Jun 1926 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1926 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1926 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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A ^**r-t •»!•»-<br />

t »<br />


HLRE 10D4\<br />


mcrntirv from &frell shock in<br />

Prance Lpun hi* return to Lon<br />

don he fall to<br />

Sht, poke with a sort tf mono-<br />

tony<br />

lost his Oh Nan HOI l Juan There ^as<br />

a %arll <strong>of</strong> iepr ach ani ^airnw in<br />

her ^UICP<br />

f ht % ou v, aUld '<br />

f<br />

Where are jou bojs ffoing^ !<br />

she agkgd<br />

Ta fln I Mr L>*ter camp buck<br />

tg her In a choral \ on can com I<br />

too if jnu hke—<br />

Joan hi itate 1= hp looked baek '<br />

at the hru^e Nun ha 1 e HI** f tie<br />

Jo i d I ua tailing to her<br />

I m com ng—in i minute J n<br />

eMU^ht hoi I at Clau UP drt 1 ktalll<br />

ul him<br />

Can \QU k? p a ^crrf lit*<br />

a ke I in h<br />

HAN MARRABl tn ^ho<br />

beeamp enjpi&Btl before ht-<br />

awaj Nan brok** i heurte I<br />

retufntil home te ear? f r<br />

three mutherlg tepbmthei *<br />

ha*<br />

},e jii am undone for mone\<br />

been in cun tlint eo<br />

tion uith h§i fr i n I<br />

JOAN tftDlLOiT m Lunkn ,<br />

Joan insist* that Nan upht tu ftr j<br />

gbt Pttter and marr^ hi fn n t un 1 i<br />

fellou <strong>of</strong>ficer j<br />

JOHN AHNOTT with uhnm P |<br />

ter has been pen iinfe hi lea e ul j<br />

the hetoe Lf ^in U ^ wi iuup i<br />

ter near the ftlarrab> estate Nan<br />

howeter dn\en to ie^e ration U<br />

heF fathers financial htffeuU t<br />

ami Petsr 3 ma Idpnint aiTi lent<br />

han agreed to marr> j<br />

HARLEM SEPTON m o n e<br />

lender who has toltl her th.it 1 eUr<br />

_j«_fl]sn Me ilffht»l- =<br />

Peter gdk% to Lnndnn wipre he<br />

meet*§ Jo&n ani for tht fir*t time<br />

leaFfyj that he *» th? t lan for<br />

whom Nan is grie* i % She o<br />

her W8) to see Nan and Peter le<br />

Gide** tu join her and get the it<br />

tailM <strong>of</strong> the uhole affair Joa<br />

ahks Peter *heth r if Nan wt»n<br />

nst engaged to another man u ul 1<br />

he go back to her<br />

HOW 00 ON WITH THF<br />

"That 13 the qu? tiun vhtch 1<br />

have been asking m>self p\er ^mee<br />

1 met |oa he saU \i I it i<br />

a question \thleh I cannot answer<br />

After all —he laughed mirthls^H<br />

— it is for her to sa> i-m t it*<br />

*I don t think tiieit i much nep 1<br />

to worry about what shp will *ur<br />

Joan answ^ereu<br />

An 1 at any rate you won t tell<br />

her that yeu met me Ls*-ter ftLnt<br />

en presently Or thit %e spnks*<br />

—or that jsu know anything—OF<br />

that I do,<br />

I premise T won t say a »or 1<br />

said Jean eagerly I wont e^en<br />

know you when we meet But him<br />

can 1 see you again—to t«*ll >oy<br />

If Nan tells me an>thm^ ?<br />

"I'll some over—=1 do £&ll some<br />

tlmeg^lt v,en t look at all strange<br />

I think we are nearly IIL<br />

He rase SFH! let Jo«n the win<br />

dew Hi looked eagerly out along<br />

the platform as the train tame to y<br />

standstill<br />

"Supposing 1 Kan li here to meet<br />

me' Joan lattl in a panic<br />

Shells net here Peter answer<br />

id Byt perhaps iou had better<br />

get out first, in ease >ihe shoul 1 he<br />

anywhere s^suL*<br />

Be held his hand to her<br />

**¥ou haven t anything to thank<br />

me for shi said with unusual hu<br />

mllity I only hope > >wl\ be<br />

happy—both <strong>of</strong> you<br />

Nan van net altogether please 1<br />

to fggfive Josn s ^^ announsin^<br />

hsr arrival Ihe rather dreade i<br />

seeing anybod> a^gsefated v,ith the<br />

past, and shg did not want to be'<br />

subjected to Jean * \olle> <strong>of</strong> que>*<br />

tiezungi<br />

Befton had bein ta the hou«e<br />

eontinyously Shg had arranjr&l to<br />

go out in the car with him when<br />

Joans wife game<br />

Esfton was furious<br />

"You put me <strong>of</strong>f for nfi^fco ly and<br />

y j he said an 1 I won t<br />

It Who IH this Joan En h<br />

\ou\e ntv§r told mi about<br />

hep befon<br />

*Tvi ne^ef told you about ans<br />

<strong>of</strong> my fnend^ Nan said with dig<br />

nity Yeu forget that I ve known<br />

you sueh a little while She is &<br />

?ery gld fninJ <strong>of</strong> mine—I h\ed<br />

with her in Lendsn till T earns<br />

down here<br />

* Than she knows about Ljiter ?<br />

"Yes said Nan<br />

Ha¥i you told her that you afp<br />

engaged.ta mi 7 *<br />

•"No •'<br />

Hg flew inta a rage He woulJ<br />

not have people coming down anl<br />

taking up all her time<br />

