerning 'tht! deeply as wisdom could possi.<br />

elimination of 101 staff posi. bly permit. For example, three<br />

lions from the Grosse Pointe administrative assignmentsare<br />

public schools for next year. being eliminated'from a school<br />

The questions it poses are slml. system where the ratio of ,stular<br />

to those raised in several dents to administrators is al.<br />

leUers I Have received recent. ready very high. Consideration<br />

1y as presid~nt of the Board was given to one more admin.<br />

.9:00 and 10:30 a.m.-Adult French Conversation.<br />

Mrs. Wilkinson, Instructor.<br />

.9:30 a.m.-Needlepoipt. l\oirs. Charles Cudlip, In.<br />

t to<br />

S ruc r.<br />

12:00 noon-Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe<br />

Luncheon.<br />

*2:30 and 4:30 p,m.-Sailing Instroction (at Marina).<br />

Fred Detwiler and Lou Maxon, Instructors.<br />

of Education. istratlve reduction; but this<br />

Although the News has per. was vehemently opposed by<br />

formed exemplary service in the North Central Association<br />

covering in detail the rez,sons of Colleges and Secondary<br />

6:30 p.m.-Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe.<br />

6:00 ,p.m.-GirlScouts of Trombley School.<br />

$7:00 and '8:00 .p.m.-Folk Guitar II and III.<br />

Suczek, Instructor.<br />

Alex<br />

(or the staff reductions, per. Schools, ouraccreditlng agen.<br />

haps it would be useful to cy.<br />

some of your readers to reo A letter was sent to each<br />

*7:30 p.m.--Grosse<br />

*7:30 p.m.-Duplicate<br />

Pointe Ohess Club .<br />

B'd MM'<br />

rl ge. rs. arVIn<br />

B t,<br />

ourge<br />

view them briefly. teacher and public librarian<br />

Nothing could be further in the system last month ex.<br />

from the truth than to sugg'~st plllining in detail the Board's<br />

that the Board of Education is cuts in every item of the<br />

Director.<br />

.7:30 p.m.-uPeer'Gynt Suite" danced by Center Bal.<br />

let Troupe under directlon of Mary El.<br />

len Cooper.<br />

unaware that to do without 101 budget prior to establishing<br />

ItaU members will be 8 severe staff rcductions. This letter,<br />

7:30 p.m.-Weight<br />

Inc.<br />

Watchers of Eastern Michigan,<br />

blow te- quality education. detailing reductions in such<br />

Teaching salaries are by far areas as Instructional supplies,.<br />

8:00 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Camera Club.<br />

WednesdllY, May 28<br />

e largest item In a school school libraries, the extra cur.<br />

ud,et, so it follows that cuts ricular ~rollram, equipment.<br />

classroom personnel will repair and replacement and<br />

substantial when a reduced building maintenance can be<br />

udget is called for. made available to your read.<br />

.9.'30<br />

11:00<br />

a.m.-Portrait Painting. Joseph Maniscalco,<br />

Instructor.<br />

a.m.-Senior' Men's Club of Grosse Pointe.<br />

Cribbage. '<br />

The Board of Education, fol. ers if you desire it. 12:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Traffic and Safety.<br />

y,ring careful estimating of While it has only indirect re. l2.:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe High School South Mothn<br />

lkt year's needs by Dr. An. latlonshlp to the letter In last ers Club Luncheon.<br />

derson and his staff, requested week's News, today the Board *12:30 p.tn.-Senior Ladies Club of Grosse Pointe.<br />

of the community a reasonable received a note stating, "AI. *6:30 p.m.-Home Economics 0682, "ChUd Developmillage<br />

in a refcrendum held though I know that our school .<br />

on March 15. This was defeat. system supports the tenure<br />

ed by the voters; since there system it would do much ponents of good education. an is why a person cannot relax,<br />

were only 8,323 yes votes CIISt,greater s e r v ice supporting adequate staff of excellent read, or sketch there, I realize<br />

It Is obvious that not even the teachers of high character and teachers is the most important. we have our parks, with large<br />

parent group gave full support. ability." Tenure is not a mat. Barbara R. Thompson empty areas, but none of them<br />

Both MichIgan law and rc. ter of choice; It is the law.<br />

!President<br />

has nearly the same view as<br />

spon.lble trusteeship require The State Teacher T~nure Act<br />

'Board of Education Is found on Lake Shore for<br />

that we balance our budget makes almost Impossible the<br />

about five mUes.<br />

before approving it. Whileover exerciSing of judgmental decl.<br />

To The Editor:<br />

If a person is not allowed to<br />

1IOpercent of the money to slons as to which teachers<br />

This letter Is directed specif.<br />

relax here and enjoy the scen.<br />

operate our schools comes most deserve to be relalned.<br />

Ically at the Farms and Shores<br />

ery and sun, thp.n why are<br />

!rom Grosse Pointe property Each department in the school<br />

police chiefs, but I feel that 'people allowed to walk dogs,<br />

taxes, we do count on some. system will suffer a share of<br />

other people have had the<br />

ride bicycles, or jog along<br />

thing from the state. Because the reductions; In most cases<br />

same feelings I do about this<br />

here? City life Is almost get.<br />

of the business crisis this year, these lire probationary teach.<br />

matter.<br />

ting to the point where relax-<br />

the state has suffered tax ers (those with less than two<br />

ing Is only allowed in prIvate,<br />

losses and could not meet Its YCRrs'service).<br />

Recently I was relaxing, if even there.<br />

commitments 1.0 schools (and It wlll be very helpful If reading, and trying to skelch If the chiefs can give me<br />

to other departmcnt~) this students, and all those persons by the lake on Lake Shore, some good reasons, I might<br />

year. The Governor's budget who share with us the tr8gedy when a policeman told me to change my mind, but t doubt<br />

promises a cut for next year of losing many wonderful leave, which I did. J am not they can convInce me that I<br />

of about $1,000,000 to the teachers, wlll understand that angry at the policeman for beautiful strip of scenic, 8un.<br />

Grosse Pointe public schools. the cuts In staff were no whim doing h[s duty. but I am an. ny, relaxing land should be<br />

That figure buys a lot of leach. of the f?ard of Education. gry at the law prohibiting denIed to me, or to any other<br />

ers. Thl:Yresulted from a dtfflcult people to relax there. person, by law, unless If it's<br />

Theilecu:s In state aid made decision made In light of the I realize why the "no swim. God's law, for it's His land<br />

the mlllllge defeal all the more dollaril aVl/llable to meet next mlng" sign is there, and I can given to be used by people,<br />

tragic. Last year's millage year's payroll. It should be somewhat understand the "no<br />

losses caused sevpre curl811. hoped th8t w., share with the fishing," and I completely un.<br />

ment of administration and suo administrators so m e under. derstand the "no picnicking,"<br />

pervislon, classroom program, standing that, of all the com. but what I rannot understand<br />

What Goes On<br />

at<br />

Your Library<br />

B, \'lrllMa Leeurd<br />

Two weeks ago, I wrote a Now as to the Staff of this<br />

column about the Park Branch Branch. Mra. Bet.ty SeUert is<br />

Libr8ry. and now we give lhe Branch Librarian, and, in<br />

equal time to the Woods addition to being a very efll.<br />

Branch. our bustling agency cient librarian. she is intel'.<br />

10!iatedIn a wing of the Par. esled in bridge, travel Rod<br />

cells School. at the corner of reading mysterieorand currenI<br />

Vernier and Mack. literature. Mrs. Colleen Smith,<br />

As you enter the building, a professional assistant (who<br />

you are greeted with a cheery always radiates warmth and<br />

display on gardening. "How cheerlneu) is also interesled<br />

Does Your Garden Grow?" in bridge and prefer~ Colorado<br />

is the caption, and in lhe case to any other state in the<br />

you will find books on garden. Union. Miss Paula Preulhun,<br />

ing, a rake. shovel and hoe our children's librarian has,<br />

(JunIor ,ize) , seeds, flower I think, traveled 10 almost<br />

pots and daisies. As you enter e,.ery corner of the globe, but<br />

the library, there [s a bright, her main interest, I suspect,<br />

happy atmosphere noticeable is children.<br />

almost immediately. And there Mrs. Beulah York. Chief<br />

are other displays, such as Circulation Clerk, has a great<br />

Audio Visual, (records and interest in rocks, Lake O'Hara<br />

tapes). just to the right of the and photography. (I somehow<br />

main desk. The public catalog always visualize her with a<br />

also greets you, with O>lenew camera in her hand). The<br />

cabinet recently addp.d,to at- other two Circulation Clerks<br />

test to the growth of this are Mrs. Yvonne Maxon, (who<br />

Branch. claims her main penchants<br />

On the Adult side of the are her grandson, gardening,<br />

room there is another display travel and golf-and undoubt.<br />

er.-';Ued: "Step Up to a Good edly in that order! >. and Mrs.<br />

Book" which zeroes In on new Helen Doherty, (who also<br />

non.fiction. Someone located a leans toward grandchildren<br />

few paper footsteps and these and gardening, but who also<br />

have been cleverly used on the likes to read cookbooks).<br />

poster. On the other side one When I went out to inter.<br />

is reminded of mysteries, view the personnel of this<br />

which are labeled: "The Cat Branch and see its many<br />

Creeps." facets of irr.portance to you,<br />

As at the other two agen. the patron. I was intrigued by<br />

cies, Woods Branch also has a few stories they had to ttill.<br />

a rack of paperbacks, with For example, they mentioned<br />

many new copies recently pur- the man who ran in one day<br />

chased. The Reference CoUee. with "crisis" written on his<br />

tion is on the extreme left; face, asking desperately for<br />

there are separate collections a recipe fOI' dandelion wine!<br />

of Young Adult, (fiction only), Another emergency was a man<br />

Science Fiction and Westerns. who had a deer hanging in his<br />

Other standard equipment in. garage and had to have are.<br />

eludes the atlas case, lhe pam. cipe on how to dress such an<br />

phlet file, (including careers), animal! They claim tiat one<br />

some Princeton files, and a lady keeps coming in and ask-<br />

Coronastat. ing plaintively: "What is that<br />

The periodicals are tasteful. category I like so well?" (At<br />

Iy displa~'ed on the right of least, I would say she is be.<br />

the charging desk, with busl- ginning to learn something<br />

ness magazines and services about the arrangement of this<br />

located separately nearby. library!) And finally. there!s<br />

Close to this area is a truck the story of the Junior High<br />

containing travel books, and youngster who wanted some<br />

these must be constantly re- materials on "Adams." A<br />

newed.' searching In the public cata.<br />

In the Children's Depart. log finally brought to light the<br />

ment of the library, there is a fact that it was not the Adams<br />

section labeled "Remember famil)' that was in question;<br />

the Old Favorites" and "Get- rather, he wanted something<br />

ting to Know You." The lat. on "atoms." .<br />

ter deals with material on I think it is well to keep<br />

various countries. There are in mind always that we have<br />

also children's. paperbacks 41n two fine branches a.t your dis-<br />

I separatetacll:. Over.the Chil.. posal.-ln.aclditioDto_tbe'Cen.<br />

dren', desk haDgs a most de. tral Library. nyOU live near<br />

lightful and unusual mobile, one of them, we feel it rillght<br />

put there by Miss Paula Preu. be worth your while to use<br />

thun, the children's librarian, their. services; it might some.<br />

and originating in .Denmark tinles be more convenient than<br />

but purchased by Miss Preu. coming down to our Central<br />

thun in Bermuda. Agency.<br />

ment II." Elizabeth Williams, Instructor.<br />

6:30 p.m.-French Stu~ents Dinner.<br />

*7:00 p.m.-Flight Training Ground School. W. E.<br />

Coche, Instructor.<br />

$7:30 p.m.-"Peer Gynt Suite."

,<br />

'0<br />

III<br />

m<br />

i,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I<br />

iIi<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'""':"..,........-----~~~.""i. ~,FlIlIlI. ~. 11II. ;all!' .•1I!Il1IWI_"'X". III::",., .. :4"'.: ,.& .lIII4.III!.".t~(IIII.:IIIIIIII---IIIII"L.~2•.li""'(•• ", IlL.!.. ••••• , ; .$•••• 1Ill) -ill .Llii.E.i.•...."<br />

Thursday, May 20, .1971 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S PIp Thirt..<br />

