Untitled - Diakonie Württemberg

Untitled - Diakonie Württemberg

Untitled - Diakonie Württemberg


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Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg<br />

Institute for Applied Research<br />

Prof´in Dr´in Monika Barz, Scientific Management<br />

Dominique Heyberger, Research Associate<br />

Claudia Hettenkofer, Research Associate<br />

Edith Stein-Stan, author of the study segment about Romania<br />

Assisted by:<br />

Eun Cho You, Yoon Hee Kim-Bischof, study segment about South Korea<br />

Stefan Mangerich, study segment about Brazil<br />

For the country survey performed in the Netherlands<br />

Tobias Zinser, Author<br />

Diakonisches Werk <strong>Württemberg</strong><br />

Dr. Antje Fetzer, conception and coordination<br />

Karl Georg Wagner, Professional Advisor<br />

The topicality of this study is due to the professional support of:<br />

Abel Anania, Matthias Binder, Henry von Bose, Dominique Denimal, Klaus Dollmann, Lutz<br />

Drescher, Johannes Flothow, Hubert Freyermuth, Walter Gebhardt, Jae-Hoon Jung, Deok<br />

Hwan Kim, Angelika Krause, Martina Menzel, Irina Ose, Ana-Maria Palcu, Leander Palleit,<br />

Maria Pazen, Heike Rieser, Peter Ruf, Friedemann Salzer, Klaus-Peter Stenzig, Stefan<br />

Tremmel<br />

Kindly supported by the Paul-Lechler-Stiftung<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

Stuttgart, January 2011

Preface<br />

The world is growing together: Due to the `UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with<br />

Disabilities´ people and countries from around the globe get the chance, to come closer<br />

together.<br />

The movement arising from the Convention can be perceived everywhere. But what does<br />

more participation, self-determination and equality for people with disabilities actually mean?<br />

And what is the contribution of the protestant churches and its <strong>Diakonie</strong>?<br />

For us as <strong>Diakonie</strong> in <strong>Württemberg</strong> this is reason enough to invite our global partners to the<br />

<strong>Diakonie</strong> International Congress “All inclusive?!”. From March 9 th to 11 th , people from<br />

Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America come together to explore the<br />

perspectives of Inclusion. It will be colourful and diverse, and exchange will be the focus.<br />

The existing country survey forms the basis of the conversations between people from<br />

different contexts. First impressions and orientation can be gained. The survey should<br />

arouse anticipation and bring interests together: how do people with disabilities live in South<br />

Korea for example? How does the social system in Tanzania work and what is the role of<br />

<strong>Diakonie</strong> there?<br />

During the research process we realised, that there is no comparable specification available.<br />

Therefore it is great to make a contribution beyond <strong>Württemberg</strong> and our partnerships: For<br />

the inspiration of people with disabilities and their relatives to learn to use the new<br />

opportunities and also for the persons responsible in parishes and institutions that take new<br />

paths.<br />

Together with the impulses of this congress, the study will be processed and discussed<br />

intensively in our committees in 2011.<br />

We want to thank the Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, especially Prof. Monika Barz,<br />

Dominique Heuberger and Claudia Hettenkofer for the dedicated cooperation. We would like<br />

to express our thanks in particular to the interlocutors from the participating countries.<br />

Without them, it would have been impossible to picture the daily reality. Finally, we would<br />

especially like to thank the Paul-Lechler-Stiftung for the great support.<br />

We wish you all an inspiring read and encounters full of impulses during “All inclusive?!”.<br />

Yours<br />

Dieter Kaufmann, Diakonisches Werk <strong>Württemberg</strong>;<br />

Lothar Bauer, Bruderhaus<strong>Diakonie</strong>;<br />

Dr. Hartmut Fritz, Samariterstiftung; Heinz Gerstlauer, Evangelische Gesellschaft;<br />

Rainer Hinzen, <strong>Diakonie</strong> Stetten; Joachim L. Beck, Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll

Index of Contents<br />

Introduction 5<br />

Claudia Hettenkofer<br />

Brazil…………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Synopsis for Brazil 11<br />

Study section Brazil 12<br />

Case study Luana 20<br />

Dominique Heyberger<br />

Germany………………………………………………………………………………………….<br />

Synopsis for Germany 24<br />

Study section Germany 25<br />

Case study Lara 33<br />

Dominique Heyberger<br />

France…………………………………………………………………………………………....<br />

Synopsis for France 41<br />

Study section France 42<br />

Case study Aurelie 49<br />

Dominique Heyberger<br />

Korea…………………………………………………………………………………………………….<br />

Synopsis for Korea 54<br />

Study section Korea 55<br />

Case study Na-Young 63<br />

Edith Stein-Stan<br />

Romania………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Synopsis for Romania 67<br />

Study section Romania 68<br />

Case study Alina 75<br />

Claudia Hettenkofer<br />

Tanzania……………………………………………………………………………………………....<br />

Synopsis for Tanzania 80<br />

Study section Tanzania 81<br />

Case study Banuelia 88<br />

Tobias Zinser<br />

Netherlands………………………………………………………………………………………....<br />

Synopsis for the Netherlands 93<br />

Study section the Netherlands 94<br />

Case study Ruben 103<br />

List of abbreviations 108<br />


EH Ludwigsburg: International overview study of the rights and social reality of people with<br />

disabilities in Brazil, Germany, France, Romania, South Korea and Tanzania, with a<br />

supplementary country study of the Netherlands.<br />

A social scientific study on behalf of the Diakonische Werk <strong>Württemberg</strong><br />

Introduction (Status as at 17.1.2011)<br />

I Basis and reason for the country study<br />

“Every individual has rights. For example, the right to be treated<br />

properly. Everyone should enjoy good health. There are numerous<br />

rules and laws on this in Europe and worldwide. These rules and<br />

laws also apply to people with disabilities.” 1<br />

This is the basic wording of the first sentence of the “United Nations Convention on the<br />

Rights of People with Disabilities”.<br />

The UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which came into<br />

force on 3 May 2008 for those companies ratifying the Convention, 2 is a milestone in the<br />

implementation of the rights of disabled people. 3 The Convention was drawn up over a period<br />

of several years, with the key involvement by people with a range of disabilities. Many<br />

countries have since ratified the Convention and therefore given an undertaking to provide<br />

better support for people with disabilities. The aim is to create a society in which everyone is<br />

entitled to participate on an equal basis. In the vernacular this is known as inclusion.<br />

Inclusion should apply to everyone. Diaconia and the church also want to make this reality all<br />

over the world. After all, God created every individual in his own image, no more, no less.<br />

Under the auspices of the <strong>Diakonie</strong> <strong>Württemberg</strong>, the international conference entitled “Allinclusive!?<br />

will be taking place from 9-11 March 2011 at the Evangelical Academy Bad Boll<br />

and focus on the challenges faced by the church and diaconia along the route towards the<br />

implementation of the Convention. Delegates and guest speakers from at least seven<br />

countries, people with and without disabilities those responsible from diaconic institutions<br />

and parishes, as well as families and other specialists, will be coming together for an<br />

interchange of experiences on the subject of inclusion, to express their expectations and<br />

discuss ways in which to turn these into reality.<br />

1 Federal German Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs (publ.), United Nations Convention on the Rights<br />

of People with Disabilities. German / English / French / plain German (Status as at January 2010), Introduction<br />

in plain language, 79 (punctuation deleted).<br />

2 The UNCRPD came into force on 3 May 2008. This was preceded by a process lasting several years: the text of<br />

the UN Convention as well as the text of the additional protocol was approved on 13 December 2006 by the UN<br />

General Assembly. To enable the text to be adopted into national law it had to be ratified by twenty member<br />

states, in other words declared by these as legally binding on a national basis. This was achieved after it<br />

ratification by Ecuador. (see loc. cit., Introduction, 3).<br />

3 The UNCRPD was brought into being by the United Nations in order to counter the worldwide discrimination<br />

and breaches of human rights perpetrated against people with disabilities. As a universal instrument of law It is<br />

the first convention to be tailored to the life situation of people with disabilities. It defines social standards<br />

against which the contracting states must allow themselves to be measured. The goals defined by the<br />

convention are participation, self-determination and unrestricted equality. See. BMAS (publ.)<br />

http://www.bmas.de/portal/10796/sgb__ix.html [Status as at: 07.12.2010]<br />


This study is intended to assist in an exchange of ideas on how to promote equal<br />

participation beyond national borders and cultures. It depicts the legal and actual situation<br />

relating to disability in the following seven countries: Brazil, Germany, France, the<br />

Netherlands, Romania, South Korea and Tanzania. Institutions of the <strong>Württemberg</strong> <strong>Diakonie</strong><br />

maintain relations with these countries on a partnership basis and these seven contextual<br />

experiences will be represented at the conference.<br />

The Diakonische Werk <strong>Württemberg</strong> (DWW) commissioned the Institute for Applied<br />

Research (IAF) of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg with the<br />

handling of the study.<br />

II Motivation for the country study<br />

There were three guiding issues for the design of the study concept:<br />

• Firstly: to clarify the facts<br />

What rights do people with disabilities have in the respective countries and how are they<br />

implemented? What support from the social welfare state can a person with a disability rely<br />

on and what role does the family play? Finally, particular interest was attached to the work of<br />

church and diaconic institutions on behalf of people with disabilities.<br />

• Secondly: the added value of international congresses<br />

By adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, the ratifying<br />

countries have given a commitment to taking concrete measures for the implementation of<br />

the Convention. This is being done based on very differing levels of the social welfare state<br />

and against the background of very differing cultural and economic framework conditions.<br />

The aim of bringing together these types of differing contexts is to expand the horizons.<br />

Looking beyond individual boundaries will enable people to visualize how, in some cases,<br />

inclusion can be more easily achieved under more basic conditions. It is intended to<br />

embolden representatives of community-based, structured systems to consistently continue<br />

pursuing their approach. International congresses provide the inspiration for new ideas and<br />

allow for a high level of constructive self-examination.<br />

Case studies were chosen in order to provide the most practical way possible to illustrate the<br />

situations in the respective countries.<br />

• Thirdly: the contribution from the Protestant churches and their diaconic<br />

institutions<br />

Particular interest was attached to the Church’s commitment to the rights of people with<br />

disabilities and the forms of offerings that have been developed within the respective cultural<br />

grouping and social system:<br />

Is the diaconia one of many providers of aid offerings for people with disabilities,<br />

characterised by an ideological approach? Does the work of social welfare rest primarily on<br />

the shoulders of the churches? Is the offering from the diaconia a peripheral phenomenon in<br />

what is otherwise a community which is structured along secular lines?<br />


In this context it would have been helpful to describe the theological evaluations of disability<br />

and their consequences in the corresponding context. As such, whilst people with disabilities<br />

are on the one side normally considered by Christians as having the ability to be educated at<br />

an early age, on the other side, false and time-sensitive religious perceptions of disability as<br />

a punishment for sinful actions reinforce the social exclusion experienced by those suffering<br />

from disabilities and their families.<br />

The traditional link between marriage and procreation has been a long-established bar for<br />

couples with disabilities receiving the blessing of the Church. Even today the life themes of<br />

sexuality and marriage in respect of people with disabilities still receive a very guarded<br />

approach. For hundreds of years people with disabilities were excluded from the evening<br />

meal and for some families the baptism of a child with a disability has already become a test<br />

of courage.<br />

These few key words identify themes of a controversial nature from the religious-diaconic<br />

aspect and ones that resonate in some of the country studies and give grounds for more indepth<br />

examination in the future.<br />

III Lessons learned during the research<br />

Whilst the research was being conducted it emerged, on the one side, just how much<br />

impetus has been given to the global landscape of help for the disabled through the UN<br />

Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. Standard works, ten years old, had<br />

already been superseded by the change in the legal position. A significant amount of current<br />

research work has therefore gone into this study. Specialist contact partners from all the<br />

participating countries made themselves available for the purpose of describing the actual<br />

reality and revising the respective country study.<br />

The question regarding the importance of the commitment of the Church proved to be one of<br />

the most difficult whilst carrying out the research work as this does not come within the<br />

government agencies’ scope of responsibility and official statistics on this are kept secret. It<br />

can be established all-in-all that evangelically-motivated social services do exist in all the<br />

countries, although the level of effectiveness and scope varies significantly from country to<br />

country. The international debate about these questions has started and will be continued<br />

over the years ahead.<br />

IV Results of the comparison between the countries<br />

1. The UN Convention set the same objective in all the ratifying countries with regard to<br />

the legal position for people with disabilities. However, depending upon a country’s<br />

economic situation and the prevailing mentality in relation to disabilities, some of the<br />

countries have so far failed to virtually implement any of the rights.<br />

2. The extent to which the inclusion model laid down in law reflects the understanding<br />

represented in the institutions and support services offered, as well as the attitude of<br />

those in charge, is proving to be a key factor for the inclusion of people with<br />

disabilities in all areas of society.<br />


For example, a society that instead of supporting people with disabilities has housed<br />

them in very basic institutions as a result of its perfectionist view of the individual, not<br />

only needs occupational therapy know-how but also and, in particular, to work on its<br />

image of the individual.<br />

A society which has focused on the centralised provision of people in great need for<br />

specialisation and economic efficiency reasons needs good opportunities for meeting<br />

together in everyday life as well as broadly-based information in order to convince the<br />

population to pursue the inclusion route.<br />

3. The family remains the key social institution for people with disabilities. It bears the<br />

responsibility for which of the available social opportunities a child can take up. The<br />

family often has to fight to secure the child’s rights to inclusion. Where there is a lack<br />

of provision, in the end it is often only the family that provides reliable support. Even<br />

in highly developed systems designed to offer participation it is the parents who set<br />

the course for development, education and career. Even here, inclusion in the leisure<br />

activities is almost exclusively made possible only with the help of committed family<br />

members.<br />

4. The support for people with disabilities is crucial to their development and<br />

prospects in later life. The quality and scope of the development services offered<br />

depends to a significant extent on the economic framework conditions.<br />

5. One of the key adjusters for self-determination is to what extent people with<br />

disabilities have an independent legal entitlement to sufficient income or whether<br />

provision is made for them dependent upon income. Income dependency<br />

automatically means financial and therefore also psychological dependency upon the<br />

family. This is another area in which the Convention has set out stringent<br />

requirements that have to be implemented from the legal policy aspect.<br />

6. Even where they are able to get work, people with disabilities do not normally earn a<br />

sufficient salary. As such, virtually no country offers any integration into the labour<br />

market without some compromise. A job that is unable to secure an individual’s<br />

livelihood remains purely symbolic in terms of the employment measures.<br />

7. Inclusion can be made more difficult as a result of both high level and low level<br />

systems. This systematically raises the question as to whether the support for people<br />

with disabilities is more appropriately achieved through segregation or through<br />

inclusion. In any event, the characteristic of larger and more specialised special<br />

institutions - special nurseries, special schools, workshops for the disabled -<br />

represents a major hurdle to inclusion.<br />


V Study methodology<br />

The Institute for Applied Research (IAF) of the Protestant University Ludwigsburg applied the<br />

following methodology in processing the study: 4<br />

• Measurement instruments<br />

International measurement tools were used in order to present the study on a comparative<br />

basis. It is important in this context for the term disability to be defined in accordance with the<br />

German Association for Technical Collaboration (GTZ) in varying ways depending upon the<br />

national, social legislation and cultural standard. This gives rise to varying perceptions of<br />

forms of disability, making it more difficult to produce comparisons of apparently reliable<br />

information on people with disabilities. The most standard details come from the World<br />

Health Organisation (WHO) which estimates the number of people with disabilities worldwide<br />

at 600 million, approx. 10% of the world’s population. A lack of collation systems, or systems<br />

which do not provide for differentiation, make comparisons complex because some people<br />

are not recorded. There is often found to be a higher percentage of people with disabilities in<br />

industrialised countries, whilst the percentages in developing countries are lower. A social<br />

approach (social model) which understands disability as a social construct, is becoming<br />

increasingly accepted as the norm in the international debate. These constructs include<br />

barriers, stigmatisation and environmental discrimination towards people with disabilities.<br />

These developments have been incorporated into the new model from the WHO that also<br />

takes account of social factors in the classification of health and health-related areas. 5<br />

The Human Development Index (HDI) of the UN represents another measurement tool. This<br />

provides a broad spectrum for the understanding of the complex relationship between<br />

income and well-being. The HDI covers four categories into which all countries and regions<br />

are divided. Developed countries have achieved an HDI of 0.9 and above and are<br />

categorised as “Very High Human Development” countries. Countries with a lower value are<br />

designated as developing countries and under the HDI are divided into the following three<br />

categories: “High Human Development” (0.8-0.899), “Medium Human Development” (0.5-<br />

0.799) and “Low Human Development” (less than 0.5). 6 The study also had recourse to<br />

publications from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)<br />

which comprises 33 countries of the world. 7<br />

• Research methods<br />

The analytical section of the “international overview study” was produced using the methods<br />

of literature and Internet research, standardised interviews with sufferers and specialists, as<br />

well as through participation at specialist conferences.<br />

4<br />

The country study of “The Netherlands”, that was additionally commissioned, follows the same procedure<br />

and structure.<br />

5<br />

GTZ (publ.) http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/de-behinderung-und-entwicklung.pdf, S.7 [Status as at:<br />

07.12.2010]<br />

6<br />

See UNDP http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2009_EN_Complete.pdf (publ.), HDI Report 2009, P.15 or 204<br />

[Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />


• Presentation<br />

1) Detailed country reports<br />

All country reports have been developed and based on the following themes and questions:<br />

1. Statistics on people with disabilities<br />

2. Does the constitution contain statements on the area of social welfare? What role<br />

does the state see itself playing with regard to the area of social welfare?<br />

3. What form does the inclusion model take?<br />

4. What explicit rights do people in need have?<br />

5. What are the state social security benefits?<br />

6. Who are the social work providers?<br />

7. What forms of financing are used by the respective system?<br />

8. What role is played by the Church and religious motivation in social welfare<br />

provision?<br />

9. What is the importance of informal forms of provision?<br />

10. How is the educational system structured? What role does integration, inclusion,<br />

social participation play in this system?<br />

11. What are the prospects for people with disabilities?<br />

2) Case studies<br />

Model case studies were developed for the reconstructive section, in which the framework<br />

conditions specific to the individual countries were placed within a fictional, biographic<br />

development line.<br />

In the case study the life of a child who acquires a disability in infancy was traced on a<br />

fictional basis for each country. 8 Features specific to the individual countries were integrated<br />

within the biographic development lines. This gave concrete form to the impact of the social<br />

framework conditions on the life of people with disabilities. Girls were purposely chosen in<br />

order to emphasise the role of women within the respective cultural context. Article 6 of the<br />

UNCRPD makes reference to the fact that women and girls with disabilities are subject to<br />

multiple forms of discrimination and calls on this fact to be taken into account in all the<br />

deliberations on the implementation of the UNCRPD. 9<br />

3) Country synopsis<br />

In addition to the detailed country reports, the analytical section of this study contains a<br />

synopsis in each case in the form as an overview. The purpose of this is to provide a quick<br />

summary of the key data and facts.<br />

7 See Verlag für die Deutsche Wirtschaft AG [Publishers] (publ.) http://www.vnr.de/glossar/oecd/ [Status as at<br />

03.10.2010]<br />

8 The case study in the country study of “The Netherlands” deviates from this by focusing on two people with<br />

trisomy 21.<br />

9 See appointed representative of the Federal German Government for the Affairs of Disabled People (publ.)<br />

http://www.alleinklusive.behindertenbeauftragte.de/cln_108/nn_1430096/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/AI/BRK<br />

[Status as at:<br />

05.12.2010]<br />


Synopsis for Brazil 10<br />

Total population 192 million<br />

People with disability 2000: 24.5 million<br />

(1)<br />

Embodied within the Yes, Article 203, Article 208 and Article 28a.<br />

Constitution (2)<br />

Inclusion model (3) In the government programmes inclusion is primarily concentrated<br />

on barrier-free access. Since poverty and hunger are directly<br />

related to disability, efforts are also made to counter these factors.<br />

Express rights and Numerous, special legal texts, implementation is difficult, breaches<br />

reality (4)<br />

of the human rights of ‘excluidos’, poorer sections of the population<br />

do not know their rights.<br />

State social welfare Social security system for those liable to compulsory contributions,<br />

benefits (5)<br />

social assistance programmes concentrate on fighting poverty, for<br />

example educational grants (Bolsa escola).<br />

Social work providers State institutions, independent and private organisations, large<br />

(6)<br />

number of international NGOs.<br />

Financing forms (7) Social security schemes, public funding, international programmes<br />

and donations.<br />

Religion (8) Catholic (74%), Protestant (15%), no religion and other religions<br />

(11%).<br />

Role of the Church Church plays a significant and important role in the area of<br />

(8)<br />

education.<br />

Role of informal forms Traditional family dominant. Extended family seen as providing<br />

of provision (9) security in the event of need for care.<br />

Education (10) Compulsory schooling for all children, high inclusion rate, minimal<br />

special education, barrier-free access in mainstream schools often<br />

not guaranteed, minimal education opportunities for children from<br />

families with low incomes.<br />

Future prospects (11) Increasing importance attached to inclusion. Government adapting<br />

teaching curriculums. Street children and children with disabilities<br />

being increasingly accepted by society.<br />

Ratification of the UN Yes, in 2008.<br />

Convention on the<br />

Rights of People with<br />

Disabilities<br />

Monitoring agency National Coordination Agency for People with Disabilities (CORDE).<br />

Gender and disability Highest number of single mothers in the world. Differing forms of<br />

disability amongst men and women as a result of gender-specific<br />

occupations.<br />

Special strengths Measures on the government level, expanded social welfare<br />

system, intervention to combat the gap between rich and poor, high<br />

level of inclusion in rural areas through participation by people with<br />

disabilities in everyday tasks.<br />

10 Note: The figures in brackets indicate the chapter number in the respective national study.<br />


National Study Brazil<br />

Claudia Hettenkofer<br />

1. Statistics<br />

In Brazil the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics (IBGE) collects, collates and<br />

evaluates data on the economy, society and the environment. This data, together with a<br />

study of the ‘Images of Disability in Brazil’ conducted by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation<br />

(FGV) provides an overview of the forms and frequency of disability in Brazil. 11<br />

In 2000 the IBGE carried out a demographic census which showed that 24 million people<br />

suffer from a disability. This represents approx. 14% of the total population of 192 million. 12 It<br />

is further assumed that the census does not cover everyone with a disability. The largest<br />

proportion (17%) can be found in the North East region and the smallest (13%) in the South<br />

East of the country. A breakdown by city and region shows a concentration in the cities,<br />

where 20 out of every 100 inhabitants have a disability, compared with five in the rural<br />

regions. 13 A breakdown by colour of skin reveals significant social and ethnic variations.<br />

According to the IBGE, fair-skinned people are less likely to be affected by disability than<br />

‘Indios’ and people with dark skin colouring. This is attributable to the fact that the latter<br />

group has poorer access to healthcare. The definition of disability is based on the<br />

classification by the WHO which draws a distinction between mental, physical, hearing, and<br />

visual disability plus poor motor coordination. Unlike the WHO multiple disabilities are not<br />

listed 14 so people with multiple disabilities are listed separately in the statistics as each<br />

disability is recorded individually. This gives a theoretically higher number of disabled<br />

people. 15<br />

2. Constitution<br />

Following the overthrow of the military dictatorship in 1985 the aim was to strengthen<br />

democracy through the establishment of the constitution in 1988. Over 60,000 submissions<br />

were received from amongst the population, making a significant contribution to the creation<br />

of this constitution. Never before has such a project of this type and nature been drafted with<br />

the help of the people. The constitution is considered to be one of the most democratic in the<br />

world.16 The Federal Republic of Brazil is a democratic state governed by the rule of law, the<br />

constitution of which takes express account of the rights of people with disabilities. The<br />

fundamental principles state that all people, without exception, are equal before the law and<br />

that everyone has the inalienable right to life, freedom, equality, security and land ownership.<br />

Under Article 208, people with disabilities have the right, embodied within the constitution, to<br />

a special education, preferably in mainstream schools.17 In the scale of the Human<br />

Development Index (HDI) taken from the year 2009 Brazil is ranked around mid table in 75 th<br />

11<br />

IBGE=Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; See Federal Ministry for Education and<br />

Research (Publ.) [Status as at: 24.09.2010]; FGV=Fundacion Getulio Vargas. Note: The Foundation<br />

was responsible for the area of disability within the framework of the IBGE study. Its study provides a<br />

correlation between the forms and severity of disability and the socio-demographic and political<br />

aspects.<br />

12<br />

See World Bank (Publ.), Global Development Indicators [Status as at: 01.11.2010]<br />

13<br />

See Center for International Rehabilitation (Publ.) [Status as at: 27.09.2010]; IBGE (Publ.), 2003<br />

14<br />

See Hüttl, Beate (2010), P. 63-69 [Status as at: 23.11.2010]; IBGE (Publ.), 2003<br />

15<br />

See IBGE (demographic census 2000, nota 1)<br />

16<br />

See Brazilian Embassy [Status as at: 26.09.2010]<br />

17<br />

See Brazilian Government, Constitution [Status as at: 26.09.2010]<br />


position out of 182 countries in total. It is included amongst the developing nations in the<br />

‘High Human Development’ category. 18<br />

3. “Inclusion” Model<br />

In 2008 Brazil ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities<br />

(UNCRPD). The Secretariat for Human Rights (SDH), together with its subordinate body for<br />

the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SNPD), is responsible for the<br />

implementation and coordination of the national policy. In 2009 the SNPD established the<br />

National Coordination Office for the Integration of People with Disabilities (CORDE). 19 It<br />

passes laws and legal provisions and endeavours to create innovative forms of social<br />

inclusion. 20 The National Multi Year Plan 2004 to 2007 21 and the programme entitled ‘Brazil<br />

Barrier-Free Access’ 22 , make provision for the expansion of the training for experts in social<br />

welfare in order to provide support for people with disabilities and to assist in the PR work of<br />

advertising Brazil as a country that offers barrier-free access. The national discussion<br />

between experts on inclusive education promotes the concept that greater importance must<br />

be accorded to the social dimension of barrier-free access since this does not just mean<br />

building ramps but also creating social equality. 23<br />

At first sight people with disabilities are integrated into the country’s political scene. The<br />

social reality however is that they tend to be more “tolerated” than acknowledged. This is<br />

evident from material and social barriers in Brazilian society. People with disabilities<br />

experience ignorance, prejudice, discrimination and inequality. In some areas the<br />

professional system of help for people with disabilities, aimed at creating integration, has<br />

achieved the opposite. Exclusion is becoming more apparent and more extensive as a result<br />

of the progressive segregation in schools, clinics and homes. We also see people with<br />

disabilities experiencing severe restrictions in the social area, for example in the search for a<br />

partner or choice of jobs. 24 A report by church social workers draws attention to the fact that<br />

the birth of a child with a disability is frequently interpreted by society and families as a<br />

punishment by God and viewed as a shameful sin. In the absence of support from the public<br />

sector the child is frequently left with its family grouping as its only life environment.<br />

Depending upon the attitude of and interpretation by the parents, for the child this means a<br />

life between being protected and hidden away within an environment that rejects it. This is<br />

18<br />

See UN (Publ.) HDI Report 2009, S. 144 [Status as at: 26.09.2010]<br />

19<br />

See Baldi, César Augusto [Status as at: 27.09.2010]; SDH=Secretaria dos Direitos Humanos;<br />

SNPD=Subsecretaria Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência;<br />

CORDE=Coordenadoria Nacional para integração da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência; See<br />

Presidente da República, CORDE [Status as at: 29.09.2010] (Trans.. Stefan Mangerich)<br />

20<br />

See Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo: [Status as at:<br />

15.10.2010]; Note: The Coordination Office comprises 15 technical experts, five of whom have a<br />

disability. See Center for international Rehabilitation (Publ.) [Status as at: 16.11.2010]<br />

21<br />

Note: Original title: Programa Nacional de Acessibilidade no Plano Plurianual 2004/2007<br />

22<br />

Note: Original title: Programa Brasileiro de Acessibilidade Urbana – Brasil Acessive!; See<br />

Acessibilidade Brasil: [Status as at: 27.09.2010]<br />

23<br />

Note: On the political level the discussion is primarily on structural measures aimed at creating<br />

inclusion. See Loiola, Mariana [Status as at: 15.10.2010]; Krausnick, Michail (2009), P.93; Loiola,<br />

Mariana (2004) [Status as at: 27.09.2010]<br />

24<br />

See Krausnick, Michail (2009), P.92f; Hüttl, Beate (2010), P.71<br />


how the parents attempt to escape the hurtful prejudices and discriminatory views of blame<br />

and shame. 25<br />

Of the 24 million people with disabilities, nine million are employed, 5.6 million of whom are<br />

male and 3.4 million female. Five million of these earn less than 930 Real (410 Euros),<br />

approx. twice the minimum salary of 465 Real. They are predominantly employed in the<br />

services sector. According to the national IBGE study people with a disability normally have<br />

one year’s less education than the average for society. 22% of the 24 million people with<br />

disability have never been to school. There is a direct correlation between the lack of an<br />

education and living in poverty. 29% of people with a disability live below the poverty line. 26<br />

4. Rights<br />

Over the last 20 years the legal position of people with a disability has changed significantly.<br />

Existing laws have been revised and new ones introduced. Act no. 7853 from 1989 makes<br />

express reference to the rights of people with disabilities, including to the rules in the event of<br />

non-compliance with these laws. As such, abuse of the law is punished by a fine or<br />

imprisonment of up to four years. These penalties can also be applied to non-compliance<br />

with the labour laws. Act no. 8213/91 regulates the percentage of working people with<br />

disabilities. Under this law employers with more than 100 employees have an obligation to<br />

award at least 2% of the jobs to people with a disability. Other laws from 1999 and 2000 (Act<br />

no. 3298 and 10048) contain provisions for the national policy on integration, in particular for<br />

institutions which receive government grants. In 2001 Act no. 10216 set out the rules on<br />

protecting the rights of people with mental disorders. It establishes new approaches in<br />

dealing with people suffering from mental illness. Act no. 10436 from the year 2002<br />

recognises Brazilian sign language as a legal form of communication and expression.<br />

Decree no. 4360 of the same year regulates the provision of long-term assistance for people<br />

with disabilities as well as older people. Act no. 10754 from 2003 deals with the tax<br />

exemption for vehicles used for the transportation of people with disabilities. 27<br />

Despite numerous improvements on the statutory level, experts stress that over recent years<br />

there have been virtually no changes with regard to the implementation of general human<br />

rights. People with disabilities, women, children, dark skinned people, Indios, prisoners,<br />

homosexuals and those living in poverty continue to number amongst the ‘Excluídos da<br />

Sociedade’, those excluded from society. They have to fight for their rights. This includes<br />

gaining access to educational institutions, medical provision, employment, housing, sport,<br />

leisure and culture. There are comprehensive laws in place to safeguard these rights for<br />

everyone. Nevertheless anyone classed as ‘different’ is systematically excluded from<br />

Brazilian society. Many of the statutory provisions are not being implemented in practice. In<br />

2003 the human rights organisation Justiça Global published a report on human rights in<br />

Brazil. The report highlights the discrepancy between progressive standards and their lack of<br />

implementation in practice. Two aspects are named as the main cause: the split in Brazilian<br />

25 Note: Handicap International points out that children with disabilities are also being placed in peril or<br />

even killed, or left to die of hunger. See Krausnick, Michail (2009), P.96<br />

26 See IBGE (Publ.), 2003; Note: According to the UN 22% of the total population live in poverty. See<br />

Krausnick, Michail (2009); According to the IBGE 45% of all children and young people live in poverty<br />

and 33% of all families have an income of less than half the minimum wage. See Hüttl, Beate (2010),<br />

P. 25<br />

27 See Hüttl, Beate (2010), P.72; Center for International Rehabilitation (Publ.) [Status as at:<br />

27.09.2010]<br />


society into totally unequal stratas of the population and the scant awareness that all people<br />

are granted the same, inalienable rights. 28<br />

5. Social Welfare Benefits<br />

The social welfare situation is being influenced by the increasing ‘economisation’. As a result<br />

of market deregulation, the privatisation of education, social welfare and healthcare have all<br />

exacerbated the problems for people with disabilities and those from the poorer sections of<br />

society. The number of unemployed and those suffering from poverty has consequently<br />

risen. In the cities many children and old people live on the streets. 29<br />

The Brazilian Ministry for Social Welfare (MPS) is responsible for the social security system<br />

which benefits those people in registered employment and subject to compulsory<br />

contributions, as well as their families. The main task of the MPS is to monitor social welfare<br />

service offerings and to grant social welfare benefits. The insurance covers sickness,<br />

accident, pregnancy, child allowance, disability pension, liability, death and retirement<br />

pensions. 30<br />

Anyone who has been subject to unfair dismissal, or released from unreasonable working<br />

conditions, is entitled to the unemployment benefits. The payments ensure financial provision<br />

and are calculated on the basis of the average salary over the last three months prior to the<br />

end of the contract of employment. The amount varies between 510 Real (225 Euro) and 950<br />

Real (420 Euro), is paid over a period of five months and is dependent upon the situation of<br />

the benefit recipients. 31 In addition, the Ministry for Social Development and Combating<br />

Hunger (MDS) was set up in 2004. It is responsible for the social integration of people living<br />

in poverty and suffering from hunger and is intended to secure a minimum income for<br />

families and also offers social assistance programmes such as “Bolsa Familia”. This gives<br />

families living in poverty access to education and healthcare e.g. through the distribution of<br />

food, support for family farming businesses and conducting healthy eating campaigns. This<br />

programme caters for more than 12 million families and people with disabilities and ensures<br />

provision of the basic needs for the poorest of the poor. The financial support is calculated on<br />

the basis of income as well as the number and ages of the dependant children in the<br />

household. 32<br />

6. Social Welfare Providers<br />

The social work carried out by the public sector is structured on a decentralised basis and is<br />

known as the Social Assistance System (SUAS) 33 . It was created in 2005 as a system for the<br />

shared administration of and co-financing for the autonomous service offerings on the<br />

federal, regional and district levels. Social welfare services are offered by various<br />

organisations such as private undertakings, public sector institutions and private sector<br />

organisations. The Ministry for Social Welfare (MPS) published a report on the private<br />

28<br />

See Hüttl, Beate (2010), P.69 [Status as at: 26.09.2010]; Carvalho, Sandra E.de., 2004, P.11<br />

29<br />

Note: According to an estimate by ‚Terre des hommes‘, there are seven million children living on the<br />

streets. They survive by polishing shoes, washing cars, through prostitution, theft, mugging and<br />

begging. See Krausnick, Michail (2009),P.94; Presidente da República, Lei No.10.098 [Status as at:<br />

27.09.2010]<br />

30<br />

MPS=Ministerio Previdência Social; See Ministério da Previdência Social [Status as at: 27.09.2010]<br />

31<br />

See Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (Publ.) [Status as at: 27.09.2010]<br />

32<br />

MDS=Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome; Note: See Act. nos. 10836/04,<br />

10836/04 and Decree No. 5209/04; See Presidente da República, Lei No. 10.098 [Status as at:<br />

27.09.2010]; MDS (Publ.) [Status as at: 27.09.2010]<br />

33<br />

SUAS=Sistema Único de Assistência Social<br />


charitable institutions. This report shows that 16,000 institutions have disclosed that they<br />

operate as social welfare providers. These service offerings are subject to regulation by the<br />

MPS. There are two key areas which deal with matters relating to the subject of disability: the<br />

Coordination Agency CORDE and the Advisory Commission CONADE. 34 The latter is made<br />

up of representatives from the ministries and civil society, as well as organisations and<br />

groups that represent various types of disability. In order to ensure that the rights of people<br />

with disabilities are effectively protected, cooperation between that the Office of the State<br />

Prosecutor, the Executive and the organisations for people with disabilities is promoted.<br />

There are currently approx. 1,000 governmental and non-governmental organisations that<br />

promote the rights of people with disabilities and receive funding from the Secretary of State<br />

for Social Assistance (SEAS). 35 One of the leading charitable organisations is the<br />

Organisation for the Support of Children and People with Disabilities (AACD) founded in<br />

1950. Its aim is to provide treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration into society. It organises<br />

fundraising marathons and congresses and also offers specific measures such as<br />

hydrotherapy and ergotherapy. 36<br />

One of the most important institutions operating on the national level is the ‘Association of<br />

Parents, Friends of those in Special Need’ (APAE). It was founded in 1954 and set itself the<br />

objective of providing support in particular for people with multiple and mental disabilities.<br />

There are now more than 2,000 institutions of this type in 23 of the country’s federal states<br />

providing support for approx 250,000 people. 37<br />

The work with the disabled through religious-based initiatives offers leisure activities, such as<br />

dancing, music and sport for young people with disabilities. The aim of these initiatives is to<br />

strengthen the sense of self-worth and to make a contribution towards a lifestyle which offers<br />

self-determination and independence. They endeavour to sensitise the population to the<br />

needs of people with disabilities and to create an awareness of the fact that people with<br />

disabilities have a right to social inclusion. 38<br />

7. Forms of Financing<br />

The data published by the Brazilian Finance Ministry in 2009 revealed that the gross burden<br />

of taxes and duties levied in Brazil represents approx. 33% of the gross social product. Brazil<br />

has a higher burden of taxes and duties compared with other countries. Some of the taxes<br />

are reinvested in the Brazilian social security system. 39 In 2006 the National Institute for<br />

Statistics (IBGE) published data on a study conducted by private, charitable institutions<br />

engaged in social work. This shows that up to 60% of the social services are financed out of<br />

donations as well as own, private and voluntary funds. One third (33%) is provided by the<br />

34<br />

See Government Brazil, Sistema unico de assistencia social (Transl. Stefan Mangerich) [Status as<br />

at: 13.10.2010]; CONADE=Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência<br />

35<br />

SEAS=Secretaria de Estado da Assistência Social; See Center for International Rehabilitation<br />

[Status as at: 04.10.2010]<br />

36<br />

AACD=Associação de Assistência a Criança Deficiente [Status as at: 27.09.2010]; See AACD<br />

[Status as at: 16.10.2010]; AACD, Video: [Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />

37<br />

APAE=Associação dos País e Amigos dos Excepcionais; See Ministério da Previdência Social<br />

(Publ.) [Status as at: 27.09.2010] (Trans. Stefan Mangerich)<br />

38<br />

See Krausnick, Michail (2009), S.96<br />

39<br />

See Brazilian Federal Ministry of Finance (Publ.) [Status as at: 29.09.2010] (Transl. Stefan<br />

Mangerich)<br />


state, 2% comes from abroad and 5% from other, non-specified sources. 40 The local<br />

authorities are entitled to state support and co-financing for the programmes, services and<br />

projects. The National Fund for Social Assistance (FNDS) allocates the funds provided by<br />

central government. 41 Education is half funded by public and half by private sources. The<br />

private sector maintains nurseries and private schools. In this sector the key providers of<br />

education and further training are primarily the churches and nationwide providers, SENAI<br />

and SENAC. 42<br />

8. Church and Religious Motivation<br />

The dominant faith in Brazil is Catholicism. The affiliation to the various religions is as<br />

follows: 74% of Brazilians are Catholic, 15% Protestant and 11% belong to no religion or<br />

other religions such as for example Indian nature religions and Afro-Brazilian cults such as<br />

Candomblé. 43<br />

The role of pioneers in Brazilian educational institutions is attributed to the Jesuits who came<br />

to the country in 1549. Their aim was to spread the Catholic faith and to simultaneously<br />

promote the work of education. Up to 1749 the Jesuits was seen as the sole ‘force for<br />

education. After they were driven out of all the Portuguese colonies all attempts to provide<br />

education came to a halt.44 It was primarily the churches and religiously-motivated groups<br />

who made their services available to the wider general public.45 The Pastoral da Crianca<br />

institution plays an important role in the social development of disadvantaged people, both<br />

the disabled and able-bodied people. This organisation was formed by the National<br />

Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) whose objective is to provide needy children under<br />

the age of 6 with a meaningful existence.46 Another organisation with a religious orientation<br />

is Santas Casas. It was formed in 1543 shortly after the country was discovered, with the first<br />

institution being established in the city of Santos. With approx. 2,500 institutions Santas<br />

Casas provides approx. 50% of all beds in the country’s hospitals.47 Another important<br />

institution is the Legião da Boa Vontade (LBV), a charitable, ecumenical citizens’<br />

organisation founded in 1950.48 In 2009 for example it lent support to over eight million<br />

disabled and able-bodied people living in dire circumstances. 49<br />

9. Informal Forms of Provision<br />

The family situation is seen as complex. There are major differences between the life<br />

situations of poor and rich families as well as those who live in the city or the rural areas.<br />

40 See IBGE [Status as at: 29.09.2010] (Transl. Stefan Mangerich)<br />

41 FNDS=Fundo Nacional de Assistência Social; See MDS (Publ.), SUAS [Status as at: 29.09.2010]<br />

(Transl. Stefan Mangerich)<br />

42 SENAI=Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial. SENAC=Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem<br />

Comercial. Note: SENAI is the training and further education organisation of the Brazilian Employers‘<br />

Federation and the largest provider in Brazil. SENAC is a vocational training institution which is geared<br />

towards the whole population. Hüttl, Beate (2010), P.104<br />

43 See Centro Turismo Alemão, 2007<br />

44 See Hüttl, Beate (2010), S.98<br />

45 Note: The following play an important role: Santas Casas, the Irmandades Leigas and Vinzentiner<br />

Orden. See Damião Alves de Azevedo, Por uma compreensão constitucionalmente adequada da<br />