The train was in before thij<br />

readied the station and she Jnit<br />

Joan juit outside<br />

Joan flung herself at Nan with<br />

a mpturous oxy ihi looked up at<br />

Nan's pale f««<br />

"HaVg you bgen ill* ^he asked<br />

"Oh Nan, you have get thin<br />

Nan tned to laugh.<br />

"My deaf I ha\e to w"flfk naw I<br />

em at home,' ^he said.<br />

"You look sa if you'vt been<br />

naUy ill,' Joan insisted ' I dari<br />

gay its worry though — worn<br />

stafefei one look ill gooner than<br />

anything '<br />

"I haven I worried," said Kan In<br />

a aaid voles, Joan was fitting on<br />

her n#fv#s already After a mo<br />

ment shi said "I may a§ we\\ till<br />

jaa—a§ you'll heap it sooner <strong>of</strong><br />

| t I g t h d<br />

Ate?—I am goiog to fce married<br />

Hht kept totsF liia sverted^ghe<br />

vaifad for the scream <strong>of</strong> apftze<br />

menfe -whlcii she thought would<br />

going, but Js&n was not mush gGQsf<br />

* aetlnf—ihs Just gsaped once,<br />

1 then said, father lamel}<br />

Oh, good gmeiousl'<br />

"You den t seem Very iurpnied "<br />

gaid N&p, 'I thought you would<br />

all you've 1 said about never maiTy-<br />

l'ng anyone except—' ihB broku <strong>of</strong>f<br />

fia a. pank. "Oh, I'm as sony, dear<br />

* —I* mafraid I m very clumsy *<br />

"It doisn-t matter at all, said<br />

Kan. "Mr Lyster ia staying dewn<br />

11 <strong>of</strong>ten lee Mm, at least<br />

_ i been, hot he went away<br />

today We are — we are quite<br />

£ood friends," xna added<br />

"3-am tagged to a nym named<br />

Borftir Sefton " aha went on, after<br />

B moment "Be isn't young—or<br />

good-looking—but he's richx imd<br />

no's got a, town hous«, and •<br />

dowa" •*•• •<br />

ave east hundreds <strong>of</strong> poumK<br />

•H 1<br />

no 1<br />

'porkel— ••<br />

ft hi per Clau I<br />

ai 1 with an rnphutic<br />

fn<br />

f I o I it I I im he I<br />

it mt 11 ft litth hurt i<br />

Th t f r Mr I ter he<br />

s*ui i ur^i-ritU But n I o Iv mu t<br />

know—r runii f- me |uiek<br />

< luu hr llu h<br />

the htn r jonft<br />

Qnh % u ••<br />

me<br />

I<br />

1 on h ]<br />

I<br />

i I<br />

"* u mu In t<br />

Fu Ifr r Njn<br />

Sn H I ttrc 1 TIM<br />

iier teuar i tht hou L<br />

Sut till n Inh h<br />

| rtanth<br />

\n I tnjn 1 \o i If n t<br />

r an pntrn t i It<br />

imi rtdnt -<br />

H no 1 Ip I unroll I<br />

N )t tu ti II n bn Iv-<br />

1-5 l-r " h. "<br />

I 111 mil<br />

tell Jim nr<br />

mn I 1 ih t I<br />

h n I mi<br />

Fl ug,uin J at<br />

it<br />

TTlv Mr.<br />

his face<br />

It wu rt°i\ and bruised anl<br />

lip ha I been cut by the ham<br />

ring \*hii-h ht. him tlf had gi<br />

Kan e Estnnd panting and gtryj<br />

with him Sh luuth 1<br />

ttuch <strong>of</strong> his han 1 on htr bhe<br />

kk \*ith -.hame that *h<<br />

• er ha\e thought it po^i<br />

e roul I marry *nieh a rni<br />

Ll.su he hu I got «er n first<br />

I rrar anl »tL howling now<br />

in r^al ^ami-st raiding his %OILU<br />

hrillv till it mu t him I fn Y arj<br />

half BHT tht ttn I<br />

Sfcfton Hoki> I round unca ilj HP<br />

\ A iji^jr I at heart as ar mu t<br />

-rriiHtw<br />

Sin, that httlf ilnil nohi<br />

he JI! naiasey If you think<br />

tm toinit tn ,ut up »ith hi-non<br />

: an I your, J well<br />

Irok, ulT n-l^-ins Nan nn 1<br />

His flUBB dragged—hl« head was<br />

ilownbent—ho walked like a man<br />

who is thoroughly exhausted.<br />

Nan gently released Claudie's<br />

clinginE fingers and Hew after<br />

Peter ilown the narrow path, her<br />

nifht Htcpa hardly makilill any<br />

sound on the musty ground! she<br />

that caught him up—,»he spoke hi!<br />

name brenthlessly,, fearfully,<br />

"Sir. Lyster," .<br />

But he did not stop, or look at<br />

her; hu ju»t said hoarsely:"<br />

"U-t me (so—let mo go'." as if<br />

he could bear TV) inure, und Nan<br />

fell back silently.<br />

Shu took Claudie's hand ami<br />

they went, home without speaking,<br />

loan mot them in the doorway.<br />

Shu gapped when she saw the<br />

teurstains ami ngitntiun on bath |<br />

faces. She nskeil a volley <strong>of</strong> j<br />

t|uestlens, "What hat! happened .<br />

In inn appointed for the usual<br />

probationary period,<br />

Mr, and M, M, B. Q'Donnell,<br />

<strong>of</strong> 181? Central avenue, left here<br />

early this week for Colorado<br />

Springs. They expect to travel<br />

around that section <strong>of</strong> the country<br />

for the next few (nonths, return,<br />

inj to <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> m the autumn,<br />