WOM •• '. PA •••<br />

From Another Pointe<br />

of View<br />

By Janet Mueller<br />

Multiply the invitation list by two-and that's th.<br />

umber the Grosse Pointe Symphony Women's Com.<br />

ittee is hoping to welcome to its Membership Tea<br />

ext Thursday.<br />

Mrs. Russell E. Bauer's lovely Lakeshore road<br />

orne will be the waterfront setting for the May 27<br />

party. from 2 until 4 o'clock, with each Committee<br />

member's ticket-of-admission a new or prospE:ctive<br />

mem1)l~r.<br />

Eleven years ago the Bauers embarked on a total<br />

re-building program, he the outside, she the inside<br />

of their beautiful property. It's recently been com.<br />

pleteu, and tea guests have a special treat in store: A<br />

bonus tour of the premises during the afternoon.<br />

Chairman of the fete is longtime Pointe Symphony<br />

devotee Mrs. Albert D. Law, of Harcourt road, who<br />

dreamed up the brilliant yellow. handwritten invi.<br />

tations.<br />

Helpin~ her with mailing; f1O',vers, silver and<br />

food, in llddition to Addie Bauer, are the Mesdames<br />

Donald Mandell, Herman P. SaUler, R. Gerald Jordan,<br />

Robert J. Jay and Douglas Smith.<br />

Mrs. J. Ross Bush, of Pemberton road, present<br />

chairman of the. Women's Committee, will pour. as<br />

will past-chairmen Mrs. John W. Nelson, of Washington<br />

road; Mrs. Sterling S. Sanford, of Hillcrest road,<br />

and Mrs. Waldo E. Fellows, of Bishop road.<br />

Founded in 1965, the Women's Committee has<br />

Ithree purposes:<br />

To further interest in the Grosse Pointe Sym.<br />

phony Orchestra.<br />

lTo increase attendance at concerts.<br />

To secure members and financial support for the<br />

(Continued on Page 26)<br />


33Y3%to SO~FF<br />

• SUITS<br />

• DRESSES<br />



~J!AlLi~<br />

J:ionj at J:arge ...<br />

Shirldrejj in .1ilk<br />

like qiana<br />

3 Kercheval Ave. at Fisher Rd;-<br />

Punch & Judy .B/ock<br />

TU 1-1505<br />

Siore Hours: Mondc)I Ihru Frido)l 9,30 o.m. 'Iii 5,30 p.rT ..<br />

CloNe! Sa.urcleyt If<br />

------,--- ----------- ----------------------- -------------------<br />

Short and to<br />

The Pointe<br />

Grosse Pointe South Higb<br />

School Principal JERRY J.<br />

GERICH received a special<br />

citaUon for his contribution to<br />

the development of scbool<br />

newspapers at the Michigan<br />

Interscholastic Press Associa.<br />

tion's G C1' Ide n Anniversary<br />

m~eting.<br />

• • •<br />

Receiving d e g r e e & from<br />

Aquinas College, Grand Rapids,<br />

May 8 were JAMES A.<br />

BRUNSON, son of MRS.<br />

HELEN L. BRUNSON, of<br />

Moross road, Bachelor of Arts<br />

in Political Science, and<br />

JOAN M. SAVAGE, daughter<br />

of MR. and MRS. EDWARD<br />

L. SAVAGE, of P.oslyn road,<br />

Bachelor of Arts in Social<br />

Science.<br />

• • •<br />

MRS. WILBER MACK, of<br />

Country Club drive, and MRS.<br />

ROBERT McKEAN, of Ridge<br />

road, planned the preview<br />

reception that introduced the<br />

Francia Picabia Retrospective<br />

exhibition at the Detroit InsUtute<br />

of Arts to members of<br />

the museum's Founc!;::rs So.<br />

ciety May 11. The Picabia exhibit<br />

continues in the Art Institute's<br />

South Wing galleries<br />

through June 27.<br />

• • •<br />


LIK, of Newcastle road, has<br />

been reappointed a Torch<br />

Drive section chairman, the<br />

leadersbiv pOSition she held<br />

during the last two bouse-bhouse<br />

campaigns. She'll continue<br />

to be responsible f or<br />

door-to-door canvass in the<br />

five Grosse Pointes, Harper<br />

Woods and st. Clair Shores.<br />

Mrs. Uhalllt has worked in<br />

United Foundation drives for<br />

Tea, And Talk Of Pointe's Symphony<br />

Sparkling Lake St. Clair willl>e the<br />

backdrop for a New Member Tea<br />

being planned for next Thursday, May<br />

27, by the Grosse Pointe S)tmphony<br />

Women's Committee. Current members,<br />

accompanied by ll'i'W and prospective<br />

members, will gather from 2<br />

more than 20 years. Her<br />

daugbter LINDA and son<br />

DENNIS were both adopted<br />

through the Sara Fisher Home,<br />

a Torch Drive Agency.<br />

.. " ..<br />


daughter of the MILTON<br />

MEININGERS, of Elf 0 r d<br />

CQurt. received a Bachelor of<br />

Arts degree in Social Sciences<br />

and a Teaching Certificate<br />

during Mercy College of Detroit's<br />

May 8 commencement<br />

ceremonies. ....<br />


daughter of MR, and MRS.<br />

ALEXANJ)RE A.RENE, of Mc_<br />

Millan road, bas been elected<br />

vice-president of her class at<br />

Marygrove College, Her. sister,<br />

MICHELE, who tnade the<br />

Dean's List for .tht' second<br />

year, will be graduated this<br />

month from Barat College,<br />

Lake Forest, 111.<br />

• • •<br />

Grosse Pointe South High<br />

Scbool graduate MARILYN<br />

JONES, daughter of DR. and<br />


of Stephens road, a freshman<br />

in .~e Honors Program at<br />

'Miami University, Oxford, 0.,<br />

~fthas e/oset<br />

373.5 FiShel' Road.<br />

GRosse po INTo<br />

1<br />

Phot.o by EddIe McGrath, Jr.<br />

until 4 o'clock at the Lakeshore road<br />

home of MRS. RUSSELL E. BAUER,<br />

(center), who earlier this week con.<br />

ducted a practice run for the gay May<br />

day with committee members MRS.<br />

DONALD MANDELL, (left), and tea<br />

chairman MRS. ALBERT D. LAW.<br />

both performed in and tboreo. Sunday, May 23, at !Botsford<br />

grapbed for Miami's recent Inn.<br />

University Marlin Club Water<br />

.. .. .<br />

Sbow. KENNETH N. SCOTT, of<br />

~ (t • EUair place. has been elected<br />

Pointer V!RGINIA CANTO chairman of the board of truss<br />

DORIAN, national prelident tees of his aima mater, the<br />

of Phi Gamma Nu professional University of Vermont. He's<br />

so•.>rity in Business and Ecc>-I married to tbe former MARY<br />

nomies, will be an hOlloOl'ary W. BENNETT, a1st} aVer.<br />

bostess at th~ Detroit Alum. mont graduate.<br />

nae Chapter's May Breakf~st

Page Fourteen<br />


Society N-ewsGathered from All the Pointes<br />

Plan Mistletoe Mart ~:hcl:~IoI;tI: IMeet<br />

Preview Next Week<br />

20427 MACK AVE,<br />




Dig up the facts - that way<br />

there's DO foom for doubt.<br />

k.J~,~~<br />


SALE<br />

25% TO 50% OFF<br />

AMALfi<br />

FLATS, VANELI'S 14.95<br />


SHOES 16.95<br />


CAPRINI'S "I ." " .19.95<br />


J UliANELlI'S , , 26.95<br />

Sizes AAAA to C, 3~ to 11 (sizes 10~.1l, Downtown and North.<br />

land only, $2 extra). No mail, phone or C.O.D. orders. All sales<br />

final. Downtown, Grosse Pointl, Northland, Westland, Dearborn.<br />

Mr. aDd Mrs. J. H. Argue,<br />

of North VaACouver, B. C.,<br />

hAve &llDOUACed the eD,a,e.<br />

Twelve Booths Will Show Ha"d.Crafted Items during ::..~ «to~etda~:~:,<br />

:'~1~~<br />

Geranium Tea at Congregational III, 1011 ol former PoiDters Mr.<br />

Church Soe;e:! Hall aDd Mrs. Johb C. Meloy who<br />

DOW make their home in GlIoI..<br />

Women of the Grosse Pointe Congregational w)lne, Pa.<br />

Church are readying themselves for Christmas in May 'l'bey plan a JUDe 19 wedding<br />

as they invite the public to a Gernanium Tea next I In North Vaneouver's Highland<br />

Wednesday, May 26 from 1 until 4 o'clock. Purpose United Chureh.<br />

of the Tea is to preview this year's Mistletoe Mart, The bride-eleet wal Irad.<br />

the Church's Christmas Fair to be held November a. uated fro m Bel1lire High<br />

G('raniums will deck the, ---------- SChool, HOUitoll, Tex., aDd II<br />

SOCiAlHall of the Church dames John Marschner and a sell10r at the University 01.<br />

in Chalfonte avenue where Richard Cooper feature. tree ArizOtla, affWated wlUt Alpha<br />

past presidents of the Con. ornaments. Christmll Decora. Delta Pi. Her flaMe, allo a<br />

gregational Women's Asso. Hon coordinators Mrs. Ro,er UlliverJity of Arizooa seniol', II<br />

. t' 'II d' Preston, Mrs. Robert Lake a Groue Polate UDivenity<br />

cia Ion ~I pour unng and Mrs, Brent Smith have SChool &raduate. HJs fratenaity<br />

the prevIew. . created delighUul sprin, aDd 11 Phi Delta Theta.<br />

General chaIrmen :'tlrs. Jo.<br />

I year-around arrangemeDts plus<br />

sep 1 Durns and Mrs. Thomas some speclal-order items for Soc' Hold<br />

Rod,wcll have arranged for the winter holidays. Huguenot le~ S<br />

12 booths to present their '0 Of R '<br />

hand.crafted works. 01 spe- Decoupage pl~es, .Ull all. ey emem rence<br />

time favorites, have been __<br />

cial interest will be made.to. beautifully executed and de. 'Ibe Bu".uenot Society of<br />

order items which can be eus...<br />

tom-ordered at the ,ea. coupeur chairmen Mrs. Rob- Michigan held Its Mth aMual<br />

Other articles will be avail. ert Bogan and Mrs. Thomas "Day of Remembrance" Sun.<br />

able for sale, and proceeds Mahoney report punes, seulp. day, May 16, at the First CoIlwill<br />

go toward the benevolent tured and inlaid key tap, &regatiODal Church, St. Johns.<br />

causes 01 the Chureh. boxe"" .secretari~s,. plaques In Memoriam are members<br />

The Mesdames Carle Cub- an~ qua~nt vue d ~phquell for who clled duriD, the year:<br />

berly and William Blevins children s rooms will be avan- Frances Maire Teel (Mrs. Edwill<br />

show an assortment of able. • ward L.) Bryant, of Detroit,<br />

aprons including a fashionable More purses, called "leul PoiDter Arthur Hamilton Ba.<br />

maxi hostess apron In dotted and fun," are bein, fashioDed, COD and Peter WlUlam Star.<br />

swiss and gingham. Most are under the direction of Mn.! ring, of Detroit.<br />

wash.and-wear and the collee- Harold Westcott and Mrs. Mrs. Bryant was a member<br />

t10n includes a c.hef's apron, Jack Wheeler. of the lIalre family which eonperfect<br />

for summer barbecues. The Junior Group in the tribuietl greatly to 'I1Ie PoiDte.<br />

Pantry and Party Foods, Church, Pilgrim Fellowship, Mr. BaCOll WII a P..lnte realcollected<br />

by the Milldames has a variety of deeo,:aUve dent for more than 30 years<br />

John Winters, Gordon Wing, candles and will take orden aDd lIr. Starring's lOll is a<br />

Wray Donaldson and Marti.'! at the Preview. ~ . teadler in the Groue Pointe<br />

Hawley, offers dressings, the Palletiers, headed by Mrs.! 5ebool System.<br />

popular Dr. Barkley hot mus- William Penoyer, will offer .<br />

tard, bean salad, glazed nuts unusual children's plaques. present whinulica1 stuffed toYII<br />

and party nuts.and.bolts, and which can be personalized," ineluding "(rinks," frogs and<br />

a Big Bake Sale under the well as children's roekers .1Id~aterpU1ars, zodlak needle.<br />

supervision of the Mesdames Wicker ehairs,.. tote stooa and point purseS', pin eushions and<br />

Edward Foote and John Cas. pknic buJcets. exquisite crewel 'wall ban,"<br />

sens wiJIleature breads, rolls, Stitchery and Needlepointe lill", Mrs. Sidney DeB.oer<br />

pies, cakes and brownies. cqairmen Mrs. Kenneth Ber,- ad.cis the new look in neck.<br />

Felt Goods. under the'Mes. mann and Mrs. David Brierly ties.<br />

- ~ Mrs. Paul MathewlOll'l KnIt<br />

IF YOU' LIKE<br />

TO SWIM • • •<br />



j IWits are' fashionin, poDd:iOl,<br />

I jUts, seuYeS, potholden and<br />

\l i' shoulderttrap bap.<br />

Variety item. in Mn. Dud.<br />

ley Arnold's Top of the Mart<br />

!Booth include maerame belts,<br />

"bracelets and n e c k I ace II,<br />

mateh1ng felt bridge table<br />

coyer., tallies and lcore pads,<br />

sCllsor bolders, holiday bal,!<br />

kets {or cards or greena and<br />

884-2090<br />


JOE, TERRI,<br />

stone-set key tags.<br />

Those popular terrariumll<br />

in beautifullY.lhaped bottles<br />

•that can be made into limps<br />

will be at the WoodI and Gar'l<br />

.dea Booth overseen by the<br />

IMesdames William Frame and.<br />

'Robert Veil' I<br />

A1Io featured herewl1l bei<br />

IIDUque<br />

.planters<br />

epc:rlDeI, apothecaryl<br />

and a unique Jive «n_i : terplec:e which eoDtinuaDy<br />

'1l'OWI and can be trimme4 II<br />

de.ired.<br />

'Grink' At Mistletoe<br />


Qeft), and MRS. DAVID A. BRIERLY,<br />

chainnen of the Stitchel'Y Booth for<br />

the Grosse Pointe Congregational<br />

Church Mistletoe Mart, show one of<br />

,their m 0 r e whimsical creations,<br />

"Grink," who'll be on sale at the Mart<br />

Mart<br />

Preview<br />

Photo by Eddie KcGr.th. Jr.<br />

Preview Tea next Wednesday, May 26,<br />

from 1 until 4 o'clock in the Church<br />

Social Hall. Other special Stitchery<br />

items include zodiak and knitted bas.<br />

sinet purses, mod ties for men and<br />

needlepointe picture!;.<br />

DK. FRED S. COOK, of Itributive Teaeher EducatUm Ieetor of WSU'S VotationaJ<br />

Fairholme road, professor and programs at Wayne State Uni. and Applied Arts Teacher Procha.\rman<br />

of Business and Dls. verslty, has been named dir. grams.<br />

---- ,<br />




Wright Kay. for 110 years. Michigan's Finest Jeweler<br />

leno~ exquisite ivory. toned chino in<br />

new "Snow lily" pottern with border<br />

wreath in grey with white highlights<br />

and platinum edge. To complement such<br />

beauty. lenox crystal. of course. in<br />

the superbly simple "Montclair" pot.<br />

tern with matching platinum edge.<br />

S.Pc. Chino Place Selling. 34.95<br />

Crystal Stemware. Each. 6.50<br />

Wright Kay<br />

100 5. Woodward in Birmingham, Phon. 642Zl25, and in N.Jrlhland, Phon" 356.~.<br />

U,e yoor Wright Kay Charge. NIa,'.r Charge or 8onlcA:nerice,d,<br />

Other Wright Kay 510re, 01 1500 Woodward in Downtown Del,oil and in Gros,. Poirle.<br />

$1 each<br />

Serving tray, covered vegetable,<br />

triangular dish, family salt and<br />

pepper set, double marmelade.<br />

Jacob Sons<br />

Store for the Home<br />

','t' ,<br />

Sunday Opera Slipper<br />

(Cuu .. ecl r.... 'ale 13)<br />

troit.<br />

The pauel will be moderato<br />

Op.!ra Anoelallon,<br />

Preaident Wilbur<br />

General Manager<br />

AIIoeIaUon<br />

H. Kack,<br />

Hel1lY J..ed.<br />

ed by Donald M. D. Thurber, yard, East SIde c:bairmlll Mrs.<br />

vice.president and Public Re. John C, Griffin and Supper<br />

lations direetor of the Detroit co.chairmen Mrs. Navarre<br />

Grand Opera Association. BeMett and Mrs. Thomas K.<br />

Oth d . 't . ted I Fisher.<br />

er IBm af!eS expec James D. Traey, pnsldent of<br />

to be present are the honorary the Grosse Pointe <strong>War</strong> Memochahman,ol<br />

the Detroit Grand I rial AssoclaUoa, will represent<br />

~~fa &ason, Mayor R,oman. that organizatioA which is co-<br />

Gnbbl, and general ehall'man aponsorln, the event.<br />

of the 1971 aealOG Mrs. Char.<br />

lei ,!. Fiaher, III, and her eo-<br />

Supper<br />

open to<br />

With Tbe Stirs 11<br />

the Jeneral Pointe<br />

chaU'man Mrs. Roy D. Chapin, public. ReservaUou may be<br />

Jr. made at the Groue Pointe<br />

More are Frank W. Dono.<br />

van, ehairmaD 01 the board of<br />

directors of the Detroit Grand<br />

Memorial Offlee.<br />

Immediate reservaUona are<br />

suggested II apace II limited.<br />


NOW SALE PRICED $3.99 to $7.99<br />

I... $7 t. $12<br />

OPEN<br />

IIRt.4IN8HAt.4<br />

101 Townsend<br />

SALE!<br />


JEANS<br />

$4"<br />

WERE 51<br />

Severol Bosic<br />

Styles in Novy,<br />

or in Cotton<br />

Twill in 0 Ch~ice<br />

of Five Colo;.s' ....<br />


63 Kerchevol<br />


T?led~<br />

~,,\<br />

\\<br />

~ :~{<br />

lAST 3 DAYS . . ' .<br />


Thurs. &9<br />

Fri. 'tit P.M.<br />

sot.tWFT t.tAU.<br />

Trov<br />

ANN .... 10_<br />

129.t LilMrty<br />

T'"<br />

'WOODYIW NAu,<br />

!he toblewore with the glow thot never dims, satin.smooth serving pieces thot never need polishing<br />