Assistência Social [Status as at: 29.09.2010] (Transl. Stefan Mangerich)<br />

46 CNBB=Conferencia Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil; See Pastoral da Criança (Publ.) [Status as at:<br />

29.09.2010] (Transl. Stefan Mangerich)<br />

47 See CMB (Publ.) [Status as at: 29.09.2010] (Transl. Stefan Mangerich)<br />

48 See Centro de Informação das Nações Unidas- Rio de Janeiro [Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />

49 See LBV [Status as at: 29.09.2010] (Transl. Stefan Mangerich)<br />


Society is generally dominated by the traditional form of the family comprising a married<br />

couple and their children. The importance of the family lies in the psychological and<br />

emotional ties between the members of the family. Another important feature is the tie to<br />

extended families. Although the individuality of each couple is respected, the couples are<br />

expected to maintain close ties with their original families. The level of closeness as well as<br />

the extent of the involvement with the original family in the couple’s everyday life varies<br />

according to social, economic and relational factors. The extended family is seen as a<br />

safeguard should a family member require care. There have been significant changes in<br />

family life during the last three decades of the 20 th Century. This has led to the creation of<br />

additional, diverse and complex forms of co-habitation. There has been an increase in the<br />

number of families in which both parents work, single parents and couples who have<br />

remarried. On the political level there is currently a movement aimed at giving women more<br />

rights and enabling them to live a more independent life. 50<br />

Within a family everyone supports everyone else. Daughters and sons live together with their<br />

parents under one roof until they get married. To the last the parent’s home represents a<br />

special form of protection, being seen as a shelter for continuity and security. When the<br />

parents become dependent the children endeavour to rectify the situation. The father is seen<br />

as the head of the family. The mother takes those decisions that affect the household and<br />

the children or delegates these decisions to any domestic staff. The father decides which<br />

man his daughter may marry. In the poorer districts single mothers are predominant. Brazil is<br />

the country with the highest number of single mothers in the world. This is often due to the<br />

fact that fathers do not make sufficient contributions to the upkeep. The resultant frustration<br />

and aggression leads to the break-up of the family that would otherwise have stayed<br />

together. Approx. 50 million people live in Favelas. Many of these people have difficulties in<br />

meeting their basic needs. In some families the social welfare benefits to which the child with<br />

a disability is entitled represent the family’s main source of income. Financial poverty is<br />

therefore a barrier to a secure (inclusive) future for the child as the money cannot be<br />

invested in development measures. 51 For people with a disability this makes a significant<br />

difference to their opportunities for inclusion, whether they live in rural or urban areas. They<br />

are integrated within the rural areas without being taken into greater consideration. They<br />

work on the land, in the family’s own business or they carry out household chores. In the<br />

cities some children with a disability are hidden away by their parents and consequently<br />

suffer from exclusion. 52<br />

10. Education<br />

Since the education reform in 1971 there are no longer any differences in the various types<br />

of schools. Instead, there is a primary school that extends over a period of eight years and<br />

subsequent secondary education for three years. Students can gain a general secondary<br />

education certificate in three years or through on-the-job training in four years. From the age<br />

of 14 students can catch up on their education free of charge within the framework of the<br />

adult education system as many poor people are unable to attend basic schooling. 53 The<br />

education system is essentially divided into two areas: the ‘educação básica’ - the preschool<br />

50 See Bruschini et. al [Status as at: 03.10.2010]<br />

51 See Fritzsche, K. Peter [Status as at: 03.10.2010]; Hüttl, Beate (2010), S.235f.; Brazil de (Publ.)<br />

[Status as at: 03.10.2010]<br />

52 See Hüttl, Beate, (2010), S.87<br />

53 See Hoffmann, Erik [Status as at: 30.09.2010]<br />


and school area covering nursery schools, kindergartens and mainstream schools and the<br />

‘educação superior’ - the vocational training route that covers all further education<br />

institutes. 54<br />

The situation regarding education policy in Brazil has been continually improving since 1990.<br />

The illiteracy rate has fallen and there has been an increase in the numbers attending school<br />

as well as the length of the time spent in training. This reflects the increased interest on the<br />

part of the government in providing the entire population with access to education. A grant<br />

programme, “Bolsa Escola”, was introduced in 2000 for children from families with a poor<br />

social standing with monthly incomes per person of less than 90 Real (40 Euro). 55<br />

The subdivision into private and state schools leads to a gap between children from well-off<br />

families and those from financially less prosperous backgrounds and reinforces a two-class<br />

society. Poorer parents are forced to pay excessive money for schooling so their child can<br />

enjoy a good education in a private school. 1996 saw the passing of an Education Act (LDB)<br />

which led to the restructuring of the education system.56 This generally facilitated an<br />

increase in school attendance rates and consequently in the delivery of compulsory<br />

schooling.57 Since the current President took office in 2003 top priority has been promised to<br />

the areas of education, upbringing and the fight against poverty. Despite the changes and<br />

investment it is still an education system which is highly exclusive, reinforces the social<br />

differences in the various social strata and in which the pressure of competition is a<br />

characteristic feature. Students with disabilities are at the top of the separation list. Children<br />

who are perceived as being ‘different’ are often excluded from the mainstream schools. 58 The<br />

IBGE study from the year 2000 clearly shows the disadvantage suffered by children with<br />

disabilities: 11% of them have received no schooling. Amongst those with severe disabilities<br />

the figure was 25%. Over recent years ever increasing importance has been attached to the<br />

subject of inclusive education.<br />

In 2005 41% of children with disabilities received education at public mainstream schools. 59<br />

In practice, the implementation of inclusion is proving difficult. The infrastructure of many<br />

schools does not permit any barrier-free use. The teachers have not received sufficient<br />

training in special education needs and there is often a lack of materials and funding for<br />

special aids. 60<br />

11. Prospects<br />

International guidelines, to which Brazil has committed itself since it ratified the UNCRPD,<br />

will have a significant impact on the prospects for people with disabilities. 61 The latest reports<br />

from Inclusion Interamericana show that important progress has been made. 62 This is<br />

reflected in particular in a new understanding of what inclusive education, integration into the<br />

labour market and the social inclusion of people with disabilities can mean. The ability to<br />

54<br />

See Hüttl, Beate (2010), S.102<br />

55<br />

See Government Brazil, Bolsa escola [Status as at: 30.09.2010]<br />

56<br />

LDB=Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação<br />

57<br />

Note: The literacy rate in 2003 was 88%; See Hüttl, Beate (2010), S.67f.<br />

58<br />

See Hüttl, Beate (2010), S.71<br />

59<br />

See Ministério da Educação - MEC/ INEP, 2006 [Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />

60<br />

See Hüttl, Beate (2010), S.105<br />

61<br />

Note: In 1990 Brazil ratified Convention 159 of the ILO on occupational rehabilitation and<br />

employment and in 2001 the Inter-American Convention on the elimination of all forms of<br />

discrimination of the individual and the disabled. See Krausnick, Michail (2009), P.97<br />


implement the change process differs due to economic and social inequalities which vary<br />

from region to region. The government is endeavouring to change the curriculums in such a<br />

way that many teachers will be forced to re-examine and expand their expertise in terms of<br />

special education needs. This will lead to students with disabilities and even street and slum<br />

children increasingly being accepted by society since inclusion means “Education for all”,<br />

with no-one being excluded. Over recent years increasing interest and attention has been<br />

paid to the subject of inclusive education and this has led to publications, conferences and<br />

congresses throughout the country. 63<br />

12. Case Study<br />

Infancy 64<br />

Luana was born at home. Her family lives in a rural region. They keep their head above<br />

water through their farming and are able to feed themselves by working extremely hard. 65 At<br />

times the diet is very one-sided. When Luana is three she suddenly falls ill. When she<br />

becomes increasingly weak her parents take her to the nearest hospital. After spending the<br />

entire night in the waiting room there the family decide to return home as the hospital was<br />

still overflowing and they want their daughter to have some peace and quiet. Having arrived<br />

home their daughter’s condition increasingly deteriorates. Luana has repeated fainting spells.<br />

The next morning the family return to the hospital where they once again wait all day. Finally,<br />

Luana is seen by a doctor who confirms that as a result of malnourishment Luana has been<br />

suffering from an iron deficiency for a number of weeks. During additional examinations it<br />

emerges that she has already suffered damage to her audio and visual system and her<br />

intellectual capacity has also been impaired. 66 Initially her parents do not know how to deal<br />

with this and take their daughter back home with them.<br />

Childhood<br />

At an early age Luana accompanies her parents into the fields because they have to work in<br />

order to feed themselves. Whilst working there she meets other children from the<br />

neighbourhood. When she is five years old, like other children, she starts to play a full part in<br />

her parents’ farm work. Luana finds the work hard. The family’s neighbours see that Luana is<br />

different to the other children. They are kind to her.<br />

School<br />

When Luana reaches the age of seven 67 her parents hope that their daughter will receive an<br />

education at the nearby public mainstream school. This turns out to be difficult because in<br />

addition to her hearing and visual disabilities Luana also suffers from a mental disability and<br />

the teachers at the school do not feel they are adequately trained to help her develop<br />

appropriately. Luana is not given a place at the school. There is no state or private special<br />

62 See Inclusion Interamericana [Status as at: 04.10.2010]<br />

63 See Federação Nacional das Apaes [Status as at: 04.10.2010]<br />

64 In the construction of this case study, unlike in the other countries, the illness meningitis cannot be<br />

selected since Luana would probably have died from it as a result of the situation regarding the<br />

country’s medical provision. See Brazil.de (Publ.), Healthcare System [Status as at: 03.10.2010]<br />

65 See German Institute for Combating Poverty (Publ.) [Status as at: 08.10.2010]<br />

66 See Medizinfo (Publ.) [Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />

67 Note: In Brazil there is compulsory schooling from the age of 7 to 14 but this is not monitored by the<br />

authorities.<br />


school in her village. The nearest one is far away and her parents are unable to take her<br />

there. Luana remains at home and works in the fields.<br />

Leisure<br />

When her parents take her to church one of the mothers notices the little girl. She starts up a<br />

conversation with Luana’s parents and tells them about her work in a nearby centre for the<br />

disabled. 68 The woman invites Luana and her parents to visit the centre. The very next day<br />

Luana visits the centre together with her parents. Right from the outset she feels at home<br />

and quickly engages with other children who share a similar fate. Luana’s parents are<br />

positively surprised by this project and try to obtain a place for her there. They are<br />

successful. They are shown exercises that can help Luana’s targeted development at home.<br />

The very next day she is taken on in the group and from then on visits it on a daily basis.<br />

School<br />

Luana makes great progress. The staff at the centre seek a meeting with her parents. They<br />

want to encourage them to make another attempt to get Luana educated in the village<br />

mainstream school. The social worker accompanies Luana’s parents to the appointment at<br />

the school. She points out the progress that Luana has already made in such a short time<br />

and offers to organise and carry out further training for the school’s teachers so that they can<br />

meet the special needs of children with disabilities. She is successful. Luana is allowed to<br />

attend the school for a trial period. One week later Luana has her first day at school. Initially<br />

everything seems to go well. The other children are interested in her and Luana feels<br />

accepted. But the situation doesn’t remain like that. Just two months later Luana no longer<br />

feels welcome. The other children laugh at her when she says something. The class teacher<br />

asks her parents to come in for a talk and advises them to take Luana away from the school<br />

as she can no longer be tolerated because she disrupts the lessons. In addition, Luana has<br />

already completed her compulsory schooling as she is 14 years old. The parents talk to<br />

Luana and together they decide she should leave the school. The family cannot afford a<br />

private school.<br />

Transition to working life and young adulthood<br />

Now that Luana no longer goes to school her parents expect her to come back to work on<br />

the farm. Luana acquiesces. Gradually she develops her own ideas and wishes on how she<br />

would like to live her life. She doesn’t want to continue working in a field but instead to move<br />

to the nearest city in order to look for a job. She has no training. She hopes to find a job in<br />

the city. Her parents are initially against the idea but she is able to convince them and moves<br />

out. She quickly realises that her new way of life will not be easy. She is now dependent<br />

entirely on herself and can no longer count on the backing of her family. She senses how<br />

68 Note: CERVAC - das Centro de Reabilitação e Valorização da Criança – is one example. It was<br />

formed in 1988 by committed parents and receives support from the Kindernothilfe (Children in Need)<br />

organisation, a centre for 240 children. The children and staff at the centre have seven treatment<br />

rooms, a dining room, a kitchen, two teaching rooms, two therapy pools, two lounge areas, a room for<br />

pre-school work and two offices available for their use. In addition to the paid part and full-time staff<br />

there are around 30 mothers regularly engaged in the rehabilitation work for their children. Targeted<br />

forms of therapy and individual development support help to give the children appropriate<br />

encouragement. Thanks to this support, one third of the children attend a mainstream school.<br />

CERVAC offers further training for teachers in order to achieve inclusion for children with disabilities.<br />

See Kindernothilfe [Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />


many people recoil from her or avoid her. On the street Luana meets a woman who takes her<br />

in and provides her with a housemaid’s job with a family. This family is more prosperous and<br />

even offers Luana the opportunity to live in the house with them. Luana accepts the offer but<br />

often feels lonely there and misses her family as well as a friend who supports her. She<br />

increasingly gets the feeling that she is being exploited by the family she is working for. She<br />

works continually from Monday to Sunday with virtually no time for herself. 69<br />

Adulthood<br />

After having worked in the family for just three years Luana leaves and goes in search for<br />

another job. She is currently not earning any money for her upkeep. Luana remains lonely,<br />

she has no-one on whom she can rely. She meets a young man who promises her love and<br />

a wonderful life. She believes everything he says. She slides into prostitution. Infectious<br />

diseases and birth control have never been explained to her. 70 Life becomes increasingly<br />

more difficult. She is only able to keep her head above water through prostitution and<br />

occasional jobs. At the age of 45 she decides to return to her home village. She increasingly<br />

misses her parents who themselves are now reliant on support. She now hopes to be able to<br />

take over her parents’ farming work. Back in the village Luana meets Paulo, a farm worker<br />

who knows her parents. The two fall in love and together take up the farming work. Luana<br />

spends the next two decades together with Paulo.<br />

Old age<br />

When she reaches old age Luana suddenly gets a high fever which subsides after two days.<br />

She can no longer work in the field. Paulo cultivates the field on his own. Luana spends most<br />

of the day alone in her hut. The fever returns in phases. She feels too weak to attend the<br />

village hospital. Within three days the symptoms have become worse. At the age of 65<br />

Luana dies from the consequences of dengue fever. 71<br />

Bibliohgraphy:<br />

AACD (Associação de Assistência a Criança Deficiente: http://www.aacd.com.br/relatorio_atividades.pdf [Status as at:<br />

27.09.2010]<br />

AACD: http://asconcongressos.com.br/eventos/2009/aacd/ingles.php?conteudo=10 [Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />

AACD, Video:<br />

http://comunidadeaacd.ning.com/video/2406047:Video:91834?commentId=2406047%3AComment%3A119066&xg_source=acti<br />

vity [Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />

Acessibilidade Brasil: http://www.acessobrasil.org.br/index.php?itemid=263 [Status as at: 27.09.2010]<br />

Baldi, César Augusto, Convenção sobre os direitos das pessoas com deficiência e o Brasil: http://www.paranaonline.com.br/canal/direito-e-justica/news/408355/?noticia=<br />


Brazilian Embassy: http://brasilianische-botschaft.de/politik/demokratie-und-rechtsstaat/ [Status as at: 26.09.2010]<br />

http://brasilianische-botschaft.de/politik/ [Status as at: 26.09.2010]<br />

Brasilien.de (Publ.): http://www.brasilien.de/volk/soziales/familie.asp [Status as at: 03.10.2010]<br />

Brasilien.de (Publ.), Healthcare System: http://www.brasilien.de/land/leben/gesund.asp [Status as at: 03.10.2010]<br />

Brazil Government, Constitution: http://www.v-brazil.com/government/laws/titleVIII.html [Status as at: 26.09.2010]<br />

Bruschini et al.: http://family.jrank.org/pages/178/Brazil-Aspects-Contemporary-Family.html [Status as at: 03.10.2010]<br />

Federal German Ministry for Education and Research (Publ.): http://www.kooperationinternational.de/brasilien/themes/info/detail/data/24166/backpid/13/?PHPSESSID=c332<br />

[Status as at: 24.09.2010]<br />

69 Note: In 2003 the human rights organisation Justiça global published a report on human rights in<br />

Brazil. The report points to the discrepancy between progressive standards and their lack of<br />

implementation in practice. See Carvalho, Sandra E.de, P.11<br />

70 See Index Mundi, Life Expectancy of Women [Status as at: 08.10.2010]<br />

71 See Index Mundi, Life Expectancy of Women [Status as at: 08.10.2010]; See Heinemann, Pia<br />

[Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />


Brazilian Federal Ministry of Finance: http://www.1.folha.uol.com.br/mercado/792959-cara-tributaria-no-brasil-e-maior-doque-nos-eua-dinamarca-lidera.shtml<br />

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Carvalho, Sandra E. de: Human Rights in Brazil. 1 st edition Berlin 2004.<br />

Centro Turismo Alemão (DZT) (2007). Market information Brazil 2007. São Paulo.<br />

Center for International Rehabilitation (Publ.): http://www.ideanet.org/content.cfm?id=535D [Status as at: 27.09.2010]<br />

Centro de Informação das Nações Unidas- Rio de Janeiro: http://unicrio.org.br/unic-rio/ [Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />

CMB (Publ.): http://www.cmb.org.br/ [Status as at: 29.09.2010]<br />

Damião Alves de Azevedo, Por uma compreensão constitucionalmente adequada da Assistência Social:<br />

http://www.cnecprsp.edu.br/files/instrucoes/2/anexo.pdf [Status as at: 29.09.2010]<br />

German Institute for Combating Poverty (Publ.): http://www.armut.de/definition-von-armut.php [Status as at: 08.10.2010]<br />

Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo:<br />

http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104-11692007000700022 [Status as at: 15.10.2010]<br />

Federação Nacional das Apaes: http://www.apaebrasil.org.br/noticia.phtml?n=24521 [Status as at: 04.10.2010]<br />

Fritzsche, K. Peter: http://www.dochost.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=87&Itemid=82 [Status as at:<br />

03.10.2010]<br />

Government Brazil, Sistema unico de assistencia social:<br />

http://www.tj.sp.gov.br/Download/Corregedoria/pdf/sist_unico_as.pdf [Status as at: 13.10.2010]<br />

Government Brazil, Bolsa escola:<br />

http://www.e.gov.br/defaultCab.asp?idservinfo=42069&url=http://www.caixa.gov.br/Voce/Social/Transferencia/bolsa_familia/saib<br />

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Heinemann, Pia: http://www.welt.de/wissenschaft/article1843735/Dengue_Fieber_wuetet_am_Zuckerhut.html [Status as at:<br />

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Hoffmann, Erik, Brazilgate: http://www.brasilgate.com/main/bildungkultur.php [Status as at: 30.09.2010]<br />

Hüttl, Beate: Inclusion of students in the education system of -TERESINA - PIAUÍ -Brazil, Carl von Ossietzky, University of<br />

Oldenburg 2010.<br />

IBGE, Censo Demográfico 2000<br />

IBGE (Publ.) 2003. Censo Demográfico 2000. Nupcialidade e fecundidade. Resultados da Amostra. Rio de Janeiro<br />

Inclusion Interamericana: http://www.inclusion-ia.org/indexeng.htm [Status as at: 04.10.2010]<br />

Index Mundi: http://www.indexmundi.com/g/g.aspx?c=br&v=35&l=de [Status as at: 08.10.2010]<br />

Index Mundi, Life Expectancy of Women: http://www.indexmundi.com/g/g.aspx?c=br&v=35&l=de [Status as at: 08.10.2010]<br />

Kindernothilfe (Publ.): http://www.kindernothilfe.de/waz-path-2,7,87,89.html [Status as at: 16.10.2010]<br />

Krausnick, Michail: Disability: Who is a barrier to whom? (Edition Human Rights). 1 st edition Bad Honnef 2009.<br />

LBV: www.lbv.org.br [Status as at: 29.09.2010]<br />

Loiola, Mariana:<br />

http://arruda.rits.org.br/rets/servlet/newstorm.notitia.apresentacao.ServletDeSecao?codigoDaSecao=3&dataDoJornal=1086986<br />

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Loiola, Mariana 2004: http://www.acessobrasil.org.br/index.php?itemid=263 [Status as at: 27.09.2010]<br />

MDS (Publ.): http://www.mds.gov.br/sobreoministerio [Status as at: 27.09.2010]<br />

MDS (Publ.), SUAS: http://www.mds.gov.br/suas/fnas-mds [Status as at: 29.09.2010]<br />

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World Bank (Publ.), Global development indicators:http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=wbwdi&met=sp_pop_totl&idim=country:BRA&dl=de&hl=de&q=bev%C3%B6lkerung+brasilien<br />

[Status as at: 01.11.2010]<br />


Synopsis for Germany 72<br />

Total population 82 million<br />

People with disability 2005: 8.6 million people were registered as disabled, 6.7 million of whom<br />

(1)<br />

as severely disabled.<br />

Embodied within the Yes, Article 3, Paragraph 3.<br />

Constitution (2)<br />

Inclusion model (3) Comprehensive technical debates on the meaning of inclusion<br />

(inclusion versus integration).<br />

Express rights and Numerous separate legal texts, difficult to understand for those affected,<br />

reality (4)<br />

family members and personnel responsible in the departments.<br />

Significant red tape involved when claiming entitled rights.<br />

State social welfare Social security system for those paying compulsory contributions and<br />

benefits (5)<br />

social assistance programmes for those in need (Social Codes I-XII).<br />

Explicit services for people with disabilities (Social Codes IX, XI und XII)<br />

concentrate on social inclusion.<br />

Social work providers Government institutions, primarily independent and private providers,<br />

(6)<br />

based on the principle of subsidiarity.<br />

Financing forms (7) Primarily social security schemes and public funds.<br />

Religion (8) Protestant (33%); Catholic (33%); Muslim (4%); Jewish (0.1%); Others<br />

(1.9%); None (28%).<br />

Role of the Church (8) Significant importance of the religious service providers in the area of<br />

help for the disabled.<br />

Role of informal forms Family cohesion important from the emotional aspect but not vital for<br />

of provision (9) securing livelihood.<br />

Education (10) Compulsory education for all children. Virtually all children with<br />

disabilities receive education, predominantly in separate types of schools.<br />

Frequently no guarantee of barrier-free access at mainstream schools.<br />

Future prospects (11) Action plans have been or are being initiated on the local authority and<br />

national level. Evidence of reduction in insurance protection due to the<br />

financial deficit. Opening up the market for the social welfare sector<br />

consolidates inequality. Demographic change poses a major challenge to<br />

the welfare system.<br />

Ratification of the UN Yes, in 2009.<br />

Convention on the<br />

Rights of People with<br />

Disabilities<br />

Monitoring agency German Institute for Human Rights.<br />

Gender and disability Healthcare and assistance system not yet adequately adapted to the<br />

needs of women with disabilities. Lack of barrier-free access in<br />

institutions for women. Need for action on the right to motherhood.<br />

Special strengths Established social welfare system under which, theoretically, everyone is.<br />

Professionalism of educational specialists for people with disabilities.<br />

Many agencies and organisations have contact persons for disabled<br />

p0ersons and their families.<br />

72 Note: The figures in brackets indicate the chapter number in the respective country study.<br />


National Study Germany<br />

Dominique Heyberger<br />

1. Statistics<br />

In Germany the Federal Department for Statistics collects, collates and evaluates data on the<br />

economy, society and the environment. These statistics provide an overview of the forms<br />

and frequency of disabilities. According to details by the Department for Foreign Affairs, in<br />

2010 there were more than 82 million people living in Germany. At the end of 2005 a total of<br />

8.6 million (approx. 10%) of these had an officially recognised disability. 1.9 million of these<br />

people are classed as “slightly disabled” and 6.7 million as “severely disabled”. 73 3.5 million<br />

of those classed as “severely disabled” were male, 3.2 million female. Disabilities primarily<br />

occur amongst older people. Three quarters of the severely disabled are over the age of<br />

55. 74 The information for the statistics is sent to the Federal Department by the social welfare<br />

offices who are authorised to define the degree of disability. People with a disability can<br />

register with these offices to obtain possible welfare benefits. There is no obligation to<br />

register a disability. It can be assumed that not all sufferers will register or be included in the<br />

statistics. 75 The forms of disability are classed in line with the WHO categorisations. A<br />

distinction is drawn between physical, mental and psychological disabilities, cerebral<br />

disorders, blindness, impaired vision, hearing disability, balance and speech disorders. 76<br />

2. Constitution<br />

Under the Constitution Germany is a democratic and federal social welfare state. A series of<br />

basic social rights are set out in the Basic Law (GG). In Article 1 the dignity of the individual<br />

is defined as sacrosanct and protection for the individual as an obligation of all power of the<br />

state. Article 3 Paragraph 3 explicitly stipulates that no-one may suffer disadvantage as the<br />

result of a disability (this was added as a supplement in 1994). 77 The task of the state in<br />

accordance with the principle of the social welfare state is to enable the individual to freely<br />

pursue a dignified life within society, with responsibility towards his fellow man. Germany is<br />

73<br />

See Department for Foreign Affairs [Status as at: 19.10.2010]; German Federal Office of Statistics,<br />

press release No.406 dated 30.10.2008 [Status as at: 19.05.2010]; Pompey, Heinrich [Status as at:<br />

19.10.2010];<br />

74<br />

See German Federal Office of Statistics, press release No.258 [Status as at: 19.05.2010]<br />

75<br />

Note: Despite the more favourable legal basis, there are problems in recording the needs of those<br />

affected in such a way that they can benefit from the services which are intended to create social<br />

inclusion for them. Legal entitlements exist in all the federal states. Implementation is subject to<br />

varying regulations. The majority of the benefits are received by people categorised as “severely<br />

disabled”. In legal terms this is known as ‘compensation for disadvantage’, in the technical debate<br />

deliberate used is made of the phrase ‘person-centred assistance’. See Federal Ministry for<br />

Employment and Social Affairs (publ.), Guide for People with Disabilities (2010), P.13; Menzel,<br />

Martina/ Stenzig, Klaus-Peter (2010); Rathsmann-Sponsel, Irmgard/ Sponsel, Rudolf [Status as at:<br />

27.11.2010]<br />

76<br />

See German Federal Department of Statistics 2009, In: Aktion Mensch e.V. (publ.), guide for<br />

teachers<br />

77<br />

See German Parliament [Status as at: 19.10.2010]; Wienand, Manfred (2006), P.9; Arnade, Sigrid,<br />

P.11 [Status as at: 19.05.2010]<br />


22 nd in the HDI ranking of 182 countries and numbers amongst the highly developed<br />

countries in the category “Very High Human Development”. 78<br />

3. Inclusion model<br />

There is currently no uniform model of ‘inclusion’, but instead a comprehensive technical<br />

debate on the consequences arising from the UN Convention on the Rights of People with<br />

Disabilities (UNCRPD) that was ratified in 2009. The basic question as to ‘What is meant by<br />

inclusion in Germany?’ is the trigger for major controversy. This is prompted by the official<br />

translation of the UNCRPD where the term ‘inclusive education system’ was translated into<br />

German as the ‘integrative education system’. This gives rise to discrepancies in technical<br />

discussions in the German language as it creates a distinction between integration concepts<br />

on the one side and inclusion concepts on the other. Whilst the first concept requires<br />

children with a disability to adapt to the existing educational structures, under the concept of<br />

inclusive education the school structures have to be adapted to the needs of the children.<br />

This understanding of ‘inclusion’ would entail a radical change in the German education<br />

system on all levels. 79 There are different ideas about inclusion. Those affected and their<br />

families put the emphasis on ‘personal individuality’ whilst German law works on the basis of<br />

shortfalls and the standard of the ‘healthy individual’ by which people with a disability are<br />

measured, either consciously or unconsciously. The latter leads to stigmatisation in the dayto-day<br />

life of people with disabilities. Those entrusted with helping the disabled as well as<br />

numerous NGOs point out that increasingly scarce financial resources, combined with the<br />

tight situation on the labour market, make the realisation of inclusion, as understood by<br />

participation, self determination and equality, unachievable for many people with<br />

disabilities. 80 This situation is contrary to the objectives of the UNCRPD. The German<br />

Institute for Human Rights was commissioned as the monitoring agency to assist with the<br />

implementation of the UNCRPD. It performs tasks such as advice on policy, applicationorientated<br />

research and public relations work. 81<br />

4. Rights<br />

The ninth Social Code ‘Rehabilitation of and Participation by Disabled People’ (SGB IX)<br />

which came into force in 2001, is a fundamental law for disabled people in need. 82 The word<br />

‘disability’ is defined in §2 of this Code. SGB IX expressly applies to those people with a<br />

disability who apply for services/benefits to assist with self-determination and social<br />

inclusion. Its aim is to simplify the system of social welfare legislation by providing benefits<br />

from one source. The intention is to save applicants long waiting periods and under §9 to<br />

grant them the right of wish and choice. According to the National Association for the People<br />

with Physical Disabilities these objectives have not been achieved. Since the introduction of<br />

the SGB IX there have been no change whatsoever in the complex situation of the rights and<br />

benefits to which those affected and their families are entitled. The help for disabled people<br />

to integrate is a social welfare service that has been included in the Social Code XII (SGBXII)<br />

78<br />

See Papenheim, Heinz-Gert et al. (2008), P.2; United Nations (publ.), P.180ff. [Status as at:<br />

30.11.2010]<br />

79<br />

See Arnade, Sigrid, P.19 [Status as at: 19.05.2010]<br />

80<br />

See Häfner, Sabine [Status as at: 19.10.2010]; Note: The appointed representatives for people with<br />

disabilities operate on the federal, regional and local authority levels.; See Hüppe, Hubert [Status as<br />

at: 19.10.2010]<br />

81<br />

See German Institute for Human Rights (publ.) [Status as at: 02.09.2010]<br />

82 See Social Code I to Social Code XII, Social Code I General Section (2010)<br />


since 1 January 2005. 83 Another right is the Law on Equal Rights for the Disabled (BGG)<br />

from the year 2002. 84 Amongst other things it regulates barrier-free access, recognises sign<br />

language as an independent language, prohibits discrimination by federal authorities and<br />

stipulates the right to available decisions and forms. Up to now this law has rarely been<br />

applied in practice. 85 The General Law on Equal Treatment (AGG) from the year 2006<br />

applies to everyone, both disabled and able-bodied people. Amongst other things it prohibits<br />

discrimination on the grounds of age, religion, gender, disability, ethnic origin and sexual<br />

orientation. It ranges from the short listing of applicants, to opportunities for accessing<br />

vocational training measures, through to promotion. It prohibits discrimination in made-tomeasure<br />

shops such as for example purchase contracts and hotel reservations. The Federal<br />

Anti-Discrimination Agency (ADS) that was created in order to implement the AGG, provides<br />

support and advice to persons who have suffered discrimination or disadvantage. 86<br />

The practical everyday life highlights significant difficulties in the implementation of the laws.<br />

There are problems for example due to the fact that the personnel in the departments are<br />

being required to continually readjust because of fundamental, statutory restructuring. At the<br />

same time, reductions in the area of social welfare mean that there are increasingly fewer<br />

resources available. 87 Despite the positive legal basis, many people with disabilities and their<br />

families do not receive the benefits they have applied for or they are only approved for a<br />

short period. For many of those affected the countless visits to government departments<br />

represent a significant strain and mean uncertainty affecting their entire lives.<br />

5. Social Welfare Benefits<br />

The social welfare state structures were first established in 1871 by the Chancellor Otto von<br />

Bismarck. Since then the German people have lived through two World Wars, National<br />

Socialism, the division into East and West Germany and reunification in 1990. During the<br />

period of the national socialist system which was responsible for the Second World War,<br />

mass extermination and the obliteration of so-called ‘worthless lives’ assumed significant<br />

proportions. As a result of criminal laws at least 70,000 people with mental disabilities and<br />

psychological disorders were murdered in extermination centres between 1940 and 1941. 88<br />

The current differentiated system of assistance is based on the failed experiences of the past<br />

and the conscious reworking of the ideology of fascism and ‘euthanasia’. 89<br />

83<br />

See Wasmund, Steffen [Status as at: 19.10.2010]; National Association for the Physically Disabled<br />

(publ.) [Status as at: 22.09.2010]; Senate Administration for Integration, Employment and Social<br />

Affairs (publ.) [Status as at: 27.11.2010]<br />

84<br />

Note: This reinforces the fact that society is moving away from the definition of welfare and<br />

developing an understanding of inclusion and self-determination. See Behncke, Rolf, P.1 [Status as at:<br />

22.11.2010]<br />

85<br />

See Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs (publ.); Politics for the Disabled [Status as<br />

at: 22.09.2010]; Fetzer, Antje (2010); Häfner, Sabine [Status as at: 19.10.2010]<br />

86<br />

See Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs (publ.), Politics for the Disabled [Status as<br />

at: 22.09.2010]; Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (publ.) [Status as at: 19.10.2010]<br />

87<br />

See Winden, Dorothee [Status as at: 22.09.2010]; Häfner, Sabine [Status as at: 19.10.2010]; Note:<br />

As a result of the introduction of the SGB II (Basic Provision for Jobseekers) and SGBXII (Social<br />

Assistance) and the associated replacement of the Federal Social Welfare Act as well as the<br />

introduction of case management in 2006 and the inter-provider personal budget as a form of benefits<br />

in 2008, the staff in the departments had to deal with major changes. See Klie, Thomas et al. (2008)<br />

88<br />

See Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), P.127f.; Häußermann, Martin [Status as at: 27.11.2010]<br />

89 See Menzel, Martina/ Stenzig, Klaus-Peter (2010)<br />


The Social Codes I to XII mentioned under Point 4 primarily describe all the cash and<br />

material benefits to which people are currently entitled (2010), if they are entitled to<br />

benefits. 90 SGB IX and XII are crucial to the everyday lives of people with disabilities. Whilst<br />

the former describes the services for participating in the medical rehabilitation as well as<br />

services for social inclusion, the latter contain legal bases on social welfare assistance for<br />

the disabled and able-bodied people. SGB XII enables disabled people in need as<br />

understood by the social welfare 91 to get medical rehabilitation benefits as well as benefits for<br />

occupational and social inclusion within the framework of the assistance with integration. 92<br />

The subordinate principle of SGB XII leads to protracted investigations into responsibilities<br />

between social welfare offices on the one side and the sickness, pension and accident<br />

insurance companies on the other. 93 The divided system of social security means that<br />

services for rehabilitation and inclusion as well as benefits for securing livelihoods are<br />

delivered by various service providers. The office responsible must give its approval for a<br />

benefit to be paid to a recipient. If approval is refused an appeal can be lodged in the social<br />

welfare courts and general administrative courts. 94 Experts in help for the disabled point out<br />

that segregating special laws and special assistance which were intended to provide<br />

protection and integration, frequently make social inclusion impossible. They call for the<br />

previous automated system used for dealing with disabled people to be replaced by the<br />

personal budget concept for which provision is made in the Social Code. 95 This is based on<br />

monetary instead of material benefits and turns recipients of assistance into employers with<br />

self-determination. 96<br />

6. Social Work Providers<br />

In Germany a distinction is drawn between the public sector providers (federal, state, local<br />

authority or corporations under public law) and independent and private providers (churches,<br />

welfare organisations, foundations, corporations under private law). The key factor is the<br />

principle of subsidiarity which places personal responsibility above action by the state. The<br />

state level only intervenes if the potential support, involving personal responsibility and<br />

commitment by the citizens, has been fully exhausted. 97 The concept of subsidiarity on the<br />

organisation level is implemented through the principle of priority for private providers. This<br />

principle means that public service providers who are responsible for the respective benefits<br />

only implement these benefits if other independent or private providers are unable to deliver<br />

90<br />

See SGB I to SGB XII; SGB I General Section (2010)<br />

91<br />

Note: The proof of need is provided through the disclosure of the individual’s own financial<br />

circumstances and those of the dependants for whose livelihood he/she is liable. See Federal Ministry<br />

for Employment and Social Affairs (publ.), Guide for People with Disabilities (2010), P.15f.<br />

92<br />

Note: Assistance with inclusion can include e.g. an assistant at the school or care services. A child<br />

with a disability can receive 100% help in achieving inclusion, providing it does not have any financial<br />

resources of its own. SGB XII §§ 26, 33, 41, 54, 55<br />

93<br />

Note: When submitting an application the question of responsibility and the grounds for the<br />

application must be examined. In this context an administrative decision (§31 SGB X) is issued by the<br />

competent authorities. This often leads to appeal procedures if benefits or services are refused or if<br />

responsibility is not clarified. SGB XII only comes into effect after verification that none of the other<br />

social service providers have responsibility.<br />

94<br />

See Appointed representative of the Federal German Government for the affairs of the disabled<br />

[Status as at: 13.11.2010]; Wienand, Manfred, (2006), P.19; Papenheim, Heinz-Gert et al. (2008), P.7<br />

95<br />

See § 17 SGB IX; Menzel, Martina/ Stenzig, Klaus-Peter (2010)<br />

96<br />

See Hofe Vom, Jutta [Status as at: 27.11.2010]<br />

97<br />

See Papenheim, Heinz-Gert et al. (2008), P.53 ff.<br />


the benefits on their behalf. The characteristic feature if independent welfare provision is that<br />

it offers the social assistance on a charitable basis, in other words it is not commercially<br />

driven. 98<br />

The system of independent welfare provision is unique and specific to Germany. The six top<br />

organisations of independent welfare provision are the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) [Employee<br />

Welfare], the Deutsche Caritasverband [German Charitable Organisation], the Deutsche<br />

Rote Kreuz [German Red Cross], the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverbandt, the Diakonische Werk<br />

and the Zentrale Wohlfahrtsstelle der Juden [Jewish Central Welfare Agency] . 99<br />

7. Financing Forms<br />

The social security system is based on three pillars. The first pillar is the social security<br />

insurance which lends support for example in the event of sickness, accident and retirement.<br />

It is financed through contributions. Prior financial contributions are a prerequisite for the<br />

entitlement to benefits. The second pillar, welfare provision, is funded out of general taxation<br />

in order to protect people against social risks and, in the event of life-typical burdens such as<br />

for example ‘disability’, to provide support. These benefit payments are not dependent upon<br />

prior financial contributions. The third pillar, social security benefits, is fundamentally<br />

subordinate to the other two pillars of the social security system. This presupposes a<br />

financial need and is primarily funded out of local authority tax revenues. Depending upon<br />

the area of responsibility the social welfare benefits are financed by federal government, the<br />

state or local authorities. The federal government has an obligation to grant the local<br />

authorities financial resources so they can fulfil their role. In addition, local authorities can<br />

levy taxes. 100 Many of the problems with assistance in integration are the result of protracted<br />

investigations into the responsibilities for various aid services. 101<br />

In 2005 expenditure on social welfare benefits totalled almost 700 billion Euros. This<br />

represents approximately one third of the gross domestic product (GDP). In 2006 ten billion<br />

Euros were spent on help with integration for people with disabilities according to the Social<br />

Code XII ‘Social Aid’. Accounting for 58%, the help in integration for people with disabilities is<br />

the most important form of financial assistance within the framework of the social welfare.<br />

During the course of 2006 according to the Social Code XII 643,000 people received help<br />

with integration. 60% of the benefit recipients were male and 40% female. Approx. 90% of<br />

the expenditure for help with integration was invested in institutions and 10% outside<br />

institutions. 102 Despite government grants independent providers are unable to meet all<br />

services through public funds. They assume part of or all the resultant costs in order to<br />

provide fast assistance in emergencies. This is an area in which the independent providers<br />

invest their own funds which are derived from income, donations and special sponsorship<br />

98<br />

See Kehlbreier, Dietmar, P.18 [Status as at 27.11.2010]; Papenheim, Heinz-Gert et al. (2008), P.53<br />

ff.<br />

99<br />

See Papenheim, Heinz-Gert et al. (2008), P.53 ff.; Fetzer, Antje (2010)<br />

100<br />

See Wienand, Manfred (2006), P.12ff.; Frenzel, Britta (2003), P. 48f., Papenheim, Heinz-Gert et al.<br />

(2008), P.44<br />

101<br />

Note: It is for example to clarify the question of the costs of transportation to school (school or SGB<br />

XII) See Menzel, Martina/ Stenzig, Klaus-Peter (2010)<br />

102<br />

See Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), P.132f.; Rathsmann-Sponsel, Irmgard; Sponsel, Rudolf [Status<br />

as at: 27.11.2010]<br />


deals. As the independent providers frequently lack funds they are increasingly carrying out<br />

fundraising activities. 103<br />

8. Church and Religious Motivation<br />

The religious organisations involved in welfare provision play an important role in social work.<br />

The Protestant and Catholic churches are the largest religious denominations. They include<br />

the Diakonische Werk and the Caritasverband as social welfare organisations. They operate<br />

as leading organisations for independent welfare provision, organise political inclusion and<br />

conduct negotiations on care rates. In 2004 the two organisations together operated nearly<br />