Mrs. Joseph D, Norcom, <strong>of</strong> this<br />

city, who recently underwent an<br />

operation in the Samaritan Hos-<br />

mtJil, Philadelphia, and who is now<br />

home, 1* gettln Kalohg very, nici.ly,<br />

her friends will be pleused to<br />

learn.<br />

J, E, Bhiebley, <strong>of</strong> Rlverton, has'<br />

opened hln eottafe, Old Twelfth 1<br />

street, for the summer. '<br />

a, ramwi<br />

ru he I thru >, the un li rtro^-th<br />

I tin next moment Peter L> ter<br />

tht re not a yar I from them<br />

I Was anybody hurt J Oh, how,<br />

Irewlful!"<br />

(To Be Continueii) j<br />

H » mu h he had huard or een I PAID FIREMEN QUITS;<br />

on. ifth.il knL» lutth,re»a ANuTHKR SELECTED<br />

look I ll fa k which Nan ha 1 "<br />

iwr th Ukht to i. th re uMm ^ .,, k ,,,„„ Vacated by!<br />

frnm 1U h Ck r Z t C thl't ^ T C ' Wm.^mUh, Jr. •<br />

1 jrt s4nan in hpr I rt tfoi- heef Mayor Chamiilon.ntthp meeting I<br />

al nj. -i tl run<br />

..IP*,... ,« =.<br />

anl drew Claud e into them<br />

thr ueh<br />

f t *,en<br />

In a cunt^t betH?i.ii a hruic man<br />

and u nt»ard thi t-iidmi, is a<br />

fLfe^ant? cuflfjuslan<br />

• at he I li n pitter cfT<br />

th *,un hinn hts Iitt]<br />

i \u null I u i f ^Fsy h ha I nt\ r t.e n %nn ^ han IWF t<br />

?*?ni '! VtoV ^a^e lh(in | - llU -^ ^ uk ll for ^ anti ' thdt i%<br />

Claulie fFathi 1 th ni ef the<br />

a I hut an i I reathlf i t I uk<br />

f up an f kan iat rh i ut ul !<br />

in the n-i<br />

and<br />

1 rm t \ he<br />

I m n t<br />

At le t— She puile<br />

up quiekh n I tntnl to l^Ugh<br />

l)n£l*t tilk i ut ii an mt i<br />

\oull f^e 1 it i fur \UUF If in<br />

He htiurt* the htu H fi mi ri rmnj,<br />

till i ^Iti. he U 1 1<br />

4n i—aii t Pet i L\ UF Join<br />

a kf| timiih<br />

NnUktl J^II\<br />

Cih he u ed ta ert \i-<br />

An 1 «u i \uu t par LUI<br />

It wa-5 pot until tht^ went to ht>\<br />

that Nan eame lu Ju n r om f i<br />

[ fey* mm ent=, that Nan her-,Lif<br />

ti oacbid th* 1 subject<br />

I •lUppu^e juu\e been thmkirig<br />

that a heartle^E brute 1 nm she<br />

aid uith an attempt at llghti e ?<br />

I mean — a^put heinj, engaged<br />

Aftpf all 1 \e said too Da %QU<br />

the \u\ \f yd toar<br />

i i br<br />

i to Eh^m but T><br />

i uuii mi ion<br />

face He Ii<br />

en bermir hi prt<br />

t I it a^J • i^<br />

nii J<br />

r I thit<br />

n I lo L><br />

s| it 11 i r t I 1<br />

'I th nil mt J<br />

lit. til<br />

| H<br />

If they<br />

ni^ht i<br />

* ti n tl<br />

an I<br />

l<br />

Nan pretty frin<br />

Jltb 1\<br />

H dut ) i th 1<br />

hf utnt—h f It n<br />

p cr in hi* lif h<br />

if Mr L\<br />

d f r hi i t<br />

1 tl r ml<br />

h 1 I I r mi ik<br />

tta h<br />

He<br />

ihe htil<br />

%ou—1 11—<br />

hftHi the r<br />

m nkt> \ u t<br />

it<br />

hf i \anal h t iFfi I \uh bin n<br />

ih minx ml J i- iifht it I wn<br />

h JMIJ on thy UiilU shrinking<br />

1 i%<br />

thin<br />

w n<br />

f !l1 l<br />

Oh >u<br />

'<br />

m<br />

I<br />

. him a pt.nny fnr h me ZQ faithful<br />

