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F(1,33) - Bowling Green State University


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Subscription Information<br />

Published biannually in March and September, the Journal of Applied Sport Psychowgy is<br />

the official publication of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology<br />

(AAASP). The JASP is a direct benefit of AAASP membership. Please keep your membership<br />

current so that you may receive an uninterrupted personal subscription.<br />

Annual Subscription Rates for nonmembers and institutions (1996):<br />

$US50.00 (USA)<br />

$US60.00* (International)<br />

.. International subscribers, please add $U56.00 for alrmailldeiroerg.<br />




The AAASP Conference rotates on a five-year geographical cycle to the regions listed<br />

below. Please plan your professional calendar accordingly.<br />

1987 Far West-Newport Beach, CA 1994 Northwest-Lake Tahoe, CA<br />

1988 Northeast-Nashua, NH 1995 Central-New Orleans, LA<br />

1989 Northwest-Seattle, WA 19% Southeast-Williamsburg, VA<br />

1990 Central-San Antonio, TX 1997 Far West-8an Diego, CA<br />

1991 Southeast-Savannah, GA 1998 Northeast-Cape Cod, MA<br />

1992 Far West-Colorado Springs, CO 1999 Northwest-Banff, Alberta<br />

1993 Northeast-Montreal, Quebec 2000 Central-Nashville, TN<br />

Printed by Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, KS<br />

Copyright 1998 by the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology.<br />

The JASP is indexed in Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences.<br />

@ This paper meets the requirements of ANSI!NISO Z39.48·1992 (permanence 01 Paper).

Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology<br />

President<br />

Leonard zaichkowsky<br />

Boston <strong>University</strong><br />

Past President<br />

Maureen Weiss<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Oregon<br />

Health Psychology Chair<br />

Carole Oglesby<br />

Temple <strong>University</strong><br />

Social Psychology Chair<br />

Bob Brustad<br />

<strong>University</strong> of North Colorado<br />

Senior Section Head &<br />

Intervention-Performance<br />

Enhancement Chair<br />

John Salmela<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Ottawa<br />

John M. Silva, Founding President<br />

<strong>University</strong> of North Carolina-<br />

Chapel Hill<br />

Ronald E. Smith<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Washington<br />

Robert S. Weinberg<br />

Miami <strong>University</strong><br />

Lawrence R. Brawley<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Waterloo<br />

Daniel Gould<br />

<strong>University</strong> of North Carolina­<br />

<strong>Green</strong>sboro<br />

Leonard B. Zaichkowsky<br />

Boston <strong>University</strong><br />

Executive Board<br />

Past Presidents' Council<br />

President-Elect<br />

Robin Vealey<br />

Miami <strong>University</strong><br />

Secretary-Treasurer<br />

James Whelan<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Memphis<br />

Publications Director<br />

Dale Pease<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Houston<br />

Student Representative<br />

Thad Leffingwell<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Washington<br />

Michael L. Sachs<br />

Temple <strong>University</strong><br />

Charles J. Hardy<br />

Georgia Southern <strong>University</strong><br />

Jean M. Williams<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Arizona<br />

Tara K. Scanlan, Chair<br />

<strong>University</strong> of California,<br />

Los Angeles<br />

Penny McCullagh<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Colorado<br />

Maureen Weiss<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Virginia


What is the Applied in Applied Sport Psychology?:<br />

The Role of Integration<br />


Univer.ri1)' of Cniorooo-Boulder<br />

It is indeed an honor to serve as the 10th President of the Association<br />

for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology. Of course when you<br />

are in this position. it is necessary to decide what sort of message you<br />

want to send to the members. I was forced to sit down and think why I<br />

decided to volunteer my time to this organization and serve for a second<br />

three year tenn on the Executive Board To reassure my memory. I reviewed<br />

both of the position statements I had submitted for your viewing<br />

upon running for office. and I found that I have been drawn to the same<br />

cause or underlying interest. A key word in both my position statements<br />

was integration. and this is what I would like to focus on in my address.<br />

In particular. I would like to focus upon integration across the three subareas<br />

in AAASP and how I see that this has progressed. and then focus<br />

upon integration across research and practice.<br />

First. let me start with integration across our three areas. For the first<br />

ten years of existence. the three areas within our society operated fairly<br />

independently in terms of how the program was organized for each year's<br />

conference. Each Section Head earnestly developed their program and<br />

with the help of their committees reviewed abstracts and symposia for<br />

their particular section and independently organized the conference program.<br />

When I came on the Executive Board as a Section Head. I did not<br />

particularly like this organizational structure since I saw so much overlap<br />

between the areas. In fact in my position statement for Section Head and<br />

I gave the following example: "If I were to test theoretical predictions<br />

of observational learning using videotapes in a group session to enhance<br />

individual self-efficacy with the hopes of improving adherence to a rehabilitation<br />

program. "-to what section was I to submit my paper?<br />

It was my contention. that all three sub-areas in AAASP should be<br />

interested in this topic. In my own research, I have always been concerned<br />

Address correspondence to: Penny McCullagh, Ph.D., Dept. of Kinesiology, <strong>University</strong><br />

of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, mccullagh@colorado.edu, 303-492-8021<br />

S 1 ]()4.]·32OO1981S1--S 10$1.0010<br />

Copyright 1998 by AssociatiOJl for A

52 I McCullagh<br />

about integratiug across more than one specific area. The reality of this<br />

lack of integration at AAASP came at one of the conferences when I was<br />

involved in a symposium in the Social Psychology Section that involved<br />

my own primary research interest in the area of observational learning<br />

or modeling. I along with Mo Weiss, John Noble and Frances Flint presented<br />

a symposium on Modeling: The Forgotten Factor in Psychological<br />

Skill Development. As per our usual style, we presented a conceptual<br />

framework demonstrating how modeling in addition to modifying physical<br />

or sport skills may also impact such psychological factors as selfefficacy,<br />

anxiety and attributions. We noted that a considerable amount<br />

of research had been conducted examining this topic in both the educational<br />

and medical literature but had elusively escaped attention in our<br />

own field. The final paper in the symposium was an application of modeling<br />

techniques to a rehabilitation setting.<br />

We seemed to receive a good feedback on the symposium and I was<br />

pleased with the outcome until I went to a session in the Intervention!<br />

Performance Enhancement Section the next day. This was a workshop<br />

lead by Wayne Halliwell on "Using Videos to Enhance Athletic Performance".<br />

While not labeled so, and although the terminology was not the<br />

same, he was talking from a very practical standpoint, about using cbservational<br />

learning techniques to modify psychological skills of elite<br />

athletes. From my perspective, it was indeed unfortunate that we had not<br />

combined forces and presented a cross-sectional symposium on the topic.<br />

As I continued to serve as the Social Psychology Section Head, we strove<br />

to organize the program so we would have cross-sectional sessions that<br />

addressed concerns from either two or three of our areas. As you will<br />

note, this is also a goal of the recently developed Grant Program and a<br />

look at the current conference program (1995) may have come as a surprise<br />

to many of you. We no longer have sessions designated according<br />

to area. Rather, the submitted papers, symposia and colloquia were organized<br />

according to thematic or topical areas. Even the poster sessions<br />

were grouped according to topics of a like nature, regardless of section<br />

they were submitted to. Hopefully this integration of the program was a<br />

beginning to providing enhanced conununication to individuals with like<br />

interests and one that we will continue to work on in future programs.<br />

The second topic of integration I would like to speak: to this evening,<br />

concerns integration between research and practice. This is by no means<br />

a new topic for AAASP. In fact the society was founded with the purpose<br />

of "promoting the development of psychological theory research and intervention<br />

strategies in sport psychology" and the founding President, Dr.<br />

John Silva stated that "We must work to remove the artificial division<br />

between research and practice". (Silva, 1987, p. 1). Thus, this theme is<br />

by no means a new direction for AAASP, but one that I think we must<br />

continually strive to improve. A survey of the nine previous Presidential<br />

Addresses indicates this concern about research and practice to be of<br />

central importance. Since this is our 10th Anniversary meeting, I would

What is Applied? I 83<br />

like to take a few minutes to highlight and review some of these thoughts<br />

as well as add my own conunents.<br />

Ron Smith the second president, was concerned about research and<br />

practice and thus reviewed the Boulder Model of clinical psychology that<br />

had been developed in an attempt to train clinical psychologists in both<br />

research and practice. He talked about its appropriateness for sport psychologists.<br />

He then went on to call for accountability in our practices<br />

suggesting that "we have an ethical, moral and professional obligation to<br />

ensure the consumer is not presented with exaggerated claims" (Smith,<br />

1989, p. 172) thereby emphasizing the need to assess the effectiveness of<br />

our practices. Smith's address provides some excellent advice on how<br />

sport psychology can be accountable both scientifically and publicly and<br />

although his address was delivered over ten years ago, it still provides a<br />

great deal of insightful advice for us all.<br />

The researchlpractice theme continued with our third President, Bob<br />

weinberg. As he made is speech in Nashua in 1988, he suggested that<br />

one of the challenges of our field was the researchlpractice distinction<br />

suggesting that "the key is that all of us working in applied settings<br />

should strive to live up to the spirit of the scientist-practitioner model by<br />

not only providing the best psychological services possible but also putting<br />

the outcome of our work under rigorous scientific scrutiny" (Weinberg,<br />

1989, p. 191). He suggested that we publish applied articles in<br />

coaching and athletic journals as well as present our applied research<br />

through workshops and presentations.<br />

Dan Gould, in addition to providing us with a nice historical perspective<br />

of sport psychology, in his vision for the 90's, called for "integration<br />

and equal respect for sport psychology research and professional practice"<br />

(Gould, 1990, p. 105). He noted the importance of using a variety<br />

of research techniques in our endeavors and called for documentation<br />

from practitioners about practices and experiences gained from working<br />

with clients. He also called for "further developments of the body of<br />

knOWledge" recognizing that "we need a research base to guide professional<br />

practice" (p. 107) and that AAASP could help facilitate this research<br />

base.<br />

Larry Brawley was heavily into Integration in his Presidential address<br />

delivered in San Antonio. He provided some excellent examples from<br />

both social and health psychology that illustrated the importance of integration<br />

between researchers and clinicians, and a glance through current<br />

mainstream psychology journals, demonstrates that such integration is a<br />

continuing concern. He suggested that "if part of AAASP's philosophy<br />

IS the science-practitioner model," we need to insure "that adequate representation<br />

of that model is presented and published at our conference<br />

and in our Journal" (Brawley, 1992, p. 116).<br />

Similarly our current Past Presidents Jean Williams and Tara Scanlan<br />

have called for the need to integrate across sections, develop the sport<br />

psychology knowledge base by developing models and theories to drive<br />

our research and interventions and thus further the science-practitioner

54 I McCullagh<br />

Basic Research<br />

(Levell)<br />

Applied Research<br />

(Level 2)<br />

Applied Research<br />

(Level 3)<br />

Intimate Goal - Develop theory based<br />

knowledge...with no requirement<br />

to demonstrate relevance for solving<br />

practical problems<br />

Intimate Goal - Develop theory-based<br />

knowledge ...in sport settings with no<br />

requirement to find immediate solutions<br />

to ...problems in sport<br />

Uldmate Goal - Find immediate<br />

solutions to ...problems in sport with no<br />

requirement to demonstrate or develop<br />

theory-based knowledge at either Level<br />

I or 2.<br />

Figure I. Levels of Research. Adapted from Christina (1989).<br />

model. Thus the call for integration of theory, research and practice are<br />

not new. In fact Bert Carron (1993) as one of our previous Coleman<br />

Griffith lecturers entitled his talk "Theory, Research and Practice in Sport<br />

Psychology" and cautioned us that "these three activities were never<br />

intended to be independent". He called for the need for conceptual models<br />

to guide our research and interventions and suggested that integration of<br />

theory, research and practice was both logically and professional sound.<br />

Perhaps, however, we need to examine some conceptual models about<br />

how to integrate theory, research and practice.<br />

As I reviewed the literature on this topic, and indeed there are plenty<br />

of musings available, two papers surfaced in guiding my thoughts on this<br />

topic. The first was by Dr. Bob Christina presented at a Future Directions<br />

symposium held at Arizona <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> (Christina, 1989). This paper<br />

serves as a good companion piece to an earlier paper on the concern for<br />

theory testing in sport psychology published by Dan Landers (1983) as<br />

well as a number of other sport psychology papers presented at the ASU<br />

symposium (Feltz, 1989; Landers, 1989; Suinn, 1989).<br />

For this address I would particularly like to draw on Christina's paper.<br />

For those of you who don't know, Dr. Christina started out as a baseball<br />

coach and assistant professor at myoid alma mater, SUNY Brockport,<br />

and in fact I took my first sport psychology class from him. He continued<br />

on as a motor learning professor, department chair and is currently the<br />

Dean of the School of Health and Human Performance at UNC <strong>Green</strong>sboro.<br />

In his address "Whatever happened to applied research in motor<br />

learning?" he was specifically concerned with research within his own<br />

sub-field but addended his remarks suggesting they were applicable to<br />

many other sub-disciplines. He suggested that there are three types of<br />

research as identified in this Figure l.

86 I McCullagh<br />

vices and do application of sport psychology. My general response iswhat<br />

do you want to apply? My point here is that I think we need to<br />

make a clear distinction between applied research and application and I<br />

instead would prefer to call the use of interventions in sport psychology<br />

as the practice of sport psychology and leave the term application out of<br />

it. However, .if we focus to a large extent on practice, how are we to<br />

develop a body of knowledge specific to sport psychology? Can there<br />

really be a link between basic and applied research and practice?<br />

After reading numerous papers from the clinical, counseling and mainstream<br />

psychology literature, I was attracted to an address by Donald<br />

Peterson presented as a Distinguished Education and Training Contributions<br />

award address at the 98th annual APA Convention (peterson, 1991).<br />

This paper helped address this issue and extended the notions expressed<br />

in Christina's position. In this address, Peterson noted that as a result of<br />

the development of the Boulder Model in psychology, the link between<br />

science and practice was assumed to be direct and unidirectional:<br />

Basic Applied T hn I Professional eli<br />

S cience · -+Research' ec oogy'Appli cation . , ent<br />

The notion here was that once principles were established at the basic<br />

science level, they could then be used at the applied research level to<br />

develop whatever technologies were needed to put the ideas into professional<br />

practice and be delivered to the client. "In this scheme, temporal<br />

priority, generality and social value are ordered from left to right. Attempting<br />

application before the necessary research was done and the laws<br />

of nature were understood was considered dangerous." (peterson, 1991,<br />

p. 425). As we are well aware, some individuals within the field of sport<br />

psychology are quite vociferous in stating this same notion.<br />

However, Peterson suggests that due to psychology's success after<br />

World War Il a more reciprocal relationship between science and practice<br />

was assumed--"a1though it was never assumed that practice and science<br />

were of equal value". However, the rules of basic science still prevailed.<br />

Practitioners, even ifthey did not publish research, were expected to think<br />

scientifically in their approaches to client problems and graduate programs<br />

still focused on traditional research paradigms for solving problems. Peterson<br />

noted that this state of affairs was indeed unfortunate since science<br />

and practice differ in fundamental ways. He noted that whether one is<br />

conducting basic or applied research, the focus of inquiry is determined<br />

by the researcher. The primary goal is to minimize the influence of extraneous<br />

variables and Type I errors. The process begins and ends with<br />

enhancing knowledge about the issue at hand; In professional practice,<br />

however, the focus is not determined by the professional practitioner, but<br />

rather by the client and the practitioner must address rather than ignore<br />

the extraneous variables.<br />

Thus Peterson suggested a model for "Professional Activity as a Disciplined<br />

Inquiry". This model illustrated in Figure 2 helps elevate the<br />

role of practice in contributing to knowledge. Within this model, the needs

88 / McCullagh<br />

assimilation occurs and the knowledge gained is added to the current bank<br />

of information.<br />

The bottom line, according to Peterson is "that if the inquiry or run<br />

of inquiries has been conducted in a systematic way, to allow generalization<br />

of findings, contributions to research or theory may result". Peterson<br />

well recognizes that in professional situations, the interests of the clients<br />

are of primary importance and will prevail over other interests thus making<br />

data collection that meets the rigors of normal science nearly impossible.<br />

He also recognizes that interventions are often delivered in complex<br />

packages to enhance the effectiveness of interventions and are thus not<br />

as cleanly defined as we might want in a standard research paradigm.<br />

Nevertheless, if over time, a practitioner foIlows the scheme advocated<br />

here and takes care in both the assessment and evaluation stages of their<br />

practice, it will probably include some sort of documentation or write-up<br />

of these practices. The documentation phase is very important, but one<br />

that does not seem to occur very often within our field. If the practices<br />

are documented, then individuals carrying out basic and applied research<br />

have access to this knowledge, and the valuable information gained can<br />

contribute to the research/theory base and thus close the circle in our<br />

development of knowledge. The documentation can also serve to help<br />

other practitioners and allows for evaluation of an individuals' practices<br />

by others.<br />

An excellent example demonstrating researcher/practitioner collaboration<br />

was published in the recent issue of The Sport Psychologist (Cogan<br />

& Petrie. 1995). These researchers identified an intervention and target<br />

skills from the first author's experience as a competitive gymnast. Upon<br />

completion of a pilot intervention program, the gymnasts offered feedback<br />

on both the strengths and weaknesses ofthe program. This feedback<br />

was used to hone the intervention. In addition the coach requested assistance<br />

with enhancing team cohesion and leadership. Based on the feedback<br />

the new intervention occurred and the researchers assessed its effectiveness<br />

by measuring anxiety and cohesion over the course of the<br />

season using both group and individual level analyses.<br />

A quote from Peterson with some additions from myself, summarize<br />

my thoughts here; "Basic research, applied research and professional<br />

work are all required, although it is absurd to expect the same people to<br />

do them all. We are likely to serve the public most effectively and to<br />

advance most rapidly as a discipline if basic scientists, applied scientists<br />

and professionals work toward their separate goals in cooperative and<br />

complementary ways" (p. 429) .<br />

So where are we? I think we still have a long way to go but with a<br />

little cooperation, our task is not insurmountable. Let me provide a metaphor<br />

to illustrate my point.<br />

In writing music, a composer works endlessly to design an intricate<br />

and elaborate score that builds on their knowledge of music theory and<br />

past experience. When the composer is satisfied with the anticipated harmony,<br />

the orchestra comes together to practice their already rehearsed

What is Applied? I 89<br />

parts. 1b illustrate the role of cooperation, Peterson used the example of<br />

a string quartet. "When the viola and the cellojoin the violins, the violins<br />

do not stop playing. All blend together in a rich harmony. If dissonance<br />

is heard, it is not useful for the performers to smash the instruments of<br />

their fellow artists. If the cellist hears the viola going fiat, a gentle comment<br />

to the partner is in order. But the best thing all of them can do is<br />

tune their own instruments". (peterson, 1991, p. 429)<br />

To further build on the role of cooperation, take the example of when<br />

a ballet is set to a musical score-the dancers may not be able to meld<br />

their bodies to the tempo of the music or they have their own interpretations<br />

ofthe music and thus the conductor must make some modifications<br />

to the tempo proposed in the original score. Although these modifications<br />

may not have been welcomed or anticipated by the composer, and although<br />

the talented musicians sit in the pit and are not even seen by the<br />

audience, the final product, produced by the conductor, musicians and<br />

ballet dancers clearly convinces us of the need for cooperation at all<br />

levels.'<br />


Brawley, L. R. (1992). Dealing with reality in order to develop AAASP's future. JOUrrli11<br />

ofApplied Sport Psychology, 4, 102-119.<br />

Carron. A. V. (993). Toward the integration of theory, research and practice in sport psychology.<br />

JOUrrli11 ofApplied Sport Psychology, 5, 201-222.<br />

Christina, R. W. (1989). Whatever happened to applied research in motor learning? In J.<br />

Skinner, C. Corbin, D. Landers, P. Martin, & C. Wells (&is.). Future directions in<br />

exercise and spon science research (pp. 411--422). Champaign, m.: Human Kinetics.<br />

Cogan, K. D., & Petrie, T. A. (1995). Sport consultation: An evaluation of a season-long<br />

intervention with female collegiate gymnasts. The Spon Psychologist, 9. 282-296.<br />

Peltz, D. (1989). Theoretical research in sport psychology: From applied psychology toward<br />

sport science. In J. Skinner, C. Corbin, D Landers, P. Martin & C. Wells (Eds.). Future<br />

directions in exercise and sport science research (pp. 435-452). Champaign, Ill.: Human<br />

Kinetics.<br />

Landers, D. M. (1983). Whatever happened to theory testing in sport psychology? JOUrrli11<br />

ofSport Psychology, 5, 135-151.<br />

Landers, D. M. (1989). Sport psychology: A commentary. In J. Skinner, C. Corbin. 0<br />

Landers, P. Martin & C. Wells (Eds.). Future directions in exercise and sport science<br />

research (pp. 475--486). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.<br />

Peterson, D. R. (1991). Connection and disconnection of research and practice in the education<br />

of professional psychologists. American Psychologist. April, 422-429.<br />

Silva, J. (1987). AAASP: Committed to enhancing professional standards and advancing<br />

applied research. AAASP Newsletter, 2(1), 1,13.<br />

Smith, R. E. (1989). Applied sport psychology in an age of accountability. Journal of Applied<br />

Sport Psychology, 1, 166-180.<br />

Suinn, R. M. (1989). Models from behavioral clinical psychology for sport psychology. In<br />

J. Skinner, C. Corbin, D Landers, P. Martin & C. Wells (Eds.). Future directions in<br />

exercise and sport science research (pp. 453-473). Champaign, m.: Human Kinetics.<br />

1 Thanks 10 Kate Hays for her suggestions to modify my original metaphor.

810 ! McCullagh<br />

Weinberg, R. S. Applied sport psychology: Issues and challenges. JouT1IQI ofApplied Sport<br />

Pli)lchology, 1, 181-195.<br />

Author Nores: This talk was delivered as lhe Presidential Address at the 10th Anniversary<br />

Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology held in<br />

New Orleans from September 25 to October 1, 1995.

IOUIlNAL OF i\PI'UED SPOilT PSYCHOLOGY 10, Sll-S24 (1998)<br />

"Passionate Collaboration": Reflections on the Directions of<br />

Applied Sport Psychology in the Coming Millennium<br />


<strong>University</strong> ofVirginia<br />

As with many of my ten distinguished colleagues who stood up here<br />

before me, I struggled from the moment I became president-elect with<br />

what unique vision I could bring to the organization, how I might demonstrate<br />

creativity in my leadership capabilities, and how I could facilitate<br />

achieving the goals stated over the past decade in a new decade ... indeed<br />

a new millenniwn. I started with the idea that I needed to be entirely<br />

original with my thoughts and list several new goals for the future of<br />

AAASP.<br />

So I plunged in head first and pored over each of the presidential<br />

addresses published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology (JASP)<br />

and my scribbled notes from their presentations at business meetings past,<br />

and made detailed outlines of the themes and take-home messages contained<br />

within them. Then I sat back and reviewed the issues, goals, and<br />

directions that were offered by the ten presidents before me. I was looking<br />

for an opening, no matter how small, in which I could blaze my own<br />

original words of wisdom for the organization and field of sport psychology.<br />

Well. trying to find that opening-just one unique thought, feeling,<br />

or action statement on which to hang my cap (baseball cap of<br />

course)--was not an easy task. Upon this reflection, I panicked for several<br />

weeks ... and then the solution emerged almost out ofthin air as thoughts<br />

often do in moments of crisis.<br />

I decided that originality in leadership need not only come from adding<br />

to the goals and objectives of an organization, but may also emerge from<br />

!he creativity in synthesizing and consolidating the volume of issues fac­<br />

JOg AAASP in the coming millennium. The process of synthesizing and<br />

consolidating issues could inspire a parsimonious set of themes upon<br />

which we can focus our efforts. But of the enormity of issues identified<br />

Address correspondence to: Maureen R. Weiss. Ph.D., Health and Physical Education,<br />

201 Memorial Gymnasium, <strong>University</strong> of Virginia, Cberlottesville, VA 22903,<br />

1lifW5d@viIginia.edu<br />

Sll 1041-12OO1981SI1--S24$I.lXW<br />

Copyright 1998 by A'socilllion for AdvaI>

812 I Weiss<br />

in previous presidential addresses, what issues should I focus on and how<br />

could I weave them together into a coherent story?<br />

In his presidential address at the Seattle meeting in 1989, Dan Gould<br />

(1990) mentioned his struggle to compose a presidential address, grappling<br />

with whether to bring up controversial issues or to "stay safe" with<br />

highlighting the progress applied sport psychology has made thus far. He<br />

resolved his personal struggle in a serendipitous manner while he was<br />

reading a chapter on coaching leadership as he prepared for a class lecture.<br />

It's funny that we often commiserate over what to say and how to<br />

say it, and then it comes to you in a flash when you're least thinking<br />

about it. So it was for me too.<br />

In the fall of 1995 as I was embarking on my 15th year as a professional<br />

in the field, I felt a little lost. I engaged in some thoughtful reflection<br />

about where I had been, where I was presently, and where I was<br />

(should be?) going with my career in sport and exercise psychology. Little<br />

did I know that this would mean literally as well as figuratively. A good<br />

friend of mine in the publishing business recommended that I read a book<br />

that he thought would be relevant and meaningful to my recent musings<br />

on my professional existence. The book he recommended was Composing<br />

a Life by Mary Catherine Bateson (1990), writer and professor of anthropology<br />

and English at George Mason <strong>University</strong>. Little did I know<br />

that the book and its take-home messages would be a crystal ball for not<br />

only helping me understand my current professional situation and stimulating<br />

my decision to evoke discontinuity in my life by leaving the<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Oregon after 16 years, but more importantly for my immediate<br />

purposes it also sparked the ideas, and the title, for this presidential<br />

address.<br />

The book, as the title "composing a life" implies, documents the lives<br />

of five women who have been successful in both their professional and<br />

personal achievements. It focuses upon how energies toward professional<br />

goals need not be narrowly defined but should be continually refocused<br />

and redefined. It focuses upon the discontinuities in one's lifetime, the<br />

importance and healthiness of change, and the critical theme of interdependence<br />

in one's professional as well as personal life. While Composing<br />

a Life specifically addresses the need for individuals to take the time to<br />

reflect upon their professional and personal commitments, the analogy to<br />

understanding the present and future commitments of an institution, such<br />

as AAASp, was in my opinion logical and timely.<br />

Thus the changes in my own professional career, the honor and privilege<br />

of being president for this proactive and exciting organization, and<br />

the lessons proffered in this book converged. Hence the title of my address,<br />

"Passionate Collaboration." Passionate collaboration is one of the<br />

key themes of the book, referring to the possibilities ofproductivity when<br />

two or more individuals seek a common goal with different but complementary<br />

perspectives. The theme of passionate collaboration was an immediate<br />

attractor for me for, as many of you know, I strongly believe that<br />

passion is the most important quality characterizing one's commitment to,

814 I Weiss<br />

Psychology, for both of these themes-research and practiee-are indeed<br />

applied in nature. But sometimes these themes have been seen more in<br />

conflict than concert among the membership. This is evidenced by Dan<br />

Gould's (1990) premonition that a research-practice schism represents a<br />

major obstacle to advancing applied sport psychology and the goals of<br />

AAASP, a theme that is reinforced by several presidents in their addresses.<br />

Other presidents alluded to the confusion often surrounding the term "applied"<br />

in applied sport psychology.<br />

Larry Brawley (1992) identified as one of AAASP's future realities the<br />

need to define applied sport psychology and determine the boundaries for<br />

research and practice. For example, the majority of graduate school inquiries<br />

and media interview requests I receive assume that sport psychology<br />

is all about performance enhancement, especially in high-level<br />

athletes. Obviously, applied sport psychology extends much more broadly<br />

to issues such as personal development, physical activity and health, and<br />

individuals ranging in age, culture, and racelethnicity. But the lack of a<br />

clear definition of applied sport psychology perpetuates the cloud of uncertainty<br />

many individuals have about our identity. Jean williams (1995),<br />

as one of her goals and issues during her presidency, encouraged that we<br />

"promote the 'applied' in AAASP" and clarified this as providing an<br />

open and interactive environment for those who do consulting work in<br />

the field. The confusion surrounding the term "applied" and the definition<br />

of applied sport psychology prompted Penny McCullagh (1998) to ask in<br />

her address, "What is the 'applied' in AAASP"?<br />

But after all, don't we all do applied sport psychology whether our<br />

efforts are primarily as researchers or consultants, whether our training<br />

emanates from sport science or psychology, or we identify ourselves as<br />

educational or clinical sport psychology specialists? I will certainly argue<br />

this point and strongly urge that we put our artificial boundaries as researchers<br />

and practitioners aside, and collaborate passionately to achieve<br />

the goals of AAASP and the broader field of sport psychology. As a<br />

personal note, I believe that most people would classify me as a sport<br />

psychology researcher, yet it has been my experiences as a practitioneryouth<br />

sport and collegiate coach, coach educator, and director of a largescale<br />

children's sport program-that have inspired my research ideas. Research<br />

findings, in turn, are always translated to practical implications for<br />

youth athletes, coaches, and parents. In my piece, "Who will take care<br />

of the children?" (Weiss, 1989) I argued for sport psychology specialists<br />

to target all developmental levels as a focus of research and practice,<br />

whether it be in the social, health, or intervention areas of sport psychology<br />

(or most likely the integration of these areas). Thus I contend<br />

that the focus of all our efforts-research and practice ... the three areas<br />

within AAASP ... the age and skill level of research participants/clients<br />

... and the social context of our target efforts (competitive sport. exercise,<br />

rehabilitation}--is applied in nature.<br />

The confusion over what is "applied sport psychology" is also easily<br />

understood if we peruse the Directory ofGraduate Programs in Applied

516 I Weiss<br />

plied sport psychology knowledge base" and "Enhance our professional<br />

development and image". How do we get there?-Passionate collaboration.<br />

I<br />

Passionate Collaboration<br />

Lest people misconstrue my urgings for "passionate collaboration" and<br />

to facilitate my discussion of this concept, an operational definition is in<br />

order. There are many definitions for the term "passionate" but for our<br />

purposes here we can use the synonyms of easily moved, excited, and<br />

characterized by passion or intense emotion. "Collaboration" means to<br />

work or act jointly, to share in scientific or other intellectual production;<br />

it certainly implies the themes ofinterdependence, integration, and mutual<br />

respect.<br />

Passionate collaboration is the main theme of Composing a Life. To<br />

further illuminate the concept of and potential for passionate collaboration<br />

let me share with you some of the quotes that were so appealing to me<br />

in translating the theme of passionate collaboration to our goals and vision<br />

for the future. Some of the quotes that, for me, carried analogs between<br />

our personal and professional lives included:<br />

• "one of the striking facts of most lives is the recurrence of threads<br />

of continuity, the re-echoing of earlier themes ... tt<br />

(p. 8)<br />

• "composing a life involves a continual reimagining of the future and<br />

reinterpretations of the past to give meaning to the present" (pp.<br />

29-30)<br />

• "composing a life means integrating one's own commitments with<br />

the differences created by change and the differences that exist between<br />

the peoples of the world with whom we increasingly come<br />

into contact" (p. 59)<br />

• "when we are fortunate...we work alongside many different kinds<br />

of people learning and teaching in complex complementarities" (p.<br />

75)<br />

• "work relationships of any kind are enlivened by difference combined<br />

with mutual commitment" (p. 78)<br />

• "for complementarity to be truly creative, it is not sufficient for need<br />

to run in both directions; it is necessary to acknowledge that both<br />

contributions are of equal value and that both are freely given" (p.<br />

lOD)<br />

• "unless we treasure our differences, we will never achieve interdependence"<br />

(p. 105)<br />

This last quote is my favorite as I believe it is particularly salient to<br />

successfully achieving our goals and dreams within the field and the organization,<br />

as well as in our collegial and personal relationships. So ...<br />

passionate collaboration alludes to mutual commitment, reciprocity, and<br />

interdependence in pursuit of our common goals by celebrating our individual<br />

differences and unique contributions. Our common goal as sport<br />

psychologists is to move the field forward in scientific research and pro-

SI8 J Weiss<br />

we should work to achieve these goals, I now discuss specific issues<br />

within each theme that I believe AAASP and the field of sport psychology<br />

should address as we approach the coming millennium.<br />

Issues Facing the MILlennium: Enhancing the Applied Sport Psychology<br />

Knowledge Base<br />

I've adopted the acronym MIL to represent issues within each theme<br />

that are relevant to both applied sport psychology researchers and practitioners.<br />

For the first theme, "Enhancing the applied sport psychology<br />

knowledge base" MIL is denoted by:<br />

• Measurement<br />

• Intervention<br />

• Lifespan<br />

Measurement Issues. The quality of our work is dependent on the accuracy<br />

with which we measure our psychological constructs and other<br />

salient variables (e.g., physical activity, athletic performance, exercise intensity,<br />

program compliance). While several excellent models of instrument<br />

development exist in both mainstream psychology and sport psychology,<br />

we have not emulated these efforts frequently enough in my<br />

opinion. Perhaps this is a result of primarily focusing our efforts upon<br />

building a scientific knowledge base. In the coming millennium we will<br />

need to keep pace with the number of significant developments in measurement,<br />

design, and statistical analysis. Schutz and Gessaroli (1993)<br />

cogently addressed "use, misuse, and disuse" examples of various statistical<br />

methodologies in sport psychology. Five years later I believe that<br />

we have come a long way in maximizing the appropriate use, and minimizing<br />

the disuse and misuse, of areas such as measurement testing, analysis<br />

of change, and structural equation modeling. Several recent articles<br />

in the 1997 and 1998 volumes of Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology<br />

that focus upon measurement development and validation, as well<br />

as an entire book on sport psychology measurement (Duda, 1998) are<br />

evidence of our progress in this area.<br />

We must continue our efforts to ensure validation of our psychological<br />

measures as well as important behavioral assessments that ultimately signal<br />

the effectiveness of our interventions and model predictions. Such<br />

variables include athletic performance, exercise behavior, and motivated<br />

behavior (e.g., choice, effort, persistence). Additionally, there now exist<br />

many types of research designs (e.g., single-subject, multivariate) and<br />

statistical methodologies (e.g., qualitative, structural equation modeling)<br />

that allow us to answer important research questions and prescribe practical<br />

implications based on these findings. Other major measurement issues<br />

include the behavioral validation of measures (i.e., do scores on a<br />

psychological construct actually predict behavior such as performance or<br />

motivation?), cross-cultural assessment considerations, and cross-validation<br />

of quantitative and qualitative methods.<br />

Intervention Programs. More intervention research is sorely needed in

Passionate Collaboration I Sl9<br />

sport and exercise psychology. While our colleagues in clinical psychology<br />

and other areas of kinesiology (e.g., exercise physiology, biomechanics)<br />

test and document a variety of cognitive and/or behavioral interventions,<br />

the majority of sport and exercise psychology research continues<br />

to be correlational in nature. I'm not only talking about the need<br />

for more traditional experimental designs (e.g., treatment/control differences)<br />

but also alternative methodologies such as single-subject designs<br />

or ideographic methods as advocated by Ron Smith (1989) in his presidential<br />

address. We need more research evidence for the effectiveness of<br />

our psychological methods such as relaxation, self-talk, and imagery on<br />

performance enhancement and anxiety reduction (Vealey, 1994); for social<br />

and psychological interventions designed to enhance self-perceptions.<br />

affective responses, motivation, and physical activity behavior; and, for<br />

physical activity or exercise interventions on socioemotional and physical<br />

health outcomes. Although we can point to a few review articles and<br />

empirical studies that have demonstrated intervention effectiveness, I believe<br />

that the credibility and visibility of the field will be enhanced considerably<br />

as we increase the knowledge base in this area. This research<br />

must be developed and documented not only by the academics of our<br />

group but importantly by the clinicians who work one-on-one with clients<br />

on a variety of interventions to enhance health, performance, and social<br />

psychological outcomes.<br />

I believe that our theoretical and empirical knowledge base is strong<br />

enough to inspire informed intervention programs such as the coach education<br />

research conducted by Smith and Smoll in the last 20 years. I<br />

encourage professionals and students alike to conduct intervention studies<br />

while using the appropriate types of methodologies (nomothetic, ideographic)<br />

that will be most conducive to the purpose, design, and desired<br />

outcomes of the treatment. I think it is also crucial that we document<br />

whether our treatment effectiveness is short-lived or enduring by collecting<br />

follow-up assessments, as well as establishing the meaningfulness of<br />

our findings by calculating and reporting effect sizes or other indicators<br />

of clinical significance. Vealey's (1994) excellent paper on problems and<br />

solutions in intervention research in sport psychology serves as an invaluable<br />

resource as individuals grapple with the number of real-world<br />

issues that confront the successful execution of field-based intervention<br />

studies.<br />

Lifespan Development. The knowledge base in sport psychology over<br />

the last two decades, in particular, provides a strong basis for understanding<br />

psychosocial factors and physical activity (i.e., sport, exercise) behavior<br />

in youth ages 8 to 14 years and in college-age adults (typically 18<br />

to 22 years). We know relatively little, however, about children younger<br />

than 8 years, adolescents between the ages of 14 and 18 years, and middle<br />

and older adults. Given the recent Surgeon General's report (U.S. Department<br />

of Health and Human Services, 1996) on declining physical<br />

activity levels, especially across the adolescent years, it is important that<br />

as sport and exercise psychologists we participate in the tracking of at-

820 I Weiss<br />

titudes, emotions, and behaviors from young childhood through adolescence<br />

and adulthood. As well, worldwide interest in health-related quality<br />

of life in middle and older adulthood begs considerably more efforts in<br />

determining the psychosocial factors that predict quality of life, as well<br />

as the consequences of a physically active lifestyle on socioemotional<br />

health. Salient lifespan-related questions also converge nicely with the<br />

latest statistical technologies available to analyze multiple variables assessed<br />

at multiple data points in terms of the nature and pattern of change,<br />

as well as between- and within-individual variability (Schutz, 1998).<br />

At the 1996 through 1998 AAASP conferences (Williamsburg, San<br />

Diego, Cape Cod), only a handful of papers were devoted to understanding<br />

very young children, adolescents, and older adults. For the knowledge<br />

base to advance we need to focus more research efforts on age groups<br />

that have been understudied and underserved, as well as individuals in<br />

varying social contexts beyond traditional competitive sport. such as<br />

school physical education. unstructured physical activity, and rehabilitation<br />

settings. An excellent example of such efforts is Steven Danish's<br />

"Going for the Goal" (GOAL) and SUPER ("Sports United to Promote<br />

Education and Recreation") programs that target teaching life skills (e.g.,<br />

goal setting, self-responsibility) to at-risk youth within the context of<br />

learning sport skills (Danish & Nellon, 1997). It is time that we more<br />

closely follow Dan Gould's (1990) urging to provide "sport psychology<br />

for all" including very young children just launching into their sport<br />

experiences and older adults who are motivated to be physically active<br />

for social and health reasons.<br />

Issues Facing the MIllennium: Enhancing Our Professional Development<br />

and Image<br />

As with the first theme, I have identified what I believe to be key issues<br />

for the second theme, "Enhancing our professional development and image".<br />

MIL is denoted by:<br />

• Mentoring<br />

• Interdependence<br />

• Leadership<br />

Mentoring. The mentor-protege relationship is one of the greatest treasures<br />

we have in both academic and clinical settings. Thus, to advance the<br />

field we need to put the mentoring role on center stage. Mentoring was<br />

the key theme pervading Charlie Hardy's (1994) presidential address, and<br />

the descriptors he used for defining mentoring are consistent with the<br />

theme of "passionate collaboration." Specifically, Hardy identified passion<br />

for the field of sport psychology as the most important characteristic<br />

of an effective mentor-protege relationship. Moreover he introduced the<br />

concept of "promotive interdependence". a cooperative style in which<br />

the success of one individual improves the probability of the other's success,<br />

as a way to nurture the benefits of mentoring relationships. Many<br />

other words of wisdom were offered by Hardy to those who are com-

822 I Weiss<br />

derstanding females' involvement in physical activity and sport by integrating<br />

knowledge from psychological, physiological, biomechanical, and<br />

sociological perspectives (Harris, 1972). Thus the wisdom of the quote<br />

from Composing a Life, "the recurrence of threads of continuity, the reechoing<br />

of earlier themes.. _"<br />

It seems as if we continually advocate the benefits of interdependence<br />

but do not maximize what it has to offer. Under previous presidents there<br />

have been several areas of integration accomplished: awarding of grants<br />

that integrate two or more areas; liaison with the USOC in the certification<br />

process; and attempts on AAASP's part to integrate services with the<br />

NCAA (with no success yet) to name a few. In light of some of the<br />

recommendations I have offered in this manuscript, I still would like to<br />

see researchers and practitioners collaborate (passionately ofcourse) more<br />

frequently on intervention effectiveness research or documentation, and<br />

on integrated workshops or symposia for the AAASP conference. These<br />

suggestions echo what several previous presidents urged but I reiterate<br />

this plea because I have not seen a great deal of movement toward these<br />

goals. I encourage members to creatively think of ways to implement<br />

some of these ideas of interdependence mentioned by just about every<br />

president in their addresses.<br />

Leadership. Leadership has been the heart and soul of AAASP. It is<br />

absolutely staggering how many individuals contribute directly to the<br />

goals of the organization: 9 executive board members; committee members<br />

for social, health, and performance enhancement areas (about 15<br />

members); 8-10 standing committees and their members (about 40-45<br />

members); dissertation and D.¥. Harris award committees (about 6-8<br />

members); ad hoc committees and their members (about 10-15 members);<br />

past-presidents' council (II members); and journal and newsletter editors,<br />

editorial board members, and reviewers (about 30 members) for well over<br />

100 leadership positions at anyone shot. When we combine these numbers<br />

with over 300 submissions that we receive for the annual conference,<br />

it is clear that the success of the organization is directly attributable to<br />

the individuals who are willing to give oftheir invaluable time to writing,<br />

reviewing, presenting, serving on committees, and running for office.<br />

To sustain this outstanding record, I encourage you to continue to send<br />

your best and most creative work to our conference review committee,<br />

say "yes" when called upon to serve on committees or run for office,<br />

and seek ways in which you can become more involved in the organization.<br />

I really like Larry Brawley's (1992) idea of practical leadership<br />

workshops at our conference where senior members might mentor junior<br />

members in ways they can best contribute their leadership to the organization.<br />

This, of course, would be an excellent way of reinforcing the<br />

interdependence theme, and contribute toward several other goals mentioned<br />

in this paper.<br />

I need to embellish upon two areas of leadership roles. The first is<br />

running for election to the executive board. It has been quite difficult to<br />

secure individuals to run for office in the past several years; this obser-

824 I Weiss<br />

Dreyfuss. L (1996, August 10). Sports psychology: Bull market. or bull? Detroit Free Press.<br />

p.2B.<br />

Duda, J. L. (Ed.) (1998). Advances in sport and exercise psychology measurement. Morgantown,<br />

WV: Fitness Information Technology.<br />

Gould, D. (1990). AAASP: A vision for the 1990's. Journal ofApplied Sport Psychology,<br />

2,99-116.<br />

Hanly, C. J. (1994). Nurturing our future through effective mentoring: Developing roots as<br />

well as wings. Journal ofApplied Sport Psychology, 6. 1%--204.<br />

Harris, D. V. (Ed.) (1972). Women and sport: A national research conference. <strong>University</strong><br />

Park, PA: HPER Series, Pennsylvania <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Henry, E M. (1978). The academic discipline of physical education. Quest. 29. 13-29.<br />

McCullagh, P. (1998, Supplement). What is the applied in Applied Sport Psychology? Journal<br />

ofApplied Sport Psychology, 10, SI-8IO.<br />

Sachs, M. L., Burke, K. L., & Gomer, S. (Eds.) (1998). Directory ofgraduate programs in<br />

applied sport psychology (5th Ed.). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Infonnation Technology.<br />

Scanlan, T. K. (1994, Fall). Headline headline headline headline. AAASP Newsletter. 9(3),<br />

1-2.<br />

Schutz, R. W. (1998). Assessing the stability of psychological traits and measures. In J. L.<br />

Duda (Ed.), Advances in sport and exercise psychology measurement (pp. 393--408).<br />

Morgantown, WV: Fitness lnfurmation Technology.<br />

Schutz, R. W., & Gessaroli, M. E. (1993). Use, misuse, and disuse of psychometrics in sport<br />

psychology research. In R. N. Singer, M Murphey, & L. K. Tennant (&Is.), Handbook<br />

of research on sport psyclwlogy (pp. 901-917). New York: Macmillan.<br />

Silva, J. M. (1989). Establishing professional standards and advancing applied sport psychology<br />

research. Journal ofApplied Sport Psychology, J, 160-165.<br />

Smith, R. E. (1989). Applied sport psychology in an age of accountability. Journal of<br />

Applied Sport Psychology, J, 166-180.<br />

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1996). Physical cu:tiviry and health; A<br />

report of the surgeon general. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human<br />

Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.<br />

veatey, R. S. (1994). Current status and prominent issues in sport psychology interventions.<br />

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26, 495-502.<br />

Weinberg, R. S. (1989). Applied sport psychology: Issues and challenges. Journal ofApplied<br />

Sport psychology, 1. 181-195.<br />

Weiss, M. R. (1989, Fall). Who will take care of the children? AAASP Newsletter, 4(3), 7.<br />

wuttams, J. M. (1995). Applied sport psychology: Goals, issues, and challenges. Journal of<br />

Applied Sport Psychology, 7. 81-91.<br />

Wilmore, J. H. (1998). Building strong academic programs for our future. Quest, 50. 103­<br />

107.<br />

Author Notes: I gratefully thank Tony Amorose, Emilio Ferrer Ceja. Penny McCullagh,<br />

and Alan Smith for their helpful and thoughtful comments on this manuscript. This manuscript<br />

is based on my presidential address given at the 11th annual AAASP Conference in<br />

Wtlliamsburg, Virginia in October, 1996.