61,000 institutions in Germany. 104 Of these approx. 4,000 were for the purpose of providing<br />

support for people with disabilities. 47% of these institutions providing aid for the disabled are<br />

part of Caritas and 53% belong to the <strong>Diakonie</strong>. 105 Islamic faith organisations do not (as yet)<br />

have the same privileges as Christian and Jewish organisations. An increasing number of<br />

Islamic organisations are joining the multi-faith Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband. The<br />

membership of the various religions is divided up as follows: 33% of the population belong to<br />

the Catholic and Protestant churches respectively, approx. 28% are non-denominational,<br />

Islamic faith organisations account for 4%, Jewish faith organisations 0.1% and other faith<br />

organisations 1.9%. The latter include members of the Free Churches, the Orthodox<br />

Churches, the Adventists, the Jehovah Witnesses and the Pentecostal Movement. The small<br />

religious organisations in particular also see themselves as being responsible for their<br />

members and perform out social welfare duties within their communities. For many people<br />

the backing of the community together with their own faith gives them emotional support. 106<br />

9. Informal Forms of Provision<br />

As a general rule the traditional extended family no longer exists. Family members often live<br />

far away from each other. The small family that lives together normally comprises parents<br />

and children. The mutual support is primarily the help in everyday life and emotional<br />

belonging. In family relationships financial support services play a subordinated role. This<br />

change in the importance of the family is linked to the security provided by the<br />

comprehensive range of welfare service offerings. In 2003 more than 5,000 residential<br />

institutions offering help for the disabled, provided approx. 180,000 places for the 8.6 million<br />

people with disabilities. Approx. 60% of these institutions are for people with mental<br />

disabilities. 107<br />

Parents of children with disabilities are prepared to make major adjustments to their<br />

everyday lives so they can live together with their child. These burdens are rarely understood<br />

by outsiders. Help from cost providers is often denied because the need for assistance on<br />

the part of the dependants is not acknowledged. For parents with a disability there are<br />

significant difficulties in obtaining help in order to fulfil their parental duties of care. Social<br />

103<br />

Papenheim, Heinz-Gert et al. (2008), P.70f.<br />

104<br />

See Flierl, Hans (1992), P.20ff.; Department for Foreign Affairs (publ.) [Status as at: 19.10.2010]<br />

105<br />

See Fix, Birgit et al (2005), P. 51f; Note: The opportunity for the religious organisations lies in<br />

helping to shape society in the sense of the Christian image of man. The risk to them is financial<br />

dependence and government regulations. See <strong>Diakonie</strong> <strong>Württemberg</strong> (publ.) [Status as at:<br />

20.10.2010]<br />

106<br />

See Department for Foreign Affairs [Status as at: 19.10.2010]; Fetzer, Antje (2010); Schibilsky,<br />

Michael (1999), P.15<br />

107<br />

See Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Young People (publ.), Publication<br />

of home report 2003 [Status as at: 02.09.2010]; Kim, Anna (2001)<br />


needs which are not directly linked to care benefits in themselves are difficult for cost<br />

providers to fulfil. Needs for social inclusion are less accepted than care needs. As a rule the<br />

state requires close relatives to provide support services in order to pay for the necessary<br />

assistance. This frequently puts relatives in financial difficulties and leads to severe<br />

restrictions. Many parents report that they are faced with countless battles. 108 They find<br />

themselves either in the permanent role of supplicant in order to get assistance benefits from<br />

the departments and schools and for which they have to repeatedly make new applications,<br />

or they send their child to a home or a special school where they receive this assistance<br />

without any major complications. Those affected and their families can escape these battles<br />

if they have sufficient material resources to buy in support services. Social changes have<br />

been driven forward thanks to the many parents affected and who are fighting for social<br />

inclusion and integration into the labour market. 109<br />

10. Education<br />

The general compulsory schooling normally starts in the primary school stage at the age of 6.<br />

Prior to that children can attend a crèche and a nursery. Whilst primary schools are free, fees<br />

are charged in nurseries. Depending upon the city and provider these vary between zero and<br />

3,700 Euros a year. 110 The primary school period is four to six years depending upon the<br />

federal state. This is followed by a move to the Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium<br />

[comprehensive or grammar school] depending upon the child’s results to-date. A child<br />

normally requires a university entrance certificate or technical entrance certificate to enter<br />

further education.<br />

A nationwide regulation was introduced in 1980 stipulating that people with mental disabilities<br />

are to be included in educational development activities irrespective of the type and severity<br />

of their disability. There is no minimum requirement for attending school. 111 Under the federal<br />

state structure the Länder (federal states) are responsible for education law. This leads to<br />

differing concepts of inclusion. 112 A selective and segregating education system is a common<br />

feature of all Länder. As a result of the poor performance in the PISA international<br />

comparison study the overall structure of the education system attracted criticism. This is not<br />

always helpful for the debate on the inclusion of children with disabilities since it is clear that<br />

Länder with low inclusion rates achieve better average grades than Länder in which the<br />

inclusion rate is higher. Within the debates on inclusion there is criticism of the fact that it is<br />

frequently the case of looking for the appropriate school for respective child instead of<br />

adapting the school to suit the child. In 2008 87% of children with disabilities received<br />

segregated education and 13% integrated education. The European average for the<br />

segregation rate is 15%. 113 The subsequent problems of segregation lie in the fact that those<br />

108<br />

See Rößler, Carl-Wilhelm [Status as at: 20.10.2010], Ministry for Health and Social Affairs, Saxony<br />

Anhalt (publ.) [Status as at: 20.10.2010]; Müller-Zurek [Status as at: 22.09.2010]<br />

109<br />

See Wagner, Karl (2010); Menzel, Martina/ Stenzig, Klaus-Peter; Jacobs, Kurt [Status as at:<br />

22.09.2010]<br />

110<br />

See Bendel, Marvin (publ.) [Status as at: 02.09.2010]<br />

111<br />

See Wüllenweber, Ernst et al. (2006) S.334<br />

112<br />

See Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH (publ.) [Status as at: 26.10.2010];<br />

113<br />

See Katzenbach, Dieter/ Schroeder, Joachim (2007), Chapter Reality [Status as at: 22.11.2010];<br />

Markowetz, Reinhard (2009); Fannrich, Isabell [Status as at: 13.11.2010]<br />


leaving special schools often have fewer opportunities on the initial labour market.<br />

Nationwide workshops for disabled people (WfbM) are available, providing the individuals<br />

meet the entry condition of ‘reduced capacity for employment’. Depending upon the<br />

workshop and severity of the disability those employed receive a monthly salary of between<br />

67 and 160 Euros so despite being in gainful employment they are dependent upon the<br />

welfare offices. After 20 years they are paid a pension of 80% of their average salary. The<br />

cost factor plays a key role in the debate on educational policy measures aimed at promoting<br />

inclusion. This makes it more difficult to restructure the education system. The mainstream<br />

schools often lack technical personnel and the resources for them to guarantee barrier-free<br />

participation. 114<br />

11. Prospects<br />

The prospects for people with disabilities are discussed on the scientific level in the Disability<br />

Studies. 115 The campaign entitled ‘all-inclusive! The new UN Convention’ was initiated by the<br />

Federal German Government in 2009. Those affected and their organisations worked<br />

together in eight technical conferences involving over 1,000 participants to formulate<br />

concrete mandates for actions on the policy and social fronts. 116 Since the ratification of the<br />

UNCRPD numerous further training courses, congresses and conferences have been held<br />

on the subject of inclusion. This revealed that, for a long time, the questions of existing<br />

barriers and discrimination have only been addressed superficially. What are needed are<br />

international and universal standards in order to provide an appropriate response to the<br />

challenges produced by bioethics 117 , the taboo subject of violence and the breakdown of<br />

social safety networks. New study course such as ‘social work - inclusion and exclusion’<br />

point to an increasing awareness of the comprehensive topic. 118 In March 2010 the official<br />

appointed by the German Federal Government to deal with matters relating to disabled<br />

people announced a national action plan as one of the key projects of the federal German<br />

government in the area of social welfare policy. 119 This is intended to deal with fundamental<br />

core themes such as social security, barrier-free access, work and leisure. The first regional<br />

action plan was introduced in the state of Rheinlandpfalz [Rheinland Palatinate] in 2010.<br />

Other action plans by other regional governments are intended to follow. These<br />

developments point to the political efforts being made towards changes in all areas of social<br />

policy. Not all these positive approaches will currently meet the benchmarks set by the<br />

UNCRPD. Although employment promotion measures such as ‘Job 4000’ 120 represent a<br />

114<br />

See Langenau, Lars [Status as at: 20.10.2010]; Aktion Mensch (publ.), WfbM [Status as at<br />

28.11.2010]; Rößler, Carl-Wilhelm [Status as at: 20.10.2010]; Frenzel, Britta (2003), S.78<br />

115<br />

See Waldschmidt, Anne, In: BpB (2003), P.12f.<br />

116<br />

Note: The topics covered the following: equality, antidiscrimination; women; education; barrier-free<br />

access; freedom, protection, security; self-determination in life, social security; health; rehabilitation,<br />

gainful employment. See Appointed representative of the Federal Government for the Affairs of the<br />

Disabled (publ.) [Status as at: 13.11.2010]<br />

117<br />

Note: The term “bioethics” includes a controversial area of politics and debates on permission for<br />

assisted suicide, testing embryos for genetically inherited diseases and stem cell research. See<br />

Graumann, Sigrid (2002)<br />

118<br />

See Degener, Theresia (2003), P.42; Waldschmidt, Anne (2003), P.12f; Regensburg University<br />

[Status as at: 27.10.2010]<br />

119<br />

Langendörfer, Hans, P.2 [Status as at: 01.11.2010]<br />

120<br />

See Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs (Hrgs.), Programm »Job4000« [Status as<br />

at: 20.10.2010]<br />


foundation stone there is still a shortage of long-term jobs. As a result of increasingly scarcer<br />

public resources politicians are responding with demands for savings and privatisation in the<br />

area of healthcare and social welfare. 121 When examining savings measures there is a clear<br />

need to distinguish between genuine ‘inclusion’ and ‘inclusion on the cheap’. This is<br />

necessary because children who were previously taught at development schools will now be<br />

educated in mainstream schools without any changes being made in these schools. 122 There<br />

is agreement between the scientific discourse of the Disability Studies and the experts from<br />

the technical organisations that further deliberations and measures are needed in order to<br />

give as many people with disabilities as possible a genuine prospect of a life in which gives<br />

them self-determination.<br />

12. Case Study Case<br />

In her early childhood Lara suffered from meningitis. She is physically and hearing disabled,<br />

her speech and sight are also impaired.<br />

Infancy<br />

Lara goes to hospital as a result of the meningitis. Her parents are visited by the Clinic’s<br />

Social Educational Department who give them advice. After the stay in hospital the parents<br />

contact an early learning development centre. As a result of the report sent by Lara’s doctor<br />

to the early learning development centre measures are initiated to assist with her<br />

development. 123 Lara attends an interdisciplinary early learning development centre several<br />

times a week in order to take advantage of offerings such as physiotherapy, ergotherapy and<br />

logopedia. Her parents also receive advice and support from the centre. 124<br />

Childhood (pre-school education)<br />

When Lara goes to the nursery the parents have to decide whether she is to attend a special<br />

educational institution, an integrative nursery or a mainstream nursery. Lara’s parents decide<br />

121<br />

See Federal Medical Council (publ.), P.25 [Status as at: 13.11.2010]; Schug, Andreas [Status as at:<br />

13.11.2010]<br />

122<br />

See Erdélyi, Andrea, P.8 [Status as at: 01.11.201]<br />

123<br />

Note: The support for early learning development is designed to be cost free and available until the<br />

child starts school. The proof of income required causes so much confusion amongst many parents<br />

that they often do not even submit an application. See Menzel, Martina/ Stenzig, Klaus-Peter (2010)<br />

124<br />

See National Association for the Physically Disabled, P. 18 [Status as at: 22.09.2010], Note:<br />

Support for early learning development is provided as a so-called complex service. It covers two<br />

service components: the services for medical rehabilitation and remedial education services. Where<br />

treatment is prescribed by a doctor the costs for medical provision are met by the health insurance<br />

companies. The local social service providers deliver the special educational services. In conjunction<br />

with the parents the specialists at the early learning development facility draw up a development and<br />

treatment pan. This plan sets out the individual medical and remedial education services specific to<br />

the person’s needs. The treatment plan is submitted together with an application to the funding<br />

providers. See Polster, Michael [Status as at: 26.10.2010]<br />


on the integrative nursery. 125 Problems soon arise as the teachers cannot find sufficient time<br />

to meet Lara’s needs. The nursery teacher asks the parents to take action. The parents<br />

contact the welfare office responsible in order to ascertain Lara’s disability and her additional<br />

needs for individual development. After an application is submitted the welfare office contacts<br />

Lara’s doctor and her therapists. A procedure for ascertaining the degree of disability (GdB)<br />

is initiated. Eight months later a report states that Lara has a GdB of 80, she is therefore<br />

classed as severely disabled. Lara is assigned an educational assistant by the social welfare<br />

office. She can continue to attend the integrative nursery and her parents only have to pay<br />

the normal parental contribution. 126<br />

School<br />

When Lara reaches school age consideration is given as to which school it is advised that<br />

she attend. Lara’s parents would like their daughter to be able to go to school with her<br />

friends. They invoke the region’s education law 127 and request a place for Lara at the<br />

mainstream primary school. The framework conditions for Lara to attend school are clarified<br />

with the Education Department. Because the nearest primary school does not have a lift Lara<br />

has to attend a primary school which is further away and without her familiar friends. Straight<br />

away, the driver service starts taking Lara to school. There is disagreement on who is to<br />

meet the transport costs as the school and the integration assistance provider under Social<br />

Code XII each say that the other has responsibility. The Education Department organises<br />

(special) educational as well as technical assistance for the support she requires in the<br />

everyday aspects of schooling. It takes more than six months for the health insurer to<br />

organise and approve all the teaching aids. Lara’s parents are required to pay part of the<br />

financing costs. 128 Meanwhile Lara is nine years old. Her mother, who cares for Lara during<br />

the day, starts complaining about severe back pain which has been triggered by lifting Lara,<br />

amongst other things. The parent’s attention is drawn to the possibility of Lara being housed<br />

in a residential school or home. 129 When the mother suffers from a slipped disc and has to go<br />

to hospital Lara is temporarily housed in a residential short-term care facility. When she is<br />

subsequently able to go to school as normal the lift at the school is broken. The school has<br />

no money, the repairs take a long time and Lara is unable to regularly attend many of the<br />

125<br />

See Kruse, Katja, P.22 [Status as at: 22.11.2010]; Note: An integrative nursery is a facility which<br />

contains groups in which physically or mentally disabled children are cared for together with able<br />

bodied children. Parents make a conscious decision for this type of care. Teachers frequently do not<br />

have the same level of comprehensive training as those in special schools. See Knittel, Tjark (publ.)<br />

[Status as at: 26.10.2010]<br />

126<br />

See Wendler, Ulrich, P.3 [Status as at: 27.10.2010]; Note: If Lara were in a special school her<br />

parents would be exempt from having to contribute towards the costs. See Menzel, Martina/ Stenzig,<br />

Klaus-Peter (2010); National Organisation for the Physically Disabled,P.20ff. [Status as at:<br />

22.09.2010]<br />

127<br />

Note: Each federal state has its own education laws (federal structure).<br />

128<br />

See National Organisation for the Physically Disabled, P.21 [Status as at: 22.09.2010]<br />

129<br />

Note: If a person with a disability is housed in an inpatient facility the health insurer, nursing fund or<br />

the social welfare office meet the resultant costs, depending upon the individual’s income; the provider<br />

also sorts out the approval for additional assistsance. This often gives family members a major<br />

incentive to opt for inpatient provision. See Menzel, Martina/ Stenzig, Klaus-Peter (2010)<br />


lessons. The parents contact the local government officer responsible for the disabled and<br />

obtain advice.<br />

Leisure<br />

During the summer holidays Lara attends a children’s local district recreation centre. She<br />

hopes this will enable her to keep in contact with her friends.<br />

Teenage years and schooling<br />

When changing to a school for higher education Lara is refused admittance to the municipal<br />

mainstream Realschule [comprehensive school] as the education authority responsible for<br />

integrative education does not approve the move because fundamental structural measures<br />

are not in place. 130 Lara goes to a special school for physically disabled children. She takes<br />

gains her school leaving certificate. As a 16 year old she wants to go on holiday like her<br />

friends, work a support assistant at the district recreation centre where she can lead a group<br />

of children. The management team of the recreation centre objects by arguing that this would<br />

be too dangerous in view of its obligation to provide supervision. It becomes increasingly<br />

difficult for Lara to take part in the same leisure activities as her friends.<br />

Early adulthood<br />

After completing her schooling the 19 year old Lara now wants to train as an office<br />

administrator. Her applications are rejected. After submitting frequent applications Lara<br />

contacts the Department of Employment which suggests a workshop for people with<br />

disabilities. Lara is very keen on qualifying as an office administrator and her parents are<br />

behind her. Following further discussions with the Department of Employment and research,<br />

the opportunity arises for Lara to take part in the new model project “Job4000“ 131 . This is<br />

aimed at promoting training for severely disabled young people and is offered by, amongst<br />

others, Siemens AG 132 where she passes her training and gains her qualification at the age<br />

of 23. As she cannot be taken on by the company she applies to several other firms. Her<br />

applications are rejected on the grounds that as a result of the economic and financial crisis<br />

companies are only taking a few additional people. 133 As she is unable to find a job on the<br />

initial labour market she registers as unemployed with the Department of Employment. On<br />

the advice of the specialist personnel in the Department of Employment Lara takes on a job<br />

130<br />

See Knospe, Ulrike; Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs (publ.) [Status as at:<br />

03.11.2010]<br />

131<br />

See Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs (publ.), Programm »Job4000« [Status as<br />

at: 20.10.2010]<br />

132<br />

See Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs, Jobs without barriers (publ.) [Status as at:<br />

27.10.2010]<br />

133<br />

See Community Organisation for Young People and Social Affairs, Baden <strong>Württemberg</strong> (publ.), P.8<br />

[Status as at: 27.10.2010]<br />


in a workshop for disabled people 134 where she is responsible for office activities and<br />

together with the additional contributions from the rehabilitation provider (social assistance)<br />

earns 351 Euros a month. As time goes by Lara feels that she is not being challenged and a<br />

few years later decides to terminate the employment relationship. She also starts looking for<br />

an apartment that she could finance with the help of the housing allowance. An acquaintance<br />

of the family learns of Lara’s unsuccessful search for a job and her wish to leave home and<br />

responds accordingly. Lara is employed as an office administrator in the firm where she is<br />

paid a regular salary and is now entitled to help at the workplace designed to meet her<br />

specific requirements. 135 This includes office facilities geared towards her needs. Lara<br />

continues to look for an apartment where she can be independent. She decides on a housing<br />

association which accommodates disabled and able-bodied people. 136 Lara moves into the<br />

housing association where she meets and falls in love with Markus. 137<br />

Adulthood<br />

The relationship between Markus and Lara grows stronger. They would both like to move to<br />

their own apartment and get married. The two get in touch with a number of legal experts<br />

and learn that a marriage could mean Markus having to leave Lara to spend a certain<br />

amount of time during the day caring for herself. Since Markus works full time on shift work<br />

that would be difficult. They recognise that their wish to get married represents a major “risk”<br />

for the two of them. 138 Nevertheless the couple get married and organise their lives with all its<br />

challenges. Lara and Markus would like to have children. They contact various doctors in<br />

order to find out the risks and chances of having a family. They are repeatedly told by these<br />

doctors that they should not be so selfish. 139 The two will not let themselves be deterred from<br />

their wish to have children. At the age of 34 Lara falls pregnant and gives birth to Paul. In<br />

order to provide basic care for her child, her own mobility and in order to cope with the<br />

housework Lara needs special aids such as a modified pram, child seat and changing table.<br />

These are not available in normal shops. Markus and Lara improvise and build a lot of these<br />

items themselves. Lara applies to the social welfare office and nursing care fund for an<br />

assistant to help with her child’s first years of life. They have to pay for a large proportion of<br />

the resultant costs themselves and are therefore heavily reliant on the material and childcare<br />

support provided by the grandparents. 140 Numerous people are involved in raising the child.<br />

134<br />

Note: In 2009 there were approx. 700 recognised workshops nationwide with over 275,000 places.<br />

See BMAS (publ.), report by the German Government on the situation of disabled people 2009, P.60<br />

135<br />

Note: People with disabilities working in the first labour market are the most entitled to personcentred<br />

benefits (compensation for disadvantage).<br />

136<br />

See Bavarian State Ministry for Employment and Social Welfare, Families and Women (publ.)<br />

[Status as at: 27.10.2010]<br />

137<br />

Note: Since Lara has a job she meets part of the care costs herself. If neither she nor her family<br />

had sufficient financial resources these benefits would be financed by the Social Welfare Office in<br />

accordance with §53ff. SGB XII (principle of subsidiarity).<br />

138<br />

See kobinet e.V. (publ.) [Status as at: 03.11.2010]<br />

139<br />

Note: The healthcare and welfare system is not yet sufficiently adapted for women with disabilities.<br />

Up to now there have been no barrier-free access advisory agencies or medical practices for women.<br />

There is a continuing need for action in asserting the right to motherhood.. See Beauftragter der<br />

Bundesregierung for the Affairs of the Disabled (publ.) [Status as at:20.12.2010]<br />

140<br />

Note: This clearly shows the principle of subsidiarity; See Vukovic, Sandra [Status as at:<br />

03.11.2010]<br />


This sometimes puts a great strain on Lara and Markus. For the next two decades they live<br />

together with their child Paul. At the age of 20 Paul moves out of the parental home in order<br />

to start a study course.<br />

Old age<br />

When Lara reaches the age of 62 she needs increased assistance. Markus is no longer able<br />

to physically cope with the increasing demands himself. Since her son is very busy with his<br />

career he is unable to give his mother much help. When Lara increasingly feels she has<br />

become a burden as she is no longer able to independently cope with the tasks of everyday<br />

life such as washing, eating and dressing she decides to move to a home for the elderly. The<br />

costs of this are met by the nursing care fund and social welfare office. The joint savings the<br />

two have built up are used to meet the costs. In the home for the elderly Lara enjoys little<br />

free space or opportunity for self-determination. Her day-to-day life is shaped by the<br />

procedures in the institution. She finds it difficult to accept that so many different people are<br />

responsible for her and that young men often have to perform the most intimate of nursing<br />

care duties. Visits by her husband and her son give her strength. 141 At the age of 67 Lara has<br />

an unfortunate fall and breaks her thighbone. She is then no longer able to stand. She soon<br />

gets a serious lung infection and dies shortly afterwards.<br />

Quellenverzeichnis<br />

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[Status as at: 19.10.2010]<br />

Bayrisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie und Frauen (publ.)<br />

http://www.stmas.bayern.de/behinderte/politik/wohnen.htm [Status as at: 27.10.2010]<br />

Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für die Belange behinderter Menschen (publ.):<br />

http://www.behindertenbeauftragter.de/AI/Kampagne/Kampagne__node.html?__nnn=true [Status as at: 13.11.2010]<br />

Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für die Belange behinderter Menschen (publ.): http://www.alleinklusive.behindertenbeauftragte.de/nn_1369658/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen__AI/AI/PM12__KampagneFrankfurt__kk.html<br />

[Status as at:20.12.2010]<br />

141 See Hermes, Gisela, P.14ff. [Status as at: 03.11.2010]<br />


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Total population 64 million<br />

People with disability<br />

(1)<br />

Synopsis for France 142<br />

1999: No new details. Over 5 million receive assistance benefits, approx. 12<br />

million have one or more form(s) of disability. New figures will be published<br />

in 2011.<br />

No.<br />

Embodied within the<br />

Constitution (2)<br />

Inclusion model (3) Central importance is attached to the law passed in 2005 (equality and<br />

equal opportunity, participation by and citizenship of people with disabilities).<br />

Trend away from individualisation to politicisation.<br />

Express rights and New laws past and existing ones revised. Simplification of laws which are<br />

reality (4)<br />

difficult to understand. Higher earners have better access to benefits. Each<br />

individual receives minimum benefits which are guaranteed to every<br />

individual on application.<br />

State social welfare Social security system comprises various branches of insurance which are<br />

benefits (5)<br />

embodied in law. Help for families and children is included amongst the<br />

social security benefits. Help for adults is included amongst the solidarity<br />

payments.<br />

Social work providers State and government ministries perform a monitoring function and<br />

(6)<br />

commission numerous independent and private providers to render social<br />

services.<br />

Financing forms (7) Social security, public funds, compulsory contributions from other private<br />

insurances.<br />

Religion (8) Catholic (81%), small percentage Muslim, Protestant, Buddhist and Jewish.<br />

Role of the Church (8) France is a laicistic state, the official sphere of influence is limited. Religious<br />

communities have formed organisations and offer social services.<br />

Role of informal forms Family coherence important from the emotional aspect, not vital for securing<br />

of provision (9) existence. Great importance is attached to full day schools which relieve the<br />

burden on parents.<br />

Education (10) Disabled and able-bodied children are normally taught together. Approx.<br />

20,000 children do not attend any official school despite compulsory<br />

schooling. The reasons include home schooling.<br />

Future prospects (11) Identifiable reduction in the insurance cover because of the financial deficit.<br />

Opening up of the market increasing in equality. Demographic change<br />

demands a safety net system. Unemployment rate raising questions.<br />

Ratification of the UN Yes, in 2010.<br />

Convention on the<br />

Rights of People with<br />

Disabilities<br />

Monitoring agency None.<br />

Gender and disability Higher earners - primarily men - have better security in the system and<br />

better access to benefits. As a result of the freedom of choice from support<br />

offerings promoted by the state, parents, in particular women, benefit as<br />

they are able to combine family and career.<br />

Special strengths Family assistance is granted as required, independently of income, as high<br />

priority is given to family policy.<br />

Low threshold offerings are provided and are being increasingly expanded<br />

so that people can assert their rights.<br />

Healthcare system is very efficient.<br />

142 Note: The figures in brackets indicate the chapter number in the respective national study.<br />


National Study France<br />

Dominique Heyberger<br />

1. Statistics<br />

In France the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) collects, collates<br />

and evaluates statistical information on the country in cooperation with the Directorate for<br />

Research, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES). 143 In response to the question as to how many<br />

people with disabilities live in France there are differing replies depending upon which<br />

grouping is included in the calculations. A study of impairment, disability and dependency<br />

(HID) 144 , conducted in 1999 by INSEE and DREES, revealed that with a total population of<br />

64 million more than five million people have received regular help in coping with the tasks of<br />

their day-to-day lives and more than two million people have received a payment, pension or<br />

other income as a result of a disability. 145 One of the five recognised trade unions, the<br />

National Federation of Professional Staff (CFE-CGC) added together all the groupings listed<br />

in the HID studies and came to a total of 12 million people with disabilities. This also includes<br />

those who experience restrictions as a result of frailty in old age, the chronically ill or visually<br />

impaired etc. 146<br />

The forms of disability are categorised by INSEE and DREES in line with the WHO<br />

categorisations. These include physical, motor, intellectual, mental, sensory and organic<br />

forms of disability. A new study entitled, “Handicap-Santé” is currently being conducted. This<br />

is expected to be published in 2011. 147148<br />

2. Constitution<br />

The Constitution came into being in 1958 and up to 2008 has been changed a total of 18<br />

times. Direct elections for the Head of State are v one of its characteristic features. The<br />

President is elected by the people for five years and during a period of office cannot be<br />

dismissed by the Parliament. This makes him/her a very powerful person. In the foreword to<br />

the Constitution reference is made to the Declaration of Human and Citizens Rights of<br />

1789. 149 In Article 1 France is defined as an indivisibly laicistic, democratic and social<br />

republic that guarantees the equality of all citizens before the law, regardless of origin, race<br />

and religion. No express reference is made to equality for people with disabilities. 150 France<br />

is number 8 place out of 182 countries in the HDI ranking and amongst the highly developed<br />

countries comes under the category of “Very High Human Development“. 151<br />

3. ‘Inclusion’ Model<br />

In 2007 France signed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Disabled (UNCRPD) and<br />

ratified it in 2010. 152 Technical debates address the importance of inclusion for the day-to-day<br />

143<br />

INSEE=Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; Vgl. INSEE (Hrsg.) [Stand:<br />

06.11.2010]; DREES=Direction de la Recherche, des Etudes, de l'Evaluations et des Statistiques<br />

144<br />

HID=Handicaps-Incapacités-Dépendance<br />

145<br />

Vgl. Mormiche, Pierre, S.1ff. [Stand: 11.10.2010]<br />

146<br />

CFE-CGC=Confédération Francaise de l'Encadrement et Confédération Générale des Cadres<br />

[Stand: 11.10.2010]<br />

147<br />

Vgl. Mormiche, Pierre, S.1ff. [11.10.2010] ;<br />

148<br />

Vgl. Ministère de la Santé et des Sports (Hrsg.) [Stand: 24.08.2010]<br />

149<br />

Vgl. Schoefer, Michael [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

150<br />

Vgl. Schild, Joachim/ Unterwedde, Henrik (2006), S.69ff., 91f.<br />

151<br />

Vgl. United Nations (Hrsg.) (2009), 180f. [Stand: 30.11.2010]<br />

152<br />

Vgl. UN (Hrsg.), Human Rights [Stand: 05.11.2010]<br />


activities and in particular the question as to how the inclusion concept can be achieved and<br />

implemented within the education system. The term inclusion is interpreted differently from<br />

the social welfare aspect. One thing that all the interpretations have in common are the<br />

values ‘equality and equal opportunity, participation by and citizenship of people with<br />

disabilities’. The same law from 2005 plays a central role in the implementation of<br />

inclusion. 153 Seen from the overall social viewpoint, the life situation of people with disabilities<br />

is increasingly coming to the fore of public consciousness. This is leading to a trend away<br />

from individualisation towards politicisation. In March 2008 for example people with<br />

disabilities took to the street throughout France in order to protest against the low level of<br />

assistance paid to the disabled, the maximum rate of which, at 630 Euros, is below the<br />

French poverty level of 820 Euros. There is the added factor of budgetary savings in<br />

institutions, resulting in teams being understaffed and a shortage of qualified personnel. 154<br />

Schools lack financial resources and qualified teaching personnel in order to meet the needs<br />

of children with disabilities. 5,000 French schoolchildren with disabilities are currently being<br />

taught in Belgium because of a lack of school places. 155 The shortage of jobs is also having<br />

an impact. In 2006 a third of adults with disabilities were registered as unemployed. 156 There<br />

are 80,000 places in the workshops for disabled people (ESAT), an insufficient number. The<br />

lack of job offers can be attributed to amongst other things the fact that the workshops for<br />

people with disabilities have to meet the resultant costs themselves and are terminating<br />

contracts of employment in order to save money. 157<br />

4. Rights<br />

In 1975 a law stipulated that people with a disability, like all members of society, have a right<br />

to education and employment. This law embodied the first explicit rights for people with<br />

disabilities in France. 158 Changes to the law in 1987 and 1990 brought important new<br />

regulations on labour law such as the rule on quotas, compensatory levy and protection from<br />

discrimination on the grounds of health or a disability. 159 This was followed in 2005 by the law<br />

on ‘equality, equal opportunity, participation by and citizenship of people with disabilities’. It<br />

guarantees access to tools and aids that facilitate social inclusion for these people. These<br />

include transport aids, housing institutions designed to meet the needs of the disabled, as<br />

well as accessible buildings. It recognises the French sign language and governs the rights<br />

of people with impaired hearing, for example in the courts and schools. A period of<br />

adaptation up to 2015 was stipulated for the implementation of these projects. More recent<br />

statutory provisions generally indicate a trend towards simplifying legal regulations which are<br />

both complex and difficult to apply. 160 This creates low threshold offers on the regional level<br />

such as ‘housing for the disabled’ (MDPH). These are official institutions with the power to<br />

make decisions on the allocation of services and provide advice on all aspects relating to<br />

153<br />

Vgl. l'égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes<br />

handicapées; Krause, Angelika (2010); Musset, Marie/ Thibert, Rémi [Stand: 30.07.2010];<br />

154<br />

Vgl. Kohlhoff, Ludger (2009), S. 54f<br />

155<br />

Vgl. French-Property (Hrsg.) [Stand: 02.09.2010]; Musset,Marie / Thibert,Rèmi [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

156<br />

Vgl. Ministère des Affaires étrangèreset européennes 2007 [Stand: 02.09.2010]<br />

157<br />

Vgl. Krause, Angelika (2010); ESAT=Etablissement et Service d’Aide par le Travail<br />

158<br />

Vgl. Kohlhoff, Ludger (2009), S. 51; Musset, Marie/ Thibert, Rémi bref [Stand: 06.11.2010];<br />

159<br />

Vgl. Ernst, Karl-Friedrich [Stand: 30.07.2010]; Vgl. Frenzel, Britta (2003), S.41; Loi n°90-602<br />

160<br />

Vgl. Hess-Klein, Caroline [Stand: 07.09.2010]; Puhl, Ria/ Maas, Udo (1997), S.71<br />


disability. They have become important centres helping those affected and their families to<br />

cope with difficult life situations. 161<br />

For many of those affected the fact that some legal provisions draw a distinction between<br />

France and Alsace-Lorraine is irritating. Alsace-Lorraine was occupied by Germany during<br />

the Second World War. After Alsace was subsequently placed under French administration<br />

in 1945 some areas of the legal structures in the Alsace Departement were not harmonised<br />

with the legal structures that are universally applicable in France. 162<br />

5. Social Welfare Services<br />

As a result of numerous laws and regulations the social welfare system is extremely<br />

complex. It is made up of various branches of the insurance sector which are embedded in<br />

law. 163 These cover the traditional main risks such as illness, loss of care services for the<br />

family, old age and unemployment, some of which are related to specific occupational<br />

groups. 164<br />

A distinction is drawn between social welfare benefits and solidarity payments. Payments for<br />

accidents at work, occupational illnesses and disability pensions as well as payment for<br />

children with disabilities (AEEH) are included in the social welfare payments. 165<br />

The AEEH promotes individual help with special education for children aged between 0-18<br />

years if the child has a degree of disability of at least 80%. This is intended to meet the high<br />

costs e.g. for the utilisation of assistance provided via third parties. Under certain<br />

circumstances parents are also entitled to financial support as carers (APP). 166<br />

Benefits for adults with disabilities and older people with a loss of independence are<br />

designated as solidarity payments. These include, amongst others, nursing care payments<br />

and the disability pension for adults with a disability (A.A.H.). 167 In order to reduce the risk of<br />

poverty and exclusion there is a government basic insurance, the so-called minimum benefit<br />

(RMI) for both disabled and able-bodied people. In 2005 this was paid to 1.3 million<br />

people. 168 A health insurance policy for those in need (CMU) was introduced in 2000,<br />

161<br />

MDPH=Maison Departementales des Personnes Handicapées; Vgl. Consell General (Hrsg.)<br />

[Stand: 06.11.2010]; Handitec handroit (Hrsg.)[Stand: 06.11.2010]; Ministère du Travail (Hrsg.) [Stand:<br />

07.09.2010]<br />

162<br />

Vgl. Frankreich Ratgeber 2006 (Hrsg.) [Stand: 07.09.2010]<br />

163<br />

Vgl. Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), S.207 und S.212; CLEISS (Hrsg.) [Stand: 30.07.2010]<br />

164<br />

Anm.: Die drei großen Versicherungen sind die allgemeine Sozialversicherung (Securite Sociale),<br />

die Sozialversicherung für die Landwirtschaft (MSA= Mutualité sociale agricole) und die<br />

Krankenversicherung (CMU=Couverture Maladie Universelle); Vgl. Schubert Klaus et al. (2008),<br />

S.213; Schild, Joachim (2006), S.279<br />

165<br />

Anm.: Der Umverteilungsfaktor bei den Gesundheits- und Sozialleistungen ist gering. Diejenigen<br />

die viel einzahlen erhalten wesentlich mehr als jene, die wenig einzahlen. Besserverdienende<br />

- mehrheitlich Männer - sind im System besser abgesichert. Die HID Studie zeigt auf, dass Männer<br />

doppelt so häufig Unterstützungen durch Versicherungsleistungen erhalten. Dies liegt neben den<br />

Verdienstunterschieden daran, dass viele Leistungen an Bereiche gebunden sind, die mehrheitlich<br />

Männer betreffen, wie Arbeitsunfähigkeit oder Militärpensionen. Vgl. Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008),<br />

S.226; Mormiche, Pierre, S.3 [Stand: 11.10.2010]<br />

166<br />

AEEH=Allocation d'Education de l'Enfant Handicapé; Vgl. Frenzel, Britta (2003),S.43;<br />

APP=Allocation de Présence Parentale; Vgl. EU (Hrsg.), S.3 [Stand: 06.11.2010];<br />

167<br />

A.A.H.=Allocation aux Adultes Handicapés; Vgl. EU (Hrsg.), S.3 [Stand: 06.11.2010]; Neumann,<br />

Wolfgang; Veil, Mechthild, S.6 [Stand: 04.07.2010];<br />

168<br />

RMI=Revenu Minimum d`Insertion; Vgl. Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), S.219<br />


guaranteeing comprehensive insurance cover for people who are not insured elsewhere. In<br />

2006 this was received by nearly five million people. 169<br />

Family assistance (CAF) is the only benefit to be paid as required, independent of income.<br />

This is one of the special features of the French social welfare system: giving top priority to<br />

the policy on families. However, over recent years these benefits have been continually<br />

reduced. 170 Families with disabled children can also receive additional, special educational<br />

assistance. 171<br />

6. Social Work Providers<br />

The state supervises and monitors the various institutions involved in the area of social<br />

welfare. It rarely assumes direct responsibility as provider, except for psychiatrists and a few<br />

specialist wards in hospitals. As a general rule it delegates the role of provider to the<br />

numerous regional and autonomous institutions. 172 The process of decentralisation began in<br />

1983. Increased responsibility was transferred to the local politicians in the Departements in<br />

order for improved action to be taken locally and in order to minimise the administrative<br />

costs. The Departements are responsible for the local social welfare assistance to which<br />

children, young people and people with disabilities are entitled. Depending upon their budget<br />

they invest e.g. in the construction of workshops for people with disabilities. These<br />

investments vary significantly region to region. 173 A whole range of joint regional affiliations<br />

act as providers of assistance for the disabled; these are normally administered as<br />

organisations and have been established in accordance with the 1901 law on<br />

organisations. 174 Most of the institutions which have been created over the last 30 years are<br />

run by volunteers and relatives of people with disabilities. 175 They are represented on a local,<br />

regional and national level and frequently pick up problem situations which are being caused<br />

by the reduction in the central government service offerings. Most of the organisations are<br />

linked together in large umbrella organisations such as the URIOPSS 176 . Central government<br />

provides financial resources for the umbrella organisations so they can promote the<br />

networking of individual initiatives. The private sector is playing an increasingly greater role.<br />

It is responding to the increasing financing problems in the public social welfare system by<br />

providing competing offerings. 177<br />

7. Forms of Financing<br />

The social welfare benefits are financed at differing levels by the state, the individual<br />

Departements and the statutory health insurers. The largest portion of the funding for social<br />

welfare and health-related benefits is borne by the “sécurité social”. This is financed through<br />

contributions from employed persons who are liable to social security payments and<br />

169 CMU=Couverture de Maladie Universelle; Anm: 53% von ihnen waren weiblich und 47% männlich.<br />

Vgl. Französische Botschaft, CMU [Stand: 07.09.2010]<br />

170 CAF=Caisses d’Allocations Familiales; Vgl. Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), S.213ff<br />

171 Vgl. Maas, Udo/ Puhl, Ria (1997), S.73<br />

172 Vgl. CLEISS [Stand: 06.11.2010]; Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), S.221<br />

173 Anm.: Die Umsetzung der Dezentralisierung ist geprägt von Spannungen und Machtkämpfen<br />

zwischen der Nationalregierung in Paris und den 100 Departements, die zunehmend mehr<br />

entscheiden möchten, weil sie den Großteil der Sozialen Arbeit selbst finanzieren. Vgl. Maas, Udo /<br />

Puhl, Ria (1997) S.75f; Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), S.215<br />

174 Anm.: Das Gesetz ermöglicht die Gründung von Unternehmen ohne Kapital und Gewinnabsicht.<br />

175 Directions Regionale et Départementales des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales de Picardie (Hrsg.)<br />

[Stand: 02.09.2010]<br />

176 URIOPSS=Union Régionale Interfédérale des Organismes Privés Sanitaires et Sociaux,<br />

177 Vgl. Krause, Angelika (2010)<br />


consequently covers 42% of the expenditure for the social security system. It plays an even<br />

greater role in the financing of institutions for people with disabilities where it funds more than<br />

66% of the budget required. 178<br />

As in most European countries an ever decreasing number of people in France are engaged<br />

under contracts of employment for which compulsory social security contributions are<br />

payable. This is leading on the one side to falling “sécurité social” revenues and on the other<br />

side to an increase in the state’s share of the financing for the social welfare system. This<br />

has risen from 17% in the 1980s to 30% at present. To provide the funding the new taxes<br />