$6 each.<br />

Divided veget::lble dish, single<br />

vegetable, creamer/sugar/tray<br />

set, butter dish, bread troy.<br />

$10 uch<br />

Butler tray, salqd bowl, covered<br />

casserole, wire bread/fruit<br />

basket, chip and dip set,<br />

,<br />

,. '''.-1. ... ,\' ~'),. " "~' .. -l, l' ',';'" ~ "11 .~I;,~.;,;;.(J:. \".'~' \,~ ",'<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

~~~~:l..=1Y.-_:.:.:~'--,:.'~"".,_', ••• ~

Thund.y. Mey 20, 1971<br />

Women's Page<br />

Constance Molloy<br />

Wed In St. Clare's<br />

Thom.s CliHord Kinn•• rs WiN M.k. Their Home<br />

in london. Ont'., Where H. is Assiunt Prof.ssor<br />

.t University of W.st.rn Ont.rio<br />

The Most Reverend John Joseph McEleney 8.J.,<br />

former Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kingston,<br />

Jamal.CI, and currently assistant to the Papal Throne,<br />

offictJ,ted at the marria~e of Constance Mary Molloy<br />

and Thomas Clifford Kinnear Saturday, May 15, at<br />

noon in St. Clare de Montefalco Church.<br />

The Reverend Timothy~----------<br />

Babcoek, cousin of the Arbor Robert A. Gramen, of<br />

bride, concelebrated the Lake 'Geneva, Wis., Stuart B.<br />

nuptial mass. Proudfoot, of Ann Arbor, and<br />

The bride, dauehter of Mr.<br />

ud IIrs. Brian Joseph Molloy,<br />

B r I a n Joseph Molloy,<br />

brother of the bride.<br />

Jr., Pa ..s for a september<br />

d' ".' d<br />

wed.<br />

b<br />

. of Berkahfre road. wore a A reception was held at the J't~dreA ......;~Rt;Y e an~<br />

IO~ of candlelight organ%l Detroit Boat Club. ~e newly. Thomas J. Murphy whose<br />

over taffeta<br />

Bruuels lace<br />

trimmed with<br />

that matched<br />

weds will make theU' home in<br />

London, Ont., where he will<br />

engagement has been<br />

nounced by her parerlu,<br />

an.<br />

:Mr.<br />

her family manWla veil ap- be an. acs~tant profesIor at and Mrs. Joseph Merony, of<br />

PUqued with rosepolnte lace. the UDJverslty of We I t ern Hollywood avenue. The pro-<br />

She ended<br />

roses.<br />

while lllacs and Ontario..<br />

A wedding trip to Myrtle<br />

speeUve bridegroom is the SOD<br />

Mary Allee Molloy came<br />

~~ "'1m Cbleago, m., t0 serve as<br />

her ,ister'. maid of honor.<br />

Beach, S.C., is planned.<br />

Out-of. town .. "uests Included<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Enr~que Urruela,<br />

of the John MurDePhY~,of<br />

Campbell avenue, trod.<br />

S F-' -id---B- .k<br />




ENDS<br />


Just a few, more doys to<br />

enjoy-substantial savings<br />

on Belle.Sh a rmee r<br />

stockings in your<br />

favorite shade$<br />

a.nd styl.s.<br />

have dinner<br />

with us every day<br />

En;oy our special family Buffet Monday thr.ough<br />

Saturday from 4:30 to 8 p.nt. and Sunday<br />

; afternoon from 12 noon to 4. p.m. Just 2.49 for adults,<br />

1." for children. Seaway Room, 4th floor.<br />

Come on-give Mom a break!<br />

hudson's eastla nd- 8m iIe-kelly<br />

Jacob SonS<br />

•<br />

•<br />

• 1 , ' .."l"<br />

•<br />


by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

'---------------------_._-------_.~---------_ ..-----------,<br />

Fell Bride Mrs. Thomes C. Kinneer Aug ust. Bride 'Craft-Campbell<br />

Troth Revealed<br />

P?PS .Concerts 111 the Detroit sey, Con que s t (Triumphal<br />

Light Guard Armory. March from "Captain from<br />

The pro g ram, entitled Castile") Lara's Theme (from<br />

"Broadw.ay Bilat," is condu~t. "Doctor 'Zhivago"). "Hi.Lill,<br />

ed by RIchard Hayman, chief Hi-Lo, More (from "Mondo<br />

arranger for the. Boston. Po.ps Cane"), music from "Law-<br />

Orchestra. T~e first porti?,nm- rence of Arabia," The Rain<br />

dud!!s selections from Man in Spain (from "My Fair'<br />

of La Mancha," orchestral ar. Lady") Orchids in the Moon.<br />

~Iangem~~ts of ::H.eUo, Dolly!," light

f<br />

II<br />

I !.<br />

P.~ SixtHn<br />


DON~T.<br />


RELAX!<br />

our Leyette Basket hi. 1/1 the thing. a baby<br />

need. fil'l1. , .a carefully planned wardrobe, blankets, sheets<br />

and towels to get you and baby off to a beautiful start. Included:<br />

1 acrylic 40x60'. blanket, 2 receiVingblankets; 1 waterproof 27x36" sheet; 2 snap-fastened<br />

bibs and 2 packagesdiaper pinS Also Included at no additional cost is the sturdy bassinette<br />

With legs Complete Layette With Basket, $65<br />

JacobSorlS<br />


n<br />

Thursd.y. Mey 20, 1971<br />

Society News Gathered from All the Pointes<br />

Netv Pear Tree<br />

Officers Seated<br />

During Pear Tree Qu('8ter<br />

Cllapter's fiual meeting of the<br />

seuon, a luncheon gatilering<br />

held recently at the Old Place<br />

with 12 members present, a<br />

new slale of oUietrs was elect.<br />

ed and retiring president Mrs.<br />

John Crane bandPd over her<br />

gavel of office to incoming<br />

prt'sidenl Mrs. John McLellan.<br />

Mrs. Crane'. husband had<br />

embellished the gavel with a<br />

hand.hammered engraved cop'<br />

per b'1nd.<br />

Mrs. Frederick Witltland<br />

will serve as vice-president<br />

during 1971.72, Mrs. Henry<br />

Gardner as secretary, Mrs.<br />

Phillip Dexter as treasurer,<br />

Mrs. CUUord Currie as ooto.<br />

rian, Mrs. Oscar Teeg as pro.<br />

gram chairman and Mrs. A. J.<br />

Christie as pubUcity chairman.<br />

The Chapter is losing two delightful<br />

ladies. Including Charter<br />

member Mrs. Edward Heglin,<br />

wbo is moving to F1orldJ.<br />

Mrs. Ric}1ard McCloskey hu_<br />

already left for Iowa.<br />

Society of Origin.lists<br />

To Present Spring Show<br />

The Society of Originalists<br />

will present its Ipring Arts<br />

and Crafts Show tbjs Sllturday,<br />

May 22, from noon until<br />

6 o'clock, :lnd Sunday, May<br />

23. from noon unW 6 at the<br />

G r 0 sse Pointe Unitarian<br />

Church in Maumee avenue.<br />

1<br />

~<br />

Trio Of Garden Zone M~eting Planners<br />

Participants in the Garden Club of<br />

America's Zone 10 meeting registered<br />

Tuesday at the Preston place home of<br />


JR., (standing, center), and today<br />

they're heading home - tho~e t.hat<br />

don't live in The Pointe, that is-after<br />

a fascinating, informative three.day<br />

session that included a lecture by Dr.<br />

John Nash Ott, director of the Envi.<br />

.'~<br />



Bill<br />


JUNE 14, 1971<br />

884-3630<br />

18318 MACK AVE.<br />


eolffI!,U"~<br />

Photo bv Eddie McGralh. Jr.<br />

ronmental Health and Ligt.t Research<br />

Institute in Sarasota, Fla., master of<br />

photobiology, at yesterday's formal<br />

Zone Dinner at the Cuuntry Club.<br />

MRS. EARL I. HEENAN, JR., (left),<br />

of Torraine road, is president of the<br />

host Garuen Club of Michigan. MRS.<br />

ARTHUR H. BUHL, JR., of Provencal<br />

road, is one of the Garden Club of<br />

America's directors.<br />

Pointe Cadettes To Be Honored<br />

It's their way ot saying ning the day-long event.<br />

"congratulations" eo up 1e d They are Ann Anderson,<br />

with a day of fellowship and Karen Bertsehinger, Stephanie<br />

fun. Gerganoff, D awn Hartman,<br />

That's what "Swing InloKathy Henry, Julie Jueneman,<br />

Spring" holds for Grosse Cathy Martin, Ruth McIntosh,<br />

Pointe area Cadette Girl Mary McQueen, Nancy Sev-<br />

Scouts Saturday, May 22, at ern, MyIa. Study, Marty Way-<br />

Marygrove College from 9 to land, Rita, Whateley and Sara<br />

3 o'clock. Willoughby, all of Cadette<br />

Highlight of the program- Troop 327, and Andrea CIaes,<br />

girl.pIanned from start to Marie Hogan, M a u r e e n<br />

finish-is the recognition cere- O'Keefe, Rebecca Ringwald,<br />

m.:my honoring 210 Cadettes Df Malu Siero and Kathleen<br />

the Metropolitan Detroit Coun- Young, all of Troop 886.<br />

eil who have achieved the Leslie Nelson, Caroline AI.<br />

rank of First Cla.s. len and Pat Fellows from<br />

Among them .re 23 Pointe Troop 1463 cDmplete the list of<br />

Scouts including two girls who local honorees. Pat and Caroplayed<br />

a major role in plan- line were members of a spe.<br />

cially.chDscn 34-member Cadette<br />

committee that handled<br />

all arrangements tor the rec-<br />

Boll<br />

WARNIR<br />

Below: View of ..the central hallway leading<br />

to the dining room, showing carved console and mirror<br />

decorated with Malachite urns & bronze candelabra<br />



MONDAY, MAY 24th THRU FRIDAY, MAY 28th<br />

FROM 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.<br />


W~c;yf67idu<br />

To be sold by DuMouchelle Art Galleries, featuring<br />

paintings, Oriental rugs lincluding a 16 It. by 36 It.<br />

Tabrizl. Carved furniture, bronze and marble<br />

ware, silver, china, crystal, unusualantique jewelry,<br />

Jade, Quartz and Carol carvings, etc.<br />

Admittance only by ticket/ You<br />

may obtain your lichl in advance<br />

al Ih. redd.nee on Thunday,<br />

Friday or Salllrday. May 20,<br />

21. 22 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.<br />

SALE at the residence<br />





\ '<br />

(<br />

(I<br />

Thursday, May 20. 1971<br />

Women's Page<br />

Elias-Imhoff Vows<br />

Spoken In Houghton<br />

Parents. of Couple !ravel from Pointe to Upper Pen-<br />

Insula for Rites; Robert Imhoff Gives<br />

his Daughter in Marriage<br />

, . Susan Diane Imhofl became David James Elias'<br />

, bride at an evening ceremony Saturday, April 24, in<br />

St. .Albe.rt the .Great Church, Houghton, where they<br />

.are ~a~ng their home while he continues his studies<br />

t at Michigan Technological University.<br />

~ Her parents, Mr. and ---------<br />

J Mrs. Robert E. Imhoff, of frocks trimmed with white<br />

, Allard avenue, and his par- lace and green ribbon and<br />

,ents, Mr. and Mrs. James carried baskets filled with<br />

:G. E lias, of Moorland yellow daisies and roses.<br />

::drive, traveled north for Best man was Erie Lietz<br />

~the 7:30 o'clock rites which and Ken Pearson ushered.<br />

lwere followed by a recep. The mother of the bride's<br />

';tion at the Chur h H II coat. and dress ensemble wu<br />

" d d' c a fashioned of seamoss green<br />

~an a Inner at Douglas linen. The bridegroom's mother<br />

~House. chos~ a dress and matching<br />

~ The former Miss I mho f f, coat of off.white linen.<br />

:~given in marriage by her<br />

r falber, chose an Empire.walst. Member of the volunt~r ad.<br />

~ ed,. lace-accented w.hite peau visory committee for the De-<br />

't Juliette go.wnfeaturmg a but. troit Institute of Arts Museum<br />

~ terf1y ~a~, an~ an elbow Shop, eurrently featuring cer-<br />

1.1ength Jllusl?n veil. amies, textiles and jewelry by<br />

Honor maid Debbie Radke 13 Michigan craftsmen ill<br />

r and bridesmaid Linda Norman MRS.ROSSWILIONS,of Mus.<br />

; wore-!1oorlength yellow crepe koka road.<br />

25th<br />

\ ~ ~<br />

o R<br />

W<br />

I<br />

D E<br />



20507 Mack Ave. at Beaufail<br />

TU 4-1440<br />

(<br />


~I<br />

i:<br />

i,<br />

, 'i'<br />


Thursd.y, May 20, 1971 ,<br />

Society News Gatllered from All the Pointes<br />

Symphony Society<br />

Meets At Banquet<br />

Group Gathers to Celebr.t. Close of Suec:essful<br />

18th Se.son for Point. Orehestra: N.d Y•• r's<br />

Soloists Art AMou~ed<br />

A record-brtaldna atteftdance with sever.l promi.<br />

nent figures in the ,udience mad, the annual ban.<br />

quet.meeting of the GroMe Pointe Symphony Or.<br />

chestra Society at the Groat PoiDte Yacht Club Wed.<br />

nesday evenina, May 12, a mOlt .pedal OCtuion. Chair.<br />

man of the banquet was Mn. Winfield S. Jewell, Jr.,<br />

assisted by Mrs. SterUDi S. Sanford.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew ,----------<br />

C. Patterson, the Mayor FrelK'b, German and RUIIlal1<br />

of Grosse Pointe Park and 10.,. blterlJllrt.ed witb de.<br />

his wife. and Mr. and Mrs. llptM commeDWy.<br />

Lee Allen, Grosse Pointe A lovel)' V1eImeae love Ion, I<br />

School Board member and WII dediCllted to the DOth Ill"<br />

his wife, 'were also present. niverlU1 celebrant •.<br />

Mr. Ind Mrs. Carel Sellen. Mr. Suezelt orillnated the<br />

raad. of RldremOl1t road, An.Dual il',;roue Poblte Mu.ie<br />

members of the Symphony Feltlval at the <strong>War</strong> Kemorial<br />

Society, m::i'ked their 50th and ha. been ita director for<br />

Weddin, Anniversary by at. mill)' ye.n.<br />

tend In, tbe banquet.meetlJlf, Dr. Robert,Crouen. reUrwith<br />

their daughter and her iuI pre.ident ~the Symphony<br />

hUlband, the Lee Allen., of Soelety, prealded at the. an.<br />

Moron road, Ind their lOll IUlII meetmJ. He announced<br />

and hiJ wile, the Fred Sellen- ~ e.tabliJhmellt of the<br />

rlld., of Frankenmuth. Tboma. Nester' Ketnorill1 Fund<br />

Alex Suezek, .m,er and honariJII ~ founder of .the<br />

guitarist, with hi. wife Mati- OtUt.tra. .<br />

bel at the accardlan provided ~rI. Bo,dan B.lyne.t:t,memo'<br />

entertainment for tbe even- berabJp chairman, reported a<br />

ing, a eol1eetiM of ctj~ membenb!potl 823 for' the I<br />

~ «~~<br />

There's Nothing Like A Fine Colonial<br />



Among Grosse Pointe Symphony<br />

Society members gathered recently at<br />

the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club to cele.<br />

brate the Orchestra's just-completed<br />

very successful 18th season were, (left<br />

to right), Grosse Pointe Park MAYOR<br />

Feolum are a Iar .. ~"'''9raom withfireploce, paneled librory.~i,. MUlscbl.r, kilchen c"'.i'!> " .','<br />

disllwalMr and ow..r con ... n;.nc." b

, Thursday, May 20, 1971<br />

'I<br />

';Women's Page • • •<br />

lossomtime Brunch Goodwill Juniors To Honor<br />

; enefit Set May 27<br />

:P~y<br />

~.'<br />

Will Aid Building<br />

fer, New Home<br />

Program for Sfaplefon<br />

for Senior CHillns<br />

C.n-<br />

~' \ 1 on Detroif', East _ Side<br />

" \ The Friends of the Aged Poor, (formerly Friends<br />

,~of~e Sick Poor), under the leadership of The Very<br />

oRe~rend Monsignor W. F. Suedkamp, have been busy<br />

.'Pla.~ing a benefit for Stapleton Center, the new home<br />

for a,nior citizens on Detroit's Rast Side.<br />

~ Mis. Charles W. Talbot, ---------preHlent<br />

of the Stapleton in order to increase facilities<br />

.. Auxiliary, welcomes mem- available to tha~e in need of<br />

bers and gu("sts to the the Center. B I 0 s 51) m tl m e<br />

Blossomtime Brunch next Bnmeh pcoceeds will aid this<br />

Thunday, May 27, in the buildlDg program.<br />

Grosse Pointe <strong>War</strong> Me- Tickets for the benefit are 1<br />

morial's Fries Auditorium. $6 each. Mis s Rosemary<br />

u rs Charl T Fish J DowDeY. 882.5915. is accepting ...•••..<br />

il.<br />

ch~~an. a:~ her c~ha~: reser\'atiODJ. t'""<br />

man ~s. Emmet E. Tracy --bead<br />

a dediciilit:d group of M' C 'e<br />

women working t" make this ISS orml r<br />

I perfect party. Rrunch at 11 IF.! d I We t<br />

o'cloek will be followed by an ". ens<br />

aftC'.rDOOnof cards.<br />

Mrs. Michael J. Swift and<br />

1(1'1. Richard Mrowczynslti are<br />