Jl)l.1ItNAL OF API'UEll SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 10, 525-$67 (1998)<br />

Titles of Invited Presentations<br />

Coleman R. Griffith Lecture<br />

"Embracing Victory. Embracing Defeat: Life Lessons in Competition and<br />

Compassion"<br />

Mariah Burton Nelson<br />

Author, Journalist, and Speaker<br />

Arlington. VA<br />

Health Psychology Keynote<br />

"Health and Active Lifestyle in Diverse Communities: Potentials for Sport<br />

Psychology"<br />

Byllye Y. Avery<br />

Executive Director, National Black Women's Health Project<br />

Philadelphia, PA<br />

Inten'entiolllPerformance Enhancement KeyJlote<br />

"Fruits of Collaboration"<br />

John T. Partington, Ph.D.<br />

Carleton <strong>University</strong>, Ottawa, ON<br />

Sodal Psychology Keynote<br />

"Self Theories and Goals: Their Role in Motivation<br />

Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.<br />

Columbia <strong>University</strong>, New York<br />

Invited Colloquium<br />

"The Big Five in Sport Psychology Questionnaires: Valid, Visionary, Verified,<br />

Veracious and Versatile: or Vacuous, Vulnerable, Vague, Vaporous and<br />

Voluminous?"<br />

Robert W. Schutz, Ph.D.<br />

<strong>University</strong> of British Columbia<br />

Vancouver, BC<br />

Distinguished Inte.....tional. Sdlolar<br />

"Motivation in Physical Activity and Health"<br />

Stuart Biddle, Ph.D.<br />

Loughborough <strong>University</strong>, UK<br />

Outstanding Dissertation Award<br />

"Pre-Competition Achievement Goals Within Young Spans Performers"<br />

Chris Harwood<br />

Loughborough <strong>University</strong>, UK<br />

Presidential Address<br />

"TOWard Inclusive Exclusiveness: Let's Take Sport Psychology for a Spin"<br />

Robin S. Vealey, Ph.D.<br />

Miami <strong>University</strong><br />

Oxford, OR<br />


S26 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

Symposia<br />

SYMPOSIUM: PosItive and Negative Factors Inftuencing Performance of<br />

U.s. Athletes and Coaches Competing in the 1996 Olympic<br />

Gam..<br />

Daniel Gould, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at <strong>Green</strong>sboro, <strong>Green</strong>sboro. NC<br />

27402; Diane Guinan. The Cooper Institute foc Aerobics Research, Dallas, TX<br />

75230; Christy <strong>Green</strong>leaf, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at <strong>Green</strong>sboro,<br />

<strong>Green</strong>sboro, NC 27402; Kirsten Peterson, US Olympic Committee, Colorado<br />

Springs, CO 80909; Marc Strickland, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at<br />

<strong>Green</strong>sboro, <strong>Green</strong>sboro, NC 27402; Ken Ravizza, California <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

at Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 92834<br />

Though research suggests that some optimal combination of mental states is associated<br />

with superior elite performance (see Hardy, Jones, & Gould, 1996; Williams<br />

& Krane, 1998), little is know about physical, psychological, environmental,<br />

and social factors that influence peak Olympic performance. This symposium<br />

reports findings from a large-scale project designed to examine athletes' and<br />

coaches' perceptions of factors positively and negatively affecting 1996 Olympic<br />

preparation and performance. Data collection involved in-depth interviews with<br />

Olympic athletes and coaches, as well as, survey data from U.S. athletes participating<br />

in the 1996 Games. Interviews were conducted with individual athletes,<br />

groups of athletes, and coaches from teams that either met or exceeded the performance<br />

expectations of their National Governing Body (NGB), and teams that<br />

failed to perfonn up to NGB expectations. Surveys were sent to all 666 U.S.<br />

athletes participating in the 1996 Olympics. 1be results will be presented in three<br />

sections: (a) in-depth interviews with individual Olympic athletes, (b) focus group<br />

interviews with Olympic athletesfm-depth interviews with individual coaches, and<br />

(c) survey data from 298 Olympic athletes. Results suggest that differences did<br />

exist between those who met/exceeded NGB expectations and those who did not.<br />

A critical reaction from a sport psychology consultant will conclude the presentation.<br />

Individualloterviews with 1996 Olympic Athletes<br />

Christy <strong>Green</strong>leaf, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at <strong>Green</strong>sboro, <strong>Green</strong>sboro, NC<br />

27402<br />

In-depth phone interviews that focused on factors perceived to have positively<br />

and negatively influenced performance were conducted with five female and three<br />

male 1996 Olympians. Four athletes met or exceeded the performance expectations<br />

of their NGB and four athletes did not. All athletes indicated the importance<br />

of systematic, long-term mental preparation for competition. Athletes that met oc<br />

exceeded expectations reported the following as positive influences on performance:<br />

simulation of Olympic performance, a "my time to shine" attitude, being<br />

prepared (mentally and physically) better than competitors, using mental skills

S28 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

factors; and sport psychology consultation. The discussion will conclude with a<br />

comparison of (a) Olympic medalists (n = 84) and nonmedalists (n = 193), (b)<br />

athletes who performed below (n = 168), at (n = 92), and above expectations (n<br />

= 25), and (c) athletes who varied in their performance satisfaction ratings (low,<br />

medium, and high).<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Measurement Issues in Self-Presentation and Social<br />

Physique Anxiety<br />

David E. Conroy, Robert W. Motl, & Evelyn G. Hall, <strong>University</strong> of Utah, Salt<br />

Lake City, ill 84112.<br />

Self-presentation and social physique anxiety are two psychological variables<br />

thought to influence exercise experiences and participation. The present symposium<br />

is designed to summarize recent research concerning the measurement of<br />

both self-presentation and social physique anxiety. The first two presentations will<br />

describe the development of the Self-Presentation in Exercise Questionnaire<br />

(SPEQ), an inventory based on Leary and Kowalski's (1990) two-component<br />

model of impression management. First, the two phases of development, which<br />

led researchers to reduce the 125 item pool 10 a factorially-sound 14-item instrument,<br />

wiJl be discussed, The second presentation will discuss evidence of convergent<br />

and discriminant validity which supports the interpretation of these factors<br />

as impression motivation and impression construction. The final presentation will<br />

examine the factor structure and convergent validity of the SPAS in a mixedgender<br />

sample of college students. Results will be discussed in relation to the<br />

current slate of knowledge in this area.<br />

Factorial Validity of the Self-Presentation in Exercise Questionnaire<br />

David E. Conroy, Robert W. MotI, & Evelyn G. Hall, <strong>University</strong> of Utah, Salt<br />

Lake City, UT 84112.<br />

The Self-Presentation in Exercise Questionnaire (SPEQ) was developed to assess<br />

impression motivation and impression construction (as outlined by Leary & Kowalski,<br />

1990) in exercise environments. In the present study, a total sample of<br />

314 participants from a variety of university exercise classes and an undergraduate<br />

lecture class responded to the 41-item SPEQ. Oblique rotation of the initial factor<br />

solution yielded a two-factor model comprised of 14 items, which appeared to<br />

measure impression motivation (five items}, and impression construction (nine<br />

items). Given the moderate relationship between these factors (r = .34), a confinnatory<br />

factor analysis was conducted and the two-factor model demonstrated<br />

a superior fit in relation 10 the one-factor model. Scores provided by the SPEQ<br />

may be useful for researchers interested in the role of self-presentational processes<br />

in exercise environments. The SPEQ also holds promise as a tool for examining<br />

the potentially mediating role of self-presentational tendencies on psychological<br />

responses to exercise.

Symposia Abstracts / S29<br />

Assessing the Convergent and Discriminant Validity of the Self­<br />

Presentation in Exercise Questionnaire<br />

Robert W. MotI, David E. Conroy. & Evelyn G. Hall, <strong>University</strong> of Utah, Salt<br />

Lake City, UT 84112.<br />

Based on exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, the Self-Presentation in<br />

Exercise Questionnaire (SPEQ) has been reduced to a 14-item inventory that<br />

appears to measure impression motivation (IM) and impression construction (IC)<br />

in exercise settings. Male (n = 150) and female (n = 127) students completed<br />

the SPEQ a" well as a demographic questionnaire, Impression Rating Form, Marlowe-Crowne<br />

Social Desirability Scale, Physical Self-Efficacy Scale, Social Physique<br />

Anxiety Scale, and Surveillance Subseale of the Objectified Body Consciousness<br />

Scale. Results indicated that IM , IC, and summed total 1M and IC<br />

scores were correlated with the other measures in the expected directions. These<br />

findings provide initial evidence for the convergent and discriminant validity of<br />

the 1M and IC subscales contained within the SPEQ.<br />

Examining the Factorial and Convergent Validity of a 9-item Version of<br />

the Social Physique Anxiety Scale in a Sample of Males and Females<br />

Evelyn G. Hall, David E. Conroy, & Robert W. Motl, <strong>University</strong> of Utah, Salt<br />

Lake City, UT 84112.<br />

Martin et al. (1997) provided support for a 9-item, single factor solution to the<br />

Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS) based on multiple samples of females.<br />

This study further examined the factorial and convergent validity of a c-nem<br />

version of the SPAS among males (n = 150) and females (n = 127). Participants<br />

completed the SPAS as well as a demographic questionnaire, Impression Rating<br />

Form, Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, Physical Self-Efficacy Scale<br />

(PSES), and Surveillance Subseale of the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale<br />

(OBC-S). Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the 9-item solution demonstrated<br />

a better fit for the data than the 12-item model and these results were<br />

consistent within both male and female subsamples. When examining convergent<br />

validity, 9-item SPAS scores correlated with OBC-S, PSES-Perceived Physical<br />

Ability Scale, PSES-Self-Presentation Confidence Scale, and Impression Ratings<br />

as an Exerciser. These findings provide further evidence for the factorial and<br />

convergent validity of the 9-item, unidimensional SPAS in a sample that included<br />

both males and females.

830 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Sport Psychology Around the World: Past, Present, and<br />

Future Trends<br />

Daniel Smith, Nanyang Technological <strong>University</strong>, Singapore; Grant Avanesyan,<br />

Armenian <strong>State</strong> Institute of Physical Culture, Armenia; Stephanie Hanrahan,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Australia; Jean Fournier, National Institute of Sport<br />

and Physical Education, France; Mikio Tokunaga, Kyushu <strong>University</strong>, Japan;<br />

Chung-Hee Chung, Seoul National <strong>University</strong>, Korea; Sarah Chung, <strong>University</strong><br />

of Ottawa, Canada; Harry Tan, Nanyang Technological <strong>University</strong>, Singapore;<br />

Arthur Toroyan, Armenian Federation of Sport Psychology, Armenia<br />

The field of sport psychology involves different orientations in various countries<br />

around the world. Most AAASP members are familiar with the North American<br />

Model. Other models may have beneficial orientations to the field which have<br />

been tried and tested in their countries. The purpose of this symposium is to<br />

acquaint AAASP members with other orientations to sport psychology in eight<br />

countries outside North America. The questions addressed related to each country<br />

include: How did the field evolve? Are there sport psychology organizations?<br />

Who are the members? How many members are there? Is the field aligned more<br />

with physical education or psychology? What are sources for support? Is the<br />

government involved? Are there consulting opportunities? What are the major<br />

issues? The answers to these questions show that other countries deal with many<br />

of the same issues as in North America (ie. certification). Yet some major issues<br />

in other countries are minor issues in North America (ie. political and propaganda<br />

issues).<br />

Sport Psychology in Armenia: Past, Present and Future Trends<br />

Grant Avanesyan, Armenian <strong>State</strong> Institute of Physical Culture, Armenia<br />

The development of sport psychology in Armenia dates back to 1945 when the<br />

Institute of Physical Education was established in Yerevan. The chair of this<br />

institution did research, translated educational and scientific literature into the<br />

Armenian Language and taught sport psychology. In 1961 a scientific research<br />

laboratory for sport investigation was established in this institute. Among its'<br />

faculty, there were specialists who were interested in sport psychology. They were<br />

either physicians or physiologists interested in psychological aspects of sport<br />

achievements and training of athletes. In Armenja. a number of conferences were<br />

held on various issues of sport psychology: psychological states in sport, psychology<br />

of coaching and athlete performance. and other applied aspects of sport<br />

psychology. The first public union in this scientific sphere, namely the Federation<br />

of Sport Psychology of Armenia was established in 1988. Since then, the psychologists<br />

in Armenia have been in close professional contact with their colleagues,<br />

not only within the former USSR but in other countries as well.

Symposia Abstracts I S31<br />

sport Psychology in Australia: Past, Present and Future Trends<br />

Stephanie Hanrahan, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland., Australia<br />

Australia has a strong sporting culture and funds the training of many Olympic<br />

and Commonwealth Games athletes. This training includes the support services<br />

of sport psychology, primarily through the Australian Institute of Sport and various<br />

state sport academies and institutes. The demand for sport psychology services<br />

though. has spread to, not only national teams and professional sports. but<br />

also to state teams, junior sport, masters sport, and club sport. In 1991 Australian<br />

sport psychologists agreed to create a single national body and to place it within<br />

the psychology profession. The Board of Sport Psychologists was established<br />

within the Australian Psychological Society (APS). Since then. the name has<br />

changed to the College of Sport Psychologists. The College has developed documents<br />

related to competency, ethics, professional development and supervision.<br />

Research is a significant facet of sport psychology in Australia. Australian authors<br />

are common in major sport and exercise psychology publications and make up a<br />

significant percentage of presenters at major international conferences.<br />

Sport Psychology in France: Past, Present and Future Trends<br />

Jean Fournier. National Institute of Sport and Physical Education, France<br />

Sport psychology in France was launched in the seventies by a small group of<br />

psychologists. Applied sport psychology per se, really made its appearance in the<br />

last five years. <strong>University</strong> researchers principally study motor learning in physical<br />

education. Clinical psychologists still adopt a psychoanalytical perspective of intervention.<br />

To reduce the abuse of unqualified "gurus" and unimethod trainers,<br />

certification criteria., ethics, and education of sport psychologists are the current<br />

topics of the French Society of Sport Psychology. Athletes and coaches are generally<br />

unaware of the overseas advances in applied sport psychology. The lack of<br />

consultants has lead researchers of the National Institute of Sports to develop a<br />

politics of knowledge diffusion by: giving seminars to coaches. providing written<br />

infonnation (sport psychology manuals and a newsletter in French), consulting<br />

with national teams, conducting applied research on coach expertise and on mental<br />

training. The research projects are supported by the French Ministry of Youth<br />

Sports and by some federations. The future will see visits from foreign experts<br />

and more francophone student internships.<br />

Sport Psychology in Japan: Past, Present, and Future Trends<br />

Mikio Tokunaga, Kyushu <strong>University</strong>. Japan<br />

The Japanese Society of Sport Psychology OSSP) was founded in 1973. This<br />

organization holds its annual scientific meetings at various locations in Japan and<br />

publishes an annual edition of the Japanese Journal of Sport PSYChology. This<br />

organization will hold its' 25th meeting in 1998 and publish the 25th edition of<br />

their journal. Most JSSP members are physical education teachers with an interest

S32 / Symposia Abstracts<br />

in psychology. The remainder are either university professors, their assistants, or<br />

researchers. Only a few of the members are trained psychologists. As of March,<br />

1997, there were 422 ISSP members. Currently, many top athletes are utilizing<br />

mental training by sport psychologists. In recent years, top level junior, university.<br />

and business and national games athletes have began to utilize mental training.<br />

It is anticipated that the future orientation of sport psychology in Japan will<br />

include three major issues. First, standardization of diagnostic tools to assess<br />

psychological states before and during competition is needed. Second, specific<br />

methods of implementing mental training will be evaluated. Finally, ISSP will<br />

investigate various systems for certifying mental trainers.<br />

Sport Psychology in KOrell: Past, Present, and Future Trends<br />

Chung-Hee Chung, Seoul National <strong>University</strong>, Korea<br />

Sport: psychology in Korea is a new but growing area within physical education!<br />

sport science. The Korean Society of Sport Psychology (KSSP), has about 320<br />

members representing (a) motor controlllearning, (b) motor development, and (c)<br />

sport psychology. Among them, about 90 received their doctoral degrees and are<br />

very active in research. They have been strongly influenced by the North American<br />

model of sport psychology. Recently, there has been increasing criticism<br />

regarding how well Western sport psychology knowledge can help optimize sport<br />

performance of Korean athletes. While most of the Korean sport psychology<br />

scholars work at universities, several scholars have their positions in research<br />

institutes. Current research interests include the development of a Korean version<br />

of.sport-specific psychological measures on the basis of qualitative data. An increasing<br />

number of Korean sport psychologists are interested in the modification<br />

of traditional mind-body training techniques to develop psychological skills training<br />

programs for Korean athletes. At this time, the members of KSSP are discussing<br />

the scope of sport psychology research and alternative names for sport<br />

psychology and its related areas.<br />

Sport Psychol0kY in Malaysia: PMt, Present, and Future Trends<br />

Sarah Chung, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Canada<br />

Sport psychology/mental training was first implemented with Malaysian Athletes<br />

by Canadian Michel Gagne in 1988. Initially he implemented workshops for<br />

coaches and then mental training tor athletes. Sport psychology services were<br />

then offered by the National Sport Council Courses in sport psychology were<br />

first offered by The Agriculture <strong>University</strong> of Malaysia in·1983 and by the UBi·<br />

versity of Malaya in 1996. Under the Canadian Association of Health, Physical<br />

Education and Recreation and the Canadian International Development Agency,<br />

a Diploma Program in Sport Science was implemented in 1990-1994, where sport<br />

psychology was one of the programs offered, Since 1995, the Malaysian Physical,<br />

Sport Science and Health Education Association started a Diploma Program witb<br />

the same curriculum as their Canadian counterpart. Various mental training pro-

S34 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Sport Psychology in 11Igb Sehool: A Description or the Life<br />

EnIuuIcement through Athledc Participation (LEAP)<br />

...........<br />

Gail Solt; Vincent J. Granito, Jr.; Elizabeth Hunter, Sheridan James; Tonya<br />

Jolmston; Ronald D. Noon, John F Kennedy <strong>University</strong>, Orinda, CA 94563<br />

This symposium will describe the development of a comprehensive sport psychology<br />

program at the high school level. TIle Life Enhancement through Athletic<br />

Participation (LEAP) program uses an educational format, in collaboration with<br />

students. student-athletes. parents, coaches, and school administrators. to promote<br />

individual and team development, and teach performance enhancement and lite<br />

sIdlls. The tint presentation will give an overview of LEAP including, program<br />

components, program administration, demographics of the high school were the<br />

program is employed, and focus of topics for the students, athletes, parents, coaches,<br />

and teachers. Second, there will be a description of the methods employed to<br />

secure funding for the maintenance of the program. The third presentation will<br />

focus on how the LEAP program can function as a fieldwork experience foil<br />

graduate sport psychology students. Finally, a presentation will be made on U.<br />

critical issues facing the LEAP program including: working with high school<br />

administrators, educating coaches, parents, and athletes about sport psychology.<br />

gaining support fum coaches, communication process between all LEAP staft.<br />

and ethical issues related to working with a high school.<br />

An OvervIew of the Life EDlumcement through Athletic Participation<br />

(LEAP) ...........<br />

Gail Solt; Elizabeth Hunter; & Sheridan James, John E Kennedy <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Orinda, CA. 94563<br />

This presentation will portray an overview of the Life Enhancement through Athletic<br />

Participation (LEAP) program. LEAP is a pilot program at a California high<br />

school that enrolls over a Ihousand culturally diverse students. The program is<br />

endorsed by the California Interscholastic Federation (state high school athletiQ<br />

association). There are three components to LEAP: applied sport psychology,<br />

education, and research. The applied sport psychology portion is addressed by<br />

graduate students who work as interns with every sport team at the high school<br />

The interns teach performance enhancement techniques to athletes, and apply<br />

them skills to other aspects of the students' lives. The education component COD'o<br />

sist of workshops conducted for parents, the entire student body, and school administration.<br />

Topics include, pressures faced by teenagers" nutritionlexen:::ise, anger<br />

management/frustration, positive self-talk, goal setting, improving concentration,<br />

and acting responsibly. 1be third component is the research to measure tho<br />

impact the program has on the students. To this date, the research has included<br />

only evaluations made by the ashletes, but a more fonnal project is planned. PIau<br />

are in the works to expand the program to an inner city high school in the fall<br />

of 1998.

S36 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

Development of a Comprehensive Sport Psychology High Scbool Program:<br />

Critical Issues<br />

Vincent J. Granito, Jr., & Ronald Noon, John E Kennedy <strong>University</strong>, Orinda,<br />

CA 94563<br />

There are a number of challenges that arise over the course of the pilot phase,<br />

when starting a new program or developing a new curriculum. This presentation<br />

will document a number of critical issues that came up in the first year of operation<br />

for the Life Enhancement through Athletic Participation (LEAP) program.<br />

First, it was important that the program have the support from all school admin_<br />

istrators. This process seemed to work best if the school officials felt as it they<br />

had direct input on the development of the program. A related issue involved<br />

convincing all the coaches to accept an intern working with hislher team. This<br />

was best accomplished by letting coaches keep control over hisIher team and<br />

granting them feedback into the role of the intern. A third issue involved educating<br />

the coaches, parents and athletes about sport psychology. A number of<br />

negative stereotypes about "psychology" needed to be addressed, and an emphasis<br />

placed on the developing of life skills. Finally, a number of ethical issues will<br />

be addressed including confidentiality, working with minorsfmforming the parents,<br />

and avoiding interaction with the policies of the school or team. Several<br />

examples will be provided to illustrate to audience members how. these critical<br />

issues can impact the development of a new sport psychology program.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Persevering in the Face of Adversity: Examples of Young<br />

Professionals Pursuing their Dreams in Sport Psychology<br />

Robert J. Harmison, Ij.S. Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, CO 80909<br />

(Organizer); Gregory A. Dale, Wmthrop <strong>University</strong>, Rock Hill, SC 297<strong>33</strong>; Scott<br />

B. Martin, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203; Natalie Durand-Bush,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, ON KIN 6N5; Michael Kellmann, Potsdam <strong>University</strong>,<br />

14415 Potsdam, Gennany; Sean C. McCann, U.S. Olympic Committee,<br />

Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (Discussant)<br />

The current climate of applied sport psychology can be disconcerting for aspiring<br />

students and young professionals. Questions abound ifour programs are providing<br />

adequate training (Silva et aI., 1996), patience and time is encouraged for those<br />

who want a career (Zaichkowsky, 1997), and unfavorable light has been shed on<br />

the prospects of earning a living (Meyers et al., 1997). The purpose of this symposium.<br />

is to provide students and young professionals with inspiration to continue<br />

to pursue their dreams. Four relatively young professionals will present their<br />

experiences. The first presenter will highlight his strategies used to consult with<br />

individuals and groups. The second presenter will discuss his marketing strategies<br />

and experiences with a physical skills and conditioning camp for young adults;<br />

The third presenter will share her consulting philosophy and the interventions she<br />

has used with national level athletes and teams. The fourth presenter will address<br />

the steps he took to become the sport psychology consultant for the German

S38 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

Concept Mapping: A Valuable Approach to Helping Coosultants and<br />

Athletes Become Better Perfonners<br />

Natalie Durand-Bush, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada KIN 6N5<br />

Accomplished sport psychologists have often discussed their roles, objectives,<br />

personal philosophies and the services they provide in their practice (Orlick. 1989;<br />

Ravizza, 1990). As young professionals in the field, we must also share and draw<br />

lessons from our consulting experiences, and from those of peers and experts in<br />

the field to crystallize our philosophy and to enhance the quality of our Inreractions<br />

with performers. As an evolving graduate student and consultant for the<br />

past five years, I have taken advantage of every opportunity to polish my skills<br />

and personal approach to mental training. Moreover, I have organized and conceptualized<br />

my thoughts and views in a more systematic fashion to gain a deeper<br />

understanding of my role as an educator I helper. In pursuing this endeavor, I<br />

used "concept mapping" to generate, simplify and assign meaning to my ideas,<br />

and to visually present Chem in a concise and attractive way. The objective of<br />

this presentation is to share my consulting philosophy and the interventions I<br />

have used with several teams and athletes, including the Canadian National Table<br />

Tennis team and the Canadian National Junior Women's Water Polo team, through<br />

a conceptual map. lbis map will highlight some of the strategies I have utilized<br />

to initiate and end consulting relationships, assess mental strengths and weaknesses,<br />

and teach specific mental skills to athletes. Lessons regarding my working<br />

relationships with coaches will also be discussed. Finally, the steps involved in<br />

helping athletes develop concept maps to enhance and monitor their own performances<br />

will be addressed. An example of a athlete's concept map will be provided<br />

and debriefed.<br />

Sport Psyclmlogy Consulting fOl' the Genoan Junior National Rowing<br />

Te....<br />

Michael Kellmann, Potsdam <strong>University</strong>, 14415 Potsdam, Germany<br />

This presentation will focus on how I became the sport psychology consultant for<br />

the German Junior National Rowing Team. Despite having no personal experience<br />

in rowing, I will talk about the different phases of my consulting experience with<br />

the team and the strategies I used to get all the athletes and coaches involved in<br />

my program. These strategies included (a) observing the team, (b) gaining specific<br />

knowledge of rowing, (c) building trust, .(d) participating with the athletes and<br />

coaches during recreational activities, and (e) just being visually present During<br />

the training camp phase, I identified the athletes whose recovery-stress-balance<br />

approach (Kallus & Kellmann, 1994) prevented them from experiencing the negative<br />

effects of overtraining. It was crucial for the coaches, doctors, and myself<br />

to share the medical, psychological and performance data to draw our conclusions<br />

together. After the World Championships, I provided feedback to the athletes<br />

regarding their recovery-stress-balance approach to ensure their commitment to<br />

the program. How I was able to integrate myself into the sport staff and provide<br />

feedback to the athletes will be discussed.

Symposia Abstracts I S39<br />

APJJlied Sport PsychoIoKY Internships at a National Sport Centre<br />

Cal Botterill; Hap Davis; Shawna McGovern; Karen MacNeill; Jen<br />

sununerfeldt; and Fiona Waters, <strong>University</strong> of Calgary, Calgary, AB TIN·IN4<br />

Canada<br />

Presentations will be based on experiences in a unique "joint" program between<br />

Ibe <strong>University</strong> of Calgary and the National Sport Centre in Calgary. Interns and<br />

supervisors will report on the structure and detail of their experiences along with<br />

their recommendations for preparation and maximization of services, learning and<br />

growth. Optimal learning and service situations and fonnats will be described,<br />

along with key lessons, topics and skills that have surfaced through "internships"<br />

and the practical research associated with them. Sources of funding and support<br />

will be outlined along with the priorities of National Sport Governing Bodies and<br />

Ibeir elite and developing athletes and coaches. The potential multiple payoffs for<br />

Sport Governing Bodies, the <strong>University</strong> of Calgary, the Interns, the Supervisors<br />

and the field of Applied Sport Psychology will be discussed. Attempt will be<br />

made to describe the key attributes of "interns", important roles and skills for<br />

"mentors" and ideal situational conditions in which to work and study. As Well,<br />

a list of possible challenges and potential difficulties will be discussed.<br />

Prerequisites, Progressions and PossibWties<br />

Cal Botterill, <strong>University</strong> of Calgary, Calgary, AB TIN-IN4<br />

Some of the key prerequisite atbibutes, experiences and skills for interns will be<br />

outlined along with progressions to fit the situation and optimally meet the needs<br />

of Clients, interns and mentors. Service, ethics, and responsibility must remain a<br />

priority but internships are a great opportunity to blend service, learning and<br />

applied research- especially qualitative types of research. As well as strong<br />

Dientorship and supervision, it is important to provide a progression in levels of<br />

service and variety in experiential settings. Interns can benefit immensely from<br />

observing one another's work and operating as a "team" in some situations.<br />

Clients also appreciate a practical "team" approach. There is often a range of<br />

POSsibilities for settings, formats and funding of applied sport psychology internships.<br />

Directed studies courses can be made into internships, and teaching or<br />

research assistantships can be focused on internship work, learning, and related<br />

research. Grants, sponsorships and scholarships for internship can often be acquired<br />

and once the "value" and multiple payoffs become clear, clients are often<br />

Willing to pay directly for reasonable "intern" rates and some senior supervision.<br />

Strong internship programming is probably the key to the development of our<br />

field. It is important, though, to insure all partners in the process are reinforced<br />

to optimize growth, service and motivation. Discussing strategies and sharing<br />

CXperiences is a great start!

S40 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

Applied Sport Psychology Internships at the National Sport Centre: The<br />

Role of the MentorlSupervisol'<br />

Hap Davis, Private Practice, Calgary, AB T2P 3C5<br />

The role of the supervisor will be addressed to review what is unique about the<br />

training of the sport consultant in a National Center. The internship being available<br />

to the PhD candidate in psychology and to the Master's degree student in<br />

Kinesiology requires not only that the sport psychology consultant provide an<br />

example or how theory is brought to practice but also teach theory that might<br />

underlie practice that is missing from the individual's acBdemic background. The<br />

mentor should possess special skill sets that will enable the intern to move into<br />

independent practice upon the termination of the internship. While a National<br />

Center can provide the context for team access, the mentor must still ready the<br />

coaches and sometimes the athletes for mutual learning possibilities. Special consideration<br />

must be given not only to theory-to-practice issues but also to the full<br />

range of ethics concerns and to the basis for professional development and selfevaluation<br />

that will guide quality in post-internship consulting. Finally, practitioner<br />

should also have numerous consulting roles with sufficient scope to allow<br />

for direct observation of the mentor and independent work by the intern. Ideally<br />

there would be (minimally) 15-20 athletes to work with, with preferably at more<br />

than one team context, and the opportunity to follow these athletes developmentally<br />

through two season cycles. Age and gender issues need consideration as<br />

well. Appropriate contact with the athletes would require their regular availability.<br />

Factors to Consider when Initiating an Internship Program<br />

Shawna L. McGovern, National Sport Centre- Calgary, Calgary AB TIN-lN4<br />

Properly organized and credible applied sport psychology internship programs are<br />

mutually beneficial for all stakeholders. Those who benefit include the interns<br />

and supervisors; the Sport Governing Bodies (at a National Level); the developmental<br />

Sport Organizations; the institution; and most importantly, the athletes.<br />

The National Sport Centre-Calgary and the <strong>University</strong> of Calgary has recently<br />

Created an internship program designed to maximize service to the athletes training<br />

at their facility and to foster a developmental program for young professionals<br />

in the field of applied sport psychology. The needs of the sport governing bodies<br />

as well as the specific needs illustrated by the athletes will be discussed. Situational<br />

demands that arose with that athletes competing in the Wmter Olympic<br />

games will also be described. Recommendations for preparation of potential interns<br />

as well as possible challenges and difficulties will also be addressed.<br />

Sport Psychology Consultant Intern: Experiences and Lessons Learned<br />

Karen MacNeill, <strong>University</strong> of Calgary, Calgary, AB TIN IN4<br />

In many fields, internships programs have provided students with the opportunity<br />

to gain practical experiences. In the area of applied sport psychology, internship

S44 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

revealed there was not a significant difference between athletes and exercisers in<br />

bulimic behaviors and drive for thinness. However, the exercisers had significantly<br />

greater body dissatisfaction than the athletes, while the athletes reported greater<br />

social physique anxiety, striving for perfection, interpersonal distrust, and maturity<br />

fears compared to the exercisers. These results suggest that the athletes' body<br />

image and eating behaviors may be tied to their drive for perfectionism and<br />

maturity fears. The exercisers' eating and exercise behaviors seem to stem from<br />

their dissatisfaction with their bodies compared to the cultural feminine ideal<br />

Why We are Dissatisfied with our Bodies<br />

Villi Krane, <strong>Bowling</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Bowling</strong> <strong>Green</strong>, OH 43403<br />

This presentation will examine the combined qualitative and quantitative findings<br />

of the athletes and exercisers within the feminist cultural studies framework (HaD,<br />

1996). Overall, the data revealed a high level of body dissatisfaction in all participants.<br />

The muscular athlete must contend with stereotypes about masculinity,<br />

while the exerciser strives for the ideal of femininity. Thus, consistent with a<br />

cultural studies perspective, these athletes and exercisers are dissatisfied with their<br />

bodies for different reasons. Similarly; different antecedents contribute to their<br />

body image; all of which are related to not fitting the culturally sanctioned feminine<br />

ideal. The impact of societal expectations about the female body and the<br />

demands of sport will be discussed as well as implications for consulting with<br />

female atbletes and exercisers.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Logbooks: Their Role in Mental Training SU«eSS<br />

Damon Bunon and Kristen Dieffenbach, <strong>University</strong> of Idaho, Moscow, ill<br />

83844; Stephen Bull, <strong>University</strong> of Brighton, Eastborne, UK, BN20 7SP; Kate<br />

Hays, The Performing Edge, Toronto, ON M5T 1M2; John Hogg, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Alberta, Edmonton, AD T6G 2H9; Dennis Hrycaiko, <strong>University</strong> of Manitoba.<br />

Wmnipeg, MB R3T 2N2; Ken Ravizza, Cal <strong>State</strong> Fullerton, Fullerton, CA<br />

92634; Connie Wanlin., <strong>University</strong> of West Virginia. Morgantown, WV 26506.<br />

Because logbooks have received scant attention in both the research and professional<br />

practice literatures, this symposium is designed to provide a variety of<br />

perspectives about logs and their role in mental training. The first presentation<br />

will introduce the topic and highlight some of the key issues to be addressed.<br />

Next a presentation on the role of logbooks in adherence to mental training will<br />

provide a conceptual and empirical understanding of logs in the self-change pr0cess.<br />

The third and fourth presentations will focus on journal-format logs and<br />

how they are used in private consultation as well as with different sports teams<br />

at various levels of competition. The next presentation will investigate the role<br />

of logs in multiple baseline across individuals approaches to mental training, both<br />

in terms of research and consultation. Presentation six will examine the use of<br />

workbooksllogs to develop mental skills with adolescents and children. Finally,<br />

the last presentation will summarize design and implementation issues about log­<br />

. books and provide ideas for future research and consultation applications.

Symposia Abstracts I S45<br />

LogbOOks: An Essential but Unappreciated Component of Mental Training<br />

Kristen Dieffenbach. <strong>University</strong> of Idaho. Moscow, ill 83844. _<br />

This presentation will introduce the role of logbooks in mental training by highlighting<br />

a range of issues related to logbook design and implementation that may<br />

fmpect mental training effectiveness. The role of logbooks in athlete self-monitoring,<br />

assessment, and program evaluation will be discussed along with the role<br />

of consultants' logs for enhancing the consultation process and monitoring athletes'<br />

progress. A range of design issues such as format, style, length, individualization,<br />

flexibility, and uses will be briefly addressed along with the need for<br />

complementary resources such as needs assessments and performance profiling<br />

in log design. Finally, the need for research to help identify the most effective<br />

design and implementation strategies will be reinforced as well as the importance<br />

of individualization in log design to address the needs of different athletes and<br />

competitive situations.<br />

The Role of Logbooks in Adherem:e to Mental Training<br />

Stephen J. Bull and Christopher J. Shambrook, Cheltenham and Gloucester<br />

College, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GLSO 4AZ. UK.<br />

Adherence rates to mental skills training may not be anywhere near as high as<br />

sport psychology professionals either claim. or would like (Bull, 1991; Shambrook<br />

& Bull. 1995). Research examining the efficacy of intervention strategies<br />

to enhance adherence has been sparse. Logbooks have the potential to playa<br />

significant part in both investigative research into mental training adherence, as<br />

well as enhancing adherence in applied contexts. From a research perspective.<br />

self-monitoring through logbooks seems to be the most effective way of measuring<br />

adherence levels, although issues relating to concealment do exist. Additionally,<br />

the double-adherence problem (Meichenbaum & Turk, 1987) needs careful<br />

consideration. In applied contexts, straightforward diary-based recording of mental<br />

training behavior may not be favoured by athletes (Shambrook & Bull, 1996).<br />

However. a more focused approach to the use of logbooks in which athletes use<br />

it more as a resource, rather than a diary, may foster greater adherence to mental<br />

training skills.<br />

Performance JournaIing: Penonal Jonrnal Writing to Enhance<br />

Competitive Success<br />

Kate F. Hays, The Performing Edge, Toronto. ON M5T 1M2.<br />

Performance joumaling (PI) has been developed from the extensive literature on<br />

personal journal writing to assist athletes in enhancing personal and sport skills<br />

and competencies. utilizing self-awareness enhancing processes such as recording,<br />

describing, reflecting, exploring and imagining. Through Pl methods, athletes<br />

have the opportunity to understand their own personal and competitive developtnent<br />

and progress more completely. Performance joumaling can be used to COD-

S46 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

cretize many aspects of standard psychological skills training, including: goal<br />

setting, arousal management, imagery, and cognitive reframing. Journaling can<br />

also be used for deeper self-exploration via techniques such as clustering, dialogues,<br />

lists and altered point of view. A sequence and format for Performance<br />

Jownaling will be suggested, and application of the process to individuals, teams,<br />

courses and workshops will be discussed.<br />

The Journal as a Tool to Increase Awareness and Enhance Perfonnance<br />

Kenneth Ravizza, Cal <strong>State</strong> Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 92634.<br />

This presentation will focus on sharing lessons learned from 20 years of using<br />

journal-keeping as a method of increasing awareness and enhancing performance.<br />

The journal is a tool that allows reflection on human experience and conscious<br />

investigation of pertinent issues surrounding performance. A discussion of the<br />

ways journals can be used to release or bring closure to an experience will be<br />

addressed. Additionally, the use of performance feedback sheets as a more directed<br />

method to learn from competitive experiences also will be highlighted. The<br />

final portion of the presentation will discuss how young practitioners can learn a<br />

wealth of experiential infonnation from reading coaches' and athletes' journals<br />

as well as how to avoid some of the potential pitfalls of the journal-keeping<br />

process.<br />

The Utilization of Logbooks in Multiple Baseline Across Individuals'<br />

Approaches to Mental Training<br />

Dennis W. Hrycaiko, <strong>University</strong> of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2; COIUlie<br />

Wanlin, West Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV 26506.<br />

Results and consulting experiences from seven studies utilizing logbooks and the<br />

multiple baseline across individuals single-subject design are presented. A variety<br />

of sports and a range of age groups were examined across these studies, with<br />

performance change assessed in both practice and competitive settings. The role<br />

of logbooks in the scientific and practical assessment aspects of single-subject<br />

design methodology is discussed. Critical elements of logbook design and use<br />

within the single-subject methodology are outlined. Discussion will highlight the<br />

integral part logbooks play in successful intervention packages, but several potentiallimitations<br />

of logs will also be delineated.<br />

Logbooks for Children and Adolescents<br />

John M. Hogg, <strong>University</strong> of Alberta, Edmonton, AB TOO 2H9.<br />

This presentation provides an overview on the use of workbooks and logs as part<br />

of a cognitive-behavioral approach to developing mental skills with both adolescent<br />

and young performers. The role of workbooksllogs in teaching mental skills<br />

for young athletes will be highlighted as part of a three-part model that (a) teaches

Symposia Abstracts I S47<br />

foundational mental skills, (b) develops an understanding of ideal performance<br />

states, and (c) promotes emotional control. The workbook provides a systematic<br />

aWOach to understanding important concepts, teaching basic skills, integrating<br />

skills into practice and competition, and monitoring, evaluating and refining skills<br />

in a variety of settings. The workbook is interactive and encourages coach-athlete<br />

communication, particularly for younger children. Pertinent research will be highlighted,<br />

effective methods for using the workbooks and logs to teach mental<br />

preparation to young children discussed, and advantages and disadvantages of the<br />

workbook approach detailed.<br />

Logbooks: Where Do we Go from Here?<br />

Damon Burton, <strong>University</strong> of Idaho, Moscow, In 83&44.<br />

This presentation summarizes logbook issues raised by the panel and attempts to<br />

identify issues for additional discussion, experimentation and research. Key design<br />

issues will be highlighted, and a protocol identified for evaluating the efficacy<br />

of differing or conflicting design strategies. Similarly, overriding implementation<br />

issues will be reviewed and methods suggested to test their comparative effectiveness<br />

for enhancing the mental training process. Finally, the need for creativity,<br />

individualization and overlapping methods will be emphasized, and case studies<br />

outlined to reinforce these points.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Children's Physical Activity and Sport Involvement:<br />

Conceptual, Theoretical, and Methodological Issues Related<br />

to Parent and Peer InIIuences<br />

Greg Welk., Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research, Dallas, TX 75230; Megan<br />

L. Babkes, <strong>University</strong> of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639; Alan L.<br />

Smith, Purdue <strong>University</strong>, West Lafayette, IN 47907<br />

1he purpose of this symposium is to highlight new conceptual, theoretical, and<br />

methodological approaches to examining children's physical activity and sport<br />

Participation with a particular focus on the role that parents and peers play in the<br />

physical domain. The first presentation will introduce a conceptual model pertaining<br />

specifically to children's physical activity which incorporates the contribution<br />

that significant others and self-perceptions make with respect to the environmental<br />

context of the physical domain and children's cognitive and affective<br />

responses to sport and physical activity participation. The second presentation<br />

will focus on extending the theoretically driven knowledge base on parental in­<br />

8uence in sport and physical activity by presenting information on the communication<br />

and interactions between athletes and their parents from a qualitative<br />

perspective. In the final presentation, the role of peer inftuences in sport and<br />

physical activity will be explored in relation to theoretical perspectives and a<br />

Variety of methodological approaches including qualitative paradigms.