(CSG and CRDS) were introduced in 1991. The former has become an important source of<br />

funding for social welfare benefits. It is used to pay for the social welfare measures of those<br />

on lowest incomes as well as benefits for adults with disabilities. 179<br />

In some cases treatment costs and services also have to be met by the actual benefit<br />

recipients themselves. Voluntary supplementary insurances exist for this purpose and have<br />

been concluded by 90% of the French population. 180 Some of the institutions and<br />

organisations operate on the basis of significant resources raised themselves through<br />

fundraising and income from donations. 181 That applies to a lesser extent to the current costs<br />

which are met by the daily rates. Small organisations have the chance of obtaining funding<br />

via the “Fondation de France” and other foundations. 182<br />

8. Church and Religion Motivation<br />

Under its constitutional law France is a laicistic state. This means that there is strict<br />

separation between the role of church and state. Numerous denominations are represented<br />

amongst the population. The majority of the population, 81%, is Roman Catholic, with smaller<br />

percentages of Muslim, Protestant, Buddhist and Jewish faith organisations respectively. 183<br />

The churches have limited official influence. Since 1905 they have only had the right to<br />

perform their liturgical functions and to operate in the ecclesiastical and spiritual sense. As a<br />

result of the abovementioned law on organisations from 1901, religious communities (not the<br />

churches) are permitted to establish themselves as organisations. This requires that religious<br />

values should not be accorded priority 184 and that a number of the values represented are<br />

recognised by the state. These as well as other organisations then have the opportunity to<br />

receive state grants and funding from foundations. 185<br />

9. Informal Forms of Provision<br />

The majority of the five million people with disabilities and who require assistance live at<br />

home. Approx. 700,000 people are housed in special facilities and homes for people with<br />

178 Vgl. Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008),S.215ff; Schmid, Josef (2002), S.141f; Frenzel, Britta (2003),S.44<br />

179 CSG=Contribution Sociale Généralisée; CRDS=Contribution au Remboursement de la Dette<br />

Sociale; Vgl. CLEISS (Hrsg.) [Stand: 30.07.2010]; Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), S.224<br />

180 Vgl. Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), S.215; Neumann, Wolfgang (2002); Veil, Mechthild (2004), S.9<br />

[Stand: 24.07.2010]; Ministère de la jeunesse et des solidarités actives (Hrsg.) [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

181 Vgl. Fondation Pasteur Eugène Bersier (Hrsg.) [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

182 Vgl. Fondation de France (Hrsg.) [Stand: 07.09.2010]<br />

183 Vgl. Czysz, Armin/ Joosten, Angela [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

184 Anm.: Diese Logik steht im Gegensatz zum deutschen System. Dort wird die Privilegierung von<br />

Caritas und <strong>Diakonie</strong> gerade aus der nachweisbaren Bindung an die Kirchen abgeleitet.<br />

185 Anm.: Beispiele: Evangelische Fondation Chandos, Fondation Adèle de Glaubitz, Fondation<br />

Sonnenhof im Nordelsass und Saint Andre im Südelsass bei Colmar, Fondation John Bost und Arche<br />

Jean Vanier Assoziation, die aus 30 Vereinen und 100-150 Wohnheimen besteht.<br />


disabilities. 186 French schoolchildren basically spend a great deal of time in public<br />

educational facilities. A full day’s teaching and the daily provision of a hot lunch are a matter<br />

of course. 187 The policy on families is a combination of comprehensive financial benefits and<br />

entitlements to childcare. Parents can select from a range of state funded care offerings<br />

outside the family to suit their life situation. In this context particular attention is paid to<br />

promoting the mother’s freedom of choice. The aim is for her to be able to decide whether to<br />

return to work or to concentrate on raising her children and not earning her own income. 188<br />

The support services from the immediate environment were seen as important during the<br />

HID study. Two thirds of people with disabilities and living at home stated that they receive<br />

help from relatives, friends or neighbours. The survey clearly revealed that the family<br />

environment and social origins have a strong influence on the future of a person with a<br />

disability. It emerged from this that a child with a disability from a working family is three<br />

times more likely to live in an institution than a child from a wealthier family and that a sense<br />

of social exclusion on the part of people with disabilities who live in homes is eight times<br />

more common than amongst people who live within the family environment. 189<br />

10. Education<br />

The education system, organised by central government, recognises all-day schools as the<br />

mainstream. The same applies for the 20% private schools. 190 Education commences at the<br />

pre-school stage (Ecole Maternelle) which is offered from the age of four to six. It is free and<br />

not compulsory. This is followed by elementary school (Ecole Elementaire) which is divided<br />

into learning cycles and in this way provides the pupils with an individual division of their time<br />

at their own pace of learning without experiencing any discrimination. This is followed by the<br />

secondary stage (college) and the grammar school (Lycée).<br />

Universal compulsory education was introduced in 1882. Since 1967 education has been<br />

compulsory up to the age of 16. In 1975 the upbringing of and education for people with<br />

disabilities became an obligatory task of the state and was laid down in specific terms by the<br />

central Act of 2005. 191 Despite the compulsory education there are a significant number of<br />

children who do not attend school. This is attributable to amongst other things a high<br />

proportion of the children being taught at home (approx. 20,000). 192<br />

Pupils in need of assistance normally attend lessons at mainstream schools. In the<br />

elementary school there are phased integration classes (CLIS) designed to enable the pupils<br />

to more readily benefit from conventional schooling. There is also the ‘adapted teaching’<br />

(SEGPA) and ‘integrated educational units’ (UPI) which have been developed over recent<br />

years in a number of higher education schools. These teaching units have been established<br />

186<br />

Anm.: In einer Studie über die Qualität gemeindenaher Wohnprojekte für Menschen mit<br />

Behinderung erreichte Frankreich 2,85 Punkte bei einem Höchstwert von 5,0 Punkten. Vgl.<br />

Europäische Komission (Hrsg.); Mormiche, Pierre (2000), S.2f. [Stand: 11.10.2010]<br />

187<br />

Vgl. Schultheis, Franz (1999), S.92<br />

188<br />

Anm.: Kinder werden aus historischen Gründen nicht nur als privates, sondern auch als<br />

öffentliches Gut betrachtet. Der Staat unterstützt öffentliche und private Kinderbetreuung,<br />

Krippenplätze, Vorschulen und die Beschäftigung von Tagesmüttern und anderen<br />

Betreuungspersonen. Vgl. Veil, Mechthild, S.32 [Stand: 25.09.2010]; Stern, Nadine (2007), S.118ff.<br />

189<br />

Vgl. Mormiche, Pierre (2000), S.3f. [Stand: 11.10.2010]<br />

190<br />

Anm.: Diese, zumeist unter katholischer Trägerschaft geleiteten Schulen, zählen eher zu jenen, die<br />

den Bedürfnissen von Kindern mit Behinderung gerecht werden. Vgl. Krause, Angelika (2010)<br />

191<br />

Vgl. Brockhaus (Hrsg.) (1911), S. 656f. [Stand: 07.09.2010]; Haensch, Günther/ Tümmers, Hans J.<br />

(1998), S.256ff; Ministère des Affaires étrangèreset européennes (Hrsg.) [Stand: 02.09.2010]<br />

192<br />

Vgl. Krause, Angelika (2010); Meunier, Marie-Lise (Hrsg.) [Stand: 07.09.2010]<br />


in order to also encourage children with disabilities to continue schooling after completing the<br />

CLIS process at the elementary school. 193 From the eighth grade pupils can start vocational<br />

training which - adapted to the needs of the young people - smoothes the transition to<br />

working life. SEGPA courses are attended by 92,000 pupils at public schools and by 4,000 at<br />

private schools. 194 The aim of this ‘adapted teaching’ is to enable the young people to take<br />

up apprenticeships. Since the teaching personnel at the mainstream schools often have no<br />

special training in education for the disabled, there is a lack of knowledge in the day-to-day<br />

teaching about how to deal with the needs of people with disabilities. There are specialist<br />

‘mobile’ teaching staff provided to deal with this problem. They specialise in education for the<br />

disabled and have advisory roles at schools and nurseries in which children with disabilities<br />

are integrated. As a result of savings programmes this inclusion package is to be<br />

discontinued in the future. 195 If a child cannot attend a mainstream school as a result of the<br />

disability, so-called educational-medical special teaching institutions (IME, IMP or IMPRO) 196<br />

are offered, some of which operate under the supervision of the Department of Health. In<br />

2008 the integration rate for children with disabilities was 30%, 70% of the children were<br />

taught on a segregated basis. 197 There is a widespread belief today that children with<br />

disabilities should be integrated into the mainstream school system and only sent to special<br />

schools in rare cases. 198 Up to 2005 there was little inclusion in France. It was not until the<br />

introduction of the abovementioned statutory regulation that children with disabilities were<br />

integrated into the mainstream school system in order to create wide-ranging equal<br />

opportunity and social equality. As a result of the lack of aids and financial resources the<br />

pace of change is slow and access for people in need of assistance in mainstream schools<br />

remains difficult. The children still frequently move from the elementary school to a special<br />

school. 199 In the mainstream schools the teaching staff frequently has insufficient expertise in<br />

education for the disabled. There are assistance benefits, guaranteed by law, designed to<br />

support children by providing personal assistants. In reality the provision of assistants is<br />

unreliable. The contracts are only approved for a limited period and there are no long-term<br />

guarantees about their financing. Students or senior citizens often accompany the children in<br />

their day-to-day school activities, work together for a few months and then are subsequently<br />

replaced. This model is felt to be unsatisfactory by those affected and is fiercely criticised by<br />

large parent organisations. 200<br />

11. Prospects<br />

The healthcare system is very efficient when viewed by global comparison. In the World<br />

Health Report 2000 France occupies the number 1 spot amongst a comparison of 191<br />

countries. However, when looking at the services there are signs of a trend towards a<br />

reduction in the level of social welfare protection. In 2004 the sécurité sociale announced a<br />

deficit of nearly 14 billion Euros. The benefits paid by the government compulsory insurance<br />

193<br />

CLIS=Classes d'Intégration Scolaire, SEGPA=Sections d'Enseignements Généraux et<br />

Professionnels Adaptés; UPI=Unités Pédagogiques d'Intégration; vgl. EACEA (Hrsg.) (2009), S.8<br />

194<br />

Vgl. Vitry, Daniel (Hrsg.), S.93 [Stand : 03.09.2010]<br />

195<br />

Vgl. CRAP (Hrsg.) [Stand: 20.09.2010]<br />

196<br />

IME=Instituts Médico-Educatifs, IMP=Intitituts Medico-Pédagogiques, IMPRO=Instituts Médico-<br />

Professionnels. Vgl. Directions Regionale et Départementales des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales de<br />

Picardie (Hrsg.) [Stand: 02.09.2010]; French-Property (Hrsg.) [Stand: 02.09.2010]<br />

197<br />

Vgl. Markowetz, Reinhard (2009)<br />

198<br />

Vgl. Döbert; Hörner et al. (Hrsg.) (2010), S.252ff.<br />

199<br />

Vgl. Kolhoff et al. (2009), S.53; Schädler, Johannes et al. (2008), S.87 [Stand: 13.10.2010];<br />

200 Vgl. Krause, Angelika (2010)<br />


were subsequently reduced sharply. The consequences of this are being seen in a growing<br />

market for supplementary pensions. An ever-increasingly larger proportion of the healthcare<br />

costs is being met by private insurance companies or insurance organisations. These<br />

benefits are only available to the households that can pay for them. The trend is towards the<br />

system being increasingly opened up to the market, increasing the already existing<br />

inequalities. 201 As in most OECD states the demographic change will also have a major<br />

impact on the social welfare system in France as the costs for healthcare and nursing for<br />

older people will increase. In the scientific discussion, there is criticism about the fact that<br />

France has concentrated primarily on family support measures and ignored the life phases of<br />

old age. 202 The increasing level of unemployment in particular is raising questions about the<br />

social cohesion and solidarity. We are seeing the emergence of an increasingly precarious<br />

reality as 19% of those under the age of 25 live below the poverty line. 203 Long-term and<br />

youth unemployment is one of the most important topics. All the budgetary and cost-cutting<br />

measures in the area of social welfare are hitting people with disabilities particularly hard. 204<br />

Protests by wide sections of the population show that these developments will not be readily<br />

accepted by people with disabilities. Experts in the social sciences field are demanding an<br />

agenda of reforms in order to counter cost-cutting measures and deficits in the labour market<br />

policy. 205<br />

12. Sample Case<br />

Aurelie suffered from meningitis in her infancy. She is physically and hearing disabled and<br />

also has speech and visual impairments.<br />

Infancy<br />

Whilst Aurelie was still in hospital an employee from the early learning development agency<br />

(C.A.M.S.P.) 206 visited her and her parents in order to diagnose her form of disability and<br />

provide advice. This service is financed by the health insurer. 207 Through the interdisciplinary<br />

early learning development agency Aurelie‘s parents receive initial support in seeking a place<br />

in an appropriate crèche. Both parents work, during the day Aurelie is looked after in a<br />

crèche and receives additional help in a special educational facility for children<br />

(S.A.F.E.P.). 208 All three institutions communicate together and regularly consult with<br />

Aurelie’s parents. The special educational institution is paid for by the health insurer.<br />

Together with Aurelie her parents attend weekly support meetings at the early learning<br />

development agency where, in group support programmes, they come into contact with<br />

other parents who also have a child with a disability. 209<br />

201<br />

Vgl. Neumann,Wolfgang/Veil, Mechthild, S.2-8 [Stand: 06.11.2010]; Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008),<br />

S.227-233<br />

202<br />

Vgl. Neumann, Wolfgang / Veil, Mechthild, S.6 [Stand: 24.07.2010]<br />

203<br />

Vgl. Schubert, Klaus et al. (2008), S.234<br />

204<br />

Vgl. Kolhoff et al. (2009), S.54<br />

205<br />

Vgl. Baverez, Nicolas [Stand: 08.08.2010]<br />

206<br />

C.A.M.S.P.=Centre d'Action Médico-Sociale Précoce<br />

207<br />

Anm.: Der Einsatz wird von der Securité Sociale und dem Conseil General finanziert, Vgl.<br />

Association du C.A.M.S.P. du Doubs et de l'Aire Urbaine (Hrsg.) [Stand: 02.09.2010]<br />

208<br />

S.A.F.E.P.=Service d'Accompagnement Familial et d'Education Précoce; Vgl. Neumann, Wolfgang/<br />

Veil, Mechthild, S.6 [Stand: 24.07.2010]<br />


Childhood<br />

Since her third birthday the Administration Department for Early Learning Development and<br />

Educational Integration (S.S.E.F.I.S.) has been responsible for Aurelie and will remain so<br />

until she reaches majority age. 210 For Aurelie’s parents the question is to whether she should<br />

go to the normal mainstream nurseries or to a special school (S.E.E.S.). Following intensive<br />

consultations the parents decide on the nearby nursery where Aurelie receives support from<br />

an assistant (A.S.M.) 211 . This need was determined by the team at the local Disabled<br />

Advisory Centre (MDPH) which in her region is responsible for legal matters and applying for<br />

assistant services. 212 The assistance is provided by a student and is approved for six<br />

months. The parents then apply for an extension. Aurelie is granted this support again and<br />

this time the assistance is provided for six months and by a senior citizen. This change in<br />

personnel occurs repeatedly until she moves to the elementary school. Aurelie’s parents<br />

receive additional support services for her at home, these having been applied for on her<br />

behalf by the Disabled Advisory Centre and are paid for by the insurance companies. 213<br />

School<br />

At the age of 6 Aurelie attends the elementary school. The parents wanted Aurelie to be<br />

nearby and chose the school which is just give minutes away. 214 It is a whole day school and<br />

Aurelie spends most of the time during the day with her friends. The specialists at the local<br />

Advisory Centre, the class teacher and Aurelie’s parents jointly discuss the formulation of an<br />

individual timetable (P.P.S.). 215 Discussions are held about which aids Aurelie needs for her<br />

to be able to follow events at school. The Advisory Centre submits the application for the<br />

procurement of appropriate teaching materials and aids. There are problems with obtaining<br />

approval for the assistance as the budget has been exhausted. The parents contact a<br />

parents’ organisation from which they receive support. The parents’ organisation contacts the<br />

administration department responsible and requests the assistance services. These are<br />

approved for a further six months. Aurelie gets the feeling that the teacher does not know<br />

how to teach her. The teacher has 23 children in her class and cannot meet individual<br />

needs. 216 Following consultation with the parents Aurelie receives additional support units<br />

(CLIS) and quickly makes friends with other children.<br />

Leisure<br />

At the suggestion of the Advisory Centre Aurelie is registered with the national school sports<br />

organisation. 217 Aurelie is enthusiastic about her new hobby. Her friends are also there. She<br />

takes part in competitions and gets lots of recognition.<br />

209<br />

Vgl. Frenzel, Britta (2003), S.75ff.<br />

210<br />

S.S.E.F.I.S.=Service de Soutien à l'Education Familiale et à l'Intégration Scolaire;<br />

211<br />

S.E.E.S.=Service d'Education et d'Enseignement Spécialisé; A.S.M.=Assistantes Specialisees<br />

d’ecole Maternelle; Anm.: Diese Assistentinnen und Assistenten haben in der Regel keine<br />

Ausbildung.<br />

212<br />

MDPH=Maison Departementales des Personnes Handicapées<br />

213<br />

Vgl. Krause, Angelika (2010)<br />

214<br />

Vgl. Döbert, Hans et al. (2010), S.259<br />

215<br />

P.P.S=Projet Personalisé de Scolarisation. Vgl. Ministère de l'Éducation nationale 2010 (Hrsg.)<br />

216<br />

Vgl. BpB (Hrsg.) [Stand: 03.09.2010]; Living France (Hrsg.) [Stand: 03.09.2010]<br />

217<br />

Vgl. Fédération Française Handisport (Hrsg.) [Stand: 03.09.2010]<br />


Youth/college and training<br />

At the age of eleven Aurelie switches to the college. In order to smooth her transition from<br />

the elementary school to this higher education school she attends the special educational<br />

unit there (UPI) and from eighth grade the vocational training branch (SEGPA) where she<br />

starts training as a technician in a bakery. 218 At the age of 17 Aurelie completes her<br />

training. 219<br />

Young adulthood/transition to working life<br />

When Aurelie has completed her training she looks for a company to take her on. She<br />

quickly realises that there are only a few jobs available on the labour market. She contacts<br />

the Advisory Centre and finds out which family allowances she is still entitled to. She is able<br />

to draw a disability pension from the age of 20 - and only in special cases from the age of 16.<br />

This means that she initially cannot earn enough money to live independently. Aurelie<br />

continues to live with her parents. At the same time she looks for a part-time job. Her hobby<br />

gives her strength and gives balance to her life. At the age of 21 Aurelie meets Pascal at a<br />

sports competition and falls in love with him. After the relationship between the two becomes<br />

stronger they decide to live together. Aurelie contacts the Advisory Centre and applies to it<br />

for the disability pension of 700 Euros which is paid to people with a permanent disability of<br />

at least 80%. 220 She also applies for housing allowance. These are all approved for her after<br />

a waiting period of seven months. 221 Pascal is also looking for work - to-date without<br />

success. 222 The workshop for disabled people contacts Aurelie after she has been on its<br />

waiting list for two years. A space has become free and is allocated to Aurelie. She accepts it<br />

and is therefore able to contribute towards her income.<br />

Adulthood<br />

After the pair has decided to start a family Aurelie becomes pregnant at the age of 31. They<br />

jointly seek advice from the Advisory Centre which puts them in touch with the ADAPPH, the<br />

parents’ organisation for parents with disabilities, where they attend further training and<br />

workshops, establish contacts and are prepared for what’s ahead. 223 The couple jointly<br />

decide to enter into a civil solidarity pact PACS 224 in which couples give each other material<br />

support. 225 This reduces their disability pension by 17% but in return they gain tax<br />

advantages. Aurelie continues to work normally up to the end of the seventh month and then<br />

suffers premature pain. She has to go into hospital. All the costs are met by the universal<br />

basic health insurance CMU 226 which requires no contributions from Aurelie because her<br />

218 Vgl. EACEA (Hrsg.) (2009), S.8 [Stand: 03.09.2010]<br />

219 Anm.: Aurelie wird bei Beschulung in CLIS, UPI, SEGPA als inkludiert gezählt, da sich diese<br />

Schulformen im Regelschulumfeld befinden. Vgl. Ministère de l'éducation nationale (Hrsg.)<br />

220 Vgl. Allocation Adultes Handicapés (Hrsg.) [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

221 Anm.: Der Antrag wird beim Beratungszentrum eingereicht und von dort an sieben Kommissionen<br />

gesandt, unter anderem an die Kommission zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und der Autonomie der<br />

Menschen mit Behinderungen CDAPH=Commission des Droits et de l'Autonomie des Personnes<br />

Handicapées). Alle Kommissionen prüfen, ob die Voraussetzungen für Hilfeleistungen vorliegen. In<br />

der Regel werden die Hilfen gewährt. Vgl. Allocation Adultes Handicapés (Hrsg ) [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

222 Vgl. WirtschaftsBlatt Digital GmbH (Hrsg.) [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

223 ADAPPH=Association pour le Développement de l'Accompagnement à la Parentalité des<br />

Personnes Handicapées Vgl. Doctissimo (Hrsg.) [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

224 Anm.: Der PACS wird beim Amtsgericht beantragt und verschafft ähnliche Vorteile, wie eine Ehe<br />

225 Vgl. Französische Botschaft (Hrsg.), PACS [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

226 Anm.: Die CMU wird nicht von allen Krankenhäusern akzeptiert, obwohl dies nicht rechtens ist.<br />

Vgl. Santé-médecine (Hrsg.)[Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />


salary and that of her partner are below the statutory minimum. 227 Aurelie gives birth to a son<br />

Jean and shares joy as a mother with Pascal. After Jean reaches the age of two and attends<br />

nursery, Aurelie returns to work.<br />

Old age<br />

After Aurelie reaches the age of 60 she is no longer entitled to draw the disability pension.<br />

She is in increasing need of support. Age-related complaints create new challenges in her<br />

day-to-day life. Her son now lives far away and only visits at weekends. Aurelie applies for<br />

her retirement pension. 228 When Pascal reaches the age of 82 and is no longer able to<br />

provide for the household and his wife on his own, he seeks help. A social worker from the<br />

Advisory Centre and his own doctor complete an application for ‘personal assistance with<br />

independent living’ (APA). Aurelie is classed as in need of nursing care. The money for her<br />

care comes from the social welfare. Aurelie and Pascal receive meals on wheels three times<br />

a week which costs them 75 Euros a month. 229 Over the next few years there is ever<br />

increasing need for support services. At the age of 73 Aurelie dies from a heart attack.<br />

Quellenverzeichnis:<br />

Allocation Adultes Handicapés (Hrsg.): http://www.handroit.com/aah.htm [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

Association du C.A.M.S.P. du Doubs et de l'Aire Urbaine (Hrsg.): http://www.camsp.fr/ [Stand: 02.09.2010]<br />

Association Saint François-Xavier Don Bosco (Hrsg.): http://www.saintfrancoisxavier.fr/ [Stand: 03.10.2010]<br />

Baverez, Nicolas: http://www.wiwo.de/politik-weltwirtschaft/das-modell-des-franzoesischen-wohlfahrtsstaates-funktioniert-nichtmehr-135417/2/<br />

[Stand : 08.08.2010]<br />

BpB (Hrsg.): http://www.bpb.de/publikationen/A7Y5R9,1,0,Ganztagsschule_mit_Tradition%3A_Frankreich.html [Stand:<br />

03.09.2010]<br />

Brockhaus (Hrsg.): Kleines Konversations-Lexikon, fünfte Auflage, Band 2. Leipzig 1911.<br />

C.A.M.S.P (Hrsg.): http://asnr.free.fr/glossaire/camsp.html [Stand: 08.08.2010]<br />

CLEISS (Hrsg.): http://www.cleiss.fr/docs/regimes/regime_france/al_0.html [Stand : 30.07.2010]<br />

Confédération Francaise de l'Encadrement et Confédération Générale des Cadres:<br />

http://www.cfecgc.org/handi/e_upload/pdf/1-_les_chiffres_du_handicap_version_intervention.pdf [Stand: 11.10.2010]<br />

Consell General Departement du Nord (Hrsg.):<br />

http://www.cg59.fr/frontoffice/AfficheArticle.aspx?idArticle=1024&idArborescence=69 [Stand: 09.09.2010]<br />

Czysz, Armin/ Joosten, Angela/ Euro-Informationen (GbR) (Hrsg.): http://www.eu-info.de/europa/EU-Mitgliedstaaten/5396/<br />

[Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

CRAP, Cahiers pédagogiques est soutenu pour son fonctionnement par le ministère de l'Éducation nationale (Hrsg.):<br />

http://www.cahiers-pedagogiques.com/article.php3?id_article=3963 [Stand: 20.09.2010]<br />

Directions Regionale et Départementales des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales de Picardie (Hrsg.):<br />

http://www.picardie.sante.gouv.fr/handime.htm [Stand: 02.09.2010]<br />

Ditz, Rüdiger. Spiegel Online GmbH: http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,515437,00.html [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

Döbert, Hans et al.: Die Bildungssysteme Europas. (Grundlagen der Schulpädagogik, Bd. 46). 3. Aufl. Baltmannsweiler 2010.<br />

Doctissimo (Hrsg.): http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/dossiers/handicap/articles/8680-grossesse-handicape.htm [Stand:<br />

04.09.2010]<br />

EACEA (Hrsg.): National summary sheets on education system in Europe and ongoing reforms, Edition 2009:<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/documents/eurybase/national_summary_sheets/047_FR_EN.pdf [Stand:<br />

03.09.2010]<br />

Europäische Kommission (Hrsg.): Included in Society. Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen der europäischen Studie über<br />

gemeindenahe Wohnangebote für Menschen mit Behinderungen 2003.<br />

Ernst, Karl-Friedrich, Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Integrationsämter und Hauptfürsorgestellen (Hrsg.):<br />

http://www.integrationsaemter.de/webcom/show_zeitschrift.php/_c-560/_nr-68/_p-2/i.html [Stand: 30.07.2010]<br />

Europäische Union (Hrsg.): http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/missoc/2003/012003/fr_de.pdf [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

Fédération Française Handisport (Hrsg.): http://www.handisport.org/content/jeunes/index.php [Stand: 03.09.2010]<br />

Fondation de France (Hrsg.): http://www.fondationdefrance.org/English-version/Areas-of-action/Social-Cohesion [Stand:<br />

07.09.2010]<br />

Fondation Pasteur Eugène Bersier (Hrsg.):<br />

http://www.museeprotestant.org/Pages/Notices.php?scatid=146&noticeid=772&lev=1&Lget=DE [Stand : 06.11.2010]<br />

227<br />

Vgl. Pratique.fr (Hrsg.) [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

228<br />

Anm.: Seit 1999 werden die Bezieherinnen und Bezieher von Invalidenrenten mit 60 Jahren an das<br />

Altersrentensystem verwiesen.Vgl. Stowczynski, Gerd [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

229<br />

APA=Allocation Personnalisée d'Autonomie; Vgl. Ditz, Rüdiger [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />


Frankreich Ratgeber 2006 (Hrsg.): http://www.frankreich-ratgeber.de/Elsass-Alsace.html [Stand: 07.09.2010]<br />

Französische Botschaft (Hrsg.), CMU: http://www.botschaft-frankreich.de/spip.php?article2771 [Stand : 07.09.2010]<br />

Französische Botschaft (Hrsg.), PACS: http://www.botschaft-frankreich.de/article.php3?id_article=915 [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

French-Property (Hrsg.):<br />

http://www.french-property.com/guides/france/public-services/school-education/special/ [Stand: 02.09.2010]<br />

Frenzel, Britta: Frühförderung hörbehinderter Kinder in Frankreich und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Eine vergleichende<br />

Bestandsaufnahme. (Berichte aus der Pädagogik). Aachen 2003.<br />

Haensch, Günther/ Tümmers, Hans J.: Frankreich. Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft. (Beck'sche Reihe Länder, Bd. 831). 3.,<br />

völlig neu bearb. Aufl., Orig.-Ausg. München 1998.<br />

Handitec Handroit (Hrsg.): http://www.handroit.com/maison_handicap.htm [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

Hess-Klein, Caroline: http://archiv.agile.ch/index.php?id=559 [Stand : 07.09.2010]<br />

INSEE (Hrsg.): http://www.insee.fr/en/insee-statistique-publique/default.asp [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

Schädler, Johannes/ Albrecht R. S. S.: The Specific Risks of Discrimination Against Persons in Situation of Major<br />

Dependence or with Complex Needs. Report of a European Study Volume 2: Research and Analysis. [Stand: 13.10.2010]<br />

Kolhoff, Ludger/ Assmann, Thomas: Soziale Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderung in Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien.<br />

Dokumentation eines deutsch-französisch-italienischen Austauschseminars. 1. Aufl. Baltmannsweiler 2009.<br />

Krause, Angelika: Pfarrerin aus Frankreich/ Bordeaux, Interview vom 22.08.2010<br />

Living France (Hrsg.): http://www.livingfrance.com/real-life-living-and-working-dealing-with-disability-in-france--4637 [Stand:<br />

03.09.2010]<br />

Maas, Udo/ Puhl, Ria: Soziale Arbeit in Europa. Organisationsstrukturen, Arbeitsfelder und Methoden im Vergleich.<br />

(Grundlagentexte Soziale Berufe). Weinheim 1997.<br />

Markowetz, Reinhard, BeB (Hrsg.): „Paradigmenwechsel, Bringt Inklusion den Menschen mit Behinderung mehr Teilhabe und<br />

Emanzipation?“, In: Orientierung, Fachzeitschrift der Behindertenhilfe, Berlin, Ausgabe 1/2009.<br />

Meunier, Marie-Lise (Hrsg.): http://www.hausunterricht.org/html/hs_international.html [Stand: 07.09.2010]<br />

Ministère des Affaires étrangèreset européennes (Hrsg.) 2007: http://www.ambafranceeau.org/france_eau/IMG/disabled.pdf<br />

[Stand: 02.09.2010]<br />

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale – 2010 (Hrsg.): http://www.education.gouv.fr/handicap [Stand: 03.09.2010]<br />

Ministère de l'éducation nationale: http://www.education.gouv.fr/cid207/la-scolarisation-des-eleves-handicapes.html [Stand:<br />

06.11.2010]<br />

Ministère du Travail (Hrsg.), de la solidarité et de la Fonction publique:<br />

http://www.travail-solidarite.gouv.fr/etudes-recherche-statistiques-de,76/statistiques,78/les-travailleurs-handicapes,88/les-motsdes-travailleurs,250/maisons-departementales-des,3351.html<br />

[Stand: 07.09.2010]<br />

Ministère de la Santé et des Sports (Hrsg.): http://www.sante-sports.gouv.fr/handicap-sante.html [Stand: 24.08.2010]<br />

Ministère de la jeunesse et des solidarités actives (Hrsg.): http://www.associations.gouv.fr/3-le-poids-economique-et-socialdes.html<br />

[Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

Mormiche, Pierre: INSEE Première, n°742, octobre 2000 : http://www.insee.fr/fr/ffc/docs_ffc/ip742.pdf [Stand: 11.10.2010]<br />

Musset, Marie/ Thibert, Rémi bref: http://www.inrp.fr/vst/LettreVST/52-mars-2010.php?onglet=en_bref [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

Musset, Marie/Thibert, Rémi: http://www.inrp.fr/vst/LettreVST/52-mars-2010.php?onglet=integrale#partie1 [Stand :06.11.2010]<br />

Neumann, Wolfgang: Wie anders ist Frankreich? München 2002.<br />

Neumann, Wolfgang; Veil, Mechthild: Sozialreformen in Frankreich und Deutschland. Gleiche Herausforderungen-<br />

unterschiedliche Antworten? http://www.dfi.de/de/pdf/afa/afa20.pdf [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

Pratique.fr (Hrsg.): http://www.pratique.fr/couverture-maladie-universelle-cmu.html [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

Santé-médecine (Hrsg.): http://sante-medecine.commentcamarche.net/forum/affich-61-cmu-refuse-par-un-medecin [Stand:<br />

04.09.2010]<br />

Schädler, Johannes/ Albrecht R. S. S.: The Specific Risks of Discrimination Against Persons in Situation of Major<br />

Dependence or with Complex Needs. Report of a European Study Volume 2: Research and Analysis. [Stand: 13.10.2010]<br />

Schild, Joachim/ Uterwedde, Henrik: Frankreich. Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. (Lehrbuch, Bd. 19). 2., aktualisierte Aufl.<br />

Wiesbaden 2006.<br />

Schmid Josef: Wohlfahrtsstaaten im Vergleich. Soziale Sicherung in Europa: Organisation Finanzierung, Leistungen und<br />

Probleme. 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Opladen 2002.<br />

Schoefer, Michael : Erklärung der Menschen- und Bürgerrechte :<br />

http://www.michael-schoefer.de/pdf/Erklaerung_der_Menschen_und_Buergerrechte.pdf [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

Schubert, Klaus/ Bazant, Ursula/ Hegelich, Simon: Europäische Wohlfahrtssysteme. Ein Handbuch. 1. Auflage Wiesbaden<br />

2008.<br />

Schultheis, Franz: Familien und Politik. Formen wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Regulierung von Familie im deutsch-französischen<br />

Gesellschaftsvergleich. Konstanz 1999.<br />

Stern, Nadine: Familienpolitische Konzepte im Ländervergleich. Sprungbrett oder Stolperstein für erwerbstätige Mütter?<br />

Marburg 2007.<br />

Stowczynski, Gerd: http://www.frankfurt-oder.org/barrierefrei/europapolitik/europakonkret/frankreich.html [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />

UN (Hrsg.), Human Rights: http://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-<br />

15&chapter=4&lang=en#EndDec%20und%20http://www.un.org/disabilities/countries.asp?id=166 [Stand: 05.11.2010]<br />

United Nations (Hrsg.): http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2009_EN_Complete.pdf [Stand: 30.11.2010]<br />

Veil, Mechthild: http://www.zeitschrift-dokumente.de/downloads/artikel/art_06012007.pdf, S.32 [Stand: 25.09.2010]<br />

Vitry, Daniel (Hrsg.): Repères et références statistiques - édition 2009:<br />

http://media.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/file/2009/19/4/RERS2009_119194.pdf [Stand : 03.09.2010]<br />

WirtschaftsBlatt Digital GmbH (Hrsg.): http://www.wirtschaftsblatt.at/home/zeitung/impressum/index.do [Stand: 04.09.2010]<br />


Synopsis for Korea 230<br />

Total population 48 million<br />

People with disability 2009: 2.4 million people with a registered disability.<br />

(1)<br />

Embodied within the Yes, Article 34 (5).<br />

Constitution (2)<br />

Inclusion model (3) Developments through international movement within the Asiatic region,<br />

with consequences on the government level through the creation of new<br />

statutory bases and increased barrier-free access. Developments in<br />

education and training.<br />

Express rights and Welfare Act (WPWDA), Anti Discrimination Act, Employment Promotion<br />

reality (4)<br />

and Vocational Training Act. Only a few people with disabilities are aware<br />

of the statutory rules. The reasons for this are lack of knowledge<br />

regarding statutory provisions plus a distinctive degree of stigmatisation<br />

in society.<br />

State social welfare Five-part social welfare programme. In 2000 introduction of the law on<br />

benefits (5)<br />

guaranteeing a minimal standard of living, temporary measures to<br />

combat unemployment.<br />

Social work providers Ministries have primary responsibility which they delegate to registered<br />

(6)<br />

independent and private providers. Non-registered providers also offer a<br />

diverse range of social services.<br />

Financing forms (7) Social security pays for insured benefits, matching-fund system through<br />

central government and local authorities, government subsidies,<br />

donations and private assets.<br />

Religion (8) Buddhist (43%), Protestant (34%), Catholic (21%), Teachings of<br />

Confucius (0,4%) and Won-Buddhist (0,2%),<br />

Others, Shaman religion and Islam.<br />

Role of the Church (8) Society is permanently influenced by old traditions that define the<br />

approach to religion and day-to-day life. Charitable and diaconic<br />

institutions expressly dedicated to the concerns of people with<br />

disabilities.<br />

Role of informal forms Highly distinctive sense of family, the sense of ‘us’ forms the central<br />

of provision (9) foundation and represents the basis for social welfare. Increasing<br />

modernisation in society is causing a move away from the traditional<br />

family system.<br />

Education (10) Efforts are being made to reduce segregation in the education system.<br />

New statutory rules are being passed. The subject of inclusion is on the<br />

agenda for discussion. Barrier-free forms of education being initiated.<br />

Future prospects (11) Evident signs of progress in social attitudes, these have advanced within<br />

just a few years.<br />

Ratification of the UN Yes, since 2008.<br />

Convention on the<br />

Rights of People with<br />

Disabilities<br />

Monitoring agency Korean National Human Rights Institute.<br />

Gender and disability Women with disabilities are frequently the victim of sexual abuse. The<br />

statutory situation does not give them sufficient protection.<br />

Special strengths Strong cohesion within families. Alternative forms of education available,<br />

these provide for a general school leaving certificate.<br />

230 Note: The figures in brackets indicate the chapter number in the respective country study.<br />


Country Study South Korea<br />

Dominique Heyberger<br />

1. Statistics<br />

In South Korea the Institute for Science and Technology (KIST) and the Ministry for Science<br />

and Technology (MOST) collect and evaluate statistical data on social structure and<br />

promotion of healthcare. The country has a total population of approx. 48 million. 231<br />

According to the Ministry for Employment, in 2009 2.4 million (approx. 4.9%) were registered<br />

disabled. 232 Since 1989 people with disabilities have been required to notify their<br />

corresponding citizens’ registration departments. Only a few sufferers comply with this<br />

requirement. 233 This explains the apparent low proportion of 4.9%. It can be assumed that<br />

the actual percentage rate is significantly higher. According to the Economic and Social<br />

Commission of the United Nations, an initiative of the United Nations for the promotion of<br />

inclusion, the largest number of people with disabilities in the world live in the Asiatic and<br />

Pacific regions. 234<br />

The recognised forms of disability are those in line with the classifications of the WHO:<br />

mental disability, sight impairment, hearing impairment and physical impairment. 235 Whilst the<br />

WHO does not include people with alcohol addiction, drug addiction and people with<br />

psychological disorders in the statistics on people with disabilities, in South Korea these are<br />

included as forms of disability depending upon the medical report. 236<br />

2. Constitution<br />

Korea was occupied by Japan during the years from 1910-1945 and in 1945 was partitioned<br />

into South and North Korea. 237 South Korea was actually categorised as a developing<br />

country in the 1950s. Over the last 30 years it has reported a continuous rise in its economic<br />

development. 238 In the HDI ranking South Korea is placed number 26 out of 182 countries<br />

and is one of the highly developed countries included under the category “Very High Human<br />

Development”. 239 The 1948 Constitution has been amended a total of nine time sup to 1987<br />

as a result of political unrest. It is an important signpost along the route towards total<br />

democratisation. The fundamental provisions of the Constitution include the sovereignty of<br />

the people, power sharing, the pursuit of the goal of democratic reunification with North<br />

Korea and the commitment of the state to care for the public wellbeing. Article 10 guarantees<br />

all citizens the right to a dignified life and the right to ‘strive for happiness’. The state gives an<br />

231 KIST=Korean Institut of Science and Technology; MOST=Ministry of Science and Technology;<br />

Vgl.Institut für Wissenschaft und Technologie, In: Korean Culture and Information Service, Ministerium<br />

für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.) (2009), S.8 und 89<br />

232 Vgl. Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (Hrsg.):<br />

http://stat.mw.go.kr/stat/content/content_view.jsp?menu_code=MN02040000 [Stand: 30.09.2010]<br />

233 Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.14<br />

234 Anm.: Diese Kommission unterstützt seit 1993 durch Fünfjahrespläne Aktionen auf politischer<br />

Ebene. Vgl. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP): [Stand: 1.10.2010]<br />

235 Vgl. Kwon, Hyunsoo (2005), S.63; Ministerium für Arbeit (노동부 /<br />

한국장애인고용촉진공단고용개발원), Statistik für Menschen mit Behinderung (장애인통계), 2008 S.<br />

34-39; Rhie, Suk-Jeong (2003), S.34<br />

236<br />

Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.15<br />

237<br />

Vgl. Nam, Hyun-Wook (1990), S.2<br />

238<br />

Vgl. OECD (Hrsg.) [Stand: 26.08.2010]<br />

239<br />

Vgl. United Nations (Hrsg.), Human Development Report 2009, S.180ff. [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />


undertaking to guarantee the inviolability of human rights. Everyone is equal before the law<br />

and no political, economic, social or cultural discrimination on the grounds of gender, religion<br />

and social status is tolerated. Article 34 (5) stipulates that those who are unable to provide<br />

for their own livelihood as a result of a physical disability, sickness or age, are protected by<br />

the state under the Constitution. 240<br />

3. ‘Inclusion’ Model<br />

Compared with other countries the technical debate on inclusion is still recent. Since the<br />

introduction of the Special Education Act (SEPA) in 1977 special schools have been<br />

expanded. 241 In 1994 an initial foundation stone for inclusion was laid through the revision of<br />

the Act. In 2007 the SEPA was replaced by the ‘Law on Special Education for People with<br />

Disabilities and Similar Problems’. 242 Although up to now children with disabilities are still<br />

primarily being educated on a segregated basis, thanks to the new Law a new era for the<br />

technical debate on education has opened up. 243 A key role in this context is played by the<br />

Korean Institute for Special Education (KISE) which was established by the government. 244<br />