in eharge of invitatitlns, mail.<br />

ed earlier in the month.<br />

Priie:l were collected by the<br />

Mesdames L. Verne. Ansel,<br />

Harry J. Mack. Aloysius F.<br />

Power and Jerry J. Flanigan.<br />

Monsignor Suedkamp, rector<br />

of Anmmciation Parish, bu<br />

found a use for the former<br />

P.rish Convent. With a few<br />

alterations it has b e com e<br />

Stapleton Center, a pleasant<br />

Home under the supervisIon<br />

of two I.H.M, nuns.<br />

A building proif'am is plan,.<br />

ned during the coming year<br />

Michelle Ruth Cormier and<br />

Captain Peter Herbert Newton<br />

were married saturday. April<br />

24, at the Post Chapel in the<br />

Presidio, San Francisco, Calif.<br />

A reception at the Officers<br />

Club followed the ceremony.<br />

The bride is the daughter of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. JOileph R. Cor.<br />

mier, 01 Lakeland avenue. '!be<br />

bridegroom, a pilot with the<br />

Strategic Air Command, statiODed<br />

at Barksdale Air Force<br />

Base in Louisiana, is the son<br />

of IIr. aDd )Ira. Preston C.<br />

Newton, of Aptos, Calif.<br />

The newlyweds are residing<br />

in BOssler City, La.<br />

--<br />

mar-£en<br />

01<br />

(Birminoham<br />

. Designer.s of bridal party head wear,<br />

all occasion millinery, u nus tL a 1<br />

cocktail trim.<br />

Alterations on Dresses and Coats.<br />

2nd Floor Merrillwood !3ui1ding<br />

Wo09ward at Merrill<br />

647A7121<br />

7Jf£ I>ur IDQ/c-,n, ~~<br />

k--" .)IOu ~ ~ ~is<br />

.z ~ 7S:- --' e.sy<br />

A~iyk., ~ ~...-..{~<br />

N:oooy' q 7"00 ..Z"-=. 3;" L>-"l-e-~<br />

'JM""". 6~ -~-,<br />

:5I.:..krf ~,dz. ,~ rc./<br />

~I'.:r ~ ~;1' ~~/<br />

/?~ .' #MfIc:uT--~2.'5"O<br />

( ,...,."'r.J<br />

.:S~;Ser-~<br />

'+."iBL<br />

r,..",. '5")<br />

~,~ ;;;p-;'-r...-.re..'<br />

TO ~-~OBe<br />

H.......t ~ . .-- ~ ~ ~ ?*..~<br />

~ __ ~" ~r __ ..;Is/ .......,.~s<br />

Tea for two, or two hundred, poses<br />

no problem for MRS. ROBERT F.<br />

RENTENBACH (center), as plans are<br />

set to open her Beverly road home<br />

for a Monday, June 7, tea given by<br />

the Junior Group of Goodwill Industries<br />

to honor new Probationary memo<br />

bers. MRS. BILL O. BRINK (left) of<br />

Edgemere road, Junior GoodWill's<br />

second vice-president, will be working<br />

St. Clare Ladies<br />

Elect Leaders<br />

Fine family home feoturing<br />

4 large bedroom"<br />

2nd floor fomily<br />

riim 20~x20~, 2 botm.<br />

corpeted bedroom ond<br />

both on 3rd flocr. Laroe<br />

Muhchl .. kitchen with<br />

breakfo.t room, impret'<br />

,i'lf) t,Ying room, reaea.<br />

tion room in be_t,<br />

2~ ror brick ""ached<br />

goroge, 00 .. to .hopping<br />

ce~ta" & Richard,<br />

8rownell 8, St. Poul.<br />

Schooh,<br />

& R0 S$ E P0.1 N TEN EW 5<br />

by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

Probationers Pointer. A.ttend<br />

LWY Gathering<br />

Photo b1 IddIe lIeG...U., Ir.<br />

closely with the new memben, recording<br />

the hours earned by them to<br />

apply to their required 75 probation.<br />

ary hours. During the meeting fol.<br />

lowing the tea MRS. KENNmt M.<br />

REICHLE, of Hampton road, president<br />

of the Group', will announce the<br />

names of comnuttee chairmen who<br />

will work with the newly-elected board<br />

of directors.<br />

Series Options For Symphony<br />

Detroit's Symphony Orches- the ~it Symphoa,. Orche ..<br />

tra has launched the pre-sea- tra at Ford Auditorium. ~,<br />

The annual meeting and SOD ticket eampal.gD for its troit 41221.<br />

election of oUicers of the Arch- 1971.72 SubicriptlOD CoDeertl The Symphony allo ba. add.<br />

confraternity at St. Clare de and has announced the addi- ed stveral works to its pee-<br />

That<br />

825 W.... .-.I A",<br />

POlltlac'11eeIIfteW<br />

f()f' infonll4fton<br />

kitldlr coU<br />

3.11.9203<br />

Meaningful<br />

Touch<br />


TO<br />


,';<br />

~_. • ........ ., .., •• IItIi.<br />

..in party room o'r patio. . .sey.n<br />

white, y.llow or blac~ candles.<br />

with ~rip base •• circled and<br />

suspended by ehram •. ploe.d<br />

arm. set in wood, 36" long,<br />

$10,<br />

LouiN St, ct.ir OAR Honors N•.:* CitiHM<br />

lira. 110111 lV. Dlr"I, re- m.. t.Jn, lilY JO at the Groat<br />

,at of Lou1Ia st. ClaIr CUP- PoJaM <strong>War</strong> II~. IIn.<br />

ter, Dt,uIhten of tIM Amerl. II~D E. Huat ..... ' iaN1elll<br />

IltYolUUoII. wltli lira. lecl a. re"lll<br />

aeora. R. RyckmaD. 01 Rivard Firat v&ee re,eat II .....<br />

~ard, IIn. Normlll L. arue. R. lIaybew, aeeoM viet<br />

Plrker, ol Bedford road, alld re&eDt. IIn. Grut II. 'EvaJlil,<br />

1In. Col'lleUIlI G. Elan. 01 eMplaln, IIn. WUllam C.<br />

IIcMl11u road, pve DAR hell. Jr., rtC«'dia, ,Mere.<br />

ROTC award. to eadetl at tary, IIn. Georl' C. HC)lmeta.<br />

DeDby and O. b 0 r II H II h ter. correlpoed1Dl MftetarY,<br />

Sehooll and atteDded Natural. lliu Gall ArtIler, trealUl'tr,<br />

baUocl CertmOlliel ill Federal Mr,. B. Tbom .. W.yhJq, lII,<br />

DIItriet Court after wbleh the f!Dalleial *retalY. 1In. Har.<br />

Chapter &av, a CODtiaeDta1 old R. Smith, aDd h1Itorlau<br />

brukfaat at Piek Fort Shelby lira. John J. Trudeau aDd<br />

Hotel for 18 Ilewly'Daturallzed \1In. F. 1(. HIDd1ey.<br />

elt1leDl. DJreeton are 1In. HL'"Y'y<br />

At lbe Chapter', lUllll T. BoDIor,<br />

.• , Welcomes YoUt Ttavelling GU\Ji"<br />

20000 ... MILl .... .. ..... - MiItuteI ...... "'- , ....<br />


• HtATED POOl. • COffEE SHe'<br />

• ttAf'IWMoIGS • RIMr .<br />

• NIW saNI .. RIMr .<br />

• CHANOIS eft ..."., Ill.<br />

• WATCH ••. I'iIhef Ill.<br />

• NIW... ..... ....<br />

here's what' happening<br />

ul act';<br />

PI-lPO~RAPWY<br />

partr ... 'I.h..'..... c..... Ia .. ,.<br />

of whit. wrought iron with nine<br />

,hoptly white, y.llow, pink<br />

or block candt., cOlting a liv.ly<br />

Pink, bllCk. yellow or grttn Clndl.<br />

r.fllls, pic" oh 2. 1,110<br />

1ItDA1<br />

SUITIS<br />

•<br />

_~A_ ......<br />

..,.. &<br />

I-<br />

•<br />

Montefalco Parish took place<br />

on Wednesday, May 12.<br />

Elected to the bclard ,of di.<br />

rectors were': Mrs. S. D. Palnzolo,<br />

president; Mrs. James<br />

Barker, first vice-president:<br />

Mrs. AIa Fuger, second vicepresident;<br />

Mrs. Joseph A. SuI-<br />

IIvan. third vice.president;<br />

Mn. Jose Borrego, fouth vicepresident;<br />

Mrs. Leonard Beaution<br />

of a new program series. viously allllOUDcecl repertoire ho.<br />

. The new series will be four .or n-t sealOll and hat made - Itar. Starter wm appur<br />

I' - with the S)'mJlboa7 dlreetecl<br />

informal CoUee C,(04certss~. one change ill lO1oiJt. bJ UIOdate eoDduetar Pierre<br />

sored by the National Bank of CeUlst J.IIOI Starker wiD re- u.... .. -L.'_L<br />

Detroit. S Y m P h 0 II Y patrons plaee vioUnilt Nathan IlDItein, ~ ... 111 a pro.,.m WWCII will<br />

may now eboose 'from seven who hIS euceUed hla entire Inelude the DYoru CoDcetto<br />

diUerent series that raDge U-'ted "'A'A. tour for the eom for CeDo IDCl OreheItN aDd<br />

from II few as four COllCtlrts w .......,., .' straau' "AIIo Spneh Zara-<br />

to th pl. 22 tbllltra"<br />

series~ com M .program For Ponchartrain OAR McHtiou to tbe repertoire<br />

~ursday evening subserip- Meeting Is Tomorrow I iDc:ludt tile Grill CoIleerto for<br />

tJon plan choices Include the PlIIIo IDd Orchestra. to be per-<br />

is moving to their b.autiful<br />

new location at<br />

397 FISHER RD,<br />

fait, treasurer; Mrs.' Jobn<br />

Fannon, recording-secretary;,<br />

Mrs. Ronald Rayl, financial<br />

, secretary, and Mrs. Mary Fal.<br />

lon, correspon

,<br />

':<br />


Thursday, May 20, i971<br />

--------------<br />

Society News Gathered from All the Pointes<br />

Fet. D.It. G.mmls Alpha Chi Ome9.s<br />

The Ea. t .1. d e Evening noon included Mrs. John Mer.<br />

Alumnae Group and the ElSt.1 rlam, table arrangemeng:<br />

side Aft ern 0 /) n Alumnae. Mrs. Nelson Frolund, prbe.;<br />

Group of Alpba Chi. Omega I Mrs. Arthur A. O. Schml.dt,<br />

sorority jOined tOliiether Fri. I serving; lolrs. Thomas Wood.<br />

day. May 14, to entertain loeall ruff, name tags; Mrs. Walter<br />

alun""ae of Delta Gamma Weed and 'drs. David Renl.<br />

sorority. I schier. refref;llments; Mrs.<br />

The bridge-dessert was held I John C. Krato. publicity; and<br />

at tbe Stratford place bome Mrs. Bruce Tock, special pro.<br />

of Mrs. Malcolm Denise at ject for non.bridge players.<br />

1~:30 o'clock. Greeting guests The E a Its ide Afternoon I<br />

With Mrs. Denise was the new. .<br />

Iy.installed Detroit area Alpba Group IS ul.der the leader.<br />

Chi (mega Alumnae president. ship of Mrs. Henry Johnson I<br />

~Irs. James Johnston. of ROl' and the Evening Group is u.n.<br />

lyn road. der the leadership of Mrs.<br />

The committee for the after. Krato.<br />

ultitaricl1IUm: an open, for.<br />

teClrd.look~ rtlillion.<br />

the unitarian church<br />

h4~ c. 'lMltrv" mil'lutl'<br />

11150 maumee at neH<br />

serviee anft ehurch school,<br />

10:30 I.m.<br />

"HEALTH"<br />

Dr. Harry C. Meserve<br />



• IIUe ... ...<br />

Gnue hWe w....<br />

I"Vie.. """ eo ,"""II'" "'"II ....<br />

1:45 A.II.<br />


11:00 A.M.<br />


7:00 P.M.<br />


Rev. Jaek rU:lard,<br />

Interim Pastor<br />

Rev. Robert Radcliffe,<br />

Minister of Christian<br />

Education<br />

St. 'Iul Ev.<br />

Luth.rln Ghurth<br />

c.......... Lilt!...<br />

TU , ...<br />

W. Invlt. You (0 Wol'lhrp<br />

With UI<br />

1:30 Worship •<br />

Sunday School (1-8)<br />

11:00 Wmhlp .II:<br />

Sunday School 'all ages)<br />

.... elM w. ........-<br />

.... L ......<br />

St. :.mes<br />

Luther.n Ohurch<br />

TU 4.0511<br />

8:30 .. 11 '.m. Se",leH<br />

8:30 '.m. iUlld.)' SChool<br />

(Hur.err for Small CbUdr'D)<br />

!t.". Gt.... I. IC... , , .....<br />

Rn. Altr. ,. H.,... ,....,<br />

The G...... PoIMe<br />

eo",reptioftll<br />

Church<br />

240 Challonte at Lothr6~<br />

e:3O a.m. and 11:00 a.m.<br />

Worship Services and<br />

Churcb School<br />

Crib and Kindergarten<br />

Facilities Available<br />


B.v. Ceor,. E. Pruelllltt,<br />

1lI c.~ P.. to.r<br />

Dr. Iloy :a HulcheoA<br />

co.- ,... U.h4<br />


211 Me.- lM4<br />

.... 2I6S<br />

"fIl~<br />

~ A. 1'IIoM4t<br />



ehunb "bool 1M' nur.<br />

sery thru IIIxlh ,n-.,<br />

10:15 Chllreh sehool for Indet<br />

seven thro".b twelve.<br />

Adult ... mln.... .nd ell ..<br />

CUt'lJo1l ,roup..<br />



Church Sehool for IIl1r.<br />

sery thru Kind..... rteD.<br />

'1'" htUIII<br />

Ev. Luther.n<br />

Church<br />

VernIer Ro.d .t Wtdllawood<br />

Dnve. ~ro... Polnle Wood<br />

8M-l5OOI<br />

Church Worthlp 8:30 .. 11<br />

Sunday School 8,30<br />

Rev. P. K.ppler<br />

Rev. DavId Proctor •<br />

'AuL Paltor<br />

SIMich.el',<br />

EpilCopal Church<br />

20475 SUIIIIIII."1tr Perk<br />

G_ ••1... W'"<br />

The Bey. Ild,&r H. Veoman.<br />

Bec!tor<br />

.:00 '.11I.Eueh~rltt<br />

10:00'.11I. Chonl ElIchariat ..<br />

sennoll C h II r e II<br />

sebool-rllftntl thru<br />

Junior Hlih<br />

11:30 a.lIl. Ellchllrlat wllh<br />

Jrymn. and Shon<br />

Ad4rea<br />


[jJresb!Jterian Church<br />

19950 MACK AVE, at TORREY RD. 881t-43QO<br />

Worship Services: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.<br />

Church SChool 9:30 ",nd Adult Forum<br />

7 p.m. senior HI,b.<br />

''Sullt on lb, Rock"<br />

Re':. Gerald E. Blevins<br />


but not too near<br />

64 Roslyn Rd. Open Sunday 2:30-5:00<br />

Posters Promote St. Joan Of Arc Festival<br />

A Poster Conlest initiated keen<br />

competition among the children of St.<br />

Joan of Arc Parish, which serves<br />

Grosse PoLite Woods and 81. Clair<br />

Shores, and provided a gala way to<br />

promote 81. Joan's Second Annual<br />

Spring Festival which opens tomorrow,<br />

Friday, May 21, and continues through.<br />

Sunday, May 23, on the Church and<br />

School grounds in Greater Mack avo<br />

enue between. Eight and Nine Mile<br />

roads. Pictured above with their prizewinning<br />

at work are, (left to<br />

Ama Deus Circle Slates II<br />

Card Perty Next Monday .<br />

right),<br />

M.morlal<br />

Churoh<br />

• - United Presbyterian<br />

16 Lake Shore Rd.<br />

For In!onnatioD<br />

night or day<br />

caU 8'82.5330<br />

Wonhlp Services<br />

aDd Church School<br />

9:30 and 11:15<br />

"A SONG OUT OF<br />

THE FAST"<br />

Dr. Ray H. Kiely<br />

Built by Cox & Baker in 1957. Well maintained. There are 2 Bedrooms up<br />

and 2 down. 2Yz Bathrooms. The floor plan is interlllsting. The pun.led<br />

Family Room overlooks 0 large Patio and well designed gardens.

j<br />

'i<br />

I<br />

'I<br />

:<br />

I<br />

i !<br />

'j<br />

",j<br />

J'<br />

:,<br />

~<br />

Call TU." 2-4900 - J Trunk Li... To Serv. You Quickly<br />

, Yo•., A4I Ca.... ChI".cI<br />


GENUINE Exer.C)'cle, $200.<br />

Call 776.5779 after 12 p.m.<br />

2 ALUMINUM awn1Dp a"<br />

and 102" wide, gOOd COlldl.<br />

tion, $25. 886.8875.<br />

PIANO, Grinnell, spinet, wal.<br />

nut, excellent condition. ~.<br />

884-6048.<br />



ion grade, excellent condl. 3, 108 to 135 mel. aircraft<br />

Uon. Prefer to .ell u .. t, baDd - new eoDdiUon. One<br />

but may 1811 iDdividually .Um.muter exerciser, br.nd<br />

depeadia, oa belt oller, In. new. C.C.li. rowing ma.<br />

cludea 12, 20, 28 and 410. chine. Ilew. Marine Coa8tra.<br />

Can be leen Saturday and volt charger, 12 volt D.C.-<br />

Sunday only. 1lIW-1888. 10. amps, Bulkhead mount.<br />

3 ROOK .12e rull, one blue<br />

l2xl5, $35; 2 light ,old 91(12,<br />

IOX12.$10 and $15; pad, $5;<br />

25 yards gray sbag carpet.<br />

ing $20; air conditioner,<br />

15,000 B.T.U. cools 5 rooms,<br />

one year old $135; Ping pOng<br />

table. $20; antique white<br />

round chair table, $15; Bay.<br />

strom sewing cart. $15. 823.<br />

6821.<br />

SUPER 8 movie camera, electric<br />

eye, zoom lens. Projec.<br />

tor and screen. All complete,<br />

$90. TUxedo 6-0345.<br />



ON "COOL II<br />

C,ARS!<br />

~~R~"W,#,-DA~R.............................$1895<br />

t8~~Ji+~~~ SHARP................. $1095<br />

~i~~:.~ $2395<br />

'69 GALAXIE 500 $2095<br />


'69 GALAX/E 500 ' $2195<br />


'68 GALAXrE 500 $1695 '<br />


.~~b.k~~<br />

'70 CHEVROLET I<br />

IMPALA<br />

Sport Sedon<br />

Air Conditioned<br />

Auto" P.S.<br />

'69 IMPALA<br />

Auto., Air,<br />

Cond., P.S., V.8<br />

'67 CHEYROLET<br />


One owncr, V-8, Auto., P.S.<br />

Vinyl Top.<br />


ADS<br />

DINING roo m table and<br />

chairs, buffet, $150. Red colonial<br />

couch. $50. New moss<br />

acrylic rug, 12x15, self pad.<br />

ding, $45. 886.5361.<br />

MICROMETERS - Keystone<br />

projector, Webcor tape rec.<br />

order, Yardman mower,<br />

wig, check.writer, books.<br />

TU 2-6912.<br />

GOLF CLUBS, Wilson Stafls,<br />

good condition. 4 woods, 9<br />

irons. 1112 Kensington, TU<br />

2.Z6.2S.<br />