S48 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

A Comprehensive Model of Children's Physical Activity<br />

Greg Welk, Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research, Dallas, TX 75230<br />

Many theoretical models have been proposed to understand the factors influencing<br />

physical activity behavior. however, few models have been specifically developed<br />

for children. The purpose of this presentation is to describe a conceptual model<br />

of physical activity promotion in children that is based on the unique developmental.<br />

psychological and behavioral characteristics of children. The model<br />

adapts a social-ecological framework by acknowledging the input of various personal,<br />

social and environmental influences on children's physical activity. The<br />

model also attempts to unite constructs from competing theoretical frameworks<br />

in order to provide a conceptual framework upon which various models can be<br />

compared. It is hoped that this model will serve as a bridge between theory and<br />

practice and enhance the promotion of physical activity among children.<br />

Qualitative Approaches to Understanding Parental Influence on Children's<br />

Physical Activity and Sport Participation<br />

Megan L. Babkes, <strong>University</strong> of Northern Colorado. Greeley, CO 80639<br />

An overview of the research on parental influence. conducted within theoretical<br />

perspectives, provides valuable empirical evidence supporting the importance of<br />

the role that significant others play in the physical domain [Brustad, 1996; <strong>Green</strong>dorfer,<br />

19%}. The existing literature on parental influence has established a strong<br />

foundation demonstrating the profound impact that parents have on their children's<br />

socialization in sport and physical activity; however, the majority of these<br />

studies conducted in traditional quantitative methodologies have overlooked important<br />

aspects of the parent-athlete relationship. Most conspicuously, the complex<br />

interactions between parents and their children in the physical domain have<br />

remained virtually unexplored. The purpose of this portion of the symposium is<br />

to review the parent-child relationship in the physical domain from a qualitative<br />

perspective. Focus groups. interviews. and researcher observations Will be introduced<br />

as a worthwhile direction in studying the parent-athlete relationship. Preliminary<br />

findings from interviews with parents of young competitive athletes will<br />

be used to demonstrate the usefulness of examining this area of research through<br />

a qualitative approach.<br />

Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Understanding Peer<br />

Influence on Children's Sport and Physical Activity Involvement<br />

Alan L. Smith, Purdue <strong>University</strong>, West Lafayette. IN 47907<br />

Research on sport participation motivation. sources of enjoyment, and sources of<br />

competence information suggests that peers are salient contributors to behavioral,<br />

affective, and cognitive outcomes of youth physical activity involvement (e.g.,<br />

see Gould & Pethchkcff 1988; Scanlan. Stein, & Ravizza, 1989; Weiss. Ebbeck,<br />

& Hom, 1997). Despite the evident importance of peers in the physical activity

Symposia Abstracts I S49<br />

domain. however. little research has specifically focused upon peers as significant<br />

otbeJ'S in the physical activity context. The limited research based that does exist<br />

in the sport and physical activity domain suggests that both friendships and peer<br />

accePtance contribute to psychosocial and behavioral outcomes. Nonetheless.<br />

most of these research efforts provide limited information regarding how friends<br />

ce me peer group contribute to physical activity-related outcomes. It is surprising<br />

- that more efforts have not tackled this issue given the number of theoretical<br />

perspectives on motivation that showcase the role of significant others Ie.g.,<br />

Ames. 1992; Eccles (parsons) et al.• 1983; Harter, 1978, 1981). This portion of<br />

the symposium will examine how peer influence on physical activity involvement<br />

can be explored within theiretical perspectives. Initial attempts at such work in<br />

physical activity settings will be reviewed. Furthermore, a variety of methodological<br />

approaches to studying peer influence on physical activity will be discussed.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Life Skills aDd Sport Programmiog for Youth: Expandiog<br />

our Reacb<br />

Steven Danish, Life Skills Center; VCU, Richmond, VA 23284; Jeremy<br />

Dugdale, <strong>University</strong> of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; Albert Petitpas,<br />

Springfield College, Springfield, MA 01109; Robert W. McGowan, <strong>University</strong><br />

of Richmond, Richmond, VA 23229<br />

This symposium integrates a variety of issues related to youth sports. In the first<br />

presentation, the importance of youth sports as a setting where sport psychologists<br />

can make an impact by adding a life skills component will be discussed. information<br />

about bow one goes about developing interest and community support<br />

will be presented as will suggestions for how to design, implement, and evaluate<br />

the programs. In the second presentation, the adaptation of a sport-based life skills<br />

program for New Zealand youth will be described. The process involved in making<br />

the program sensitive to a different culture. its implementation, and the resulting<br />

changes in self esteem and intrinsic motivation will be detailed. The third<br />

presentation will describe a program sponsored by the National Football League<br />

that focuses on providing select high schools with an academic coach to assist<br />

student-athletes in reaching their athletic, academic, personal, and career potential<br />

Lastly, an independent researcher knowledgeable about youth sports programs<br />

and their application in a variety of settings will serve as a discussant.<br />

DeVeloping Life Skill-Based Youth Sport Programming: A Brief Primer on<br />

How to Do It<br />

Steven Danish, Virginia Commonwealth <strong>University</strong>, Richmond, VA 23284<br />

Following a brief discussion of the rationale for integrating sport and life skills<br />

When developing youth sports program, this presentation will focus on how to<br />

develop such programs. Included in the presentation will be: the process of identifying<br />

populations who need such programs and how such an assessment can be

S50 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

conducted; how to establish contacts and commitments from community groups<br />

to participate in such programming; negotiating with organizations to support and<br />

sponsor the programs; and designing, implementing, and evaluating the programs.<br />

A number of new programs, some developed by the Life Skills Center and some<br />

developed elsewhere, will be described using the information presented. One program<br />

deals with encouraging asthmatic youth to engage in sport and exercise<br />

programs by providing asthmatic athletes as mentors. Another focuses on adding<br />

life skills to golf instruction.<br />

Developing, Implementing and Testing a New Zealand Version of the<br />

GOAL Life Skills Programme in New Zealand<br />

Jeremy Dugdale, <strong>University</strong> of Otago, Dunedin, New zealand<br />

This presentation will describe the work at the <strong>University</strong> of Otago to adapt,<br />

implement and evaluate the American version of the sport-based GOAL Pr0gramme.<br />

A pilot-test of its implementation and evaluation at an Intermediate<br />

School (which is equivalent to an American middle school) in New zealand was<br />

completed this year. As with the American version, the programme was taught<br />

by well-trained high school students. These students were enrolled in an advanced<br />

physical education sequence. Some of the issues involved in developing, implementing<br />

and evaluating the programme will be detailed. The effectiveness of the<br />

programme in enhancing intrinsic motivation and self-esteem for adolescent males<br />

was examined using a pre-post-follow up design. Students who received the programme<br />

were contrasted with a group of students who did not receive the intervention.<br />

Preliminary results indicate that participation in the GOAL PrOgramme<br />

led to significant increases in global, academic and physical self-esteem and also<br />

intrinsic motivation for schoolwork. These data will be described in more detail<br />

and the implications for participant's and the leader's athletic and academic performance<br />

will be discussed.<br />

The NFL Foundation Leadership Program<br />

Albert Petitpas, Department of Psychology, Springfield College, Springfield,<br />

MA 01109<br />

As a result of a study undertaken by the NFL to examine the problems experienced<br />

by high school youth who play football, it was decided to develop a leadership<br />

program. in conjunction with Springfield College. The focus of the program<br />

is to provide an "academic coach" who will serve as an academic and athletic<br />

counselor in select high schools initially in the New York City area. This coach<br />

will work with the high school coach to develop resources and deliver a variety<br />

of programs. Among the programs are: teaching the necessary life skills to enable<br />

the student-athletes to reach their academic, personal, athletic, and career potential;<br />

providing opportunities for student-athletes to engage in leadership roles outside<br />

of sport; and designing and implementing a summer camp for these studentathletes<br />

and others to learn football skill instruction and life skills. The processes

Symposia Abstracts I S51<br />

_. involved to institute such a program will be delineated as will the progress to<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Applied Sport Psychology<br />

Training<br />

J(areIl D. Cogan, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203, John M. Silva,<br />

The <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8700, Murray, John,<br />

Washington <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Pullman, 99164, David Yukelson, The<br />

pennsylvania <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>University</strong> Park, PA 16802; Jean Williams,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721<br />

Sport psychology professionals have long noted the need for interdisciplinary<br />

training for students wishing to enter this field Training programs that offer<br />

coursework in both psychology and the sport sciences are relatively rare, and<br />

often students struggle to find adequate supervised applied sport psychology experiences.<br />

This symposium presents information on four applied sport psychology<br />

training programs in a panel format. Representatives from the <strong>University</strong> of North<br />

Texas Center for Sport Psychology, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,<br />

Washington <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, and Pennsylvania <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> will discuss the<br />

interdisciplinary nature of their applied sport psychology training. They will outline<br />

the history of their programs, define their philosophies of applied sport psychology<br />

training, and discuss how the program meets the needs of students desiring<br />

applied sport psychology training experiences. Issues related to the future<br />

of applied training in sport psychology will be discussed.<br />

Applied Sport Psychology Training at the <strong>University</strong> of North Texas<br />

Center for Sport Psychology<br />

Karen D. Cogan, Trent A. Petrie, Peggy Richardson & Scott Martin, <strong>University</strong><br />

of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203.<br />

This presentation will focus on the interdisciplinary training in applied sport psychology<br />

available to students at the <strong>University</strong> of North Texas Center for Sport<br />

Psychology. The Center draws on the expertise of faculty from Psychology, Kinesiology,<br />

and the Counseling Center to give students well rounded training in<br />

sport psychology. Benefits of this type of interdisciplinary training will be addressed,<br />

such as options for students to obtain a Ph.D. in an APA accredited<br />

Counseling Psychology program and be eligible for psychology licensure and<br />

MASp certification. The Center's philosophy related to applied sport psychology<br />

training will be presented. Specifically, students take coursework in theory and<br />

applied sport psychology through the Psychology and Kinesiology Departments.<br />

Students also are required to participate in supervised practica which are offered<br />

through the Center and/or the Counseling Center. Issues in developing this type<br />

Of interdisciplinary training and future directions for applied sport psychology<br />

training will be discussed.

S52 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

lntentisci.pIinary Approaches to Training in Applied Sport Psychology at<br />

the <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina Chapel HOI<br />

John M. Silva, 1be <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8700<br />

The importance of interdisciplinary training in the development of applied spot'\<br />

psychology has been underscored by professionals for years. The requirements<br />

set forth in the AAASP certification document carefully balance formal course<br />

experiences from both the Exercise and Sport Sciences and Psychology. Recently,<br />

students and Professionals alike have attempted to provide equal emphasis and<br />

concern for the importance of interdisciplinary supervised practicum experiences<br />

with athletes. 1be purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of the<br />

practi.cum experiences offered at the <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.<br />

This interdisciplinary model is based upon providing diversity of experience and<br />

interaction. Graduate students in the UNC program experience two AAASP certified<br />

consultant supervised prncticums working with individual athletes, one supervised<br />

prncticum working with small groups or an intact team, and either a two<br />

semester rotation through UNC Student Health's Athletes Coming Together<br />

(ACf) peer mentoring program. The nature, objectives and benefits of these programs<br />

to young professionals in training will be explored and detailed.<br />

AppUed Sport Psychology Traioing at Washington <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

John Murray, Washington <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Pullman, 99164 & Jim Bauman.<br />

Wasbington <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Pullman. 99164<br />

Opportunities to practice sport psychology and sport consulting work at the intercollegiate<br />

levels are without limits. However, the actual employment opportunities<br />

currently existing at the intercollegiate levels are limited. Washington <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> (WSU) is one of only a few universities that employs a full-time Sport<br />

Psychologist or Sport Consultant. The full-time Sport Psychologist position at<br />

WSU was created in 1986. Over the past eleven years, the services provided by<br />

the Sport Psychologist have changed significantly. Initial services were primarily<br />

psychoeducational and counseling-related. The Athletic Department's continuing<br />

support of this position has resulted in an increase in funding and the creation of<br />

a diverse set of additional and developmental services. One of the more exciting<br />

developments includes graduate internship opportunities that are supervised by<br />

the Sport Psychologist. This presentation will provide a brief history of how the<br />

full time position developed, keys to creating and maintaining a strong working<br />

relationship with an Athletic Department, the services and programming that are<br />

currently being provided, and the year-long internship opportunity.<br />

Applied Sport Psychology Training at Penn <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

David Yukelson, The Pennsylvania <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>University</strong> Park, PA 16802<br />

In conjunction with the theme of the symposium, the purpose of this presentation<br />

is to provide an overview of the applied sport psychology internship at Penn Stale

Symposia Abstracts I S53<br />

<strong>University</strong>. Areas to be covered include acclimation processes the intern goes<br />

thrOugh while fitting into the university and athletic environment, role boundaries<br />

and expectations, supervisory training, dealing with multiple demands and personalities<br />

effectively, individual and team mental training sessions, the importance<br />

of visibility and follow up, how and when it is appropriate to make referrals, and<br />

interrelationships that exist with other departments in the university (e.g., counseling<br />

center, academic support services, sports medicine, etc.) From a developmental<br />

perspective, psychosocial issues pertaining to the special news of intercollegiate<br />

srudent-erhletes will be discussed, along with the practical realities of<br />

delivering applied sport psychology services to a large number of coaches, student-athletes,<br />

and support personnel. In addition, issues related to how internship<br />

hours contribute to AAASP Certification requirements will be discussed.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Pre-injury Intervention and Post-injury Psychologkal<br />

, Evaluation among Competitive CoUegiate Athletes<br />

Frank M. Perna, Joni L. Rob, R. Renee Newcomer, and Edward E Etzel, West<br />

Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown WV 26506; Bill Thierfelder, Joyner Sports<br />

Medicine Institute<br />

This symposium reports findings from two independent research projects. The<br />

first paper in the symposium provides data from a randomized controlled study<br />

documenting the efficacy of a psychological intervention to reduce iIlnessfinjury<br />

among competitive athletes. The paper also provides the theoretical basis and the<br />

basic design for the second ongoing project which explored the psychological<br />

impact of injury. The second paper presents results from a controlled longitudinal<br />

study of injured and non-injured collegiate athletes with pre-injury and post-injury<br />

mood state data. The third paper reports the extent of intrusive thoughts and<br />

avoidance, which are thought to maintain negative affect following injury, that<br />

healthy and injured athletes experience. The last paper reports data regarding the<br />

presence of clinical depression, as determined by a clinician administered rating<br />

scale, among injured an non-injured athletes. A university athletic department<br />

sport psychologist and a certified athletic trainer who directs a nationally recognized<br />

athletic training program will serve as discussants.<br />

PsYchological Intervention Prevents lnjurylIlIness among Athletes<br />

Frank M. Perna, West Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV 26506, Mike<br />

Antoni, Neil Schneiderman, <strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, FL <strong>33</strong>124.<br />

The purposes of this study were to determine the efficacy of a Cognitive-Behavioral<br />

Stress Management (CBSM) intervention to reduce illness/injury among<br />

competitive athletes in a randomized controlled study. At pre-season, collegiate<br />

rowers completed measures of training intensity, mood state, and life-stress, Rowers<br />

(N = 34) were then randomly assigned to a control or a 4-week CBSM group.<br />

Number of officeltraining room visits and the number of injuryfJ.Ilness days as<br />

documented by physicians and athletic trainers, who were blinded to CBSM*

S54 / Symposia Abstracts<br />

group assignment, served as the primary outcome variables. A group by gender<br />

ANCOVA with initial life-event stress as a covariate indicated that CBSM athletes<br />

(M = .60, SO = .90) had significantly fewer injury/illness days as compared to<br />

control group athletes (M = 2.75, SD = 3.50) , F (1,29) = 6.17, P = .017.<br />

Depressive Mood <strong>State</strong>s among College Athletes: Pre- and Post-injury<br />

Joni L. Roh, R. Renee Newcomer, Frank M. Perna, Edward E Etzel, West<br />

Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV 26506<br />

The current study assessed depressed mood, via the short Profile of Mood <strong>State</strong>s<br />

(POMS), among injured (non season ending (NSE) and season ending (SE) injury)<br />

and a control group of healthy college athletes (N = 20) from NCAA<br />

Division I and II programs. Assessments occurred at pre-injury, l-week, and 1month<br />

post-injury. Repeated measures ANOVA for POMS-D revealed a significant<br />

group-by-time interaction F (4,34)=3.19, p= .025. Follow-up linear contrasts<br />

indicated that depression was significantly higher among the injured groups as<br />

compared to control athletes at I-week, FO,23) = 4.14, P = .047, but not at<br />

preseason or at I -month follow-up. Our findings provide evidence of mood. disturbance<br />

following athletic injury that can not be easily attributed to other sources.<br />

Injury as a Traumatic Experience: Intrusive Thoughts and Avoidance<br />

Behavior Associated with Injury among College Student-Athletes<br />

R Renee Newcomer, Joni L. Roh, Frank M. Perna. Edward F. Etzel, West<br />

Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV 26506-6116<br />

Although nearly half of college student-athletes will experience an injury that will<br />

limit sport participation at some point during their career, little research exists<br />

examining injury as a potential traumatic experience for athletes. The purpose of<br />

the present study was to identify the extent Varsity athletes (N=260) deemed<br />

physically able to participate were concerned about injury at the onset of their<br />

season. In addition, injured (N=25) and non-injured teammates (N=19) were<br />

compared at two postinjury time points on intrusive thoughts and avoidance behavior<br />

which are common responses to traumatic events. Results suggest that<br />

competing athletes who have recently experienced a major injury exhibit significantly<br />

more intrusive thought and avoidance behavior than their teammates. Purthennore,<br />

athletes who sustain an injury report more intrusive thoughts and avoidance<br />

behavior than their teammates who continue to participate, however both<br />

symptoms subside with time.<br />

Clinical Depression among :Injured Athletes: An Empirical Assessment<br />

Frank M. Perna, Joni L. Roh, R. Renee Newcomer, Edward F. Etzel, West<br />

Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown WV 26506<br />

Extent of reactive clinical depression, as determined by clinician administered<br />

Hamilton rating for depression, was assessed among non-injured athletes (n =

Symposia Abstracts I S55<br />

19) and athletes incurring either a season-ending (SE) (n = 9) or a non-seasonending<br />

(NSE) (n = 16) injury at I-week and I-month post injury. A group by<br />

time (3 x 2) repeated measures ANOVA with follow-up One-way Anovas with<br />

linear contrasts indicated that injured athletes were significantly more depressed<br />

than control athletes at I-week, F (1, 41) = 7.65, P < .001, but not at I-month<br />

follow-up, F (I, 41) = .46, P >.70. Further analyses indicated that only 5.3% of<br />

control athletes obtained scores above the clinical cutting score at I-week and 1month,<br />

whereas 24% and 8% of injured athletes were above the cutting score at<br />

I-week and I-month respectively.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: A Psychoneuromuscular and Physiological Approach to the<br />

Protection and Rehabilitation of Injured Athletes<br />

Aynsley M. Smith, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center, Rochester, MN 55905,<br />

USA; Edward R. Laskowski, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center; Michael A.<br />

Morrey, Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN<br />

55905<br />

The purpose of this symposium is to integrate knowledge from the sports science<br />

disciplines of medicine, physiology and sports psychology and apply it to the<br />

protection and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. The role of proprioception will<br />

be discussed from the standpoint of a psychoneuromuscular template. Most athletes<br />

prior to injury, flourish in training regimens devoted to fitness and performance.<br />

When injury occurs, the posrinjury mood disturbance often attributed to<br />

cognition may be influenced by decreased neuroendocrine secretion (neurotransmitters).<br />

For example, neurotransmitters enhance both kinesthetic sense and response<br />

time but this effect decreases in the presence of depression and exercise<br />

reduction; effects common to sports injuries. The postinjury depression associated<br />

with some athletic injuries, is presented in context with the Wiese-Bjornstal and<br />

Smith response to injury model. Psychology Skills Training (PST) strategies and<br />

emphasis on a prompt resumption of the pre-injury fitness regimens (using creating<br />

alternative strategies) are discussed and integrated with the information discussed<br />

by the previous discussants.<br />

Proprioception: How Input Affects Output<br />

Edward R. Laskowski, M.D., Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center, Rochester,<br />

Minnesota 55905<br />

Proprioception is one of the somatic senses-nervous system functions that collect<br />

sensory information from the body but are not one of the special senses of<br />

sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell, or vestibular equilibrium. Classically, three<br />

somatic senses are described: pain, thermal receptivity, and mechanoreceptivity,<br />

the latter of which include tactile and position sense. Proprioception relates primarily<br />

to the position sense of mechanoreceptive sensation. Although definitions<br />

of proprioception may vary, its importance in protecting and rehabilitating athletic<br />

injury remains constant. Restoring proprioception after injury allows the body to

556 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

maintain stability and orientation during static and dynamic activities. Any typlil<br />

of joint activity can interrupt position sense. Proprioceptive programs need to be<br />

tailored to the individual patient, but exercise can include balance training, kinetic<br />

chain exercise, and sports specific training. Current research has shown how in.<br />

terventions such as the balance board can positively affect the proprioceptive:<br />

system.<br />

The Role of Neurotransmitters in Proprioception of Injury and Injury<br />

Recovery<br />

Michael Morrey, Ph.D., Mayo Medical Center, Rochester, MN 55905<br />

It has previously been proposed that the nature of sport injury needs to be examined<br />

from a multi disciplinary perspective. Such a perspective would address<br />

the psycho-neuromuscular responses operant when injury occurs and during injury<br />

rehabilitation. One aspect of this relationship that may contribute to our<br />

understanding of the dynamics of sports injury and rehabilitation is the role of<br />

neurotransmitters and neuro-endocrine mechanisms. Although, no empirical studies<br />

in the psychology realm have reported investigations into this process, authors<br />

have proposed theories to elucidate this mechanism (Hell; 1993). This symposium<br />

will propose that this dimension is integral to om understanding of sport injury.<br />

Topics of discussion for this presentation will focus on the role of neurotransminers<br />

in enhancing kinesthetic awareness (proprioception), the effect of injury<br />

on neurotransmitters, and the effect of exercise on neurotransmitters (Etnier &<br />

Landers; 1996). Additionally. neurotransmitters as they relate to acute post injury<br />

depression and the time of mood disturbance affected by factors such as lack of<br />

activity and the psychosocial issues surrounding acute injury will be discussed,<br />

Finally, although little research has been conducted, theoretical possibilities addressing<br />

the psycho-neuromuscular link of long-term rehabilitation and mood disturbance<br />

will be presented.<br />

Can Sports Psychology Interventions be Integrated with the<br />

Neuromusadar and Physiological Template Appropriate to the<br />

Rehabilitation of Injured Athletes?<br />

Aynsley M. Smith, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center, Mayo Clinic,<br />

Rochester, MN, USA 55905<br />

Sports psychologists working with injured athletes must ensure that psychological<br />

skills training strategies introduced to injured athletes are integrated with the<br />

objectives of rehabilitation. The sports psychologist must address the variables m<br />

the psychoneuromuscular and physiological template and be cognizant of how<br />

each is affected by injury and which interventions are appropriate to specific<br />

stages of the rehabilitation protocol. Communication between the sports medicine<br />

physicians, the physical therapist and the sports psychologist is key to the integration<br />

process. Because there may be a decrease in neuroendocrine secretion that<br />

occurs in the presence of postinjury depression and exercise cessation, creative

S58 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

about decision making models which can be used to make ethical decisions. AIL<br />

argument will also be made for the implementation of formal ethical trainina<br />

within all sport and exercise psychology programs.<br />

Ethical Considerations In Conducting Graduate Research in Sport and<br />

Exen:ise Psychology<br />

Christopher D. Lantz, Tnunan <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Kirksville, MO 63501<br />

Ethics are an important but often underemphasized component of the research<br />

education of graduate students (Petitpas, Brewer, Rivera & Van Raalte, 1994)<br />

The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the graduate student to a number<br />

of ethical considerations and their relationship to conducting graduate research.<br />

This presentation will provide a brief historical overview of the development of<br />

ethics in research and will discuss major issues such as misconduct in science<br />

and using humans as subjects in research. Particular emphasis will be paid to<br />

ethical considerations in the formation, conduct, analysis, and presentation of the<br />

research problem. Case studies will be introduced to help develop sensitivity<br />

toward ethical issues in research and to assist in the development of ethical thinking.<br />

Ethics and AAASP Certified ConsuItants<br />

Bart S. Lerner, The Citadel, Charleston, SC 29409<br />

This presentation will be based on learning to deal with the professional and<br />

ethical issues that most affect the actual practice of consulting as one becomes<br />

an AAASP certified consultant. The goal is both to provide a body of information<br />

and to educate graduate students on a process of dealing with the basic ethical<br />

issues they may face throughout their careers as certified consultants. Case studies<br />

and definitive ethical standards will be presented to stimulate discussion and reflection.<br />

Also, views will be presented in order to challenge students and current<br />

professionals to formulate their own positions. Specifically, discussion will center<br />

on what should be taught in the classroom and how to handle specific situations<br />

and confrontations from coaches, parents, and athletes as an AAASP certified<br />

consultant. The ethical code and requirements that a consultant adheres to will<br />

be discussed. Also, these guidelines will be explored in order to decide how<br />

accepted ethical standards apply in the specific cases that are encountered.<br />

AAASPs statement of ethics and the role it plays in governing the consultation<br />

process will be presented.<br />

The Supervisory Relationship: Ethical Dilemmas Eucouutered by the<br />

So"""""<br />

RandaU Cockshott, Florida <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Tallahassee, FL. 32306<br />

Future sport psychology practitioners have an ethical obligation to become competent<br />

in the services they intend to provide. Becoming a competent practitioner

Symposia..Abstracts I SS9<br />

necessitates supervision. Through supervision, graduate students can better ensure<br />

the delivery of appropriate services to their clients. The supervisor-supervisee<br />

relationship is important to students' education, and often serves as a forum for<br />

modeling professional behavior. Ethical dilemmas likely to be encountered by the<br />

student will be discussed, and case studies will be presented. Utmost of importance<br />

is the question of receiving adequate supervision. Students should only<br />

engage in services for which their supervisors are qua1ified by training, education,<br />

and/or experience. Finally, the need for individuals to prepare themselves to be<br />

supervisors for future generations of professionals will be addressed. Individuals<br />

should leave this discussion with an understanding of the ethical principles surrounding<br />

the supervisory relationship.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: On-site Sport Psychology Provision Ilt International Events:<br />

Beyond the Textbook and Conventional Mental SkiDs<br />

, TI'llInIng<br />

Stephen J. Bull, Jocelyne E. Brooks, Christopher J. Shambrook, Cheltenham<br />

and Gloucester College, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4AZ, UK. Peter C.<br />

Terry, Brunei <strong>University</strong>, Osterley Campus, Borough Road, Islewoctb,<br />

Middlesex, TW7 SDU, UK.<br />

This symposium focuses on issues relating to the provision of on-site sport psychology<br />

services. The first presenter, an experienced consultant., reDects on 15<br />

years of on-site provision and describes six potential models of operation. The<br />

second presenter, also an experienced consultant, describes the special challenges<br />

of providing an on-site service at one specific event-a World Cup tournament<br />

in India. The third presenter, a newly qualified consultant, reDects on the key<br />

challenges involved in stepping into the shoes of an experienced consultant and<br />

the demands of having to provide an on-site service at a World Championship<br />

without any previous experience of doing so. The fourth presenter, a trainee consultant,<br />

reflects on the benefits, and challenges, of learning about on-site sport<br />

psychology provision by working alongside an experienced professional. 'Iextbook<br />

models of professional delivery are challenged throughout the symposium.<br />

DeUvery of Applied Sport Psychology: Lessons Learned over 15 Years<br />

Peter C. Terry, Brunel <strong>University</strong>, Dept. of Sport Sciences, Osterley Campus,<br />

Borough Road, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 SDU, U. K.<br />

The current presentation reflects upon the delivery of applied sport psychology<br />

to elite performers, based on experiences during 15 years as a traveling sport<br />

psychologist. Lessons learned by the presenter at more than 40 global events,<br />

including the Olympic Games of Albertville, Barcelona, Lillehammer, Atlanta and<br />

Nagano are presented. Six potential models for interactions between sport psycbologist,<br />

athletes, coaches and sport organizations are discussed. 'The presentation<br />

describes how the content of mental training programs evolves over time,<br />

and addresses issues of a philosophical, organizational, and professional nature.

S60 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

The specific challenge of functioning effectively in the Olympic environment W<br />

considered. The central question posed by these experiences is whether sport<br />

psychology consultancy with elite.performers is art or science, or a subtle combination<br />

of both.<br />

On the Road in India: Special CbalIenges lor the Travelling Sport<br />

Psychologist<br />

Stephen J. Bull and Jocelyne E. Brooks, Cheltenham and Gloucester College,<br />

Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GUO 4AZ, UK.<br />

In 1997, the England Women's Cricket Team defended the status of World Champions<br />

in the World Cup which took place in India where touring is viewed as a<br />

particularly challenging prospect. As the senior and trainee sport psychologists<br />

on the staff to accompany the team we had spent many months tackling issues<br />

relating to touring stress in India. Nevertheless, a package of seven particular<br />

challenges emerged which tested reliance on the ubiquitous "control the controllables"<br />

advice so often advocated by travelling sport psychologists (Miller, 1997).<br />

(I) Organisational issues. (2) Cultural issues. (3) Poverty issues. (4) Food and<br />

hygiene issues. (5) Climate and claustrophobia issues. (6) Travel itinerary issues.<br />

(7) Fanatical spectator support: Preparing players to deal with these srreasors was<br />

a challenging task and proved to be an experience of notable professional development<br />

where important lessons were learned.<br />

Sport PsychOlogy Consultancy at a World Championships: Challenges 01 a<br />

New Kid on the Block<br />

Christopher J. Shambrook, Cheltenham and Gloucester College, Leisure and<br />

Sport Research Group, Francis Close Hall. Swindon Road, Cheltenham,<br />

Gloucestershire, GL50 4AZ, U.K.<br />

Several authors have written about the challenges relating to the delivery of sport<br />

psychology services to a new sporting group (Ravizza, 1988). These reflections<br />

typically relate to a consultant gaining entry to a team for the first time. 1be<br />

current presentation relates to the experiences of a young sport psychologist replacing<br />

an experienced sport psychologist, and shortly after travelling with the<br />

team to a wodd championships. The presentation will address issues relating to<br />

becoming integrated into the team, following in the consultancy footsteps of a<br />

considerably more experienced consultant, and joining the team at the world<br />

championships with limited previous exposure. These issues will be considered<br />

in relation to initial, and continued consultant effectiveness.<br />

Tbe Trainee Sport Psychologist: Learning on Site Tools of tbe Trade<br />

Jocelyne E. Brooks and Stephen J. Bull, Cheltenham and Gloucester College,<br />

Swindan Road, Cheltenham. GL50 4AZ.<br />

This presentation reviews the experience of a trainee sport psychologist learning<br />

about on-site sport psychology provision by working alongside an experienced

Symposia Abstracts I S61<br />

consultant. The trainee had been working with her supervisor for a Period of five<br />

years and this was to be the first time she would assume significant responsibility<br />

at an international competition-a World Cup in India. The senior sport psycbologist<br />

accompanied the squad for the first 10 days of the tour, taking the lead<br />

in delivering the sport psychology program. The trainee observed much of this<br />

activity and then, for the remaining 14 days, assumed the role of on-site consultant.<br />

The presentation focuses on the mechanics of how the transition of responsibility<br />

was carried out wben the senior consultant left India and concludes with<br />

practical recommendations relating to how this learning experience could be replicated<br />

in other situations.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: A Multidisciptinary Model to Solve the Mystery of the<br />

"Yips" in Golf: A Focal Dystonia?<br />

Aynsley M. Smith, Susan A. Malo, & Edward R. Laskowski, Mayo Clinic<br />

Sports Medicine Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905; Debra J. Crews,<br />

Arizona <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Tempe, Arizona, 85287<br />

The purpose of this symposium is to consider the "yips", a phenomenon unique<br />

to golf, from a multidisciplinary perspective. This involuntary disturbance, defined<br />

as a focal dystonia impedes execution of fine, motor behavior.skills sucb<br />

as putting in golf. Although not attributed solely to anxiety, this phenomenon is<br />

believed to be exacerbated by anxiety (McDaniel, Cummings and Shain, 1989).<br />

It is hypothesized that Selye's stress model is integral to understanding the complex<br />

relationship of cognitions to emotions to behavioral response that occurs in<br />

the "yips". Presentations will emphasize the normal biomechanics of golf and<br />

putting and the relationship of cognitions, attentional states, cardiac deceleration<br />

and fitness to putting performance. The final presentation will conclude the symposium<br />

by advancing the multidisciplinary research model (based on 1030 re,<br />

sponses to a "yips" survey) that will use a matched pair design of "yips" affected<br />

and non "yips" affected golfers in a putting tournament designed to evoke the<br />

"yips" response.<br />

The Biomechanics and Kinematics of the Golf Swing: Kinetic Chain<br />

Implications for the "Yips" Phenomena<br />

Edward R. Laskowski, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center, Rochester, MN<br />

55905<br />

Like the baseball pitch, the golf swing is a highly integrated kinetic chain movement<br />

pattern. "Force funneling" of ground reaction force transferred through the<br />

legs, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and finally to the club head is essential for<br />

optimal swing mechanics. Inefficient transfer of force or a "weak link" in the<br />

movement chain increases the risk of musculoskeletal injury. Five phases of the<br />

golf SWing have been identified: take away, forward swing, acceleration, early<br />

fellow through, and late follow through. Improper kinematics at each stage can<br />

PI"ed.ispose to injury which can include wrist tendinitis, elbow epicondylitis, ro-

S62 I Symposia Abstracts<br />

tator cuff tendinopathy, and low back pain. An analysis of kinetic chain mechanics<br />

for putting has not been completed in an extensive manner, but such a study may<br />

have significant implications for the Yips phenomena. Possible kinetic chain implications<br />

of the Yips phenomena will be discussed.<br />

A Cognitive Approach to Understanding the Devastating "Yips" In Golf<br />

Susan A. Malo, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center, Rochester, MN 55905<br />

The "yips" is described as a focal dystonia characterized by jerking and spasms,<br />

and is most evident during putting (McDaniel, Cummings, & Shain, 1989; Batt,<br />

1993). From 1028 tournament players who responded to a "yips" questionnaire,<br />

data were retained for males with a handicap

Symposia Abstracts I S63<br />

though, the "yips", described as a focal dystonia, impedes execution of fine motor<br />

skills, such as putting in golf it is not believed to be caused solely by anxiety,<br />

but rather may be exacerbated by stress. The psychoneuromuscular and physiological<br />

model advanced to test the "yips" response integrates assessment of psychological,<br />

neurological, neuroendocrine, musculoskeletal and physiological variables<br />

and determines their relationship to performance. This matched pair research<br />

design will examine interactions and differences in these variables between subjects,<br />

randomly selected from a pool of 359 "yips" affected and 286 "non-yips"<br />

affected golfers who agreed to participate in this sequential investigation. The<br />

putting tournament designed to evoke the yips response has a leader board, elimination<br />

after the required testing round, prize money, television crews and a gallery.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Developing Effective Mental Skills Training Strategies in<br />

Junior Tennis<br />

Daniel Gould, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina <strong>Green</strong>sboro, <strong>Green</strong>sboro, NC<br />

27402; Nicole Damarjian. <strong>University</strong> of Connecticut, Storrs, cr 06238; Russell<br />

Medbery and Larry Lauer, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina <strong>Green</strong>sboro,<br />

<strong>Green</strong>sboro, NC 27402<br />

This symposium reports findings from studies designed to understand why mental<br />

skills training information is nol being used by coaches and to identify ways to<br />

more effectively convey this information. The first presentation will report findings<br />

from a qualitative study involving focus group interviews conducted with 20<br />

junior tennis coaches of elite players. One of the major findings was that the<br />

coaches identified a need for more mental skills training. In the second presentation,<br />

a related investigation surveyed 153 junior tennis coaches to determine<br />

their opinions relative to the importance of mental skills training. Findings indicated<br />

the most important mental skills for tennis, the mental skills they found to<br />

be most difficult to leach, and the need for practical mental skills, forms, and<br />

exercises. In the third presentation, the results from the Iwo previous studies are<br />

used to develop an interactive framework model for coaching mental skills. The<br />

model has implications for the use of mental skills training in tennis.<br />

A Qualitative Investigation of Mental Skills Training in Junior Tennis<br />

Coaches<br />

Nicole Damarjian, Uni.versity of Connecticut, Storrs, cr 06238<br />

In the last decade, considerable attention has been paid to the development of<br />

mental skills training for tennis athletes (Braden & Wool, 1993; Loehr, 1990;<br />

1991; 1992; 1994; Loehr & Striegel, 1994; Taylor, 1993; Weinberg, 1988). lbis<br />

investigation was designed to understand why menial skills training information<br />

is not being used by junior tennis coaches and to identify ways to more effectively<br />

convey this information. Four focus-group interviews were conducted with 20 (4<br />

female and 16 male) junior tennis coaches. The coaches had a mean of 15 years

SYMPOSIUM: Approaches to Helping Athletes Create Future<br />

Performances<br />

Symposia Abstracts I S65<br />

Sandra Foster, Stanford <strong>University</strong>, Stanford, CA 94305; Richard Gordin, Utah<br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Logan, UT 84322; and William Straub, Life <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Marietta, GA 30060<br />

This symposium offers three different approaches to assisting athletes in the creation<br />

and enactment of future performances that will meet their goals. Each speaker<br />

draws upon years of experience and present his or her unique style in an applied<br />

case study format. The first presenter will describe his intervention which is based<br />

upon the utilization of hypnosis. Hypnotic trance states allow the athlete to mentally<br />

construct and imagine extensions of existing skills in order to create new<br />

future performances. The second presenter will present his Athlete-Centered approach,<br />

which proposes that mental training programs must be individually designed<br />

in order to meet specific needs of each person; these programs involve<br />

observation, testing, and possibly using technology, such as videotape feedback.<br />

The third presenter, an experienced executive coach, brings the methodology of<br />

strategic visioning to sport psychology consulting. This technique, which allows<br />

leaders in the corporate world to envision and risk new behaviors, is brought to<br />

athletes who wish to extend their existing skill repertoires.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: From Obstacles to Allies: Working with Families of<br />

Athletes<br />

Charles H. Brown, Jr., FPS Performance, Charlotte, NC 28204; Kate F. Hays,<br />

The Performing Edge, Toronto, ON M5T 1M2; David B. Ccppel, Private<br />

Practice, Seattle WA 98112; Sean C. McCann, USOC, Colorado Springs, CO<br />

80909.<br />

Sport Psychologists are traditionally trained in individual techniques of performance<br />

enhancement. As such, they are often ill-prepared to address the involvement<br />

of family members within a performance enhancement program. This symposium<br />

will provide specific frameworks, tools and examples for the educational<br />

sport psychologist to better deal with families as pan of a total performance<br />

enhancement strategy. The first program discusses the rationale for applying systems<br />

concepts to performance enhancement, and the contributions from systems<br />

theory for dealing with resistance and power struggles. Both the second and third<br />

presenters are seasoned sport psychologists who provide case examples of the<br />

importance of systemic issues in performance enhancement efforts. The first presenter<br />

employs Bowen's concepts of triangulation; the second uses cognitivebehavioral<br />

techniques with both athlete and family members. Our discussant is a<br />

sport psychologist known for his work with elite athletes competing at the highest<br />

level of international competition.

