Programme 2009 (PDF) - Beethovenfest Bonn

Programme 2009 (PDF) - Beethovenfest Bonn

Programme 2009 (PDF) - Beethovenfest Bonn


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B e e t h o v e n f e s t B o n n 4. 9. – 3. 10. 2 0 0 9 In the LIght<br />

Pierre­Laurent Aimard Peter gülke<br />

Beethoven<br />

Piano Concertos, Part 2<br />

Romanticism<br />

in the Workshop<br />

T his much was clear to Beetho<br />

ven: »Nobody who has fully<br />

66<br />

tue 29 sePt 8 Pm<br />

BeethovenhaLLe<br />

A<br />

s has become tradition the<br />

<strong>Beethovenfest</strong> <strong>Bonn</strong> <strong>2009</strong> will<br />

67<br />

Wed 30 sePt 7.30 Pm<br />

BeethovenhaLLe<br />

delved into my music will ever be Chamber Orchestra of europe once again have a campus work­ CamPus WorKshoP<br />

able to feel abject misery again.« Pierre­Laurent Aimard<br />

shop with a youth orchestra from In co­operation with<br />

Pierre­Laurent Aimard will know Piano, Conductor<br />

somewhere around the world: Deutsche Welle<br />

this feeling. In the context of the Ludwig van Beethoven:<br />

this time it is the orchestra from Bùi Công Duy Violin<br />

<strong>Beethovenfest</strong> <strong>Bonn</strong> <strong>2009</strong> he will Concerto for piano and orchestra the Vietnam National Academy Orchestra of the<br />

delve into all five of Beethoven’s No. 4 in G major op. 58<br />

of Music Hanoi. Peter Gülke will, Vietnam national Academy<br />

piano concertos. After the special Ludwig van Beethoven:<br />

as always, run the evening as of Music hanoi<br />

concert in April with the first Concerto for piano and orchestra conductor and presenter. The Peter gülke Conductor<br />

three piano concertos, piano No. 5 in E flat major op. 73<br />

Vietnamese music students have Ludwig van Beethoven:<br />

concertos no. 4 and no. 5 follow 7.30 Pm<br />

already worked with him on the Ouverture to Salvatore Viganò’s<br />

in this concert. He will be accom­ ConCert IntroduCtIon<br />

compositions in Hanoi, the re­ ballet »The Creatures of<br />

panied by one of the most fasci­ »All ears for half«<br />

hearsals will continue in the Beet­ Prometheus« op. 43<br />

nating groups of our day: the ? 53 I 44 I 35 I 27 I 19<br />

hovenhalle. The audience will Max Bruch:<br />

Chamber Orchestra of Europe,<br />

Sponsored by Deutsche Telekom.<br />

get an interesting insight into the Concerto for violin and orchestra<br />

founded in 1981, with its almost<br />

musical workshop of a young No. 1 in G minor op. 26<br />

50 members from 15 different<br />

orchestra that has travelled from Robert Schumann:<br />

countries.<br />

far away to be here and can Symphony No. 4 in D minor op. 120<br />

hear the rehearsals of two highly ? 15<br />

Romantic works amongst other Sponsored by the German Foreign Ministry,<br />

things. It is worth it!<br />

the State Premier of North­Rhine<br />

Westphalia, the Ernst von Siemens<br />

Musikstiftung and Deutsche Welle.<br />


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