The committed recommendations that were formulated by the governments of the Asiatic<br />

and Pacific regions exert a key influence on the policy for inclusion. The government of<br />

South Korea has since published its third five-year action plan. The United Nations<br />

Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) was signed in 2007 and<br />

ratified in 2008. 245 The Korean National Institute of Human Rights, formed in 2001, was<br />

tasked to carry out the monitoring of the UNCRPD. 246<br />

According to the literature Korean people are considered to be not particularly friendly<br />

towards the disabled. Greater information on the rights and needs of people with disabilities<br />

is being provided through politics and the media in order to raise the awareness of this<br />

subject amongst broad sections of the population. In technical articles experts express<br />

support for this kind of government top-down approach, justifying it on the basis of the<br />

ubiquitous hierarchical structures. These are grounded in the traditional teachings of<br />

Confucius which have consistently shaped the thoughts and actions of the Korean people. 247<br />

The “Independent Living” movement, which was started in 2001, does not want this<br />

responsibility to be left purely to the government but instead wants those affected to exert<br />

greater influence. It is supported by eight members of parliament who are themselves<br />

disabled. 248<br />

240 Vgl. Korean Culture and Information Service Ministerium für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.)<br />

(2005), S.29f; Tschentscher, Axel [Stand: 19.09.2010]<br />

241 SEPA=Special Education Promotion Act; Vgl. Kwon, Hyunsoo (2005), S.59ff.<br />

242 Vgl. Act on the Special Education for Individuals with Disabilities and the Like; Kwon, Hyunsoo<br />

(2005), S.61; Lee, Ick-Seop, S.4 [Stand: 27.09.2010]<br />

243 Vgl. Kwon, Hyunsoo (2005), S.59ff.<br />

244 KISE=Korean Institute for Special Education; Anm.: 2002 erhielten Lehrkräfte ein Intensivtraining<br />

über Sonderschulerziehung. Vgl. Korean Institute for Special Education (KISE) (Hrsg.) [Stand:<br />

01.10.2010]<br />

245 Vgl. United Nation , Economic for Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) (Hrsg.), S.26;<br />

United Nations (ESCAP) (Hrsg.) [Stand: 1.10.2010]; United Nations (Hrsg.), Treaty Collection [Stand:<br />

27.09.2010]<br />

246 Vgl. Nohyun, Kwak [Stand: 27.09.2010]; Republic of Korea (Hrsg.) [Stand: 7.10.2010]; Korean<br />

Culture and Information Service Ministerium für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.) (2009), S.49<br />

247 Vgl. Republic of Korea (Hrsg.), Statistics of Korea [Stand: 30.09.2010]; Hyunsoo, Kwon (2005), S.65<br />

248 Vgl. Kwon, Ji-Young [Stand: 04.10.2010]; Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben [Stand:<br />

07.10.2010]<br />


4. Rights<br />

The Welfare for Persons with Disabilities Act (WPWDA) was passed in 1981 and revised in<br />

1989. It is the most important legislation for people with disabilities. In its 80 articles it<br />

governs the implementation of the basic rights, the legal bases for the medical, social and<br />

vocational rehabilitation and the provisions for registration. 249 Another key piece of legislation<br />

is the Anti Discrimination Act of 2007 which reinforces the ban on discrimination on the<br />

grounds of disability in all areas of life. 250 The Employment Promotion and Vocational<br />

Education Act for People with Disabilities was passed in 1991 and revised in 2000. It led to<br />

the creation of national employment agencies (KEAD) which assist people with disabilities in<br />

getting employment and work aids for the workplace. 251 In 2010 a rule was passed stipulating<br />

that 3% of jobs in the private and public sectors must be allocated to disabled persons. 252<br />

The third five-year plan from 2008 designed to provide support for people with disabilities,<br />

contains specific measures such as the expansion of support programmes, creation of<br />

barrier-free access to public facilities, development of additional welfare centres, promotion<br />

of training centres and financial support for employers in order to create barrier-free jobs. 253<br />

There are numerous laws aimed at people with disabilities which have no discernable effect<br />

in day-to-day life. The main reasons for this are the lack of knowledge about these<br />

entitlements to rights and services as well as stigmatisation by society, making it more<br />

difficult for those concerned to assert their rights. 254 People with disabilities are denied<br />

feelings, needs and participation; many do not claim their benefits so they can keep their<br />

disabilities secret. Women with disabilities are at additional risk since sexual harassment is<br />

accepted as a matter of course and little attention is paid to this in institutions and within<br />

families. 255 On the government side there is a shortage of social welfare services to provide<br />

satisfactory cover for the medical, psychiatric, educational and therapeutic areas. There are<br />

few opportunities for work and training for people with disabilities. Up to now barrier-free<br />

access has not been widely implemented. 256<br />

5. Social Welfare Benefits<br />

The development of social welfare in South Korea had its beginnings in 1961. The military<br />

government (also called the Park Government) which came to power in 1961 as a result of a<br />

military coup, announced a promise to fight poverty. It set economic growth as the overriding<br />

objective and attempted to ‘crank up’ the process of industrialisation in the country. Most of<br />

the promises to develop a welfare system were not realised and at the end of the 1960s the<br />

policy on social welfare stagnated whilst the economy developed rapidly. 257 Insurances were<br />

249<br />

WPWDA=Welfare for Person with Disabilities Act; Vgl. Ministry of Health and Welfare Republic of<br />

Korea [Stand: 27.09.2010]<br />

250<br />

Disability Discrimination and Remedies Act; Vgl. Lee, Ick-Seop [Stand: 27.09.2010]<br />

251<br />

KEAD=Korean Employment Agency for the Disabled (KEAD) [Stand: 30.09.2010]<br />

Act Employment Promotion and Vocational of Persons with Disability Act; Vgl. Korean Employment<br />

Agency for the Disabled (Hrsg.), Work together Happy together, [Stand: 30.09.2010]<br />

252<br />

Vgl. United Nations, Economic for Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) (Hrsg.), S.26<br />

253<br />

Vgl. Korean Culture and Information Service Ministerium für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus<br />

(Hrsg.)(2005), S.91f.; Vgl. Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (Hrsg.) [Stand: 30.09.2010]<br />

254<br />

Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.9ff; Hyunsoo, Kwon (2005), S.62<br />

255<br />

Vgl. Asian Correspondent (Hrsg.) [Stand: 01.10.2010]<br />

256<br />

Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.11 und S.15; Kwon, Ji-young [Stand: 4.10.2010]<br />

257 Vgl. Shim, Seong-Jie (2001), S.1 und 83<br />


gradually introduced, together creating a comprehensive system of social welfare comprising<br />

insurance for accidents at work (1964), sickness insurance (since 1977), state pension (since<br />

1988), unemployment insurance (since 1995) and nursing care insurance (2008). Initially the<br />

pension system included employees in larger companies. In 1992 it was widened to cover<br />

employees in smaller companies. In 1999 a pension system was introduced for employees<br />

and the self-employed working in agriculture. Life expectancy has increased sharply since<br />

1960. Whilst in 1960 just 3% of the population was over the age of 65, in 2002 this was<br />

nearly 8%. As a consequence, nursing care insurance for people from the age of 65 was<br />

introduced in 2008. 258 Since the economic crisis in 1997 and the resultant mass layoffs, the<br />

social support system has been expanded. It began as a social assistance system which was<br />

enshrined in law with the Guaranteed Minimum Standard of Living Act in 1999 and came into<br />

force in 2000. This Act offers support for people aged between 18 and 65 who are not in<br />

gainful employment and is aimed at encouraging self-help to those amongst them who are<br />

able to work. An additional programme introduced by the Ministry of Government<br />

Administration to combat unemployment is entitled ‘Work in the Public Sector’. It initially<br />

excluded people with disabilities. These have been included since 1998. 259<br />

6. Social Work Providers<br />

The programme entitled ‘Work in the Public Sector’ is the responsibility of the ministries that<br />

entrust the local authorities with the task of implementation. To deal with the limited number<br />

of jobs in the programme committees were set up within the local authority administrations,<br />

holding monthly meetings to discuss requirements for participation, current promotion<br />

campaigns and pay levels. 260<br />

There are numerous organisations which are organised into associations for independent<br />

and private welfare provision. Prior to 1998 political activities of associations in the form of<br />

civil society organisations, such as trade unions, were forbidden by the government and<br />

frequently resulted in termination of contracts of employment or even arrest. Since 1998<br />

trade unions have been permitted to legally participate in political discussions, encouraged<br />

by, amongst others, the Trade Union Advisory Committee of the OECD and ILO. Following<br />

the lifting of the ban on political contributions for trade unions, since 1998 women’s<br />

organisations have been calling for the right to be politically active. 261 Between 2000 and<br />

2003 the number of organisations for the disabled grew from five to fifteen. The various<br />

organisations offer different social services. 262 Centres of the Independent Living movement,<br />

which is primarily privately funded, are located in many areas. 263 In 2007 there were 45<br />

parents’ organisations offering legal assistance on a voluntary basis and conducting<br />

awareness campaigns. 264<br />

258 Vgl. Park, Susie (2008), S.176; Jung, Jae-Hoon (2010)<br />

259 Vgl. Park, Susie (2008), S.185f.<br />

260 Anm.: Im Jahr 1998 wurden als ‚öffentliche Arbeiten‘ beispielsweise Müll-Recyclingsmaßnahmen<br />

des Ministeriums für Umwelt und Autobahn-Renovierungsmaßnahmen des Ministeriums für Aufbau<br />

und Transport durchgeführt. Vgl. Park, Susie (2008), S.185<br />

261 Vgl. Schubert (1999), S.503ff<br />

262 Vgl. Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (Hrsg.) [Stand: 03.10.2010]; Jung, Jae-Hoon (2010)<br />

263 Vgl. Kwon, Ji-Young [Stand: 04.10.2010]<br />


7. Forms of Financing<br />

The individual social security insurances provide the benefits for those people who are<br />

employed, liable to social security payments and have paid contributions. Employees<br />

involved in the activities of the ‘Work in the Public Sector’ programme are counted as<br />

workers on daily rates. They are not covered by the social security insurance. 265 These<br />

measures are half funded by the central government and half by the local authorities on the<br />

basis of the matching-fund system. The purpose of this structure is to provide<br />

complementary funding for cultural institutions and NGOs. There is an inextricable link<br />

between the offer of public funds and a specific level of private funds. The aim is to increase<br />

the private financing for culture and to simultaneously reduce the burden on the public<br />

sector. 266<br />

NGOs that offer social services normally receive 50% grants from the state. They cover the<br />

remaining expenditure through donations and private assets. These government grants to<br />

NGOs have quadrupled between 1992 and 2006. The social welfare system that was<br />

established in 2000 exempts those in need from paying for social services. Individuals and<br />

families that do not receive any social assistance pay for various social services both for<br />

themselves and their dependants. The costs are frequently too high, with the result that<br />

families on average incomes are often unable to take advantage of social service<br />

offerings. 267<br />

In 2007 nearly 4 billion Won (approx 2.5 million Euros) of government funding was invested<br />

measures providing barrier-free access. These payments have steadily increased since<br />

1998. People with disabilities and in gainful employment are able to benefit the most from<br />

government support payments as these are primarily carried out in the form of wage<br />

subsidies. In 2008 the total aid budget for people with disabilities was 3.2 billion Won<br />

(approx. 2 million Euros). 268<br />

8. Church and Religious Motivation<br />

In present day South Korea the old tradition lives side-by-side with all the world’s religions<br />

and many newly created religious organisations from home and abroad. The total precise<br />

number of these organisations is unknown. The religions that have the most permanent<br />

influence on the people are the teaching of Confucius, the Shamanism, Buddhism and<br />

Christianity. What is significant is that in the past the teachings of Confucius and Buddhism<br />

were elevated to state religions and the people were expected to follow a lifestyle ordered by<br />

the state. 269 Religious and political functions were closely linked. At the end of the 1960s the<br />

process of industrialisation and social change triggered significant concerns and a sense of<br />

internal dislocation amongst the population. The old Korean tradition experienced a culture<br />

shock from the new Western civilisation. 270 Many of the people sought comfort in the various<br />

religions. During this period in which there was a lack of direction the ministries of Christian<br />

theologians offered the people a choice of community life. The Christian religions acted as<br />

264 Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (Hrsg.) [Stand: 30.09.2010]<br />

265 Vgl. Park, Susie (2008), S.187<br />

266 Vgl. Görsch, Markus (2001), S.170<br />

267 Vgl. Jung, Jae-Hoon (2010); Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.32<br />

268 Vgl. Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (Hrsg.) [Stand: 19.11.2010]; Ministerium für Arbeit,<br />

2008 Statistik für Menschen mit Behinderung, S.110, 116, 127, 130, 145 (Üb. von You, Eun Cho)<br />

269 Vgl. Korean Culture and Information Service Ministerium für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.)<br />

(2009), S.188; Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.14<br />


intermediaries between the Western cultures and traditional Korea. The importance of the old<br />

traditions waned and the number of new faiths increased. 271 The mixture of new, modern<br />

ideas and old tradition is the characteristic feature of present day Korea’s multicultural and<br />

multi-religious situation. A survey by the Korean National Statistical Office from 2005 shows<br />

that the affiliation with the various religions is divided as follows: half the population actively<br />

practises a religion. Within these religiously active groups the dominant religions are<br />

Buddhism with 43%, Protestantism with 34% and Catholicism with 21%. The teachings of<br />

Confucius, Won Buddhism, Shamanism and Islam are practised by a total of 2% of the<br />

population. Notwithstanding the small percentage of those who are categorised as active<br />

believers in the old traditions, the old tradition still shapes religious thinking today. This<br />

extends throughout all Korean communities and leads to a certain piety in the respective<br />

various social and cultural contexts leads. To feel Buddhist or Taoist when it comes to<br />

philosophy, to follow the teachings of Confucius when dealing with family matters moral<br />

behaviour and to be shamanistic in the face of danger is considered the epitome of being a<br />

Korean. 272<br />

The belief that those who do good will experience good in the next life and those that do bad<br />

will experience bad in the next life is deeply rooted. This gives rise to a view that people with<br />

disabilities and their families are personally responsible for their fate. In Korea there are<br />

Caritas and <strong>Diakonie</strong> institutions that are dedicated to the concerns of people with<br />

disabilities. They are committed to equality as well as medical, educational and social<br />

provision. There are also Buddhist organisations that offer social services such as for<br />

example the Chogweong or the Cheontaegong. Analyses on the importance of the <strong>Diakonie</strong><br />

in South Korea indicate that at this point in time the emphasis is on the diaconic approach,<br />

whereas spiritual welfare activities of the organisations structured along religious lines tend<br />

to be minimal. 273<br />

9. Informal Forms of Provision<br />

The ‘sense of we’ represents a central basis in the overall family system. As such, the<br />

success of one member of the family simultaneously means success for the whole family as<br />

the individual has achieved this thanks to the support of the family. This is due to the very<br />

distinctive solidarity between the family members and the group approach which puts the<br />

family before the individual. The family represents the basis for social security. The term<br />

family (‘Ka’ in Korean) remains influenced by traditional values of the teachings of Confucius.<br />

In the relational system a distinction is drawn between the maternal and paternal relatives.<br />

As such, more individuals are counted as relatives on the paternal side than on the material<br />

side. Order through obedience to one’s elders runs through all interpersonal relationships.<br />

The traditional allocation of roles between the genders requires obedience on the part of the<br />

wife to the husband, assigning responsibility for the financial side to the husband and<br />

responsibility for the household activities and relationships to the wife. ‘Ka’ includes the living<br />

space, the living members of the family including relations, the deceased forefathers and<br />

future children. ‘Ka’ forms a self-contained social unit. The family is more than just the<br />

270<br />

Vgl. An, Byong-Ro, S.6 [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

271<br />

Korean Culture and Information Service, Ministerium für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.)<br />

(2005), S.161<br />

272<br />

Vgl. Korean Culture and Information Service (Hrsg.) (2005), S.161-189; An, Byong-Ro [Stand:<br />

06.11.2010]<br />

273<br />

Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.41, 62 und 237; Caritas Corea [Stand: 03.10.2010]; Jung, Jae-Hoon<br />

(2010)<br />


primary social group, it represents a requirement that must be fulfilled and maintained in itself<br />

and for other members of the family. The number and the size of the multi-generation homes<br />

is decreasing as a result of economic changes. The reduction is taking place particularly in<br />

the country where the increase in the number of single generation households, particularly<br />

amongst the older generation who remained alone in the villages after the children had<br />

left. 274<br />

Of the people with disabilities registered in 2005, nearly 98% lived at home and 2% in an<br />

institution. 275 The widespread negative attitude towards people with disabilities is creating<br />

additional pressure and feelings of guilt amongst the families concerned. 276 Because of a<br />

lack of government support families are often left to their own devices. 277 The increasing<br />

modernisation of society and the associated move away from the traditional way of life is<br />

resulting in the small family having to increasingly cope with internal family difficulties and<br />

financial burdens by itself. This in turn is leading to the increasing isolation of families with<br />

disabled dependants. 278<br />

10. Education<br />

Under Article 31 of the 1948 Educational Act, all schoolchildren have the right to equal<br />

access to education, independently of their abilities and situations in which they find<br />

themselves. Prior to primary school some children attend nursery schools for which payment<br />

is required. Since 1999 families on low incomes have been able to get the costs for their fiveyear<br />

old child refunded. Since 2004 additional grants have been available for younger<br />

children. 279 Primary school begins at the age of eight. 280 The education system covers a total<br />

of six years primary school, three years middle school, three years upper school and four<br />

years in higher education. Attendance at primary and middle school is compulsory and<br />

designed to be free. 281 School leaving certificates from upper school are a prerequisite for<br />

gaining entry into higher education. To enter into higher education students have to pass a<br />

standardised state qualification examination followed by an entry exam for higher education.<br />

Increasing use is being made of private institutions that provide preparatory help. Amongst<br />

the universities there are wide differences in reputations. Government rankings play a major<br />

role. The greater the reputation of the higher education of the further education institution the<br />

greater the chances in the labour market.<br />

In 1890 the first educational programmes for children with disabilities were implemented by<br />

Western missionaries. Prior to then, children with a disability were raised and taught<br />

274 Vgl. Kim, Anna (2001), S.95ff; Jung, Young-Tae; Shin, Dong –Myeon, S. 276 [Stand: 03.10.2010]<br />

275 Vgl. Ministerium für Arbeit 2008, S.33, 39 und 47 (Üb. von You, Eun Cho)<br />

276 Anm.: Die Schuldgefühle gründen im Glauben, dass ein Mensch mit Behinderung eine Bestrafung<br />

für die ganze Familie sei. Kindern mit Behinderung wird oftmals der Umgang mit anderen verboten<br />

und es wird versucht, die eigene Umgebung vor Menschen mit Behinderung zu schützen. Kim, Han<br />

Ho (2010), S.29<br />

277 Anm.: Ist eine behinderte Person in der Familie, so leisten oft Geschwister, Onkels, Tanten und<br />

Cousinen finanzielle Zuschüsse, um die finanzielle Lage der Familie zu sichern. Vgl. Ministerium für<br />

Arbeit 2008, S. 149ff, S.160 und 165 (Üb. von You, Eun Cho)<br />

278 Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.10, 20 und 29<br />

279 Vgl. Kwon, Hyunsoo (2005), S.59f; Korean Culture and Information Service Ministerium für Kultur,<br />

Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.) (2005), S.98 und (2009) S.124;<br />

280 Anm.: Kinder in Europa sind bei ihrer Geburt 0 Jahre, in Südkorea ein Jahr alt. Alle Menschen<br />

bekommen immer am 1. Januar ein weiteres Lebensjahr hinzugerechnet. You, Eun Cho (03.08.2010)<br />

281 Vgl. Korean Culture and Information Service Ministerium für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.)<br />

(2009), S.124; Kim, Anna (2001), S.90f.<br />


exclusively by their parents. Since the introduction of the Education Act in 1948 children with<br />

disabilities have primarily been taught in private special schools. 282 Today there are three<br />

different forms of schooling in which children and young people with disabilities are taught:<br />

special schools, special classes in mainstream schools and teaching in mainstream school<br />

classes. In 2007 66,000 pupils with a disability received targeted support. 23,000 of them<br />

attended a special school and 43,000 received teaching in special classes at mainstream,<br />

general education schools. It is not known how many of those receiving support were<br />

included in mainstream teaching.<br />

Since 2007 there have been 144 special schools for children with disabilities. 89 of these<br />

were for children with learning difficulties, 18 for children with physical disabilities, twelve for<br />

children with sight impairments and seven for children with a psychological disorder.<br />

According to the Ministry for Culture, Sport and Tourism there is growing awareness of the<br />

needs for people with disabilities and consequently an increase in the efforts in mainstream<br />

schools towards achieving integration. This means an increase in staff with specialist<br />

educational training at mainstream schools. The government would also like to encourage<br />

the building of schools in hospitals so that children with chronic health problems can receive<br />

regular teaching. An education offering of 16 hours a day which is provided via the open<br />

university broadcasters and the television station KNOU-TV offers nationwide education via<br />

the Internet, cable TV, radio, video and audio recordings. The participation by the students is<br />

reviewed through online courses. Students who achieve the stipulated number of points are<br />

awarded the same certificate as at general further education institutions. The establishment<br />

of a State Institute for Special Schools in 1994, responsible for research into the area of<br />

education in special schools, is intended to help enhance the quality of the educational<br />

offerings and raise the level of awareness for the needs of people with disabilities. 283<br />

11. Prospects<br />

The society is still going through a process of adaptation which is being made more difficult<br />

in two ways. On the one side as a result of the problems that exist through the partitioning of<br />

the country, on the other by the radical social change as a result of the rapid industrialisation<br />

and process of urbanisation. Successes are set out in the reports on the ‘five-year plans’.<br />

According to these sources the state grants for organisations catering for disabled people<br />

have been increased. Improvements have been achieved in particular for women with<br />

disabilities. As such, in 2001 eleven advice centres and three emergency housing centres<br />

were set up for women with disabilities who have suffered sexual abuse. 284 Plans were also<br />

drawn up for campaign work which is intended to draw attention to sexual violence against<br />

women with disabilities and to strengthen the protection against these attacks. 285 The<br />

continual increase in the state budget for social welfare benefits and education for people<br />

with disabilities indicates that the government is placing priority on these areas. There are<br />

clear signs of progress in the action on the social front as a result of amongst other things the<br />

282<br />

Vgl. Kwon, Hyunsoo (2005), S.60<br />

283<br />

Vgl. Korean Culture and Information Service Ministerium für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.)<br />

(2009), S.129<br />

284<br />

Anm.: Frauen können dort bis zu neun Monaten leben. Anschließend müssen sie wieder zu ihren<br />

Familien oder in die Institutionen zurück. Die Täterinnen und Täter werden mit sechs Monaten<br />

Gefängnis bestraft. Vgl. Asian Correspondent (Hrsg.) [Stand: 01.10.2010] und Ji-young, Kwon [Stand:<br />

04.10.2010]<br />

285<br />

Vgl. Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (Hrsg.) [Stand: 30.09.2010]<br />


“Independent Living” movement which has expanded within just a few years. The<br />

establishment of the Human Rights Commission, with the express mandate to monitor the<br />

UNCRPD, goes hand in hand with the continuing democratisation of society. State offerings<br />

and increasing self-confidence amongst the people prompted parents of disabled children<br />

and sufferers to increasingly take advantage of the help offered. 286<br />

12. Case Study<br />

Na-Young suffered meningitis in infancy. She is physically and hearing disabled and has<br />

speech and sight impairments.<br />

Infancy<br />

Whilst Na-Young is still in hospital the whole family gathers in order to discuss the family’s<br />

situation. Her parents receive financial support from the numerous family members in order<br />

to pay the hospital bills. The father’s social security insurance also meets some of the costs<br />

incurred. 287 Na-Young’s parents receive the assurance from the family that they will help<br />

them, this makes Na-Young’s parents feel supported and secure. Na-Young spends a lot of<br />

time with her family. Her parents rarely go away with her as they are very worried about what<br />

the neighbours will think about their daughter and the family. They get the feeling that they<br />

receive less respect from those people in their environment who have met Na-Young. 288<br />

They aren’t aware that the family would be entitled to state benefits. Na-Young’s whole family<br />

repeatedly asks itself who is responsible for Na-Young’s disability and what they have done<br />

wrong.<br />

Childhood<br />

Since there are few offerings for early child development and it is not usual for children with a<br />

disability to attend nursery school, Na-Young spends a great deal of time within her family. 289<br />

She feels a sense of contact with the cousins who often visit Na-Young.<br />

School<br />

At the age of eight Na-Young should be going to primary school. In the state special school<br />

located in her village and at which Na-Young should get a free place, all the places are taken<br />

and the next nearest special school is some distance away. Na-Young’s family consider<br />

whether to send her to a mainstream school. The parents’ wish is rejected by the teachers.<br />

The reason they give for this is that the parents of the other children would not wish their<br />

children to come into contact with her and the teachers do not see any chance of their being<br />

able to give support to Na-Young in the class. 290 So Na-Young initially remains at home. Her<br />

father thinks about how this problem of the shortage of school places can be solved.<br />

Together with her family he makes the decision to look for a job in Seoul. In this way he<br />

expects to gain a place at school for his daughter. The extended family supports Na-Young<br />

286<br />

Vgl. Schubert, Gunter (1999), S.506; RI Korea (Hrsg.) [Stand: 07.10.2010]; Kim, Han Ho (2010)<br />

S.19f.<br />

287<br />

Anm.: Die Krankenkassen übernehmen nicht die vollen Kosten. Die Betroffen müssen in der Regel<br />

30 bis 55 % der Kosten selbst tragen. Vgl. Radio Korea International (Hrsg.) [Stand 03.10.2010]<br />

288<br />

Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.10<br />

289<br />

Anm.: Integrative Kindergärten scheitern häufig an der Ablehnung der Eltern von nichtbehinderten<br />

Kindern. Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.241<br />

290<br />

Anm.: An den Sonderschulen haben rund 70% der Lehrkräfte eine Sonderpädagogikausbildung.<br />

An den allgemeinen Schulen fehlt es an Fachkräften für Kinder mit Behinderung. Vgl. Kim, Han Ho<br />

(2010), S.25<br />


and the mother whilst the father looks for work and a place to live. It takes a while before Na-<br />

Young and her mother are able to move to Seoul. At the age of nine Na-Young is accepted<br />

at a mainstream school. Since Na-Young’s parents have not yet registered with the<br />

Residents’ Office Na-Young receives no assistance. Her parents hope that Na-Young will be<br />

able to cope with the demands at school. Since Na-Young gets poor grades her parents are<br />

concerned about their daughter and disappointed with the results. That makes Na-Young sad<br />

and she doesn’t know how to make her parents proud. She feels lonely and misses her<br />

cousins. She hasn’t found any friends and wants to return home to her family. 291 The teacher<br />

at the school contacts her parents and informs them about a parents’ organisation which Na-<br />

Young’s parents contact. They need a lot of advice and have many questions which the<br />

organisation answers. They are unsure about whether they should register their daughter as<br />

disabled since they are concerned that this would reduce Na-Young’s future opportunities. 292<br />

Nevertheless, they do register Na-Young so she receives support at school. Since then Na-<br />

Young’s grades at school have improved. She studies agriculture at the upper school and at<br />

the age of 19 passes her agriculture exam at the upper school.<br />

Leisure<br />

To prevent Na-Young being on her own all the time her parents have decided to take the<br />

advice of the parents’ organisation and to send their daughter to the youth sports association<br />

for the disabled. However, the costs are too high for Na-Young’s parents and she is only able<br />

to spend a short time there. Whilst she is there she gets to know Chong and immediately<br />

starts to meet him more frequently. Since gaining her experience in the sports association<br />

Na-Young is very interested in the Korean Paralympics team.<br />

Transition to working life and young adulthood<br />

Na-Young has learned that there are careers for which training is provided particularly for<br />

people with disabilities. However, Na-Young is not interested in these. She looks for a job in<br />

agriculture, but without success. 293 She then turns to the employment agency and hopes for<br />

the possibility of temporary employment. Since Na-Young regularly follows the Paralympics<br />

her attention is drawn to the sponsored Abilympics which take place in the Olympic Stadium<br />

in Seoul. She is extremely keen on taking part in this job competition for people with<br />

disabilities and tells her parents and Chong about it. She registers for the flower arranging<br />

competition and trains intensely. 294 Na-Young’s parents want to return to their family as the<br />

grandparents are not well and the parents have never felt at home in the major city. Na-<br />

Young doesn’t want to leave Chong and tells her parents that she wants to stay in the city.<br />

Na-Young’s parents reject their daughter’s decision as they don’t know how she expects to<br />

live on her own in the city. Since Na-Young’s parents are preparing for the move Na-Young<br />

looks for a way of staying in the city. Since Chong also doesn’t have a job Na-Young can’t<br />

move in with him. He lives with his parents. They contact the parents’ organisation where<br />

291<br />

Anm.: Es ist selten, dass behinderte und nicht behinderte Menschen Kontakt haben. Es kommt zu<br />

Gegendemonstrationen wenn Behinderteneinrichtungen gebaut werden. Vgl.Kim, Han Ho (2010),<br />

S.32<br />

292<br />

Anm.: Seit 1988 besteht in Korea Meldepflicht auf den Einwohnermeldeämtern für Menschen mit<br />

Behinderung. Nur wenige Menschen kommen dieser Aufforderung nach. Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010)<br />

S.13f.<br />

293<br />

Anm.: Menschen mit Behinderung stehen nur ein kleines Angebot an Arbeitsstellen zur Verfügung.<br />

Vgl. Kim, Han Ho (2010), S.17<br />

294<br />

Vgl. Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled (Hrsg.), 8th International Abilympics Seoul 2011<br />

[Stand: 07.10.2010]<br />


they learn about care homes. They are also informed that these are either too expensive or<br />

are not registered and are extremely dubious. 295 Na-Young consequently moves back with<br />

her parents to her village of origin. Since she no longer sees Chong Na-Young is distraught.<br />

After a lot of persuasion her parents travel with her to Seoul so she can take part in the<br />

Abilympics. She doesn’t win any prize but at the event she is approached by a company<br />

wanting to offer her a job. However, the salary would not be sufficient for her to live in a<br />

registered home and she does not feel confident in living on her own. Chong tells Na-Young<br />

about the “Independent Living” Center where they can live together with other people with<br />

disabilities and give each other support. Unfortunately, there are no free spaces at this point<br />

in time. Na-Young remains with her parents in the country.<br />

Adulthood<br />

All her cousins have since built a family. Na-Young often feels lonely, she remains in close<br />

touch with Chong through regular contact via the Internet. From time to time she is able to<br />

find temporary work through the ‘Work in the Public Sector’ programme. She does not earn<br />

much and her family can only contribute a little money. When Na-Young reaches the age of<br />

40 and her parents begin to get frail, her family starts to consider where Na-Young should<br />

live in future when her parents become too frail. Na-Young’s dream of some day having a<br />

joint future with Chong becomes increasingly unlikely. One day Chong tells her that he has<br />

found out that there is a possibility of moving into an “Independent Living” Center. Na-Young<br />

gathers all her courage and confronts her family with her decision. Despite the family’s<br />

objections and prejudices Na-Young takes advantage of this opportunity. She meets together<br />

with Chong and they move into the Center. Na-Young finds it difficult to live without her<br />

family but at the same time is grateful for this opportunity. Her family helps her to meet the<br />

costs for the Center. Thanks to the help of other people in the Center there are repeated<br />

opportunities for work. Na-Young also applies for government pay grants as her salary is<br />

below the average income.<br />

Old age<br />

As Na-Young gets older her care needs increase. She finds the task of coping with her duties<br />

in the “Independent Living” Center increasingly difficult and feels it has become too much. At<br />

the age of almost 60 Na-Young returns to her niece in the country. To do this she also has to<br />

leave Chong who initially remains at the Center. When Na-Young has a heart attack at the<br />

age of 65 she dies shortly afterwards.<br />

Quellenverzeichnis<br />

An, Byong-Ro: http://web.uni-frankfurt.de/irenik/relkultur54.pdf [Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

Asian Correspondent (Hrsg.): http://asiancorrespondent.com/korea-beat/-p-3481 [Stand: 01.10.2010]<br />

Caritas Korea (Hrsg.): http://www.caritas.org/worldmap/asia/korea.html [Stand: 03.10.2010]<br />

Görsch, Markus: Komplementäre Kulturfinanzierung. Das Zusammenwirken von staatlichen und privaten Zuwendungen bei<br />

der Finanzierung von Kunst und Kultur. (dissertation.de, Bd. 430). Als Ms. gedr. Berlin 2001.<br />

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP):<br />

http://www.unescap.org/esid/psis/disability/decade/index.asp [Stand: 01.10.2010]<br />

Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben e.V. (Hrsg.): http://www.isl-ev.de/de/aktuelles/nachrichten/662-koreanischeregierung-unterstuetzt-independent-living<br />

[Stand: 07.10.2010]<br />

Jung, Young-Tae; Shin, Dong –Myeon: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/01443008.pdf [Stand: 03.10.2010]<br />

Jung, Jae-Hoon: Interview mit einem Professor aus Korea am 30.09.2010<br />

Kim, Anna: Familie und soziale Netzwerke. Eine komparative Analyse persönlicher Beziehungen in Deutschland und<br />

Südkorea. (Forschung Soziologie, Bd. 114). Opladen 2001.<br />

295<br />

Anm.: Es existieren illegale Pflegeheime, die einen niedrigen Preis verlangen. In Wirklichkeit<br />

werden nach Einzug soziale Leistungen eingezogen, Missbrauch und Misshandlungen sind dort nicht<br />

ungewöhnlich. Die Bewohner und Bewohnerinnen sind oft hilflos ausgeliefert. Vgl. Ji-young, Kwon<br />

[Stand: 04.10.2010]<br />


Kim, Han-Ho: Beziehungen förderlich gestalten. Eine diakoniewissenschaftliche Vergleichs-Studie zur Arbeit mit Behinderten in<br />

südkoreanischen und in deutschen Kirchen und Gemeinden. (Kirchen in der Weltgesellschaft, Bd. 4). Berlin 2010.<br />

Korean Culture and Information Service Ministerium für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.): Tatsachen über Korea<br />

(2005) [Facts About Korea – German]. Seoul, Republik Korea 2005<br />

Korean Culture and Information Service Ministerium für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus (Hrsg.): Tatsachen über Korea<br />

(2009) [Facts About Korea - German]. Seoul, Republik Korea 2009<br />

Korean Institute for Special Education (KISE) (Hrsg.): http://www.edb.utexas.edu/ATLab/events/KISE2002.php [Stand:<br />

01.10.2010]<br />

Korean Employment Agency for the Disabled (KEAD) (Hrsg.): https://kepad.or.kr/index_e.html [Stand: 30.09.2010]<br />

Korean Employment Agency for the Disabled (KEAD) (Hrsg.): Work together Happy together,<br />

https://www.kead.or.kr/english/etc/publication_view.jsp?no=36 [Stand: 30.09.2010]<br />

Korean Employment Agency for the Disabled, 8th International Abilympics Seoul 2011 Organizing Committee:<br />

http://www.ia2011.org/english/enContent.do [Stand: 07.10.2010]<br />

Kwon, Hyunsoo: 'Inclusion in South Korea: The current situation and future directions', International Journal of Disability,<br />

Development and Education, 52: 1, 59 — 68, Seoul Korea 2005<br />

Kwon, Ji-young, Independent Living Institute: http://www.independentliving.org/docs7/ji-young2005019.html [Stand:<br />

04.10.2010]<br />

Lee, Ick-Seop: http://www.unescap.org/esid/psis/meetings/EGM_CRP_2009/Korea_ppt.pdf [Stand: 27.09.2010]<br />

Ministerium für Arbeit (노동부 / 한국장애인고용촉진공단 고용개발원 ) Statistik für Menschen mit Behinderung<br />

(장애인통계),2008, S.34-39<br />

Ministry of Health and Welfare Republic of Korea: http://www.dredf.org/international/Korea1.html [Stand: 27.09.2010]<br />

Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales: http://www.worldenable.net/bmf5/paperkorea.htm [Stand: 30.09.2010]<br />

Nam, Hyun-Wook: Die Politik und das Verwaltungssystem im Bereich der Wohlfahrt eines geteilten Landes, Heidelberg, Univ.<br />

1990<br />

Nohyun, Kwak: http://korea.ahrchk.net/english/mainfile.php/solitary/2/ [Stand: 27.09.2010]<br />

OECD (Hrsg.): www.oecd.org/els/social/expenditure [Stand: 26.08.2010]<br />

Park, Susie: Anforderungen und Wirklichkeit der "qualifizierenden Beschäftigung" im Spannungsfeld der Arbeitslosen- und<br />

Sozialhilfepolitik. Deutsche "Hilfe zur Arbeit" und südkoreanische "Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe". 1. Aufl. Stuttgart 2008.<br />

Republic of Korea (Hrsg.): http://www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/disability/docs/RepOfKorea.pdf [Stand: 07.10.2010]<br />

Republic of Korea (Hrsg.), STATISTICS KOREA:<br />

http://kostat.go.kr/eboard_faq/BoardAction.do?method=view&board_id=106&seq=280&num=280&parent_num=0&page=1&sdat<br />

e=&edate=&search_mode=&keyword=&position=&catgrp=eng2009&catid1=g01&catid2=g01b&catid3=g01bi&catid4 [Stand:<br />

30.09.2010]<br />

Radio Korea International (Hrsg.) ;15.04.2000 und 03.06.2000: http://www.willi-stengel.de/Gesundheitswesen_in_korea.htm<br />

[Stand 03.10.2010]<br />

RI Korea (Hrsg.): http://rikorea.freeget.net/board.php?db=apnews&mode=view&idx=33&page=1 [Stand: 07.10.2010]<br />

Rhie, Suk-Jeong: Lernen von Menschen mit schwerer Behinderung im interkulturellen Kontext. 1. Aufl. Aachen 2003.<br />

Schubert, Gunter: Menschenrechte in Ostasien. In: @Menschenrechte in Ostasien, Gunter Schubert (Hrsg.), 6. Jg. 1999.<br />

Shim, Seong-Jie: Entstehung des Wohlfahrtsstaates in nachholendem Industrialisierungsland. (SoziologieBd. 36). Münster<br />

2001.<br />

Tschentscher, Axel: http://www.servat.unibe.ch/icl/ks00000_.html [Stand: 19.09.2010]<br />

United Nations (Hrsg.), Treaty Collection: http://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-<br />

15&chapter=4&lang=en#EndDec%20und%20http://www.un.org/disabilities/countries.asp?id=166 [Stand: 27.09.2010]<br />

United Nations, Economic for Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) (Hrsg.): Disability at a Glance 2009: a<br />

Profile of 36 Countries and Areas in Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand 2009<br />

United Nations (Hrsg.): Human Development Report 2009: http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2009_EN_Complete.pdf<br />

[Stand: 06.11.2010]<br />

United Nations (Hrsg.) (ESCAP): http://www.unescap.org/esid/psis/disability/decade/index.asp [Stand: 01.10.2010]<br />


Synopsis of Romania 296<br />

Total population 21.5 million<br />

People with disability 2010: 687,000 people are registered disabled.<br />

(1)<br />

Embodied within the Yes, Article 46/1991 and Article 50/2003.<br />

Constitution (2)<br />

Inclusion model (3) European convention ratified, government action plans have been<br />

formulated. The aim is to create suitable jobs on the labour market.<br />

Express rights and Numerous separate legal texts, very difficult for sufferers to understand.<br />

reality (4)<br />

Implementation proving difficult as there is a lack of contact persons to<br />

inform sufferers and their families.<br />

State social welfare Insufficiently developed social security system. Underfinanced for<br />

benefits (5)<br />

economic reasons. Attempts made to guarantee minimum subsistence<br />

level.<br />

Social work providers Public providers exist. The majority of the practical help comes from by<br />

(6)<br />

religious providers and NGO’s from Western Europe.<br />

Financing forms (7) Funds from government or local authority budgets, donations, own<br />

income, sponsors or material donations from home and abroad.<br />

Religion (8) Orthodox faith (87%), Catholic (5%), Protestant (3%), Others (4,8%),<br />

None (0,2%).<br />

Role of the Church (8) Church extremely important in providing help for the disabled and in the<br />

area of social welfare.<br />

Role of informal forms Family of origin seen as providing security for care needs.<br />

of provision (9)<br />

Education (10) Compulsory schooling for all children. According to the report from the<br />

government virtually all children with a disability attend a special school.<br />

Due to the lack of information being provided on the entitlement to rights<br />

and obstructive attitude of teachers results in exclusion from education<br />

and exemption from compulsory schooling.<br />

Future prospects (11) No visible short-term prospects for improving barrier-free access and<br />

ensuring basic security in all areas of life. Continuing, strong stigmatism<br />

within society.<br />

Ratification of the UN No.<br />

Convention on the<br />

Rights of People with<br />

Disabilities<br />

Monitoring agency None.<br />

Gender and disability In the vast majority of cases it is the mothers who are responsible for<br />

provision and care for family members with a disability, making the<br />

situation precarious.<br />

Special strengths Strong family ties. There are a number of explicit national laws for people<br />

with disabilities.<br />

296 Note.: The figures in brackets indicate the chapter number in the respective national study.<br />


Country Study Romania<br />

Edith Stein-Stan<br />

1. Statistics<br />

In Romania the National Institute of Statistics, the Ministry of Employment and Families and<br />

the National Authority for People with Disabilities (ANPH) collects, collates and evaluates<br />

information on the economy, society and the environment. In conjunction with the data from<br />

