Jun 1926 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1926 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1926 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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" The. Magic ^Box,"<br />

j|p*en gloves tfl match one's hose i<br />

and, probably, dark slioes. If the '<br />

hat Is bfaek, then %laek shoes;<br />

would be the thliiif. If the silk<br />

were <strong>of</strong> a delicate shade, then '<br />

lighter shoes might b# worn and •<br />

a Kght hat, too. In any case, the<br />

whole effect should be "spotty," for<br />

rajah was nut intended for dress<br />

wear.<br />

With this particular lire?-*, I felt<br />

that the choice <strong>of</strong> color was unwise<br />

—a clear, brilliant bjue, I watched<br />

parUeularly when i was in New<br />

Vurk yesterday ami I saw just une<br />

girl who looked well in it. She hail<br />

dark hair, a clear, pt>arj-li]kr skin<br />

with «wy ciieeks anil Bcarh't lip«.<br />

This shade <strong>of</strong> blue is wry difficult<br />

to wear, arid when you slop to<br />

think that, being complimentary 10<br />

imiiite, it brings out those tints in<br />

our hair and makes every "freckle ,<br />

land out .tharply—well, I'd think > M'HKRK<br />

wic* 1 before 1 bought it. And with<br />

lastel sliades leading thin pjirinf<br />

mi summer, you have a wide<br />

'*-<strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t, becoming ridorH. , in ihi<br />


hi<br />

the first time sinri* the day* <strong>of</strong><br />

Theoilariniow!vc1t~linit—n~ Chief |<br />

Executive mmfe hjf* hummyr re i<br />

Hence in "Sew Yurk »*tate<br />

Word- has boon received Here<br />

that Clyde S. Carpenter and wife,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Carlisle, are the parent* uf a<br />

son, the child having been born in<br />

the hospital In that town <strong>Jun</strong>e I.<br />

Thp mother wm Mis* Kathi-nnr<br />

Smith, daughter <strong>of</strong> Mr. am<br />

Warren Smith, <strong>of</strong> this lily J r<br />

iniiuii Colh.fi- \wl year<br />

once was married. Her<br />

1M U mi-mbir <strong>of</strong> the win.<br />

at this iH.llcue this year, i<br />

i-i-ctMve his diploma Moiiili!<br />

ure members <strong>of</strong> I'hl Hi-ta<br />

nf Hu<br />

ami it<br />

« II Mwtun lor S«ur<br />

Sino ami 5^ OD i»t A<br />

Htsilthful r.mu hur S ih it |<br />

Otpan ( I I hunnaij, or t O<br />

LPdn * it> N J — Ailv<br />

( VTHAKlNF lCIt HH<br />

1 F\t*-n inn ( Itilhlll Sfif>ilill 1<br />

ll Ft I Ft KM INC HFRI<br />

hyiiilrtii *>f liuU*. fnmi<br />

mulu fu^ JIH! hi t-tii<br />

ir! uf tA hmgWtn, tin Vn -uli nt<br />

i Ml I uulhljfM «iU LaUlill^l<br />

Mr ml Mr I* H. rb<br />

Mi .hit<br />

ad Iho IlPMl requiri.iin.nl uf «i«-f tommudiiy w» sdl Ha<br />

Prices are ihe vorjr lowest consistent wiih that hirfH,<br />

If you are a stranger lo ASCI) Service v|,ji ,S<br />

Store and prove to your entire satisfaction-. ^m>Q<br />



ASCO Pork!Beans3<br />

ipifhinu food. fn»!lj<br />

New Texas <strong>On</strong>ions 2 lbs \\t<br />

AHC'O<br />

Fancy Sweet Peas<br />

! .1 runs<br />

17 SO r<br />

an <strong>City</strong> Polk at Picnic at IntireBtinB PrHiram to<br />

,M. E. Home at <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Grove<br />

tiiven In First M E<br />

Church<br />

I More than 1,000 persons attend-<br />

••••"•B annual picnic at the Moth.<br />

Home for tha Aired at (a<br />

street, <strong>Ocean</strong> Breve, Tuts, sumlav At l«»".'-., "•• —<br />

A numhoF <strong>of</strong> residents <strong>of</strong> the Church "j^jj<br />