S66 / Symposia Abstracts<br />

Basic Systems Theory for the Sport Psychologist<br />

Charles H. Brown, Jr., FPS Performance, Charlotte, NC 28204<br />

Our theoretical orientations serve as cognitive maps from which we identify key<br />

elements in any given situation, and chart our course to desired destinations.<br />

Traditional sport psychology training offers excellent "maps" for dealing with<br />

individuals, coaches and teammates; yet provide little assistance for performance<br />

situations that are influenced by family members and significant others. The conceptual<br />

framework of a systems perspective can provide the educational sport<br />

psychologist with a valuable resource in developing performance enhancement<br />

programs. Drawing from family/systems theory, this program will offer specific<br />

suggestions for dealing with both "power struggles" and the phenomena known<br />

as resistance. It will provide examples of how changing a cognitive map, or<br />

"reframing" a situation, can unblock problem situations and generate new alternatives.<br />

These tools can be helpful in dealing with any member of the "athlete<br />

system"-parents, spouses, coaches or teammates.<br />

Working with Families: A Delicate Balance<br />

Kate F. Hays, The Performing Edge, Toronto, ON MST 1M2<br />

The athlete's family of origin plays a pivotal role, whether in terms of developmental<br />

background or current life. 'lliangulation involves the ways in which a<br />

third entity becomes drawn in as a buffer to tension between two others. Detriangulation<br />

involves staying calm, staying out, and hanging in. 'lliangular situations<br />

in sport include: the coach-athlete-parent triad; parents' differing attitudes<br />

about sport; sibling skills and sport; symptomatic development, including eating<br />

disorders or substance abuse; or the span psychologist-athlete-parent. The consultant<br />

knowledgeable about systemic issues need not become "family therapist:'<br />

but may be able to help de-pathologize the system. By joining with those aspects<br />

of all people intending to support the child's development toward increased skill,<br />

autonomy, and connection, the sport psychologist can effectively assess and help<br />

guide all parties.Case examples illustrate the functional utility of attention to,<br />

rather than discounting of, the parents' "voice."<br />

Family Context: An hnportant Source of lofonnation and Interventions<br />

with Athletes<br />

David B. Coppel, Ph.D. Private Practice, Seattle, WAi <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Washington<br />

Sport Psychology has recognized the importance of parents and family in sports<br />

participation and involvement; however, little attention has been given to exploring<br />

the ways in which this important social context impacts actual sports performance.<br />

A case example is described which depicts the importance of inquiring<br />

about and understanding the athlete within the family context; cognitive-behavioral<br />

interventions with both athlete and parents are described. Thought records

Symposia Abstracts I S67<br />

obtained from the athlete revealed that much of her discontent in her sport was<br />

related to issues relating to her family system. Parental behaviors, which at one<br />

time were perceived as supportive, had evolved to being triggers for anxiety.<br />

Approaches and strategies for working with the athlete within a family context<br />

will be discussed.

S68 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Colloquia. Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Athletes' Interpretation of Competence Information<br />

Lavon Williams and Jenny Parker, Northern Illinois <strong>University</strong>, DeKalb, IL<br />

60115, USA; Capri Foy, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina, <strong>Green</strong>sboro, NC<br />

27412, USA<br />

Athletes evaluate their competence relative to their goal orientations (Nicholls,<br />

1989, Duda, 1992). Additionally, individuals with different goal orientations prefer<br />

different information sources when evaluating their ability (Williams, 1994).<br />

Researchers, however, have not investigated how information from different<br />

sources is interpreted relative to goal orientations. Thus, two research questions<br />

were asked: (a) how do athletes interpret information from competence information<br />

sources'), and (b) is there a correspondence between athletes' interpretations<br />

and their goal orientations? Goal orientations of 13 middle school basketball<br />

athletes were assessed using the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire<br />

(TEOSQ; Duda, 1992). Private semi-structured interviews were conducted with<br />

each athlete to determine how they interpreted competence information. During<br />

the interview athletes ranked the importance of 12 sources of competence information<br />

and explained how each source let them know whether or not they were<br />

competent. Overall athletes interpreted information primarily in a self- and normreferenced<br />

manner. Regardless of goal orientations, athletes interpreted information<br />

in a self-referenced more than a norm-referenced manner. Females made<br />

proportionately more self-referenced and less norm-referenced statements than<br />

males. Occasionally, athletes interpreted information in a socially-referenced manner,<br />

indicating that approval by significant others let them know they were competent.<br />

It appears that athletes interpret information that lets them know {hey are<br />

learning, improving, and trying hard because these qualities can serve as ends in<br />

themselves, as means of attaining an above average performance, or as means for<br />

gaining social approval.<br />

Youth Coaches and Sport Psychology: From Challenges to Professional<br />

Growth<br />

Wade Gilbert, Pierre Trudel, & Jenelle Gilbert, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Canada<br />

KIN 6N5<br />

The purpose of this study was to examine how youth sport coaches learn strategies<br />

to resolve sport psychology related challenges. The sample comprised two focus<br />

groups and six case studies of youth soccer and ice hockey coaches. The coaches<br />

were interviewed and observed over an entire season and the data were analyzed<br />

inductively. The results indicate that whcn the coaches encountered sport psychology<br />

challenges they engaged in a reflective process to construct strategies of<br />

action. Stages in the reflective process include: problem setting, strategy development,<br />

experimentation, and evaluation. The role of sport psychology consultants<br />

in the youth sport context may need to be re-examined in light of these

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts! S69<br />

findings. The results also contribute to theories of learning that suggest that professional<br />

knowledge is constructed through practical experience (Schon, 1983).<br />

Examining the Relationship Between Life Stress, Skating-Specific Stress<br />

and Figure Skating Performance during the Competitive Season<br />

Kavira Prakash and Diane Ste-Marie, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Canada. KIN 6N5<br />

This study was the second part of an investigation examining the relationship<br />

between life stress and skating-specific stress on figure skating performance during<br />

both practice and competition. Competitive figure skaters were assessed during<br />

a six week time frame which encompassed their peak competitive season and<br />

academic school. Bi-weekly measures of hassles, skating-specific stress and practice<br />

performance evaluations were obtained. Single measures were obtained for<br />

major life stress, perceived social support, coping abilities and competitive performance.<br />

The results revealed total practice performance to be significantly predicted<br />

by total hassles (distress) and use of task coping. Competitive performance<br />

was predicted by total skating-specific distress, competitive skating-specific distress<br />

and competitive hassles (distress). Evidence for the buffering hypothesis of<br />

moderating variables was not obtained, but support for the 'carryover' effects of<br />

stress did emerge. The implications of these results will be discussed in terms of<br />

their importance to sport psychology consulting.<br />

COLLOQUIUM: Girls in the Game: How Exercise and Sport is Used to<br />

Enhance the Psychological, Physical and Social WeDbeing<br />

of Urban Adolescent Females<br />

Doreen L. <strong>Green</strong>berg, Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087; Marjorie Snyder,<br />

Women's Sports Foundation East Meadow, NY 11554; Diane Wiese-Bjornstahl,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455.<br />

Research has shown that girls are more likely than boys to be depressed, to<br />

attempt suicide, to have a negative body image, and to be physically inactive.<br />

Then there are the real dangers for urban girls-substance abuse, violence and<br />

pregnancy. This presentation is based on the research findings of The President's<br />

Council on Physical Fitness and Sport's report-Physical Activity & Sport in the<br />

Lives of Girls (1997) and Sport in the Lives of Urban Girls, a report from the<br />

Women's Sports Foundation (1998). Successful intervention strategies with this<br />

population have often been difficult to implement. This presentation discusses the<br />

use of exercise and sport as an alternative intervention for reducing the symptoms<br />

of anxiety and depression, as an anecdote to violence and substance abuse, and<br />

promotion of health in adolescent females. The presenters share the documented<br />

research and anecdotal evidence from innovative and successful programs across<br />

the country.

S70 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Aging and Physical Activity: Exploring Stereotypes<br />

Ann M. Clarke and Sandy Gordon, Department of Human Movement, The<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Western Australia, Nedlands, W. A. 6907<br />

Younger (20-39 years) and older adults (65-85 years) completed open ended<br />

statements about participation of older adults in physical activity. Transcripts were<br />

produced using voice recognition software from 496 handwritten returns and QSR<br />

Nud.ist software aided qualitative data analysis. In general, the data presented a<br />

negative view of older adulthood in relation to involvement in physical activity.<br />

Despite considerable encouragement and advice about what older adults should<br />

be doing, all respondents and particularly young men, portrayed over 65 year olds<br />

as mostly inactive, needing to recognise a growing number of physicallirnitations,<br />

and requiring permission to exercise from a doctor. In addition, vigorous or strenuous<br />

activity was seen as neither appropriate or safe and, consistent with this<br />

view, there was a perception that over 65 year olds "deserve" to take it easy.<br />

Social cognitive models will provide the context for discussion of both results<br />

and applied implications for health promotion strategists.<br />

The Use of Exerc:ise in Therapy with Women of Color<br />

Ruth L. Hall., The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ 08628<br />

This paper examines how exercise can be integrated into therapy with women of<br />

color, specifically African American women and Larinas. Factors that must be<br />

considered by the therapist include the client's: 1) attitude toward therapy, exercise,<br />

and physical health; 2) socioeconomic status; 3) diagnosis; 4) support system;<br />

5) styles of coping with stress; 6) attitude toward self care; 7) body image;<br />

and 8) exposure to realistic role models who exercise. The therapist's sensitivity<br />

to a woman of ector's cultural context and toward exercise are also critical to<br />

successful therapy with women of color. Examples are discussed of using exercise<br />

in therapy and professional experiences with women of color. Recommendations<br />

are suggested.<br />

Psychological Determinants of Children's Physical Activity Bebavior: The<br />

Role of Perceived Competence in the Theory of Planned Behavior<br />

Martin S. Hagger and Lorraine A. Cale, Loughborough <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Loughborough, LEU 3TU, UK<br />

Recent studies have identified the utility of the Theory of Planned Behavior (fPB;<br />

Ajzen, 1985) in explaining children's physical activilY intention and behavior<br />

(Craig et al., 1996). This study aimed to extend this research by examining the<br />

usefulness of children's perceived competence in the physical domain within the<br />

framework of the TPB. 181 school children aged 12-14 years completed an inventory<br />

which measured direct and indirect attitudes (Aact), subjective norms<br />

(SN), perceived difficulty in engaging in physical activity (PO), sum of the perceived<br />

barriers to physical activity (Sbar) and perceived competence (PC). Phys-

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I 571<br />

ical activity behavior was assessed by a self-report measure at a later time. A<br />

structural equation model indicated that directly measured Aact and Sbar contrib,<br />

uted most to the explanation of intention while intention, PD and indirectly mea,<br />

surcd Aact were the most important predictors of behavior. PC was significantly<br />

and positively related to attitudes, but had negligible direct influence on intention.<br />

In conclusion, the PC variable is a viable predictor of physical activity intention<br />

but only through the mediating effect of attitudes. This research supports other<br />

studies highlighting the usefulness of the TPB in explaining the influences of<br />

physical activity behavior in children.<br />

Oeeoer and Personality Characteristics Associated with HealthlFitness<br />

Variables<br />

Glenn R. West, Georgetown College, Georgetown, KY 40324 USA<br />

The purpose of this study was to explore possible relationships among psychosocial<br />

and health/fitness (HIF) variables and gender of students enrolled in a<br />

required course in health/fitness promotion. Four classes of approximately 20<br />

students comprised the population (N = 72; 41 women, <strong>33</strong> men). After IRB<br />

approval, SUbjects provided self-report data on blood pressure, estimated aerobic<br />

power, strength, weight, body composition, and nutrient intake. Psychosocial measures<br />

were obtained on the Self-Motivation Index (SM!), Self-Efficacy Scale<br />

(SES), and the Interpersonal Dependency Inventory (IDI), Findings indicated that:<br />

I) Six health variables were significantly associated with psychosocial variables<br />

in women compared to 2 in men. 2) In women Lack of Confidence and Total<br />

Dependency significantly declined with age, while the Total Dependency of men<br />

increased. It is recommended that HIP courses be designed for women with lower<br />

SES (and HIP status) and higher Dependency to emphasize empowerment and<br />

personal growth through positive lifestyle changes.<br />

PANEL DISCUSSION: Mentors on Mentoring: Issues and hnplications for<br />

the Graduate Training Process<br />

Thad Leffingwell, <strong>University</strong> of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195; Anthony<br />

Amorose, <strong>University</strong> of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903; Andrew Meyers,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Memphis, Memphis, TN; Maureen Weiss, <strong>University</strong> of Virginia,<br />

Charlottesville, VA 22903; Jean Williams, <strong>University</strong> of Arizona, Tucson, AZ<br />

85721; Shelley Wiechman, <strong>University</strong> of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195<br />

This panel discussion will address issues around a critical component of the scientist-practitioner<br />

training model-the mentoring process. The panel consists of<br />

veteran mentors and advanced students with diverse mentoring experiences from<br />

both exercise science and psychology training models. Panelists will present some<br />

issues and perspectives on mentoting and respond to a prepared list of questions.<br />

Specific issues to be addressed will include "What is tile role of mentoring in<br />

your training program?," "What are some of the keys to an effective mentoring<br />

relationship"," "What are the expectations of a mentor/mentee in the relation-

S72 / Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

ship?;" "How has the mentoring process changed over the last several years?;"<br />

and "How might the mentoring process be different in exercise science vs. psychology<br />

training models?" Audience participation in the panel discussion will be<br />

encouraged and a substantial amount of time will be devoted to address questions<br />

or issues raised by the audience.<br />

COLLOQUIUM: Reflections of a 10 Year (Sport Psychologist) Veteran of<br />

the National Hockey League<br />

Frank L. Gardner, New York Rangers Hockey Club, USA<br />

This paper will detail an ongoing 10 year career as a sport psychologist in the<br />

National Hockey League. Reflections on mistakes made, useful and irrelevant<br />

techniques, lessons learned, unexpected professional and ethical issues and requirements<br />

for effective long tenn consultation will be presented. In addition,<br />

comparison will be made between issues in career development faced by both<br />

sport psychologists and professional athletes such as selectionidraft, career entry/<br />

rookie season, career options/free agency, coach/management induced role<br />

changes, etc. This will provide a frame of reference by which to understand the<br />

unique tssues/stressors faced by anyone working in professional sports, as well<br />

as provide a take off point for further discussion of within career developmental<br />

issues in sports and how they may effect performance.<br />

The Sorcerer's Apprentice?--or Reflections on Consulting with a National<br />

and Olympic Team as a Graduate Student<br />

Peter Haberl, Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA 0221S and Leonard Zaichkowsky,<br />

Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA 0221S<br />

This presentation gives an overview of an intensive consulting engagement over<br />

the span of two seasons with the USA National and Olympic Women's Ice-hockey<br />

Team. The presenter had the unique opportunity as a graduate student to work<br />

closely and on an ongoing basis wirh the Women's National Team in their preparation<br />

for the 1997 World championships and in their quest for a gold medal at<br />

the 1998 Olympic Games in Nagano. Issues addressed range from the process of<br />

getting entry, philosophical orientation, working within a team setting as part of<br />

the support staff, and individual interventions and teambuilding activities. Ethical<br />

concerns regarding such questions as competence, confidentiality, peer consulting<br />

and working as a male consultant with female athletes are addressed. Data concerning<br />

the consultant's effectiveness are presented based on fonnal evaluations<br />

utilizing a modified version of Partington and Orlick's (1987) consultant evaluation<br />

form and informal feedback from the athletes and coaching staff.<br />

Philosophical Consulting in Elite Sport: Norwegian Soccer Players<br />

Pursuing Meauing, Values, Fulfillment and Excellence<br />

Geir Jordet, <strong>University</strong> of Sport and Physical Education, Oslo, Norway<br />

Several highly respected sport psychology consultants are explicitly using philosophical<br />

concepts, theories, and ideas as important elements in their consulting

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S73<br />

with elite athletes (e.g. Balague, 1997; Orlick, 1990; Ravizza, 1995; Rotella,<br />

1996). Considering the apparent impact and effect these consultants have with<br />

their athletes, it is unfortunate that philosophical factors in consulting are virtually<br />

unstudied by sport psychology researchers (Hardy, Jones & Gould, 1996). As a<br />

point of departure for further research and practice, attempts to integrate philosophy<br />

into sport psychology consulting should consider: a) methods from applied<br />

philosophy (c.g. philosophical counseling and, existential analysis); b) knowledge<br />

derived from literature in the philosophy of sport; and c) an ecologically informed<br />

theoretical and practical framework for integration of athletic philosophical skills<br />

into regular practice and competition. The elements are explained and illustrated<br />

through several single cases with elite Norwegian soccer players.<br />

A Qualitative Investigation on the Mental Aspects Associated with<br />

Professional Cross Country Mountain Bike Racing<br />

Timothy A. Hamel, California <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 92834<br />

Alternative research methodologies will enhance the knowledge base in sport<br />

psychology (Martens, 1987). This qualitative presentation will discuss the mental<br />

skills associated with professional cross country mountain bike racers. The sport<br />

has numerous physical demands; however, one question remains, "What goes on<br />

in the mind of a professional racer 7" Currently, no research on the mental skills<br />

of the professional racer exists. This pioneering investigation identified several<br />

mental skills the rider exhibits. To analyze the information, inductive content<br />

analysis was performed. The emergent general themes included: confidence, associative<br />

and disassociative strategies, focus and refocus strategies, visualization,<br />

pre-race mental preparation, routines and self-talk. A qualitative research methodology<br />

was chosen for three reasons: 1) to acquire and preserve rich representations<br />

of the athlete's experience (Gould, Eklund & Jackson, 1992),2) it accounts<br />

for the "real" environment (Martens, 1987), 3) the phenomenological interview<br />

seeks to describe what is happening from a first person experiential point of view<br />

(Dale, 1996).<br />

An Exploratory Examination of Psychological Techniques Employed by<br />

Triathletes<br />

Barbara J. Walker, The Union Institute, Cincinnati, OH 45206, USA<br />

This study was designed to examine the use of psychological skills, cognitive<br />

strategies, and goal-setting behaviors by triathletes. Participants were 161 national<br />

and international triathletes who completed a questionnaire 13 to 16 hours prior<br />

to competing in a half-ironman distance race. Questions consisted of inquiries<br />

about training schedules, distractions they experience, and psychological skills<br />

they utilize prior to and during races. Results indicated that 95% of the athletes<br />

in the study set goals for themselves during the training season, and reported<br />

using a performance oriented approach. They used an associative style as their<br />

dominant attention focus. Anxiety and weather were reported as the biggest dis-

$74 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

tractors prior to and during a race. All psychological skills listed in the questionnaire<br />

were endorsed by at least one athlete, but none were significantly associated<br />

with reported finish time. Further results and implications for intervention as<br />

consultation as well as for future research arc explored.<br />

Towards a Motivational Model of Flow: Testing Relationships from the<br />

Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation<br />

John Kowal & Michelle S. Fortier, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario,<br />

Canada KIN 6N5<br />

The purpose of this investigation was to propose and test a motivational model<br />

of flow based on vallerand's (1997) Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic<br />

Motivation. One hundred and four master's level swimmers completed questionnaires<br />

on two separate occasions, Time 1 and Time 2. At Time I, situational<br />

measures of distal motivational determinants (perceptions of success and perceptions<br />

of the motivational climate), proximal motivational determinants (perceptions<br />

of autonomy, perceptions of competence, and perceptions of relatedness),<br />

self-determined motivation, and flow were assessed immediately following a<br />

swim practice. At Time 2, one week later, contextual measures of these same<br />

variables were measured with the exception of flow. Results of a path analysis<br />

supported a number of links in the proposed model. Findings are discussed in<br />

light of research and theory on motivation and flow. Directions for future research<br />

are also proposed and practical implications are addressed.<br />

Relationships between Coping Strategies, Trait Anxiety, and Motivational<br />

Orientations in Youth Sport Athletes<br />

Laura Finch, Western Illinois <strong>University</strong>, Macomb, II.., USA 61455<br />

Recent sport psychology research has focused on the coping strategies of elite,<br />

adult athletes but little is known about how younger athletes cope with sport<br />

stress and how these strategies are related to anxiety and motivational orientations.<br />

Adolescent female athletes (n = 108) served as participants. The most prevalent<br />

coping strategies were adaptive and problem focused coping strategies. Maladaptive<br />

strategies were used least frequently. Higher trait anxiety was positively related<br />

to maladaptive and emotion-focused coping. Higher task-orientation was<br />

positively related to adaptive, problem focused coping whereas higher ego-orientation<br />

was positively related to maladaptive, emotion focused coping. Thus,<br />

significant relationships existed between coping strategies, trait anxiety, and goal<br />

orientations. Future research should examine when and how these coping strategies<br />

are developed in athletes, the relationship between achievement motivation<br />

and coping styles, and the best ways to assist younger athletes in developing<br />

adaptive coping strategies and using them consistently.

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I 575<br />

Motives for and Barriers to Exerdse in the Elderly<br />

Paul A. Estabrooks & Albert V. Carron, The <strong>University</strong> of Western Ontario,<br />

London Ontario, N6A 3K7<br />

The purpose of our investigation was to utilize qualitative methods to detennine<br />

motives and barriers for exercise in elderly exercisers (n = 200). The barriers<br />

listed fell into 4 components. Physical Barriers (35% of responses) was derived<br />

primarily from 2 categories, Illness and Medical Commitments. Activities (30%)<br />

was derived primarily from, Competing Activities and Travel. Situational Barriers<br />

(26.3%) was comprised of Weather and Transportation while Psychological Barriers<br />

(8.7%) included one large category, Nurturing Others. The motives for exercise<br />

fell into 5 components, two of which accounted for 80% of all responses.<br />

Health Motives (49.9%) included two large categories, Functional Health and<br />

HealthlFitness. Psychological Reasons (31.4%) was the second largest component<br />

and included 7 categories, the largest of which were Social Interaction and Wellbeing.<br />

Based on the frequency of responses it was concluded that elderly exercisers<br />

participate in regular exercise primarily for the prevention of hypokinetic<br />

ailments, promotion of general fitness, and social interaction. Poor weather conditions,<br />

illness, and family needs attenuate participation. Program design implications<br />

for the elderly are discussed.<br />

Psychological and Social Determinants of Physical Activity Involvement in<br />

Youths: A Qualitative Inquiry<br />

Michelle Fortier & John Kowal, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario,<br />

Canada, KIN 6N5<br />

The purpose of this study was to examine psychological and social determinants<br />

of physical activity involvement in youths. A qualitative methodology was used.<br />

More specifically, 8 focus groups were conducted with Canadian youths (11-15<br />

years of age) from various community centers. A number of questions pertaining<br />

to participants' attitudes, beliefs, motives, perceptions of social support and behaviors<br />

were included in the interview protocol. Results from inductive content<br />

analyses using the NUDIST program indicated that social agents and mainly<br />

friends play an important role in affecting youths' involvement in physical activity.<br />

A number of motives for participation and barriers for non participation were<br />

also revealed. Results are discussed in light of past literature, practical applications<br />

are offered and ideas for future research are suggested.<br />

Sport Orientation, Motivational Orientation, and Coping With<br />

Performance Slumps<br />

N. Paul Heard, J. Robert Grove, and Robert C. Eklund; The <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Western Australia, Perth<br />

Individual differences in Sport Orientation and Motivational Orientation were<br />

examined as correlates of slump-related coping among athletes. Study 1 involved

S76 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

300 athletes who completed the Sport Orientation Questionnaire (Gill & Deeter,<br />

1988) and a slump-specific version of the COPE (Eklund, Grove & Heard, in<br />

press). Study 2 involved 174 athletes who completed the Task and Ego Orientation<br />

in Sport Questionnaire (Duda & Nicholls, 1989) as well as the slump-specific<br />

COPE. MANOVAs revealed significant main effects for WIN and GOAL (both<br />

ps < .025) as well as a significant main effect for TASK (p < .01). Follow-up<br />

comparisons indicated that: Acceptance was used more often by athletes low in<br />

WIN than those high in WIN, F (I, 184) = 10.70, P < .014; Planful Action,<br />

Positive Reinterpretation, Seeking of Social Support, Suppression of Competing<br />

Activities, and Turning to Religion were used significantly more by athletes high<br />

in GOAL than those low in GOAL [all Fs (1, 184) > 10.30, all ps < .01]; athletes<br />

high in TASK utilized significantly more Planful Action and significantly less<br />

Behavioral Disengagement than athletes low in TASK [both Fs (1, 68) > 18.00,<br />

both ps < .001]. In general, these findings suggest that athletes who rely heavily<br />

on self-referenced standards are inclined to use active strategies to cope with<br />

persistent declines in performance. Discussion emphasizes the similarities and<br />

differences in the WIN, GOAL, TASK, and EGO constructs as well as the possible<br />

costs and benefits of these dispositional tendencies for athletes confronted<br />

with domain-specific stressors such as a performance slump.<br />

A Season-long Team Building Program with a Division I InteccoUegiate<br />

Equestrian Team<br />

Diane E. Mack, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC<br />

27599; Gordon A. Bloom, California <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Fresno, Fresno, CA<br />

93740<br />

Aside from a few empirical studies (e.g., Cogan & Petrie, 1995; Prapavessis,<br />

Carron, & Spink, 1997), reports of season-long team building programs with elite<br />

athletes are scarce. A direct team building approach was taken with coaches and<br />

members of a NCAA Division I intercollegiate equestrian team. The goal of the<br />

intervention program was to facilitate improvement in team effectiveness and<br />

perceptions of cohesiveness among team members. Following preliminary interviews<br />

with the coaching staff, team members (N = 37) were administered the<br />

Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ; Carron, Brawley, & Widmeyer, 1985)<br />

to assess team cohesion. Results revealed perceptions of cohesion to be low,<br />

particularly with respect to Attraction to Group---Social and Group Integration­<br />

Task. Based on the results of the GEQ, interviews with small groups of team<br />

members were conducted to further identify potential areas of intervention. Results<br />

of these quantitative and qualitative procedures revealed specific areas for<br />

intervention. These included: improved athlete leadership, the establishment of<br />

team norms, greater accountability for one's actions, improved coach-athlete communication,<br />

and social interaction. These themes fonned the basis for the intervention.<br />

At the end of the season, team members completed the GEQ and a final<br />

interview was conducted. Procedures and results of the intervention are discussed<br />

in terms of improvement in team effectiveness and cohesion, as well as challenges<br />

incurred during the team building process.

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts! S77<br />

WORKSHOP: Working With Native American Athletes<br />

Joy Griffin, <strong>University</strong> of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131<br />

Native Americans (NA) define success and failure and interpret sport experiences<br />

according to their cultural values. NA athletes associate success with family!<br />

group, cooperation, interpersonal concerns, and traditions. NA athletes stress<br />

strong group and process orientations, whereas Anglo American (AA) athletes<br />

respond in a more individualistic, product focused way. AA athletes perceive<br />

success and failure as more internal and controllable than do NA athletes. NA<br />

athletes have greater preference for a social approval sport orientation Ihan do<br />

other ethnic groups. Therefore, Sport Psychologists need to become aware of<br />

diverse meanings. Part I of the presentation will provide information on NA<br />

cultural beliefs and values, and examine possible interventions LO optimize the<br />

sport experience. Part 2 will follow an interactive round table format Ihat allows<br />

questions and provides professional insight through group discussion.<br />

Social Physique Anxiety and Disturbed Eating Attitudes<br />

Harry Prapavessis and Anne M. Haase, <strong>University</strong> of Auckland, Auckland,<br />

New Zealand.<br />

The study compared social physique anxiety scores among four different agematched<br />

female groups (self-presentational athlete-i.e., aerobics; n = 31:weight<br />

restricted alhlete-i.e., rowers; n = 50: alhlcte control-i.e., soccer; n = 37: and<br />

non-athlete control-university students; n = 47), In addition, the study examined<br />

relations between social physique anxiety and disturbed eating attitudes among<br />

these four groups. Participants completed the Social Physique Anxiety Scale<br />

(Hart, Leary & Rejeski, 1989), the Eating Attitude Test (Garner & Garfinkel,<br />

1979) and the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale (Reynolds, 1982). A<br />

Body Mass Index also was calculated from the hcight and weight measurements<br />

of Ihe participants. An ANCOVA with social desirability and body mass as the<br />

covariates and social physique anxiety as the dependent measure, failed to reach<br />

significance [F(3, 168) = 1.67, P > 05]. Hierarchical regression analyses were<br />

computed for each group with EAT scores as the dependent measure. The variables<br />

were entered in the following order: social desirability and body mass! social<br />

physique anxiety. Results showed that the unique increment in variance accounted<br />

for by social physique anxiety for each group was: self-presentational alhlete 4%;<br />

weight restricted athlete 2%; athlete control 28%; and non-athlete control 30%.<br />

Implications of these findings are discussed within Leary and Kowalski's (1990)<br />

impression management framework.<br />

The Drive for Size: Characteristics and Influences of Muscular<br />

Dysmorpbia Disorder<br />

Christopher D. Lantz, Truman <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Kirksville, MO 63501 USA<br />

Muscular dysmorphia has recently been identified as a disorder which lies at the<br />

opposite end of the body image/distortion continuum from anorexia ncrvosa.

S78 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Whereas anorexics have a distorted image of fatness, muscular dysmorphics have<br />

a distorted image of thinness with a need to gain muscular size. While anorexia<br />

has received considerable attention from the sport and exercise psychology community,<br />

muscular dysmorphia remains largely unexamined. The purpose of this<br />

presentation is to introduce muscular dysmorphia to the sport and exercise psychology<br />

community as an important area of scholarly inquiry. Diagnostic criteria<br />

and characteristics associated with the disorder will be discussed. In addition,<br />

potential negative outcomes will also be addressed. Particular emphasis will be<br />

placed on the use and abuse of pharmacological aids such as steroids, diuretics,<br />

and nutritional supplements. Several suggestions for research direction are offered<br />

including assessment, relationship to steroid use, and correlates with other cognitive<br />

variables.<br />

A Thin Line: Weight Pressures, Social Physique Anxiety, and Weight Loss<br />

Strategies among College Female Dancers<br />

Justine J. Reel, The <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at <strong>Green</strong>sboro, <strong>Green</strong>sboro,<br />

NC,27412<br />

The purpose of the current study was to investigate body image concerns and<br />

weight-related pressures among 107 female college dancers. The dancers completed<br />

the Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPA), the Eating Disorder Inventory<br />

(EDI), and the Weight Pressures in Dance (WPD) questionnaire. WPD, with alpha<br />

= .88, was created by the investigator to determine the types of weight-related<br />

pressures in dance. Specifically, the majority (75.7%) of dancers reported that<br />

weight pressures exist in dance, with (he most frequently cited pressures being<br />

the dance costume, performance advantages associated with lower body weight,<br />

the mirror and comparison with other dancers' bodies, and the perception that the<br />

thinnest dancers are chosen for the best performance roles. Responses on WPD<br />

and SPA were strongly correlated (r = .67), suggesting that dancers who reported<br />

more weight pressures tended to exhibit higher social physique anxiety. Weight<br />

loss strategies (e.g., working out starvation/anorexia) reported by dancers will<br />

also be discussed.<br />

COLLOQURJM: QuaHtative Methodologies in Applied Sport Psychology:<br />

A Phenomenological Research Model<br />

Greg A. Shelley, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA; Artur<br />

Poczwardowski, <strong>University</strong> of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA<br />

The purpose of this colloquium is to provide a model for conducting qualitativephenomenological<br />

research in sport psychology. Specific methodological procedures<br />

are presented as a means to studying people in context, for it is there that<br />

the person's values and true experiences become known. This program focuses<br />

on developing and structuring appropriate interview guide questions, establishing<br />

rigor (i.e., commitment and adherence to established rules for conducting qualitative<br />

inquiry), and triangulating qualitative data (i.e., using multiple informants

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S79<br />

and multiple methods of data collection). The roles of a study auditor and a peer<br />

debriefer are discussed in relationship to establishing methodological rigor. Emphasis<br />

is placed on the management and analysis of qualitative data as outcome<br />

data are provided and examined according to an eight step analytical procedure.<br />

Recommendations are made for the implementation of such a model in the advancement<br />

of applied sport psychology research and intervention.<br />

A Portrait of Qualitative Research Articles Published in Three Sport<br />

Psychology Journals<br />

Diane Culver and Pierre Trudel, <strong>University</strong> of Onawa, Ottawa, Ontario,<br />

Canada, KIN 6N5<br />

The lack of specific criteria for conducting and evaluating qualitative research<br />

leaves researchers with more questions than answers. What are the most valid<br />

methods for the collection of data? Is it possible to combine qualitative and quantitative<br />

data? How is trustworthiness best accounted for? How should results be<br />

presented? Based on Trudel and Donohue (1993), the answers to these questions<br />

will vary depending on the field of sport research (sociology, pedagogy, administration,<br />

psychology). The purpose of this study is to portray how researchers in<br />

sport psychology collect, analyse and present their data and results. This portrait<br />

should shed light on the accepted paradigm for qualitative research in sport psychology.<br />

Qualitative studies published in three sport psychology journals have<br />

been analysed for the period ranging from 1990 to 1998. Results indicate that<br />

qualitative articles are still very much in the minority of those published, but that<br />

there are considerable differences in the percentages of qualitative vs. quantitative<br />

articles published in the three journals (The Sport Psychologist, 22%; Journal of<br />

Applied Sport Psychology, 9%; Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 8.5%).<br />

Resuhs indicate that the interview is nearly the only method used for data collection,<br />

and on occasion combined with one or more psychometric tests. Reliability<br />

checks seem to be used frequently as a way to demonstrate the accuracy<br />

of the coding procedure. Finally, researchers often use a combination of extracts<br />

and descriptive statistics to present their results.<br />

Multicultural Training in Applied Sport Psychology<br />

Matthew P. Martens, <strong>University</strong> of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65203;<br />

Amuel J. ZIzi, West Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV 26505<br />

The topic of multicultural training has become extremely prevalent in the field of<br />

psychology, as witnessed by the most recent APA ethical codes mandating that<br />

psychologists have some form of multicultural training (American Psychological<br />

Association, 1992), and the focus multicultural issues are receiving in other subdisciplines<br />

of psychology (i.e. Ridley, Mendoza, & Kanitz, 1994). Unfortunately,<br />

the field of applied sport psychology appears to be doing a poor job addressing<br />

multicultural issues. When conducting a literature search to try to find articles<br />

addressing multicultural issues in sport psychology, the authors could locate no

S80 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

published reports. To alleviate this lack of awareness regarding multicultural issues,<br />

it is suggested that multicultural training be incorporated at all levels of an<br />

existing modcl of applied sport psychology training (Barney, Anderson, & Riggs,<br />

1996).<br />

Factor Analysis of the Attitudes toward Seekiug Sport Psychology<br />

Consultation Quesetennatee (ATSSPCQ): A Replication and Extension<br />

Robert J. Harmison, U.S. Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, CO 80909;<br />

Trent A. Petrie, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203<br />

The purpose of the study was to replicate and extend Martin ct al.'s (1997) attempts<br />

to develop the 50-item ATSSPCQ. Principal factor analysis with oblique<br />

rotarion produced a three-factor solution that accounted for 28.7% of the overall<br />

variance: (1) confidence in sport psychology (19 items), (2) stigma tolerance (8<br />

items), and (3) preference for racial similarity (4 items). The remaining 19 items<br />

failed to obtain loadings greater than .40 on any of the factors. Estimates of<br />

validity revealed the ATSSPCQ to have good concurrent and adequate construct<br />

validity. Additional analyses revealed that female, non-contact sport, and Division<br />

I athletes possessed more confidence in sport psychology, females reported more<br />

stigma tolerance, and athletes of color preferred a racially similar consultant. Also,<br />

previous consultant experience and confidence in sport psychology were found to<br />

predict willingness to see a consultant. The results of the present study provide<br />

support for a revised version of the ATSSPCQ (i.e .• items reworded. combined,<br />

or eliminated) to better assess athletes' attitudes toward sport psychology. Theoretical<br />

and empirical support for the proposed changes along with practical applications<br />

will be discussed.<br />

Experiences of FootbaU Players with a Sports PSychology Program<br />

Lynn Lavallee, <strong>University</strong> of Toronto. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 317<br />

Gretchen Kerr, <strong>University</strong> of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 317<br />

The purpose of this study was to qualitatively explore the experiences of football<br />

players with a sport psychology program. While previous studies have implemented<br />

intervention programs of sport psychology for performance enhancement<br />

and injury reduction, none havc assessed the athletes' experiences with these<br />

programs. It has been difficult, if not impossible, for previous researchers to<br />

ascertain which components of a multi-faceted program were helpful. This study<br />

explored the experience of football players with a sport psychology program implemented<br />

throughout the football season. Qualitative analysis of the sport psychology<br />

programme was performed at the end of the season (N = 8). A key<br />

recommendation is the implementation of such a program in the off-season due<br />

to the intense nature of the football season. Many themes emerged from the<br />

qualitative analysis that will benefit future sport psychology programs, particularly<br />

for the sport of university football.