EUROSTAT it provides a good overview of the forms and frequency of disabilities. According<br />

to a national census from the year 2002 the country has a total population of 21 million, of<br />

which 627,000 adults and 60,000 children are registered as disabled based on current<br />

estimates by the ANPH from the year 2010. 297 According to the Mental Disability Report<br />

allowance must also be made for the fact that there are a considerable number of people<br />

who have no documents and were not included in the statistics. According to a study by<br />

Unicef from the year 2005 this represents several thousand children with disabilities. 298 In the<br />

country’s official publications a distinction is drawn between the following types of disability:<br />

physical, somatic, hearing, visual, mental, psychological and multiple disability. These<br />

classifications, as well as the definition of disability, follow the international WHO<br />

classification. By contrast to the WHO, HIV / Aids and rare diseases are also classed as a<br />

form of disability. 299<br />

2. Constitution<br />

Prior to the Revolution in 1989 Romania was a dictatorship. Democracy was introduced in<br />

1990. The Constitution, passed in 1991, was revised in 2004. In accordance with Article 1<br />

Romania is a social and democratic state governed by the rule of law in which the most<br />

important values are the dignity of the individual, the free development of individuality, justice<br />

and political pluralism and are guaranteed. Article 46/1991 stipulates ‘protection for people<br />

with disabilities’. Article 50/2003, which governs the national responsibility for the<br />

implementation of equal opportunity, preventive measures and treatment, is intended to<br />

guarantee that people with disabilities really can take an active part in the life of the<br />

community. 300 In the scale of the Human Development Index (HDI) from the year 2009,<br />

Romania has a mid table position at number 63 out of 182 countries. It is placed in the ‘High<br />

Human Development’ category. 301<br />

3. Inclusion model<br />

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) was<br />

signed in 2007 but has not been ratified to-date. 302 In Brussels Romania signed the Joint<br />

297<br />

See ANPH=Autoritatea Nationala pentru Persoanele cu Handicap, Date statistice la 31 martie<br />

2010 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

298<br />

Note: The state has an obligation to issue documents for children stating the child’s family of origin<br />

or whether the child remains in the care of the state. In this case the Manager of the home becomes<br />

the child’s guardian as a result of a ruling by a judge. See Disability Rights International: Hidden<br />

Suffering, P.1f. [Status as at: 09.09.2010]; See Palcu, Ana-Maria<br />

299<br />

See Autoritatea Nationala pentru Persoanele cu Handicap, Date statistice la 31 martie 2010 [Status<br />

as at: 09.09.2010]; Autoritatea Nationala pentru Persoanele cu Handicap, Date statistice la data de 31<br />

decembrie 2009,Tabela 6 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

300<br />

See Döbert, Hans et al., P. 601ff.; Parlament of Romania [Status as at: 24.08.2010]; Parliament of<br />

Romania (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

301<br />

See United Nations (publ.), P.180f. [Status as at: 30.11.2010]<br />

302<br />

See UN (publ.) [Status as at: 13.10.2010]; See Dobos, Ionela [Status as at: 02.09.2010]<br />


Declaration on Social Inclusion in 2005. Since then the Ministry for Employment, Family and<br />

Social Security has had overall responsibility for the promotion and assessment of inclusion.<br />

The European Social Charter of 1996 was ratified in 1999. Article 15 of the Social Charter<br />

regulates the right of people with disabilities to independence, social integration and<br />

participation in the life of the community. 303<br />

Over recent years the government has implemented a series of strategic programmes aimed<br />

at reducing poverty and exclusion. Action plans were drawn up (2006-2013) on the social<br />

inclusion of people with disabilities with the aim of securing for them the unrestricted ability to<br />

exercise their human rights and basic freedoms. Significant efforts are directed towards the<br />

creation and development of social welfare services. With the help of a network, the system<br />

is intended to provide support for people who do not live in facilities for the disabled so they<br />

can live as much of an independent life as possible. Other objectives were to provide support<br />

for the families of people with disabilities and to create appropriate jobs on the labour market.<br />

There was a subsequent increase in the number of people with disabilities working on the<br />

labour market. 304 National experts point out that the planned measures are only being<br />

implemented in practice to a minimal extent. 305<br />

The social integration of people with disabilities is categorised as low by the ANPH in 2008.<br />

The reasons given for this are the prejudices within society and the lack of training<br />

opportunities. This gives rise to a low employment quota. In 2008 just 26,000 of the 625,000<br />

adults with disabilities were in employment. In order to improve the life situation of people<br />

with disabilities the ANPH has developed another plan of action. Between 2009 and 2012 the<br />

intention is to provide support for individual projects that help promote the rights of people<br />

with disabilities. 306<br />

4. Rights<br />

A law on the disabled that encompasses all the rights relevant to people with a disability was<br />

passed in 2006. It comprises 103 articles and covers a wide range of areas in the life of<br />

people with disabilities. Under Article 6 people with disabilities have a right to: protection for<br />

health (preventative measures, treatment and rehabilitation), education, jobs and adaptation<br />

of the workplace, retraining, social support, social services, housing, transport, access to the<br />

environment, information and communication technologies, leisure, sport, culture, tourism,<br />

legal assistance and tax relief. 307<br />

According to local experts there are problems in the implementation. There is a lack of<br />

contact persons to explain and inform sufferers and their families about their rights. 308 There<br />

are committed personnel in the institutions but these are insufficiently trained, they include<br />

social workers as well as specialist teachers. They lack further training opportunities,<br />

advanced training and technical literature on education for the disabled in Romanian. It is the<br />

303<br />

See Ministerul Muncii, Familiei s.P.P. (publ.), P. 8 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]; Guvernul Romaniei<br />

(publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]; Pro-Inclusive (publ.) [Status as at: 02.09.2010]; Council of Europe<br />

(publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

304<br />

Note: Whilst in 2006 16,200 people with disabiltieis were active on the labour market, in 2010,<br />

according to statistics, the figure was 29,050. See Ministerul Muncii, Familiei s. P. P. (2) (publ.), P.<br />

6ff.[Status as at: 09.09.2010]; See Pro-Inclusiv (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

305<br />

See Autoritatea Nationala pentru Persoanele cu Handicap (publ.) Date statistice la 31 martie 2010<br />

[09.09.2010]; Gebhardt, Walter (2010)<br />

306<br />

See Mihai, Diana [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

307<br />

See Guvernul Romaniei: Act 448/2006 [Status as at: 09.09.2010], Gebhardt, Walter (2010)<br />

308<br />

See Disability Rights International (publ.): Hidden Suffering, P.21 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />


esponsibility of the social departments in the local authorities to provide contact persons but<br />

they are unable to fulfil this task. 309 The problems with implementation extend deep into the<br />

day-to-day life. There is a lack of e.g. schools, jobs, social support facilities, appropriate<br />

housing and barrier-free access on all levels of legal assistance in order to implement Act<br />

448/2006. 310<br />

The conditions in some of the homes and medical institutions have also not yet been<br />

adapted to meet the new legal situation. Individual case reports about children tied to beds<br />

show that it is primarily children with disabilities who are affected. Some of them have no<br />

documents as they were often handed in to the corresponding homes anonymously. 311<br />

Dealing with problems in connection with the minority Romany group of the population is one<br />

of the most difficult yet to be resolved. Unemployment, illiteracy and discrimination are<br />

characteristic aspects of their life situations. They often lack access to clean drinking water<br />

and food as well as appropriate living space. This creates conditions of total poverty,<br />

combined with deprivation. Some forms of disability arise as a consequence of<br />

malnutrition. 312<br />

5. Social Welfare Benefits<br />

The social security system has a long process of reform ahead of it. The aim of the process<br />

is to guarantee basic security for all through a balance between state, solidarity and personal<br />

responsibility. Up to now the various pillars of this system have suffered from serious underfunding.<br />

The individual steps in the reforms achieved to-date, which fluctuate and are often<br />

too little e.g. in the area of retirement pensions, have so far made no contribution towards<br />

establishing a recognised and transparent system. In view of the tight economic situation the<br />

process of improvement in the level of prosperity over the next ten to fifteen years is<br />

expected to be slow. 313<br />

The healthcare system is financed out of defined contributions. Employers and employees<br />

respectively pay the same 7% of the gross salary. The unemployed, the self-employed and<br />

pensioners also pay 7% of their monthly income. Insured persons receive benefits for<br />

medical conditions irrespective of how much they have paid in contributions. Under the law<br />

on the disabled, people who raise, support and care for a child with a disability receive<br />

financial support of between 150 and 450 Ron (35 to 105 Euros). The current minimum<br />

monthly income is 600 Ron (140 Euros), with an average monthly income being 800- 1000<br />

Ron (200-250 Euros). 314 By comparison with other European countries Romania has the<br />

lowest average income and its absolute poverty line is the lowest within the European<br />

Union. 315 In accordance with the statutory requirements of the law on the disabled, people<br />

309<br />

See Palcu, Ana-Maria (2010)<br />

310<br />

See Palcu, Ana-Maria (2010); Gebhardt, Walter (2010)<br />

311<br />

Note: In a study on the quality of local housing projects for people with disabilities, Romania<br />

achieved 0.55 points out of a maximum 5.0 points. See European Commission (publ.) (2003), P.2;<br />

Disability Rights International (publ.): Hidden Suffering, P.11 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

312<br />

Note: According to the classification by the World Bank, a person is deemed to be living in ‚total<br />

poverty‘ if he/she has less than one US dollar per day. See German Institute for Combating Poverty<br />

(publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

313<br />

See Busch, Klaus (2005), P.18-19<br />

314<br />

See Curierul National (publ.), Article 12 (Chapter 2) Act 448/2006 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

315<br />

See Baum-Ciesig, Alexandra et al. (2008), P.386<br />


with disabilities who live in state housing, whilst being charged a minimal rent 316 , have to pay<br />

additional costs for gas and water at a rate nearly as high as in other countries of Europe. 317<br />

In the culture, sport and tourism sector people with disabilities are given free entrance to<br />

museums, theatres as well as art and sporting events. If an individual is suffering from a<br />

severe disability the companion receives the same concessions. People with severe<br />

disabilities can use the public and regional transport system free of charge; they also enjoy<br />

tax benefits and receive legal assistance. 318 In 2009 adults received, on application, a<br />

monthly payment of 202 Ron (48 Euros) for a severe disability and 166 Ron (39 Euros) for a<br />

medium disability. Depending upon the degree of the disability they can apply for a monthly<br />

supplement to their budget of 33/68/91Ron (8/16/21 Euros). 319 Parents or guardians of<br />

children with disabilities receive the same amounts. 320<br />

The social reality is such that additional state programmes are needed to guarantee people<br />

with disabilities housing with minimal level of comfort, reasonable assistance, to secure their<br />

right to education and provide them with support in developing their own individuality, self<br />

esteem and self confidence. In view of the tight economic situation in which more than half of<br />

the entire population lives below the minimum subsistence level, international aid<br />

programmes are needed to facilitate inclusion. 321<br />

6. Providers<br />

People with disabilities currently have 670 accredited public, private, independent and<br />

religious providers of social services available, including amongst these organisations and<br />

foundations. 322 They are all subject to compulsory supervision by the authorities and work in<br />

accordance with the requirements of the National Authority for People with Disabilities. The<br />

public institutions are founded as general social services with or without a legal structure and<br />

come under the local or district councils. 323<br />

A large proportion of the local practical help is provided by religious and other NGOs from<br />

Western Europe, primarily Germany. Social welfare services are defined as all measures and<br />

actions that help to overcome difficult life situations. In connection with people with<br />

disabilities the focus is on protection for individuals, individual independence, prevention of<br />

social exclusion and promotion of inclusion. 324<br />

7. Financing Forms<br />

Financial responsibility for the provision of social services was transferred in 1998 from the<br />

central to the local level within the framework of a law. 325 There are major regional<br />

differences in the level of access to social welfare services. The access is limited by local<br />

budgetary restraints and the lack of qualified personnel. The local authorities work closely<br />

together with local NGOs, religious institutions and individuals in providing services. In 1998<br />

316 See Guvernul Romaniei; Legea No. 448/2006 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

317 See Syndicalism.TK (publ.) [Status as at: 13.10.2010]<br />

318 See Guvernul Romaniei; Legea No. 448/2006 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

319 See Guvernul României, Payments as per resolution No.1665/ 2008<br />

320 See Guvernul Romaniei: Legea No. 448/2006, Article 58 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

321 See Amici e.V. (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

322 See Ministerul Muncii, Familiei s. P. S. (publ.): Registrul electronic unic al serviciilor sociale.<br />

Furnizori de servicii [Status as at: 03.09.2010]; Note: There was no data available on the number of<br />

places with the various providers.<br />

323 See Guvernul Romaniei: Legea No. 448/2006, Article 54 [Status as at: 09.09.2010];<br />

324 See Primaria Cluj (publ.) [Status as at: 12.11.2010]<br />


the government also developed a social fund in cooperation with the World Bank to provide<br />

funds for the work of NGOs in the area of social welfare services. 326 The financing of the<br />

public sector centres for social welfare services is included in the budgets of the respective<br />

districts and local authorities. 327 Act 448/2006 governs the organisation, function and<br />

financing of the aid services for people with disabilities. 328 Act legea 47/2006 329 governs the<br />

work of social welfare. 330<br />

The Ministry for Employment, Social Solidarity and Family (Ministerul Muncii, Solidaritatii<br />

Sociale si Familiei) is the central authority which formulates the policy on social welfare<br />

assistance. It determines the national and local strategy, is responsible for coordination and<br />

implementation and provides financial support for the social programmes. The public sector<br />

providers are financed through funds from the state or local authority budgets 331 , through<br />

grants by the local town halls or the Ministry. Act 34/1998 is important in this respect. 332 In<br />

order to finance their work the providers also seek donations, generate their own income,<br />

attract sponsor or material donations from home and abroad. 333 Practice shows that the<br />

services offered by NGOs are primarily financed by international donations. 334 Another<br />

problem is the duplication of organisational and administrative structures as well as the lack<br />

of qualified social welfare specialists, 335 the result of which is that effective social work is all<br />

but impossible. 336<br />

8. Church and Religious Motivation<br />

The structure of the religious affiliation of the population of Romania was as follows in 2005:<br />

the Orthodox Church is the largest faith community, accounting for 87%. 5% of the<br />

population are Roman Catholic, 3% Protestant. Approx. 5% belong to other faiths, 0.2%<br />

describe themselves as having no religious affiliations or as being atheist 337 . Within the<br />

framework of Romania’s integration within the EU the country passed Act. 489 which<br />

includes rules on guaranteeing human rights. Amongst other things the legislation<br />

guarantees individual and collective religious freedom through the creation of the necessary<br />

framework conditions. The state takes a neutral position with regard to all 18 recognised<br />

religious denominations and guarantees their independence. The religious groupings are<br />

recognised by the state as social partners for the provision of social welfare services. 338<br />

Prior to the end of the dictatorship in 1989 the Orthodox Church restricted itself exclusively to<br />

its spiritual role. After the Revolution and within record time it took on responsibility for the<br />

provision of social services. As such, today it is involved in areas such as the protection of<br />

human rights, combating human trafficking as well as for the inclusion of people with<br />

325 See Law of the local public finances 1998<br />

326 See Baum-Ciesig, Alexandra et.al (2008), P.393<br />

327 See Guvernul Romaniei, Legea No. 448/2006, Article 54 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

328 See Parlamentul Romaniei; Lege 47/2006 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

329 See Legea privind sistemul national de asistenat sociala<br />

330 See Ministerul Muncii, Familiei şi Protecţiei Sociale (2006) (publ.) [Status as at: 30.11.2010]<br />

331 See Parlamentul Romaniei; LEGE 47/2006, Article 24 and 37(1) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

332 See Ministerul Muncii, Familiei şi Protecţiei Sociale (1998) (publ.)<br />

333 See Parlamentul Romaniei; LEGE 47/2006, Article 41(1) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

334 See Scritube (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

335 Note: This refers primarily to government agencies that are underfunded and employ unqualified<br />

personnel. The fluctuation rate is enormous as a result of the low salary. A distinction must be drawn<br />

between the social work carried out by NPOs and that performed by the state. The former have well<br />

trained specialists. See Palcu, Ana-Maria<br />

336 Busch, Klaus (2005), P.18<br />

337 See National Agency for Employment Romania (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />


disabilities, children infected with HIV and the elderly. It also provides religious support in<br />

hospitals, prisons, children’s homes and facilities for the elderly. 339 Other faiths complain that<br />

the state was only supporting the construction of Orthodox churches instead of the social<br />

activities and institutions of the churches. 340<br />

Christian churches have formed organisations such as the Asociatia Diaconia and Caritas<br />

Catolica Oradea. These serve charitable, socio-religious and cultural education purposes<br />

and they care for disadvantaged groupings such as street children, people with disabilities<br />

and the elderly. 341<br />

9. Informal Forms of Care<br />

In 2008 Inclusion Europe 342 conducted a study of the informal care provided for people with<br />

disabilities. The study shows that the majority of people with disabilities live within the original<br />

family and that it is almost exclusively the mothers who take over the care and nursing. In<br />

most cases they are not gainfully employed at the same time as there is a lack of a support<br />

infrastructure. This exacerbates the living circumstances of these families. They receive little<br />

or no financial support for the additional costs incurred. 343<br />

Approx. 17,000 of the total 687,000 people registered as disabled are cared for in<br />

institutions. The vast majority, 670,000, live with their families. 344 According to Act 448/2006<br />

every person with a severe disability has the right to personal help. These are normally<br />

mothers who give up their jobs and register with the Town Hall as personal assistants. 345<br />

Disability Rights International points out that children with disabilities are better cared for<br />

within their families than children in institutions and that the government has not yet taken the<br />

necessary precautions to monitor the safeguarding of human rights in the institutions and to<br />

prevent abuse in homes. 346<br />

A report available on the Internet highlights the problems of families with disabled relatives:<br />

Ceausescu ruled as a dictator for 24 years until he was toppled in December 1989. During<br />

this period no attention was paid to people with disabilities, either in support programmes, or<br />

in schools or for jobs. They maintained a low profile within their families or specific housing<br />

facilities and disappeared from public view. In society they are still in some cases viewed as<br />

a punishment from God even after 20 years of democracy and comprehensive laws. They<br />

are hardly ever seen in public because they have no mobility options. 347<br />

10. Education<br />

Private and religious education has been recognised on all levels of schooling since 1990.<br />

Key principles of the 2003 Education Act are the guarantee of lifelong access to education,<br />

338 See Apador Ch (publ.), P.12-16 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

339 See Formula AS (publ.) [Status as at: 03.09.2010]<br />

340 See Apador Ch (publ.), P.37 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

341 See Asociatia Diaconia (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]; Caritas (publ.) [Status as at:<br />

09.09.2010];Caritas Catolica Oradea (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

342 Note: Inclusion Europe is a non-profit organisation that works for the rights of people with<br />

disabilities. See Inclusion Europe (publ.) (2008)<br />

343 See Inclusion Europe (publ.) (2008); Mihai, Diana [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

344 See Autoritatea Nationala pentru Persoanele cu Handicap [Status as at: 12.11.2010]<br />

345 See ANPH (publ.) [Status as at: 16.11.2010]<br />

346 See Disability Rights International (publ.), Hidden Suffering P.26 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

347 See Amici e.V. (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />


equal opportunity according to individual needs and a high quality of teaching methods and<br />

education content. 348 The period of compulsory schooling covers ten years. 349<br />

Preschool education (Invatamant prescolar) is offered for children in nurseries (gradinite)<br />

from the age of three to six. Attendance is not compulsory. The education system is divided<br />

into primary, secondary, higher and vocational training: primary education (invatamant<br />

primar) years 1-4. This is followed by the secondary level I, first level (gimnaziu) for years 5-<br />

8. Up to this age the children are taught together. This is then followed by secondary level I,<br />

second level (invatamant obligatoriu) for years 9-10. This in turn is followed by secondary<br />

level II with years 11, 12 and 13. Pupils take the school leaving examination to gain a<br />

certificate at this level. Students who pass the exam gain access to higher education. Those<br />

who do not attend secondary level II can take the vocational training route (invatamant<br />

postliceal). Attendance at the public nurseries is free of charge, as is attendance at public<br />

schools and the provision of schoolbooks. The higher education institutions are entitled to<br />

charge study fees. According to the report by the government nearly all children with a<br />

disability attend the special schools provided for them. 350 Although mainstream schools have<br />

an obligation to take children with disabilities or to guarantee 6-10 hours of home tuition,<br />

implementation of this obligation is dependent upon the desire of individual teachers as well<br />

as the determination of the parents. The lack of rights to the provision of information to which<br />

they are entitled means that many children with disabilities receive no education. 351 A study<br />

from 2005 shows that 28% of the estimated 52,000 children with disabilities at that time had<br />

access to education. 352<br />

11. Prospects<br />

According to the studies by Disability Rights International the prospects for people with<br />

disabilities are shockingly bad. 353 Even today, the elements of the dictatorship, such as the<br />

highly centralised economy and its concentration on the capital Bucharest, the bloated,<br />

inefficient state bureaucracy and the nepotism and corruption continue to have an impact.<br />

Romania remains one of the poorest countries in Europe. 354<br />

This means that most people with disabilities are extremely restricted in virtually all life<br />

situations. Only the very few live in suitable accommodation. They normally live on the first<br />

floor or even on higher levels. For many this means that they cannot reach or leave their<br />

apartment without outside assistance. Access to the municipal facilities, roads, public toilets,<br />

shops, bars, restaurants, theatres, cinemas etc. is either very difficult or impossible. In the<br />

cities people with disabilities can frequently only move around with the help of other people.<br />

If they live in rural areas in small villages there are even more restrictions. Due to the lack of<br />

opportunities children with severe disabilities are exempt from their obligation to attend<br />

school. This means that they have virtually no opportunities for development or to create a<br />

life for themselves. Very few people with disabilities have a job. This is attributable on the<br />

one side to the lack of training facilities and on the other to the lack of opportunities for the<br />

creation of jobs suitable for the disabled. There is for example virtually no single company<br />

that has built a disabled toilet at the workplace. It is also virtually impossible to arrange<br />

348<br />

See Dumbravenu, Laura, In: Döbert, Hans et al. (publ.) (2010), P.602ff.<br />

349<br />

See Unopa (publ.), P.4 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

350<br />

See Dumbravenu, Laura, In: Döbert, H./Hörner, W.(publ.)(2010), P.608ff.<br />

351<br />

See Palcu, Ana-Maria (2010)<br />

352<br />

See Foica, Nicoleta [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

353<br />

See Disability Rights International (publ.), Hidden Suffering [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

354<br />

See Baum-Ciesig, Alexandra et al. (2010), P.201<br />


transport to work and back home. 355 In wide sections of the population disability is seen as<br />

an illness from which people avert their eyes. Many young people live an isolated existence<br />

with their families or in institutions that offer virtually no opportunities for personal<br />

development or employment. Although there are individual treatment offerings, in most cases<br />

the everyday life of people with disabilities entails exclusion from the life of the community. 356<br />

A survey conducted in 2009 shows that in Romania people with HIV/ AIDS, sexual minorities<br />

(homosexuals) and people with a physical or mental disability are amongst the groups that<br />

suffer most discrimination. 357 The biggest problem for people with disabilities is not the<br />

disability itself but the attitude of society. 358<br />

12. Case Study<br />

Alina suffered from meningitis in her infancy. She is physically and hearing disabled and also<br />

has impaired speech and sight.<br />

Infancy<br />

Alina’s parents are informed about Alina’s impairments by the doctor treating her 359 and after<br />

the treatment they leave the hospital. Alina’s parents feel alone with their sense of injustice<br />

and misunderstanding. They believe that they are responsible for their child’s disability and<br />

are helpless. 360 The neighbours no longer greet them. Alina’s parents often argue and<br />

consider how they to relieve the strain on themselves. They decide to obtain information<br />

about a home. Alina’s parents search for a financially affordable institution in the nearest city.<br />

During their appointment to view the institution they come across situations that they had not<br />

anticipated. The home gives them an uncomfortable feel 361 and some children have open<br />

wounds, bedsores and injuries from lying down. Many children self-harm because they lack<br />

attention and love. The personnel are understaffed and are unable to respond sufficiently to<br />

the needs of the individual children. 362 Alina’s parents did not realise that institutions with<br />

these kinds of conditions still existed. 363 They decide to keep Alina with them. They feel<br />

overwhelmed with the strain. 364 Alina’s father works during the day whilst her mother looks<br />

after Alina. Alina’s parents get no advice. They don’t know what rights to financial support<br />

they are entitled to. 365 They decide to go from door to door to get advice. Some neighbours<br />

respond with aversion 366 , some offer them help. They are given the address of a doctor who<br />

refers the family to other doctors and authorities. Countless documents are demanded and<br />

after a great deal of time and effort the disability is placed in the “severe disability” category<br />

355<br />

See Amici e.V. (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

356<br />

See KI-I - network of expertise (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

357<br />

See Posta Medicala Ro. (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

358<br />

See Mihai, Diana [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

359<br />

See KI-I (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

360<br />

See Chiscop, Cristian [Status as at: 09.09.2010]; Suntmamica.ro (publ.) [Status as at 12.11.2010]<br />

361<br />

See European Commission (publ.) (2003), P.2<br />

362<br />

See Disability Rights International (publ.), Hidden Suffering, P.7f. [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

363<br />

See Waleczek, Torben [Status as at: 09.09.2010]; SpiegelTV (publ.) [Status as at: 29.11.2010]<br />

364<br />

See Platzer, Amanda [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

365<br />

See Ziarul, Copiilor (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

366<br />

See Posta Medicala Ro. (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]; See Stirile Pro Tv (publ.) [Status as at:<br />

12.11.2010]<br />


(handicap accentuat). 367 Alina is given a disabled identity card which is valid for twelve<br />

months. It has to be reviewed every year and entitles her to apply for financial support. 368<br />

Childhood (preschool education)<br />

When Alina is three her parents want to obtain a place for their daughter in a nursery but it<br />

proves very difficult to find one. They don’t know what to do as they don’t realise that Alina is<br />

entitled 369 to a place at a nursery. They feel they have been left to their own devices. 370 A<br />

neighbour recommends a day care facility for children with speech and hearing disabilities.<br />

This nursery was set up with the intention of enabling children to have a secure future. 371<br />

School<br />

When Alina reaches the age of seven her parents consider which school their daughter<br />

should attend. The family aren’t aware that under the law Alina is entitled to free and equal<br />

access to all mainstream education institutions. 372 A mainstream school turns down Alina, the<br />

teachers do not know how to adapt the teaching methods to meet Alina’s requirements. Alina<br />

goes to the special school 373 where everything is regimented and Alina does not feel<br />

confident in painting and singing as often as she would like to. 374 At the age of ten Alina is<br />

due to have an operation on her legs. Her parents are extremely worried in particular<br />

because they don’t know how they are to pay the doctors. Although the stay in hospital is<br />

free, financial ‘gifts for the staff (including bribes) are a well known fact. 375 Because her<br />

parents are unable to provide the necessary money Alina is paid little attention in the<br />

hospital. 376<br />

Youth<br />

Alina finishes her eighth grade at the special school. A school on the next higher level is too<br />

far from her parent’s house so Alina has no chance of continuing to attend school and<br />

therefore remains at home. She has virtually no friends and is often subject to derision.<br />

Alina’s mother suffers serious discrimination, her father displays no feelings. He drinks<br />

heavily and responds aggressively to Alina’s mother. 377 Alina feels responsible for this. Her<br />

mother frequently goes to church. Prayers and the community give her strength and hope.<br />

Early adulthood<br />

When Alina reaches the age of eighteen she decides she would like to go to work. She is<br />

unable to find a job. 378 At her age she is entitled to state support in the total sum of 234 Ron<br />

(approx. 55 Euros) per month. 379 Without the help of her family Alina could not look after<br />

herself. Even her grandmother, who is unable to support herself as a pensioner, is supported<br />

367<br />

See Lăcătuş, Marius [Status as at: 12.11.2010]<br />

368<br />

Note: Monthly 284 Ron (approx. 66 Euro), see. Ziarul, Copiilor (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

369<br />

See Art. 15, Law 448/2006<br />

370<br />

See Ziarul, Copiilor (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

371<br />

See Faclia (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

372<br />

See Unopa (publ.), P.7 [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

373<br />

See Chivu, Erika [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

374<br />

See Foica, Nicoleta [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

375<br />

See Baum-Ciesig, Alexandra et al. (2008), P.223f.<br />

376<br />

See Realitate.net (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

377<br />

Note: Domestic violence occurs every 30 seconds. See Asociatia pentru Promovarea Femeii din<br />

Romania (APFR) (publ.) [Status as at: 12.11.2010]; PrWave (publ.)<br />

378<br />

See Grigore, Anemary [Status as at: 03.09.2010]; Baum-Ciesig, Alexandra et al. (2008), P.213<br />

379<br />

See Lăcătuş, Marius [Status as at: 12.11.2010]<br />


y Alina’s parents. 380 Her mother has since got a job where she is paid a minimal salary of<br />

600 Ron (140 Euros). 381 Alina is unable to participate in the religious service which the family<br />

attends on Sundays as access to the churches is very difficult for her.<br />

Adulthood<br />

When friends of her parents visit the family Alina falls in love with their son Mihai. He feels<br />

the same about her. When the relationship deepens they marry. Neither Alina nor Mihai have<br />

a job. 382 They live in the home of Alina’s parents. At the age of 29 Alina falls pregnant. She<br />

has a daughter and is extremely happy. After the birth the doctor treating the baby discovers<br />

that the girl is blind. Alina is encouraged to give up the child because of the disability. Alina<br />

knows the problems that are ahead of her but she gets support from her mother and Mihai<br />

which gives her strength. 383 Alina and Mihai have major financial difficulties. Mihai’s parents<br />

provide financial support for their son. The entire family live together with the grandparents<br />

but it’s hardly satisfactory. 384 Alina’s daughter Alexandra progresses well. She goes to a<br />

special school for blind children. The family spend the next 20 years together in one<br />

household. Alina’s greatest fears are what will happen to her daughter when she and her<br />

family are no longer able to look after her. She is worried that she and Alexandra will have to<br />

be care for in a psychiatric institution 385 . 386<br />

Old age<br />

At the age 61 Alina falls ill with a serious lung infection. When her health deteriorates she<br />

needs in-patient treatment. She does not like it in the hospital. Everything seems dirty and<br />

outdated. She doubts whether she could actually get any help here. Mihai visits her as often<br />

as possible. She gets increasingly weaker. A month later Alina dies from her illness.<br />

Bibliography sources<br />

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and prospects within the context of European integration. 1 st edition 2008.<br />

380<br />

See Baum-Ciesig, Alexandra et al. (2008), P.214<br />

381<br />

See Capital Ro. (publ.) [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

382<br />

See Foica, Nicoleta [Status as at: 09.09.2010]<br />

383<br />

See Disability Rights International (publ.): Hidden Suffering P. 1, [Status as at: 09.09.2010]; Note:<br />

Every year approx. 9,000 babies are given up after birth in Romania. Most have no names or identity<br />

papers. Act 272/ 2004 prohibits the institutionalisation of infants (0-2 years) but this does not apply to<br />

children with severe disabilities. Children with minor or no disabilities are frequently categorised as<br />

seriously disabled as this makes it easier to institutionalise them. As a result of the shortage of staff<br />

children are unable to leave their beds for years or are tied to the beds. Many could be adopted or<br />

integrated into foster families if they had papers. As adults they are subsequently placed in psychiatric<br />

institutions. See Disability Rights International (publ.): Hidden Suffering, P.2ff. [Status as at:<br />

09.09.2010]<br />

384<br />

See Baum-Ciesig, Alexandra et al. (2008), P. 87<br />

385<br />

Note: Placement in a psychiatric institution is made irrespective of the type of disability.<br />

386<br />

Note: There are no other options for people with disabilities if there is no longer anyone left to care<br />

for them. See Disability Rights International (publ.); Hidden Suffering, P. 23, [Status as at:<br />

09.09.2010]<br />


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Synopsis for Tanzania 387<br />

Total population 44 million<br />

People with disability 2008: 2.4 million people registered as disabled.<br />

(1)<br />

Embodied within the Yes Part 2, Article 9 a, e, f, g, h.<br />

Constitution (2)<br />

Inclusion model (3) There is a direct link between poverty and disability; efforts are<br />

made to combat poverty through projects.<br />

(Pilot project started, priorities defined)<br />

Express rights and Express rights on the international as well as the national levels<br />

reality (4)<br />

(e.g. rule on quotas). Laws cannot be applied to the majority of the<br />

population as these live below the poverty line.<br />

State social welfare Minimal formal security which is only accessible to the wealthier<br />

benefits (5)<br />

section of the population.<br />

Social work providers Predominantly international organisations.<br />

(6)<br />

Independent and private providers<br />

Financing forms (7) Primarily international investors (World Bank, IMF, donations,<br />

foundations,...)<br />

Religion (8) Catholic (25%), Protestant (and Anglican as well as African Home<br />

Church) (25%), Muslim (30%), natural religions (20%)<br />

Role of the Church Work on the ‘bottom rung’ of society enables it to influence the<br />

(8)<br />

population.<br />

Role of informal forms The family represents the social security network.<br />

of provision (9)<br />

Education (10) Right to education for everyone, primarily in mainstream schools.<br />

Barrier-free access frequently not guaranteed.<br />

Future prospects (11) More intensive focus placed on the needs of people with disabilities.<br />

Problem of poverty and dependency upon international<br />

organisations remains.<br />

Ratification of the UN Yes, since 2009.<br />

Convention on the<br />

Rights of People with<br />

Disabilities<br />

Monitoring agency None.<br />

Gender and disability Women and girls with disabilities are subject to dual discrimination.<br />

Greater risk of suffering violence, injury, abuse, neglect, squalor,<br />

maltreatment or exploitation.<br />

Special strengths Strong family cohesion in which problems are borne by the whole<br />

family system.<br />

Individuals are not perceived on the basis of the “disability” stigma<br />

but their abilities.<br />

387 Note: The figures in brackets indicate the chapter number in the respective country study an.<br />


National Study Tanzania<br />

Claudia Hettenkofer<br />

1. Statistics<br />

In Tanzania the Tanzanian National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) collects, collates and<br />

evaluates information on the economy, society and environment. 388 The data collected by<br />

the NBS gives an overview of the forms and frequency of disabilities. 389 Other data surveys<br />

and analyses are available from international organisations such as the World Bank, the<br />

International Monetary Fund 390 (IWF), UNESCO and the World Health Organisation (WHO).<br />

In 2010 Tanzania had a total population of 44 million. 391 According to estimates by the WHO<br />

nearly four million people suffer from a disability. 392 According to a national study by the<br />

Ministry of Health and the NBS from the year 2008 the government estimates the figure to be<br />

2.4 million. 393 The study revealed that 50% of the children with disabilities were either born<br />

with or acquired them during their first year of life. Another 30% of the children acquired their<br />

disability during the course of their first five years of life.<br />

In national publications on the differentiation between various forms of disability (Census<br />

2002, National Policy on Disability) the following forms of disability are listed: visually<br />

disabled, hearing disabled, mentally disabled and physically disabled. 394 These forms, as<br />

well as the definition of disability, are based on the international classification by the WHO. 395<br />

One deviation from this is the fact that Albinism is also seen as a form of disability. 396<br />

Expressions such as ‘speech disabled’ and ‘learning difficulties’ are not found in the Swahili<br />

language 397 . However, where significant speech and learning difficulties do exist they are<br />

categorised under other forms of disability. Extensive learning difficulties are considered as a<br />

388 National Bureau of Statistics (publ.) [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

389 National Bureau of Statistics (publ.), United Republic of Tanzania [Status as at: 08.09.2010]; United<br />

Nations Development Programme (UNDP) [Status as at: 08.09.2010]; Weltbank Statistiken [Status as<br />

at: 08.09.2010]; IWF Statistiken [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

390 IWF=Internationaler Währungsfond<br />

391 See Auswärtiges Amt Tanzania (Hrsg) [Status as at: 08.09.2010] Anm.: Im Jahr 2002 wurde von<br />

einer Gesamtbevölkerung von 34,5 Millionen ausgegangen. Die Ursachen für diese unterschiedlichen<br />

Angaben konnten nicht erhoben werden. See National Bureau of Statistics (publ.), Statistics for<br />

development [Status as at: 11.10.2010].<br />

392 See Inclusive Tanzania (publ.), Statistics [Status as at: 08.09.2010]; WHO (publ.) [Status as at:<br />

08.09.2010]<br />

393<br />

See Tanzania Network (publ.), S.1; Anm.: Bei dieser Studie wurden in 7025 Haushalten in 26<br />

Regionen Tansanias und Sansibars Interviews durchgeführt.<br />

394<br />

See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2009), S.55ff.; Ministry of labour, youth development and sports<br />

(publ.), S.3 [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

395<br />

SeeWHO (publ.), ICIDH [Status as at: 16.09.2010]; Rutachwamagyo, Kaganzi, S.5f. [Status as at:<br />

26.09.2010]<br />

396 Anm.:„(…) die meisten Personen aus dem Westen sehen Albinismus nicht als ein Problem an,<br />

weil Menschen mit Albinismus in ihrem Land nicht die gleichen Schwierigkeiten erleben.“ SeeMüller-<br />

Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.58<br />

397 Anm.: In Tanzania existieren über 100 Sprachen. Die Amtssprache ist Suaheli. Auswärtiges Amt<br />

(publ.), Tanzania [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />


mental disability. 398 People with a mental disability have no right to vote and they are<br />

normally not thought capable of pursuing an independent life. 399<br />

2. Constitution<br />

Shortly after Tanzania gained its independence from Great Britain in the 1960s Tanganyika<br />

and Zanzibar were amalgamated to form the nation of Tanzania in 1964. Single party rule<br />

was ended in 1995 with the first democratic elections. Zanzibar possesses a semiautonomous<br />

status, in other words there can be differences in laws and constitution in some<br />

areas. 400 In the foreword to the Tanzanian Constitution, created in 1977, the latest version<br />

drafted in 1998 states that the country is a democratic, socialist and secular state. 401<br />

The aim of the Constitution is to ensure the development of the United Republic into a nation<br />

of equal and free individuals who enjoy ‘freedom, justice, brotherhood and harmony’. It<br />

commits the power of the state, with all its representatives, to steer the fundamental political<br />

guidelines and programmes in such a way that they respect and value the dignity of the<br />

individual and other human rights. This means that any person who is capable of working<br />

also works and is able to earn his/her living from this work, that human dignity is preserved<br />

and is in accord with the spirit of the General Declaration of Human Rights. The government<br />

and all its representatives will provide equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of<br />

gender, colour of skin, tribal origin, religious affiliation, life situation. Any form of injustice,<br />

intimidation, discrimination, corruption, suppression or preference is to be prohibited. 402<br />

Under the Constitution all people with a disability in Tanzania must be granted the same<br />

rights and opportunities. 403 Part II Article 11 of the Constitution makes express reference to<br />

the right to an upbringing and education for people with disabilities. 404 In the scale of the<br />

Human Development Index (HDI) produced in 2009, Tanzania numbers 151 out of 182<br />

countries. It is included amongst the developing countries under the category of ‘Medium<br />

Human Development’. 405<br />

3. ‘Inclusion’ Model<br />

Tanzania ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities<br />

(UNCRPD) in 2009. 406 According to Inclusive Tanzania, an amalgamation of more than<br />

fourteen organisations working for people with disabilities and formed in 2006, disability is<br />

perceived to be the consequence of poverty. People with a disability who live in poverty are<br />

caught in a vicious cycle. Disability restricts access to education and work and leads to<br />

economic and social exclusion. These factors place people with disabilities amongst the<br />

poorest of the poor. The concept of inclusive development in Tanzania is based on a human<br />

398 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.57<br />

399 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.106; Verfassung Kapitel 1, Teil 1, Artikel 5, Absatz 2b:„(2)<br />

Parliament may enact a law imposing conditions restricting a citizen from exercising the right to vote<br />

by reason of any of the following grounds […]: (b) being mentally infirm;”<br />

400 See The Central Intelligence Agency (publ.) [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

401 See United Republic of Tanzania (publ.), Constitution of Tanzania, S.18 [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

402 See Verfassung Teil II 9<br />

403 See United Republic of Tanzania (publ.), Constitution of Tanzania, S.18 [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

S.18f.<br />

404 See The Law Reform Commission of Tanzania (publ.),[Status as at: 18.07.2010]<br />

405 See UNDP (publ.), HDI Report 2009, S.180ff [Status as at: 30.11.2010]; United Nations<br />

Development Programme (publ.), Statistics [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

406 See United Nations (publ.), enable: [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />


ights approach which states that development objectives cannot be realised without the<br />

inclusion of people with disabilities. 407<br />

Inclusive Tanzania works for the inclusive education of and participation in political life by<br />

people with disabilities. These two themes were chosen as a priority in order to drive forward<br />

a process of inclusive development in Tanzania. The defined targets of the pilot project<br />

include, amongst other things, a higher number of children with disabilities being registered<br />

at schools, the realisation of the right to vote for people with disabilities and promotion of the<br />

social awareness for the needs of people with disabilities. Strategic approaches cover,<br />

amongst other things, public campaigns on inclusion, discussion meetings with government<br />

representatives, workshops for the inclusive education of and participation in political life by<br />

people with disabilities, production of materials for the representation of interests, public<br />

relations work in the mass media, lobbying for a government policy of inclusion and others. 408<br />