~~~r~x~J~~S $'1295<br />

~N1~~~~~~B~~~ : $1895<br />

~~RF~~.~.~~~.~~~..........................$'1695<br />

'68 MUSTANG $'1595<br />


Cook Ford<br />

16801 Mack at Cadieux 882-7787<br />

"You receive more for YOurdol/or ... honestly!"<br />

'70 CHEVELLE<br />

Malibu 2-Door H.T.<br />

V-8, A",to., P.S.<br />

'68 IMPALA<br />

Custom Coupe,<br />

Auto., P.S.<br />

Air Condo<br />

'69 CHEVROLET<br />

-CAP,RICE<br />

Air Conditioned<br />

V.8. Auto.,'P.S.<br />


CHE'/ROLET<br />

15175 E. JEFFERSON<br />

VA 1-2000<br />

WOOD<br />

MOTORSINc.<br />


60 To Choose From<br />

100% GUARANTEE<br />


30 days or 1,000 milesOC'<br />

15351 GRATIOT at 8 MILE<br />

372-2600 PR 8-6400<br />

• Engine, trans., rear axle, front axle assemblies,<br />

brake system, and electrical systems.<br />

Walton, walnut grained, dou.<br />

ble cabinet humidifier, real<br />

quality. New pair KJlel.asl<br />

Blue Star skis, with Nevada<br />

toe, Look heel bindings, slVe<br />

enough lor new pair of<br />

boots. Call during busiDP.sS<br />

hours, Thursday, Friday or<br />

Monday.<br />

889-0350<br />

POKER TABLE, $45; Samson.<br />

ite chairs, $5 each. All in<br />

very good condilion. TUxe.COLORS<br />






6161 Woodward TR 5-0309<br />

MG'S<br />


ETC.<br />

WANTED.!<br />


DATSUN<br />

15200 GRATIOT<br />

DR 2~1777<br />

BUT<br />

BEFORE<br />

YOU BUY<br />

BE SURE<br />

TO VISIT<br />

COFFEY<br />


3180 E. JEFFERSON<br />

LO 7-6811<br />

Free Parking, Drive In<br />

1970<br />


4 DRS.<br />

&<br />

COUPES<br />

5 To Choose From<br />



20777 GRATIOT<br />


PR 2-0200<br />

ELEC'IlRIC roa.ter-eoolter wltJ1<br />

stand, waffle. .rill, hltb.<br />

chair, check writer, UOK15<br />

tire. TU 5-G4I.<br />

B.£LGIAN eryst.l. Val St. Lambert<br />

Service tor 10. wiDe,<br />

,ob let, sherbert, cbamo<br />

pagne. 88f.3'lM.<br />

ANTIQUE &Del rumm •••• Ga.<br />

rage jammed, tablea. full<br />

11auw.I'e. antique.. beam<br />

bottle coUec.1ioD. m.'DJ pia.<br />

dulum clocka. antique tumi.<br />

tur&. clothln,. to)'I. morel<br />

Noon to 8, 'Ibunday tbrouJb<br />

saturday, 23023 Roxana ••<br />

Mil& near Kelly.<br />

rh:w WALNUT portable a"<br />

black and wtJte televlaloa<br />

with stand. TU 4.9ClI7.<br />


rage sale on Saturday, lIay<br />

22. No furniture but loti of<br />

o th e r parapbernalia. 597<br />

Ham p to n Road, Grosse<br />

Pointe Woods.<br />


AUTOGRAPHS wanted! Au.<br />

thors, preaide.nts, etc:. Stamll<br />

eollecUona w.nted. Top $$$.<br />

88lH)437. .<br />

Grand.. Splneta and Small<br />

Uprighta. C~lh.<br />

VE 7-0506<br />

9-YEAR.OLD anxious to learn<br />

plano, would :you bave a<br />

.piDet .t • bargain price?<br />

TU 2.2299.<br />

USED or discarded decoy<br />

duck. Large or sman. 885-<br />

7tH.<br />

SCALE MODEL cars. eady<br />

pla.tic. tin, pot metal or<br />

haw. 872~100, extension<br />

549.; eveninp, 891.3302.<br />

'69 YAMAHA 250 Scrambler,<br />

5,500 miles, $375. Helmet.<br />

Excellent condition. 821-9589'<br />

HONDA !OCC minibike, Excellent<br />

condition, New, 1970.<br />

$195, 821.0486.<br />

1970 SUZUKI T-I25, '50 miles.<br />

Aftor 5. 882.1527.<br />

l1--CARS FOI SALE<br />

'69 ELDORADO, gold.brown<br />

vinyl . top. Low mileage,<br />

$4,400. 773.4978 after f:. p. m.<br />

or Saturday and Sunday.<br />

BUICK, '69, Electra, 4 door,<br />

vinyl top, full power and air.<br />

881.5964.<br />

1964 CORVETTE, 28,000 miles,<br />

ladle. ear. Mint condition.<br />

886.5794.<br />

MERCEDES 280 SL '69, 4<br />

speed transmission, 44,000<br />

mllel. Excellent condition.<br />

For appointment, 491.7200,<br />

PONTIAC, G.T.O.. 1969 con.<br />

vertlble, red with black top,<br />

fully equipped, like new,<br />

reuol'lable. 372.2767.<br />

THUNDERBIRD, '61 conver.<br />

tible. Little rust, $150. 1641<br />

Hampton.<br />

DODGE convertible, '67, auto.<br />

matil~, power steering Zie.<br />

bart, excellent condition.<br />

885,2372, after Thursday.<br />

CHEVROLET, Impala, 1965, 4<br />

door hardtop, air, V.B, pow.<br />

er steering and brakes, tinL.<br />

ed glass. One owner. Needs<br />

minor bump work. $700.<br />

884.95.U after 8, week days.<br />

1970 COUGAR, convertible,<br />

automatic, pOwer brakes,<br />

steering, AM.FM, 'low mile.<br />

age, big engine. Call 881-<br />

8131, 9.5.<br />


Thursd'YI M.y 20. ,1971<br />

Ill-VACATION<br />

PlOPIlTY FOI<br />

$AU<br />



Enjo)' the p1euure of boa\iDs<br />

and swl.mmiDl In the<br />

summer and mowmobWn.<br />

in the winter. OW)' .17,000<br />

for tbJB five room winter.<br />

'bed summer cottale, in<br />

WindJor Park area of Port<br />

"Franks, on Lake Huron. Use<br />

of privat~ beach. Treed lot.<br />

An extra' bulldinl lot at.<br />

tached t~the above property.<br />

Completely t r e e d.<br />

Alkin~ pr~ce $7,500. For information><br />

,: a 11 GEORGE<br />

RICHER. W.D2'f3, are a<br />

eode 519. CANADA PER-<br />


TOR, 361: Richmond Street,<br />

London, ODtario.<br />

12D-LAKE AND IIVEl<br />

PlOPERTY<br />

180' RIVER frontage home.<br />

South C h a XI n e I, Harsens<br />

Island. 8 rooms. 2 batha,<br />

completely furnished. Pan.<br />

eled,' iDsulated. new roof.<br />

New seawaUs, canal, boat"<br />

h~use, tool shee!' Private<br />

road and parldng. 881-2920.<br />


Nea!' Indian River Village<br />

Large ~ets on the river.<br />

High wooded banks.<br />

12D--1.AKI AND liVER !1D-UXE AND IIVEI<br />



bedroom, 1~511q. ft., brick M Tittabawaaee River, t'.;.<br />

home Oil 130 ft. rlverfroot (eUeDt water ak11n. and<br />

lot with a beautiful view; 2 mowmoblle country. $5,000<br />

boat boathouae and dock; doWJI, land contract. PRe.<br />

fireplace In liviD, room; seotU.I503S.<br />

larle famlJ)' kitchenj attached<br />

two ear laralej 2 WILDERNESS VALLEY<br />

bedroom (\lest house DOW NEAR GAYLORD<br />

roted - •• 000. l()'ACRE family tract, wood.s,<br />

e OTHER properties on. the hills, lakes, golf course.<br />


ACENCY<br />

Realtor-St ClaJr-68O'1'<br />

PboDo (313) 3»QOO<br />


Large country home on GreeD<br />

Lake In West Bloomfield. 4.<br />

bedroom plus guest quar.<br />

ters. Newly deeorated. 1~<br />

acr~s of beautifully wooded<br />

property. sand)' beach, pri:<br />

vate lake. By owner, $N,900.<br />

~.8772, 363-8626.<br />



Brick 1 floor Deluxe 2 bedrms,<br />

1~ baths, large attaehed<br />

garage. 90 ft. lot. Deep<br />

Canal take any lite Cruiser,<br />

Direct to River. Porch, bullt<br />

ins, $47,500, $20.000 down'<br />

By Appt.<br />

Professional Men: Elegant st.<br />

Phone.write for information.<br />


, SMIrR<br />

iMA 6-2925 Franklin Village<br />

LAKEFRONT modern cottage.<br />

wge living room with<br />

Cathedral ceiling. UDOb.<br />

structed view of lake, no<br />

Clair 4 bedrms., 2 bathl.<br />

Large Liv. room, large fam.<br />

ily room, Irltchp.n, plus ad.<br />

jacent offices, dock, boat.<br />

port. $69,000. OwIler will<br />

sell on L.C. $20,000 dOWD.<br />

Carpets, Dr ape II, Hou~e<br />

alone worth price. Excellent<br />

condition.<br />

I<br />

steps, stone fireplace. completely<br />

fiimished, completely<br />

JJ)Odern. In Sauthcott<br />

Pines private subdivision.<br />

50 miles from Blue Water<br />

Bridge. InspeCtion this holiday<br />

week.end any t i m e.<br />

Phone Cline Dace, Hyde<br />

Park 471.9410, Wi 11ia m<br />

Dace, Grand Bend 238.24S7.<br />


tiful River front Ranch Type<br />

Brick Home, plus Canal lot<br />

for Cruiser: 2 bedrms., 2<br />

baths down. 2 lxldrms., bath<br />

up, double bOatport, Steel<br />

b.'eakwall, $9'1,000 terms.<br />

Custom made Drapes. Car.<br />

pets. inc.<br />

Choice' St. Cl'.ir River lot:<br />

MARINA SITE OR CLUB' steel breakwall. sewer, wa-<br />

Middle Channel, St. Clair ter, also Large C8nal Lot<br />

River, Harsens Island. Golf included ior dockage, walk.<br />

Course' area. 45 acres. ap- ing distance to shopping.<br />

prox. 1;600 ft. on R i v e r, (The Cape Cod of Algonac)<br />

$160,000, ~ down. Terrific $350 foot. (Property shown<br />

value at $100 ft. No more by Appt.)<br />

like this. By appointment.<br />

'1'. K. TUCKE'R T. K. TUCKER<br />


40117 M.,29 Hwy. 79f..3681 4087.M: 29 Hwy. 794-3681<br />

'Grosse Pointe<br />


SHOREHAM as in the dally' designed Colonial<br />

~ on secluded court.. The<br />

Shores. ,Prime ranch or. harm of the d~corating<br />

the small family deliring ..<br />

luxury in a choice loca. enhances the convenience<br />

d of the floor plan. Most<br />

tion .. T"{o bedrooms an unusual eombinatf9n din.<br />

they are good ones. Pan. ing and. family room with<br />

e1ed library and reereil. .<br />

tionrOOm. Larle screen.- fireplace. Central air con.<br />

ed po r c h overlooking ditioD1ng. 3 bedrooms,<br />

beau~ul garden. Exterior 2~ baths.<br />

newly painted. $54,500. GROSSEPOIN'i'E FARJ(S.<br />

,BY APPOINTMENT Very. high grade Colonial.<br />

• bedrooms,3~ baths.<br />

BEDFOR~. First adver. Walnut paneled library."<br />

Used. Roomy Tudor resi. Recreation roo m. Condence.<br />

Former home of Is<br />

prominent~ull~er. Qual. venient,to schoo .<br />

ity appbint'Hents throu(h. BISHOP. Wellloeated Coloout.<br />

Larle family room nial near "St. Paul. 4 bed.<br />

overlookinlJexqJPsite gar. rooms,. baths. Family<br />

den and landscaped extra room. Well cared for. 75'<br />

lot with :l multftud!! of lot. $50,000. "<br />

f10 w eri n I trees and '<br />

shrubs. Prize rose and VOLTAIRE. Lo.vely Colorock'<br />

garden with a water- nial llolidly, built of Str~n<br />

fall . Steel construction. 5 malO<br />

. bedrooms, 3~ baths. Pan.<br />

. FARMS. Near the lake. eled library. Recreation<br />

Custom buUt. ~e qual. room. Large lot in top<br />

ity. First floor bedroom. location.<br />

Three 1 a r (e bedrooms I<br />

plus two bathrooms on STONEHURST. Appealing<br />

second floor. WalniJt pan. Early American r8!lch.<br />

eled Ubrary with fire. 3 bedroom~, 2 bat h s.<br />

place. Family room. Utll. Large family room. Ex.<br />

ity room. Shake sblngle cellent traffic ~ttern.<br />

roof.: Lawn sprinkler sys- Superior location m the<br />

tem: Well developed gar. Shores.<br />

den. St. Paul's parish. MANOR. F 0 u r bedroom<br />

CHALlI'ONTE Custom built Colonial. 1~ baths. Fam.<br />

EllTly Ame~lcan ran c h ily r~m. Library. Manr<br />

overloOking golf link.. 2 bullt.m features. $43.800.<br />

large bedrooms. Paneled RENAUD. Open the double<br />

library or extra bedroom doors to asp a c i 0 U I<br />

with fireplace. K any F re neb Colonial near<br />

amenities. Lot 100'x21S'. Lake Shore Road. 4 bed.<br />

$84,500. . rooms, 3 baths. Powder<br />

ROL~D IExtra good Colo. room. F I! mil y room.<br />

. I 3 bedrooms 1~ Kitchen wit h built.ins.<br />

~I~h' P neled p d r c h. Patio. Recreation room.<br />

B s. a 2 car attached garage on<br />

$37,500; large "lot with circular<br />

WESTCHESTER, 885. Step drive.<br />

into a charming central. B R I ARC L IFF in the<br />

ly alr.conditioned Early Shores. Intllresting trl.<br />

American bome. 3 bed. level. 3 bedrooms, 2;\<br />

romps. 2~ baths, paneled bat b s. Paneled lamlly<br />

family room. 2 car at. room. Central air.condi.<br />

tached garage. Conven. tioning. Large lot. Special<br />

ient location. Early oc. features. $67,500.<br />

cupancy.<br />

LAKE SHORE. G r a I s e<br />

. MIDDLESEX. Watch your Poi n t e Shores. Better<br />

children walk to school. than new Farm Colonial.<br />

Spacious 1~ story built. Four bedrooms, threl' and<br />

1956. Mdve in condition. one-half baths Including<br />

15bedrooms, 3~ baths of bedroom and bath, ac.<br />

w hi c'h 2 bedrooms and tivities room, exceptional<br />

bath are on fir.t floor. sitting room and utility<br />

: room on the first floor.<br />

15 BEDROOMS. Ubrary. Lot 101x230. Priced at<br />

Sun room, fine recreation $110,000.<br />

room, large Ilvlng room<br />

with natural fireplace. 60 BUCKINGHAM. Nice Colo.<br />

foot lot. Walkin, distance nial. 3 bedrooms, 1~<br />

to' Lake front park and baths. Family room. $39,-<br />

Irrade school. $36,000. 500.<br />


83 XERCHEVAL TU 2-8000<br />

G R'O S S,EP 0 I N TEN EW 5<br />

U-II4L'mATI<br />

FOI SALE<br />


Co.LO'IIAl<br />

1020 DEVONSHIRE<br />

• ~, 2'4 baths 011lpa.<br />

~Ious weU laDdseaped 1I,t.<br />

Central air eoadlUoniDl.<br />

Pdme cozidltioll. Priced for<br />

immediate ~e.<br />

river-vacant lot to " bed- . S. D. PALAZZOLO<br />

rooms - from $18,000 to It's eas)' to reach. 1.'15 to TV li-6lili6 Eve. 821-M08<br />