i ^ *l e lha ^c lf he 1i lather<br />

" Ira IttPrp DTiie ne^ ort <strong>of</strong> If Ihflnps in<br />

ml tht wndke tnr hi th ut,ht<br />

broke oif i h heir I I«- \ \ tp<br />

i-omm^ toward^ him lo^n th nar<br />

F ttf <strong>of</strong> LOUT e' Hi<br />

hrifehtenp 1—he *taru<br />

then su ttlenlj he ^topp<br />

Harle> Seftnn brnk? t<br />

unier^Fo^th an! came<br />

him<br />

tlau lie hat I Harlpi,<br />

, - -• ti\* L ^eF foot tpp am<br />

what «e uoull lo if—if jrU,hUnel halt as ht. look<br />

anything- happened to Tjm^^r—orjthp man hari fac it «a nuite<br />

gt ^ r unt n LIQU^IJ that he put th han I<br />

Joan hi\grfcl i^h, h dutfhpl Joan ^ nnti bchin 1<br />

It* unlut*} to talk ab-iut it hi back In an attitj \t- uf ieflan *<br />

shi solil But foF that littlt u tuF*> btftnn<br />

Jan made *in impatient gt tyre ioull pFobahH ha e pa *** I rn<br />

Nithing ean change n\\ luck without speaking 1 ut<br />

new " she fjaiU But IAK ugnt he ^topped an 1 »>n<br />

talk about H anle^^ jou wish I child unpie^santh<br />

just wantel te sav that that it An! where re \ou<br />

I\e—^fjigutten that iQ " he a ke I<br />

Im making MF Sefton I «ha]] Clau lie hi\ere 1<br />

?\&T forget as long a I Ine<br />

Her cheeki v>giq heF> her<br />

burnt 1<br />

nee or %vnQ% I knew it u^ all u|<br />

iesi le*5 Shp t ppe i an ]<br />

there ft^« s long ^ileneg ^ Hich<br />

Joan did not dare to break<br />

Nan went on<br />

Then Mr Seftao came Hi«<br />

neh an 1 father o\ e« him monm<br />

Iffl onlj telling >ou this Joan be<br />

se \ou aFH my fnend JFI 1 1<br />

iw joull nevtF tell an j one 4n 1<br />

a** I—I kne« I euul In t be<br />

happj aflj RiPio I theught I might<br />

lo the b§ t I eoulU fur=f r £*" , *<br />

tht familj _ Shf laUghLl |back<br />

dreanlj There are the boj |n | ^°<br />

think <strong>of</strong> >ou eg ' *she aide I K?. U i<br />

Anl I lo%e ihpm e«pec r**ZL<br />

ith Clay he<br />

Is Chimhf- the littlg<br />

asketl helples^l><br />

an 1 sn — that ¥<br />

why I had tg tell jou but ^uu<br />

wont tell anyone will jou Join<br />

pFami^e *<br />

^ou knou I wont Joan sail<br />

ihg got up stoo I on tip tog on j<br />

Nan more warml> than<br />

hif httl mm!<br />

'[flew to thp '-tQF^ Lf li I K hnL<br />

, I Hor I and the wolf «hn-h he ha 1<br />

mpt in the woo an 1 he v, m ler !<br />

i m teFror if this man mooth<br />

-1 hi !e rnin 1 ni ter mgti\t a thp<br />

NowhtFe he ^ai 1 i-toutlj Hi.<br />

lookfc 1 anxiou h pa t Seftftn kwn<br />

the narrow, path he\arl whith IP 1<br />

awa% to PeteF L> t**r anl safety<br />

but ala * it wa=4 tgo narrow fur<br />

p*rn a mail hi\ to pap along<br />

while thi^ man baFFe i th*. wa><br />

But ClauJJe ap pluekj anl<br />

^u 1 lenlj ducking hi^ he a I he<br />

mule a !i\t foFwjfl ho| ing in<br />

scrape pa t a^ainNt tht- I u hi=3<br />

But it was hopolt Snfton<br />

caught him h\ the loo^e hark <strong>of</strong><br />

' hi ailoF jacket an 1 hauU ! him<br />

LFUtL^\ U ! FUl<br />

It ft ii* Sar ^ iojee—Nan who<br />

tan e Jl mj= through th » rlanl<br />

