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<strong>ASTRONOMY</strong> <strong>CONTRAILS</strong> <strong>JET</strong> <strong>AVIATION</strong> CIRRUS GLOBAL WARMING AIR ...<br />

6. Danish Society for the Conservation <strong>of</strong> Nature: "Luk naturen ind i din stue: Danmark er ikke et stort land. Ca. 43.000 km2. Til gengæld har vi en kystlinje på ikke<br />

mindre end 7.300 km. En strækning, som svarer til afstanden mellem Danmark og det sydlige Angola i Afrika. Alligevel er naturen begrænset i Danmark. Trafikstøj og<br />

hundeglam rumler altid i baggrunden, mens flyvemaskiner trækker deres kondensstriber henover himmelbuen": http://www.dn.dk/...<br />

7. A Danish contrail-research project starting July 1, 2000: http://www.enhedslisten.dk/...<br />

8. H.Pedersen: "Kondensstriber fra fly bidrager til Jordens skydaekke": "Vejret", September 2000, p.1 - 6<br />

9. H.Pedersen: "Kondensstriber: en trussel mod astronomien": "Kvant", October 2000, p.35-36<br />

10. "The Copenhagen Global Change Initiative": To discuss contrails as a factor in global climate: http://www.cogci.dk/...<br />

11. A ground-based observation <strong>of</strong> an AWACS contrail from September 21, 2000, over Jutland, Denmark: "Mystiske skyer over Jylland Et par bekymrede mennesker fra<br />

midt Jylland kontaktede redaktionen og forklarede om mystiske jetstriber på himlen. Hurtigt fik jeg fat i en bil og ud for at se efter. Ganske rigtigt så jetstriberne sjove<br />

ud, og mindede mest af alt om en SAS pilot der var faldet i søvn over styrepinden i sit fly, og nu lå og fløj rundt i cirkler. Jeg vejrede nu sensationen: var de mystiske<br />

korncirkler på markerne nu også et luftfænomen ? Nej naturligvis havde dette fænomen en naturlig forklaring. Det drejede sig om striber efter et stort tankfly som lå og<br />

kredsede over Jylland i forbindelse med en netop overstået flyøvelse i Karup. Men flot så det ud alligevel": http://plr.hok.dk/...<br />

12. Danish Environment & Energy Newsletter from the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment and Energy: "New climate research indicates that aircraft emissions <strong>of</strong> CO2 at great<br />

heights have three times as great a climatic effect as corresponding CO2 emissions at ground level. Air transport must therefore be considered a major contributor to<br />

climate change. If this development continues, moreover, air transport could one day end up contributing more than road transport": http://www.mex.dk/...<br />

13. Petition to the Danish Parliament, Folketinget: http://www.folketinget.dk/...<br />

DUTCH ... up<br />

1. Contrail studies by the Dutch Meteorological Institute, including photos: http://www.knmi.nl/... - and - click - and - click<br />

2. Contrails Are Bad News (a much concerned Dutch site, see it, read it!): http://www.seaportbeach.nl/... relocated (2002) to http://www.contrails.nl/<br />

3. Contrail photos: http://haven.www.cistron.nl/...<br />

4. Nice pictures from Holland: http://gene.wins.uva.nl/...<br />

5. A Dutch (language) page on contrails: http://www.kijk.nl/...<br />

6. A Dutch language page NCR Handelsblad: http://www.nrc.nl/...<br />

FRENCH ... up<br />

1. Onera: "Le développement de l'aviation et de son utilisation commerciale au cours des dernières décennies oblige à se poser la question de l'impact d'une telle flotte pour<br />

l'environnement et pour la santé": http://www.onera.fr/...<br />

2. Olivier Boucher: Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique, U.F.R. de Physique, Université de Lille-I, France: "Is the Observed Trend in Cirrus Occurrence due to<br />

Aviation?": http://www-loa.univ-lille1.fr/... ... and http://www-loa.univ-lille1.fr/... ... and http://ens.lycos.com/...<br />