Colloquia. Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts! S81<br />

Athletes' Assessment of a Mental Skills Program<br />

Emily A Roper and Gretchen Kerr, <strong>University</strong> of Toronto, Toronto, ON MSS 3P7<br />

This investigation examined athletes' experiences with a mental skills program,<br />

Five intercollegiate swimmers (3 male, 2 female) participated in Sill individual<br />

sessions geared to enhancing such skills as cognitive restructuring, anentional<br />

training, competition planning, and imagery. Following the program, semi-structured<br />

interviews were conducted. The data were analyzed inductively from a topdown<br />

approach. Six higher order categories emerged including perceived benefits,<br />

application of skills, suggestions and specific preference of techniques. Suggestions<br />

from the participants and their preferred strategies will be discussed. The<br />

findings have implications for coaches and sport psychology consultants interested<br />

in learning about athletes' experiences with a mental skills program.<br />

Recruiting Intercollegiate Athletes in the Canadian Context,<br />

Patricia S. Miller, <strong>University</strong> of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, M5S lAl; and John<br />

H. Salmela, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, KIN 6N5<br />

It is widely believed that Canadian university coaches commit little time to recruiting<br />

student-athletes, especially in comparison (0 their American counterparts<br />

(Curtis & Mc'Ieer; 1990). This study sought to explore the perceptions of Canadian<br />

university coaches regarding the recruitment of student-athletes. In-depth<br />

interviews were conducted with four male and four female university team sport<br />

coaches, and later analyzed inductively (COte, Salmela & Russell, J995}. The<br />

analysis revealed that recruiting was an important organizational task which included<br />

several subtasks: including early identification of potential recruits, information<br />

distribution, home and campus visits. The process was facilitated by the<br />

quality of the academic offerings of the participants' university and success of<br />

their athletic program. Constraints emerging included time and financial demands,<br />

and the loss of athletes to other programs. These findings suggest that recruiting<br />

is an integral function of Canadian university coaches, and should be considered<br />

in future research on university sport.<br />

In the Practice Room or in the Locker Room-c-Pre-perfermance Anxiety<br />

Exists<br />

Cheryl L. Weiss, Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA 02062<br />

Much research has been conducted to measure pre-performance anxiety experienced<br />

by athletes. In contrast, there has been scant research regarding the affect<br />

of this type of anxiety on performing artists. This pilot study has utilized the<br />

Competitive <strong>State</strong> Anxiety Inventory-2 (Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump & Smith,<br />

1990), testing 35 music majors at Boston <strong>University</strong>'s School for the Arts prior<br />

to their solo jury examination performances. The results of the CSAI-2, coupled<br />

with post-jury interviews with 20 of the musicians, indicate that a positive correlation<br />

exists between the level of cognitive and somatic anxiety experienced

S82 J Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

prior to the jury and the success of the actual jury performance. Results also<br />

suggest that further, more extensive investigations be conducted paralleling the<br />

pre-performance anxiety experienced by both athlctes and performing artists.<br />

Introduction of Quantum Bebaviors in Sport Psychology<br />

Don J. Milham, Sportlogic Performance Enhancement Consulting, Philadelphia,<br />

PA 19031<br />

Quantum Behavior Theory (QBT) (Milham, 1998) facilitates a wholistic approach<br />

to sport psychology through simplifying athletic performance and its environment.<br />

Quantum behavior is an identifiable particle of behavior, which when integrated<br />

with other quantum, may influence performance outcome. Reducrlonist in nature,<br />

it separates performance components by isolating and assigning values to less<br />

than obvious behaviors. Quantum behavior exist in a variety of categories, and<br />

each has an independent identity in existence and function. Quantum behavior<br />

may function synchronous to other quantum, be identified as "detractors" or<br />

"activators" (Milham, 1997), are dependent on hierarchical order, and may<br />

change during emergence. QBT augments behavior analysis, and identities specific<br />

target areas for enhancement, thus expediting application of current sport<br />

psychology performance enhancement methods.<br />

COLLOQUIUM: Performance Enhancement x 2: A Unique Collaberatton<br />

Between Sport Psychology Practitioners<br />

Ken Ravizza, Cal <strong>State</strong> Fullerton, CA 92634; Burt Gigcs, Springfield College,<br />

Springfield, MA 01109<br />

Ibis colloquium will describe the collaborative process between two performance<br />

enhancement practitioners, one from an educational, sport science background,<br />

the other from a clinical background, as they work concurrently with a professional<br />

golfer. The collaboration began in April 1997, when the first author, after<br />

working with the athlete intensively for two years, suggested the inclusion of an<br />

additional consultant who had a psychological orientation. Following an extended<br />

first interview, the second author has been involved in telephone discussions with<br />

the athlete alone, with the other consultant, and with both together in "conference<br />

call" sessions. The colloquium will include descriptions of the content of each<br />

consultant's work with the golfer, as well as examples of the three-way conversations.<br />

A brief history will also be given of the athlete's background and performance<br />

difficulties. The lessons learned, and insights gained will be discussed<br />

to help other practitioners working in similar situations.<br />

The Ropes Course Experience: A Quasi-Experimental Examination<br />

Barbara B. Meyer & Darci O. Grochowski, <strong>University</strong> of Wisconsin­<br />

Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201<br />

In answering the call for empirical documentation of the effects of ropes and<br />

challenge course (RC) participation on the psychosocial function and sport per-

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts J S83<br />

fonnance of athletes and teams, descriptive studies (Meyer, 1997; Meyer & Wenger,<br />

in press) have identified significant time effects for the social aspects of<br />

cohesion as well a" various aspects of achievement orientation. The purpose of<br />

the current study was to utilize a quasi-experimental design, whereby some members<br />

of a girls tennis team participated in a pre-season RC experience and other<br />

members did not, to expand the depth and breadth of knowledge in this area.<br />

Team members completed the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ) and the<br />

Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ) four days prior to (TI), and two days after<br />

(T2), the RC experience. A series of 2 x 2 (treatment X time) repeated measures<br />

ANOVAs were run on the four GEQ subscales. A significant time by treatment<br />

interaction was found (F(l, <strong>33</strong>) = 4.74, P = .037J on the ATG-S. Post hoc tests<br />

revealed that athletes who participated in the RC had significantly higher ATG-S<br />

scores at T2 than athletes who did not participate. A series of 2 x 2 (treaunent<br />

x time) repeated measures ANOVAs revealed a significant main effect for position<br />

on the goal orientation [F(1,<strong>33</strong>) = 6.402, P = .0161, win orientation [F(I,<strong>33</strong>)<br />

= 5,902, P = .021], and competitiveness [F(1,<strong>33</strong>) = 4.609, P = .039] subscales<br />

of the SOQ. For all position effects, post hoc analyses indicated that athletes who<br />

participated in the RC experience had significantly higher scores at T2 than those<br />

who did not participate. In addition, a significant main effect for time was detected<br />

on the goal orientation subscale. Post hoc tests revealed a significant decrease in<br />

goal orientation between T1 and T2 for those who did not participate in the RC.<br />

Discussion will focus on comparisons to previous studies as well as implications<br />

for sport psychology practice and research.<br />

Increasing Role Clarity for Intercollegiate Basketball Players<br />

Elizabeth L Shoenfelt, Western Kentucky <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Bowling</strong> <strong>Green</strong>, KY<br />

42101<br />

This study presents an objective, quantified approach to increasing role clarity for<br />

the 14 members of a NCAA Division I basketball team. The intervention included<br />

the completion of an instrument by the head coach and each player which enabled<br />

a quantified assessment of individual role agreement on a comprehensive list of<br />

required team roles. The coach and psychologist then met with each player to<br />

discuss her roles and differences in role perceptions. The coach and player then,<br />

again, independently completed the instrument. This procedure was followed on<br />

three occasions throughout the season. Rates of role agreement between coach<br />

and player showed continued improvement across the season from an initial preseason<br />

average of 63.21% (SD = 10.57) to an average of 88.21% (SD = 7.75)<br />

toward the end of the season. Questionnaire responses indicated a similar pattern<br />

of increases in role understanding, acceptance, and commitment. Results indicate<br />

this is an effective method of increasing role clarity for intercollegiate basketball<br />


584 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Division I Athletes' Preferences for Perfonnance Enhancement<br />

Interventions<br />

Sameep D. Maniar, John Sommers-Flanagan, Lewis A. Curry, and Scott D.<br />

Sandstedt, <strong>University</strong> of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812<br />

The present study investigated athletes' willingness to use various performance<br />

enhancement interventions as wen as the effects of job title on willingness to<br />

seek help. Data were collected on 67 Division I athletes (42 men, 25 women)<br />

from ten sports to assess their willingness to: (a) seek help, (b) seek help from<br />

various-titled professionals and non-professionals, (c) seek help if recommended<br />

by a coach, and (d) participate in performance enhancement interventions. Using<br />

an analog design, subjects' treatment preferences were evaluated for three different<br />

scenarios: midseason slump, return from injury, and desire to perform more<br />

optimally. A priori comparisons, collapsed across all scenarios, indicated: (1)<br />

female athletes were significantly more willing to seek help (t = 2.032, P < .05);<br />

(2) subjects were more willing to see a sport psychologist than a counselor or<br />

clinical psychologist (t = 8.944, P < .001; t = 8.186, P < .001, respectively);<br />

(3) athletes were more willing to seek help from a "performance enhancement<br />

specialist" than a "sport psychologist" {t = 2.429, P < .02); (4) a willingness 10<br />

seek help "from a trained professional" significantly increased with a coach's<br />

recommendation (t = 8.344, P < .(01); and (5) preferences were given for more<br />

traditional (i.e., familiar) interventions such as goal setting and imagery as more<br />

acceptable than unfamiliar interventions such as hypnosis (t = 9.694, P < .001;<br />

t = 8.966, P < .001, respectively). These results support the importance of developing<br />

educational programs for athletes who may be resistant to seeking professional<br />

treatment due to misconceptions of psychology, sport psychology, and<br />

hypnosis.<br />

WORKSHOP: Low Ropes Course Experiential Activities: The Importance<br />

of Processing<br />

Jerry Sandberg, Maria Newton, Leslie Carnahan, <strong>University</strong> of New Orleans,<br />

New Orleans, LA 70118<br />

There has been a recent upsurge of interest in low ropes course activities (Rohnke.<br />

1977) as an intervention for a variety of areas within sports psychology. These<br />

areas include team building, group cohesion, and character development. Despite<br />

its proven effectiveness as an experiential learning activity, some people have<br />

questioned its effectiveness as a mechanism for retention or transfer. One area of<br />

concern has been the instructor's decision to focus on the novelty of the experience<br />

rather than focusing on the central components of the activity, that of facilitating<br />

(Morris & Stiehl, 1989) and processing (Nadler & Luckner, 1992). The<br />

purpose of this workshop will be to focus on expanding the skills of the facilitator<br />

in low ropes course-type of experiential activities. The learning objectives are as<br />

follows: I) to increase the understanding of the role of the facilitator in experiential<br />

activities., 2) to understand the critical role of processing experiential activities,<br />

3) to explore avenues to enhance retention and transfer of skills and

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I 585<br />

insights of the participants. These objectives will be accomplished by a combination<br />

of 'hands-on" learning, presentation and discussion, Participants will be<br />

given an introduction to ropes courses and their philosophy, discuss a sample day,<br />

walk through a session, attempt the obstacles, discuss how to process, followed<br />

by presentation and discussion of a reference packet. The packet will include<br />

guides on ropes course philosophy, effective facilitating, theories and practical<br />

knowledge on processing and information on specific obstacles.<br />

COLLOQUIUM: A Preventative Educational Program for Female Athletes<br />

at Risk of Developing Eating Disorders<br />

Gayelene J. Clews, Australian Capital Terrirory Academy of Sport, Canberra,<br />

2617, Australia. John Gross Ph.D., <strong>University</strong> of Canberra, 2617, Australia.<br />

Carol Kayrooz, <strong>University</strong> of Canberra, 2617, Australia.<br />

This study examined the effectiveness of a multi-dimensional education program<br />

in facilitating attitude changes in adolescent female athletes away from restrictive<br />

eating behaviours and body image. Participants were 18 registered female long<br />

distance runners, aged between 13 and 19 years, The study was a quantitative<br />

and qualitative investigation employing a pre and post test design and using the<br />

process of triangulation to increase the study's validity, It was proposed that a<br />

multi-dimensional education program comprising of psychological, medical, nutritional,<br />

anthropometric and elite athlete experiences, might be effective in steering<br />

attitudes away from restrictive eating behaviours and body image. Results<br />

showed that education proved to be a successful tool in facilitating attitudinal<br />

changes in a positive direction, across a number of variables such as menstrual<br />

functioning, nutritional understanding, flexibility, strength, and a general awareness,<br />

on what constitutes a balanced, healthy, athletic body..<br />

COLLOQUIUM: Self Concept, Exercise Dependence and Aggression in<br />

Weight Lifters and Body Builders: Phannacology,<br />

Socioll)gy or Both?<br />

Bruce Hale, Staffordshire <strong>University</strong>, Stoke-on-Trent, U.K. ST4 2DP; Dave<br />

Collins, Manchester Metropolitan <strong>University</strong>, Alsager, U.K. ST7 2HL; Martin<br />

Sharp and David Smith, Manchester Metropolitan <strong>University</strong>; Richard Hurst,<br />

Staffordshire <strong>University</strong><br />

Research continues to report an association between the use of anabolic-androgenic<br />

steroids (hereafter AS), exercise dependence, psychological disturbance and<br />

aggressive constructs such as anger and hostility. However, while emphasis has<br />

been placed on this 'causative' association, there is also a wide ranging literature<br />

which reports a contrasting diverse pattern of psychiatric and behavioral effects,<br />

The first presenter reports on two studies examining relationships between exercise<br />

dependency, social physique anxiety, physical self perception, social support,<br />

and weightlifting identity in weight lifters and inexperienced and experienced<br />

bodybuilders. No behavioral differences were found between AS users and non-

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S87<br />

plied research for the purpose of academic credit, professional presentation, and<br />

publication will be mentioned.<br />

WORKSHOP: Personal and Social Implications of Sensitive Gender Issues<br />

Candice E. Zientek, Shippensburg <strong>University</strong>, Shippensburg, PA 17257; Jodi<br />

Yambor, Thomas College, Thomasville, GA 31792; Burt Giges, Springfield<br />

College, Sprinffield, MA 01109; Kristen Diffenbach, <strong>University</strong> of Idaho,<br />

Moscow, ID 83844<br />

The primary purpose of this workshop is to define and discuss the personal and<br />

social implications of sensitive gender issues. Specifically, the presenters will: 1)<br />

define and identify sexual harassment, including two types of sexual harassment,<br />

with an emphasis on sensitive issues such as frequent jokes about sex, sexually<br />

suggestive gestures or sounds, sexual innuendoes, and sexual favoritism; 2) discuss<br />

the scope of the problem in sport settings; 3) examine the personal and social<br />

implications of gender sensitive issues in sport; 4) discuss the specific responsibilities<br />

of the sport psychology consultant in dealing with these sensitive issues<br />

including: APA guidelines, record-keeping, and complaint procedures; 5) role<br />

play and discuss case studies to determine whether each case constitutes sexual<br />

harassment, and to discuss the psychological and social implications of each case.<br />

COLLOQUIUM: Developing the Complete Sport Psychologist through Life<br />

Skills Training<br />

Steven Danish, Virginia Commonwealth <strong>University</strong>, Richmond, VA, 23284­<br />

2018, USA; AI Petitahs, Springfield College, Springfield, MA 01109, USA;<br />

Robert McGowan, <strong>University</strong> of Richmond, VA 23173, USA<br />

Functional theorists have maintained that through sport participation participants<br />

acquire vital skills that transfer to life beyond sports. Life Skills programs such<br />

as the "Going for the Goal" program (Danish, 1990), the United <strong>State</strong>s Olympic<br />

Committee's Career Assistance Program for Athletes (Petitpas, Danish, Mc­<br />

Kelvain, & Murphy, 1992) and the NCAA's "Life Skills Program" are designed<br />

help individuals generalize life skills acquired through sport and game (0 nonsport<br />

settings. This symposium will explore the significance of practitioners possessing<br />

"Life Skills" enabling them to exemplify, practice, and teach Life Skills<br />

to others. Specifically, participants will be invited to explore their own Life Skills<br />

in areas of goal setting, planning, resources identification and use, commitment,<br />

personal awareness, and growth. Issues of professional training, self-awareness,<br />

and intervention will be discussed, modeled, and explored.<br />

COLLOQUIUM: Family Systems Theory as a Model for Applied<br />

Interventions with Teams<br />

Jay A. Deiters, <strong>University</strong> of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639<br />

Theories of intervention in applied sport psychology have traditionally been individually-centered<br />

and structured according to cognitive-behavioral theory (Mur-

588 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

phy, 1995). Alternative models 1O sport psychology interventions have been proposed<br />

and have grown in popularity. In recent years, a systems model of intervention<br />

has been utilized with athletic teams (Schindler-Zimmerman, Washle, &<br />

Protinsky, 1990; Zimmerman & Devoe, 1993; Zimmerman & Protinsky, 1993;<br />

Zimmerman, Protinsky, & Zimmerman, 1994). Using a systems consultation perspective<br />

involves the entire athletic team, emphasizes social psychological processes<br />

and utilizes family therapy interventions. In this colloquium, a family systerns<br />

perspective will be presented in detail, and relevant research relating to this<br />

theory and interventions with teams will be discussed. Family systems concepts<br />

are relevant to sport psychology team interventions as consultants are interested<br />

in the nature of hierarchical structures, the patterns of communication and the<br />

development of roles within members of that system. This perspective differs<br />

from the traditional individual-centered view of applied sport psychology due to<br />

its emphasis on group processes.<br />

WORKSHOP: A Comprehensive, Multidisciplinary Approach to<br />

Performance Enhancement in the 21st Century<br />

David A. Striegel and James E. Loehr, LGE Sport Science, Inc., 9757 Lake<br />

Nona Road, Orlando, FL 32827.<br />

The primary objective of this workshop is to present a comprehensive, multidisciplinary<br />

model for the delivery of performance enhancement services. Historically,<br />

performance enhancement has been viewed independently from nutritional<br />

education and physical fitness training. The presenters propose that a multidisciplinary<br />

approach is needed. The specific workshop objectives are to; (I) explain<br />

the presenters' vision of performance enhancement and the creation of the LGE<br />

Sport Science center, (2) describe how the center reflects this multidisciplinary<br />

focus, (3) outline the center's services that include sport psychology consulting,<br />

nutrition education and physical fitness training, (4) demonstrate how these services<br />

are integrated into a seamless training system, (5) share assessment and<br />

intervention protocols. Participants will be given samples of tools designed to aid<br />

in the assessment of an athlete's mental toughness, nutritional habits, and physical<br />

fitness levels. Workshop objectives will be achieved through in-depth interaction<br />

and discussion between the presenters and participants.<br />

COLLOQUllJM: Discussion and Practical Application of the Development<br />

of a Conceptual Model and Definition of "Quality<br />

Practice" from the Perspective of Five Expert Coaches<br />

Kevin Sverduk, <strong>University</strong> of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO. 80631; Glen<br />

Albaugh, <strong>University</strong> of the Pacific, Stockton CA 95211.<br />

"Quality practice" is a term often used in connection with expert performance<br />

in sport, however it has remained relatively undefined in the sport psychology<br />

literature. Research has suggested that expert performers routinely engage in practice<br />

regimens that are qualitatively different than most performers (Orlick & Par-

S90 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

tivities, and everyday activities according to dimensions of relevance to improving<br />

perfonnance, effort and concentration required to perform the activity, and how<br />

enjoyable they considered their participation in these activities. Results indicated,<br />

contrary to the Ericsson definition, that the most relevant activities were also rated<br />

as the most enjoyable activities. Also, highly effortful practice in middle distance<br />

track was also perceived as enjoyable. Additionally, results confirmed that concentration<br />

was a distinct factor from physical effort in sport. Further analyses<br />

compared activity ratings between three skill groups (elite group, less 5% group,<br />

less 15% group) and found no significant differences in terms of their perceptions<br />

of track, track-related, and everyday activities. Finally, a set of deliberate practice<br />

activities for middle distance track was identified according to a modified conception<br />

of deliberate practice in sport. In conclusion, the definition of deliberate<br />

practice in sport appears to be qualitatively different from music.<br />

Development of Expert Performance in Biathlon<br />

Jamie F. Kallio and John H. Salmela, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Ottawa, On, KIN<br />

6N5, Canada<br />

Work with musicians by Ericsson, Krampe and Tesch-Romer (1993) concluded<br />

that expertise is a result of deliberate practice. In order to reinforce the notion of<br />

development of expertise through deliberate practice in sports, three groups of<br />

biathletes, male and female, (n = 45) from the provincial level to international<br />

caliber recalled the number of hours they spent practicing biathlon from the time<br />

that they started to the present. Data was collected during the competitive season<br />

at scheduled biathlon races. All groups had begun sports at approximately 13<br />

years of age or earlier, while several did not begin specific training for biathlon<br />

until later in their career. Participants rated biathlon and non-biathlon activities in<br />

regard to how relevant they were to improving performance, the level of physical<br />

effort required, the level of concentration (mental effort) and the degree of enjoyment<br />

experienced. International level biathletes showed to have accumulated<br />

a significant number of more total hours and higher number of hours at high<br />

intensity combined with shooting practice than the lower skilllevel groups. Other<br />

differences between skill levels were apparent in the amount and type of shooting<br />

training particularly during the non-competitive phase of the season.<br />

Individual Differences in Imagery Ability and the effect on Motor' Skill<br />

Acquisition<br />

Vicki de Prazer. Australian Institute of Sport, PO Box 176 Belconnen<br />

Australian Capital Territory, 2616 Auslralia<br />

The use of imagery or mental rehearsal is universally postulated throughout sport<br />

perfonnance literature as an essential component in the cognitive repertoire of<br />

elite athletes. This study highlights the need to understand individual differences<br />

in athletes cognitive styles and ability to use imagery, when attempting to enhance<br />

motor performance via cognitive intervention. Individual differences in cognitive

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S9l<br />

style, and information processing capacity were examined by manipulating the<br />

utilization of visuomotor imagery in the acquisition of golf putting skill, with the<br />

hypothesis being that High Imagers would perform better than Low Imagers.<br />

Subjects were selected as High and Low Imagers (N = 42) using the Betts,<br />

Gordon and VVI.Q. Subjects in Condition I were instructed to use visuomotor<br />

imagery during the entire acquisition phase. Subjects in Condition II were instructed<br />

to use Visuomotor imagery at a later stage of the acquisition period,<br />

hypothesised to represent the procedural phase. Condition III was a control condition.<br />

A series of 3 X 2 ANOVA'S supported OUI first hypothesis. However, a<br />

very important finding in terms of the application of mental training programmes<br />

was that Low Imagery ability novice golfers, actually showed a deceleration in<br />

their acquisition rate,when asked to use imagery, which was not apparent when<br />

left to utilise their usual learning strategies, i.e. their preferred cognitive style.<br />

The second hypothesis, suggesting rate of acquisition would be influenced by at<br />

what stage of skill acquisition imagery rehearsal instructions were introduced,<br />

was not supported.<br />

The Role of Fear in Competitive <strong>State</strong> Anxiety among a Group of Female<br />

High School Swimmers<br />

David S. Kemler, Pam Hutchinson, Southern Connecticut <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, New<br />

Haven, CT 06515<br />

Research has confirmed that athletes are often anxious during competition and<br />

that emotional states can affect performance. Few studies, however, have assessed<br />

which specific emotions comprise the experience of anxiety. The purpose of this<br />

study was to determine whether the emotion fear played a significant role in<br />

producing competitive state anxiety among a group of female high school swimmers.<br />

Subjects (n = 20) completed an emotion/anxiety scale (DES+A) to determine<br />

state anxiety levels minutes before an important meet. The same scale was<br />

administered 72 hours later to assess emotional state in a non-competitive setting.<br />

In addition, each athlete completed a self-report that provided insights into her<br />

behavior and performance during the competition, and the head coach wrote a<br />

separate assessment of each swimmer. A discriminate function analysis was then<br />

used to determine which emotions affected swimmers during this particular competition.<br />

The discriminant function analysis revealed that the variables of (a) fear,<br />

(b) how often a swimmer experienced anxiety, (c) whether fear was a recurring<br />

emotion felt during competition, and (d) the swimmer's self confidence were<br />

related most highly to successful swims. It was concluded that fear was central<br />

to producing anxiety among this group of swimmers, but that self-confidence (p<br />

< 0.01) was the most important variable in determining their emotional state<br />

during competition. The information was used by the coach to develop strategies<br />

for dealing with anxiety and improving swimmers' self-confidence throughout the<br />


Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S93<br />

of sport specific examination for the development of applied anxiery interventions<br />

for the sport psychologist.<br />

Factors Influencing Competitive <strong>State</strong> Anxiety in Sport and Exercise: A<br />

Research Synthesis<br />

Monica Andres, Bradley <strong>Green</strong>, Arnold LeUnes, Stephanie Pane, and Anthony<br />

Bourgeois, Texas A & M <strong>University</strong>, College Station, TX 77843-4235<br />

A meta-analysis was conducted across twenty-five studies using the Competitive<br />

<strong>State</strong> Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2; Martens, Vealey, and Burton, 1990) administered<br />

to participants in both aerobic and anaerobic sports. The CSAI-2 assesses<br />

competitive state anxiety across the three component scales of somatic anxiety,<br />

cognitive anxiety and self-confidence. The twenty-five studies provided CSAI-2<br />

data that was compared to population norms to calculate effect sizes. Effects of<br />

six moderator variables (time, gender, type, setting, level, and intensity) were<br />

examined. General effects were found for type of exercise (coactive, interactive,<br />

mixed), intensity (aerobic versus anaerobic), and timing of data collection (related<br />

versus unrelated to performance). Hypotheses were continned through multivariate<br />

and univariate analysis conducted on effect sizes calculated with Cohen's d.<br />

Life Stress and Health Symptoms in Competitive Rowers<br />

Adrienne H. Kovacs, and Frank M. Perna, West Virginia <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Morgantown, WV, 26506-6116<br />

Anderson and Williams (1988) postulated that the relationship between negative<br />

life event stress (NLES) and athletic injury is mediated by a variety of physiological<br />

symptoms such as muscular tension and attentional deficits. However, the<br />

health symptoms hypothesized to precede a stress-induced injury have not been<br />

empirically documented. This study was a prospective examination of the relationship<br />

between NLES and health symptomatology. Specifically, muscular, cognitive,<br />

emotional, autonomic, and immunological health symptoms were examined<br />

in college and elite rowers (N = 43) who had completed an NLES measure<br />

one month earlier, After controlling for training intensity, negative affect, and<br />

demographics, NLES was significantly positively associated with all five symptom<br />

domains (all p-values < ,01). This finding provides preliminary evidence<br />

supporting the association between NLES and proximal health symptomatology<br />

which may playa mediating role in the relationship between NLES and athletic<br />

injury.<br />

An Investigation of the Relationship between Life Stress and Changes in<br />

Mood <strong>State</strong>s and Stress Symptoms in NCAA Division I Women's Athletics<br />

Team Members<br />

Rebecca L. Ahlgren, Edward F. Etzel, Samuel J. Zizzi, Frank M. Perna, West<br />

Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV 26506-6116<br />

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the association between selfreported<br />

recent life events, mood states and stress responses over the course of a

S94 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

competitive season for members of an NCAA Division I women's basketball<br />

team. Participants (N = 13) completed the Life Events Scale for College Athletes<br />

(Petrie, 1992) before the onset of the<br />

basketball season and at the end of the season. Athletes also completed a monthly<br />

Quick Stress Questionnaire (Otani, 1985) and a weekly Profile of Mood Slates<br />

(POMS) (McNair, LoIT, & Droppelman, 1971) over the course of the competitive<br />

season. Results will provide insight into the relationship between a wide range of<br />

srressors common to college student-athletes and cognitive, affective, behavioural<br />

and physical stress symptoms.<br />

The Effect of Imagery during Arousal and Relaxation Conditions OD<br />

Imagery Quality and Cricket Batting Performance<br />

Jason Wright and Alex McKenzie, <strong>University</strong> of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.<br />

This study investigated the effect of mental imagery training under arousal and<br />

relaxation conditions, on the imagery quality and performance of Iwo batting<br />

strokes in cricket. Using a single-subject multi-element design, four male cricket<br />

players who were assessed as 'paratelic dominant' according to Apter's (1982)<br />

Theory of Psychological Reversals, received relaxation task imagery instructions,<br />

and self-perception (arousal) task imagery instructions on alternative days over a<br />

six week period following an initial baseline period. Irrunediate1y following imagery<br />

rehearsal, the players performed the two batting strokes. Results showed<br />

thai the imagery instructions were effective in altering the players arousal levels<br />

in the desired directions, and that the quality of the players' imagery was higher<br />

under the self-perception (arousal) condition. All players indicated that they enjoyed<br />

the self-perception (arousal) condition more than the relaxation condition.<br />

It was concluded that individual differences may exist in imagery training with<br />

respect to the conditions under which imagery is rehearsed. Conditions thai approximate<br />

the individual's ideal performance state may need to be created prior<br />

to imagery use if imagery quality is to be maximised.<br />

Intensity and Interpretation of Competitive <strong>State</strong> Anxiety: Relationship to<br />

Performance and Repressive Coping Style<br />

Gerald J. Jerome, <strong>University</strong> of Arizona, Tucson. AZ 85719; and Jean M.<br />

Williams, <strong>University</strong> of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719<br />

This study revealed that a repressive coping style influences the relationship to<br />

performance for an athlete's intensity of anxiety symptoms and interpretation of<br />

those symptoms as debilitative or facilitative to performance. Persons with a repressive<br />

coping style typically deny having elevated levels of anxiety even though<br />

their behavior and physiological responses suggest otherwise (e.g., Weinberger,<br />

Schwanz, & Davidson, 1979). Recreational and semi-professional bowlers (N =<br />

158) completed the modified Competitive <strong>State</strong> Anxiety Inventory-2 (Jones &<br />

Swain, 1992). Intra-individual scores measured performance. Repressive coping<br />

styles were identified by low competitive trait anxiety and high social desirability

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S95<br />

scores. Regression analysis showed the cognitive intensity and somatic direction<br />

subscales explained 4.1 and 3% (p < .05) of the performance variance respectively.<br />

Cognitive intensity had an inverted-U relationship with performance and<br />

somatic direction had a positive linear relationship. After removal of bowlers with<br />

repressive coping styles, analysis showed that cognitive and somatic intensity<br />

explained 12.6 and 6.1% (p < .05) of the performance variance respectively.<br />

Cognitive intensity had an inverted-U relationship with performance and somatic<br />

intensity a negative linear relationship. This study expands upon the findings of<br />

Williams and Krane (1989,1992) and indicates the need to control for individuals<br />

with repressive coping styles when using the modified CSAI-2.<br />

Cultural Comparison of What Motivates Children to Participate io Sports<br />

A.J. Ploszay, <strong>University</strong> of Richmond, VA 23173, USA; Robert McGowan,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Richmond, VA 23173, USA<br />

Weiss and Chaumeton (1992) pointed out most of the research in sport psychology<br />

has depended on subjects of European descent. Considering the high percentage<br />

of athletes of African descent participating in sport throughout the world, especially<br />

professional sports (Coakley, 1998) it seems logical that research examining<br />

the foundation of their success needs to be explored. An examination of<br />

motives for sport participation in children of non-European descent is to be investigated.<br />

Subjects are African American children enrolled in inner city high<br />

schools in the southeastern area of the United <strong>State</strong>s and high school age children<br />

that are native West Africans. Subjects were asked to write a one-page theme<br />

discussing the reasons why they participate in sports. Using a content analysis to<br />

summarize the subject's reasons for participation it was concluded that cultural<br />

differences do exist in each group's motivations as to why they participate in<br />

sports. Conclusions for cultural differences in motivation are investigated.<br />

Students' Perceptions of Motivational Climate aod Differential Treatment<br />

in Physical Education<br />

Athanasios Papaioannou, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos, Democritus <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Thrace, Komotini, 69100, Greece and Konstantinos Bagiatis, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Thessaly, Trikala, 52100, Greece<br />

It was hypothesized that students' perceptions of physical education teachers favoring<br />

high ability students would be (1) positively related to their perceptions<br />

that these teachers emphasize social comparison in class (ego-involving goal),<br />

and (2) negatively related to their perceptions that these teachers try to develop<br />

the abilities of all children (task-involving goal). 271 Greek high school students<br />

answered on a series of questionnaires. Based on factor and reliability analyses<br />

6 scores were computed measuring differential treatment of high and low athletic<br />

ability students. Two scale scores were calculated measuring task-involving and<br />

ego-involving climate respectively. The correlation analysis confirmed the hy-

S96 / Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

potheses. Teachers should create a task-involving climate in order to motivate<br />

their low ability students.<br />

Students' Perceptions of the Influence of Sex-Role Stereotypes on<br />

Participation in Outdoor Recreation<br />

Robin Farrell, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIN 6N5<br />

Tom Stevens, Lakehead <strong>University</strong>, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada P7B SEl<br />

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether current outdoor recreation<br />

programs aid in the abolishment of sex-role stereotypes present in traditional<br />

sport. Participants in this study were 208 undergraduate students from an<br />

academic outdoor recreation program. A questionnaire was administered in order<br />

to assess gender differences on the following components: motivation for participation<br />

in outdoor activities, responses to societal, general, and attributed stereotypical<br />

statements, stereotypes surrounding choice of gender of outdoor leader,<br />

and the prevalence of sex-role stereotypes within the existing program. Generally,<br />

respondents felt that stereotypes predominant in traditional sport do not carry<br />

over into the outdoor recreation field, however, both genders in the sample specifically<br />

indicated different motives for participation, used sex-role ideologies to<br />

identify male and female attributes, and chose outdoor leaders based on perceived<br />

proficiency in sex-typed activities/situations. Results are discussed in light of past<br />

literature, and practical implications arc addressed.<br />

Achievement Motivation among Older Adult Supervised and Unsupervised<br />

Exercise Participants: A Social Cognitive Approach<br />

Katie M. Culp and Carl T. Hayashi, Texas Tech <strong>University</strong>, Lubbock, TX<br />

79409<br />

The purpose of this study was to examine the nature of achievement motivation<br />

among supervised and unsupervised older adult physical activity participants.<br />

Specifically, the present study examined the nature of individual differences (i.e.,<br />

personal incentives, sense of self, and perceived options) and social contextual<br />

factors (i.e., goal/reward structure) among male and female aerobics and mall<br />

walking participants. Semi-structured interviews were conducted among male<br />

mall walking participants (n = 5), female mall walking participants (n = 5), male<br />

aerobics participants (n = 5) and female aerobics participants (0 = 5). Results<br />

revealed that respondents identified positive experiences through task and social<br />

orientations. Male and female aerobics participants and female mall walkers also<br />

defined positive experiences via an ego orientation. Respondents identified negative<br />

experiences through task oriented goals. Gender and activity type differences<br />

were also detected as male aerobics and mall walking participants described negative<br />

experiences via an ego orientation while male and female aerobics participants<br />

identified negative experiences based on a sense of competence. Finally,<br />

respondents perceived the climate of their respective activity through individualistic,<br />

cooperative and social goal/reward structures. Male and female aerobics

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts! S97<br />

and female mall walking participants also perceived the environment of their<br />

physical activity to be competitive in nature. Study findings suggest the need to<br />

further examine the influence of gender and activity type related to the achievement<br />

motivation of older adult physical activity participants.<br />

Predicting Intrinsic Motivation in Youth Sport from Perceived Competence<br />

and Achievement Goals<br />

Jean whitehead, <strong>University</strong> of Brighton, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 7Sp'<br />

UK; and Kirsten Piroth, Western Consortium for Public Health, San Francisco,<br />

CA 94709.<br />

Markland and Hardy (1997) tested the structure of the IMI (McAuley, Duncan &<br />

Tammen, 1989) and noted ambiguity in the relation of the perceived competence<br />

scales to others in the instrument. They found support for a causal influence model<br />

but noted that longitudinal data is needed to determine whether intrinsic motivation<br />

is better predicted by absolute measures or measures of change. This study<br />

analyses longitudinal data to predict relative and absolute measures of intrinsic<br />

motivation in year 2 from similar measures of perceived competence and achievement<br />

goals. III track and field athletes aged 11 to 17 years completed measures<br />

of dispositional and situational goal perspectives, and intrinsic motivation in successive<br />

years (Andree & Whitehead, 1995; Whitehead & Andree, 1996). Multiple<br />

regression analyses showed better prediction of Year 2 scores from absolute measures,<br />

but of change scores from relative measures.<br />

The Relationship of Intrinsic Motivation to Moral Development in Youth<br />

Sport Participants<br />

Joseph E. Davis and Richard H. Cox, <strong>University</strong> of Missouri-Columbia,<br />

Columbia, MO 65201<br />

The issue of moral growth through psychosocial development has been addressed<br />

by Brendemeir and Shields (1987). However, the underlying factors contributing<br />

to moral development in youth sport participants have yet to be identified. In an<br />

attempt to establish whether moral development can be predicted by intrinsic<br />

motivation, the following study has been conducted. Male and female participants<br />

(N = 63), aged 14-18 years old, were administered the Survey of Values in Sport<br />

(SYS) (Simmons & Dickinson, 1986) and a modified version of the Intrinsic­<br />

Extrinsic Sport Motivation Scale (IESMS) (Weiss, Brendemeier & Shewchuk,<br />

1985). The overall omnibus R.tcst yielded a non-significant value of F = 1.283,<br />

P > .2841. However, correlational analyses showed a significant positive correlation<br />

(r = .25391, P > .(446) between the dependent variable, moral development,<br />

and one of the independent variables, curiosity-a subscalc from the<br />

IESMS. Results of the multiple regression analysis fail to support the proposed<br />

relationship between intrinsic motivation and moral development. Discussion of<br />

results occurs in light of related empirical findings and implications for the proposed<br />

model of moral development.

S98 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

The Role of Sport Confidence in Predicting Attributional Style: An<br />

Optimistic Approach<br />

Samuel J. Zizzi, West Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV, 26505; John M,<br />

Silva, III, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599; Matthew P. Martens,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 65203<br />

In recent years, the concept of attributional style has broadened the area of attributional<br />

research to include a dispositional or trait approach. Individuals higher<br />

in confidence (i.e., usually perceived competence) have traditionally exhibited<br />

different styles of attributional processing by taking more responsibility for success<br />

via internal attributions, The present study was designed to examine comprehensively<br />

the relationship between sport confidence and attributional style by<br />

including perceived competence and dispositional optimism in the model. It was<br />

hypothesized that those individuals with higher total confidence scores would<br />

score higher on internal and controllable attributional dimensions. The sample<br />

consisted of 109 varsity and club athletes at a large Southeastern university. While<br />

total confidence failed to replicate this finding, individuals higher in dispositional<br />

optimism reported significantly more internal and controllable attributions following<br />

both success and failure, Recommendations will be made for future research<br />

and suggestions for the applied sport psychology setting will be offered.<br />

Relationships between perceptions of competence, perceptions of autonomy<br />

and perceptions of relatedness and different types of sport motivation<br />

Lynne LeBlanc & Michelle Fortier, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario,<br />

Canada, KIN 613<br />

The aim of this study was twofold: 1) to examine the relationships between the<br />

three proximal determinants of motivation (perception of competence, of autonomy<br />

and of relatedness) and the different types of motivations postulated by Deci<br />

& Ryan (1985) and Vallerand (1997) which are intrinsic motivation towards<br />

knowledge, towards accomplishment and towards stimulation, identified regulation,<br />

intrcjected regulation, external regulation and amotivation; and 2) to determine<br />

which of these perceptions is the most salient in the sport context, that is,<br />

the one which will have the greatest influence on sport motivation. A questionnaire<br />

composed of several previously validated scales, including the Sports Motivation<br />

Scale (Pelletier & al., 1995) was administered to 235 university intramural<br />

volleyball players. Results from the correlational analyses indicated that<br />

competence had the strongest relationship with the different types of motivation.<br />

These findings are discussed and practical implications are mentioned.<br />

The Effects of Motivational versus Instructional Self-talk on Improving<br />

Performance Accuracy<br />

Yannis Thecdorakis, Democritus <strong>University</strong> of Thrace. 69100, Komotini,<br />

Greece; Robert Weinberg, Miami <strong>University</strong>, Oxford, Ohio, 45056 USA; Petros<br />

Natsis, Democritus <strong>University</strong> of Thrace. 69100, Komotini, Greece<br />

This study examined the effectiveness of different self-talk strategies on increasing<br />

performance in a soccer shooting task. The participants were 75 soccer players

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S99<br />

ages 12-16) who performed 6 blocks of trials in a task measuring the accuracy<br />

of their kicking ability. The first experimental group was instructed to use a<br />

motivational self-talk strategy, the second to use an instructional self-talk strategy<br />

and the third group served as a control condition. Results indicated that only the<br />

participants in the instructional self-talk condition improved their performance<br />

significantly more than the other two groups. Results are discussed in terms of<br />

the type of matching the specific type of self-talk to the specific requirements of<br />

the task to maximize performance effects.<br />

Physical Activity Involvement: Contrasting Theoretical Predictions<br />

Alexis Bouffard and Robert Brustad, <strong>University</strong> of Northern Colorado, Greeley,<br />

CO 80639<br />

A variety of conceptual perspectives have been employed to examine physical<br />

activity involvement and adherence. Prominent perspectives have focused upon<br />

individuals' cognitive and self-perception characteristics, identity strength, selfpresentational<br />

concerns, and affective responses to the physical activity experience.<br />

The purpose of this study was to examine physical activity involvement in<br />

an adult population while assessing the relative contribution of self-perception,<br />

identity, self-presentational and affective influences. Participants, 113 adults (39<br />

males, 74 females), between the ages of 18 and 50 years were recruited from a<br />

local university and fitness clubs. The criterion variable was physical activity level<br />

which was assessed through the Canada Fitness Survey (Stephens, Craig, & Ferris,<br />

1986). Predictor variables, included exercise self-efficacy, exercise identity,<br />

self-presentational concerns, and enjoyment. All measures demonstrated adequate<br />

internal reliability. An initial MANOVA revealed significant gender differences<br />

on all variables except enjoyment. Therefore, separate multiple regression analyses<br />

were run for males and females. For the females, exercise identity and exercise<br />

self-efficacy were the two significant individual predictors of physical activity<br />

levels. For the males, no significant relationship was present between the<br />

set of four predictor variables and the criterion variable. This research provides<br />

support for the role of exercise identity and self-efficacy in explaining the physical<br />

activity involvement of adult females. Further research should contrast the relative<br />

contribution of varied predictors of physical activity in relation to theoretical<br />

perspectives.<br />

Validity of the Perceived Purposes of Sport Questionnaire- Version 2<br />

Candice E. Zientek, Shippensburg <strong>University</strong>, Shippensburg, PA 17257; Sally<br />

White, lllinois <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, BloomingtonINormal, Illinois 61701<br />

This study examined the construct and predictive validity of the Perceived Purposes<br />

of Sport Questionnaire-version 2, or PPSQ-2. Young athletes (N = 266, M<br />

age = 14.9 ± 1.55 years) participating in basketball, volleyball, and football<br />

summer camps completed questionnaires assessing goal orientations and perceived<br />

purposes of sport. In model A, a first order factor model, the latent vari-

Sloo I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

abies were comprised of the five subscales of the PPSQ-2. Confirmatory factor<br />

analysis results indicated that four of the five PPSQ-2 subscales showed a good<br />

fit to the model. In Model B, a second order factor model, confirmatory factor<br />

analyses specified two subscales: "End in Itself" and "Means to an End". Fit<br />

indices for Model B revealed an inadequate fit of the model to the data. Finally,<br />

canonical correlation analysis which tested the predictive validity of the PPSQ-2<br />

showed the emergence of two functions: 1) task orientation and 2) ego orientation.<br />

Results will be discussed relative to current research.<br />

Norms for Aggression/Cheating, Goal Orientations, Beliefs, Perceived<br />

Motivational Climate, and Athletic Aggression: Potential Gender Difference<br />

Marta Guivemau and Joan L. Duda, Purdue <strong>University</strong>, West Lafayette, IN<br />

47907<br />

The integration of motivational (c.g., Nicholls, 1989) and moral theories (e.g..<br />

Haan, 1991; Kohlberg, 1984) have been shown to have utility in the understanding<br />

and prediction of moral behavior in sport (Stephens & Bredemeier, 1996; Guivernau<br />

& Duda, 1998). The purpose of this investigation was to examine whether<br />

variations in goals, motivational climate, beliefs about success, norms for aggression/cheating,<br />

and self-reported likelihood to aggress and their interdependencies<br />

existed as a function of gender. Participants were 135 male and 59 female<br />

(M Age = 15.1 years) from a national level soccer camp organized by a large<br />

Midwestern university. Athletes were administered a multi-section questionnaire<br />

assessing the variables of interest with three different scenarios tapping aggression.<br />

In terms of the motivational variables, multivariate analyses of variance<br />

revealed a significant gender difference in perceived motivational climate, goals<br />

and beliefs. With regard to the moral variables, no gender differences appeared<br />

in the athletes' perceptions of their team norms for cheating and aggression.<br />

However, for one of the three scenarios tapping aggressive intentions, females<br />

reported a higher perception of potential aggression than males. Furthermore, the<br />

coach was seen as the most influential person on the athletes' decision to aggress<br />

for both groups. Multivariate regression analyses also suggested gender differences<br />

in relation to the predictors of aggression. Specifically, males belief that<br />

effort leads to sport success was shown to be negatively associated with their<br />

likelihood to aggress for the first aggressive scenario. For females, perceptions of<br />

team norms for cheating! injuring, perceptions of a task-involving climate and<br />

task orientation were significant predictors of their self-reported likelihood to<br />

aggress.<br />

Cognitive Correlates of Dispositional Goal Orientation in Young Athletes<br />

Marcia A.Wilson, Shannon M. Guest, <strong>University</strong> of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52240,<br />

Sally A. White, Maria Kavussanu, & Kevin McCarthy, Illinois <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Normal, lL 61790.<br />

The purpose of the study was to determine which of the perceived parental beliefs,<br />

mother or father, was the most significant predictor of the child's dispositional

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S 101<br />

goal orientation. Also, we examined whether children's perceptions of their parents'<br />

beliefs in sport were conceptually related to their goal orientation. Finally,<br />

this study identified which parent was most influential in the sport experience of<br />

the child. A total of 204 female athletes completed the 13-item TEOSQ and a<br />

modified version of the BACSSQ. One-way MANOVA indicated that the mother<br />

was the most influential parent in the athletes' sport experience. Canonical correlation<br />

analysis revealed that ego-oriented athletes perceived that their parents<br />

attributed sport success to superior ability, external factors, and taking an illegal<br />

advantage. In contrast, task-oriented athletes perceived that their parents endorsed<br />

effort as a precursor to sport success. A stepwise multiple regression indicated<br />

that the perceived parental belief that ability leads to success was a significant<br />

predictor of ego-orientation. As expected, the perceived parental belief that effort<br />

leads to success emerged as a significant predictor of task orientation. These<br />

findings suggest that parents may play an important role in the socialization process<br />

of their children.<br />

Satisfaction as a Mediator of the Relationship between Goal Orientations<br />

and Team Cohesion.<br />

Stephen A. Kozub, De Montfort <strong>University</strong>, Bedford, United Kingdom MK40<br />

2BZ and Dale G. Pease, <strong>University</strong> of Houston, Houston, TX 77204.<br />