fjlmrM, there are quite a num.: liecitation, "Her \-lm,,~ l.-t<br />

comfortably fixed, so far in..Younn "' ' '-i-KBy<br />

B£e« are concernod. • ; K^iUlon, ..Traffic " |l,.ttv<br />

111 home was founded hy a I.oui»e Smith. ' "'" H}<br />

ip <strong>of</strong> Methodist ministers Ueiitalion, "Do Yuu Kn.iw'"<br />

1^ years HEO, and today win-.- Lola tjidlin?<br />

h '<br />

IijjjhOpi. fccipi, urp .-.« spetnlhm I- « the .••- Min-i r.n-1 Recitation, ...inui,,,,,, MiMml Shreii-hiri..<br />

t<strong>of</strong> .^FtliiiiF their livns lives in LiiB the nflmr». home, rust noli i Sonit, Sjs*i*F Sonit, HeBinners<br />

\l±ki-i~.*--. Heal = = ' ---ana,<br />

<strong>of</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> funds, TJUU Lin. 1 Sonir, "Praise Y,. the<br />

^ <strong>of</strong> llw pleasure in the ap. School.<br />

Itlon with other members <strong>of</strong> Primary Departmrnt-<br />

• l..ti««i«n- Instituti n<br />

Hwitatiun, "All Thin,,<br />

alt aii.l Hi-iiutiful," -<br />

1 iifcitatinn,<br />

fliml^ Mlss_nessie FeritUMin, .Clara Hnhlnson.<br />

h I'm- iho P' "I f<br />

To the bft, frienda, we present! allied.comradea »t the end ek.the<br />

i hkrnuu <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> r'ranees most! Worhl War,<br />

familiar war heroes—even though; Corporal Stiller was reCBntly<br />

.TO was a man <strong>of</strong> the ranks. Ho ia decorated by General Debeney in<br />

Corporal Sollier, the bugler who Paris—being (iven the Cress <strong>of</strong> a<br />

sounded "Cease Firing" to his' OhevBliier in the Legion <strong>of</strong> Honor<br />


