Mgambo Forest Reserve: A biodiversity survey. - Eastern Arc ...

Mgambo Forest Reserve: A biodiversity survey. - Eastern Arc ...

Mgambo Forest Reserve: A biodiversity survey. - Eastern Arc ...


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<strong>Mgambo</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong><br />

Otolemur garnetti (Small eared galago), which was also seen and heard frequently around<br />

basecamp in an area of riverine forest on the reserve border; Otolemur crassicaudatus (Greater<br />

galago), a species typically known to inhabit open Miombo-type woodland, indicating it’s<br />

presence on the Miombo ridge tops of <strong>Mgambo</strong> FR and, lastly, Petrodromus tetradactylus (Fourtoed<br />

elephant shrew). All of the nocturnal species identifications were verified by Andy Perkins, a<br />

visiting Galago expert, with an extensive knowledge on other nocturnal species.<br />

There was also much evidence of grazing by domestic livestock, goats and cattle. This is a<br />

problem within the reserve.<br />

Table 23 Summary of mammal observations in <strong>Mgambo</strong> FR.<br />

Species Common Name Ecol. End. Threat Status Identification Evidence<br />

type status IUCN UDSM CITES confidence<br />

2000 1997 2001<br />


Colobus angolensis Angola Pied<br />

F W DD II Certain obs, voc<br />

palliatus<br />


Colobus<br />

Papio anubis Olive Baboon O W II Possible obs<br />

Papio cynocephalus Yellow Baboon f W II Certain obs,voc,pa,<br />

sp,sk, tr,<br />

fed<br />

Cercopithecus (n.) Gentle Monkey f W II Certain obs, voc,<br />

mitis<br />


fed<br />

Otolemur<br />

crassicaudatus<br />

Greater Galago f W II Certain obs, voc<br />

Otolemur garnettii Small-eared Galago f W II Certain voc<br />

Galagoides<br />

zanzibaricus<br />


Zanzibar Galago F W LR/NT II Certain obs, voc<br />

Pterodromus Four-toed Elephant f W Certain obs,voc<br />

tetradactylus Shrew<br />

Rhynchocyon petersi Zanj Elephant F N EN NT Certain obs, voc,<br />


Shrew<br />

pa, dig<br />

Cephalophus sp. Duiker sp. f W Probable tr, sk, pa<br />

Capra hircus<br />


Domestic Goat O W Certain obs, tr, pa<br />

Heliosciurus undulatus Zanj Sun Squirrel f W LR/NT Certain obs<br />

Paraxerus palliatus<br />


Red-Bellied Coastal<br />

Squirrel<br />

F W VU Near Certain obs<br />

Cricetomys sp.<br />


Giant Pouched Rat O W Possible obs<br />

Praomys sp.<br />


Soft Furred Rat f W Possible obs<br />

Hystrix sp.<br />


Porcupine sp. O W Certain hair<br />

Thryonomys sp.<br />


Cane Rat - - Near Certain fed<br />

Dendrohyrax validus <strong>Eastern</strong> Tree Hyrax f N VU EN Certain voc<br />

East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper 59<br />


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