Inclusive Tanzania is assisted by the Austrian Ludwig Boltzmann Institute on Human Rights<br />

and funded by NGOs. 409<br />

4. Rights<br />

The Constitutions prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. 410 The government<br />

of Tanzania has also signed up to various legally binding, international agreements on<br />

human rights that promote and protect the rights of people with disabilities. These include for<br />

example the General Declaration of Human Rights 1948 411 , the Convention on the Rights of<br />

Children dated 1991, the African Charter of Rights and Welfare of the Child from 2003 and<br />

the education policy of 1996. 412 Tanzania has also adopted and implemented numerous<br />

laws, guidelines and standards relating to people with disabilities such as e.g.: vocational<br />

training legislation that creates the legal framework for the implementation of a flexible<br />

system of education and training and laws on employment and work which include rules on<br />

quotas. These stipulate that 2% of the jobs in companies with more than 50 employees must<br />

be occupied by people with disabilities and that both direct and indirect discrimination in all<br />

areas of employment policy is banned. The implementation of all these guaranteed rights is<br />

made more difficult by the fact that - as in other developing countries - the majority of people<br />

with disabilities live below the poverty line. 413 In Tanzania people with disabilities are<br />

amongst the poorest, the least educated and the most stigmatised members of the<br />

population. 414<br />

Their inclusion is made more difficult by the fact that they frequently suffer prejudice and<br />

negative attitudes in their everyday lives. They are viewed as pitiful, dependant and a part of<br />

society that cannot be integrated. 415<br />

5. Social Welfare Benefits<br />

In Tanzania there is a minimal, formal safeguard for all people in the form of retirement,<br />

disability, occupational accident, unemployment, maternity, sickness and life insurance.<br />

407<br />

See Inclusive Tanzania (publ.), Development [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />

408<br />

See Abel, Anania (2010)<br />

409<br />

See United Nations Development Programme (publ.) [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />

410<br />

See Inclusive Tanzania (publ.), Development [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />

411<br />

See Ministry of labour, youth development and sports (publ.), S.15 [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

412<br />

See Inclusive Tanzania (publ.), Education [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />

413<br />

See Inclusive Tanzania (publ.), Development [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />

414<br />

See Pruisken, Andreas/ Miller, Ursula, S.28 [Status as at: 14.09.2010]; Inclusive Tanzania (publ.),<br />

Development [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />


There is also a survivors’ pension scheme. In 2003 the government published figures<br />

showing that 85% of the employees (871,000 people) were included in the social security<br />

network. This is approx. 2.5% of the total population in 2002. People with no financial<br />

resources are only able to benefit from the social security system to a limited extent. People<br />

in the wealthy upper strata have access to additional private insurances that meet their<br />

individual needs. 416 NGOs have not yet been able to establish themselves to the extent that<br />

they are able to make up for the shortfall in the state welfare systems. It is for this reason that<br />

informal safeguarding structures, based on self-help as well as family and neighbourhood<br />

help, play a key role in the protecting the social welfare of the majority of the population. That<br />

applies to all phases of life. Even the pensions which the officials receive are normally so low<br />

that they are insufficient to meet the cost of living. 417<br />

One of the priority objectives of government measures is the supply of clean drinking water,<br />

waste water disposal and access to sanitation facilities. The lack of these measures has<br />

serious consequences on the people’s state of health. If the water supply is guaranteed then<br />

the standard of living can be clearly improved. Over recent years there has been an<br />

improvement in the situation for the urban population as well as in individual village areas. A<br />

consistent lack of facilities remains a characteristic feature of the situation in most of the rural<br />

districts. 418<br />

One of the key elements of the state social welfare services is the ‘Village Health Service’.<br />

This concept was introduced in 1994 under the heading Community-Based-Rehabilitation<br />

(CBR) in order to reach the people in the villages. In this context, the inclusion of people with<br />

disabilities is a key objective. Two ‘health workers’ operate in each of the small villages,<br />

carrying out preventative work and providing information. 419 They frequently go from door to<br />

door giving the people individual advice. A network of health stations, most of whose approx.<br />

30 beds are overfilled, ensures basic medical provision for the poverty stricken rural<br />

population. 420<br />

6. Social Work Providers<br />

The public sector social work providers are the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) 421 ,<br />

the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MoSTH) 422 and the Prime<br />

Minister’s Office with its Department for Regional and Local Authorities. 423 Healthcare<br />

offerings, such as the medical stations in the districts, are mostly run by the state or<br />

churches. 424 In addition to the public sector social work providers 425 national and international<br />

NGOs 426 , foundations and religious providers play a significant role. 427 The work of the<br />

international NGOs that support people with disabilities frequently involves project-related<br />

415 See Inclusive Tanzania (publ.), Statistics [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

416 See Ministry of labour, youth, development and sports (publ.), S.7ff [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

417 See Lingenberg, K. In: Hirschfeld, Noreen (2009), S.65<br />

418 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.46<br />

419 See Comprehensive Community Based Rehablitation (publ.) [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

420 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.47ff.<br />

421 MOEC=Ministry of Education and Culture<br />

422 MoSTH=Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education<br />

423 See The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (publ.), Water [Status as at: 18.07.2010]<br />

424 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.48<br />

425 See The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (publ.), Water [Status as at: 18.07.2010]<br />

426 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.48ff; Inclusive Tanzania (publ.), About us [Status as at:<br />

15.09.2010]<br />

427 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.47ff.<br />


and public relations activities. 428<br />

The organisations for people with disabilities (DPO and PDO) 429 are accorded an important<br />

role by the movement for the disabled. They take part in regular discussions on subjects that<br />

affect people with disabilities, in the sense of carrying out lobbying work. They are grouped<br />

within umbrella organisations such as the Shivyawata, which has six DPO members. 430 In the<br />

area of healthcare and education social institutions are being increasingly privatised. This<br />

primarily affects those that require costly equipment (specialist practices and laboratories).<br />

The privatisation of these areas is leading to an improvement in the quality of the education<br />

and treatment. These offerings are not accessible to the poorer majority of the population as<br />

they are unable to pay for them. 431<br />

7. Forms of Financing<br />

The state is only able to meet the financial challenges from the social welfare sector with the<br />

help of private investors. 432 The tax revenues generated within the country itself total less<br />

than 18% of the growth rate in the gross domestic product. 433 Today, Tanzania is amongst<br />

the list of African countries which are most dependent upon outside help. 434<br />

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) 435 members of the insurance<br />

systems have a three stage system which is able to respond to individual needs. This is<br />

income dependent and intended to offer general protection to the population. The first stage<br />

is financed by the government and offers protection to those people who are unable to meet<br />

their social welfare costs themselves (for example the sick, disabled, the elderly). Stage two<br />

is suitable for people who are able to make a financial contribution (they have a statutory<br />

obligation in this respect). The third stage comprises individual, private insurance systems.<br />

This system was introduced in order to reduce the level of government expenditure on social<br />

welfare assistance. 436<br />

8. Church and Religious Motivation<br />

In addition to the state, private and international providers, the churches play an important<br />

role in the provision and delivery of offers in the area of social welfare. The social work<br />

carried out by church and religious organisations is committed to improving the life situations<br />

of people with disabilities. 437 Support for people with disabilities in the form of special<br />

education was introduced through the influence of missionaries. 438<br />

The affiliation to the various religions was divided as follows in 2009: 50% of the population<br />

belonged to Christian churches. Half of these to the Catholic Church, the other half divided<br />

between the Evangelical Lutheral Church Tanzania - ELCT, the Anglican Church and the<br />

Africa Home Church (AICT). 30% of the population are considered Muslim and 20% are<br />

followers of natural religions. 439<br />

428<br />

See ZDF (publ.), Der Fluch der guten Tat [Status as at: 05.08.2010]<br />

429<br />

DPO=Disabled People Organization; PDO=Prodisability organizations<br />

430<br />

See International Labour Organization (publ.), Inclusion, S.3 [Status as at: 16.09.2010]<br />

431<br />

See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.46f.<br />

432<br />

See The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (publ.), Water [Status as at: 18.07.2010]<br />

433<br />

See Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (publ.) [Status as at: 21.07.2010]<br />

434<br />

See United Nations development Programme (publ.), Statistik [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

435<br />

See International Labour Organization (publ.), About ILO [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

436<br />

See Ministry of labour, youth, development and sports (publ.), S.iii.5. [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

437<br />

See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.47<br />

438<br />

See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008) S.78<br />

439<br />

See Allianz-Mission e. V. (publ.) [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />


As a result of their work with those ‘on the bottom rung’ of society the churches have<br />

significant opportunities for providing support for the population. 440 They also exert influence<br />

over the education and healthcare system since they frequently assume the role of sponsor<br />

for institutions. The ELCT 441 for example has numerous first-aid stations, hospitals, children’s<br />

homes and other diaconic institutions as well as schools for the blind and deaf. 442<br />

With regard to the religious motivation in working with people with disabilities, there is one<br />

prominent phenomenon. For many religious groupings Albinos are seen as bringers of good<br />

luck who possess magical powers. This can lead to such a situation where Albinos are sold<br />

(by their parents or after being kidnapped) and then killed by so-called “witch doctors” and<br />

chopped up into individual body parts. Individual body parts of Albinos are worn as amulets<br />

in order amongst other things to increase the fishing catch or help people to fame and<br />

fortune. Groups have since become organised, earning up to 60,000 US dollars through the<br />

sale of body parts. Since 2007 at least 53 Albinos have been murdered. 443<br />

9. Informal Forms of Provision<br />

The extended family is the conventional form of the family in Tanzania. In addition to the<br />

parents and children it also covers uncles and aunts as well as close friends. The family<br />

structures vary where the father or mother is absent for a longer period of time – in order to<br />

seek work. Uncles and aunts are like mother and father to the children. In Tanzania each<br />

individual is part of this system. If a member of this system has a problem then the whole<br />

community has the problem. The extended family is simultaneously responsible for the<br />

upbringing and education of the children. Every adult is therefore a role model. A person with<br />

a disability in an extended family is recognised as an equal member and fundamentally<br />

neither receives preferential treatment nor suffers any discrimination. People with a disability<br />

are not viewed by their family on the basis of the stigma of ‘disability’. People gain social<br />

recognition through their abilities that enable them to be active within the community. 444<br />

Nowadays the high death rate from AIDS causes huge problems in caring for children and<br />

older people. There are increasing numbers of families in which the grandparents look after<br />

their grandchildren or vice versa as the middle generation has died from AIDS. In the cities<br />

the traditional extended family system is becoming increasingly less effective because what<br />

frequently happens is that only a small part of the family lives in the city. The remaining<br />

family members by contrast live far away in the country. Communication is made more<br />

difficult due to the inadequate communication and transport links. 445<br />

10. Education<br />

Under the Constitution all people have the right to an upbringing and education. The<br />

schooling conditions are dependent upon the providers and location of the schools (private or<br />

government run, urban or rural). A normal school class comprises 50-100 pupils depending<br />

upon the region. The education system is influenced by the British approach and is similar to<br />

the Anglo-Saxon education system comprising pre-school, primary level and secondary level.<br />

446<br />

440 See Frieder, Ludwig (1995), S.7<br />

441 Anm.: ELCT ist die Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, viele Schulen sind in ihrer<br />

Trägerschaft, siehe auch ELCT [Status as at: 28.07.2010]<br />

442 See Kees, Reinhard [Status as at: 28.07.2010]<br />

443 See Hennefarth, Florian [Status as at: 16.09.2010]<br />

444 See Michel-Biegel, 2002, S. 7f., Kisanji, 1995a, 5f. In: Müller-Mbwilo, S.42<br />

445 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.46<br />

446 See The Law Reform Commission of Tanzania (publ.) [Status as at: 18.07.2010]<br />


From the middle of the 20 th Century people with disabilities received institutional education.<br />

In the beginning children with a disability were taught in a basic school in the local vicinity<br />

without receiving any special educational support. Many children subsequently left these<br />

schools as they were unable to cope with the demands. Today, special educational offerings<br />

are provided mainly in the area of primary schooling. These offerings are both integrative as<br />

well as segregational in nature. The education of children with a disability tends to be an<br />

exception. 447<br />

There are currently three types of integrative measures.<br />

1. The so-called “full integration” method still exists, in which pupils with a disability attend<br />

their local basic school but receive no special support from teachers with training in special<br />

education needs.<br />

2. Some basic schools have so-called ‘special units’ in which pupils with a specific form of<br />

disability (for example visual, hearing, speech disability) are taught by teachers with training<br />

in special educational needs. All the children (disabled and able-bodied) play together during<br />

joint break times. These units are often difficult to reach as they are not always located near<br />

to the child’s respective home. In some cases the children have to walk long distances to get<br />

to the school.<br />

3. Some children attend a local basic school where they receive additional and ongoing<br />

teaching from “mobile” teachers with training in specialist educational needs and who supply<br />

the children with teaching materials geared towards their needs (for example in Braille). The<br />

mobile specialist teachers advise the teachers at the basic schools on support measures<br />

and, where necessary, meetings are held with the parents.<br />

In addition to the integrative measures there are also segregating measures to be found.<br />

These include in particular the special boarding schools. 448<br />

11. Prospects<br />

The prospect of the needs of people with disabilities being taking into account is heavily<br />

influenced by the international guidelines to which Tanzania has committed itself. With the<br />

impetus of ratification of the UNCRPD the government is intensifying its focus on the needs<br />

of people with disabilities in order to achieve the primary objective of reducing poverty. The<br />

aim in 2010 is to issue and pass national guidelines which are adapted to the articles of the<br />

UNCRPD. 449 In order to implement the inclusive education, which had already been<br />

formulated as an objective in the “National Strategy of Growth and Reduction of Poverty” in<br />

2005, teachers are to receive additional training in special educational needs. In addition, the<br />

aim is to develop a better system for school buses so that getting to school is no longer an<br />

obstacle for children with a disability. This is also to be extended to the area of secondary<br />

education. 450 In future, people with disabilities are to be actively included in the shaping and<br />

discussions as in the past they were only involved on a peripheral basis. The first steps can<br />

be seen in the country’s parliament. At the moment three places for members of parliament<br />

with so-called ‘special seats’ are reserved for people with disabilities. In addition, information<br />

on the rights of people with disabilities has been disseminated through the mass media. 451<br />

Economists in the African continent point out that officials on the local and regional level<br />

must work more closely together with NGOs and private companies in order to improve the<br />

447 See Tanzania Network (publ.) (2010), S.8f.<br />

448 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.75ff<br />

449 See Tanzania Network (publ.) (2010), S.8f.<br />

450 See Müller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.78f.<br />

451 See Tanzania Network (publ.) (2010), S.8f.<br />


situation of disabled and able-bodied people in the future. 452 With regard to the<br />

implementation of the Millennium targets of the UN 453 critical observers point out that the<br />

targets for developing countries such as Tanzania were intentionally set too high, with the<br />

expectation of these not being achieved so the country could continue to benefit from<br />

development aid., As a result, developing countries such as Tanzania remain dependent<br />

upon external financial support. 454<br />

12. Case Study<br />

Infancy 455<br />

Banuelia is born at home in a mud hut 456 in a village 80 km away from Dar-es-Salaam<br />

because the parents have no chance of getting to the nearest hospital. In her infancy, as a 2<br />

year-old, Banuelia suddenly gets a high fever, leading her to become severely physically<br />

disabled. When her parents take her to the hospital 80 km away, as there are no doctors in<br />

the village, her legs are already deformed. The doctors treating her inform the parents that<br />

their daughter Banuelia is suffering from polio 457 . 458 Banuelia’s legs are placed in plaster for<br />

six months. When she is finally able to leave the hospital her parents take her to her<br />

grandmother. Banuelia’s parents ask themselves what they have done wrong because one<br />

of their children is disabled. They are unable to deal with these feelings of guilt and shame<br />

they have brought on their village. The parents believe that this is a sign from God, a<br />

punishment for their own misdoings or those of their forefathers.<br />

Childhood<br />

Banuelia’s grandmother does physiotherapy exercises with Banuelia, as far as she can, in<br />

order to stimulate her limbs. When the girl reaches the age of ten she is taken back to the<br />

hospital. After an operation Banuelia learns to walk with crutches. She would like to be taught<br />

at the primary school three kilometres away. Her parents are vehemently against this as they<br />

452<br />

SeeMüller-Mbwilo, Angela (2008), S.51<br />

453<br />

Anm.: Die Vereinten Nationen haben im Jahr 2000 acht Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele für<br />

Entwicklungsländer aufgestellt, die es bis zum Jahr 2015 zu erreichen gilt. Die Ziele wurden im Jahr<br />

2001 initiiert von einer Arbeitssgruppe der UN, der Weltbank und OECD. In ersten Bilanzen zeichnet<br />

sich ab, dass diese nicht bis zum besagten Zeitpunkt erreicht werden können. Beispielhafte Projekte,<br />

wie die Millenniumsdörfer (u.a. in Mbola/ Tanzania), werden von privaten Investoren und NGO’s<br />

organisiert. Diese setzen sich zum Ziel, die ausgesuchten Dörfer nachhaltig zu fördern, um<br />

aufzuzeigen, dass die Millenniumsziele bis 2015 zu erreichen wären, wenn man diese Projekte auf<br />

alle Gebiete übertragen würde. See UN Millennium Development Goals [Status as at: 22.09.2010];<br />

Welthungerhilfe (publ.) [Status as at: 22.09.2010]<br />

454<br />

See ZDF (publ.) [Status as at: 05.08.2010]<br />

455<br />

Anm.: Bei der Konstruktion des Fallbeispiels wurde bewusst eine andere Erkrankung als<br />

Hirnhautentzündung gewählt. Ein Kind, das an ihr erkrankt wäre, würde diese aufgrund der<br />

mangelhaften medizinischen Versorgung in Tanzania wahrscheinlich nicht überleben.<br />

456<br />

Anm.: Das Bewohnen einer Lehmhütte sagt etwas über die finanzielle Lage der Familie aus.<br />

Wohnt man also in einer Lehmhütte, bedeutet das, dass die Familie über kein oder nur über ein<br />

geringes Einkommen verfügt. Wenn man in einer Zementhütte wohnt, bedeutet das, dass die Familie<br />

besser gestellt ist durch höheres Einkommen. Wohnt man in einer Lehmhütte, bedeutet das<br />

zusätzlich, dass man über keinen Strom- und Wasseranschluss verfügt. Der Besitz von Tieren oder<br />

auch von eigenem Land kann sich positiv auf die Einkommenssituation auswirken.<br />

457<br />

See WHO (publ.), Polio [Status as at: 05.08.2010]<br />

458<br />

Anm.: Wäre Banuelia in Europa geboren worden, hätte ihre Mutter sie als Kleinkind zu einem Arzt<br />

gebracht. Der Arzt hätte ihr eine Flüssigkeit auf einen Zuckerwürfel geträufelt und ihn Banuelia in den<br />

Mund gesteckt. Sie hätte keine Polio bekommen.<br />


want to keep their daughter’s disability as secret as possible. 459 They believe that something<br />

could happen to Banuelia or to the entire family. They don’t think about what Banuelia’s<br />

future would be if she grows up without any education. She is allowed to attend church<br />

services. On the way to church she is often ridiculed by other children. One day as she is on<br />

her way to church Banuelia realises that she is unable to move and becomes very tired,<br />

suddenly collapsing on the path. Her grandmother attempts to get help and she finds<br />

someone who is able to take her and Banuelia to the hospital. In the hospital she is informed<br />

that she is suffering from hypothyreosis 460 which was triggered by a lack of iron due to<br />

malnourishment. The doctor also diagnoses delayed development, again caused by the lack<br />

of iron. In addition to her physical impairment she is now also suffering from a slight mental<br />

impairment and has difficulties in speaking.<br />

Schooling<br />

When Banuelia reaches the age of 12 a social worker from a project for the disabled comes<br />

from Dar-es-Salaam to her village. During a village meeting she explains about the rights of<br />

people with disabilities. Banuelia would very much like to go to a school. At Banuelia’s<br />

request the social worker contacts the local schools and acts as an intermediary. However,<br />

they advise her against the idea as a result of the grandmother’s advanced age and<br />

Banuelia’s disabilities since there is no transport to the school three kilometres away and the<br />

grandmother is unable to cope with this on her own any longer due to her state of health.<br />

Banuelia is insistent that she wants to go to school. Would she like to go to the home far<br />

away in Dar-es-Salaam? She is uncertain. The grandmother is against it because she<br />

believes she would be unable to meet the costs for the accommodation in the boarding<br />

school. The social worker wants to get the parents onboard and advises them and the<br />

grandmother that an upbringing in the boarding school would be best. Shortly afterwards<br />

Banuelia is granted a place at the boarding school in Dar-es-Salaam, but the parents and the<br />

grandmother are unable to meet the costs for it. Her teacher therefore gets in touch with the<br />

<strong>Diakonie</strong>.<br />

Youth<br />

The <strong>Diakonie</strong> meets the costs of accommodation at the board school for seven years. In the<br />

beginning it’s hard because Banuelia can only go home during the long holidays. She makes<br />

new friends, something that was not easy in the beginning.<br />

Early adulthood<br />

Unfortunately her grades are not good. Banuelia doesn’t know what to do next. At the age of<br />

20 she returns to her home village. Banuelia talks to one of the employees of the boarding<br />

house several times about her future. The centre for the disabled arranges training for her<br />

with a master seamstress. Once again the <strong>Diakonie</strong> meets the costs for the training and the<br />

sewing machine. Three years later Banuelia successfully passes the training and finds a job<br />

in a small sewing shop.<br />

459 Anm.: Frauen und Mädchen mit Behinderungen sind innerhalb und außerhalb des Hauses von<br />

Gewalt, Verletzung oder Missbrauch, Verwahrlosung oder Vernachlässigung, Misshandlung oder<br />

Ausbeutung bedroht. Sie werden doppelt diskriminiert aufgrund ihres Geschlechts und ihrer<br />

Behinderung. See Inclusive Tanzania (publ.) [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />

460 See Wehner, Jürgen [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />


Adulthood<br />

As a 24 year old Banuelia falls in love with her work colleague Kabila. The relationship with<br />

him grows stronger every day and as a result the young couple decide three years later to<br />

get married. The couple are happy, both go to work and Banuelia falls pregnant. Without<br />

thinking how they will now be able to cope with life as a family of three, the couple decide to<br />

have the child and Banuelia gives birth to a little girl named Mwasiti. Banuelia is now no<br />

longer able to go to work and becomes increasingly reliant on her husband’s help. Kabila is<br />

essentially solely responsible for meeting their costs of living. When Banuelia reaches the<br />

age of 33 the situation becomes increasingly difficult for the couple as Banuelia is no longer<br />

able to cope with the domestic chores on her own. They ask their grandparents for support<br />

but unfortunately both sets of grandparents decline. They cannot afford to pay someone to<br />

help with the household chores. Banuelia decides to go onto the streets with her child in<br />

order to beg. The strain on the young couple increases. They argue virtually on a daily basis.<br />

Banuelia doesn’t know how she is expected to get through the next day. It all becomes too<br />

much for Kabila and he decides to leave Banuelia and his daughter. Banuelia is now left<br />

alone with her daughter. She sees no other alternative but to become a prostitute. She<br />

becomes pregnant again. During this period she is unable to work. Banuelia doesn’t know<br />

how she is expected to survive over the coming weeks and months. She asks her parents<br />

once again for help, her grandmother has already died. The parents are unable to help her.<br />

Banuelia gets help from her neighbours who give her food each day and from time to time<br />

also look after the child. When Banuelia gives birth to the second child she returns to<br />

prostitution. She gets infected with the HIV virus 461 . This is discovered during an examination<br />

by one of the staff of the Community Rehabilitation Programme (CCBRT) 462 .<br />

Old age<br />

As Banuelia gets older her need for assistance becomes increasingly greater. She now has<br />

AIDS and is very weak; on the one side as a result of the virus and on the other her physical<br />

disability. She is now reliant 24/7 on the help of others. An employee of the “Village Health<br />

Service” 463 contacts her. They decide together what the best would be for Banuelia. One of<br />

her two daughters has already left home. She visits her mother regularly and helps her<br />

where she can. The other daughter still lives with Banuelia in order to look after her mother.<br />

This gives Banuelia strength and the knowledge that she is not all alone. At the age of 44<br />

Banuelia dies as a result of AIDS and the lack of medical provision. 464<br />

Quellenverzeichnis<br />

Abel, Anania, Project coordinator of Inclusive Tanzania Consortium (ITC), In: Interview via E-mail 23.07.2010<br />

Allianz-Mission e. V. (publ.): http://allianz-mission.de/dienste/laender/tansania/ [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

461<br />

Anm.: 2007 trugen etwa 1,6 Millionen Menschen das Virus in sich. See Index Mundi (publ.), HIV/<br />

AIDS [Status as at: 03.12.2010]<br />

462<br />

CCBRT=Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation for Tanzania<br />

463<br />

Grundlegender Baustein des Gesundheitswesens ist der „Village Health Service“. In jedem Dorf<br />

gibt es zwei ‚‘Health Worker‘, die nach einem kurzen Training präventiv arbeiten. Oftmals gehen sie<br />

von Haus zu Haus, um Familien individuell zu beraten.<br />

464<br />

See Index Mundi [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />


Auswärtiges Amt (publ.), Tanzania: http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/Laenderinformationen/01-<br />

Laender/Tanzania.html<br />

[Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (publ.): http://www.ccbrt.or.tz/ [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

Frieder, Ludwig: Das Modell Tanzania. Zum Verhältnis zwischen Kirche und Staat während der Ära Nyerere (mit einem<br />

Ausblick auf die Entwicklung bis 1994).Berlin 1995.<br />

Hennefarth, Florian:<br />

http://koptisch.wordpress.com/2010/08/23/im-islamischen-tansania-werden-albinos-an-zauberarzte-verkauft-und-geschlachtet/<br />

[Status as at: 16.09.2010]<br />

HIRSCHFELD, Noreen: Die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Auswirkungen der ökonomischen Globalisierung auf Tanzania und<br />

die Demokratische Republik Kongo: Strukturanpassung versus Kriegsökonomie. München 2009.<br />

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14.09.2010];<br />

Inclusive Tanzania (publ.), Education: http://www.inclusive-tanzania.org/inclusiveedu.php [Status as at: 14.09.2010];<br />

Inclusive Tanzania (publ.), Statistics: http://www.inclusive-tanzania.org/inclusivetz.php [Status as at: 08.09.2010];<br />

Index Mundi (publ.): http://www.indexmundi.com/de/tansania/lebenserwartung_bei_geburt.html [Status as at: 15.06.2010]<br />

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IWF Statistiken: http://www.imf.org/external/country/TZA/ [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

Kees, Dr. Reinhard: http://www.berliner-missionswerk.de/weltweite-partner/tansania [Status as at: 28.07.2010]<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: http://www.kas.de/proj/home/pub/31/1/dokument_id-17338/index.html [Status as at: 21.07.2010]<br />

Ministry of labour, youth development and sports (publ.):<br />

http://www.tanzania.go.tz/pdf/policy%20framework%20final%20social%20security.pdf [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

Müller-Mbwilo, Angela: Leben mit Behinderung in einem afrikanischen Land am Beispiel Tansanias – eine empirische Studie<br />

in der Stadt Mwanza. Dortmund 2008.<br />

National Bureau of Statistics (publ.): http://www.nbs.go.tz/ [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

National Bureau of Statistics (publ.), United Republic of Tanzania: http://www.tanzania.go.tz/statisticsf.html [Status as at:<br />

08.09.2010]<br />

National Policy on Disability: http://www.tanzania.go.tz/pdf/NATIONAL%20POLICY%20ON%20DISABILITY.pdf, S.3 [Status<br />

as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

National Bureau of Statistics, Statistics for development:<br />

http://www.nbs.go.tz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=97&Itemid=115 [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

Pruisken, Andreas/ Miller, Ursula; Handicap International (publ.):<br />

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Rutachwamagyo, Kaganzi, Does disability movement exist in Tanzania?:<br />

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Tanzania Network (publ.): Habari, Leben mit Behinderung, Berlin, März 2010<br />


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): http://www.imf.org/external/country/TZA/ [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (publ.), Water: http://www.tanzania.go.tz/water.html [Status as at:<br />

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The Law Reform Commission of Tanzania (publ.): http://www.lrct.or.tz/documents/REPUBLIC.pdf [Status as at: 18.07.2010]<br />

United Nations (publ.): http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2009_EN_Complete.pdf [Status as at: 30.11.2010]<br />

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UNDP (publ.), HDI Report 2009: http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2009_EN_Complete.pdf [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): http://www.tz.undp.org/docs/prodoc%20dg%20pwds.pdf [Status as at:<br />

14.09.2010]<br />

United Nations enable: http://www.un.org/disabilities/countries.asp?id=166 [Status as at: 14.09.2010]<br />

United Nations Development Programme (publ.), Statistics: http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/ [Status as at: 15.09.2010]<br />

United Republic of Tanzania (publ.), Constitution of Tanzania:<br />

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Wehner, Jürgen, Medizinfo (Hrsg): http://www.medizinfo.de/endokrinologie/schilddruese/hypothyreose.htm und [Status as at:<br />

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Weltbank (publ.), Statistiken : www.worldbank.org/data/countrydata/countrydata.html [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

Welthungerhilfe (publ.): http://www.welthungerhilfe.de/millenniumsdoerfer.html [Standd: 22.09.2010]<br />

WHO (publ.): http://www.who.int/disabilities/publications/concept_note_2010.pdf [Status as at: 08.09.2010]<br />

WHO (publ.), ICIDH: http://www.who.int/classifications/icf/en/ [Status as at: 16.09.2010]<br />

WHO (publ.), Polio: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs114/en/ [Status as at: 15.06.2010]<br />

ZDF (publ.), Der Fluch der guten Tat:<br />

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as at: 05.08.2010]<br />


Synopsis for the Netherlands 465<br />

Total population 16.6 million<br />

People with disability (1) 2004: approx. 1.1 million (impairing disabilities)<br />

2006: approx. 2.5 - 3 million (including minor disabilities)<br />

Embodied within the Article 1: Ban on discrimination. Disability is not expressly<br />

Constitution (2)<br />

mentioned but is included.<br />

Inclusion model (3) The aim of the policy on inclusion is to enable equal<br />

participation in the life of the community in all areas (work,<br />

leisure). Great importance is attached to the concept of<br />

independence and self-determination.<br />

Express rights and reality Right to equal treatment, right to work, support for reduced<br />

(4)<br />

State social welfare<br />

benefits (5)<br />

earnings, partly tailored specifically for people with disabilities<br />

Guarantee of social welfare state and basic security through<br />

the Constitution. Right to basic security. Financial support for<br />

caring for disabled children in the home and the necessary<br />

aids. Care and support organised through its own insurance<br />

system. Option of person-centred budget.<br />

Social work providers (6) Providers are primarily independent and private organisations.<br />

The state sets the framework for the policy on the disabled and<br />

its financing.<br />

Financing forms (7) Social security insurances (incapacity to work pension, health<br />

insurance) and government funds (basic security)<br />

Religion (8) Catholic (29%), Protestant (19%), Muslim (5%), others (4%), no<br />

affiliation with any church (42%)<br />

Role of the Church (8) Churches carry out projects for the disabled. Some advisory<br />

Role of informal forms of<br />

provision (9)<br />

institutions are religious organisations.<br />

Significant importance of the family in the provision for people<br />

with mental disability. Organisations of families and sufferers<br />

are key support pillars for the network of provision.<br />

Education (10) Inclusive child day care centres. Compulsory education for all<br />

children, freedom of choice for inclusion in mainstream schools<br />

or to attend special schools. Financial support for<br />

aids/personnel for inclusion.<br />

Future prospects (11) Society attaches great importance to inclusion. Nevertheless<br />

disability represents a poverty risk. Threat of reduction in social<br />

Ratification of the UN<br />

Convention on the Rights<br />

of People with Disabilities<br />

welfare spending over the coming years.<br />

Text signed on 30.03.2007<br />

Not yet formally ratified.<br />

Monitoring agency 1) Commission for Equal Treatment (Commissie Gelijke<br />

Behandeling - CGB) – discrimination/inclusion general<br />

2) Advice for people with chronic illness/disability (Chronisch<br />

zieken en Gehandicapten Raad – CG-Raad)<br />

Gender and disability The proportion of men with disabilities in gainful employment is<br />

higher than that for women (figures from 1999: 74% compared<br />

with 47%). In childhood more disabled boys than girls, reverse<br />

is the case in old age<br />

Special strengths Society attaches great importance to independence and selfdetermination.<br />

Well developed system of provision. Personcentred<br />

budget as an instrument for inclusion acts as a role<br />

model for other countries.<br />

465 Note: The figures in brackets indicate the chapter number in the respective country study.<br />


Country Study The Netherlands<br />

Tobias Zinser<br />

1. People with disabilities in the Netherlands (Statistics)<br />

According to information from the Central Office of Statistics, the population of the<br />

Netherlands at the end of September 2010 was 16,636,637 466 . There are no current figures<br />

available for the number of people with disabilities. The Council for People with Chronic<br />

Illness or Disability (Chronisch zieken en Gehandicapten Raad Nederland - CG-Raad 467 ) has<br />

collated information from various surveys conducted by the Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau<br />

(SCP) of the Netherlands government and gives the figures for 2010 as follows for people<br />

with 468<br />

mental disability: 112,000 persons (~0.7%, status as at 2001); of whom with:<br />

- medium to severe mental disability: 57,000 persons (~0.36%, status as at 2001)<br />

physical disability: 1.7 million persons (~10%, status as at 01.01.2006); of whom with:<br />

- severe physical disability: 560,000 persons (~3.4%, status as at 01.01.2006)<br />

- visual impairment: 432,000 persons (~2.6%, status as at 01.01.2006)<br />

- hearing disability: 359,000 persons (~2.2%, status as at 01.01.2006)<br />

This list does not take account of multiple disabilities. The percentages relate to the total<br />

population in the respective year 469 . Taking minor disabilities and chronic disease into<br />

account this gives the total number of people affected as between 2.5 and 3 million (~15% of<br />

the population) 470 . Amongst children and young people the proportion is approx. 3.5% 471 .<br />

2. Does the Constitution include references to the area of social welfare?<br />

The Constitution of the Netherlands has its origins in the year 1815 when the state was<br />

established as a constitutional monarchy. A parliamentary monarchy was defined as the<br />

model in 1848. Large sections of the original text of the Constitution were revised and<br />

redrafted in 1983. 472 The Constitution was preceded by a list of fundamental rights. Article 1<br />

of the so-called “basic law” forbids any form of discrimination. Disability is not specifically<br />

mentioned but the corresponding ban on discrimination comes under the description “for<br />

other reasons”. Basic rights to social welfare were first included in the legislative text in<br />

1983 473 , for example Article 20 which stipulates the right to social assistance for citizens of<br />

the Netherlands who are unable to secure their own livelihood. Wealth was to be evenly<br />

distributed and jobs secured. The commitment to the drafting of laws on social welfare is laid<br />

down (social welfare state). In Article 22 the government is obligated to guarantee public<br />

health provision. However, the abovementioned articles in the Constitution are only<br />

suggested requirements and are not enforceable basic rights. In addition, in the Netherlands<br />

there is no constitutional jurisdiction that examines these laws to determine whether they are<br />

466<br />

Vgl. Centraal Bureau voon de Statistiek 2009b<br />

467<br />

Der CG-Raad ist eine NGO, in der sich verschiedene Organisationen der Behindertenhilfe<br />

organisieren, um politische und gesellschaftliche Veränderungen einzufordern: http://www.cgraad.nl/index.php<br />

468<br />

Vgl. CG-Raad 2010<br />

469<br />

Vgl. Centraal Bureau voon de Statistiek 2009b<br />

470<br />

Vgl. Ministerie van Volksgezondheit, Welzjin en Sport 2004b<br />

471<br />

Vgl. CG-Raad 2010:23<br />

472<br />

Vgl. Kortmann 2001<br />

473<br />

Vgl. Ministerium für Inneres und Königreichsbeziehungen 2002<br />


compatible with the Constitution and whether constitutional law is further developed through<br />

binding interpretations 474 .<br />

3. What is the existing model of inclusion?<br />

The Netherlands signed the text of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled<br />

People on 30.03.2007 but has not yet formally ratified it 475 . However, the policy of the<br />

Netherlands has already long been guided by the basic concept of the integration and<br />

inclusion of people with disabilities. Many laws are aimed at offering high quality support for<br />

people with disabilities, the intention being to enable them to be a fully valued member of<br />

society 476 . In 2004 477 , based on the Constitution and the General Declaration of Human<br />

Rights, the Department of Health came out clearly in favour of the right to equal treatment for<br />

all people in the Netherlands. This was to encompass the freedom of choice with regard to<br />

where to live and work as well as the recreational activities. Empowering people with<br />

disabilities to exercise self-determination and independence is described as a task for society<br />

as a whole. This primarily encompasses the elimination of physical, social and information<br />

barriers. The government is intended to act as a role model even though the implementation<br />

of a “policy on inclusion” requires motivation on the part of all those involved 478 . Equal<br />

treatment on its own is not a policy on inclusion if people with disabilities could not participate<br />

in public life. Accordingly, laws were passed which should enable those affected to<br />

participate in normal working life, education and social life. New approaches for the financing<br />

of care and support measures, such as the person-centred budget (PCB, see Point 5) are<br />

aimed not only at the maximum possible level of self-determination but also at personal<br />

responsibility in the use of state social benefits. This approach is also definitive in institutions<br />

that work with people with disabilities 479 . Great importance is attached to the objective of the<br />

maximum possible “normalisation” of the living conditions, equality and the guarantee of<br />

participation in all social activities.<br />

4. What express rights do people in need have?<br />

Right to equal treatment<br />

The “right to equal treatment for people with chronic illnesses and the disabled” (Wet Gelijke<br />

Behandeling op grond van handicap of chronische ziekte, WGBH/CZ) which prohibits any<br />

discrimination of the persons concerned in all areas of life, was introduced in 01.12.2003 480 .<br />

Right to work<br />

In Article 19 of the basic law of the Netherlands the state has an obligation to guarantee all<br />

citizens of the Netherlands the right to a reasonable job; this includes people with disabilities.<br />

The aim is to support the occupational integration of people with disabilities through the latest<br />

version of the “Reintegration Act” 481 dated 29.12.2005 (Wet op de (re)integratie<br />

arbeidsgehandicapten, REA). Employers who employ disabled personnel or who allocate<br />

them an appropriate job can be reimbursed for the resultant additional costs 482 . Financing<br />

474 Vgl. Lepzsy 1999<br />

475 Vgl. UN Enable 2010<br />

476 Vgl. SCP 2002<br />

477 Vgl. Ministerie van Volksgezondheit, Welzjin en Sport 2004a<br />

478 Vgl. Ministerie van Volksgezondheit, Welzjin en Sport 2004b<br />

479 Vgl. Appel und Schaars 2006<br />

480 Vgl. CGB 2010<br />

481 Vgl. MISSOC 2007<br />

482 Vgl. EASPD 2007<br />


can also be provided for aids designed to preserve or restore the corresponding person’s<br />

capacity to work.<br />

The “law on protected employment” (in force since 01.01.1998) (Wet Sociale<br />

Werkvoorziening - WSW) 483 gives people with disabilities the guarantee that the local<br />

authorities will provide jobs for people who are unable to perform normal duties. The local<br />

authorities receive grants for creating these “protective jobs”. In 2008 there were 89,817 of<br />

these jobs 484 .<br />

Disability and reduction in capacity to work 485,486<br />

The reformed “Act on Employment and Income according to Capacity to Work” (Wet Werk en<br />

Inkomen naar Arbeidsvermogen, WIA) has been in force since 01.01.2006 487 . Benefits under<br />

this Act are paid to any person with a reduced capacity to work of at least 35%. For levels<br />

below this the focus of the “rules on restarting work by people with partially reduced capacity<br />

to work” (Regeling Werkhervatting Gedeeltelijk Arbeidsgehandicapten, WGA) is on<br />

occupational rehabilitation. This is to be promoted through financial incentives for employer<br />

and employee. The duration and level of the benefits are governed by the corresponding<br />

person‘s degree of reduced capacity to work and age 488 .<br />

The Law on Assistance for Young Disabled Persons Incapacitated to Work (Wet<br />

arbeidsongeschiktheids-voorziening jonggehandicapten, Wajong) makes provision for a<br />

minimum benefit for disabled young people. Applications for this can be made for<br />

corresponding persons after they reach the age of 17 and with a permanent incapacity to<br />

work of at least 25% and continues until the individual reaches the age of 65. Pupils and<br />

students who subsequently suffer a corresponding disability prior to the age of 30 are entitled<br />

to benefits under the Wajong.<br />

In the event of total and permanent incapacity to work the “rules on guaranteed income for<br />

persons fully incapacitated to work” (Regeling Inkomensvoorziening Volledig Arbeidsonge<br />

schikten, IVA) apply. These rules guarantee a minimum income.<br />

All three laws have provision for appeals to be made to the provider responsible<br />