This study investigated the relationship between athletes' goal orientations and<br />

perceptions of team cohesion. Based on Widmeyer and Williams' (1991) conceptual<br />

model of team cohesion, satisfaction was examined as a mediator of the<br />

relationship between goal orientations and cohesion. Two hundred and three high<br />

school varsity basketball players (113 males and 90 females) participated in the<br />

study. Participants completed the TEOSQ (Duda & Nicholls, 1991), {he Group<br />

Environment Questionnaire (Widmeyer, Brawley, & Carron, 1985) and a fouritem<br />

satisfaction measure (Chelladurai, 1984). Multiple regression results revealed<br />

a significant positive relationship between task orientation and cohesion and a<br />

significant negative relationship between ego orientation and cohesion. Through<br />

path analyses, satisfaction was found to mediate the relationship between task<br />

orientation and cohesion, but not the association between ego orientation and<br />

cohesion. The results partially supported Widmeyer and Williams' (1991) model<br />

of team cohesion.<br />

A Comparison of Goal Setting Strategies between Three Levels of Umpires!<br />

Referees in Singapore<br />

Abdul Nasir B. Abdul Razzak and Daniel E. Smith, Nanyang Technological<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Singapore 259756<br />

This investigation explored umpires/referees responses regarding the frequency<br />

of goal setting strategy usage in Singapore. The 84 officials were classified as<br />

Level I (Advanced), Level 2 (Intermediate) or Level 3 (Beginner). Each respondent<br />

completed the questionnaire detailing their perceptions regarding the fre-

SI02 / Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

quency and usage of selected goal setting strategies. Analysis of Variance was<br />

used to determine the differences in each of the questions between each of the<br />

three levels. ANOVA revealed that there were significant differences between the<br />

levels in all but two of the questions. A multiple comparison test compared differences<br />

in each factor for the officiating levels. Post hoc analyses showed significant<br />

differences between level I and level 3 officials in all factors. Likewise,<br />

when comparing level 2 and level 3, significant differences were found in all<br />

except two factors. However, when comparing level I and level 2 officials, significant<br />

differences were recorded in slightly more than half of the factors.<br />

Implementing Team Goals with Professional Athletes: Reflections on<br />

Reality<br />

Daryl B. Marchant. Victoria <strong>University</strong> of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria,<br />

Australia.<br />

Goal setting is a key performance enhancement strategy in the armory of applied<br />

sport psychology practitioners. Ironically, researchers have frequently examined<br />

goal setting outcomes (i.e., do they produce a significant increase in performance)<br />

at the expense of process (i.e., how to do goal setting). The present paper summarizes<br />

how team goal setting was successfully implemented with a professional<br />

Australian Rules football team. The first purpose is to demonstrate how the program<br />

was implemented and problems obviated. The second purpose is to communicate<br />

that successful goal setting is as much about organisation, timing, creative<br />

thinking, and overcoming logistical limitations as about well honed micropsychology<br />

skills and knowledge of research findings in the academic literature.<br />

This goal setting program was underpinned by what I call "triad synchronicity",<br />

that is, the role that coaches, players and sport psychologist play in turning goals<br />

into reality must be intermeshed. Implications as they relate to applied practitioners<br />

and training for postgraduate students are discussed.<br />

Tbe Effects of Goal Setting and Personality Type on Endurance<br />

Perfonnance<br />

Deane Webb, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203; Robert S.<br />

Weinberg, Miami <strong>University</strong>, Oxford, OH 45056; Allen W. Jackson, & Scott B.<br />

Martin, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203<br />

The present study was designed to determine the relationship between goal difficulty<br />

and personality type preference with endurance performance. Subjects (34<br />

males and 38 females) completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and<br />

maintained an isometric contraction on a hand-held dynamometer at 30% of their<br />

maximum force until exhaustion. Subjects were then randomly assigned to one<br />

of the following conditions: (a) do your best, (b) improved by 40 s, (c) improve<br />

by 80 s, and (d) improve by 160 s and completed the hand-held dynamometer<br />

task again. No difference was found between the groups for gender and personality<br />

type preference. Thus, a 4 (Group) x 2 (Trial) repeated-measures MANOVA

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S103<br />

was performed, Results indicated a significant goal-by-trials interaction (p < .05).<br />

The "do your best" group exhibited a moderate decrease in performance (ES =<br />

.52) while the groups setting a goal improved performance or maintained their<br />

performance. Personality type, task relevancy, and the goal setting-perfonnance<br />

relationship are discussed.<br />

Team Goal Setting and its Influences on Team Cohesion: A<br />

Phenomenological Study<br />

Kathleen C. Butler and Greg A. Shelley, Ithaca College Ithaca, NY 14850, USA<br />

The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth analysis of the influences<br />

of team goal setting on group cohesion within a Division III, intercollegiate,<br />

women's lacrosse team. A phenomenological qualitative research design, using a<br />

semi-structured interview format, was utilized to assess the head coach's (N =<br />

1) and her athletes' (N = 6) experiences with a team goal setting program. Interviews<br />

were content analyzed and data formulated into significant, higher-order<br />

themes indicating the following results: (1) positive communication and interaction<br />

between the athletes on and off the field, open discussions regarding the team<br />

goals, participation in goal setting meetings, and recognition were directly related<br />

to enhancing team cohesion and, (2) team goal setting resulted in greater cohesion<br />

as athletes felt a part of the team, respected and motivated teammates, cared about<br />

other's successes, and worked together towards achieving the agreed upon goals.<br />

Interpretation of results and recommendations for future study are provided.<br />

A Comparison of Optimism and Pessimism and the Effects of a Goal<br />

Setting Intervention on Selected Golf Skills with College Golfers: A Singlesubject<br />

Design<br />

Matthew J. Wilson, Kevin L. Burke, A. Barry Joyner, Charles J. Hardy,<br />

Georgia Southern <strong>University</strong>, <strong>State</strong>sboro, GA 30460-8076<br />

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a goal setting intervention<br />

on selected golf skills over the course of a competitive collegiate golf season. A<br />

secondary purpose of this study was to investigate optimism and pessimism as<br />

measured by the OptimismlPessimism Scale (Dember, 1985) in relationship to<br />

goal setting and attainment. Subjects were eight golfers from a southeastern university<br />

men's golf team. A two-month goal setting intervention was implemented<br />

consisting of the individual golfers selecting three skills from six different areas<br />

(fairways in regulation, greens in regulation, total puns. sand saves, up and downs<br />

from around the green, and putts per green in regulation) to set and implement<br />

short and long term goals. A multiple-baseline, single-subject design was used<br />

with baseline data gathered through statistical charting of the six categories during<br />

practice and competition rounds. Goal setting data was collected from the practice<br />

and competitive rounds during the golf team's spring season. Data will be presented<br />

comparing the male golfers' results on the golf skills chosen by the subjects.

SI04 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

A Comparison of Optimism and Pessimism and the Effects of a Goal<br />

Setting Intervention on Selected Golf Skills with CoUege Golfers: A Singlesubject<br />

Design Enhancing Moral and Motor Development through Physical<br />

Activity<br />

Gloria Solomon, Texas Christian <strong>University</strong>, Fort Worth, Texas 76129, USA<br />

The purpose of this presentation is to share the application of a model for the<br />

enrichment of children's sociomoral growth through physical activity and sport.<br />

This model integrates children's cognitive and motor skill development in order<br />

to create activities deemed optimal for stimulating sociomoral growth. Four<br />

phases have been completed and presented. Phase I consisted of assessing childrcn's<br />

capacity to comprehend sociocognitive concepts; Phase II explored children's<br />

motor skill acquisition; Phase III mapped the relationship between sociomoral<br />

and motor skills; Phase IV served to identify and create physical activities<br />

that stimulate both sociomoral and motor growth. Phase V, in-progress, involves<br />

model implementation. Children (Grades I and 2) at a Lab School for learning<br />

disabled children were assessed on four factors fitness, motor skills, moral reasoning,<br />

and perceived competence. The children are currently being taught using<br />

this curriculum. The intervention and testing outcomes will be presented in<br />

Sport Spectators and Confidence in their Team: The Importance of Time,<br />

Game Features, and Team Identification<br />

Matthew Wiggins and Daniel L. wann, Murray <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Murray, KY<br />

42071<br />

Three factors that were believed to playa role in spectators' confidence were<br />

examined: time until the competition began, the importance of the competition,<br />

and the fans' level of team identification. To test the impact of the three variables,<br />

31 college student subjects were asked to complete the Confidence Subscale of<br />

the Competitive <strong>State</strong> Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI - 2) 3 days before, 12 hours<br />

before, 3 hours before, immediately prior to, and at half-time of two basketball<br />

contests. Items on the Confidence Subscale were re-worded to reflect team confidence.<br />

Subjects also completed the Sport Spectator Identification Scale during<br />

the first testing session. The first game (Game A) was selected because the home<br />

school's opponent was a conference powerhouse (7-1 conference record). The<br />

second contest (Game B) was selected because the opponent was experiencing a<br />

losing season (3--8 conference record). The half-time score of Game A was 28­<br />

28; the home team led 41-28 at half-time of Game B. Repeated measures analyses<br />

of variance indicated that the subjects' team confidence changed significantly as<br />

the competition approached, but only for the important contest. Specifically, subjects'<br />

team confidence dropped at half-time of the tied game. Because highly<br />

identified fans had reported an increase in team confidence as this game approached,<br />

a trend not found among those low in identification, the pre-game to<br />

half-time decrease in confidence was most prominent among highly identified<br />


Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S105<br />

An Investigation or the Use of a Competitive Training Program on Raising<br />

Female Youth Soccer Players' Levels of Competitiveness and Win<br />

Orientation<br />

Eliot Perkins and Bart Lerner, The Citadel, Charleston, SC 29409<br />

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a competitiveness<br />

training program on youth female soccer players in a practice environment. In<br />

the initial part of the investigation male and female participants (N = 90) were<br />

administered the Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ; Gill & Deeter, 1988). In<br />

the second part of the study fifteen female soccer players were administered the<br />

SOQ and took part in a "recording the scores" process in which they completed<br />

exercises in practice which forced them to compete against each other. The results<br />

of the initial study showed that male athletes tested significantly higher on the<br />

SOQ for both competitiveness and win orientation, whereas the female athletes<br />

scored significantly higher on goal orientation. In the next section of the study,<br />

the results found that using the "recording the scores" program the scores for<br />

competitiveness, win orientation, and goal orientation significantly increased. Future<br />

directions were discussed.<br />

Participation in Regular Exercise and Its Social-Cultural Correlates in<br />

White and Mexican-American Female <strong>University</strong> Students<br />

Zenong Yin and Todd A. Ryska, <strong>University</strong> of Texas at San Antonio,<br />

San Antonio, Texas 78249<br />

Although contemporary research has attempted to identify the biological, social<br />

and psychological factors which underlie exercise behavior, oUI current knowledge<br />

base remains inadequate to promote culturally sensitive exercise programs<br />

(Dishman, 1985, 1988; Powell, 1988; Rejeski, 1992). The present study examined<br />

how various socio-cultural factors were related to participation in regular exercise<br />

among 311 Mexican-American (n = 141) and white (n = 170) female university<br />

students. Non-exercisers (n = 208) and regular exercisers (n = 103) were determined<br />

by ACSM exercise guidelines. Logistic regression revealed that ethnicity,<br />

age and social roles were not significantly related to exercise status. Among white<br />

females, regular exercise status was significantly associated with being feminine<br />

(OR = .77). Among Mexican-American females, regular exercise status was significantly<br />

associated with being feminine (OR = .88), beliefs in the hot-cold<br />

illness relationship (OR = .77), acceptance of folk health beliefs (OR = 1.47),<br />

positive attitudes towards exercise (OR = 1.05), and less health risk behaviors<br />

(OR = .1.35). All findings were adjusted for subject's age and social roles.<br />

A Comparison of Optimism and Pessimism and Sport Orientation among<br />

NCAA Division I College Athletes<br />

Daniel R. Czech, Kevin L. Burke, A. Barry Joyner, Charles J. Hardy, Georgia<br />

Southern <strong>University</strong>, <strong>State</strong>sboro, GA 30460--8076<br />

The purpose of this exploratory investigation was to examine the relationship<br />

between optimism and pessimism and sport orientation (competitiveness, win ori-

5106 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

entation, and goal orientation) in intercollegiate athletes from a southeastern university.<br />

A secondary purpose was to detennine whether optimism, pessimism,<br />

and sport orientation differ between gender, race, age, athletic grade classification,<br />

type of sport, and scholarship type. <strong>University</strong> athletes (N = 259) from 15 different<br />

sports were administered the Life Orientation Test-Revised (Scheier, Carver,<br />

& Bridges. 1994) and the Sport Orientation Questionnaire (Gill & Deeter,<br />

1988). Due to recent discussions in the optimism and pessimism (DIP) literature,<br />

DIP scores were calculated using two separate scoring techniques. One scoring<br />

technique allows an individual to be classified on both characteristics, while the<br />

other treats the trait as a bipolar dimension. Results will be presented comparing<br />

the athletes' scores on alP and sport orientation on the variables of interest.<br />

Games People Play: A Taxonomic Approach (Stage I)<br />

Deana Liddy, <strong>University</strong> of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska 68124<br />

U.S.A.<br />

This Stage I taxonomic study proposes a new way of analyzing people's attraction<br />

to and persistence in participation in games and sports based upon the demand<br />

characteristics of the structural rules. Based upon mathematical game theory, attributes<br />

of games can be identified and a typology developed which provides a<br />

basis for the empirical study of who plays what and why. Of particular interest<br />

are those games which are difficult to learn and/or to play well, those where<br />

persistence is part of what distinguishes novice from intermediate from expert.<br />

The physical requirements of the game are also considered as Stage I structural<br />

parameters.<br />

Assessing The Organizational Climate in Rugby Union Football Clubs<br />

Paul J. Carpenter, De Montfort <strong>University</strong>, Bedford, UK MK40 2BZ, Darren C.<br />

Treasure, Southern Illinois <strong>University</strong>, Edwardsville, IL 62026; Keith T.O.<br />

Power, The Performance Edge, Middlesex, UK HA6 2NP<br />

Organizational climate is a perceptual phenomenon reflecting shared group beliefs.<br />

These beliefs shape individuals' organizational experiences and often vary<br />

at different hierarchical levels. The advent of professionalism in English rugby<br />

has possibly changed the way players at different competitive levels view their<br />

sport. The purpose of the current study was to assess possible differences in rugby<br />

players' perceptions of the climate in professional and amateur clubs. Participants<br />

(N = 179; Mage = 27.65 years; SD = 6.64) completed a modified version of<br />

DeCotiis and Keys" (1980) 4O-item multidimensional organizational climate measure.<br />

Six factors with eigenvalues > 1.0 emerged from a principal components<br />

factor analysis with an oblique rotation. Factor one reflected fairness, innovation,<br />

and support, Factor Two cohesion, Factor Three autonomy, and Factor Four role<br />

clarity. Factors Five (recognition) and Six (pressure) were dropped due to poor<br />

reliability. A MANOVA revealed a significant difference between professional<br />

(N = 73) and amateur (N = 106) players' perceptions of the climate Wilks' =<br />


Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S107<br />

.91 fF(4,16l) = 4.00, P < .004]. Follow-up univariate analyses indicated that<br />

professional players scored higher (p < .05) on role clarity but lower on autonomy.<br />

The findings provide some support for the suggestion that perceptions of<br />

the organizational climate vary as a function of competitive level.<br />

Relation of Selected Socio-psychological Factors to Peer Leadership<br />

Behavior of Female Volleyball Players,<br />

Dale G. Pease, <strong>University</strong> of Houston, Houston, TX 77204; Deborah J. Rhea,<br />

Iowa <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Ames, IA 50011; and James 1. Zhang, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Houston, Houston, TX 77204<br />

Leadership studies in sport have primarily focused on the leadership behaviors<br />

and styles of coaches with very limited attention given to player leadership within<br />

the sports team (Horn, 1992). It was the purpose of this study to investigate the<br />

association of several selected socio-psychological variables (intrinsic motivation,<br />

goal orientation, self-monitoring, locus of control, and affiliation) to player's task<br />

and social leadership behaviors a" judged by their team peers. Subjects, ranging<br />

in age from 14-18, were 142 female high school varsity volleyball players from<br />

14 teams. Stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed that affiliation and perceived<br />

competence from the Intrinsic Motivation Scale were significantly related<br />

(p < .05) to the players' social leadership assessment of peers. For task leadership<br />

behaviors affiliation was the only significant predictor. Discussion of these findings<br />

will be in accordance with the expected theoretical predications, especially<br />

focusing on the variable of affiliation.<br />

A Multivariate Analysis of Leadership Style, Program Goals. and Job<br />

Burnout among Intercollegiate Athletic Directors<br />

Todd A. Ryska and Zenong Yin, <strong>University</strong> of Texas at San Antonio, San<br />

Antonio, TX 78249 and Dean Cooley, Umiversity of Tasmania, Lanceston,<br />

Australia<br />

The interaction between perceived job demands and personal abilities contributes<br />

more to occupational stress than personal or organizational factors alone (Argyle<br />

& Little, 1972, Kelly & Gill, 1993). The present study sought to determine the<br />

relationship among leadership style, program goal importance, and the degree of<br />

bumout among male (n = 191) and female (n = 130) collegiate athletic directors.<br />

Canonical analyses revealed that males reporting higher levels of emotional exhaustion<br />

(.811), daily stress (.601), and a lack of personal accomplishment (-.539)<br />

had a supportive (.672) and bureaucratic (.810) leadership style and perceived<br />

financial (.844), entertainment (.713), and public relations (.629) program goals<br />

as most important. For females, a bureaucratic (.839) and low collaborative (­<br />

.581) leadership style as well as achieved excellence (.511), financial (.720), and<br />

public relations (.491) program goals were related to greater depersonalization<br />

(.423), emotional exhaustion (.781), and daily stress (.583). These results are

S108 ! Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

discussed in terms of person-environment fit theory (French & Caplan, 1972;<br />

Harrison, 1978).<br />

An Assessment of the Relationship between Participation in Intercollegiate<br />

Athletics and the Dynamics of Romantic Relationships<br />

Cheryl L. Goldman, West Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV, 26506; John<br />

M, Silva, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599<br />

The present exploratory study examined the relationship between participation in<br />

intercollegiate athletics and the dynamics of romantic relationships. A sample of<br />

college-aged individuals from the student-athlete population at two different Division<br />

I southeastern universities completed a series of inventories addressing<br />

their demographic background in addition to the quality of their romantic relationships.<br />

Findings indicated that perceptions of support, conflict, and depth experienced<br />

in romantic relationships were greater in-season than out-of-season for<br />

both female and male student-athletes, Furthermore, a number of independent<br />

variables were assessed for their ability to predict the criterion variables support,<br />

conflict, and depth. Future research efforts need to explore in greater detail the<br />

intricacies surrounding student-athletes' interpersonal relationships to gain a better<br />

understanding of the whole student-athlete.<br />

Women and the Meaning of Competition: A Qualitative Investigation<br />

Susan Levy, Oregon <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Corvallis, OR 97<strong>33</strong>1<br />

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the personal meaning of<br />

competition to the female athlete, using a qualitative design. Interviews were<br />

conducted with nine female mountain bike racers of varying levels of experience,<br />

and were designed to elicit information relevant to the athlete's understanding of<br />

her experience of competition as well as the personal meaning she attached to<br />

that experience. The codification of participant responses resulted in the identification<br />

of seven main themes including self-esteem/fulfillment, personal challenge,<br />

social support, personal control, improvement, winning, and task enjoyment.<br />

The findings of the study were, in general, supportive of the components<br />

of meaning posited by Personal Investment Theory (MaehI & Braskamp, 1986),<br />

particularly personal incentives and sense of self. Practical implications from this<br />

study include developing strategies for increasing the meaningfulness of {he competitive<br />

experience for females in order to promote participation in physical activity.<br />

A Qualitative Investigation of Factors Underlying Sport Participation<br />

among Elite Athletes with Disabilities<br />

Stephen J. Page, The <strong>University</strong> of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996; Kirk E.<br />

Peterson, The <strong>University</strong> of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996; Eddie O'Connor,<br />

The Chicago Institute of Rehabilitation, Chicago, Il, 60616<br />

Authors have hypothesized that athletes with disabilities should exhibit differential<br />

levels of achievement motivation, but have allowed for no first-hand infor-

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S109<br />

marion from the athletes themselves concerning why they actually participate in<br />

sport, how their own histories have influenced their decisions, or which pedagogical<br />

techniques they actually prefer. In light of the stigma that is often attached<br />

to being disabled, we began to wonder what the meaning of sport participation<br />

is for individuals with disabilities and why these individuals choose to participate.<br />

By adapting each of the subscales of the Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ)<br />

into interview questions, six elite athletes with disabilities were interviewed concerning<br />

their reasons for participating in sport. Thematic analysis suggested that<br />

participation provided a means of: affinning competence and being considered a<br />

serious competitor, providing a common social outlet, and of promoting fitness<br />

and delaying the effects of disability. Results indicate the acceptability of various<br />

motivational pedagogies although additional qualitative research is warranted with<br />

this population.<br />

The End of an Era: An Investigation on Forced Transition of Boston<br />

<strong>University</strong> Football Players<br />

Donna Duffy, Ayla Nascimento, Elaine SChwager, and Leonard Zaichkowsky,<br />

Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA 02215<br />

1997 marked the end of 113 years of intercollegiate football for Boston <strong>University</strong>.<br />

It was expected that when the administration eliminated the I-AA program,<br />

transition problems would occur and would result in identity foreclsoure. Part one<br />

of the study investigated athletic identity (Brewer, etl., 1993) using a modified<br />

version of AIMS (Athletic Identity Measurement Scale). The data (n = 30) were<br />

consistent with previous findings in that older athletes experienced less athletic<br />

identity foreclosure. Part two of the study (n = 30) was qualitative in nature and<br />

asked opened ended questions about transitions and support services to former<br />

Boston <strong>University</strong> football players who were on the team roster during the final<br />

season. Results suggested that younger players (in class standing), viewed themselves<br />

foremost as athletes, whereas older players had already begun to make the<br />

transition from sport into other areas of their lives (i.e. academic, family). Interviews<br />

with the football players illustrated their beliefs thta they felt abandoned<br />

by the administration at the <strong>University</strong> suggesting that the support services offered<br />

to the athletes were inadequate.<br />

Effects of Negative Scoring Pattern and Task Cohesion on the Perception<br />

of Psychological Momentum<br />

Kevin S. Spink, <strong>University</strong> of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C2 and<br />

Laurie Eisler, <strong>University</strong> of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H9<br />

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a negative scoring pattern<br />

and team cohesion on perceptions of psychological momentum (PM). Members<br />

of existing volleyball teams were asked to report PM perceptions after reading<br />

two scenarios describing a volleyball game between their current team and an<br />

equal-ability hypothetical opponent wherein the game score was tied 13-13. One

SIlO! Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

scenario described a negative scoring pattern (opposing team scored five quick<br />

points to tie the score 13-13) while the other described a neutral scoring pattern<br />

(there was never more than a one-point lead). Participants also rated the cohesiveness<br />

of their current volleyball team by completing the Group Environment<br />

Questionnaire. Two extreme cohesion groups were created by selecting those<br />

individuals whose scores were one standard deviation above (high cohesion) and<br />

below (low cohesion) the mean in their rating of ATG-Task or Gl-Task. To examine<br />

the effects of ATG-Task and score pattern on PM, a 2 x 2 Score pattern<br />

(negative score/neutral score) x Cohesion (high ATG-Task/low ATG-Task) ANO­<br />

VA, with repeated measures on the first factor, was used. A similar 2 x 2 repeated<br />

measures ANOVA was conducted using 01-Task as the cohesion variable. Results<br />

indicated a significant main effect for both score pattern (p < .05) and ATG-Task<br />

(p < .05). Mean values revealed that the negative scoring pattern resulted in lower<br />

PM while the high cohesion (i.e., ATG-Task) groups perceived greater PM. Results<br />

for GI-Task were similar. These results are important as they extend previous<br />

research examining positive scoring patterns to negative scoring patterns (Eisler<br />

& Spink, in press) and provide preliminary evidence that even when the opposing<br />

team gets a scoring run those on high versus low task cohesive teams perceive<br />

more PM.<br />

Justification of Aggression in Sport versus Social Scenarios<br />

Jason Parker,_Tony Bourgeois, Arnold LeUnes, Texas A & M <strong>University</strong>,<br />

College Station, TX 77843--4235, and Michael Meyers, <strong>University</strong> of Houston,<br />

Houston, TX 77204-5<strong>33</strong>1<br />

Cohen and Nesbit (1997) reported regional differences in the justification of violence,<br />

and stated that a "Culture of Honor" exists in southern and western<br />

regions of the United <strong>State</strong>s. Eighty-six undergraduate volunteers completed a<br />

battery including the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire and the Sport-Social<br />

Aggression Justification scale. This scale consists of 14 matched statements depicting<br />

aggressive provocation in seven sport and seven social scenarios. Subjects<br />

indicated the extent to which various levels of aggressive response were justified.<br />

Interestingly, aggressive responses in most social situations were viewed as significantly<br />

more justified than in most sport scenarios. Significant gender differences<br />

in justification were also observed. Lastly, strong relationships were found<br />

between the BUSS-Perry subscales and justification of aggression in the above<br />

scenarios.<br />

Violent and Delinquent Behavior of Rural High School Athletes and Nonathletes<br />

Deborah J. Rhea, Iowa <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Ames, Iowa 5OOl1; Christopher D.<br />

Lantz, Truman <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Kirksville, MO 63501<br />

In recent years, the incidence of severity of violent and delinquent behavior<br />

among adolescents has become a major concern (Issac, 1992; Koop & Lundberg,

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SIll<br />

1992). While much attention has been focused on factors associated with violent<br />

and delinquent behavior among youth, an important demographic characteristic<br />

which has yet to be considered is the environment in which the child develops.<br />

Studies typically utilize urban populations where the importance of high school<br />

sports may be occluded by the existence of professional or collegiate sports and<br />

other civic opportunities. In rural areas however, high school sports teams often<br />

serve as a focal point for the entire community thus elevating the status of the<br />

athlete. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which rural high<br />

school varsity athletes engage in violent and delinquent behavior, and to determine<br />

if these behaviors occurred at a different rate than in their non-athletic peers.<br />

Students (n = 347), attending rural high schools in the Midwest, completed the<br />

Conflict Behavior Scale (Rosenfeld & Richman, 1995), a modified version of the<br />

Youth Behavioral Risk Surveillance System (YBRSS; Center for Disease Control,<br />

1995), and demographics questions including gender, race, age, and athletic status.<br />

Respondents were classified as contact sport, non-contact sport, or non-athlete<br />

participants. Separate 2 x 3 (gender x athletic status) ANOVAs revealed males<br />

were significantly more likely to exhibit delinquent and violent behaviors than<br />

females (assauh, p < .001; trouble at school, p < .001; carrying a weapon, p <<br />

.001; damaging property, p < .001; substance abuse, p < .001). Significant differences<br />

were not evidenced for males or females when partitioned by athletic<br />

status (i.e., contact spon athletes, non-contact sport athletes, non-athletes (p ><br />

.05). However, a 2 x 3 (gender X athletic status) MANOVA revealed that female<br />

contact sport athletes and non-athletes were significantly more aggressive than<br />

female non-contact sport athletes, p < .01, but were still significantly less aggressive<br />

than the rural male population (p < .01). These results do not support<br />

previous research which has linked contact sports with violent and delinquent<br />

behavior of other adolescent populations. However, the findings that girls may be<br />

endorsing a more aggressive style of behavior in contact sports is worthy of<br />

further empirical investigation. Implications for future research will be discussed.<br />

The Recruiting Profile: An Investigation of the Relationship between<br />

NCAA Division I Intercollegiate Athlete Demographics and Their Reasons<br />

for <strong>University</strong> Selection<br />

Christopher A. Myers, <strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; Laura A.<br />

Fox, <strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; Jamy D. Champenoy,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; Milledge Murphey, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; Keith Carodine. <strong>University</strong> of Florida,<br />

Gainesville, FL 32611<br />

Data was obtained from a sample of incoming athletes at the <strong>University</strong> of Florida<br />

during 1997 (N = 45) concerning the athletes' perceptions of their reasons for<br />

choosing to enroll at the university. Demographic, sport, and recruitment specific<br />

data included sport(s), position(s), evenns], age, gender, year of eligibility, redshirt<br />

status, geographic distance from hometown, ethniciry, socio-economic status<br />

(SES), scholarship status and percentage, and number of Division I scholarship<br />

offers. The researchers analyzed the relationship and found significant correlations

S1l2 ! Colloquia. Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

between the number of scholarship offers, SES, and parental influence variables<br />

within the 54 recruitment items surveyed. Recommendations for future investigation<br />

at the <strong>University</strong> of Florida and other universities are suggested.<br />

Ethnicity in Sport Psycbology Literature<br />

Kellie P Walrath, <strong>University</strong> of Richmond, VA 23173, USA; Robert McGowan,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Richmond, VA 23173, USA<br />

Several authors have noted the paucity of research in the Sport Psychology literature<br />

that addresses the effects of ethnicity. Duda and Allison (1989) noted that<br />

"over 96 percent of the empirical papers published in JSP did not report the racial<br />

or ethnic composition of their subjcct population" (See also: Anshe1 1990; Biddle,<br />

1993; Jackson, 1989). Each of these authors encouraged fellow researcher to<br />

include ethniciry in the description of subjects and to initiate studies examining<br />

the effects of ethnicity on perfonnance variables. This study was designed to reexamine<br />

the proportion of empirical studies in the Sport Psychology literature<br />

completed from 1990 to present that included ethnicity data. Eleven of the 315<br />

studies (3.5%) included raceJethnicity in the description of the subjects and in thc<br />

results section, 34 (10.8%) included race/ethniciry in the description of the subjects<br />

only, and the remaining 270 (85.8%) did not mention racelethnicity. The<br />

data indicates that there has been no change in the proportion of studies examining<br />

the effects of ethnicity on perfonnance variables. Ramifications of continued neglect<br />

are explored.<br />

Cross-cultural Attitudes toward Participation in Sport by Women<br />

Diane L. Finley, Ph.D., Towson <strong>University</strong>, 'towson MD 21114; Dr. Patricia<br />

Wightman, Olympic Training Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Nelly Giscafre,<br />

Metropolitan Association of Sport Psychology, Buenos Aires Argentina<br />

Differential rates of sport participation by women and men are still reported in<br />

surveys conducted recently. Studies of attitudes towards sport participation help<br />

to explain these differences. Few such studies have been conducted cross-culturally.<br />

The current research examines attitudes towards sport participation by women<br />

by in the United <strong>State</strong>s and Argentina. One hundred and eighty-seven participants<br />

rated the appropriateness of participation by women in 15 sports. Gender<br />

and cultural differences were found in the sports rated appropriate for participation<br />

by women. Soccer participation showed the greatest cultural difference. Rugby<br />

was rated as least appropriate although the strength of inappropriateness varied<br />

by gender and culture. Implications of the findings for international sport are<br />


Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SIB<br />

A Cross-cultural Analysis of Motivation for Youth Participation in Sport<br />

and Physical Activity<br />

Alex McKenzie, <strong>University</strong> of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; Robert<br />

Weinberg, Miami <strong>University</strong>, Oxford, OH 45056, USA; Gershon Tenenbaum,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland 4350, Australia;<br />

Susan Jackson, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072,<br />

Australia; Mark Anshel, <strong>University</strong> of Wollongong, New South Wales 2522,<br />

Australia; Robert Grove, <strong>University</strong> of Western Australia, Perth, Western<br />

Australia 6009, Australia; Jerry Fogarty, <strong>University</strong> of Southern Queensland,<br />

Queensland 4350, Australia.<br />

The present investigation compared participation motives of youth in competitive<br />

sport versus physical activity from a cross-cultural perspective. Participants were<br />

1,472 males and females (13-18 years) from Australia, New Zealand and the<br />

USA. All participants completed three self-report inventories that assessed the<br />

amount and frequency of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, as well as participation<br />

motives for sport and physical activity. A principal component factor<br />

analysis of the participation motives revealed different factor structures for sport<br />

and physical activity, although little cultural variation was evident. Separate 3 X<br />

2 X 3 (Physical Activity Frequency X Gender X Culture) MANOVAs were conducted<br />

on the physical activity and competitive sport questionnaires. Significant<br />

main effects were found for all three each independent variables for each questionnaire.<br />

Results indicated a need to identify areas of similarity and differences<br />

across cultures regarding participation motivation so interventions can be developed<br />

to maximize participation in sport and physical activity.<br />

Mike Tyson in Cultural Perspective: A Longitudinal Field Study<br />

J. Robert Grove, Michelle Paccagnella and Robert Weinberg*, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Western Australia, Nedlands, WA, 6907, Australia, *Miami <strong>University</strong>, USA<br />

This longitudinal study investigated perceptions of prominent boxer Mike Tyson<br />

in Australia and the USA while he was imprisoned on rape charges, after his<br />

release and return to the ring, and after he regained his world heavyweight title.<br />

Sport consumers (N = 536) assessed Tyson's perceived personality characteristics,<br />

social desirability and degree of guilt. MANOVA results indicated significant<br />

differences for country and gender. Americans viewed Tyson as less arrogant,<br />

more caring, rule-oriented, likeable, integritous and socially desirable than Australians.<br />

Post-hoc tests found no differences between Australian and American<br />

females in their ratings of Tyson. However, American males saw Tyson as more<br />

friendly, trustworthy, honest, more socially desirable, less guilty and less punishable<br />

than Australian males. This study provides some insight into cross-national<br />

perceptions of a high-profile sport performer who has received considerable media<br />

attention. The results will be discussed in relation to mediating factors on cultural<br />

perceptions of sport stars.

S1l4 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Talent Development of Elite Athletes in Asian Countries<br />

Katsuro Kitamura, Tohoku <strong>University</strong>, Sendai, 980-8576, Japan and John H.<br />

Salmela, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, KIN6N5, Canada<br />

The development of exceptional performance is believed result from prolonged<br />

deliberate practice (Ericsson, 1996; Salmela, 1996). The study focused on the<br />

developmental patterns of 12 talented table tennis players (three Japanese, three<br />

Korean and six Chinese players). In-depth interviews were conducted with each<br />

player. Interviews focused on the athletes' process of deliberate practice from<br />

early childhood to late adolescence. Results indicated three factors which were<br />

crucial for the acquisition of exceptional performance.L) motivational power, 2)<br />

support of human and physical resources, and 3) strong commitment to daily<br />

effortful practice. For example, strong societal forces for the initiation into sport<br />

was important for fueling the motivational resources during early childhood, both<br />

in China and Korea Social and moral influences were a source of an effortful<br />

continuous training in Japan, China and Korea. Social status was also increased<br />

through their status of expert athletes in these Asian countries.<br />

An Exploration of Identity, Normative ExpedatioDS, and the Eating, Pain,<br />

and lDjury Risk Behaviors of Competitive Gymnasts<br />

Michelle L. Ritter-Taylor, <strong>University</strong> of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639<br />

An interactionist framework was used in this study to examine variables related<br />

to gymnastics commitment, normative expectations within the gymnastic subculture<br />

concerning weight and physique concerns and acceptance of pain and injury<br />

risk, and eating and pain and injury risk behaviors. To gain indepth information<br />

about these variables and their relationships 18 competitive female gymnasts were<br />

interviewed concerning cognitions about their sport involvement. Through inductive<br />

processes from the transcribed interviews, and in relation to pre-existing<br />

theoretical frameworks, four higher-order dimensions emerged from the interview<br />

data: (a) gymnast identity, (b) subculture, (c) physique/eating, (d) participation.<br />

Each dimension also included several higher and lower order themes which allowed<br />

for an indepth exploration of the various facets of the dimension. The<br />

patterns of relationships identified in the interviews also indicated that identity<br />

strength and normative expectations influence gymnasts' tendencies to participate<br />

in pain and risk injury. Discussion will focus on the meaning and dimensions of<br />

each theme which emerged from the data.<br />

The Effects of the Gymnast's Body Shape on the Judging of Gymnastics<br />

Sheri M. Valiquette & Margaret Downey, McGill <strong>University</strong>, Montreal, Canada<br />

H2W IS4<br />

The goal of this study was to discover whether the judges' perceptions of the<br />

gymnasts' body shape related to the gymnasts' performance scores. A second<br />

goal was to discover whether performance scores differed when given by judges

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S115<br />

with two levels of experience (experienced and novice). Eighteen judges, nine<br />

novice and nine experienced, evaluated the routines on videotape. They also rated<br />

their perception of the aesthetic appeal of the 16 gymnasts' body shape. Each<br />

gymnasts' body mass index (8MI) was calculated to quantify body shape. The<br />

results showed a significant main effect of 8MI on judges' perception of gymnasts'<br />

body shape scores. The results also showed a significant main effect of<br />

BMI on performance scores. The effect of judge experience was very close to<br />

significant in relation to performance scores. Although all judges preferred smaller<br />

body shape, this preference did not affect the performance scores awarded by the<br />

judges.<br />

Relationship of Locus of Control and Self-Monitoring to Body Image in<br />

Athletic Populations<br />

Richard Stratton, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 24061--0313, and Vicki<br />

Wyke, Hampton, Virginia<br />

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of locus of control<br />

and self-monitoring to perceptions of body image and predisposition to eating<br />

disorders among male and female college athletes. A secondary purpose was to<br />

examine the relationship between body image and change in body weight. Fortythree<br />

college athletes (male basketball players, n = 13; female basketball players,<br />

n = 11; male swimmers, n = 9; female swimmers, n = 10) participated in the<br />

study. Two administrations (early season, late season) of four self-report questionnaires<br />

was completed. Instruments used were the Rotter Locus of Control<br />

Scale, the Self-Monitoring Scale, the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations<br />

Questionnaire, and the Eating Disorder Inventory-2. Body weight was also recorded<br />

during both sessions. Males tended to have lower drive for thinness linked<br />

with lower fat anxiety as compared to females. Females associated body dissatisfaction<br />

with perception of weight. In females, self-monitoring was correlated<br />

with feelings of physical attractiveness. The findings support previous literature<br />

proposing that women attach negative feelings to the body in relation to a cultural<br />

thin ideal.<br />

Exercise Partner Preferences, Social Physique Anxiety, and Social<br />

Discomfort in Exercise Settings Among <strong>University</strong> Wellness Center Patrons<br />

Nancy S. Diehl, Medical <strong>University</strong> of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 29401;<br />

Britton W. Brewer and Judy L. Van Raalte, Springfield College, Springfield,<br />

MA 01109; Darlene Shaw and Patricia L. Fiero, Medical <strong>University</strong> of South<br />

Carolina, Charleston, SC 29401; Marit Sorensen, The Norwegian <strong>University</strong> for<br />

Sport and Physical Education, 0806, Oslo, Norway.<br />

Although social support is considered an important contributor to involvement in<br />

regular exercise (King, 1991), the desire for the social support of exercise partners<br />

may be moderated by psychological constructs. The purpose of the current study<br />

was to evaluate the relationships among social physique anxiety (SPA; Hart,

5116 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Leary, & Rejeski, 1989), exercise partner preferences, and social discomfort in<br />

exercise settings. Participants were 206 patrons of a wellness center who were<br />

asked to complete brief questionnaires which included the Social Physique Anxiety<br />

Scale (SPAS; Hart er aI., 1989), and the Perception of Social Discomfort<br />

Scale (PSDS; Sorensen, in press). A 2 (gender) X 3 (preferred number of exercise<br />

partners: 0, 1, > 1) MANOVA performed-on SPAS and PSDS scores indicated<br />

that women scored significanl1y higher than men on the SPAS, although there<br />

were no gender differences on the PSDS. Post-hoc analysis of a significant twoway<br />

interaction for SPAS scores indicated that although exercise partner preference<br />

was unrelated to SPAS scores for men, women who preferred to exercise<br />

with one partner had significantly higher SPAS scores than women who preferred<br />

to exercise alone and women who preferred to exercise in a group (> 1 partner).<br />

These results suggest that women high in SPA prefer partners for exercise and<br />

suggest that exercise patterns may be moderated by the availability of a consistent<br />

exercise partner.<br />

High Rollers: College Atbletes and their Addictions<br />

Victoria L. Bacon, Katrina Lee, and John A. Calicchia, Bridgewater <strong>State</strong><br />

College, Bridgewater, MA 02325<br />

Studies report that college athletes are at higher risk for substance abuse, eating<br />

disorders, gambling, and other addictive behaviors. Specifically, gambling in athletics<br />

is a major concern in higher education (Curry & Jiobu, 1995; Lapchick &<br />

Malekoff, 1987; Leseur, 1991). Ninety-nine male and eighty-six female Division<br />

III athletes between 18 and 22 years of age completed a survey instrument designed<br />

to measure five addictive behaviors patterns: alcohol, drugs, eating disorders,<br />

gambling, and exercise addiction. Study resuns show a concerning number<br />

of these athletes report problematic gambling behavior concurrently with other<br />

addictive behaviors. A preliminary factor analysis showed gambling, substance<br />

abuse, and alcohol abuse were highly correlated in the one cluster and eating and<br />

exercise addictions clustered in a separate factor. 'It-tests showed that females<br />

reported a significantly higher (p = .(01) prevalence of eating related addictive<br />

behaviors and males reported a significantly higher (p = .02) prevalence of substance<br />

abuse addictions. Although males reported a higher level of gambling<br />

behaviors this result only approached significance (p = .07) suggesting that gambling<br />

behavior with females college athletes is on the rise. The resuhs are discussed<br />

in light of co-morbid addictive behavior patterns.<br />

Examining the Effects of the Sports Media on Young Female Athletes and<br />

their Self-perceptions.<br />

Julia M. Leonhardt, Lehigh <strong>University</strong>, Bethlehem, PA 18015 and Heather<br />

Barber. <strong>University</strong> of New Hampshire. Durham, NH 03824<br />

Content analyses of sports media have documented the trivialization of female<br />

athletes. Duncan and Brummett (1993) identified two common assumptions of<br />

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts / Sl17<br />

researchers conducting these studies. The first assumption is that the sexist content<br />

of the sports media must disempower female athletes. The second assumption is<br />

that the text of the media is univocal, that there are no other possible interpretations<br />

of the intended message. This qualitative study sought to examine the<br />

validity of these assumptions by looking at how the sports media affects young<br />

female athletes' self-perceptions. The participants (N = 14) were players on an<br />

under-IS Olympic Development Program girls' soccer team. Analysis of in-depth<br />

interviews indicated that these athletes did not feel the sports media negatively<br />

impacted their perceptions of their ability, the importance of their participation,<br />

the importance of their sport, or their perceptions of females in sport. Instead,<br />

they demonstrated an ability to use their "perceived expertise" to intensively<br />

critique, or filter, the sports media's presentations of women in sport and particularly<br />

soccer. These girls also recognized that most individuals do not have the<br />

same level of expertise to filter through misinformation. These findings did not<br />

support the assumptions identified by Duncan and Brummett (1993), however,<br />

they do support the previous theoretical predictions proposed by Harter (1978)<br />

and Bandura (1986). This study would suggest that a positive participation experience<br />

is far more influential on self-perceptions than media portrayals.<br />

The Influence of Revenue Status on Student-Atbletes' Self-perceptions<br />

Scott D. Sandstedt, <strong>University</strong> of Montana, Missoula, MT 59801; Lewis A.<br />

Curry, <strong>University</strong> of Montana; and Sameep D. Maniar; <strong>University</strong> of Montana.<br />

The purpose of this study was to bring awareness to how the relationship between<br />

student-athletes and their athletic department administrators, through the vehicle<br />

of support, can negatively influence student-athletes' domains of Hope, Self-efficacy,<br />

and Sport-Confidence. Sixty-nine (69) Division 1 athletes completed a<br />

questionnaire that contained the Hope Scale (Snyder, 1991), Rosenberg's Selfesteem<br />

Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), and the Trait Sport-Confidence Inventory (Vealey,<br />

1986). Results of an omnibus one-way ANOVA indicated a significant difference<br />

by revenue status for the domain of Sport-Confidence only, F (2, 66) =<br />

8.78, P < .0001. A "TUckey's post hoc test revealed significant differences in sportconfidence<br />

between male revenue athletes and both male non-revenue (p < .021)<br />

and women non-revenue athletes (p < .00(1). These results provide support for<br />

the speculation that revenue athletes may experience higher degrees of confidence<br />

in their ability to be successful in their respective sports than non-revenue athletes.<br />

Recommendations to increase equality in support for administrators are suggested.<br />

Perception of Tennis Players: The Effects of Self-Presentational Self-talk<br />

Judy L. Van Raalte, Britton W. Brewer, and Albert J. Petitpas, Springfield<br />

College, Springfield, MA 01109<br />

Sport psychologists have suggested that athletes who appear positive and confident<br />

to their opponents may gain a competitive edge (Loehr, 1991; Weinberg,<br />

1988). But are athletes who use positive self-talk actually perceived as better

Sll8 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

competitors than those who use other strategies? To explore how athletes using<br />

self-talk are perceived, 94 undergraduate students were shown segments of tennis<br />

matches in which athletes used positive self-talk, negative self-talk, or no selftalk.<br />

Positive and negative self-talk videotapes were created for each match by<br />

dubbing in either positive or negative statements. For example, 38 sec into one<br />

tape a player missed a short ball. On the positive self-talk tape, "hey, that's all<br />

right, good hustle!" was dubbed. On the negative self-talk videotape, "ugh! you<br />

are so slow, you should have gotten that" was dubbed. Control videotapes were<br />

shown with no sound. Participants viewed the videotapes and rated the tennis<br />

players' ability level, competitiveness, concentration, aggressiveness, consistency,<br />

effort, enjoyment, and likelihood of winning the match. Using a composite of<br />

these ratings (alpha = 0.89) as the dependent measure, a oneway ANOYA was<br />

conducted. Results indicated that ratings of the athletes depended on the self-talk<br />

used, P(2,93) = 6.77, P < .002. Post hoc analyses revealed that players who used<br />

positive self-talk were perceived significantly more favorably than players who<br />

used negative self-talk or no self-talk. Similar results were found when the question<br />

"How well did the athlete play in the points that you saw?" served as the<br />

dependent measure, F(2,93) = 4.99, P < .01. The results of this study demonstrates<br />

thai athletes who use positive self-talk may be seen as better players than<br />

those who use other strategies.<br />

COLLOQUIUM: It Takes a Village: A Model for Developing<br />

Sportsmanship within Youth Sport Contexts<br />

Charmaine DeFrancesco & Laura Blitzer, Florida International <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Miami, FL <strong>33</strong>199<br />

The development of good sportsmanship and citizenship in children and youth<br />

must be fostered through the directed and collaborative efforts of classroom and<br />

physical education teachers, youth sport program administrators, coaches, parents<br />

and sport psychology consultants. This paper focuses on a model that emphasizes<br />

such efforts. The model was conceptualized using constructs from social-learning<br />

and developmental theories and highlights the sports psychology consultant as<br />

the catalyst to effect positive behavioral changes among youth sport stakeholders.<br />

Strategies of the model include processes that may be applied across a variety of<br />

settings and include but are nOI limited to: defining sportsmanship and citizenship;<br />

developing behavioral objectives and interventions; forming related goal-orientations<br />

for sport, classroom learning and interacting within the community; examining<br />

personal and situational variables related to learning and human development<br />

(e.g., knowledge, skills and dispositions of primary adult influences, cultural<br />

backgrounds of participants, program/curricular philosophies etc.); and<br />

evaluating the efforts of individuals responsible for cultivating change within<br />

school and sport environments.