t.iiU|fht hif- jr i ju t a t wa fp<br />

n lint, fuF the un I time Sin*<br />

a a whit I ih ] t har Hi<br />

e i* | to ki ou hat ht via du<br />

ifiL She struck at Harlej ^Lfton ^<br />

fa e hkf a ma i WLFian<br />

^ou brutt—U ^au bruU Let<br />

him to—Itt him ta<br />

ShetF surprise had made hi-fton<br />

rchniiui h Yi hull <strong>of</strong> tht buj Jn 1<br />

Clau lie Iroj pe 1 Mtbbing* anl hn.n<br />

u k nmng t the bracken an 1 un<br />

ifFkFQWth,<br />

& fl f trifc ! to at H Nan jrm<br />

1 up al|flni h n hpf hut f(f lhe momLnt<br />

rat nia I n* F tn nu r than lit*<br />

hh truck at him aj,ain an !<br />

atain hht a«. th w FI 1 red<br />

Ih t h hnull g h \ larpl t<br />

hurt C 1 iu ii Sh tot 11 hu L kill<br />

ed him in h r pa sionat*. an^tr<br />

hatred<br />

ou^H ut ¥su he sai ] an\<br />

a|,i.H Hi^ fa e «4& yrfy hut<br />

runninj. thtn. Wl a lank <strong>of</strong> un«dlmgal<br />

on in his e>e*» Hy held b&th I<br />

n l ith utip han 1 the'<br />

little fae<br />

tr run<br />

1 leal a^<br />

irough the<br />

to<br />

lown at tht<br />

1 k 1 at Feter<br />

4h the | liij l t r ho sai 1<br />

ftith kte table inflection The<br />

man %Io lo t hu mtmnfvja aToid<br />

unwt-lt le iif-a^tment Thi- man<br />

whn f rgot iQnvementb Far<br />

Eol— *<br />

I Hut le nt-s r fini hp I ih t en<br />

! tenet Pet^r ma k a Iun^» foFWar 1<br />

an i taught him faiFly bttwpen lhe<br />

Clau h cr e I cut Lut with le<br />

li^ht niw rather thaii fear an 1<br />

Kan hi 1 hi F t \P<br />

Hul in A t UT t t 1 U f i a L i \\ f<br />

nun in I a mvi r I ib n lint K a<br />

foFot^n i ^nc]u^lan r 1 in t^o<br />

mm nt5 I >=ter had hrekt*n thr<br />

r I s, r p a FO? \\9 t wn F<br />

I La k an 1 Seftan had li^appeaFc 1<br />

'—a limpinjr rairink ihinif t lu 1<br />

ht fehum* 1 m the heart f the<br />

hit r va I rfath nu hta% 1^ HP 1<br />

hi fa wa \LI\ pal<br />

Ther wa 1 * a la?!. I ^ rt nf liak<br />

abjut hin lit nut a h wa he<br />

tn nit ] I Hk a JJF] n w hi Fiij^e<br />

ha I lit 1 loun<br />

An I th^n cjUite u 1 lenlv with<br />

sut coniment <strong>of</strong> any oFt I j ti r<br />

quickly<br />

How long are \ ou going 1 to<br />

ay * th^y Sskiti in a ehorus<br />

when she appeared at breakfast.<br />

Joan laughed<br />

I m HSt going to gtay at all—at<br />

lea*.t I dan I think so—Nan has<br />

enough to do ta look after you<br />

withgut nse ss well p<br />

They did not agree, with this<br />

and she receive 1 prompt invita<br />

is ta itay as long ae she liked<br />

We'll take, you an th# weods<br />

Jim proniipefl<br />

And find you biftk* eggs/* Bus<br />

ter gddsd<br />

Mr Ly^fer^ gem away," sail<br />

Han quietly<br />

He, he hasn't 1 shrilled Bitter<br />

again * I saw him this msrnmg<br />

before breakfast—hi same '<br />

_ Let me MH? he hpgan with<br />

Joan g]Q% enjoyment \oure the<br />

yaung man wfo sii 1 ynu hated<br />

me ai i the \tunjf man to<br />

whom 1 onte pFemi ed a thfa^h<br />

in^=eh \T ell It &PR1H tn Tne<br />

that this is a mK'-t oiyi<strong>of</strong>tunc<br />