$80.000. Water. Exit, 3 mile. north '-<br />

l<br />

to Mancelona Rd., 5 mile.<br />

weat.<br />

Phone-write for map and<br />

brochure.<br />


SMITH<br />

M:A 8-2926 Franklin Vilbte<br />


For the tired Executive or reo<br />

tiree profeuionaL 100 foot<br />

of St. Clair', finest river<br />

frontage in the city of St.<br />

Clair." bedrooms, 2* baths<br />

ranch bungalow. Malnte.<br />

nance free., Hllie living<br />

room with fireplace, beauti.<br />

ful wood trim, large kitch.<br />

en with built.ins, sereened<br />

in porch and more, also an<br />

irreplaceable 5l)'xM' boathouse<br />

in 8' of clear blue<br />

water with large open porch<br />

deck. Ideal"for fishing and<br />

to aeeommodate I 35-foot<br />

boat with electric hoist.<br />

Natural sandy beach. aU for<br />

$85,000. Will trade.<br />

No<br />


889-0880<br />

13-IUL ESTATE<br />

FOI. SALE<br />


IF YOU are loo!tinfl for an excetlent<br />

house with a fine<br />

first floor bedroom and bath,<br />

don't fall to see this one.<br />

Ideally Icx:ated, it also eon.<br />

tains a walnut paneled library<br />

with fireplace, garden<br />

room, three. 2nd floor bedrooms<br />

with 2 full bathB and<br />

many other custom features.<br />


TU 1-1100 If no IDS. TU 2'()178<br />

Get Out of Town<br />

Invest in and Enjoy Country<br />

Livinl<br />

Then Farms Perleet for<br />

Group BuYinI<br />

Near Chellea: 1115 acres near<br />

1.14 with frOfttaie on both<br />

sldea of Helm Rd. Exeellent<br />

for investment. Low down<br />

contraet t e r m. availatlle.<br />

Two story Victorian house<br />

on the DOrth parcel. $1,000<br />

per aere. Will divide into<br />

parcela if desired.<br />

Near Gra .. Lake: Sf tillable<br />

acres with better than average<br />

two story three bedroom<br />

bouse. Newly feoced four<br />

acre corral. White board<br />

fence In front. Two amall<br />

barns. Land rents for approximately<br />

$I,lIOO.OO a<br />

year. $lI8,OOO.OO with 25%<br />

down.<br />

Near Wamplers Lake: An un.<br />

common lOll( and narrow<br />

18 acres with private Lake,<br />

beautiful lilLIe Ipruce trees,<br />

fiowflrin( &bruhl, and fruit<br />

trees. Charming well built<br />

twenty year old rancher<br />

with spaeiOUl room. loeated<br />

on the east haIl. A second<br />

bullding site on the west.<br />

$611.000.00 Land contract<br />

terms available. Selling be.<br />

cauae of ill health.<br />

Near ~hester: Just West<br />

near NorvelL A de1llhtful<br />

properi)'. 29.' acrea with<br />

frontage on. a .mall late.<br />

Wildlife plentiful. The boule<br />

is an 1lf year old 3 bedroom<br />

rancher with' pme1ed walk.<br />

out basement. $3%,000.00.<br />

Owner transferred.<br />

Willis Real Estate<br />


517.522-s4s1<br />

/<br />


•.. ' rety on experts. For effeetive real estate results .••<br />

contact OI1eof our consultants listed below for complete<br />

coverage of Grosse Pointe properties.<br />

Merriweather<br />

Road<br />

" 1st Henng.-Loveiy,'"estiabiishlid iielihbOiMod, e'OIiv8nient<br />

to schools and shoppinl, is the right setting for this delightful<br />

Colonial 3 bedrooms, 1~ baths, familT room,<br />

finished basement. lBi car gaNge, aU in excelleftt COIIdi.<br />

tion. Carp!!ted. $39,900.<br />

Want A Newer<br />

5 bedroom Colonial home in a lovely aIde Grosse Pointe<br />

Farms. neifhborhood . . . where )'9ur children can walk<br />

to the Pier or the CoUJItry Club of Grosse Pointe • • •<br />

where transportatio1!. is lesl than a block away ••• where<br />

dad can enjoy hia leisure hours . . • where the entire<br />

family can loin together ill a 21 foot famny room with<br />

fireplace? Then call us '«>day sDd buy this beauty for<br />

$5'1,500.<br />

Surrounded by Trees,<br />

this 4 b4Woom, 2~ bath, French. Colonial residence is<br />

the perfect fr.miIY home for thoee of you who demand<br />

spacious living. Yes, this one has a large den, a terrace,<br />

a breakfast roott:l, 8 recreation roOm, etc .. ' • and a floor<br />

to ceiling huge bay in both tlhe living roob.and master<br />

bedroom. Elementary and Middle school plus the lJ)rary<br />

around the corner. $46,500.<br />

Mapleton" Road<br />

The O';lportunity to purchase a home like this is indeed<br />

a ranty. U you ""ant location, reasonable taxes, mini.<br />

mum maintenance, aU for a reasontble price . . . don't<br />

wait too long to investigate. 5.6 bedX'OOlDl.<br />

Finer Location<br />

for this custom-built Contempo!"YColomal, thin the lovely<br />

Cloverly Road section of Grosse Pointe Farm,s. First<br />

floor bedroom lit bath. dell, etc. good condition. $83,000.<br />

Kensington Road<br />

This location Is also great for shopping, transportation,<br />

and either public or parochial schools. And this 5 bedroom,<br />

31Albath, English home is probably the most houle<br />

for the money available in Grosse Pointe today. Larl1'<br />

lot. $a9.GOO.<br />


THE ATl'ORNEY with more time to practice law,<br />

THE DOCTOR with more tlme to practice medicine,<br />

THE EXECUTIVE with more time to concentrate on his"<br />

business because ...<br />

We apply our daily efforts toward mattas of real<br />

estate In Grosse Pointe.<br />

We invite you to use our services.<br />

Richard E. Borland Mildred B. Kelly<br />

WWiam R. McBrearty Don Perrle<br />

Lee Jenks Grylls Marian Hennecke<br />


•<br />


395 Fisher Road Realtors TV 6-3800<br />



FOI SALI '<br />

,<br />

CONTEMPORARY Irt)' brick<br />

6-level. • bedrooms, Z~<br />

batb.s, fam11)t room, utWty<br />

aru. CeIItral 'air COAdiUon.<br />

1nI, electric air deaeer,<br />

sprillJder Iy.tem, tsa,ooo.<br />

$bon bl appobltmellt, l~<br />

Yorktown. Call 881-1831 or<br />

•• 11N ..<br />

BISHOP RD. Charminl 3 bed.<br />

room ranch, 3 batb.s, larlle<br />

famil)' room overlooldDg a<br />

beautiful view of the lake.<br />

Immediate occuplncl.<br />

HAMPTON RD. Move.in eon.<br />

ditioD, lllht cheery interior,<br />

3 be

:1<br />

!<br />

j,:;<br />

:.~<br />

'';<br />

;';,<br />

I .'.<br />

I<br />

\ "~,-'~.<br />

;j I<br />

'''' Twenty-Four<br />

11 'IAL ISTATI<br />

JOI SAI.I<br />

STOP<br />

111I5 E., WWiaIlll Ct. New<br />

oII'riaI. Lar.e brick rueh.<br />

Bedroom u4 full bath up,<br />

lit ftoor lallDdzy room, 2<br />

bedrooIu, 11.\ batlu, ..,tra<br />

lar~ k1teheD. famU)' room,<br />

lIbralT tlreiU~, also .IIlllY.<br />

lq rOom, overabed 2 ear ,ara'l'.<br />

Priced to .. n. OpeD<br />

&aDday. 2.5 for appolJltmeDt,<br />

call "1110.<br />

ANIEL<br />

BY OWNER, 3 bedroom brick,<br />

Jar,. roolU, Groue Po1Dte<br />

Part, $32.800. TUJIU av.lIable.<br />

LA 1.2453.<br />

lJ-1IAL ISTAn<br />

FOA SALI<br />


CIRCLE<br />



3 bedroom 1N'idI: raDdl. N;.<br />

tural fireplace, DeWlT ear.<br />

'j ~.' " , , •• '.. '. • . ..'. • •• -.<br />

lJ-aIAL ESTATI<br />

FOI SALI<br />

743 BERKSHIRE<br />

J:qliah T\&dol', • ta.drooIIII. ••<br />

MllQeh1er k1tcMa. famU1<br />

room, )1"11 eupetecI, Me.<br />

OI'atecl.<br />

peted, 17' kitehea, famIl)' ALGONAC. ST. CLAIIl<br />

room, ll,i batlu. fJn1abed RIVD CIlU18ER OWNERS<br />

ba .. meDt. 2 car ..... ,.. Profeulonal Mea, 1M ID1 ad<br />

Prieecl to 1111. 12 D, Lake ud River froat-<br />

CHOINIERE ale.<br />

T. M. TUCXIJl<br />


m-laa 4IJII7 M 2r .H.y. 'l'M-M81<br />

ST. CLAIR - Four bedroom<br />

TowDhoule, new kite1te.a,<br />

powder room-,.,. ... ..,<br />

fiIwlebll.<br />

JOHNS.<br />

II<br />

.' .,." .. "' '.<br />


llALUTATI<br />

POlIAU<br />


HOME<br />


THINK OF<br />

TAPPANt,<br />

NEW OFFERING .. , .<br />

Will maintained 4. bedroom, 2 bath eolODia1, fami1)'<br />

room, recreation room, Z c.r lat •• e.. Silu4,teet OIl larle<br />

lot Dear an .chools. Priced under $40,000. OPEN SW'l-<br />

DAY 2 to $. . '. .,<br />


Bunt and clellined. by Alber't KaIul, one of oW' outataDd.<br />

in. residence. in th1J eommuaity. a beciroom.s, 4~ bath<br />

Georllan Colonial featuring lpleious foyer w/ltalian<br />

marble l100r and circular stainn" with view of the like<br />

rrorn evfly room. Perfect eonditloD, eltqulalte c*oratiDl.<br />

Kay we arrallJe a perlOM1IIecI appolDtmeftt for you<br />

DOW?<br />

TAPPAN<br />

10 Kercheval<br />

884-6200<br />

,<br />

Cuterbwy, 714, .08 tIM court<br />

elf Monlllllalde, Dlar LIa.<br />

.tit aDCl FelT)' 1eIlooII. .l<br />

,.. r tId 4 bIUoom ~.<br />

eeetral air, iMi baUII, f1rtt<br />

Goor ma.tel' bedroom, .... ,<br />

famiIJ room, ftttt ftoor lau.<br />

dr1 roolll, 2'041ear attaclMcl<br />

prill OIl a larIe, beautiful.<br />

b' ~.ped lot. B, owaer.<br />

",100. Lud eoDtraet availal*.<br />

.<br />

.. ' ~ ' " • .-' .. '._ ' • .1"" .', .• -;.i.~ - ...<br />

1J-a1AL UTAn<br />

FOR SALI<br />

LAXEl'BONT - Spaelow cu•.<br />

tom-built hoa.. a bedroom.,<br />

2 batlu, famUy room, lar.e<br />

aueeDtcl poreb, attached , ••<br />

r.... electric opener. Sea.<br />

waU, boat. boW .•. "55.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />

.,. MIDDLESEX.-A maje.Uc<br />

home f« lusury ltvlJl, OD<br />

ODe ol the flDelt .treeta iD<br />

GoP. 4 iledrm •. , S~ b.lbI,<br />

famDy rm. Heated pool aad<br />

c.baaa. Tb.IJ home alllwe,..<br />

yes to all 1OW' dulrl'.<br />

~ NOltTON Ct. -- Charm.<br />

111I S bedrm. eoIoalal with<br />

falll1ly rm. 011 secluded cul.<br />

de-u~. o!f Torrey Road.<br />

HARPER WOODS-2 bedroom OPEN SUNDAY 2:10-1:00 .... 100 ,lCv .......<br />

brick, lira- kitehea. famUy RIVA:IlD.103-lA The aty- 1M NOTtE DAJU: _ I bedroom<br />

~, fireplace, I" .... w.. Uu ._.1. U.. '<br />

rale, Jart. Jot. 1M) AnIta. _II ~ e__ &or.....- room CoIoIUal, a ear pra...<br />

IN THE Farma. 2M Rldle.<br />


1IlOIIt. ~ bedroom rue h. Air<br />

TV "'11. Opea Saturday. bedroom ColoDial. ()ptD SuDda)' W. .... 111<br />

Swlday Zof room aDd diD1q room ear- ,<br />

WAUlINGTON ROAD. Alar,.<br />

eoadiUoDecl, f.mU)' room, , • petiq lik. .... V\'-4ated ~ ... tIaiI tree-u~cIed lot eahuee thJI<br />

Mutschler 1dtebeD, 2 fire.<br />

l'OOIIIl1 S-bedrUl. buIl,.low,<br />

plaeft. Opea 2-5 Sunday. CROSSE PO INTE kitebeD. J ftrep1aees, ~ "_ 10 n91DllO rooe ...<br />

atiOll rooas. Pric!M to leU. IioIl tbt 11 .. with I'Jorida lm., fill. bimt.<br />

Owaer, 1N451.<br />

MID)' FARMS PRESTWICX 1732 _ J:xeltinl come true. IIaQ fIM f . emu.<br />

NEWBERRY PLACE Offeriq-NEW kitehee - buw .Iae~ J ear 'UI" WILCOX 884-3550<br />

Stately Geortiu CoJoalal with the ODe 701l bve al.. ,. .... apartmeat,<br />

fine view of the lake from dreamed about. NEW driY'l' LAlClCSHOJU; DaIVZ - Ex. OPEN SUNDAY z.S -'.<br />

mUJ l'OOlIII.I. Muter bed. WI)', NEW decoratlDl -- qldatw, apedou. aM pIuIb BI owaer. 21011 HuotIDltoG. 3<br />

room .\&1&8 with Iar .. IlttiDI Three bedroollll, 1~ baths. eo.1oDlaI. NiDI roollll .f1ft bedroom" 2 batha, famUy<br />

room (dellped for use u Floe P10rlda room. bednaalI, fl,i 1latbl U4 3 room, 2~ ear garage. Elltra<br />

hedroom, if deI1red), clreu- BY APPOIN'!tfENT ONLY car ,ara.e.I'1nt" utility tar,. Iot....... 5138.<br />