_STAIE<br />



Were Guests <strong>of</strong> (.'. H, Harrington<br />

Bi-Il»' Salary<br />

and Wife<br />

Tri.<br />

. C, H. Harrington<br />

1 food, had as their<br />

Dln<br />

' 1st week-end the fol<br />

I'IKIII<br />

Har<br />

i Mr 1 li I<br />

ianOy, .His;, I.^-^IL- Fvtuur.nn, ^.-... ....um^on.<br />

OlenUine, Mr». Snmu,.| HnlT. .limitation, "I Wouliin't II,.-<br />

Slrl, Charles Haml, Mr*, tirowlor." Walter Muthnw<br />

(on A. Corson and Mrs, fieo, Snnj!, "Remenilji.r Thy Ctculor<br />

« __^ Uecitation, "Day anil \IB<br />

|!g PAINTINfl AT " n»ri« Taylor. " -•--'•<br />

r<br />

MI^8ERVICES|S^a^"*iZ. V Ih<br />

A ih.<br />

iju <strong>of</strong> the world's most faninu, i.ifp"."^rh^i'<br />

tu the .untain <strong>of</strong><br />

"""*". ^'h' % "nTrif V T U)e <strong>Jun</strong>i^ Department;<br />

«aD« with the Sunday even- Bi, g^?' A I!o >' * Dai1 ' t"' 1 "<br />

_ itrvice <strong>of</strong> the Baptist Churi-h. n,*inr "Tl. . . . ,.<br />

itt, many f eat pictures which oiRta l£^. Market ^riS'an<br />

ittlebrttnl Krunch painter L-ave y\6amr ).,,[h Liirson juil<br />

fttt world, his reprcxcr/ilinn »f '«„!(,,(„„ "-TI,-- T-U- I ,I<br />

^tliivin. the 'Fnutoriun. is n.l'iS^^^t 1 ^,^ 1 "'"<br />

Jmrk. r is z %m JZ"- " Our Piei1 ^ ' * 111 - 1 •<br />

^doB, it WB« Viewed by qver Rw|iation> ,.v<br />

iljn popio, . linais?" All,-,. 11,,<br />

. —. wiif^lv^^n'Si.^"" 11 " 1 'ton, <strong>Jun</strong>o 10,_J,,hn E. Tit. Mr. and Mr<br />

-j.,-.. i"irtoonist, has heen named <strong>of</strong>l4 n»nlra,<br />

""*> l,v agent and chief <strong>of</strong> tha,°' "<br />

the<br />

raret<br />

- •"<br />

UO o'clock, Clinton D. l.nw. A, the ,,v?,?in - • r, o<br />

P^effl^f"wit S^5 iMi<br />

% the choir. , .<br />

LmtTBl<br />

^u <strong>of</strong> Information <strong>of</strong> the State KM " 1<br />

Dnpurtnivnt <strong>of</strong> Conservation and : lowln,,.<br />

Ueveh,,,ment, pending a eompetH Wm, Knowles Cooper, Metrowar<br />

veteran. .1 sen, test. The coni| T,tten«on is mcnJtI1,y „, Wttsh|nBt:n n ation<br />

V. M. 0.<br />

SJOO to «250 a month,<br />

A.) Mrs, Cooper, Wm, Cooper, Jr.,<br />

Ftirmal approval <strong>of</strong> salary Miss Martha Cooperj Wm, W,<br />

eases iri-anted by the Ijjgink Kvorett, jr., son <strong>of</strong> the manaeer <strong>of</strong><br />

ii« itiven by the Civil Sei<br />

nnimission to employes <strong>of</strong> e Woodward 4 Lsthrop s depart-<br />

ulillc I'tility Commission ai tht 'ms merit MM-o stu-o in Washington! W Clar-<br />

Philander liotts, raised ' fo'-ience " E,/leming, ••—•--- « social service sec-<br />

|n,M0 toWMh a'year- Chaies'A:<br />

from'retaryjrtlrs. fie:<br />

HJj*Ss ming, and Ban<br />

Mead, «i,500 to »7,60u. James far? * '<br />

Jr., MOD ,„ msmm, 11 M i<br />

Mill il .*.-, .... ,..,000<br />

"^. Cooper<br />

J hn I<br />

11<br />

1 Klin Will Attend iierricea<br />


Kditsr Sentinel Ledger i—<br />

Cant. Jam W. Lee, <strong>of</strong> this city,<br />

A great religious meeting will<br />

bs hdd iil tho Tabernacle, on the<br />

Bad Weather Pint Days In.<br />

was surprised a few days ago, GHihh inn. Now lonted M tlii»icamp<br />

grounds, Sixth street and terfered With Attendaiiee<br />

when he was visited by Samuel A.biu-y Avcnua ]J. '<br />

Central avenno, on Sunilay evsning.l —Better Results Hoped<br />

Buck, a resident <strong>of</strong> the lower sec-<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>e 80, at s o'clock. The speaker!<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> Cape May County, Capt, Orobb Bros.' "Pftint-Up SterB^ji*<br />

will be the Hev, DeWItt Cdbb, <strong>of</strong><br />

Wildwood,<br />

The Sesqui-Centennia! Is run. Lee (lid not know h|a caller until which has bcea located at 741 A*li •<br />

bury avonuB, la now at 114 Aitimijfij<br />

niiig far below Its quo<br />

Mr. Oobb is a well known speak<br />

avenue, to whieh staml tho ownorfl'<br />

er and worth listening to.<br />

ante to date, and It 1L ..<br />

moved a few duyg age. , j«<br />

Klansmea and KlanMWonien froi<br />

the 30,000,000 murk for the seven that time h oussisted Capt, Lee ,„ The firni in ita new quartera haij<br />

