PAUL J. WEBER - Lake Superior State University

PAUL J. WEBER - Lake Superior State University

PAUL J. WEBER - Lake Superior State University


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Assistant Professor <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Office: (906) 635-2031 CAS 128, 650 W. Easterday Ave.<br />

Fax: (906) 635-6663 Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783<br />

<strong>PAUL</strong> J. <strong>WEBER</strong><br />

pweber@lssu.edu<br />

Education at Michigan Technological <strong>University</strong><br />

Apr. 2006 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering<br />

Field: Computer Engineering Advisor: Dr. Roger M. Kieckhafer<br />

Dec. 2005 Master of Science in Electrical Engineering<br />

Field: Computer Engineering Advisor: Dr. Roger M. Kieckhafer<br />

May 2003 Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude<br />

Teaching and Course Development Experience<br />

<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> (LSSU) 8/09 – Present Sault Ste. Marie, MI<br />

Spring 2011 Lecturer & Lab Instructor….EGEE 425: Digital Signal Processing<br />

Fall 2010 Lecturer……………….……HONR 101: Humans and Energy (Created Course)<br />

Spring 2010 Lecturer/Lab Instructor…….EGNR 340: Advanced Numerical Methods<br />

Spring 2010 Lecturer & Lab Instructor….EGEE 355: Microcontroller Systems<br />

2 Semesters Lecturer & Lab Instructor….EGEE 320: Digital Design<br />

2 Semesters Lecturer & Lab Instructor….EGRS 430: Machine Vision<br />

2 Semesters Lab Instructor………………EGEE 125: Fundamentals of Digital Logic<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) 9/06 – 05/09 Duluth, MN<br />

4 Semesters Lecturer & Lab Instructor….ECE 1315: Digital System Design 5.32*<br />

2 Semesters Lecturer & Lab Instructor….ECE 2006: Electrical Circuit Analysis 4.96*<br />

Fall 2008 Lab Instructor………………ECE 2212: Electronics I 4.80*<br />

2 Semesters Lecturer & Lab Co-Designer.ECE 2325: Microcomputer Sys. Design 5.12*<br />

Fall 2008 Lecturer & Lab Instructor….ECE 4305: Computer Architecture 4.86*<br />

Spring 2008 Co-Lecturer & Mentor…..…ECE 4951: Design Workshop 5.20*<br />

Topic: Energy Conservation in Transportation (Created Course)<br />

Spring 2009 Lecturer & Lab Instructor….ECE 5315: Multiproc.-Based Sys. Design 5.45*<br />

*Teaching evaluation averages are based on the student’s perception of the statement “Overall, I<br />

learned a lot in this course” on a scale of 1 (Very Strongly Disagree) to 6 (Very Strongly Agree).

<strong>PAUL</strong> J. <strong>WEBER</strong><br />

pweber@lssu.edu<br />

Teaching and Course Development Experience Continued<br />

Michigan Technological <strong>University</strong> (MTU) 9/02 – 4/06 Houghton, MI<br />

8/05 – 4/06 Lab Teaching Assistant……...EE 3173: HW/SW Systems Integration<br />

Supervisors: Dr. Piyush Mishra, Dr. Brian Davis<br />

1/05 – 5/05 Lab Teaching Assistant……...EE 2304: Digital Systems & Intro to Signals<br />

Supervisor: Mr. Glen Archer<br />

8/04 – 12/04 Teaching Assistant………..…CS/EE 1000: Intro to CS and Engineering<br />

Supervisors: Dr. Roger Kieckhafer, Dr. Charles Wallace<br />

5/05 – 8/05 Designer of MTU Microcontroller Lab Projects<br />

Supervisor: Mr. Glen Archer<br />

9/03, 9–12/02 Time Triggered Protocol Software Installer and PowerPoint Tutorial Designer<br />

Supervisor: Dr. Roger Kieckhafer<br />

Selected Publications<br />

“Marketing-Based Presentations in Computer Architecture”<br />

–Paul J. Weber, ASEE Annual Conf. & Expo, Louisville, KY, June 20-23, 2010.<br />

“The Fly-by-Feel Project: The Experience of Soaring Like a Bird or a Bat”<br />

–Chris Prince et. al., Soaring & Motorgliding Magazine, Vol 73 (No 12), pp. 28-33, Dec 2009.<br />