Iq r')()m .ad bath, S addle ST. PAUL _ UDUlIlI1lJ larte room • 5\lperlat1Ye 10<br />

Uoaal bedrooms aDd Z baths, 1'OOIIII.J JII'OvJde INIt famllJ every cSrltaIL WILLOW TREE l)LACE<br />

:~=::.~e:y, Uv1Jll m tbe four bedroom HOL.IDAY-Near Coot Road. OWNER. Spadoua home, .tepl<br />

WOODS LANE, 1002. EleJaDt<br />

ill every detail. Muat be<br />

viewed to 1M an the Ixtr ..<br />

t1WI 4 beclroom euat.om bW1t<br />

lIome Au to oI1er. SpeeJoUl<br />

fOl'mal cl1D1D1 J'OOII!, family<br />

room with f1re1»laoe, flrtt<br />

f1cor laundry 1'0(111II., eouotry<br />

kitcbeD with bu.Ut.iDI. excel.<br />

1eftt tIooJo p!aD. central aireoaditloohlc,<br />

2 ear attaebed<br />

,ua,e. can lor appoint.<br />

mellt today. OpeA SUA. 2.<br />

5;30.<br />


Realtor<br />

20141 lIack Ave.<br />

11I-3210<br />


OFFERS<br />

A FOua STAR FIRST OFFERING on TOIiralDe Road.<br />

'I'hi.t llOl.to-oId CoIODill bas four bedroolllj aDd tbree<br />

.ud a IWt baths pJua • llbl'll:')' with lIreplace IJld<br />

f.mily room. It WOD't Jut, so hurry ud call \&I.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5:00<br />

320 TOURAINE COURT-FiDe .traditiaaal three bedrclom<br />

CoIODiaI of dlaUnetion in presti,e .rea. Fireplace .Ill<br />

mister bedroom, excellmt ltoN,e areu, two IDd 'a<br />

balf batbl. Be.utifully laDdIcapeel .ullet' .prdea Pd<br />

paneled den are • few of the advulaJe' of tht. qual.<br />

ity home. Priced ill the middle SO's.<br />

27i KERBY ROAD-UDder ffO,OOO will deliver this fer.<br />

rl.fic four bedrooms, two bath. into your bIDdI. It'.<br />

spotless and It jUlt c.n't lut much ICUle~t. .Be .ure<br />

.nd see t!lIJ ODe.<br />

'20 BAllCLAY-Leavill, toft ~litatel the owner to<br />

sell thiI fiDe tech. AMther .,ftll.kept firlt. There are<br />

three bedrooms aad two batb!, plua mauye¥lnl •.<br />


AUDUBON, 1137 .•• lee "dIJpI.y ad" ,500<br />

BUCKINGHAM, 1011 • ; • Five bedtoollU,<br />

aDd three aDd a half baths, Library ",800<br />

COLONIAL ROAD Six bedrooms-family<br />

room .- ".; .,&00<br />

CRESCENT LANE. 930 .•. Three becirooml,<br />

two baths, famUy room : ;, $48.600<br />

LAKEPOINTE, 7'" .. , Five bedrooms,<br />

and library $55,000<br />

LAKESHORE DRIVE, 901 .•. Four bedroomJ<br />

and family room : 181,000<br />

LAKESHORE DRIVE Four bedrooms I'Ild<br />

libr.ry _ ., Cll11<br />

LAKESHORE DRIVE .•. $ix bedrooms,<br />

library and tamUy room -'-..: CAn<br />

LEWISTON, 233 •.• Six bedrooms, library<br />

and family room '119,110O<br />

LINCOLN ROAD. 295 •.. Two bedroomJ , $0,500<br />

P.ENAUD ROAD, 520 Six bedrooms,<br />

f'mBy room, library $165,000<br />

RIVARD, 331 .•. Five bedrooms, and Iibrlry $30,500<br />

RIVARD, 31M•.• Four bedrooms and modem<br />

Jdtchen $53,000<br />

SHOREHAM, 840 Two bedrooms ,,",llOO<br />

SUNNINGDALE, IM7 Three bedroom.<br />

• nd family room $G,5OO<br />

WASHINGTON, 836 .•. Three bedrooms<br />

«nd library _.._ ,500<br />

LAKESHORE DRIVE ..• Seven bedrooms,<br />

library. family room _ C.1l<br />

Mory F. Schloff<br />

Jom.. P. Oonaf\.,<br />

Morlon J. Bode<br />


HARPER WOODS-21617 NewcasUe-A ,em. A reI!<br />

slarter bouse. 3 bedrooms, 2 car ,.r',e and c.rpetln,.<br />

Under $30.000.<br />

DETROIT-I4661 Cedargrove-chsrming Duteh Colo-nial<br />

with three b&drooms, modernized kitehen 'lrith<br />

reeeRsed lighting. The owner has added m'IlY 1l1t"<br />

fe.tures ineluding a new 21,i car garage, Ilew roof,<br />

new furnace, ann much more. A perfeet borne for the<br />

youn, f.mily or retiree because there I. notbl.Dg leU to<br />

do.<br />

MT, CLEMENS - Glaea,Mora - Flah rI,ht out tbe front<br />

door. A fine three bedroom, ll,i bath tri.level on be.utiful<br />

canl! lot. C.1l lor detaUa.<br />

PURDY & ASSOC.<br />

889..0500<br />

Cloyton C. Purdy, Jr.<br />

~1o~<br />

Jllcou. A truly out.taDdJal r.aeb. l"1replaee ill Kuter UD1que I, beclroom brkk from Shore. Park, 4 bed.<br />

realde.Dee with elreu1lr drive. bedroom. CompartmeatiMd rudl priced ta the 30'.. rooma, 2V,a baths, .tudy,<br />

central air f:ODd1ti01l1J1.1, love.. blths. Secluded ,ardft dd ~ area u4 a lovely ~~~:mM~~~~<br />

1)' formal,arden with sprint. exWDaloa ol !1orilIa room. -. ~ Ud G. P. kitebell, carpetIDac .Dd dra.<br />

ler .,stem. 9wlWII. b, aPO ,FAIR ACRES--ArrIUllld fo1' NGIiIl.....' . pea thloUIhout. $11,500. _<br />

po1nt.meDt oaly. ' three IeMratioll liriq or N. BRYS.!1nt oft....,. Beall' 21107.<br />

KARL D ,AV IES pesta. Perfect decor. Pu- Wull badroom llrick raach.<br />

M eUeG Ubtary, IUIlIIJ famiJ1 Formal 'diDJac room plu J'OUR-BE~ROOM Colonial, by<br />

TU 5-3220 room. Six bedroomJ. P1ua 'flllli17 room .. Central air, ) owner. OIl private lake, 25-<br />

,.r.,e apt. ".etJhouse. f1aIJhed bill".. 1111I)' Mile IDe! Shelby area, Ma.-<br />

• ......., ........_ 100.l.m...,.<br />

Oorottly Meek.r<br />

Sue Meoow'" Adelberg<br />

Borbara Davit<br />

WINDMILL POINTE DlUVE .......... .- •...-.<br />

-Just .Ix yeara )'OWl'. De.,WHIl1lElt -.A I'Ielcl built FOUR .BEDROOJlb 0 J11. e .<br />

ligoed with muter'J for qlWltJ. bedrooIa Co1oDIal. ' Jlu,lIebler kitchen, two full,<br />

comlOl'tlb1e liviq IIId ex. 3 fall, .a., famll1 l'OOIII, a~ ba~. Ba~emfJllt reere&citln.<br />

cotertainmellt &real. forma! cIJIaIq room. ee-- t10Il ..room 91th lOCIa bar.<br />

"I bedroo... pleteIJ ftIl!IIMid ba..... -.oM.<br />

DN'WOOD-OutatandiDC 10- ~~~ BARCLAY, 401 - FanM. CelleatiOD<br />

and park-like ~ -,,-. ~ eu traD, air eonditioDed, 3 bed.<br />

provide priv.cy for tbe be made fl'OID .1 to 4 p.m. room, 2 bath ruch with<br />

bU"ODi.1 home. Slat Ooored HAWTHOJlNE.-Larce 1eIIli. briek patio off .mall paDeled<br />

,ucIen room OpeDI to a rue1L JIiIlt eoaditiaD c.. deD.Gu he.t. 2 ear garage.<br />

. bower1. of ~. QuIet tral air eoDd1tioaiq...4 becl. Priced UDder S50,OOO.<br />

, 1ibnrJ!n ~ ~ rooms. J.fuU batlll, l"iDJah. CALVIN, 4e3 :.... Near Maek-<br />

'WOODLAND SHOJli:s _ ,TJi., eel ]).a..... ,., Puml. Cultom built, .'1J;i<br />

leyel dream With outltaDd- r...AXJSHOU; I.AN&-A IIWlY rtory !Jome with 5 bedroom.,<br />

iDa' famn, roOm... T!lree ~. boue. u you zv.. bat h.. ConveDient to<br />

bedrooms •. two 'batha uCI WIDe • run, aD1arIaI home .ehoo1a., EJece ent buy at<br />

TWOpo~ rOoms. that proricIea eftI'1lmaJ1A. .,!IOO. OD land eODtract<br />

ablct ClClDiealeace ~ • • we oaly.<br />

.NEFF ROAD-:La.... comer ha,,' -t h F .<br />

Jot proride ..... 'cceu to 0Wle.. our OI'HOLLYWOOD, !eO - Exeel.<br />

~-# five bec1roomI, famD1I'ClC111.', lelit ruc:h 9D dead eIid<br />

new ,ara,e.Two l.nUI)' cllll, . Z .tIrepj.ac:a!. I batM, • t r e e t. 3 bedroom., 1v..<br />

=.~,~'IlI :: central air, CbanDiDI JteIIh- baths Did extra bath in<br />

"/~"PU'lte d1a. borbood. ' bue~eftt. Llrle kitchen Ie<br />

m, rooDia. Unuaual ttora,e ~Alaume the mort. eat i D• are••. Carpeting<br />

areu. ' PIt .. thlJ1IeI Xlm'broulh throqbout. Paneled reena.<br />


• terehet:1! -.-0 886-4260<br />

ANOTHER NEW OFFERING •. ; " . ",<br />

Splek and span 3 bedroom raaebWttil den or .4th bed~<br />

::~. ~O::e ~n:;~~=:llI!d GJ,'Oue Pointe lfiIh<br />

IN THE PARK ••.<br />

Newly decor-aled 3 bedroom, 1~ bath En,liIh, q1liek pOI.<br />

&e .. lon, priced at .,800. Updated e~ kitdlea, 2car<br />

,.rale. ' ,<br />


Located Mar all ac:hoolI, exeel1eat tarnUy home, with 3<br />

bedroolDl. aDd 2 bl,tlu. down, plus 2 bedrooms aDd bath<br />

up, room,. kltebell with blt-~. PriCe l'edu~. ' "I •<br />


Step iDto another wllt!d, "aetieallJ lIeW a 1lledl'oom~ 2~<br />

bath condominium, THE BERKSHlIlES,wlth Itudy or<br />

4th1ledroom, ~ eoDd1tiolIed, .-I ,offerbl, aU Ute CODveDieneM,<br />

,~ • beautiful h!lme, tro\lbl, free.<br />

UNDER $40,000 •.•<br />

3 bedroom faeebriek ranch with a~ ruaP, -cirpeted<br />

living room, diJWlg "L". beauutul IdteheD Cabin. aDd<br />

ell:tr•• lar&e breakfast are«. Covered terrl~ ud Iarae<br />

reereaUon room.<br />


4 bedroom., 2~ balbi, beautifully c'rPeted' and dr.peel<br />

with .tep-Gown famil, room wlflfeplace. Chatmlni exterior,<br />

sharp mterlor. OWner 'leavin, toWll, prlted ae.<br />

eordiD.ly.<br />

WINJ»IILL POINTE •. \'.<br />

Executive'. 4 bedroom, 3~ bath colonial wlthS u.w1'l1<br />

l!replaed, ricbJy paneled library. Large lot, tIOllveDlent<br />

to everythilll. Immediate posqalon.<br />

" b1Jllt, tJu'eebedroom 2~ bath tioIl. 2 car attached ,arage.<br />

CoIoaial with J. ear au.dJeci KENSINGTON, lCNO - Now<br />

~"door~ :,fami1r room at a reduced price. Delight-<br />

W'IUI ... to. beautlful ful famJl1 room with.5 bedpatio.<br />

A terrific 1MtJ at roo~ S~ batha. Large U-<br />

_.DOG. ' br.ry ,. reereatioDr 0011II.,<br />

larte Itora.e attic::; Large<br />

Silloway & CO.<br />

884-7000<br />

. .. I .<br />

~--- --_._._-_ ...~-_.~- ...__._--_.-.- -~'..;..--:-.-----'-.;-r-~.-..- '---'-- -- --<br />