dlfTerent cities ill South Jo. months will tven be approsehed. | running a boat betwson this island -.— ^*§ |som proyitledi. -iD^<br />

hayg signified their intention a In order to attain that figure, the , tun I I-gligport and Burners Point, stun from which tha me<br />

being present. An Invitation is es exposition will have to average<br />

inoVBil, an.t ther? thsy i<br />

tended to all Kiunfm.-n and Klann close to 200,000 daily visitors ]n muM PHnnBiiTY<br />

svomen to be present at this serv<br />

„ to »m their ^ *<br />

the 183 days <strong>of</strong> the celebration. j. M, I'heHier Pi«po«eii <strong>of</strong> Tony I<br />

ice. Bring your robes with you, a<br />

SBtnilM, Grubb INSi<br />

the young people's tabernacle, ad<br />

Inclement weather has proved a<br />

joining the auditorium, will be ai<br />

great handicap to the attendance J. M, Chester has disposed o.<br />

hand a full soppl;<br />

nlsheis anil decormi<br />

your service to nut on your robes<br />

at the grounds to date and there Tony Adcliiii's store and dwelling which they Bell<br />

There will be pood singing an<br />

will have to be a change in theon<br />

Ashury iivenuo. near Tenth prices.<br />

a great meeting is exjioclud.<br />

weather conditions to make up for street. The building was purchns-<br />

the gloomy days <strong>of</strong> the first eight eil by people from out <strong>of</strong> town, it<br />

Tills meeting will be thi- flrnt ttor.ton<br />

days. This, and the fact is stated.<br />

Mm, s. J. H. Bootft 1<br />

ed from Lukoland, Fta., «<br />

he held In the auditorium this year, lliat but a little over (iOO percent The seller has occupied this her inmmer home, 1424<br />

opening a series <strong>of</strong> meetings to h <strong>of</strong> the exposition in completed, has property for several years. Ho avenue.<br />

held in that historic building ifl kept the crowds fiom swarming to'<br />

tho eamn grounds. This meeting i; the grounds, i<br />

not only for the Klan, but the pub<br />

lie is cordially invited to niee <strong>On</strong>e evidence <strong>of</strong> the treiuenilims<br />

them. . attendance oipeeted at the iemiui<br />

is tn be fiiund in thi' fact that more<br />

The 1IEV, T. Ii, SHOHK. than I HO conventions will be held<br />

in Philadelphia during the time <strong>of</strong><br />

Clear Bighlh Strnil<br />

EDMOND<br />

the exposition. The Shriners' Con-<br />

J i t 1 l l<br />

venlion bnre out this evidence lo a<br />

The average person huviiiir bum- I large degree by flocking tu the 952 BOARDWALK<br />

ness on Kighth street does not CJIM Laeaiiui.jnJiirjEe.jiujiibers tho first<br />

1 -srticuiaiiy as to just who is'To week, but even this Inllui <strong>of</strong> visi-<br />


-Jame for leaving a|l that stuff iiirs was not enough lo knop the<br />

on the highway, «o that it is im- attendanceJleures abme the set<br />

lossible to make headway on that avefnae. There are eight ennven-<br />

jusy thoroughfare. All that is tions being held in Philadelphia<br />

wanted just now is to get that Ihis week. | TOM May Have an Edmond<br />

stuff away—and let it be soon.<br />


A little over 300,000 visitors<br />

'lulled the Sesiiui grounds the 'Permanent Wave Done f%<br />

irst week, ur an average <strong>of</strong> '.0,1.100•<br />

Those Street ,Ml|!ns laily. These (igures inilude all oAt Special <strong>Jun</strong>e 'Prices!<br />