motnent—<br />

Clau he *erfcamc 1 he ^tms,gle I<br />

\iolentl^ bpatiRg one =mall fat fist<br />

against hi D tormentor s ho i^<br />

Let me go=-Iet me ^Q ht ai 1<br />

O\PF and a\er a^am Nan<br />

Om Bum t lo 10 A. » [ 7 1. 1 P<br />

JOHN<br />

717<br />

F&ss* 27?<br />

B WHITICAB, M.<br />


<strong>On</strong> OtJ, N J<br />

u.<br />

D<br />

1 ALLE» CORSON M D<br />

OiH laarti i ts tl Ai H,i 7 ts I F. M.<br />


t Q9i9 IM! 9 is 16 A, Msj * 19 I FE ft]<br />

I ii 1 K IL<br />

124 Wmley A, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N J<br />

_ BILL I'HONK II<br />


Wm. H. CoUtieon, Jr.<br />

AMO II Am. Sot. C E.<br />


Qtr EntlD«.r. <strong>On</strong>u CUT, N. 1.<br />



No -.Illn, IH two wnki u know<br />

If r«l *SB i«t IM Wi iia till kt<br />

ma. BsrgsiQI Is llf a^i O«u<br />

ftant ireptFtiife OlQla altaga<br />

f« Mle* A!» isti far iBTtitrafilf<br />

•ad tut impfBfistfli^liiB c&elea tf<br />

Oiiui Ciir. ApOlj to<br />

J. M. CHESTER & CO,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N, J,<br />

e i down<br />

the nad whin I was out in the<br />

l h d h' fc i<br />

t<br />

said he'd mtefc u§ in<br />

tg woods when we*d had eur<br />

breakfast '<br />

Jean Ioakid qmckly si Kan.<br />

'I think you re made a mintaifg,*<br />

Kan said evgnly * W# gaw him<br />

d g to th& itstisn yesterday<br />

Mr Amott you knew"<br />

s B eomi baek *' Buster msisfc-<br />

"1 saw him p<br />

Han ehsngtd tftg subjtet har-<br />

^lr<br />

Later, Joan followed the boys<br />

out Into Sis garden. The weather<br />

hd k f th b<br />

S motor car,' ttod had taken a turn for'tho batter—it<br />

Iven me a illamond ring that- yas u warm and sunny as a Hoi<br />

morning She sniffed (life country<br />

sir dellciousl? ti she went.<br />

In hii? fright he let the precious<br />

note Irop to thu mat j pathwaj Bt<br />

his fi-et anil H-irte^ Sefton sai* it<br />

He kept hold <strong>of</strong> Claudie with one<br />

hand an 1 stooped to pick It up with<br />

thp other<br />

He saw the name on thf out,i lo<br />

<strong>of</strong> the folded paper and thought<br />

HUGHES'<br />



Phone 215<br />

HBclici, P D Flur<br />



Bnyine gelling Renting<br />

Room 301 <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title and<br />

Trqst BnildiDg<br />

OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />


Phulclan and Surgeon<br />

OOf Intii t A. H. U I P. »<br />

DiiHHi df Eje. Ear, No»<br />

and Tkrioat<br />

n» 111 clam niul<br />

Car. Wesley Are and Ninth St.<br />




AX-LAW<br />

<strong>On</strong> CII7 T10. -* Tnil C», BrtUhi,<br />

el tf«ckaiM£ 8L. Cap* UMT C*Mrt HHH<br />

Bell Pkoneii- OHIO CHy 791<br />

Coort HOH« M<br />


Hranlb PI"" «>J AUulii ATHIH<br />


Qffln BEinE<br />

• H II A. «.<br />

IK IF H. TdqlxiK<br />

T U I p M. HI<br />

•Ad br Appglntmft&t*<br />

DR CHAS. H. VAIL<br />


Eighth and Central Avenue<br />

Office Hour*—Dally, 9 to 5<br />

liy Appointment—Phone Bell 275W<br />



<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title & Trust Co. Bide<br />