3. Olivier Boucher's paper promoted in La Météorologie, n° 26 (juin 99): http://www.smf.asso.fr/...<br />

4. Photograph <strong>of</strong> contrail at Fontainbleau, France: http://www.buchananfamily.freeserve.co.uk/...<br />

5. A French question about contrails: http://www.cybersciences.com/...<br />

6. Nicolas Schaeffer: On French research into contrails: http://topaze.univ-mlv.fr/...<br />

7. CNRS: Study <strong>of</strong> Concorde emissions, including contrail: "Première tentative d'analyse des effluents et de la traÎnée de condensation émis par le Concorde":<br />

http://www.cnrs.fr/...<br />

8. Olivier Boucher: "Condensation trails (or contrails) which appear in the sky behind an aircraft are the most visible, and maybe the most significant, effect <strong>of</strong> aviation on<br />

the atmosphere and Earth's climate. Here we present the classical theory <strong>of</strong> contrail formation, as well as recent work on the microphysical and optical properties <strong>of</strong><br />

contrails and their potential impact on cirrus cloudiness and the radiation budget": http://www.smf.asso.fr/...<br />

9. French elementary question on contrails: "La grande majorité des nuages sont formés naturellement quand l'air humide monte et se refroidit . Toutefois , les avions avec<br />

leurs traînées de condensation (contrails) produisent une petite fraction de nuages": http://www.ac-grenoble.fr/...<br />

10. Five contrails dominate a photograph accompanying an article: "Le Chaos programee du Ciel Europeen" in La Recherche, No. 319, April 1999, p.52<br />

http://www.larecherche.fr/...<br />

11. Research into contrails, 1997: http://earth.agu.org/...<br />

GERMAN ... up<br />

Jump to sub-sub-section<br />

-- Political Initiative<br />

-- DLR, Oberfaffenh<strong>of</strong>en<br />

-- Max Planck Institutes<br />

-- Other German Sites<br />

Political Initiative ... up<br />

1. Proposal from the Green Party to the German Bundestag regarding "contrail emissions": http://www.loske.de/...<br />

2. A highly recommended German page on the environmental effects <strong>of</strong> aviation: http://www.umweltministerium.bayern.de/...<br />

DLR, Oberpfaffenh<strong>of</strong>en ... up<br />

1. H. Mannstein, DLR: "Contrail observations from space using NOAA-AVHRR data": http://www.op.dlr.de/...<br />

2. Contrail Detection Algorithm, use on Denmark/Germany: http://www.op.dlr.de/...<br />

3. Reference to paper on the transition from contrails into cirrus: Schroeder et al. in Journal <strong>of</strong> the Atmospheric Sciences : 57 : No.4 : 2000 : pp.464-480<br />

http://www.op.dlr.de/... - and http://www.meto.gov.uk/sec1<br />

4. Southern Germany contrails: http://www.dfd.dlr.de/...<br />

5. Ulrich Schumann, DLR: "Observed contrail-cirrus formation conditions and implications": http://hyperion.gsfc.nasa.gov/...<br />

6. DLR Europe images: http://www.dfd.dlr.de/...<br />

7. R.Sussmann et al.: "The Different Evolution <strong>of</strong> A Contrail's Vortex System and its Secondary Wake: Lidar and Numerical Studies": http://hyperion.gsfc.nasa.gov/...<br />

Max Planck Institutes ... up<br />

1. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie: http://sop.dkrz.de/mpi/...<br />

2. Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie: Contrails the cause <strong>of</strong> temperature increases over Europe and North America: "Kondensstreifen verursachen signifikante<br />

Temperaturerhöhungen über Europa und Nordamerika" (quoting Ponater et al. 1996, Ann. Geophysicae 14, 941-960): http://www.rz.shuttle.de/...<br />

3. Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik: "Die Bildung von Kondensstreifen aus Flugzeugabgasen in der oberen Troposphäre kann ebenfalls Einfluß auf das Klima nehmen,<br />

da dadurch die Rückstreuung von Sonnenlicht zunehmen kann. Bei der Bildung von Kondensstreifen spielt vermutlich Schwefelsäure eine entscheidende Rolle":<br />

http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/...<br />

4. Large Eddy Simulation: http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/...<br />

5. Remote Sensing <strong>of</strong> Cloud Parameters from Multispectral Radiances in the Visible and Near-Infrared: http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/...<br />

6. "Near field measurements on contrail properties from fuels with different sulfur content" (by Petzold, et al., DLR): http://www.mpg.de/...<br />

Other German Sites ... up<br />

http://www.astro.ku.dk/~holger/IDA/notes.html<br />

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