“Educating Engineering Students on Energy Systems Through Investor-Driven Class Projects”<br />

–Tom Ferguson, Paul J. Weber, ASEE Annual Conf. & Expo, Austin, TX, June 14-17, 2009.<br />

“Inherently Adaptable Education through Student Presentations”<br />

–Paul J. Weber, ASEE North Midwest Section Conference, Platteville, WI, Oct. 16-18, 2008.<br />

“Modeling of the Human Body Using Stochastic PetriNets”<br />

–Buddhika R. Maitipe, Paul J. Weber, 19th IASTED Intl. Conf. on Modelling and Simulation,<br />

Quebec City, Canada, May 26 – 28, 2008.<br />

“Encouraging Sustainable Practices via Student Presentations”<br />

–Paul J. Weber, ASEE North Midwest Section Conference, Houghton, MI, Sept. 20-22, 2007.<br />

“Sustaining Global Randomness for Epidemic Protocols in Large-scale Dynamic Systems”<br />

–Jin Sun, Paul J. Weber, Byung Choi, Roger M. Kieckhafer, 4 th Intl. Conf. on Broadband<br />

Communications, Networks and Systems (BroadNets ’07), Raleigh, NC, Sept. 10-14, 2007.<br />

“Dynamic Reduction Algorithms for Fault Tolerant Convergent Voting with Hybrid Faults”<br />

–Paul J. Weber, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,<br />

Michigan Technological <strong>University</strong>, Houghton, MI, USA, May 2006

Mentored Student/Research Projects<br />

<strong>PAUL</strong> J. <strong>WEBER</strong><br />

pweber@lssu.edu<br />

SolPower (innovative portable solar generator), Dr. Paul J. Weber (E&T Advisor), Dr. Joe<br />

Moening (E&T Advisor), Dr. Ralf Wilhelms (Business Advisor), Dr. Ron DeLap (Advisor),<br />

Katie Everett, Jordan Gignac, Justin Graham, Justin LaCroix, Matty Murphy, Dennis Ross,<br />

Brad Starks, Evan Wrigley, MI Clean Energy Prize Competition, Fall ’10 – Spring ‘11<br />

Innovative Solar Solutions (using concentrated Photovoltaics) % , Dr. Paul J. Weber (Advisor),<br />

Tim Hebrink (Industrial Contact), Paul J. Weber (Co-Advisor), Ken Casperson, Chris Fill,<br />

Mike Gearing, Ray Greensky, Kevin Lidbeck, Senior Project, Fall ’10 – Spring ‘11<br />

Modern Technology Development (MTD: Projects for the Prototype Development Center)<br />

Dr. Ron DeLap (Primary Advisor), Erick Becks (Industrial Contact), Paul J. Weber (Co-<br />

Advisor), Amanda Hall, Sean Wonch, Brian Reid, Josh Huddle, Ryan Newill, Senior Project,<br />

Spring ‘10<br />

“Using Snow as Solar Concentrator and Perception Study in Energy Education” by Cody<br />

Lohse, UROP # , Spring 2009<br />

Power Supply using Multiple Renewable Energy Sources by Tom Soldner, David, Buszmann,<br />

Drew Jensen, & Jeron Smith, Senior Design^, Fall 2008 & Spring 2009<br />

Fly-by-Feel Projects using Tactile Feedback, Jordan Parrot, Matt Wronski, & David Sebesta,<br />

UROP # , Summer 2008 (Secondary advisor to Dr. Chris Prince of Computer Science)<br />

“Photovoltaic Arrays and Solar Concentration in Northern Climates,” Scott Norr, Stan Burns,<br />

Paul J. Weber, Dan Pope, Tom Ferguson, Applied Research*, Started Fall 2008<br />

“Steer-by-Wire: A Design of the Future” by Eric Branson, Ryan Gerou, Christopher Sandberg,<br />

& Sang Xiong, Senior Design Workshop, Spring 2008<br />

“A Three-Phase PWM Inverter and Hybrid Automobile Controller” by Jason Staab, Scott<br />

Ewen, Brian Stangler, & Mike Arndt, Senior Design Workshop, Spring 2008<br />

“Modeling of the Human Body Using Stochastic PetriNets” by Buddhika R. Maitipe<br />

–Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) # , Spring 2007<br />

% - Funded through external support and material donations from 3M.<br />

* - Funded through external support from Minnesota Power and material donations from 3M.<br />

^ - Funded through external support from local IEEE chapter and material donations from 3M.<br />

# - Funded through internal grants ranging from $1,400 to $1,700.

Research in Preparation<br />

<strong>PAUL</strong> J. <strong>WEBER</strong><br />

pweber@lssu.edu<br />

Vermilion Point (MI) Project, Multi-Disciplinary Research Group<br />

–Paul J. Weber, Jason Garvon, Andrew Jones, Ron DeLap, Sally Childs, Greg Zimmerman,<br />

Robert Hildebrand, Joe Moening, Dave Szlag<br />

“Timely Feedback and Strengthened Study Habits via Computer Automated End-of-Lecture<br />

Questions”<br />

–Paul J. Weber, submitted to ASEE Annual Conf. & Expo, Vancouver, BC, June 26-29, 2011.<br />

“Energy Students’ Perceptions on Global Issues and Engineering”<br />

–Paul J. Weber, submitted to ASEE North Central Section Conf., Mt. Pleasant, MI, April 1-2,<br />

2011.<br />

“LCPV Solar Tracker System for Residential Rooftops Utilizing Cool Mirror Film from 3M”<br />

–Ken Casperson, Chris Fill, Mike Gearing, Ray Greensky, Kevin Lidbeck, Tim Hebrink, Paul<br />

J. Weber, submitted to IEEE PhotoVoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), Seattle, WA, June<br />

19-24, 2011.<br />

“Dynamic Reduction Algorithms for Fault Tolerant Voting and Clock Synchronization”<br />

–Paul J. Weber, Roger M. Kieckhafer<br />

“Leveraging Local Error Diagnosis in Dynamic Reduction Algorithms”<br />

–Paul J. Weber, Roger M. Kieckhafer<br />

Current Research Interests<br />

• Renewable Energy Resources, Energy Efficiency, and Intelligent Power Grid Management<br />

• Electrical and Computer Engineering Education<br />

• Fault Tolerance & Safety-Critical, Real-Time Systems (e.g. X-by-Wire)<br />

• Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers<br />

• Peer-to-Peer Networks

Professional Development<br />

<strong>PAUL</strong> J. <strong>WEBER</strong><br />

pweber@lssu.edu<br />

6/10 Presenter, ASEE National Conference<br />

Louisville, KY<br />

6/10 Presenter, 5th Annual Science and Engineering Faculty Day Symposium<br />

(3M) St. Paul, MN<br />

3/10 Attendee, Conference on the Business of Clean Technology<br />

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada<br />

6/09 Presenter, ASEE National Conference<br />

Austin, TX<br />

10/08 Presenter, ASEE North Midwest Conference<br />

Platteville, WI<br />

5/08 Presenter, Modelling and Simulation 2008<br />

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada<br />

1/08 Attendee, UMD/NRRI Internal Energy Summit<br />

Duluth, MN<br />

11/07 Attendee, Energy, Economic and Environmental Conference (E3 2007)<br />

Minneapolis, MN<br />

9/07 Presenter, ASEE North Midwest Conference<br />

Houghton, MI<br />

1/07 Attendee, Clean Energy Research Teams (CERTs) Conference<br />

St. Cloud, MN<br />

1/01 – Present Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)<br />

10/07 – Present Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)<br />

Honors and Awards<br />

2010 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Grant, Paul Weber<br />

“Reliable Light-Weight Solar Tracking Utilizing Solar Concentration”<br />

2009 UMD Chancellor’s Faculty Small Grant, Paul Weber<br />

“Computer Architecture and Multiprocessor System Design Projects”<br />

2007 UMD Chancellor’s Faculty Small Grant, Paul Weber and Scott Norr<br />

“Embedded Systems and Digital Design Projects”<br />

2003 Senior Design “A” Bonus, Senior Design Poster Honorable Mention<br />

2001-2002 Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi

Professional Service<br />

<strong>PAUL</strong> J. <strong>WEBER</strong><br />

pweber@lssu.edu<br />

06/10 – Present Strategic Planning and Budget Committee (<strong>University</strong>-wide)<br />