Bell Phone: 1089-W<br />



OCEAN-CTTY. N. J.<br />

Telephone 799<br />

Office Houra 9 to 10 a, m.<br />

7 to 8 pm.<br />



Real Estate Broker .<br />

1225 m.f Avenue<br />

OCEAN CITY. N J.<br />


For Sale<br />

Fifth Street and Bay Afni<br />

—two fumlshtd housed, light<br />

on the Bay; lot 100 ft, on Bay<br />

Avenue, and 200 ft. on Fifth<br />

Street, with riparian righta,<br />

Ground floor! two car garage,<br />

laondry, bath and stpre* room,<br />

ffani and ilde porch. First<br />

floor; Kitchen, dining, pantry<br />

and living room; front and side<br />

porcheg, /<br />

Second floeri Four bed<br />

rooms and bath roooi: third<br />

floori three bed rppms. Steam<br />

heat—gas and electricity. Ap-<br />

ply at '<br />

20 South ajfd Street<br />

PhOadelplilB, Fa,<br />

Of jroar own broker,<br />


Real Estate Insurance<br />


Phone 1295<br />


The Popular Clothing Store hi Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

For Men, Young Men and Boys<br />

1329-31 Arctic Avenue<br />

Cor. Arctic and Tennenee Arena<br />

Phone Marine 5098<br />

.Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />


We Can Purniih<br />

Mortgage Monel<br />

in any amount<br />

pi<br />

Quick Action if your title papera are in g<br />

Buildinff Operations Financed<br />

Esibffl-Townsencl Corpt<br />

9th and Asbury Avenue '*<br />

Triple See-<br />

the dc fmc drind—pale and<br />

dry, and as good as it looks.<br />

Specially bottled and la.<br />

belled for those who desire<br />

a rtaUy exceptional blend,<br />

A.<br />

POWELL'S<br />

—Gordon Brothers—<br />


740 Asbury Avenue<br />

Bell Phone 168<br />

Quit 3.000 eitiei ani ta"U<br />

how itTMts>JiauiJ mitt<br />

d umml emenit<br />




Became Absent Mmded and<br />

Threw Them Overboard*-<br />

Zimm«rman'H Feat<br />



Its a great life—this passi<br />

away at the end <strong>of</strong> a rod u<br />

Any Waltumsn will IPII ^<br />

that.<br />

Nothinf Is do all day but sit and<br />

fish and dreamland then at the<br />

doge <strong>of</strong> day, go to u comfortablp<br />

Llub house to play Lards and dm<br />

cuis the pleasures <strong>of</strong> the catch<br />

Up at the Anglers Club where<br />

affisng others J 0 Anderson<br />

* Charlie Zimmerman and Pier<br />

piaster Conner hold forth the<br />

crowd wan discussing the art <strong>of</strong><br />

fishing the other evening<br />

Among the wid* 1 and *<br />

topics <strong>of</strong> eonvefsation tlut v> ent<br />

' th rounds was a discussion gf tht<br />

rf^bhfefj¥J<br />

t|mt<br />

pfSffunent <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Plermaster ConnaF pFedict'<br />