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S119<br />

Athletic Identity in Marathon Runners<br />

Robert S. Horton, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC<br />

27599; Diane E. Mack, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel<br />

Hill, NC 27599<br />

Athletic identity (AI) in marathon runners and its relationship to commitment to<br />

running, social network, life priorities, and effects of running were investigated.<br />

Two hundred and twenty-five runners who recently finished a marathon completed<br />

a questionnaire that included the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS), a<br />

scale for measuring commitment to sport, a life-roles inventory, and questions<br />

regarding social network, injury experience, running motivation, and running experience.<br />

AI was negatively correlated with a runner's personal best time for the<br />

marathon and was predictive of commitment to running, enjoyment of running,<br />

involvement in running, investment in running, and perceived social constraints<br />

to running. AI was also positively correlated with proportion of good friends<br />

identified as runners and with the relative priority given to the athlete role relative<br />

to other important life roles. Benefits and detriments of the athletic identity for<br />

both the athlete and those close to the athlete are discussed.<br />

Getting the Axe: Adjustment Process of Delisted Australian Rules<br />

Footballers<br />

Yanda Fortunato, Victoria <strong>University</strong>, Melbourne 8001, Australia<br />

The research design used in this study was a grounded theory qualitative approach.<br />

This approach was selected because of the limited knowledge concerning<br />

the topic and the need to collect rich textual data to identify issues for further<br />

research. In-depth interviews allowed a rich source of information to be gathered<br />

about the lives, the football careers, and the retirement processes of the informants.<br />

All interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data analysis<br />

then centred around identifying key issues and themes from the transcripts. Consistent<br />

with sampling requirements for qualitative research (Minichiello, Aroni,<br />

Timewell, & Alexander, 1995), 15 informants who had been recently delisted<br />

(less than 18 months) were interviewed. At the time of their interviews, all players<br />

were employed either in a non-playing job in football or completely out of the<br />

sport. Nine themes emerged from the data: (a) reason for retirement, (b) football<br />

identity, (c) satisfaction with football, (d) length of retirement, (e) continual involvement<br />

in football, (f) social support, (g) career outside football, (h) preparation<br />

for retirement, and (i) age at retirement. This study has highlighted the difficulties<br />

that elite footballers face once they are delisted. The issues that were<br />

raised by this study have resulted in the Australian Football League addressing<br />

the problems of players who have been delisted.<br />

The Effect of Nonnative Expectations and Role Commitment of<br />

Competitive Gymnasts on Gymnastic Behavior<br />

Michelle L. Ritter-Taylor, <strong>University</strong> of Northern Colorado, Greeley CO 80639<br />

An interacrionist approach was used to test a social psychological model in which<br />

normative expectations regarding the weight and eating practices of gymnasts play

S120 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

a mediational role between gymnastic commitment and eating behavior. The participants<br />

were 100 female competitive adolescent gymnasts ranging in age from<br />

9 to 18 years and participating at competitive leve1s4 through 10. Through the<br />

use of structural equation modeling, the directional relationships between commitment,<br />

normative expectations, and eating behaviors were confirmed (CF1 =<br />

.98). This fit indicated that highly committed gymnasts will be more likely to<br />

assimilate subcultural norms, and thus behave in a manner appropriate for those<br />

norms. A cluster analysis revealed four distinct subgroup profiles of gymnasts<br />

based upon the variables within the study. This finding indicated that information<br />

generated from an entire sample may not be consistent for all subjects in the<br />

sample, nor can those findings be generalized to other samples. The interrelationships<br />

existing among the variables in the study suggested that understanding sport<br />

behavior cannot occur without the simultaneous consideration of both social and<br />

psychological factors.<br />

I Think therefore I Act (Maybe)<br />

Trish Gorely & David Bruce, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Brisbane 4072,<br />

Australia<br />

This longitudinal investigation employed the Transtheoretical Model to examine<br />

whether self-efficacy and decisional balance at baseline predicted the adoption of<br />

regular exercise within the following 6 months. Participants were 118 adults who<br />

were initially in contemplation and who returned two mailed out questionnaires<br />

6 months apart. Two groups were formed based on the 6 month data: a "nochange"<br />

group (n = 41) and an "adopted exercise" group (n = 64). The MAN­<br />

OVA main effect for group was significant, Wilks 1 = .909, F(3,101) = 3.34, P<br />

< .OS. Follow-up univariate analyses showed that the "adopted exercise" group<br />

had, at baseline, significantly lower cons scores (F = 9.14, P < .OS) and a strong<br />

tendency towards higher self-efficacy (F = 3.91, P < .06). No other differences<br />

were found. Assisting adults in contemplation reduce the perceived importance<br />

of negative aspects of exercise and work directed at increasing their self-efficacy<br />

for exercise are likely to be important steps in the facilitation of active lifestyles.<br />

WORKSHOP: Enjoyment-Profiling: Bringing Theory onto the Playing<br />

Field<br />

Bruce A. Pinel and Alex D. McKenzie, <strong>University</strong> of Otago, Dunedin, New<br />

Zealand<br />

The primary objective of this workshop is to introduce the Enjoyment-profiling<br />

(Pinel, 1996) intervention, which is a modification of BUller's (1989) performance-profiling<br />

self-awareness intervention. The focus of the intervention is on<br />

enhancing enjoyment and intrinsic motivation, rather than performance. The process<br />

of Enjoyment-profiling allows participants to explore and communicate personal<br />

sources of enjoyment through self- and group-awareness activities, while<br />

generating personal enjoyment-profiles. As a communication tool, it allows sport

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SI21<br />

psychology consultants, coaches and athletes to discuss and plan for important<br />

sources of enjoyment that may otherwise be overlooked. Therefore, the specific<br />

objectives of the Enjoyment-profiling workshop are to (i) highlight its theoretical-applied<br />

relationship; (ii) highlight its transferability to other sport/physical<br />

activity contexts; and (ill) provide evidence supporting its effectiveness. These<br />

objectives will be accomplished through an interactive discussion that allows participants<br />

to experience the intervention first hand while learning the key steps to<br />

its delivery.<br />

COLLOQUllJM: Development of the Feelings Profile: A Short Technique<br />

for Measuring Affect and Mood Swings<br />

Charles W. Jackson, Old Dominion <strong>University</strong>, Norfolk, VA 23529--0196, USA<br />

The Feelings Profile (FP) evolved from nineteen original adjectives of the Profile<br />

of Moods <strong>State</strong>s (POMS). The FP like the POMS measures six mood dimensions<br />

and a global measure of mood disturbance. The POMS (65-adjectives) meets<br />

necessary psychometric criteria. Short techniques seem necessary with time constraints,<br />

i.e., during exercise testing, rehabilitation or when counseling clinical or<br />

elderly patients. Several investigators have explored POMS downsizing efforts.<br />

This presentation will describe the development and analyses of the FP (19-adjectives)<br />

based upon data of 900 subjects. The FP has been verified and validated<br />

by content, concurrent, and construct validity, and by intraclass reliability methods.<br />

Also test-retest reliability estimates within a few minutes without intervention<br />

have been quite bigb. Four equal test forms are available for repeated measurements.<br />

A Japanese version with approximate scoring is also available. Several<br />

field studies using the instrument will also be cited as to its practicality.<br />

The Heart Rate-Perceived Exertion Relationship Changes during Five<br />

Consecutive Days of High-Intensity Interval Training<br />

Robert W. Motl, Stephen C. Jobnson, Evelyn G. Hall, James A. Walker,<br />

Andrew W. Subudhi, and Carter Davis, <strong>University</strong> of Utah, Salt Lake City,<br />

84112.<br />

To identify a practical marker of training status, we examined the relationship<br />

between Hcart Rate (HR) and Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) in response to a<br />

recovery exercise test (RET) during five consecutive days of high-intensity interval<br />

training (INT). Male competitive cyclists (N = 8) performed eight morning<br />

RET sessions (5 min. @ 250 watts) and seven evening INT sessions (10' 2 min.<br />

@ 9()

SI22 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

RPE ratio differed across the eight RET sessions. The HR:RPE ratio declined<br />

steadily across the week of training. The HR:RPE ratio returned to baseline levels<br />

in the recovery week. These findings demonstrate that measuring HR and RPE<br />

responses to a constant workload may help in monitoring the training status of<br />

competitive cyclists during periods of intensified training.<br />

Mood Alterations with a Single Bout of Physical Activity and the Effects of<br />

Personality Style<br />

Patsy Tremayne, <strong>University</strong> of Western Sydney, Macarthur, Sydney, NSW,<br />

Australia; and Sharon Burden, <strong>University</strong> of Western Sydney, Macarthur,<br />

Sydney, NSW, Australia.<br />

Research into the relationship between exercise and mood states suggests that<br />

exercise type and personality style play a role in determining the parameters<br />

required to elicit a positive mood state in response to exercise. Ninety university<br />

students completed a 12 minute run test, and 81 students participated in a circuitJ<br />

aerobic class. Each group completed the Profile of Mood <strong>State</strong>s before and after<br />

exercise, and a post-exercise Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale (RPE) was completed.<br />

Prior to data analysis participants were divided into different personality<br />

styles based on levels of defensiveness and trait anxiety. Results indicated that<br />

there were significant differences in positive mood enhancement between the exercise<br />

groups, RPE, pre-exercise mood state, gender, and personality style. Preexercise<br />

mood state, exercise type, moderate intensity of exercise, and high trait<br />

anxiety are the most significant contributors to positive mood change after a single<br />

bout of exercise.<br />

Ideal Performance <strong>State</strong> IPS Induced by a Conditioned Olfactory Cue<br />

Vicki A. de Prazer, Australian Institute of Sport, PO Box 176 Belconnen<br />

Australian Capital Territory, 2616 Australia<br />

This research explored the proposition that odour can be used to elicit an Ideal<br />

Performance <strong>State</strong> in Sport Performance (IPS). IPS referring to an optimum physical<br />

and mental state, often said to have been attained when outstanding performances<br />

are executed. Considerable evidence suggests the olfactory system plays<br />

a significant role in memory and cognition (Richardson 1989, Engen 1973). In<br />

the quest for IPS, athletes have successfully utilized a variety of sensory cues<br />

other than olfactory, e.g. kinesthetic, auditory and visual. In this research a technique<br />

extending the concept of classical conditioning to the relationship between<br />

odour and IPS was examined with Olympic Athletes. Subjects were placed in one<br />

of three treatment conditions, I) relaxation, II) relaxation and video modeling and<br />

III) relaxation, video modeling and olfactory conditioning. Pre and POSt measures<br />

of performance were assessed on three tasks, a fine motor skill task, a golf putting<br />

task and a concentration task. Evidence of the conditioning of IPS via odour<br />

cueing was apparent in the pilot, and athletes from archery and shooting who<br />

continued to utilize this technique reported gains in their performance. While

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S123<br />

analysis of the research results showed significant improvement in all conditions,<br />

inspection of the data showed a trend suggesting subjects in the odour condition<br />

had made greater gains. Further development and practical application of this<br />

technique is discussed.<br />

Winning and Losing: Does it Affect Mood After a Competitive Event?<br />

Bonnie G. Berger, Kathleen Brook, & Patrick S, Leuschen, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82070; David Owen, Brooklyn College, CUNY,<br />

Brooklyn, NY 11210<br />

This study investigated the relationship between competition (winning and losing)<br />

and acute mood changes. We also examined the influence of gender and league<br />

(League A was a higher skill level than B) on this relationship. Basketball players<br />

(N = 286) completed a demographic questionnaire, a Lie scale, and a shortened<br />

version of the POMS before competition as well as a second POMS after competition.<br />

A repeated measures 2 (Time: pre, post) X 2 (Outcome: win, lose) X 2<br />

(Gender) X 2 (League: A, B) MANOVA on the vector of the 6 POMS subscales<br />

indicated the Time X Outcome X Gender interaction was significant (F6,273 =<br />

3.65, p < .002). Next, we conducted simple effect analyses on women and men<br />

separately. The simple Time X Outcome for women was significant- (F6,81 =<br />

3.94, P < .002). Women who won or lost indicated a significant effect for Time<br />

(F6,42 = 5.62, P < .0003; F6,34 = 11.94, P < .0001 respectively). For winners,<br />

no single subscale showed significant changes; losers indicated negative changes<br />

on Anger, and Fatigue. Similarly for men, the simple Outcome X Time interaction<br />

was significant (F6,19l "" 14.77, P < .00(1). Male winners or losers also indicated<br />

a significant Time effect (F6,96 = 9.09, P < .0001; F6,90 = 23.03, P <<br />

.0001 respectively). wtneers reported negative changes on Fatigue; losers indicated<br />

negative changes on Anger, Depression, Fatigue, Vigor, and Confusion. In<br />

conclusion, male and female basketball participants generally reported mood decrements<br />

after losing and small changes after winning. In conclusion, exercisers<br />

in search of mood benefits probably should avoid competitive physical activity.<br />

WORKSHOP: Creativity, Part IV: Improvisational Acting for Sport Psych<br />

Consultants<br />

Patricia Latham Bach, Peak Performance Associates, Loomis, CA. 95650; Lois<br />

A. Butcher, Temple <strong>University</strong>, Philadelphia, Pa. 19122<br />

As a continuing effort to enhance creativity, spontaneity and efficacy in sport<br />

psych consulting, we introduce improvisational acting as a medium through which<br />

individuals may identify and develop unique skills. Known as "theater sports",<br />

improvisational acting assists individuals in several ways: it facilitates trust in<br />

self and others, reinforces a positive attitude, rewards risk taking, and demonstrates<br />

the power of true, centered engagement. it energizes participants in a<br />

manner that leads to an openness in acquiring new skills and knowledge sets. An<br />

ability to be present focused is fundamental to creating a successful consulting

S124 / Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

relationship. It is also critical to athletes in their quest for success. Loehr (1995)<br />

deals with this issue in his discussion of the "Competitor As Actor", providing<br />

valuable insight into the mindset of winning athletes. Our goal is to maximize<br />

that quality of presence, while finding the "fun" in a fundamental. The purposes<br />

of this interactive workshop are to: 1.) provide a brief, general overview of improvisational<br />

acting and its merits for sport psychologists, 2.) introduce a variety<br />

of improvisational exercises which will enhance consulting skills, 3.) demonstrate<br />

the efficacy of improv exercises in facilitating team esprit de corp, 4.) demonstrate<br />

the power of creative risk taking, and 5.) provide a take home menu of resources<br />

for your "Creativity Library"<br />

WORKSHOP: Successful Job Search Strategies-Part n<br />

Kristen Wells Davidson, <strong>University</strong> of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903; Bart<br />

Lerner, Citadel, Charleston, SC; Shane Murphy, Gold Medal Psychological<br />

Consultants, Monroe, CT; David Streigel, LGE Sport Science Inc., Orlando, FL<br />

In an effort to better prepare advanced graduate students, this workshop is designed<br />

to aid students in preparation for the interview process, with a special<br />

emphasis on preparation for careers other than those in academia. Topics to be<br />

addressed include: (1) initial networking (e.g., finding a job, where to look); (2)<br />

writing a cover letter; (3) preparing a resume (e.g., strategies for resume construetion);<br />

(4) networking (e.g., who to contact); (5) preparation for the interview (e.g.,<br />

gaining background information on the origin of the position, discovering sources<br />

that may aid in acquiring information about the organization, typical interview<br />

procedures); (6) "job talk" (e.g., how to "sell" yourself); and, (7) follow-up<br />

procedures (e.g., negotiating strategies). The format of the workshop will be as<br />

follows: the presider will ask each panel member specific questions related to the<br />

topics above. Immediately following each set of panel answers, workshop participants<br />

will question panel members. After all topics have been covered, the last<br />

IS minutes of the workshop will be allotted for open discussion between participants<br />

and panel members. In addition, sample resumes and cover letters will be<br />

available.<br />

Goal Setting Practices of Olympic Athletes: An Exploratory Investigation<br />

Robert Weinberg, Miami <strong>University</strong>, Oxford, Ohio, 45056; Damon Burton,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 83844, David Yukelson, Pennsylvania<br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>State</strong> College, Pennsylvania, 16802; Daniel Weigand, De<br />

Montfort <strong>University</strong>, Bedford, England MK40 2BZ<br />

The purpose of the present investigation was to explore Olympic athletes' perceptions<br />

concerning the frequency and effectiveness of goal setting strategies as<br />

well as perceived barriers and commitment to achieving these goals. Participants<br />

were 185 male and 143 female Olympic athletes from a variety of individual and<br />

team sports. All athletes completed an extensive questionnaire detailing their perceptions,<br />

use, and effectiveness of different goal setting strategies with a return

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I 5125<br />

rate of 77%. Descriptive results revealed that all the Olympic athletes practiced<br />

some type of goal setting to enhance performance and they found their goals to<br />

be highly effective. Athletes also reported that improving overall performance,<br />

winning, and having fun were the three most important goals. The major barriers<br />

to goal attainment included lack of time to train properly, lack of confidence to<br />

reach their goals, and lack of feedback. One-way MANOVAs comparing subgroups<br />

For example, males set goals to improve perfonnance significantly more<br />

than females, higher ability athletes set daily goals more often and found them<br />

to be more effective than lower ability athletes, and individual sport athletes used<br />

goals to maintain motivation and self-confidence significantly more often than<br />

team sport athletes Results are discussed in terms of practical implications for<br />

goal setting practices with different subgroups of athletes emphasizing the need<br />

to consider individual differences. Future directions for research are also offered<br />

including focusing on developmental differences and coach versus athlete perceptions.<br />

The Impact of Social Competence in Sport Development: A Multi-cultural<br />

Perspective in Sweden<br />

Rolf R. Carlson, <strong>University</strong> College of Physical Education and Sport,<br />

Stockholm, Sweden<br />

The population of Sweden consists of about 10% immigrants. In the last decade<br />

the amount of immigrants persecuted by ethnic, social and cultural reasons have<br />

increased. A group of 32 immigrant children, aged 10-14 were matched in pairs<br />

in variables age, sex and residence area with a group of children born and raised<br />

in Sweden. The main purpose was to analyze the function of organized sport in<br />

a multi-cultural perspective. Two major aspects were of particular interest-s-the<br />

process of socialization to organized sport and if this process improves life qualities<br />

from a developmental-learning point of view. Immigrant children were to a<br />

greater extent members of sport clubs and preferred sports with body contact.<br />

Swedish children did more often drop out from sport but did to a greater extent<br />

take part in other leisure-time activities. Soccer and swimming were the most<br />

common debut sports. Organized sport emphazises the participation of children<br />

no matter ethnic, social or cultural tradition. The results indicate that the involvement<br />

in organized sport during early adolescence must be regarded as an important<br />

contributor to socialization- and upbringing processes among immigrant children.<br />

WORKSHOP: Competition as ChaUenge: A Positive Approach to Athletic<br />

Development<br />

Jim Taylor, Alpine/Taylor Consulting, Aspen, CO 81612<br />

This workshop examines the recently observed phenomenon of young athletes<br />

viewing Competition as Threat, in which competition is experienced as negative<br />

and aversive and to be avoided. The causes of Competition as Threat are discussed

5126 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

and the symptoms most commonly associated with this response are described.<br />

It is suggested that the solution to this response is to create Competition as Challenge,<br />

in which competition is experienced as fun and positive and to be pursued.<br />

The development of Competition as Challenge requires several steps in working<br />

with young athletes. First, educating parents and coaches of the dangers of Competition<br />

as Threat. Second, helping young athletes develop a healthy perspective<br />

on winning and losing. Third, describing the importance of creating not just athletes,<br />

but competitors who thrive on the pressure of athletic participation. Fourth,<br />

showing young athletes the importance of staying positive and motivated when<br />

they are going through down periods. Finally, emphasizing the value of love to<br />

sports competition.<br />

COLLOQUIUM: Emotional Response to lujury: Issues and Controversies<br />

John Heil, Lewis-Gale Clinic, Roanoke, VA 24012<br />

The goal of this presentation is to provide a unifying perspective on emotion and<br />

injury (I) as a process unfolding over the course of injury, and (2) as a factor in<br />

performance through rehabilitation and return to play. Stage theories of injury<br />

will be critically reviewed, and a model presented which integrates stage theory<br />

and cognitive appraisal perspectives. Hanin's zone of optimal functioning theory<br />

will be utilized to examine the impact of four critical emotional states (denial,<br />

pain, fear, and culpability) on injury rehabilitation. The affective cycle of injury<br />

is presented and its linkages to medically grounded stage theory are elaborated.<br />

Denial, which has been the focus of much debate, and culpability, which has<br />

relatively neglected, will be reviewed in greater detail.<br />

Psychosocial Precursors to Athletic Injury not Supported in Adolescent<br />

Competitive Athletes<br />

Joy D. Bringer, <strong>University</strong> of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403; and Eileen M. Udry,<br />

Indiana <strong>University</strong> Purdue <strong>University</strong> at Indianapolis, IN 46202<br />

Recent research within Andersen and Williams' (1988) model of athletic injury<br />

antecedents has underscored the need to examine the: (a) contribution of daily<br />

hassles on an ongoing basis, and (b) role of personality factors beyond those in<br />

the original model. This investigation attempted to address these needs. Participants<br />

(N = 1<strong>33</strong>) included gymnasts, swimmers, and tennis players ages 14-19<br />

years competing at the intermediate to advanced level. At the outset of the 7 week<br />

study, participants completed assessments of daily hassles, perfectionism, negative<br />

life event stress, social support, and coping skills. Additionally, daily hassles were<br />

assessed biweekly. These psychosocial measures were then compared to athletes'<br />

self-reported injuries. Discriminant function analysis did not support the hypothesis<br />

that athletes scoring higher on perfectionism, daily hassles, and negative life<br />

event stress measures, and lower on the social support and coping skills measures<br />

would be more likely to be classified as injured. These results are in contrast with<br />

much of the previous research; however, the lack of support did not appear to be

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S127<br />

the result of insufficient statistical power. One possible explanation for these findings<br />

is that, although previous researchers have called for the repeated measurement<br />

of daily hassles, there was a high correlation of daily hassles across time (r<br />

= .81 to .92). Moreover, there was a high correlation between daily hassles and<br />

negative life stress (r = -.68). The limitations of the study as well as the implications<br />

are discussed.<br />

The Relationships between Athletic Identity, Coping Skills, Social Support,<br />

and the Psychological Impact of Injury<br />

Scott L. <strong>Green</strong>, Virginia Commonwealth <strong>University</strong>, Richmond, VA 23284;<br />

Robert S. Weinberg, Miami <strong>University</strong>, Oxford, OH 45056<br />

The purpose of the present investigation was to assess the relationship between<br />

athletic identity, coping skills, and social support on individuals' mood states<br />

following injury. Thirty individuals, who had sustained an injury that prohibited<br />

physical activity participation for at least 6--8 weeks, completed a packet of inventories<br />

within a week of their first visit to their orthopedic surgeon. The packets<br />

included the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (Brewer, Van Raabe, & Linder,<br />

1993), Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (Smith, Smoll, & Schutz, 1993), the Social<br />

Support Questionnaire (Sarason, Levine, Basham, & Sarason, 1983), and the<br />

Profile of Mood <strong>State</strong>s (McNair, Lorr, & Droppleman, 1971). Multiple regression<br />

and correlational results revealed that athletic identity and coping skills were not<br />

significantly related to mood state following the occurrence of an injury. However,<br />

a significant relationship was found between perceived satisfaction of an individual's<br />

social network and mood state following injury. Specifically, individuals<br />

who were more satisfied with their social network had less total mood disturbance<br />

following an injury. In addition, the independent variables accounted for only<br />

19.6% of the variance in total mood disturbance. The results are discussed in<br />

terms of cognitive appraisal theory.<br />

Atbletic Injury: Mood Disturbances and Hardiness of Intercollegiate<br />

Atbletes<br />

William N. Miller, Westfield <strong>State</strong> College, Westfield, MA 01086<br />

In a prospective study, posunjury mood disturbances, in addition to levels of<br />

hardiness, and the relationship between hardiness and mood disturbances, were<br />

examined. Among 244 male and 92 female intercollegiate athletes from the sports<br />

of lacrosse and track and field, 24 sustained injuries lasting a minimum of two<br />

days. The participants completed a demographic form, the Profile of Mood <strong>State</strong>s<br />

(PDMS) (McNair, LoIT, & Droppleman, 1971), and the Personal Views Survey<br />

(PVS) (Maddi, 1987) during the first three weeks of their respective preseasons.<br />

Following injury of at least two days in length, the PDMS was completed again<br />

by the injured athletes in addition to noninjured athletes selected to serve as<br />

comparisons. Following a multiple comparison analysis for a significant 2 x 2<br />

mixed factorial MANDVA interaction, injured athletes were found to incur de-

S128 / Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

creased levels of 'Vigor' from pretest to posttest, in addition to lower levels than<br />

noninjured athletes at posrtest. Injured athletes also incurred increased levels of<br />

'Anger' from pretest to posrtest. However, the noninjured group reported similar<br />

scores on these constructs from pretest to posttest assessments. No differences<br />

were found in levels of hardiness, or the three subscalcs of hardiness for injured<br />

and noninjured athletes. Regarding the relationship between hardiness and mood<br />

disturbances, as individual levels of hardiness increased levels of mood disturbance<br />

decreased for the total sample (n = <strong>33</strong>6).<br />

Attributions for Recovery and Adherence to Rehabilitation (ollowing<br />

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction<br />

Britton W. Brewer, Springfield College, Springfield, MA Ot 109; Allen E.<br />

Cornelius, <strong>University</strong> of Hartford, West Hartford, CT 06117-l599; Judy L. Van<br />

Raalte and Albert J. Petirpas, Springfield College, Springfield, MA 01109;<br />

Joseph H. Sklar, Mark H. Pohlman, and Robert J. Krushell, New England<br />

Orthopedic Surgeons, Springfield, MA 01104; Terry D. Ditmar, NovaCare<br />

Outpatient Rehabilitation, Springfield, MA 01104<br />

This study was a prospective examination of the relationship between attributions<br />

for recovery and adherence to a clinic-based sport injury rehabilitation protocol.<br />

Participants were 55 men and 25 women who had undergone anterior cruciate<br />

ligament reconstruction. Approximately five weeks postsurgery, participants made<br />

open-ended attributions for their rate of recovery and rated these attributions on<br />

the Revised Causal Dimension Scale (CDSH; McAuley, Duncan, & Russell,<br />

1992). Adherence was assessed in terms of the proportion of rehabilitation sessions<br />

attended to rehabilitation sessions scheduled and rehabilitation practitioner<br />

ratings of participant adherence on the Sport Injury Rehabilitation Adherence<br />

Scale (SIRAS; Brewer, Van Raalte, Peritpas, Sklar, & Ditmar, 1995) at each rehabilitation<br />

appointment after participants had made their attributions for recovery.<br />

Multiple regression analyses revealed that causal dimension ratings predicted<br />

attendance at rehabilitation sessions, but not SIRAS scores. A MANOVA performed<br />

on CDSII subscale scores indicated that participants who perceived themselves<br />

as recovering rapidly tended to attribute their rate of recovery to more<br />

internal factors than participants who perceived themselves as recovering slowly.<br />

The findings demonstrate the relevance of cognitive factors to behavioral responses<br />

to sport injury.<br />

PANEL DISCUSSION: Finding a Balance: Issues in Career and Family<br />

Planning for Sport Psychology ProCessionals<br />

Thad Leffingwell, <strong>University</strong> of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195; Britt Brewer,<br />

Springfield College, Springfield, MA 01109; Karen Cogan, <strong>University</strong> of North<br />

Texas, Denton, TX 76203; Robert Harmison, United <strong>State</strong>s Olympic Training<br />

Center, Colorado Springs, CO 80909; Trent Petrie, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas,<br />

Denton, TX 76203; and Judy Van Raalte, Springfield College, Springfield, MA<br />

01109<br />

Receiving training in applied sport psychology and developing a career, whether<br />

in academia or practice, both require significant time, energy, and focus. The

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I Sl29<br />

decision to pursue a professional career often requires that one make choices and<br />

use careful planning regarding other important personal goals, including having<br />

a family. This panel includes young professionals and graduate students in sport<br />

psychology who have experience dealing with issues regarding the balance between<br />

career and family goals. The panelists will describe some of the issues<br />

involved in career and family planning, share their personal experiences and lessons<br />

learned, and answer questions from the audience. Some specific issues addressed<br />

will include "When might be the best time to start a family for a young<br />

professional?," "What strategies have you found effective at balancing career<br />

and family demands'!", and "What have you learned about the demands of career<br />

and family that you didn't know or hadn't considered prior to having a family'!"<br />

WORKSHOP: Action! Hands-On Demonstrations of How Expert<br />

Consultants Teach Mental Skills to Athletes<br />

Natalie Durand-Bush (Organizer), <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON KIN 6N5',<br />

Kenneth Ravizza, California <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 92634­<br />

9480; Wayne R. Halliwell, <strong>University</strong> of Montreal, Montreal, PO H3C 3J7; Cal<br />

Botterill, <strong>University</strong> of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N IN4<br />

Every year, consultants and researchers talk about the relevance of refining and<br />

personalizing mental skills training to enhance athletic performance. However,<br />

seldom have we seen individuals in action, clearly demonstrating how these skills<br />

can be taught and used in different competitive settings. The purpose of this<br />

workshop is to provide a forum for participants to observe how experienced<br />

consultants teach athletes to perfect a variety of mental skills such as relaxation,<br />

imagery, focusing, refocusing, positive self-talk, emotional preparation and team<br />

building. For example, one consultant will demonstrate how he teaches a team of<br />

athletes how to relax and do imagery before an important competition. Another<br />

consultant will show how to help an athlete gain control over intricate aspects of<br />

her performance through the use of positive self-talk, more precisely, the use of<br />

specific cue words that generate positive emotions and physical sensations. The<br />

final consultant will reveal how he helps athletes develop perspective and unity,<br />

and how they emotionally prepare themselves for high-level competition. All<br />

exercises will be performed live, in some cases with individual athletes, in others<br />

with the entire audience. Consultants will debrief each exercise with workshop<br />

participants and provide opportunities for discussion. A handout outlining the<br />

approaches and steps used by the consultants to teach the mental skills will be<br />

provided to participants.<br />

WORKSHOP: What Coaches Want from Sport Psychology<br />

Ralph A. Vernacchia, Western Washington <strong>University</strong>, Bellingham, WA 98225,<br />

USA; Rick McGuire, <strong>University</strong> of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65205, USA.<br />

The primary objective of this workshop is to provide an overview of the role and<br />

function of the sport psychology professional within the athletic environment,

SI30 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

especially in relation to consultations with coaches. In many cases, the coach is<br />

the gatekeeper to the initial and ongoing relationships between the sport psychology<br />

consultant, athletes and teams. The specific objectives of this workshop<br />

will be: (I) to provide an understanding of the cornerstones of effective coachinganticipation,<br />

preparation, communication, and dedication; and (2) to identify and<br />

describe specific performance enhancement strategies and interventions which are<br />

generally acceptable to coaches. Case studies depicting typical consulting issues<br />

with coaches will be presented and workshop participants will be asked to suggest<br />

appropriate performance enhancement!intervention strategies. Small group interactions<br />

will provide workshop participants with the opportunity to develop and<br />

review the potential effectiveness of their suggested performance enhancement!<br />

intervention strategies.<br />

Athletic Identity and Psychosocial Development among Male NCAA<br />

Division I Student-Athletes in Revenue-Producing Sports<br />

Kenneth Tubilleja, West Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV 26505; Britton<br />

W. Brewer, Delight E. Champagne, and Albert J. Petitpas, Springfield College,<br />

Springfield, MA 01109<br />

Differences were investigated in measures of psychosocial development and athletic<br />

identity as a function of ethnicity (African American fAfA] vs. European<br />

American [EA)) and academic class. Participants were 93 male student-athletes<br />

in NCAA Division I revenue-producing sports. Psychosocial development was<br />

assessed using three measures (AA, MIR, and PUR tasks) of college student<br />

development from the Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Inventory<br />

(SDTLI). Athletic identity was measured using the Athletic Identity Measurement<br />

Scale (AIMS). Multiple 2 x 4 (Ethnicity x Class) ANOVAs revealed significant<br />

Ethnicity X Class interactions for AIMS and PUR scores (p < .05). Post hoc<br />

analyses revealed significant class differences with AfA participants on AIMS<br />

and PUR scores (p < .05), such that seniors had significantly higher AIMS scores<br />

and significantly lower PUR scores than freshmen. No class differences were<br />

found for EA participants. A significant, inverse correlation was found between<br />

AIMS and PUR scores among BAs (r = -.383, P < .01), but not among AfAs<br />

(r > -.105, p > .05). The findings suggest that separate, ethnicity-specific programs<br />

addressing psychosocial development may not need to be designed. Also,<br />

a strong and exclusive athletic identity may be detrimental to particular aspects<br />

of psychosocial development for male EA student-athletes in revenue-producing<br />

sports at NCAA Division I institutions.<br />

Comparison of Traditional Physical Education and Alternative Movement<br />

Education on the Moral Development of Underserved Youth<br />

Jerry Sandberg, Maria Newton, <strong>University</strong> of New Orleans, LA 7DJ)8<br />

Traditionally, one goal of school physical education programs has been the development<br />

of moral principles or sportpersonship (Weiss & Bredemeier, 1986).