Kdltnr Hentinel-LedRer: '<br />

;hose whci attended the various<br />

What's become <strong>of</strong> the street 'vents in the stadium at night,<br />

list imftiuyit I he hidik-fi<br />

signs fur this city thai the Cham- s'hen fi'w people eureil lo inspect<br />

1h5 ftFtlfilry uf in Eih<br />

Ber <strong>of</strong> Commerce has been tiilkinu be buildings,.<br />

fcrmuiiciil WiiVi- Hitit Iti Ilia char ill lha| li<br />

about for such a long period? Are Monday was Ihe worst day to<br />

those signs to be placed on thelate,<br />

so far as attendance is Von-<br />

streets where needed this summer? erned, only !i,00O people paying<br />


membership sacreheir<br />

way into the grounds. It<br />

, Petty, (0,400 to M.fiOO . -„„,.„. ,» not only one <strong>of</strong><br />

ire employes <strong>of</strong> the engineer- the best known Y, M. 0, A, men in<br />

it jiff.<br />

the country, but he was also presl- Instruction In HnirdreulnE I'bnne 1046 J<br />

[dent <strong>of</strong> the Hotary Club <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Capital <strong>City</strong> and a director <strong>of</strong> one<br />

80 TEET OF -JEACH <strong>of</strong> the leading banks.<br />

JBONTIANDiOLD The delegation was In attendance<br />

Permanent Wave<br />

at the Association Conference in<br />

Kiiflity feet r h a I IT nt |i p Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, but enjoyed the<br />

Entira Head $15,00<br />

illy Iwivi. liePII<br />

ol 1 ihr uth th hospitality <strong>of</strong> Mr. Harrington, who<br />

ifnci. nf ( \ t I n I Ef (pr r I was formerly in charge <strong>of</strong> the<br />


s-tnlo iiroli f kithth tr cl j<br />

Army.Navy "Y" work In Washing-<br />

ordini? to announ ni nt ma le<br />

ton.<br />

uday.<br />

In Hpjte <strong>of</strong> unfavorable wealher, j MiNICUBlHO Ladies' Hair Cutting<br />

The prop<br />

(the visitors were shown around t WATKU W4TE<br />

nrly was ownei] by Klls<br />

railh liny!<br />

this city and were amaled at the IUB0KL WAn Hotel Flanders and Hotel Lincoln<br />

n (iral uas ..iiiil LO Wai.<br />

.tLT Baker, *<br />

, sise and beauty <strong>of</strong> [he rea<strong>of</strong>t.<br />

if Salem, K. J.<br />

OOUAJI crry, N. J.<br />

Mr nd Mr 4 L bkilton open-<br />

A Hnffm n rP!l tut d their Atlantic a enue cottage<br />

ntn ar I VI<br />

^.r---.._.., „„.,„.,„. ..,,,,!„„„ Hnffman hiiaveiyvtsr<br />

the tue wees-enq fteek end ann and entertained<br />

returned to this city after spend- friends from Philadelphia, Among<br />

HUT n, week will, friends in I'hila- those who enjoyed thel rhospitafiti<br />

.lelplmi, their former home. Dur- wore: Mr, and Mrs. j, Truax, Mr.<br />

ing Mr. H<strong>of</strong>fman's absence, his and Mrs. I', Pulien, Mr. ami Mrs.<br />

<strong>of</strong>fices wore in charge <strong>of</strong> 11. F. Chns, Luta and Mr, and Mrs. H.<br />

f-ilri-Pll. Smith.<br />

We Build Your House<br />

Then Sell It For You<br />

The MacPherson organization is prepared and equipped to lender<br />

, an exceptional sei vice. We will plan yout house, woik out specifications,<br />

build it and then sell it for you.<br />

1 his is the only organization <strong>of</strong> its kind in the city — it is real<br />

' s e r v i c e . ,•'••••• •. . :. . ; > : , • ."_ .- ;;..-, • .:<br />

DO YOUR<br />


:; ;;"'.\;::; ; v:-- r ;;"-.-.i[H^<br />

Howard O^MacPKersbii<br />


1|42 Gentril A^,<br />

£ WKs^mimmmmm Wfili'i'VAl:!<br />


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