Plain Truth 1978 (Prelim No 04) Apr - Herbert W. Armstrong

Plain Truth 1978 (Prelim No 04) Apr - Herbert W. Armstrong

Plain Truth 1978 (Prelim No 04) Apr - Herbert W. Armstrong


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18<br />

On certa in nights durin g th e<br />

spring and summer months, sandy<br />

Ca lifornia beach es are the scene of<br />

a spectacular display put on by<br />

sma ll silvery fish called grunio n.<br />

By the thousands these fish come<br />

out of the ocean to lay their eggs in<br />

the wet beach sand, in accorda nce<br />

with a most am azing and uncanny<br />

built-in clock. Indeed, a keen sense<br />

of timing is absolutely essenti al for<br />

their survival.<br />

Of all the var ieties of fish in the<br />

world, only the grunion show such<br />

spawning habits.<br />

To understand some of the reasons<br />

why the sex life of the gru n- .<br />

ion is such a remarkable example<br />

of a "living clock," we need to con ­<br />

side r some facts about ocea n tides.<br />

First, there are two low tides and<br />

two high tides roughly every 25<br />

hours. Second, the highest tides occur<br />

at the time of the full moon<br />

and at the time of the new moon<br />

(at inte rva ls of about two weeks).<br />

The grun ion, with little variation<br />

, spawn at high tide on the<br />

second, third, and four th night s after<br />

the full moon and afte r the new<br />

moo n. This means that they are<br />

spawning after the time of the<br />

highest tides of the month (a t a<br />

time when the high tides are declinin<br />

g).<br />

Sexby the Clock<br />

Sand is carried away fr om<br />

beach es when tides are incre asing ,<br />

so the grunion spawn on night s<br />

and at that time of night when<br />

tides are declining and their eggs<br />

will be covered by sand. If they<br />

spa wned at that time of the month<br />

or at that time of night when tide s<br />

were getting higher, their eggs<br />

would be washed away by succeeding<br />

tides and gru nion would<br />

become extinct.<br />

Moreover, since it takes about<br />

nine day s for their eggs to develop,<br />

they must spawn at a time when<br />

their eggs will have nine days in<br />

the sand before they are washed<br />

free . Eggs which are laid on the<br />

second, third, and fourth nights<br />

following the highest tides will<br />

usually hatch from one to three<br />

nights before the next highe st tide.<br />

But if the grunion were to spaw n<br />

lat er than these three night s, their<br />

eggs would be washed out before<br />

they were ready to hatch.<br />

Finall y, it is essen tial that the<br />

eggs hatch within a few minutes<br />

after they are agitated, but not until<br />

they are agitate d. If the eggs<br />

hatched as soon as they got wet,<br />

the y would probably hatch pre ­<br />

maturely and the bab y gru nio n<br />

would die. In nature, the vital agitati<br />

on comes when the eggs are<br />

washed free from the sand by<br />

waves of rising tides.<br />

Thus the gru nion must take a<br />

multitude of factors into account<br />

in orde r to reproduce. <strong>No</strong> one<br />

knows the exac t mechanism con ­<br />

trolling th e pr ecise tim in g o f<br />

th e gru nion, but precise it is.<br />

Without this timin g, they would<br />

have little chance of survival as a<br />

species.<br />

Yet how did the gru nion acquire<br />

their incredible built-in clock? If<br />

they "evolved" their sense of timing<br />

over thousands or millions of<br />

years, the grunion would have<br />

long ago becom e extinct! Remember,<br />

the timin g must be alm ost<br />

perfect; the eggs must be laid at<br />

just the right time-just after the<br />

highe st tide for that month- oth erwise<br />

the eggs would be washed<br />

away before they could de velop .<br />

And the eggs must develop in nine<br />

da ys so they will be rea dy to hatch<br />

when the next high est monthly<br />

tide comes in. If they aren' t ready<br />

to hatch, the tide will take them<br />

away and they will die.<br />

Truly the clockwork-like sex life<br />

of the grunio n is an awesome spectacle.<br />

Th e gru nion's incredible and<br />

intri cate sense of timing is a powerful<br />

testim ony to the handiwork<br />

of the Creator.<br />

The PLAIN TRUTH <strong>Apr</strong>il <strong>1978</strong>

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