LSSU<br />

09/10 – Present Undergraduate Research Committee (<strong>University</strong>-wide)<br />

LSSU<br />

01/10 – Present Exploratory Committee for Master’s Degree<br />

School of Engineering & Technology, LSSU<br />

12/09 – Present Web Development, National ASEE Conference, ECE Division<br />

School of Engineering & Technology, LSSU<br />

09/09 – 09/10 Online Learning Committee (<strong>University</strong>-wide)<br />

LSSU<br />

04/09 – 12/09 Committee Member, Master of Science Project Option, Rabia Qaseem<br />

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UMD<br />

7/10 – 11/10 Guest Reviewer<br />

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science<br />

12/10 – 2/11 Reviewer, National ASEE Conference, ECE Division<br />

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)<br />

02/09 Reviewer, National ASEE Conference, ECE Division<br />

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)<br />

6/08 – 10/08 Guest Editor and Reviewer, Special Issue: “Survivable Sensor Networks”<br />

International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)<br />

10/07 – 3/08 Reviewer, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Minnesota Duluth<br />

09/08 – 05/09 Graduate Program Planning Committee<br />

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UMD<br />

10/06 – 05/09 Member, Five-Year Lab Planning Committee<br />

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UMD<br />

02/09 – 03/09 Ad-hoc Committee on Upper Division<br />

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UMD<br />

01/09 – 03/09 ABET Committee<br />

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UMD<br />

11/07 Member, Merit Pay Policy Committee<br />

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UMD<br />

9/06 – 10/08 Designer, Departmental Display<br />

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UMD

Other Work Experience<br />

<strong>PAUL</strong> J. <strong>WEBER</strong><br />

pweber@lssu.edu<br />

5/04 – 8/05 “Chapel Rat” Student Assistant<br />

St. Albert the Great Parish, custodial and maintenance responsibilities<br />

Summer Learn-to-Swim Instructor and Lifeguard<br />

1997 – 2001 <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Sault Ste. Marie, MI<br />

Recent Community Service<br />

2008 - 2009 Social Concerns Committee, St. Benedict’s Parish (Duluth, MN)<br />

2008 Soup Kitchen Volunteer, Damiano Center (Duluth, MN)<br />

Tools and Packages<br />

• Programming Languages & Software: VHDL, Verilog HDL, ABEL, MIPS & 68HCxx<br />

Assembly Languages, Altera Quartus II, NIOS & Xilinx Integrated Design Environments,<br />

C, Fortran, SHARPE, SPNP, PSpice, Object-oriented programming in Java and C/C++,<br />

LogiScan, Matlab, Mathematica, Mathcad, LATEX, Microsoft Office Suite, HTML<br />

• Course Management Systems: WebVista, Moodle<br />

• Platforms: Dos, Windows 2000/XP/Vista, UNIX<br />

• Microcontrollers & FPGAs: Altera NIOS Cyclone (DE1 & DE2) & APEX Development<br />

Boards, Nexys Development Board with Xilinx Spartan3 FPGA, Axiom Development<br />

Board for Motorola 68HC11, Dragon Development Board for Freescale HC(S)12<br />

Relevant Coursework<br />

• Computer/Electrical Engineering: Hardware/Software Systems Integration, Modeling<br />

and Simulation of Computer Systems, Physical Electronics, Introductory Digital Signal<br />

Processing, Electronics, Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design, Computer Networks,<br />

Senior Design Project, Classical Control Systems, Fault-Tolerant Systems, Sensor<br />

Networks, Robots<br />

• Computer Science/Engineering: Computer Architecture, Introduction to Operating<br />

Systems, Introduction to Computer Science I-III, Computer Science Foundations (discrete<br />

mathematical structures), C/C++, Parallel Computer Organization, Computer and Network<br />

Security, Introduction to Algorithms, Software Quality Assurance, Computer Networks,<br />

Mobile Networks, Advanced Computer Networks<br />

• Mathematics: Calculus I-IV, College Geometry, Probabilities, Differential Equations<br />

• Communication: College Honors English, Effective Grantsmanship<br />

• Teaching Pedagogy: Principals of Psychology, Psychological Foundations of Learning,<br />

Foundations of Education, Clinical (Teaching) Experience, College Teaching

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