• ara.e for bikes. Econom.<br />

ical ,as he.t.<br />

ROSLYN, 191 - Iv.. story<br />

briek. 1 bedroom and bath<br />

down, plua 2 bedrooms and<br />

bath up. Library, ree. room,<br />

earpetiag. Enc1ole4 terrace.<br />

2' eu ,ar.,e. 70:d50 lot.<br />

C10Ie to .cboola.<br />

Realtor<br />

U-lIAL mAn<br />

F~ SALI<br />


OPEN DAILY 3.7<br />

1118 DevODlb1re. 3 bedroom<br />

brlek. Z balbJ, family rOOlll.<br />

Centr.l .Ir. Va can t LIC<br />

avanable.<br />


TtJ usse Eve. 821-M08<br />

FLAT-GrosH Pointe Park, S<br />

aftd 5, $21,000. Euu more<br />

thaD 10'!o. 114,3951, _.~.<br />


bedroom CoIoDlaI with provl.<br />

sloOl fOl' fourth. F.mily<br />

room with (uep1ace, new<br />

k1tcbea. reerutioa room, exeellent<br />

pub 11c, parochiaL<br />

•ebools. Prlv.te park facill.<br />

.tie.. 18H028.<br />


OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 TO 5<br />


20888 HUNT CLUB - 3.bed.<br />

roombriek buncalow, air.<br />

eoaditioned. 2'Cli' garage.<br />

VacaDt.<br />


881-6800<br />


718 MIDDLESEX<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 3-5<br />

Custom En,liIh. 3 large bed.<br />

room., 2V,abaths and smaU<br />

m.ld'. room wIth bath<br />

(eould be 4th famIlY bed.<br />

room). LIr.e paneled fam.<br />

ily room with fireplace, paneled<br />

den. fiDe kitchen with<br />

appliaDCIS and lood br~k.<br />

fast .re•. Ceatral air condi.<br />

tioning.<br />


(ShOWD by .ppointment)<br />

Spaeious older colonial OD lot<br />

1O'x180'. 5 bedrooms, sun.<br />

room, updated kiteheo, first<br />

floor lavatory, side drive.<br />

Ideal for larle family and<br />

only $40,000.<br />


TU 5-3220<br />


FOIl SALE<br />

HOLLYWOOD, aZ3 and 1163<br />

New 4.bedroom Colonials -<br />

.,000 to $58,000.<br />

Model Homes OpeD DaUy<br />

LLOYD MARKS ".7.11<br />


FARMS<br />

KUIR ROAD, ne.r Kercheval.<br />

Short walk to "The Hill"<br />

shops, older but updated 3<br />

bedroom bome. Colored bath<br />

fixtur"., furnace, electrical,<br />

plumbin" sewer. .nd e:ar.<br />

pets III DeW. Jalousied front<br />

porch. FHA OK. PrIce re.<br />

dueed, owaer 'Dxious.<br />


PARK<br />

BARRINGTON, 2 blocks off<br />

JeffersoD. Older, stalely 4<br />

bedroom, Dutch Colonial, 1<br />

bedroom down, 2 full baths,<br />

full dininl room, den, up.<br />

dated kitehen, rec. room,<br />

walk.in closets, very clean<br />

home. Price reduud.<br />


REALTY<br />

On A:11y Listing-Call Us<br />

884-7T33 713-T820<br />

NEW CENTER entrance Colo.<br />

Dial, beautifully paDeled and<br />

carpeted family room. GeD.<br />

eral Eleetric kitchen, library<br />

or 5th bedroom, living room<br />

• nd dinlne room, 2 fire.<br />

places. Second Door hIS 4<br />

large bedrooms with walk.in<br />

closets, 2\o!lbaths, 19t. JlDen<br />

eloset. Tiled b.semeDt and<br />

,ara.e opener. Nr. ae:hoo".<br />

Frank Hayden Builder, 886-<br />

1339.<br />

LAKEFRONT property, St.<br />

CI.ir Shores, with canal in<br />

rear, dr.sUeally reduced for<br />

quick sale. Best offer. }i'or.<br />

more information, call<br />


'771-8906 or 777.2042<br />



SUNDAY 2.5<br />

FOR SALE by owner: Modern. 838 Notre Dame<br />

ized large Colonial. Draper. You must come in to appre.<br />

ies, carpeting. breakf:st eiate the generous size of<br />

room, fullalzed dining room, this 3 bedrOOlft, 2v.. bath, air<br />

enelosed poreh, Ilk baths, conditioned, brick bome.<br />

3 tWIn sized bedroolllS. dust 1620 TORREY _ Center en.<br />

poreb, " .1king distance trance farm C 0 Ion i a I in<br />

Ric:hard, Brownell. Grosse Woods. Large living room<br />

Pointe South and Austen. with wood.burning fireplace,<br />

_Idkinl' $38,000. 451 Me. large formal dining room,<br />

XiDley. TU 1-15M. updated colonial kitchen with<br />

GROSSE POINTE PARK. 1039 eating area. 3 bedrooms,<br />

Devonahlre. 5 bedrooms and bath and half. W'.Jite pine<br />

f.mily room. Lot l00'lLl67'. pan e led recrell.tion room.<br />

Shown by .ppointment ooly. Prieed for quick sale, and<br />

c.n 822.55~. early possession. Open Sunday<br />

2-5 or by appointment.<br />

CHALFONTE 333-1 bedroom 886-2453.<br />

brick rancb. $36,900. Owner. HARVARD, 1002, oU Jeffer.~n.<br />

OpeD afternoons. ....<br />

Colonial f..bedroom plus Ii.<br />

661 WASHINGTON RD. - Ilr.ry and family room.<br />

Center hall ~riek colonial, Spac1oul! well.landscaped lot.<br />

a bedroom" recreation room Private .... 939 or 963-9107 •<br />

and den, 3 b.th, 2 half baths .. 1899 NORWOOD, 4 bedroom<br />

EKeellent loc.tlon, close to<br />

.chools aad sbopping. Pric- colonial with famIlY room,<br />

ed in low $5O's. By owner. built.ilu, 2 car g.rage,<br />

Can 885.5054 for appoint- $41,500. Open Sunday 2-5<br />

ment. p.m. Call 884.59H.<br />

TU. 4-5700<br />

FAIRWAY, DRIVE, 20068 -<br />

.Lar,e ranch, 3 bedrooms,<br />

2'041baths, large family room,<br />

attae:hed 2V,a-cargarage, carpetlDg,<br />

.ir cond1UOIliJIg,pa.<br />

tio, 90x135 lot. Open dally •<br />

c.n B81.N88,<br />


FIRST OFFERING-Storybook Cape Cod, 2 bedroom.,<br />

den, lJ1auecl porch, 3 car gar.ge, belutiful Ylrd.<br />


FIRST OFFERING-IN THE FAliiMS a most desir.ble<br />

ranch, 3 bedrO'Jm., den 0:: 4th bedroom. 2 baths,<br />

. Florida room, centraUy air condiUoned, .ttaehed<br />

I.ra,e, eJetrl nice landscap!nl.<br />

SHYS 880 N.-PRICE REDUCTION on this better th.n<br />

De" 4 bedtoom., 21,i bath colonial. A decorator'.<br />

dre.m kiteb~n that puts pleasure into cooking, with<br />

In adjoining aU purpose family room for informal<br />

entertaining. King .ize walkin closets witb .pace<br />

ior more th'n just your e:lothes.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2"5<br />


POINTE; 3 bedroom, 1~ bath aU brick eolonial.<br />

Neat and tidy describes this house. Immedi.te<br />

oeeupaney.<br />

HAWTHORNE il"7-PRICE REDUCED on tbl. excel.<br />

le1\t 3. bedroom colonl.l, F.mily room with raised<br />

Jiearth, . new earpetlng, centrally alr.eonditloned,<br />

sixty foot lot. Out of tow., owner must .ell.<br />

MEADow LANE 04-Newer 3 bedroom center entrance<br />

colonial on ehanning dead end street. Move In<br />

comiUon, one .nd a half tile baths, breakfast nook,<br />

excellent storage. One bloclc to schools, shopping<br />

and bu••<br />

RIDGEMONT 2M-A surprisingly spacious interior Is<br />

• joy in thl. three bedroom, 1>.tb and a h.lf colo.<br />

m.l. The w.lnut p.nelled family room, large living<br />

room and earpeted modem kitchen, make Hvlng<br />

euy. Ju.t • short walk to Xerby 8ehool for the<br />

young one's. SEE THIS TODAY.<br />


8 un1tt in the beart of Grossl! Pointe, almost new and<br />

III. prime condition. Close to Vill.ge shopping and<br />

pubUc tran8portation. Never I v'caney. This is •<br />

rare opportunity to InVe8t in one of the few Grosse<br />

Pomte buUdJnp of sueh fine quality. ACT NOW,<br />

c.ll u. for .11 finaneial aDd pertinent details.<br />

es. __ crt_<br />

-STOP<br />

1337 Sunningdale Drive, across<br />

from Lochmoor Golf Course.<br />

,As niee of a ranch that you<br />

can find, has 4 nice bedroomi,<br />

2V,a bath, nic~ new<br />

Idtchen and living room, fire.<br />

place, sl!parate dining room,<br />

nlee t err ace overlooking<br />

y.rd, lOOx240 lot, reereation<br />

room, fireplace, 2 Ittaehed<br />

,arage. For appOintment<br />

call 886-1190.<br />

ANIEL<br />


Would you prefer to .spend<br />

this swnmer at Lochmoor,<br />

the Yacht Club or Bayview<br />

rather than cut grass and<br />

paint? Then sleep thru<br />

those hot summer. nights<br />

th.nks to eentralalr condi.<br />

Uorringl And wouMn't It be<br />

nice to combine all the<br />

benefits of a Townhouse<br />

with the many economic ad.<br />

vantages of a home' ... in<br />

a location just a short walk<br />

to the village • • . for less<br />

lban $36,000?<br />


$30,900!<br />

Ideal for the family on a<br />

budget looking for a house<br />

In move.in condition close<br />

to schools and the Village.<br />

Why not see for yourself?<br />



The mint condtition colonial<br />

'h.s everything a bargain-minded<br />

buyer would<br />

dream of:<br />

• 3 bedrooms-Biz balhs-<br />

Ubrary<br />

• Excel1l:nt decor-2~<br />

car garage<br />

• Immediate occupancy<br />

• Possible 10% down<br />

payment<br />

• Two blocks to schools,<br />

parks & shopping<br />

• JUST $28,500.<br />

Strongman l<br />

Kelly<br />

6- associates<br />

889-0800<br />

Thursday, M.y 20. 1971<br />

I U-IEAL ISTAn<br />

FOR SALE<br />

111 BERKSHIRE<br />

ENGLISH Tudor iD prime 10catiOll,<br />

~ bloek (rom lake.<br />

5 large bedrooms, 3 baths.<br />

Paneled breakfast room and<br />

library. Lovel)" leaded gillS<br />

detailing. Plneled reere.Uon<br />

roo m wltb wet bar, sun<br />

porch. Recently redee:or.ted.<br />

Central lir e:onditioD. Lite<br />

sum mer polSessioD. Lo~'<br />

$10's. Call f9lI.0383.<br />


2106 H.mpton. Cbeerful 3<br />

bedroom ColoaJal OD lar.e<br />

tree shaded lot, 8011110. II,i<br />

b.lbI, fully carpeted, family<br />

room with fireplace, ZI,i car<br />

attaebed ,arage with clreular<br />

drive. Move.iD conditioD.<br />

By Ow~er. $29,eOQ. 881•<br />

3115.<br />



High quality raneh I,i blc~k<br />

from Lakeshore Drive. Cus.<br />

tom materiala and ,workmanship.<br />

Interior, exteriol',<br />

earrets, drapes aDd appli.<br />

ances as new. Two !arge<br />

bedrooms and library.<br />

Large rust floor laundry or<br />

extra room. Central air eon.<br />

ditloning. Andersen win.<br />

dows. Beautiful~ldtchea with<br />

integ ... l screened porch.<br />

Price redueed .<br />

5SO ROSLYN 886.8297<br />



Lincoln Road is the letting<br />

for this briek house with<br />

four bedrooms and three<br />

and one half baths. The first<br />

floor plan includes a den<br />

just off the wide center b.all,<br />

a large living room, separate<br />

dining room and completely<br />

new comb~ation<br />

family room and kitchen.<br />

At a price less tban $50,000<br />

thi" one sho~d sell pronto.<br />


2:30 to 5<br />

AT 300 Lincoln Road you'll<br />

ramble about in the luxury<br />

of giganUc rooms with six<br />

natural fireplaces, .nd full<br />

tile baths for eaeh bedroom.<br />

The entire house bas recently<br />

been "redone" by<br />

one of the Pointe's best,<br />

known decorators. Outside<br />

painting of the house and<br />

~arriage house is being<br />

completed this week. Tbere<br />

is a new dr1veway witlt<br />

plenty of parking _ • • So<br />

drive or walk over Sunday<br />

and see hOW new an older<br />

house can be.<br />


BE THE FIRST to see this<br />

new one on. the market at<br />

21 S. Edgewood. You'll find<br />

this three bedroom ranch<br />

house just two doors oft<br />

Lake Shore Drive iD the<br />

Shores. The third bedroom<br />

is paneled, so could be<br />

utilized as a library if only<br />

two bedrooms are your desire.<br />

This one is offered at<br />

$57,500. Low, down pay.<br />

ment, Land Contract possible,<br />

or lelSe with opUon<br />

at $500 per month.<br />

JUST OFF' Outer Drive and<br />

less than a minute Is this<br />

new offering at 13444 Wile<br />

shire. U you require two<br />

,firstl1oor bedrooms and an<br />

enonnous 'dormitory rOC!1l<br />

on the second' floor, also<br />

with a tile bath, then this<br />

is a "must see." Carpeted<br />

throughout and a fine base.<br />

ment with paneled ree room<br />

make this a cut above aU its<br />

eompetition. Copper plumb.<br />

ing, a large corner lot, and<br />

two car garage' contribute<br />

to make this a fine buy at<br />

$2.,500. .<br />

TOWNHOUSE living offers the<br />

adv8ntage of minimum exterior<br />

maintenance, aecurity<br />

of close neighbors and prox.<br />

imity to public transport:!tion<br />

and shol?plng areas.<br />

Combined with these fea.'<br />

tures we will show you a<br />

terrace with spaeious rooms<br />

throulhout, which inelude<br />

fou,' bedrooms'on the see~'<br />

ond Door and two more on<br />

the third. Off the entrance<br />

loyer Is a slhaU library and;<br />

that Important first (Joo~<br />

lavatory. Both kitchen and<br />

buUllr's pantry h.ve been<br />

updated .nd the spaclou<br />

living room has a naturall<br />

fireplace. I<br />

AN ENGLISH MANOR house<br />

Is appearing for perhaps the<br />

last time in this ('olumn. It<br />

sits majestically On Lake.,<br />

land Avenue In the f1rs~<br />

block o~f J efCerson. If fivei<br />

master bedrooms ar~ no~<br />

sufficient, we can show youl<br />

three more on the third!<br />

floor and B complete aparti<br />

ment over the attlche~<br />

three ear garage. ~ ,<br />

VACANT lot between 65-7t(<br />

Roslyn Road, Grosse<br />

Shores. $18,000.<br />

VACANT lot In Grosse<br />

Polnut<br />

_<br />

Point~ -<br />

Park on Trombly. Zoned tot'<br />

two.famlly dweUln,. $17,000$<br />

R.G. EDGAR~<br />


63 Kerchev.l 80ft "010; •,•,.

Thursday, ......y 20& 197 J 6 R0 SSE POI N TEN E W S<br />


POl St'U L.,,"LAND Dear JeuenoD STOlAGI DICOlATINq<br />

• LAKEPOINTE. Executivel loox174 feet. $21.500. KEN'S MOVING-toea!. IUb- RUDOLPH TONJ.:LLO<br />

Is 0 m e. ," bedroom I. 2~ ESSL"

~;~~~;-=':,"'f~:(i~"-,i';""'?\r-?~"':~')';;','"j',:.,: .. ", ", {, 'r": '".'.~"" ',' ,', ':. ");!';:'.. ",.". './., ........ ~.~'.:...',. ..:..t .....1<br />

. ."'..h , J. • F1.,,' ~~ "t1l',....:, ~ ..., __ .. _ , --..~"' ~ -+- ..,..~~ ~ ~<br />

TW4Htt-t.Six 6 R 0 SSE POI --._---------------------- ------------------ N TEN E W S<br />

Feature Page<br />

' ., , - \<br />

* * * *<br />

* * * *<br />

------------------- __ 1 ------------------------ ...,.<br />

1J,(Unte<br />

Pointer of Interest<br />

Counter Points<br />

B, Pit Io.-eau<br />

A Snow Of Apple Blossoms ••• reminds us fall<br />

and winter fashions are being previewed. Mrs. John<br />

Huntington and the Walton'Pierce buyers are ill New<br />

York seeing the exciting, newsy collections for fall and<br />

winter. They are also sending by air new summer, day<br />

anit evening dresses to Walton.Pierce. Meanwhile, the<br />

annual clearance sale offers shoppers a fabulous op.<br />

portunity to fill in wardrobes, fashionably and inex.<br />

pensively.<br />

• • •<br />

Exclusive ..• at Leon's is the' fabulous French<br />

Permabcl. It's the only permanent of its kind that's<br />

designed to condition the h4ir while giving body curl<br />

... and th4t's good news to those with problem hair<br />

or tinted or bleached hair. Call TV 4-9393 for an appointment.<br />

. . ..<br />

Tc"'n, . ~. 11drU, W ,uts, .lleks are the .man lleW<br />

tops at MIchelle'. BOtItil(lIe. y.. 'n fbMl wlllk oe white, ,ay<br />

prlBts. desiper. CI)lor .UtI.. All are euy.cue willa prices<br />

.tartiD, u tell doUan. llIfclleUe'. II opetI FrWay IIfPtI • , .<br />

111" Midi: Arealle.<br />

• • •<br />

Everything . . . from linens to toothbrushes can<br />

be stored beautifully in Mutschler's vanities for the<br />

bath, bedroom, dressing room or powder room. The<br />

distinctil/e storage :is practical as well because the cabinets<br />

have removable shelves and carry.alls to tote<br />

makeup, plus etceteras elsewhere. Choose from col()o<br />

nial, traditional or contemporary styles. Get the ideas<br />

at Mutschler Kitchen, 20227 Mack.<br />

• •••<br />

In Martha's Closet ••• 373 Fisher Road, you'll find<br />

lovely gifts for the bride or deb. Pretty short robes<br />

and nighties in pink, blue or white are priced from $30<br />

a set. Pleasant dreams start with a lovely light batiste<br />

nightgown in heavenly blue ... $22.<br />

• • •<br />

Photo by Eddie McGralh, Jr.<br />


By Pepper Whitelaw Ivalved in circulating petitions<br />

. along with other MACLDand<br />

A bucket of learnIng tools ... a bucket of fun. .. the Committee for Exceptional<br />

have resulted in a feeling of worthiness and accom. Children (PTA.CEC) members<br />

plishment for some eight kindergarten students at to make special education for<br />

Defer Elementary School, who need just a little extra every handicapped child man.<br />

personal attention to set them on the right track to first datory in Michigan. There a~e<br />

grade. ----------- thous~nds ~f ~andicapped chil-<br />

Providing these youngsters Ford Motor Credit Company. dre~ m MIchIganwho arc not<br />

with this help are volunte

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