(implementing institution for employee social security - Uitvoeringsinstituut<br />

Werknemersverzekeringen, UWV) against the categorisation of incapacity to work and an<br />

objection filed against the decision in the District Court 489 . In 2009 approx. 795,000 Dutch<br />

citizens received benefits as a result of reduced capacity to work 490 .<br />

483<br />

Vgl. European Employment Observatory 2010<br />

484<br />

Vgl. CG-Raad 2010:47<br />

485<br />

Vgl. MISSOC 2007<br />

486<br />

Vgl. Ministerie van Social Zaken en Werkgelegenheid 2010<br />

487<br />

Zuvor galt das „Invaliditätssicherungsgesetz“ (Wet op de arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering,<br />

WAO), nach dem auch heute noch übergangsweise Leistungen weiter ausbezahlt werden..<br />

488<br />

Vgl. Europäische Kommission 2010<br />

489<br />

Eine Auflistung der aktuellen Zahlen über anerkannte Erwerbsminderungen findet sich unter:<br />

http://www.uwv.nl/Images/Kwantitatieve%20informatie%20eerste%20acht%20maanden%202010%20<br />

1.0_tcm26-256241.pdf<br />

490<br />

Vgl. CG-Raad 2010:48<br />


5. What are the existing state social welfare benefits?<br />

The Netherlands state guarantees financial support for every person from the age of 18 who<br />

is unable to meet the necessary costs of living for him/herself and his/her family 491<br />

(Employment and Social Welfare Act - Wet Werk en Bijstand, WWB). The support is granted<br />

as the last option if there is no entitlement to other benefits. The amount of the social welfare<br />

benefit is 50% of the net minimum salary (2006: 588.13 Euros) for single people, 70% for<br />

sole parents and 100% for couples and families.<br />

If a person receives other benefits, for example as a result of reduced capacity to work, that<br />

do not meet the minimum requirements, these are topped up under the law on<br />

supplementary benefits (Toeslagenwet, TW) to 100% of the minimum salary for couples,<br />

90% for single parents and 70% for single persons. This guarantees the minimum level of<br />

security for people with disabilities even if they are in receipt of other benefits.<br />

In the Netherlands there is a legal entitlement to monthly child allowance as a support benefit<br />

for families. For children with a disability there is additional financial support provided on top<br />

of the child allowance (for children under 6 years: 6.47 Euros, for children from the age of 6:<br />

75.96 Euros - status as at 2007 492 ) which has been in place since 01.01.1995. People who<br />

look after a disabled child at home are entitled to benefits as help towards the costs of living,<br />

with these benefits being paid by the Social Security Bank (SVB) (tegemoetkoming<br />

onderhoudskosten thuiswonende gehandicapte kinderen, TOG).<br />

Applications for the household aids required (e.g. wheelchairs) can be made through the<br />

Social Support Act which came into force in 2006 (Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning -<br />

Wmo) 493 .<br />

Other social welfare benefits include health insurance and protection for severe care cases<br />

(“General Law on Costs for Special Illnesses”, AWBZ). This is intended to cover all the health<br />

risks which are not protected under the normal health insurance (e.g. extended stays in<br />

clinics, services for disability, psychological disorders or chronic disease). The benefits under<br />

the AWBZ can be taken either as material benefits which are accounted for via the service<br />

provider, or in the form of monetary benefits as a person-centred budget (PCB). Material and<br />

monetary benefits can be combined. At the end of 2009 nearly 208,000 persons with a<br />

disability were receiving benefits under the AWBZ 494 . The material benefits can be provided<br />

in the form of home, part in-patient or in-patient care. Care equipment can also be provided<br />

for up to 26 weeks. On the in-patient side the services include rehabilitation measures,<br />

physiotherapy and occupational therapy. An income-based contribution towards the costs is<br />

required for periods spent as an in-patient.<br />

The person-centred budget (PCB):<br />

The PCB was introduced in the Netherlands in 1995 and since then has been continually<br />

further developed. The Netherlands was consequently the second country after Sweden to<br />

introduce a statutory PCB 495 . Initially this budget was unlimited but is now calculated on<br />

hourly rates. Up to 2003 there were four different types of PCB: for care and provision (PCB<br />

VV), for people with mental disorders (PCB VG), for people with psychological disorders<br />

491 Vgl. MISSOC 2007<br />

492 Vgl. MISSOC 2007<br />

493 Vgl. Niederländische Regierung 2010b<br />

494 Vgl. CG-Raad 2010:43<br />

495 Vgl. Rothenburg 2009<br />


(PCB GZ), as well as for people with serious physical disability (PCB LG). Since 2003 all<br />

people who are in need of support for longer than three months are entitled to a PCB. The<br />

aim is to guarantee freedom of choice for the corresponding persons with regard to which<br />

benefits they take. People with disabilities are seen as “clients” who are able to buy-in<br />

assistance through their budget. In 2010 the government provided nearly 2 billion Euros for<br />

the programme, although this was not sufficient to finance all applications for PCB. This has<br />

consequently led to waiting lists which the potential benefit recipients can register to be<br />

placed on.<br />

In addition, it is intended to reduce the rates by 3% in 2011 496 . According to the latest figures<br />

nearly 120,000 citizens of the Netherlands had a person-centred budget 497 .<br />

Anyone wishing to claim the PCB benefits applies for them through so-called care<br />

assessment agencies (Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg - CIZ) which are independent of the<br />

funding providers 498 who determine the precise service requirement. Instead of the<br />

abovementioned forms of the PCB the potential service areas which have been available<br />

since 2003 are 499 :<br />

- home help (e.g. cleaning, washing)<br />

- personal assistance (e.g. getting up, showering, dressing, eating)<br />

- healthcare (e.g. dealing with medication, wound dressing)<br />

- personal support (e.g. encouraging and maintaining independence)<br />

- active support (e.g. discussions, training in social skills)<br />

- temporary accommodation (e.g. at weekends)<br />

For each of these areas the scope of the help required is calculated in hours. The level of the<br />

individual PCB is based on the number of hours multiplied by the corresponding hourly rates.<br />

These amounts can therefore range from a few thousand Euros up to a hundred thousand<br />

Euros per annum. The decision on entitlement to and amount of the PCB is taken by the<br />

social welfare office (Zorgkantoor) on the basis of the proposal from the CIZ. The individual<br />

receives a legally binding notice of the outcome. The approval of the PCB is independent of<br />

the individual’s assets and income and is governed purely by the requirement on the basis of<br />

the disability.<br />

The individuals concerned are required to make a personal contribution depending upon their<br />

income; this varies according to the type of service: for home help it’s 60%, for personal<br />

assistance 33%, for personal support 27% and for nursing care 20% of the calculated<br />

budget 500 . The maximum personal contribution is 15% of the individual’s annual income, less<br />

a flat rate of approx. 1,850 Euros 501 . The minimum personal contribution is approx. 200<br />

Euros, the maximum just under 3,000 Euros. No personal contribution is required from<br />

children under majority age. The balance, depending upon the total amount of the budget, is<br />

transferred direct to the individual’s account yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly. The<br />

budget is therefore self-administered. The PCB does not count as income. It is not subject to<br />

any taxes or social security contributions.<br />

496<br />

Vgl. SVB 2010<br />

497<br />

Vgl. Zorgvisie 2010<br />

498<br />

Vgl. Niederländische Regierung 2010<br />

499<br />

Vgl. Wacker et al. 2009, S.44<br />

500<br />

Vgl. Pro Saldo 2010<br />

501<br />

Vgl. Der Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband 2005, S.9.<br />


The individual can use his/her PCB to purchase assistance as required and therefore<br />

personally determine which services to utilise. The services can be rendered by service<br />

providers or employees liable to social security contributions (employer/employee<br />

relationship). In these cases service providers are employed by way of a written contract and<br />

liable to social security contributions. The remuneration can be negotiated individually<br />

between PCB recipient and service provider. As an alternative the service can also be<br />

provided through relatives or family members. There is no employment relationship in these<br />

cases but the payment is liable to social security contributions and income tax for the service<br />

provider. All persons employed are insured against absence (e.g. due to illness) through the<br />

Social Security Bank (SVB) so in this case the recipient of the PCB does not have to meet<br />

the costs twice.<br />

Eight weeks after the end of the payment period the PCB recipient must submit receipts<br />

relating to the use of the funding to the nursing care administration department. 1.5% of the<br />

PCB can be utilised at the recipient’s discretion, no receipts are required. If the balance of<br />

the funds is not used the money must be repaid. Only 10% of the annual PCB can be carried<br />

over to the next year.<br />

6. Who are the providers of social welfare work?<br />

Responsibility for the policy on the disabled in the Netherlands lies with the Ministry for<br />

Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). It is required to work in conjunction with other departments<br />

(e.g. Education, Home Construction) to formulate and implement guidelines on the policies<br />

for people with disabilities 502 . In many areas the local authorities are tasked with the local<br />

implementation and provision of financial support for the inclusion measures. However, a<br />

significant amount of the practical implementation is done through private and civil society<br />

initiatives and organisations; this is also stipulated in law 503 . In particular the nursing services,<br />

as part of the help for the disabled, are rendered by private service providers. These have<br />

grouped together in umbrella organisations such as the Vereniging Gehandicaptenzorg<br />

Nederland (VGN) 504 . On the government side the organisation MEE (previously: Social<br />

Educational Services - SPD) is at the disposal of the corresponding persons, as a low<br />

threshold offering. This organisation offers advice on the choice of service provider and in the<br />

areas of education, accommodation, work, income, transport or leisure activities 505 . Advice is<br />

also offered by organisations for the disabled and their families (see Point 9).<br />

The majority of people with a physical disability live independently, whilst the proportion of<br />

those with mental disorders living in sheltered accommodation is higher. According to the<br />

Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau the distribution between the various forms of<br />

accommodation is as follows for 2001 506 : 40% live with their families, 20% supported in<br />

independent forms of accommodation and 40% in permanent residential facilities. In 2003<br />

there were 56,309 places on offer in permanent and outpatient forms of accommodation for<br />

people with mental disorders in the Netherlands 507 . There were 17,486 places available in<br />

the day care area (mental disorder) resp. 2,156 (physical disability). Legal entities of smaller<br />

502<br />

Vgl. Ministerie van Volksgezondheit, Welzjin en Sport 2004b<br />

503<br />

Vgl. Europäische Kommission 2010<br />

504<br />

Vgl. VGN 2010<br />

505<br />

Vgl. Duberatz 2009, Ministerie van Volksgezondheit, Welzjin en Sport 2004a; Internetpräsenz:<br />

http://www.mee.nl/<br />

506<br />

Vgl. SCP 2002<br />

507<br />

Vgl. Ministerie van Volksgezondheit, Welzjin en Sport 2010<br />


esidential facilities are often foundations that are partially funded through relatives’<br />

organisations, whilst larger facilities are financed by the state. In order to enhance their<br />

effectiveness many foundations have grouped together under umbrella associations.<br />

In the area of work, the state is endeavouring to shift the function of creating inclusion for<br />

people with disabilities to the private sector through refinancing options. This gives rise to<br />

models such as the so-called “care farms” on which people with disabilities can work for a<br />

temporary period 508 . The financing for the work on integration is provided via the AWBZ (see<br />

Point 7) in the form of material benefits or through the person-centred budget 509 .<br />

7. What forms of financing are recognised by the corresponding system?<br />

In the Netherlands the financing of the social benefits is provided on the one side through<br />

insurance systems and on the other through taxation. The insurance schemes in the<br />

Netherlands are on the one side the universal national insurance (retirement pension,<br />

survivors pension, child allowance – responsibility of the Social Security Bank), secondly, the<br />

employees’ insurance (unemployment and incapacity to work insurance) and thirdly the<br />

health insurance company which also covers the financing for nursing care assistance 510 .<br />

The basis for the financing of nursing care assistance for people with disabilities is the<br />

“General Law on Costs for Special Illnesses” (AWBZ) dated 14 December 1967 (see Point<br />

5). This is a national social welfare scheme to which all employees contribute according to<br />

their level of income. In 2008 benefits totalling 21.26 billion Euros were provided via the<br />

AWBZ for material benefits and PCBs 511 .<br />

Other social benefits, such as support funds in the household for people with disabilities,<br />

grants for protective workshops or jobs, meeting contributions for childcare facilities,<br />

supplementary minimum security (social assistance) are all financed out of taxation.<br />

8. What role does the Church play in the provision of social care?<br />

In the Netherlands 29% of the population belong to the Roman Catholic Church, 19% are<br />

Protestants (mostly Calvinists), 5% Muslims, 4% belong to other religious faiths. 42% of the<br />

citizens in the Netherlands describe themselves as “not belonging to any church” 512 . At the<br />

beginning of the 20 th Century, in addition to socialistic and liberal forces, the Christian<br />

churches were predominant in shaping the political and social system of the Netherlands. For<br />

example, there were parties and trades unions with denominational ties 513 . Many areas of<br />

society were structured closely in accordance with denominational affiliations 514 . Today, this<br />

“denominationalism” has extensively lost its political influence although religious<br />

organisations remain active in the area of social welfare 515 . For the Protestant churches, the<br />

organisation Church in Action (Kerk in Actie) carries out social projects all over the world,<br />

508<br />

Vgl. FiBL 2006:7<br />

509<br />

Nähere Informationen auf der Internetpräsenz http://www.landbouwzorg.nl/index.php Informationen<br />

sind unter http://www.landbouwzorg.nl/index.php?pagid=164 auch auf Englisch, Deutsch und<br />

Französisch verfügbar.<br />

510<br />

Vgl. Niederländische Botschaft 2010<br />

511<br />

Vgl. Centraal Bureau voor de Statstiek 2008<br />

512<br />

Vgl. Auswärtiges Amt 2010<br />

513<br />

Vgl. Van der Laan 1997:127<br />

514<br />

Vgl. Schutte 2004:169<br />

515<br />

Beispielsweise werden konfessionell gebundene Seelsorger entsandt, die im Dienst des Staates in<br />

Altersheimen, Krankenhäusern oder der Strafgefangenenhilfe tätig sind. Vgl. z.B.<br />

http://www.dji.nl/Organisatie/Locaties/Landelijke-diensten/Dienst-Geestelijke-Verzorging/Organisatie/<br />


including in the Netherlands 516 . The churches are also active in the subject of inclusion for<br />

people with disabilities. In October 2003 the Inter-Church Commission for the Integration of<br />

Disabled People in the Netherlands (Interkerkelijke Commissie Integratie Gehandicapten -<br />

ICIG) in cooperation with EDAN (Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network) of the<br />

Ecumenical Council of Churches, staged a European congress on the role of people with<br />

disabilities in the churches and theology 517 . The closing declaration included a call for a<br />

paradigm change towards inclusive theology 518 ; this is also intended to lead to increased<br />

participation by people with disabilities on all hierarchical levels of the Church. The inclusion<br />

of disabled people in the life of the community is being actively promoted by the ecumenical<br />

platform “Samen Geloven? – Gewoon Doen” (Believe together? – making it easy) 519 .<br />

Information on the barrier-free access to churches is offered by “kom beter binnen” (easy<br />

access) 520 . “Ker en WMO” (Church and WMO) provides Christians working on a voluntary<br />

basis with information on how they can be actively involved in the implementation of the<br />

Social Support Law 521 . Some of the relatives’ organisations for people with disabilities also<br />

have a religious background and invoke Christian principles in their work 522 .<br />

9. What is the importance of informal forms of care such as e.g. families? 523<br />

The policy of the Netherlands on inclusion is aimed at offering families with disabled children<br />

the support they need so that the persons concerned are able to develop as far as possible<br />

in a way that enables them to subsequently live an independent life. The family plays a key<br />

role, particularly until the child reaches majority age, often continuing this role in adulthood. A<br />

majority of those with physical disabilities live independent lives. There is a higher proportion<br />

(40%) of people with mental disorders living with their families. This is normally the case with<br />

less serious limitations. Many parents express the need to enable their children with<br />

disabilities to live an independent life but often see the opportunities to achieve this as being<br />

inadequate. One reference to the social integration of disabled people is the membership of<br />

organisations. According to details from the Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau the proportion<br />

of people with mental disorders who have joined an organisation or club is nearly 50%.<br />

However, in most cases these are organisations which are used primarily by the persons<br />

concerned. At 25%, the proportion of people with mental disorders who receive informal<br />

support from neighbours (outside the family) is higher than that for persons who use<br />

professional nursing care services in the household.<br />

In the Netherlands there is a long-established tradition of parents’ and families’ organisations<br />

as well as organisations for the persons concerned. They act jointly, representing the political<br />

interests of the persons concerned and also offering advice and support for other family<br />

members and people with disabilities. Examples of this are the organisations “Per Saldo“ 524 ,<br />

516<br />

Nähere Informationen unter http://www.kerkinactie.nl/<br />

517<br />

Nähere Informationen unter http://www.kerkenhandicap.nl/index.htm<br />

518<br />

Vgl. Kerkenhandicap 2010<br />

519<br />

Informationen unter http://www.sggd.nl; Inklusives Material zu Gemeindepädagogik und Liturgie<br />

wird dort zur Verfügung gestellt:<br />

http://www.sggd.nl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=10&Itemid=11<br />

520<br />

Informationen über barrierefreie Kirchenzugänge können unter<br />

http://www.kombeterbinnen.nl/index.php abgerufen werden.<br />

521<br />

Vgl. http://www.kerkenwmo.nl/<br />

522<br />

Siehe zum Beispiel: http://www.philadelphiasupport.nl/home, www.ditkoningskind.nl,<br />

www.helpendehanden.nl, www.opwegmetdeander.nl<br />

523<br />

Vgl. SCB 2002<br />

524<br />

Nähere Informationen unter http://www.pgb.nl/persaldo<br />


in which people with disabilities are offered advice on the person-centred budget, or the<br />

families’ organisation “Naar Keuze“ 525 for family dependants of recipients of the personcentred<br />

budget. In 2008 there were 178 registered organisations for those correspondingly<br />

disabled 526 .<br />

10. How is the educational system structured? 527<br />

The educational system in the Netherlands is strongly orientated towards the inclusion of<br />

persons with disabilities. During the initial years disabled and able-bodied people mix<br />

together. In the child day care centres (ages: 6 weeks to 13 years) there are numerous<br />

institutions that also accept children with disabilities (kinderopvang plus) and who employ<br />

staff with additional special education training. In some cases employees with disabilities<br />

also work in these institutions. The costs for the child day care centres can be funded or<br />

borne by employers or the local authority (limited numbers).<br />

For the primary area of the education system (4-12 years), in which nurseries and primary<br />

schools are combined together in the form of whole day schools, parents have the freedom<br />

of choice to send their child to a mainstream school (basisonderwijs) or a special school for<br />

people with disabilities (speciaal onderwijs). There are special schools for those with visual<br />

disabilities, hearing disabilities, physical/mental disabilities and for children with<br />

psychological disorders/learning difficulties. However, the aim of the education policy is as<br />

far as possible to enable children with disabilities to be integrated within the mainstream<br />

schools. In 2002 half of the children concerned had attended a mainstream school for at<br />

least a few years 528 . On 01.08.2003 the Education Financial Support Act (leerlinggebonden<br />

financiering) came into force. Parents can apply to the regional care assessment agency<br />

(Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg, CIZ) for financial support for their child. If the child is unable<br />

to attend school under normal conditions this agency will approve financial assistance. This<br />

assistance is made available to the mainstream or special school concerned in order to pay<br />

for teaching assistants and the necessary teaching aids for the lessons. The funds are<br />

applied in accordance with an action plan which is formulated jointly between the school and<br />

parents. The programme is intended to facilitate freedom of choice for the parents in the type<br />

of school for their child. Where indicated accordingly, transportation to the school must also<br />

be provided free of charge by the local authorities. These same development opportunities<br />

exist for the secondary level.<br />

Various measures are in place to facilitate studying for people with disabilities or chronic<br />

illness in the Netherlands. For example, they have a longer term entitlement to financing for<br />

study purposes. For support purposes most of the universities have special representatives<br />

for the disabled people to provide advice and support. There is also the possibility of<br />

assistance through individual contact partners and, on application, for supporting teaching<br />

aids. There is a website for disabled students containing helpful information on studying in<br />

the Netherlands 529 .<br />

525 Übersetzung: „Nach freier Wahl“. Nähere Informationen unter http://www.naar-keuze.nl/Home;<br />

weitere Vereinigungen unter http://www.naar-keuze.nl/Links/Ouderverenigingen<br />

526 Vgl. CG-Raad 2010: 49<br />

527 Vgl. Brandt 2003<br />

528 Vgl. SCP 2002<br />

529 http://www.handicap-studie.nl/<br />


For disabled persons in employment who are no longer able to perform their previous tasks<br />

there is the option of getting financial assistance for additional or retraining. The basis for this<br />

is the law entitled “Wet op de (Re-)integratie Arbeidsgehandicapter” (REA). There is the<br />

option of attending retraining activities especially for people with disabilities, with these<br />

measures being offered by the five work integration centres (arbeidsintegratie-centras).<br />

11. What are the prospects for people with disabilities?<br />

The system in the Netherlands is extensively aimed at inclusion for people with disabilities.<br />

Starting with infant education there are legal entitlements to support in the efforts aimed at<br />

creating social inclusion. The objective is to enable people with disabilities to as far as<br />

possible to lead independent lives and exercise self-determination. At the same time, special<br />

schools and protective workshops offer alternatives for disabled people who do not feel they<br />

are able to cope with this challenge. Thanks to their approaches in this context the<br />

Netherlands is repeatedly quoted as a role model within Europe and the country’s policy acts<br />

as a model for other countries 530 . However, the Social and Cultural Planning Office 531 still<br />

sees major challenges ahead for the system. For example, nearly all people with mental<br />

disabilities live on a very low income. Just 38% of people with disabilities are in gainful<br />

employment, 23% of people with a physical disability experience social exclusion for financial<br />

reasons. Up to 40% of people with a mental disability expressed the need to get out more<br />

and pointed to the lack of social contact as a barrier. In conclusion, the report states that the<br />

progress achieved in the Netherlands must be viewed as positive, nevertheless the country<br />

was still not yet sufficiently open to people with disabilities. The intention of the government<br />

to reduce social welfare benefits or set maximum limits on annual expenditure, as is currently<br />

being pursued with the individual related budget, could prove problematical 532 . Some of those<br />

affected will have their right of choice of their required lifestyle taken away from them, at least<br />

temporarily, through waiting lists.<br />

12. Case study the Netherlands - Ruben<br />

Infancy<br />

Shortly after Ruben is born in Utrecht the doctors in the hospital informed the parents that<br />

their son has the Down’s Syndrome. After a short period of uncertainty the parents turn to an<br />

organisation of families of people with disabilities in order to find out how they can make their<br />

son’s life as normal as possible. They learn that they are entitled to state support. For the<br />

first two years of his life the mother decides to care for her son at home. To help with this the<br />

family receives additional financial benefits from the Social Security Bank (SVB) in<br />

accordance with the law on assistance with maintenance costs for children with disabilities<br />

and living at home (TOG) 533 . Using this money the family is able to pay for an educational<br />

specialist on an hourly basis to carry out early learning development measures. When Ruben<br />

reaches the age of three his parents register him at a child day care centre. This enables the<br />

mother to return to work which in turn improves the family’s financial situation. The parents<br />

decide on an inclusive day care centre (kinderopvang plus). The aim is for Ruben to be<br />

530<br />

Vgl. Ministerie van Volksgezondheit, Welzjin en Sport 2004b, S.4<br />

531<br />

Vgl. SCP 2002<br />

532<br />

Vgl. SVB 2010<br />

533<br />

Vgl. MISSOC 2007; Das Geld wird zusätzlich zum regulären Kindergeld bezahlt, beide werden<br />

nicht als Einkommen gewertet und sind steuerfrei.<br />


integrated into the social life from the outset. The financing for the day care centre is met by<br />

the local authority as Ruben’s parents are only on a low income 534 . The family’s neighbours,<br />

whose daughter Ana also has a mental disability, get no support from the local authority.<br />

Consequently, the company in which Ana’s parents work meet 75% of the costs so the family<br />

can afford the child day care centre for Ana 535 . The company is able to offset this expenditure<br />

as operating costs and also wants to demonstrate its social commitment. Ruben spends two<br />

years in the day care centre at which trained specialist personnel work on his targeted<br />

development.<br />

School<br />

At the age of five Ruben has the option of moving up to the education system’s primary<br />

schooling 536 . His parents discuss whether he should attend the special school for children<br />

with disabilities (speciaal onderwijs) or whether he should go to a mainstream school 537 . His<br />

father has concerns that the demands in the mainstream school could be too much for<br />

Ruben whilst his mother does not want him to be set apart from his peers. They again obtain<br />

advice from the families’ organisation and learn that there is the option of applying for<br />

financial development assistance for his schooling. They subsequently contact the regional<br />

care assessment agency Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg, CIZ) 538 where an interdisciplinary<br />

specialist group assesses Ruben’s support needs. The group comes to the conclusion that<br />

because of the Down’s Syndrome Ruben can only attend a mainstream school if he receives<br />

support. He therefore receives benefits under the law on financial development assistance<br />

for schooling (leerlinggebonden financiering) 539 . Ruben is to go to a school which is known<br />

for its ability to properly integrate children with Down’s Syndrome. At a meeting Ruben’s<br />

parents and the school Board decide on the most appropriate use of the funds provided. A<br />

class assistant is employed for Ruben and another boy with Down’s Syndrome to assist both<br />

of them in their lessons on an hourly basis. The school also purchases teaching materials<br />

which enables children with Down’s Syndrome to improve their learning. Ruben attends the<br />

primary level up to the age of 12. He has a number of friends amongst his classmates,<br />

including children without disabilities. Every day he meets Ana, who is attending a special<br />

school for children with mental disabilities, on the small bus that takes them to school.<br />

Because of their disabilities the cost of transportation to school for both children is met by the<br />

local authority.<br />

Leisure<br />

Ruben is a great football fan. At the age of 8 his classmates ask him whether he would like to<br />

join the football club. He fits in very well with the team and thoroughly enjoys the training<br />

sessions. Although his footballing skills are not particularly prominent the trainer always lets<br />

him play in games once the team has already won the match. This gives Ruben a sense of<br />

534<br />

Vgl. Brandt 2003<br />

535<br />

Die Finanzierung von Kindertagesstätten über die Gemeinde ist begrenzt und vor allem für sozial<br />

schwache Familien reserviert. Für die anderen Familien bleibt nur die Möglichkeit der Finanzierung<br />

über ihre/n Arbeitgeber/in oder die Eigenfinanzierung.<br />

536<br />

Der Primärbereich umfasst das Alter von 4-12 Jahren In ihm wurden Kindergarten und die frühere<br />

Grundschule zusammengelegt.<br />

537<br />

Die Entscheidung für eine Regel-/ Spezialschule ist den Eltern frei überlassen. Die finanziellen<br />

Förderhilfen werden für beide Schulformen ausbezahlt.<br />

538<br />

Eine zentrale Seite der regionalen Büros findet sich unter: http://www.ciz.nl/<br />

539 Vgl. Brandt 2003<br />


elonging. His team actually wins the regional championships on one occasion and Ruben<br />

enthusiastically celebrates this success.<br />

Youth, training and transition to working life<br />

After the primary level Ruben attends the secondary level for four years. Despite various<br />

difficulties he succeeds in making significant learning progress thanks to the special support<br />

he receives. However, when he reaches the age of 16 it becomes clear that even with the<br />

targeted support Ruben will not gain his secondary school leaving certificate. Together with<br />

his parents he decides to start vocational training. The company that employs Ana’s parents<br />

offers two carpentry training places for people with disabilities. The company has established<br />

these via the law on the (re)integration of people with disabilities into working life (Wet op de<br />

(re)integratie arbeidsgehandicapten) 540 with the additional costs incurred being reimbursed<br />

by the state. Ruben and Ana are given the two places and work in the same department. A<br />

short time later they are a couple and are considering living together.<br />

Young adulthood<br />

When he reaches 17 Ruben’s parents apply for benefits for him as a result of his reduced<br />

capacity to work. The categorisation is determined by the Implementing Institute for<br />

Employee Social Security (Uitvoering Werknemersverzekeringen, UWV 541 ). Since Ruben has<br />

fewer restrictions than other persons affected, because his Down’s Syndrome is less<br />

prominent, his reduced capacity to work is assessed at 25%. Ruben receives future benefits<br />

in accordance with the law on assistance for young disabled persons incapacitated to work<br />

(Wajong 542 ). At the age of 19 Ruben and Ana end their training and because of their good<br />

record they are subsequently taken on in the company’s carpentry department. Although<br />

their salaries are below the statutory, guaranteed minimum, together with the benefits as a<br />

result of his reduced capacity to work, Ruben earns a sufficient income and is not reliant on<br />

further state benefits. At the age of 20 Ruben informs his parents that he wants to move in to<br />

an apartment together with Ana. He wants to live an independent life like everyone else.<br />

However, since the young couple know that they will be reliant on support in their day-to-day<br />

lives they decide to take advantage of the “person-centred budget”. Ruben submits a<br />

corresponding application to the relevant care assessment agency (Centrum Indicatiestelling<br />

Zorg, CIZ). The agency examines the support needs which, in Ruben’s case, are determined<br />

primarily as being in the areas of “home help” and “support assistance”. The amount to which<br />

he’s entitled is calculated on the basis of the support needs and hourly rates 543 . However,<br />

since Ruben submits the application in October the funds for “person-centred budgets” made<br />

available by the government have already been allocated 544 . Ruben, like Ana, is placed on a<br />

waiting list. In the transitional period both would be entitled to material benefits under the<br />

Care Act (AWBZ) but they decline them. At last, from June of the following year Ruben<br />

receives his “person-centred budget”. In the meantime, with the help of an organisation for<br />

Down’s Syndrome sufferers, he and Ana have found a reasonable rented apartment and now<br />

540 Vgl. MISSOC 2007<br />

541 Siehe http://www.uwv.nl/index.aspx<br />

542 Vgk. MISSOC 2007<br />

543 Das personengebundene Budget wird einkommensunabhängig ausbezahlt. Das Geld kann auch<br />

für Pflegebereiche verwendet werden, für die im Gutachten kein Bedarf festgestellt wurde. Die<br />

Entscheidung liegt bei der Person, der das Geld zur Verfügung gestellt wird.<br />

544 Die Mittel, die in den Niederlanden für personengebundene Budgets zur Verfügung stehen, sind<br />

jährlich begrenzt. Vgl. SVB 2010<br />


move into it. They finance the apartment using their salaries from their work in the carpentry<br />

department.<br />

Adulthood<br />

Ruben and Ana live together as a couple in their own apartment. With the person-centred<br />

budget they buy in the necessary support using specialist educational and care personnel.<br />

They utilise organised care services or employ individual specialists, liable to social security<br />

contributions, through a contract of employment 545 . Initially they obtain advice from their<br />

parents when concluding the contracts but as they get older they have enough experience to<br />

do this on their own. Sometimes they obtain advice from an organisation for sufferers of<br />

Down’s Syndrome. Both pay a small personal contribution and finance the balance of the<br />

costs from their budget which is available for them to use at their discretion. Every halfyear<br />

546 Ruben has to submit a statement of expenditure in order to prove how he has used<br />

his person-centred budget. This is a major and very stressful task for him each time. He does<br />

not understand many of the documents that have to be filled out. Without the support of the<br />

Advisory Service MEE 547 he would be unable to complete this task. When Ruben and Ana<br />

reach the age of 40 the new boss of the company informs them that as a result of the<br />

economic crisis he is only able to finance one job for people with disabilities. After consulting<br />

their relevant organisation the two agree that Ana will continue working. Ruben becomes<br />

unemployed and in addition to his benefits under the Wajong soon receives a top-up under<br />

the law on supplementary benefits (Toeslagenwet, TW) 548 so that Ruben and Ana can at<br />

least maintain a minimum standard of living and continue to finance their apartment.<br />

Nevertheless, over the next three years they have to watch their money very closely and find<br />

it difficult to afford new purchases. Ruben is unable to find a job as only a few companies are<br />

taking on people with disabilities during periods of economic crisis. It is not until the situation<br />

in the Netherlands improves that he is re-employed by his old company.<br />

Old age<br />

Ruben works in the carpentry department up to the age of 53. Because of his age and<br />

disability the work then becomes too stressful for him. He has his reduced capacity to work<br />

reassessed and is categorised as permanently incapacitated to work. He now receives<br />

benefits under the rules on a guaranteed income for people permanently incapacitated to<br />

work (IVA) 549 . He receives these benefits until he reaches retirement age. In the subsequent<br />

years Ruben is engaged in work within the Down’s Syndrome organisation 550 where he<br />

advises people with disabilities who wish to apply for a person-centred budget. Once they<br />

reach the age of 65 Ana and Ruben receive a low pension which is calculated on the basis of<br />

their previous employment activity. As both pensions place them below the statutory<br />

minimum income they receive supplementary social assistance. They continue to receive the<br />

individual related budget. Ruben dies shortly afterwards at the age of 68.<br />

545<br />

Vgl. Niederländische Regierung 2010<br />

546<br />

Der Abrechnungszeitraum richtet sich nach der Höhe des Budgets und kann von monatlich bis<br />

jährlich variieren. Vgl. CG-Raad 2010<br />

547<br />

Siehe http://www.mee.nl/ und Duberatz 2009 - es handelt sich im einen staatlich organisierten<br />

Beratungsdienst für Menschen mit Behinderung (früher Sozialpädagogischer Dienst).<br />

548<br />

Vgl. MISSOC 2007<br />

549 Vgl. MISSOC 2007<br />


Quellen<br />

Appel M und Schaars WK: Anleitung zur Selbstständigkeit – Wie Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung Verantwortung für sich<br />

übernehmen. 3. Auflage. Weinheim und München 2006.<br />

Auswärtiges Amt: Niederlande. http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/DE/Aussenpolitik/Laender/Laenderinfos/01-<br />

Nodes_Uebersichtsseiten/Niederlande_node.html [status as at: 05.12.2010]<br />

Brandt R: Zur Situation der schulischen Integration gehandicapter und lernbeeinträchtigter Kinder in den Niederlanden. E-Book.<br />

Hildesheim 2003.<br />

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List of abbreviations<br />

AACD Associação de Asisstenência de<br />

Crianças e Deficiênciente<br />

A.A.H. Allocation aux adultes handicaps<br />

ADAPPH Association pour le Développement<br />

de l’Accompagnement à la<br />

Parentalité des Personnes Handicapées<br />

AEEH L’allocation d’éducation de<br />

l’enfant handicapé<br />

AGG Allgemeines Gleichstellungsgesetz<br />

AICT African Inland Church Tanzania<br />

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency<br />

Syndrome<br />

A.N.P.H Autoritatea Nationala pentru<br />

Persoanele cu Handicap<br />

APA Allocation Personnalisée<br />

d’Autonomie<br />

APAE Associação dos país e amigos dos<br />

excepcionais<br />

APP L’allocation de présence parentale<br />

A.S.M. Assistantes Specialisees d’ecole<br />

Maternelle<br />

AWBZ Algemene Wet Bijzondere<br />

Ziektekosten<br />

AWO Arbeiterwohlfahrt<br />

BGG Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz<br />

BIP Bruttoinlandsprodukt<br />

BMAS Bundesministerium für Arbeit<br />

und Soziales<br />

C.A.M.S.P. Centre d’Action Médico-<br />

Sociale Précoce<br />

CAF Caisses d’allocations familiales<br />

CBR Community-Based-Rehabilitation<br />

CCBRT Comprehensive Community<br />

Based Rehabilitation for Tanzania<br />

CDAPH Commission des Droits et de<br />

l’Autonomie des Personnes Handicapées<br />

CERVAC Centro de Reabilitação e<br />

Valorização da Criança<br />

CFE-CGC Confédération Francaise de<br />

l’Encadrement<br />

et Confédération Générale<br />

des Cadres<br />

CIZ Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg<br />

CLIS Classes d’intégration scolaire<br />

CMU Couverture de maladie universelle<br />

CNBB Conferencia Nacional dos Bispos<br />

do Brasil<br />

CONADE Conselho Nacional dos Direitos<br />

da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência<br />

CORDE Coordenadoria Nacional para<br />

integração da Pessoa Portadora de<br />

Deficiência<br />

CRDS Contribution au Remboursement<br />

de la Dette Sociale<br />

CSG Contribution Sociale Généralisée<br />

Destatis Statistisches Bundesamt<br />

Deutschland<br />

DPO Disabled People Organisations<br />

(Organisationen von Menschen mit<br />

Behinderung)<br />

DREES Direction de la recherche, des<br />

études,<br />

de l’évaluations et des statistiques<br />

DWW Diakonisches Werk <strong>Württemberg</strong><br />

EDAN Ecumenical Disability Advocates<br />

Network<br />

ESAT Etablissement et Service d’Aide par<br />

le Travail<br />


ELCT Evangelical Lutheral Church<br />

Tanzania<br />

ESCAP Economic for Social Commission<br />

for Asia and Pacific<br />

EU European Union<br />

EUROSTAT Statistisches Amt der<br />

Europäischen Union<br />

FGV Fundação Getúlio Vargas<br />

FNDS Fundo nacional de Assistência<br />

social<br />

GdB Grad der Behinderung<br />

GG Grundgesetz<br />

GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für<br />

Technische Zusammenarbeit<br />

HDI Human Development Index<br />

HID Handicaps-Incapacités-Dépendance<br />

HIV Humane Immundefizienz-Virus<br />

IAF Institut für Angewandte Forschung<br />

IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e<br />

Estatística<br />

ICIG Interkerkelijke Commissie Integratie<br />

Gehandicapten<br />

ILO International Labour Organization<br />

INSEE Institut National de la Statistique et<br />

des Études Économiques<br />

IME Instituts Médico-Educatifs<br />

IMP Instituts Médico-Pédagogiques<br />

IMPRO Instituts Médico-professionnels<br />

I.P.I. Imposto sobre Produtos<br />

Industrializados<br />

IVA Regeling Inkomensvoorziening<br />

Volledig Arbeidsonge schikten<br />

IWF Internationaler Währungsfonds<br />

KEAD Korean Employment Agency for the<br />

Disabled<br />

KISE Korean Institute for Special<br />

Education<br />

KIST Korean Institute of Science and<br />

Technology<br />

LDB Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da<br />

Educação<br />

MDPH Maison departemantes des<br />

personnes handicapees<br />

MDS Ministério do Desenvolvimento<br />

Social e Combate à Fome<br />

MOEC Ministry of Education and Culture<br />

MOST Ministry of Science and Technology<br />

MoSTH Ministry of Science, Technology<br />

and Higher Education<br />

MPS Ministerio previdência social<br />

MSA Mutualité sociale agricole<br />

NBS National Bureau of Statistics<br />

NGO Non-Government-Organization<br />

OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation<br />

and Development<br />

PGB Persoonsgebonden Budget<br />

PDO Pro-Disability Organisations<br />

PISA Programme for International Student<br />

Assessment<br />

P.P.S. Projet Personalisé de Scolarisation<br />

REA Wet op de (re)integratie<br />

arbeidsgehandicapten<br />

RMI Revenu Minimum d`Insertion<br />

S.A.F.E.P. Service d’Accompagnement<br />

Familial et d’Education Précoce<br />

SCP Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau<br />


SDH Secretaria dos direitos Humanos<br />

SEAS Secretaria de Estado da<br />

Assistência Social<br />

S.E.E.S Service d’Education et<br />

d’Enseignement Spécialisé<br />

SEPA Special Education Promotion Act<br />

SEGPA Sections d’enseignements<br />

généraux et professionnels adaptés<br />

SENAC Serviço Nacional de<br />

Aprendizagem Comercial<br />

SENAI Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem<br />

Industrial<br />

SGB Sozialgesetzbuch<br />

SNDP Subsecretaria Nacional de<br />

Promoção dos Direitos da Pessoa com<br />

Deficiência<br />

S.S.E.F.I.S. Service de Soutien à<br />

l’Education Familiale et à l’Intégration<br />

Scolaire<br />

SUAS Sistema Único de Assistência<br />

Social<br />

TOG Tegemoetkoming onderhoudskosten<br />

thuiswonende gehandicapte kinderen<br />

TW Toeslagenwet<br />

UN United Nations<br />

UN-BRK United Nations<br />

Behindertenrechtskonvention<br />

UNDP United Nation Development<br />

Programme<br />

UPI Unités Pédagogiques d’Intégration<br />

URIOPSS Union Régionale Interfédérale<br />

des Organismes Privés Sanitaires et<br />

Sociaux<br />

UWV Uitvoeringsinstituut<br />

Werknemersverzekeringen<br />

VWS Ministerie van Volksgezondheid,<br />

Welzijn en Sport<br />

Wajong Wet arbeidsongeschiktheidsvoorziening<br />

jonggehandicapten<br />

WfbM Werkstatt für behinderte Menschen<br />

WGA Regeling Werkhervatting<br />

Gedeeltelijk Arbeidsgehandicapten<br />

WGBH/CZ Wet Gelijke Behandeling op<br />

grond van handicap of chronische ziekte<br />

WHO World Health Organisation<br />

WIA Wet Werk en Inkomen naar<br />

Arbeidsvermogen<br />

WMO Wet maatschappelijke<br />

ondersteuning<br />

WPWDA Welfare for Person with<br />

Disabilities Act<br />

WSW Wet Sociale Werkvoorziening<br />

WWB Wet Werk en Bijstand<br />


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