TayloF one day will beconi<br />

world'i greatest SshErman MF<br />

Cennor Eased his predittion on<br />

Taylor's a^precmtion <strong>of</strong> the ngtf»s<br />

mty <strong>of</strong> salt water to keep bail<br />

alive (E\en m h» yuutli, TastoF<br />

th<strong>of</strong>oughly digeatfcd that )<br />

According ta the atury that<br />

the rounds and elicited a mile<br />

from allp Taylor who was fishing<br />

en the pierf a few days ago caught<br />

a niee-si^ed fish Me WSN u^ing<br />

cribs faf bait, and in nrdff to<br />

keep them alive hid them m u<br />

backet filled with gait water While<br />

Taylor was washing the fl sfteF ht had<br />

cleaned the fishp TayloF went to hi«<br />

buekit and dumped the crah-i mtn<br />

the ocean<br />

Startled, a number <strong>of</strong> people on<br />

the p!if asked him wh^ he hod<br />

dene iueh a thing Tyylar then<br />

admitted thdt he had ^tm| un<br />

canscisualy He was afraid that<br />

perhaps, Connor or Mr And* r on<br />

wsutd accidentally throw hi* bait<br />

merbeard The thing HO preyed on<br />

his mind that he himself thFtw<br />

his own bait <strong>of</strong>f the pier The<br />

jokegtsFS, however have tt that<br />

T&ylgF believes the cFabn should<br />

have a large place m whith iv<br />

swim and that, through gratitude<br />

they will come back tg him tht<br />

neit time he wants to fish<br />

Charlie lmmertnan who re<br />

cently eaught a croaker withiut a<br />

line, hesk or bait, says that he ha^<br />

a head just ax well as the ffeh<br />

ChsFlie s philosophy m that if the<br />

fish don t bite he isn t going to<br />

hgld a pole Oh yes the cfoaker<br />

Ask it tg tell ygil how he raught<br />

JL This newspaper has a repyta<br />

tisn to maintain<br />

To Frank Ho well, president <strong>of</strong><br />

the Gamdeit National Bank at<br />

Gamdin, goes the distinction <strong>of</strong><br />

catching the largest fish at lh<<br />

Anglerr Club during the pnu<br />

week<br />

A ^eakfiah, weighing WVLI<br />

psund^, and seven fingfish weic<br />

caught by Mr Hgwell Friday<br />

While thi fish havt been staying<br />

nway fi^m the Anglers Club pier<br />

for feur or five days a few other<br />

gaod catches have been made all<br />

kingfish A list <strong>of</strong> the catcher, a*<br />

an file at the club foil own<br />

3 P gchiek, 10, Geo^e Beaton<br />

0 James Blowen 4 President J<br />

W Kennedy, 4, J H Kirk 4 All<br />

<strong>of</strong> these anglers are from Philadtl<br />

Bhia, with the exception <strong>of</strong> Mr<br />

Mowin, whs comes from We*st<br />

Chester<br />

ooul &h$<br />

©OWN ft" LI.T ME<br />

evr ft aot's<br />

, WAlttCUTf/<br />


TH1M<br />

AM' HELJ tto<br />


11-POUND WEAK<br />

FrankenliiW'i Catch in Bay-<br />

Boys Buiy at Fourteenth<br />

Street Pier<br />



Favors Return to Old-Style <strong>of</strong><br />

Nominations by Party<br />

ConvenlionH<br />

Slate primorliM should not be<br />

hilil in torriil weather, liut they<br />

shoulii lip i]Liiini.(l in tho KprinK<br />

lo permit u rent for candiclatua<br />

following the campaign ami before<br />

the November elertlon, Bccor.MiiK<br />

lo Uniteil Statoa Senator BIIKB.<br />

At the same time, Senator Edje,<br />

who favoM noniinatlDnjt b^ party<br />

conventions, asserted that the cup-<br />

rent expose <strong>of</strong> LIIR expenditures in<br />

Ihe Kepybiieun siinatoriul prinmry<br />

in Pennsylvania is an exeeljent<br />

rgument for the abolition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ireet primary system,<br />

'My opposition," said Senator<br />

.tige tgdiiy, ''Is pritnarieli &» late<br />

•. September is well known. It<br />

* not necessary for me to repeat<br />

hat familiar argument,<br />

•The primaries, if We must<br />

m£ to thf direst primary sys-<br />

in, ought to be held before ths<br />

lot weather. The time to halii<br />

iio contests within the respective<br />

mrties, it' seems to me, in In thg<br />

priiig, hut it does not appear that<br />

t should he necessary ta advance<br />

hum «s .early as April.<br />

'It would not be a bad Iilea to<br />

jlvance the primaries twe or even<br />

hrec weeks, muWnK them fall on<br />

,he first Tuesday in <strong>Jun</strong>e or tha<br />

mt Tuesiiay in May. At that<br />

me there are few persons away<br />

,n their vacations, and the wenth.<br />

r conditionB are net such as to<br />

dude interest In Ihe ram.<br />


Horse-and-Buggy<br />

Pavements<br />

Won't Do<br />

Property pwntm in miny mm 3 ^|<br />

inddtiMwhwestreatiswannwiA<br />

motor tiiffle art idUwuttaiAiir<br />

. money on tioise.aBd.bu|iy "^sve-<br />

rtents" ol by|eae dayi.<br />

Theie rough,-bumpr stroett t»<br />

diMctly mpoMlble for btoksB<br />

lprinp,CUttiM«,ir«aterdepMM- ,<br />

don <strong>of</strong> can, physical dliconlo^ r<br />

bsi <strong>of</strong> time, and tniny iceUeoB "»<br />

involving IOBS <strong>of</strong> life or limb. ,<br />

And the heavy expense <strong>of</strong> trying s<br />

to keep worn-out, dangerous, horse- s<br />

and-buggy streets in repair, added<br />

to their original cost, amounts to<br />

more than enough to pay for true, f<br />

even, non-skid concrete pavement ,t<br />

that has the maintenance built in. 7<br />

So'in the long run you are pay- ;j<br />

ing for concrete streets. Why n

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