S132 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Predictors of Aggression In Basketball: Examination of Beginning and<br />

Advanced Participants in a Girls' Summer Skill Camp<br />

Dawn E. Stephens, <strong>University</strong> of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1111<br />

Previous research has examined likelihood of aggressive acts using the Judgments<br />

About Moral Behavior in Youth Sport Questionnaire (JAMBYSQ) in both girls'<br />

(Stephens & Bredemeier, 1996) and coed (Stephens, 1995) soccer and boys' ice<br />

hockey (Stephens & Kavanagh, 1997) youth sport leagues. Results of these previous<br />

studies have identified participants' perceptions of their teammates' aggressive<br />

tendencies (moral atmosphere) as the best predictor of participants' own<br />

self-described likelihood to aggress. The purpose of this study was to extend this<br />

research in three ways: a) to examine participants' views about the causes of<br />

success, b) to include their perceptions of their likelihood to aggress iftheir coach<br />

wanted them to, and c) to utilize participants of a summer youth sport skill camp<br />

as subjects. Subjects were 147 span camp participants from either a beginning<br />

camp (n = 94; mean age = 12.46 yrs) or an advanced camp (n = 53; mean age<br />

= 15.25 yrs). Results indicated that, for the beginning campers, likelihood to<br />

aggress was best predicted by what they perceived their teammates would do in<br />

the same situation, followed by the use of what Nicholls proposed to be a differcntiation<br />

between ability and effort, and, finally, their willingness to injure their<br />

opponent if their coach requested. Predictors were the same for the advanced<br />

campers, except that the variable representing differentiation between effort and<br />

ability failed to enter the equation. These findings are in line with previous research<br />

in establishing the tcam norm as a significant predictor for self-described<br />

likelihood to aggress in a sport situation. The results of this study add to our<br />

knowledge by establishing the link between likelihood to aggress and the differentiation<br />

of effort and ability aspect of Nicholls' theory along with the impact of<br />

following the coach's request to perfonn an injurious act.<br />

Confidence as a Source of Expectancy Information: Implications for<br />

Performance<br />

Gloria B. Solomon and Andrea R. Beauchamp, Texas Christian <strong>University</strong>, Fort<br />

Worth, Texas 76129<br />

Expectancy theory predicts that coaches influence athlete ability, via communicated<br />

feedback. There is ample documentation of the existence of differential<br />

feedback based on expectations (Rejcski. Darracott, & Hutslar, 1979; Sinclair &<br />

Vealey, 1989). The next step is to identify what specific sources of infonnation<br />

inform coach expectations and how expectations relate to athlete performance.<br />

The purpose of this study was to test the relationships among coach expectancies,<br />

coach perceptions of athlete confidence, and athlete performance. Coaches from<br />

nine Division 1 intercollegiate athletic teams were invited to participate and completed<br />

the Trait Sport Confidence Inventory (Vealey, 1986) and the Expectancy<br />

Rating Scale (Solomon, 1993) for each athlete. Objective performance statistics<br />

for an entire season were obtained. Multiple regression analyses were performed.<br />

Results indicated that (a) coach expectancy level served to predict perceptions of

Colloquia. Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S1<strong>33</strong><br />

athlete trait confidence and (b) perceptions of athlete trait confidence predicted<br />

actual performance. The implications of these results indicate that coaches' perceptions<br />

of athlete confidence may be a primary source of information in expectancy<br />

formation.<br />

PANEL DISCUSSION: Rookie Mistakes: Lessons Learned by Young Sport<br />

Psychology Professionals.<br />

Thad Leffingwell, <strong>University</strong> of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195; Greg Dale,<br />

Winthrop <strong>University</strong> 297<strong>33</strong>; Chris Janelle, <strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainesville,<br />

FL 32611; Jeff Janssen, <strong>University</strong> of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; Scott<br />

Martin, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203; Kirsten Peterson, United<br />

<strong>State</strong>s Olympic Training Center, Colorado Springs, CO 80909<br />

Although graduate school often provides adequate training in the discipline and<br />

practice of sport psychology, it is unreasonable to expect a graduate school curriculum<br />

alone to provide one with all the lessons necessary when starting a career<br />

in the "real world." This informal panel discussion will address lessons learned<br />

by young professionals that they felt graduate school could not or did not prepare<br />

them. Since the setting and activities of graduate school may more adequately<br />

prepare individuals for careers in primarily academia or research, the participants<br />

on this panel were chosen because of their interest in applied work, either solely<br />

or in conjunction with an academic career. Specifically, discussants will address:<br />

(a) the match between graduate training and professional responsibilities; (b) the<br />

many roles sport psychology professionals face in post-secondary education; (c)<br />

constraints related to academic life and consulting; (d) post doctoral training while<br />

searching for a tenure track position; (c) expectations, evaluation, and feedback;<br />

(f) support systems and the role of mentors; (g) expectations and reality in consulting<br />

work; and (h) important factors for maintaining a positive mental state.<br />

Recommendations for preparing and dealing with these issues arc given.<br />

WORKSHOP: The Process of Assessment in Sport Psychology Consulting:<br />

Part 1: Intake<br />

Organizer: Cynthia Adams, Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA 02215; Mary Ann<br />

Kane, MindPowcr Resources, Cambridge, MA 02138; Dave Collins,<br />

Manchester Metropolitan <strong>University</strong>, Alsager, ST72HL, England; Celinc<br />

McNelis-Kline, <strong>University</strong> of Denver, Denver, CO 80210; Albert Petitpas,<br />

Springfield College, Springfield, MA 01109; Katherine Kilty, MindPower<br />

Resources, Cambridge, MA 02138; Susan Langdon, Colby-Sawyer College,<br />

New London, NH 03257<br />

The purpose of this workshop is to demonstrate the process of initial assessment<br />

in a sport psychology consultation. Gathering the appropriate information in the<br />

intake session creates the foundation and direction for further intervention. The<br />

opportunity to witness professionals conducting an intake procedure is rare. Participants<br />

will observe interactions between four sport psychology consultants and

S134 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

clients. What is unique about this workshop is that both clients, an athlete and a<br />

coach, will meet with two different consultants who will then present their individual<br />

evaluations. The objectives for this workshop are to: I) present possible<br />

interview questions, 2) demonstrate ways to obtain pertinent information, and 3)<br />

synthesize information obtained into a diagnostic whole. This workshop will enable<br />

participants to reflect on and further develop their assessment skills.<br />

Effects of a Season-long PST Program on Gymnastic Performance and on<br />

Psychological Skills<br />

Jean F. Fournier; Institut National du Sport et de l'Bducarion Physique, Paris,<br />

75012, France; Claire Calmels, Universite de Paris-X, Nanterre, 92001 France.<br />

This presentation reports findings of an evaluation of the effects of a 10 month<br />

PST program on psychological and performance indicators. Ten nationally ranked<br />

female gymnasts (m = 12 years old) trained physically 25 hours per week followed<br />

a group mental skills program for half an hour per week. The 5-step intervention<br />

consisted of relaxation, self-talk, goal setting, focusing and visualisation.<br />

Performance scores were obtained using results in competitions. Psychological<br />

indicators were appraised individually by the OMSAT (Durand-Bush & Salmela,<br />

in press). Data were recorded before the intervention to establish a baseline<br />

(Hrycaiko & Martin, 1996) and 5 times during the course of the competitive<br />

season. Interpretation of the effects of the different phases of the program on the<br />

performance and mental indicators will be discussed on an individual basis. Psychometric<br />

properties of the OMSAT will be reported for the present participant<br />

sample.<br />

Major Competitive Themes of Female Soccer Players in the 1997 NCAA<br />

Women's Soccer National Championships<br />

Michael J. Navarre, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC<br />

27599<br />

Seven Division I female soccer players with Olympic and National Team experience<br />

were interviewed following the NCAA Women's Soccer quarterfinal, semifinal,<br />

and Championship game in order to investigate pre-competitive affect, mental<br />

states during competition, and individual perceptions of performance. Players<br />

were also asked to describe the characteristics necessary to win a national championship<br />

and succeed at elite levels of competition. Excitement, task focus, and<br />

nervousness, were the primary themes associated with pre-competitive affect.<br />

Confidence in the ability and talent of the team characterized the mental state of<br />

the athletes during competition; however, feelings of fear or doubt emerged after<br />

the opposition scored. Athletes reported overcoming these doubts through positive<br />

self-talk and cognitive restructuring. Athletes listed courage, commitment, and<br />

work ethic as the predominant characteristics necessary to win a national championship<br />

and succeed at intemationallevels of competition. Results are discussed

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S135<br />

according to their implications for understanding competitive states of elite athletes<br />

and the psychological factors associated with success in elite competition.<br />

The Ellect of a Motivational-Mastery Imagery Intervention on the Sport<br />

Confidence of Three Elite Badminton Players<br />

Nichola Callow, <strong>University</strong> of Wales, Bangor, UK; Lew Hardy, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Wales, Bangor, UK; Craig Hall, <strong>University</strong> of Western Ontario, Canada.<br />

The effect of imagery on sport confidence has important applied implications due<br />

to the influential role thar sport confidence has on performance (e.g., Vealey,<br />

1986). Recent research has associated high sport confidence wnh mastery forms<br />

of imagery e.g., Moritz, Hall, Martin and Vadocz (1996). However, such research<br />

has been correlational in nature, so that causality can not be inferred. The present<br />

study used a multiple baseline single subject design, to examine the effect of a<br />

Motivational General-Mastery imagery intervention upon sport confidence.<br />

The participants were three British junior county badminton players (two male,<br />

and one female; mean age IS). Once a week, prior to a match, vealeys" (1987)<br />

<strong>State</strong> Sports Confidence Inventory was administered to assess the participants'<br />

confidence. A baseline was established and the imagery intervention implemented<br />

at weeks five, seven and nine, respectively. The intervention period lasted for two<br />

weeks, with three sessions per week. The study period totaled 20 weeks.<br />

Visual inspection of the graphed data indicates that the intervention had a facilitative<br />

effect on the sport confidence of participant one and two, but not on three.<br />

However, the sport confidence scores for participant three, who moved up to the<br />

top division of the badminton circuit during the intervention, became more stable.<br />

The results suggest that a motivational-mastery imagery intervention can have<br />

a facilitative effect upon sport confidence. This study has important implications<br />

at a theoretical, applied and methodological level.<br />

A System of Psychological Management in Sport Games<br />

Valery Malkin, Ural <strong>University</strong>, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620055.<br />

Sport practice requires innovative approaches for the inculcation of psychological<br />

methods in the process of team preparation in sport. The first program includes<br />

leading the team towards a psychological level of stability. The main principle<br />

during this phase is that of limitation of stressful situations. The second program<br />

includes the management of psychological stability during the competitive season,<br />

which is based upon giving athletes the permission to make mistakes. The third<br />

program is directed towards the selection of particular sport situations which keep<br />

in mind the anticipated mental strains of competition. The fourth program is based<br />

upon the mental rcliabilty of the athlete to perform in extreme stress situations<br />

as indicated by the rule: "There is only one chance". The fifth principle is that<br />

the athlete is trained to prepare for a season filled with stress and the key element<br />

is preparedness for the long struggle. The sixth program is directed towards training<br />

the coach to handle stresses in extreme match conditions under the direction

S136 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

of the rule that "if the game is not over, it is not lost". Experience in Russia has<br />

shown this program to be effective if properly supervised.<br />

Psychological Momentum in Target Shooting: Behavioral, Affective, and<br />

Brain Responses<br />

Scott E. Kerick, <strong>University</strong> of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742; Seppo E.<br />

Iso-Ahola, <strong>University</strong> of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742; Brad D. Hatfield,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742; and Kerry A. Gruber,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742<br />

This study examined the association between perceived psychological momentum<br />

and target shooting performance across four levels of manipulated feedback (negative,<br />

neutral, positive, and no feedback) using a within-subjects design. Measures<br />

of actual and perceived shooting performance, affect, and electroencephalographic<br />

responses were compared between conditions. Results indicated no significant<br />

differences in mean shot scores across conditions despite higher ratings of performance<br />

in positive compared to negative feedback. EEG results revealed greater<br />

relative right frontal hemispheric activation in the negative compared to the positive<br />

feedback condition and reinforced the self-report data. Overall, these findings<br />

support the antecedents-consequences model of psychological momentum, which<br />

predicts that momentum is derived from perceptions of increased performance<br />

(real or imaginary), but actual performance is not necessarily enhanced as a consequence.<br />

1\vo remaining hypotheses remain tenable for explaining the results of<br />

the present study: positive inhibitionJnegative facilitation; or misperceived performance<br />

based on random variability around a mean performance level.<br />

Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Perfonnance In Tennis<br />

Douglas Eng, Tufts <strong>University</strong>, Medford MA 02155, Camilo Pereira, Tufts<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Medford MA 02155, Leonard Zaichkowsky, Boston <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Boston MA 02215<br />

The relationship between self-efficacy and level of achievement in tennis was<br />

investigated. Developed inventories included the Tennis Self-Efficacy Scale<br />

(TSES) and the On-Court Tennis Self-Efficacy Scale (OCTSES). TSES was designed<br />

to measure beliefs about self-confidence, ability self-efficacy, and motivation<br />

self-efficacy. Reliability and validity of these two instruments were good.<br />

Additional instruments included Ryckman's (1982) Physical Self-Efficacy Scale<br />

(PSES) and the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) which measures skill<br />

level. Predictor variables characterizing subjects (N = 93, F = 51, M = 42, Age<br />

= 18--64 years) were NIRP rating, age, sex, experience, and frequency. Selfefficacy<br />

in tennis was correlated with physical self-efficacy. Beliefs in performance<br />

accomplishments and physiological states were correlated with NTRP ratings.<br />

Ability self-efficacy and NTRP ratings were also highly correlated. Motivation<br />

self-efficacy was correlated with frequency of play. Elevations in perceived<br />

physical ability, not physical self-presentation confidence, were found for various

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SI37<br />

subpopulations. On OCTSES, self-efficacy was affected more by perceived performance<br />

than actual outcome. Highest losses of self-efficacy were found after<br />

highest levels of self-doubt and dissatisfaction. Winning did not significantly increase<br />

self-efficacy. Finally, college-aged subjects were compared with varsity<br />

athletes from other sports.<br />

The Influence of Chronic Martial Arts Participation on Self.efficacy,<br />

Anger, and Pain Perception<br />

Brian C. Focht, Lester J. Bouchard, and Milledge Murphey, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611<br />

It has been acknowledged that martial arts participation contributes to the positive<br />

development of physical attributes. Less, however, is known regarding the psychological<br />

and perceptual effects associated with participation. The purpose of<br />

this investigation was to examine the effects of chronic martial arts participation<br />

on selected psychological variables and pain perception in novice participants.<br />

Thirty volunteers (MA = 15, Control = 15) completed assessments of self-efficacy<br />

(PSES), anger (STAXI), pain threshold (PT), and pain ratings (PR) prior to<br />

and following 15 weeks of martial arts participation or a control condition. Data<br />

were analyzed with a 2 X 2 (Groups X Sessions) repeated measures ANOVA.<br />

Results indicated significant increases in PSES and PT (P < . 05) and a significant<br />

decrease in PR (P < . 05) following martial arts participation. It is concluded that<br />

chronic martial arts participation is associated with improvements in self-efficacy<br />

and pain perception of novice participants.<br />

Changes in Self.Efficacy and Effort Sense wtth Resistance Training in<br />

Older Adults: An Exploratory Investigation<br />

Edmund O. Acevedo, Southeastern Louisiana <strong>University</strong>, Hammond, LA 70402:<br />

Gayle Appel Doll, Kansas Health Department, Topeka, KS.<br />

The physical activity patterns of older adults can be influenced by task relevant<br />

cognitive appraisals. In particular an individual's self-efficacy can influence<br />

choice, effort and persistence of behavior whereas perceptions of greater effort<br />

can lead to lower persistence. The purpose of this study was to examine the<br />

changes in self-efficacy toward and effort sense during functional tasks prior to<br />

and following two resistance training programs with older adults. Two groups of<br />

elderly adults participated in one of two eight-week resistance training programs,<br />

one using traditional weight training (n = 8) and the other, calisthenics (n = 9).<br />

Results revealed that subjects in both groups significantly improved in their ability<br />

to perform six functional tasks; lifting five pounds over head, getting down on<br />

and up from the floor, climbing and descending stairs, carrying groceries, getting<br />

out of the bathtub and walking speed. In addition, self-efficacy increased and<br />

ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) decreased. These results suggest that resistance<br />

training can improve functional capabilities and influence self-efficacy and<br />

effort sense.

S 138 I Colloquia. Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Athletes' Perceptions of Parents' Expectations: Influences on Competitive<br />

Anxiety, Goal Orientations, and Perfonnance Expectancies<br />

Karen E. Collins and Heather Barber, <strong>University</strong> of New Hampshire, Durham,<br />

NH 03824<br />

Eccles and Harold's (1991) Expectancy-Value Model provides a framework for<br />

examining relationships between parental expectancies and children's achievement<br />

perceptions and behaviors. This study sought to investigate the relationship<br />

between athletes' perceptions of their parents' beliefs and expectancies and competitive<br />

anxiety and performance expectancies. Participants at the Field Hockey<br />

National Futures Tournament (N =" 416), an elite high school tournament, completed<br />

measures of goal orientations (lEOSQ), competitive anxiety (CSAI-2) and<br />

expectancies as well as perceptions of their parents' goal orientations (adapted<br />

TEOSQ) and expectancies. A canonical correlation between goal orientations and<br />

competitive anxiety indicated that task involvement was positively related to confidence,<br />

and ego involvement was positively related to cognitive anxiety. NlAN­<br />

OVAs indicated that athletes who placed greater importance on and who had<br />

higher expectations for doing wen at the tournament revealed higher levels of<br />

confidence than those athletes who placed less importance and had fewer expectations<br />

for success. Athletes who believed their pareDfs placed greater importance<br />

on success showed higher levels of both confidence and cognitive anxiety than<br />

those athletes who believed tbeir parents placed less importance on doing well.<br />

Parental expectancies were generally viewed positively and were interpreted as<br />

evidence of belief in ability. Consequently, parents can be a positive influence on<br />

their children's participation in sport.<br />

Parental Involvement in the Planning of Youth Sport Programs: A<br />

Comparison of Two Cities<br />

Bart S. Lerner, The Citadel, Charleston, SC 29409, Jack C. Watson, Florida<br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Tallahassee, FL 32306.<br />

This study compared and contrasted the interests of parents from two separate<br />

cities regarding the development of an instructional program that emphasizes<br />

teaching fundamental motor skills to children. Participants from these cities (n =<br />

234) and (n = 196) consisted of parents who were randomly selected from a<br />

variety of parentJchild interactive activities occurring throughout each community.<br />

Participants completed the Skills Interest Survey, which has been designed to<br />

examine the development and perceived need for an individualized youth sport<br />

program. Results from both samples were extremely similar. Parents supported<br />

the institution of fundamental skills programs for younger children, assuming that<br />

they as parents could be involved in the teaching process. Beyond instruction in<br />

basic motor skills such as throwing, catching and kicking, parents also placed a<br />

high value on the development of sportsmanship, cooperation, and fun. Other<br />

important issues discussed include the optimal age of child participants, as well<br />

as the length, frequency and cost of such a program. This study confirmed Wankel<br />

and Kreisel's (1985) recommendations that each youth participant should be given

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SI39<br />

a chance to develop the basic skills necessary for a particular sport, be provided<br />

with a realistic challenge, and be afforded an opportunity for personal accomplishment<br />

and satisfaction.<br />

Physiotherapists' and Professional Athletes' Views on Psychological Skills<br />

for Rehabilitation<br />

Susan R. Francis and Mark B. Andersen, Victoria <strong>University</strong>, Melbourne 8001,<br />

Australia; Paul Maley, National Basketball League, Melbourne, Australia<br />

Wiese, Weiss, and Yukelson (1991) sought trainers opinions on the role of psychological<br />

techniques in injury rehabilitation. This study replicated the Wiese et<br />

at. (1991) study with Australian physiotherapists (Study 1) and extended it to<br />

include the viewpoints of professional basketball players (Study 2). One hundred<br />

and fifteen surveys were sent to physiotherapists working in sport medicine clinics<br />

in Melbourne and 57 were returned completed. Sixty surveys were forwarded to<br />

professional basketball players in the Australian National Basketball League.<br />

Twenty-eight responded by returning the completed survey. The results indicated<br />

that a great deal of importance was attached to communication and motivation<br />

by both physiotherapists and athletes in the rehabilitation process. Physiotherapists<br />

placed more emphasis Oil communication, and athletes believed motivation<br />

to be the most important characteristic for injury recovery. Interestingly, both<br />

athletes and physiotherapists did not think relaxation or imagery techniques to be<br />

useful tools in the recovery process. These beliefs could indicate a lack of experience<br />

with these techniques, and this may be an area that psychologists can<br />

contribute to Facilitating athletic injury recovery.<br />

A Psychophysiological Intervention in Athletic Injury Rehabilitation: A<br />

Case Study<br />

David Scott, <strong>University</strong> of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. Canada E3B 5A3<br />

and Chcra Jarrett, Brock <strong>University</strong>, St. Catharines, ONT. Canada L2S 3A1.<br />

The intent of this case study was to develop a physical and psychological intervention<br />

that would aid in the accelerated rehabilitation of athletic injury. The<br />

patient was a national level basketball player with a third degree anterior cruciatc<br />

ligament (ACL) injury. Psychological interventions were carefully combined with<br />

and tailored to meet the individual needs of the patient and specific goals were<br />

set for the psychological component of thc rehabilitation program. In addition to<br />

using objective measures to assess the rate of recovery detailed interviews were<br />

held with the patient, doctor, and athletic therapist. The role and importance of<br />

each mental skill at every stage of the rehabilitation process was determined and<br />

effective delivery systems developed. The patient returned 10 full competition two<br />

months sooner than was initially forecast and the results of this case study would<br />

suggest that a well designed psychological intervention protocol, when combined<br />

with physical therapy, can produce rapid and effective rehabilitation.

S140 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Psychological Factors of Athletic Injury in School Life<br />

Hirohisa Isogai, Kyushu Institute of Techology, Iizuka 820-8502, Japan, Mikio<br />

Tokunaga, Kimio Hasimoto, Kyushu <strong>University</strong>, Kasuga 816-8580, Japan,<br />

Toyoki Taki, Daiich <strong>University</strong> of Economic, Dazaifu 816, Japan<br />

The purpose of this investigation was to clarify the psychological factors that<br />

influence athletic injury in school life. Elementary school students (N = 19<strong>33</strong>),<br />

junior high school students (N = 3525), high school students (N = 3615) were<br />

administered a questionnaire evaluating the frequency and time of injury, and<br />

psychological characteristics (based on 30 items from pre-examination). A factor<br />

analysis of the source of psychological items revealed four factors that have acceptable<br />

internal reliability: life stress, personality characteristics, confidence for<br />

sports, and consciousness of safety. Students not injured at all and frequently<br />

injured students were compared with regard to the four factors. The results<br />

showed that latter students had significantly higher scores in all these four factors,<br />

but the facters varied for each age group.<br />

Satisfaction with Social Suppor-t as a Guiding Principle in Sport Injury<br />

Research<br />

Theresa M. Bianco, <strong>University</strong> of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western<br />

Australia 6907.<br />

Sport injury researchers have shown a growing interest in the role of social support<br />

as a coping resource in recovery from athlenc injury (e.g., Udry, 1997; Ford,<br />

1993). Several advances have been made in the area and it is evident that social<br />

support is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It is also clear that satisfaction<br />

with support received is a key issue to understanding the impact of social<br />

support on coping. The present discussion proposes an integrative theory of satisfaction<br />

with social support and considers the relevance and applicability of this<br />

theory to sport injury research and practice. A program of research examining<br />

social support exchanges between injured athletes and their coaches will be presented.<br />

Also discussed, will be the practical issue of developing intervention programs<br />

to increase satisfaction with social support and, therefore, maximize the<br />

benefits of support with respect to coping with sport injury.<br />

The Psychological WeD-Being and Health-Related Quality Of Life of People<br />

Living with HIV: The Influence of Physical Activity<br />

Mark A. Stoove and Mark B. Andersen, Victoria <strong>University</strong>, Melbourne 8001,<br />

Australia<br />

This study was designed to describe the relationships between psychological wellbeing,<br />

health-related quality of life, and physical activity in a group of HIV positive<br />

people. Forty-six HIV positive individuals completed a battery of questionnaires<br />

assessing depression, anxiety, positive and negative affect, physical selfefficacy,<br />

and health-related quality of life. Participants were also asked (0 recall

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SI41<br />

their physical activity patterns over the previous no weeks. The mean age of<br />

participants was 38.2 (S.O = 8.8). with an average time since serostarus notification<br />

of 6.6 (S.O = 3.83). Regression analysis indicated that positive affect and<br />

depression accounted for 59% of variance in energy/fatigue. In addition. the number<br />

of sessions of vigorous recreational activity undertaken accounted for 10% of<br />

variance in depression scores and 29% of variance in positive affect. Further<br />

analysis revealed that positive affect. depression. and the number of sessions of<br />

physical activity accounted for 46% of variance in reurological symptomatology.<br />

Overall, results indicated that health-related quality oflife was closely related to<br />

psychological well-being in HIV positive individuals. Furthermore, level of physical<br />

activity was both directly and indirectly (via improved psychological wellbeing)<br />

related to aspects of health-related quality 01 life.<br />

Enjoyment of Recreational Swimming: Possible Moderating Influences of<br />

Age and Gender<br />

Bonnie G. Berger. Robert W. Mon, & Patrick S. Leuschen, School of Physical<br />

and Health Education. <strong>University</strong> of Wyoming. Laramie. WY 82071<br />

We examined whether age and gender moderated enjoyment of exercise in adult<br />

swimmers. Male (n = 76) and female (n = 70) recreational swimmers between<br />

19 and 82 years of age completed a demographics inventory and Lie-scale before<br />

exercising. Irrunediately after swimming, participant> completed the Physical Activity<br />

Enjoyment Scale (PACES). Swimmers were trichotomized into age groups:<br />

young (19-39 years; n = 72), middle-aged (40-59 years: n = 34), and older (60­<br />

82 years; n = 40) adults. Results of a 3 (Age group!' 2 (Gender) ANOYA indicated<br />

that the three age groups differed on PACES scores, F (2,140) = 3.01, p<br />

= .052; but that there were no gender differences. Older swimmers reported<br />

significantly higher mean PACES scores than the younger adults. Calculation of<br />

effect sizes (ES) demonstrated a moderate differerce in PACES scores between<br />

the older and younger adults (ES = .50). When resting for possible demand<br />

influences on enjoyment scores, no evidence of a relationship was obtained between<br />

Lie-scale and PACES scores (r = .01. P > .88). In addition, single sample<br />

t-tests indicated that the overall mean PACES score reported by swimmers (M =<br />

104.21, SO = 14.49) was significantly higher than reported by both cyclists (M<br />

= 84.26, SO = 18.71) and joggers (M = 87.95, SO = 19.74; Kendzierski &<br />

DeCarlo, 1991). In conclusion, older adults reported significantly higher enjoyment<br />

scores than young adult swimmers, and the recreational swimmers exhibited<br />

higher enjoyment scores than previously reported b! exercisers in other activities.<br />

Depression and Trait Anxiety of Female NCAA [)i.visioD I Athletes<br />

Trent A. Petrie, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton. IX 76203, Britton W.<br />

Brewer, Springfield College, Springfield. MA 01 1OJ. Allen E. Cornelius,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Hartford, West Hartford, CT 06117<br />

Unfortunately, almost no information exists concerning the prevalence rates of<br />

depression and trait anxiety among female college athletes (Brewer & Petrie,

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SI43<br />

an associative, dissociative, or control group from triads matched for MAP. Results<br />

showed that the associative group reported greater changes over baseline in<br />

RPEs during the experimental run than the control group, F(Z, 30) = 9.60, P <<br />

.05. Neither the dissociative nor the control participants reported significant<br />

changes in RPE. Run time to exhaustion for the association group declined significantly<br />

in comparison to the dissociative and control groups, F(2, 30) = 10.12,<br />

P < .05. It was concluded that an internal focus of attention enhanced perceived<br />

exertion and resulted in a deterioration in performance. These results have implications<br />

for less experienced runners who do not know how to vary pace in<br />

response to somatic signals. The discussion also centres around the manipulations<br />

and measurements of dissociation and association.<br />

Male and Female Rugby Players 011 the Field: Evaluating Psychomotor<br />

Skills,<br />

Clare Mac Mahon*, Gabriel Leonard, Rhonda Amsel**, Mary Hynes, and<br />

Karen Becker<br />

*<strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Canada, KIN 6N5, Montreal Neurological Institute, *<br />

*McGill <strong>University</strong>, Montreal, Canada<br />

It is generally acknowledged that physical activity has many benefits, both mental<br />

and physical (Berger & Mclnman, 1993). As an activity, rugby is a fast paced,<br />

open skilled sport in which recall and mental planning seem to play an important<br />

role. Do these skills, however, transfer to contexts other than the sport? Male and<br />

female varsity rugby players were ordinally ranked by their respective coaches<br />

before being tested on cognitive tasks. The test battery included verbal recall,<br />

visuospatial recall, and the Tower of London test of mental planning. Overall<br />

performance on the cognitive tasks was not related to coaches' rankings. Researchers<br />

have often examined whether a predictive link exists between sport<br />

proficiency and generalized psychological skills (Allard & Burnett, 1985; Secunda,<br />

Blau et al, 1986). These results support previous findings which reveal the<br />

domain specificity of cognitive skills. Abilities specifically related to the sport<br />

context correlate with performance in a given sport, however, more general rneasures<br />

of cognitive abilities do not reveal the same trend (Starkes, 1987; Starkes<br />

& Deakin, 1984; Garland & Barry, 1990; Garland & Barry, 1991).<br />

Team-Level Influences on Athletes Self-Regulation: Cross-level Analyses<br />

Gilad Chen, Stephen J. Zaccaro, Sheila Simsanan Webber, Stephanie C. Payne,<br />

and Sean M. Marsh; George Mason <strong>University</strong>, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444.<br />

While many athletes perform in interdependent team settings, very little is known<br />

regarding how team-level variables (i.e., team characteristics and processes) influence<br />

athletic self-regulation at the individual-level in such settings. This study<br />

examined 146 athletes from 25 community league basketball teams who perfonned<br />

over the course of a 10-14 game season. Hierarchical linear modeling<br />

lechniques (HLM) were employed to examine cross-level relationships within

SI44 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

teams. Results presented in this paper reflect the influences of (a) team composition<br />

variables on the formation of task self-efficacy beliefs, and (b) team cognitive<br />

and motivational processes on athletic self-regulatory processes in team<br />

setting. These results are discussed with regard to both theoretical and practical<br />

contributions.<br />

Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientations and Multidimensional<br />

Trait Anxiety in Intercollegiate and College Age Recreational Athletes<br />

Chris A. Eisenbarth, Boise <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Boise, ID 83725; Linda M.<br />

Perlichkoff Boise <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Boise, ID 83725<br />

The purpose of this study was to determine whether an athlete's goal orientation<br />

varied as a function of gender and level of sport group involvement, and whether<br />

an individual's goal orientation related to competitive trait anxiety (CTA). Subjeers<br />

included college-age male (n = 201) and female (n = 128) athletes. Achievement<br />

goal orientations were assessed via the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport<br />

Questionnaire (Duda & Nicholls, 1992). Trait anxiety was measured multidimensionally<br />

using the Sport Anxiety Scale by Smith, Smoll, and Shutz (1990). In<br />

general, males were more ego-oriented than females, whereas females were more<br />

task-oriented and likely to experience cognitive CTA than males. No level main<br />

effect or interaction was found to be significant. Canonical correlation analysis<br />

revealed that task orientation was negatively related with cognitive CTA, and<br />

positively related to somatic anxiety. These results provided further evidence for<br />

gender differences in regard to goal orientations and CTA, but indicated further<br />

theory development is needed regarding the relationship between goal orientations<br />

with competitive anxiety.<br />

A Comparison of Intensity and Direction of <strong>State</strong> and Trait Anxiety among<br />

NCAA Division I College Athletes<br />

Jennifer Gordon, Kevin L. Burke, A. Barry Joyner, Charles J. Hardy, Georgia<br />

Southern <strong>University</strong>, <strong>State</strong>sboro, GA 30460-8076<br />

Previous research on anxiety in sport has focused on determining differences<br />

between groups of individuals such as youth versus adults and sport participants<br />

versus non-sport participants. Overall, little research has been performed to determine<br />

state anxiety differences among athletes at the college level. Furthermore,<br />

a majority of anxiety research has focused on how differing levels of anxiety<br />

influence performance, rather than on how individuals perceive their own anxiety.<br />

Research does show a relationship between performance and facilitative or debilitative<br />

perceptions of anxiety. Facilitative and debilitative anxiety research findings,<br />

however, have focused on state anxiety more so than trait anxiety. The main<br />

purpose of this investigation was to determine differences in the amount and<br />

direction of perceptions of anxiety among college athletes by gender, age, grade<br />

point average, academic classification, participation status, scholarship status, and<br />

team versus individual sport participants will also be examined. Male (n = 65)

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S145<br />

and female (n = 55) collegiate athletes from a southeastern university completed<br />

directionally modified versions of the Sport Competition Anxiety Test and Competitive<br />

<strong>State</strong> Anxiety Inventory-2 (Martens, Vealey, & Burton, 1990). Both inventories<br />

were given prior to a practice, and the CSAI-2 was re-administered<br />

within 48 hours of a competition. Data will be presented comparing the athletes'<br />

results on the variables of interest.<br />

The Effects of a Social-environmental and Task-based Intervention<br />

Programme on the Achievement Goals of Elite Junior Tennis Players<br />

Chris Harwood, Loughborough <strong>University</strong>, Leicestershire, LEI 1 3TU, United<br />

Kingdom; and Austin Swain, Applied Psychology Research Unit, Lane 4<br />

Management Group, Maidenhead, Berkshire, United Kingdom.<br />

Recent research in achievement goal theory has allocated more attention to the<br />

antecedents of task and ego involvement in competitive youth sport (e.g. Harwood<br />

& Swain, 1997) as opposed to the behaviours associated with each goal perspective.<br />

Such research provides the foundation and framework for social-cognitive<br />

interventions within a youth sport context. The present study adopted a singlesubject<br />

design approach to investigate the effects of such an intervention on the<br />

pre-match task and ego involvement levels of four national standard junior tennis<br />

players. Using a sport-specific idiographic measure, baseline assessments of prematch<br />

task and ego involvement were gathered prior to a 3-month field-based<br />

intervention programme. This consisted of several player tasks including tennis<br />

education, cognitive restructuring, goal setting, performance evaluation and match<br />

reporting. Environmental re-programming also forrned a major component of the<br />

process with cognitive-behavioural tasks for parents and coaches designed to reshape<br />

aspects of the player's motivational climate. Re-assessments of {ask and<br />

ego involvement prior to the same match contexts revealed increases in personal<br />

task involvement, maintenance of personal ego involvement, but substantial decreases<br />

in social-approval oriented ego involvement. This study reinforces both<br />

the importance and productivity of applying theory to practice, particularly when<br />

considering the need for young performers to develop and maintain optimal<br />

achievement goal profiles in sport.<br />

A Psychometric Comparison of Inexperienced and Professional BasebaU<br />

Umpires<br />

Al Guarnieri, Tony Bourgeois, and Arnold LeUnes, Texas A & M <strong>University</strong>,<br />

College Station, TX 77843-4235<br />

The purpose of this study was to contrast psychological characteristics of individuals<br />

attending professional umpire training schools, individuals selected for<br />

further training at development schools, and professional umpires. Participants,<br />

180 umpires of varying experience, completed an assessment battery consisting<br />

of a demographic questionnaire, a 20-item umpire scale measuring attitudes towards<br />

umpiring, a perfectionism scale, the NEO-FFI version of the Big-S Per-

SI46 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

sonality scale, a scale measuring anxiety during regular and championship games,<br />

a scale measuring umpires' reactions to judgment errors, and a measure of the<br />

respect of umpires towards field/office personnel. Analyses revealed that professional<br />

umpires were less confrontational, less neurotic and more extroverted than<br />

others. Development students showed the most negative thinking of the groups.<br />

Interestingly, professional baseball umpires scored lower on indices of professionalism<br />

than the other groups. Additional comparisons between the three groups<br />

of umpires will be presented.<br />

Applying Sport Psychology to Clinical Populations: Enhancing Patient<br />

Performance<br />

Edmund A. O'Connor, Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Salem, VA<br />

24153<br />

Psychological skills training (PST) has improved the performance of many athletes.<br />

These skills and techniques (e.g., goal-setting, relaxation, imagery, positive<br />

self-talk, and arousal regulation) have helped athletes cope with aversive situations,<br />

increase their confidence, and maintain their motivation for high levels of<br />

performance. The psychological skills used for sport performance enhancement<br />

can he applied to virtually any scenario where an individual wishes to perform<br />

at his or her best. Individuals with medical and psychological problems frequently<br />

struggle to perform in their daily lives, and their performance is often limited in<br />

many life roles (e.g., occupation, recreation). The process of recovery can he<br />

filled with hopelessness, lack of motivation, and treatment setbacks. This poster<br />

presents three clinical case examples (cardiac rehabilitation, obesity, substance<br />

abuse) illustrating how the psychological skills used for sport performance enhancement<br />

may he applied to patients in clinical settings.<br />

COLLOQUIUM: The Black Belt of Baseball<br />

Lance B. <strong>Green</strong>, Thlane <strong>University</strong>, New Orleans, La. 70118<br />

The Black Belt of Baseball is intended to address the philosophical foundation<br />

of sport participation as well as the training and skills needed for peak performance.<br />

In the final analysis, these components of one's game should be transferred<br />

to the larger 'game' of life-indeed, a way of being outside of sport. Peak performance<br />

in baseball is pursued by mirroring, in a somewhat oblique manner, the<br />

general paradigm of martial art training. That is, there is a progressive sequence<br />

of skills that must be mastered which begin with the 'physicality' of the game<br />

and move toward the 'mental' aspects of performance. This progression is depicted<br />

by five levels of training: Level One----Conditioning, Level Two--Basic<br />

Skills, Level Three----Competition, Level Four---Coordinating Breathing with<br />

Skill Execution, and Level Five-No Thought.

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S147<br />

Investigating the Relationship between Focused Attention and Peak<br />

Performance<br />

Jeremy R. Dugdale, and Alex D. McKenzie, <strong>University</strong> of Otago, Dunedin,<br />

New Zealand.<br />

This exploratory investigation examined three elite New Zealand athletes = perspectives<br />

regarding focused attention and peak performance. The interview results<br />

suggested that there was a relationship between focused attention and peak performance<br />

and provided support for researchers (e.g., Eklund, 1994, 1996) who<br />

have shown that identifiable and different patterns of cognition and affect were<br />

associated with different levels of performance. A comparison of the three athletes<br />

= performances also revealed that their all-time best performances were not characterised<br />

by a complete absence of conscious thought, and that the majority of<br />

these thoughts were strategy and/or tactic related. There was also evidence to<br />

support those researchers (e.g., Jackson, 1996; Kimiecik & Stein, 1992) who have<br />

argued that peak moments such as peak performance, flow and peak experience<br />

were caused by an interaction between personal and situational factors rather than<br />

one or more factors operating in isolation. The results also supported researchers<br />

such as Hardy (1996), Hardy and Parfitt (1991) and Kerr (1985) who have<br />

claimed that the way in which an athlete interpreted his or her arousal and state<br />

anxiety levels was more important than the actual amount of arousal or state<br />

anxiety he or she experienced.<br />

A Mental Training Program for a <strong>University</strong> Soccer Team in Japan<br />

Yoichi Kozuma, Kinki <strong>University</strong>, Osaka 577 Japan; Kirnihiro Inomata, Chukyo<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Toyota, 470--03 Japan; Junichi Miyazaki & Hidekazu Naito,<br />

Aoyamagakuin <strong>University</strong>, Kanagawa 223 Japan.<br />

Back in 1995, the Japanese <strong>University</strong> National Soccer Team received a gold<br />

medal at the Unlversiad Games that were held in Fukuoka, Japan. At that time,<br />

Japanese sport psychologists provided the soccer team with an opportunity to<br />

receive training and advice to improve their menral skills. In 1997, the mental<br />

training program that was administered to the national team was adapted and<br />

administered to a university soccer team for one season. The mental training<br />

program consists of five stages: 1) a basic mental training workshop for 15 hours;<br />

2) application of mental training for daily practice and games for step one; 3) an<br />

intermediate mental training workshop for 15 hours; 4) application of mental<br />

training for daily practice and games for step two; and 5) preparation for competition.<br />

This presentation has been designed to identify the background and support<br />

of sport psychology with a Japanese university soccer team. As a result, the<br />

university team became the Kanto Regional Champion and the <strong>University</strong> Division<br />

II Kaura Regional Champion for the competition season. In addition, the<br />

data from a sport psychological test (Taikyo Sport Motivation Inventory) shows<br />

significant improvement of motivational factors during the soccer season.

S148 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Why Smart Talk and Opti-Psych Work: Examining the Impact of<br />

Learning Styles and Component Skills on Program Effectiveness<br />

Damon Burton, Kristen Dieffenbach, Bernard Holliday, and Sarah Naylor,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-2401<br />

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of learning styles and<br />

component skills on the effectiveness of self talk and arousal control programs.<br />

Participants consisted of 36 students in applied sport psychology courses who<br />

completed j z-day self talk and 6-day arousal control projects based on Burton's<br />

({997) "smart talk" and "opti-psych" protocols. A questionnaire was designed<br />

to investigate (a) participants' learning styles, (b) the perceived overall effectiveness<br />

of each project, and (c) the perceived contribution of component skills to<br />

project efficacy. Results confirmed that the opn-psych project was perceived as<br />

more effective than the smart talk program, although both were rated as highly<br />

beneficial. Although learning styles were nOI significantly related to the effectiveness<br />

of either mental training program, MANOVA results demonstrated significant<br />

effectiveness group differences on imagery and logs for arousal control<br />

and scripts, counterarguments and logs for self talk. Discussion focused on implications<br />

for practitioners.<br />

A SuppleMENTAL Basketball Guide<br />

Nicole J. Detling, Beth A. Howland, and Greg A. Shelley, Ithaca College,<br />

Ithaca, NY 14850, USA<br />

The purpose of this poster presentation is to provide an overview of a mental<br />

training program (MTP) model. This MlP is specifically geared toward the sport<br />

of basketball, but could be adapted and applied 10 other sports. This program<br />

provides athletes with the opportunity to learn and develop basic psychological<br />

skills required to consistently achieve peak performances. The MlP emphasizes<br />

the application and enhancement of the following psychological skills: imagery<br />

and visualization, attention and concentration, communication, goal setting, rclaxation,<br />

arousal and anxiety, and confidence. These skills are then creatively<br />

applied to the various components of the game of basketball. Psychometric and<br />

sociometric tests as well as precompetition, competition, and postcomperition asscssments<br />

are utilized for evaluation purposes. In addition to the manual, an audiotape<br />

is provided to further develop and apply mental training techniques.<br />

Expectations of Athletes aod Nooathletes about Sport Psychology<br />

Consulting<br />

Scott B. Martin, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203; Craig A.<br />

Wrisberg; <strong>University</strong> of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996; P. Jason Leslie, and<br />

Larson Liedig, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203<br />

The purpose of this study was to explore expectations about spon psychology<br />

consulting of athletes and nonathletes. A sport psychology specific version of the

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts! 5149<br />

Expectations about Counseling-Brief Form (Tinsley, 1982) was developed and<br />

administered to 244 college students (78 athletes and 166 nonathletes). vanmax<br />

factor analysis revealed 17 distinct factors. Thus, a 2 (Gender) X 2 (Sport Involvement)<br />

X 17 (Factor) MANOVA and follow-up discriminant function analyses<br />

were performed. Results indicated significant main etteas for gender (p <<br />

.001) and college sport involvement (p < .01). Females were more likely than<br />

males to be motivated to continue consultation and willing to work on concerns<br />

outside the consulting interviews. Males, as compared to females, expected that<br />

the consultant would know how the client feels. Also, athletes expected to enjoy<br />

consulting sessions and were more likely to be honest about personal Issues than<br />

nonathletes. Recommendations for marketing and providing sport psychology services<br />

are offered.<br />

The Effect of Humor on Collegiate Tennis Playecs' Performance OR a<br />

Tennis SkiDs Test<br />

Christopher D. Bernuth, Lewis A. Curry, and Scott D. Sandstedt, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Montana, Missoula 59812<br />

Humor has been proven to have beneficial effects on health (DiJJon ct. al., 1985),<br />

hope (Fry, 1987), relaxation (Prerost & Ruma, 1987), learning (Ziv, 1988), and<br />

academic task performance (Laurence & Siegel, 1984). Since little research exists<br />

regarding the effect of humor on athletes' sport performance, the purpose of this<br />

study was to determine differences in varsity men (n = 8) and women (n = 5)<br />

tennis players' performance on the Purcell (1981) Tennis Forehand and Backhand<br />

Drive Test across three conditions: a control condition (sitting quietly) and two<br />

experimental conditions (watching a neutral videotape, watching a humorous videotape).<br />

No significant findings emerged from a two-way (condition X gender)<br />

repaeated measures ANOVA. However, pretest and posuesr measurement of the<br />

Brief Assessment of Mood (Whelan & Meyers, unpublished manuscript) for each<br />

of the three conditions (t-tests) revealed a significant decrease in women's level<br />

of negative feelings after viewing the humorous video (t "" 3.41, P < .02). Further<br />

experimentation with a larger sample size is suggested.<br />

Specific Psychological Preparation for Different Sports Competitions<br />

Gayane Kirakosyan and Tigran Marabyan, Armenian <strong>State</strong> Institute of Physical<br />

Culture, Armenia<br />

Competition activity of sportsmen in group (team, pairs, crew, etc.) from poeiucm<br />

of psychology quite differs from this out of command (individual championships),<br />

and obviously, the structure of personal activity is comprised in the structure of<br />

groups, as one of its components. We surveyed the psychological specifications<br />

of competition activity in sports which have individual (single) and team (commands,<br />

groups) competitions (fencjng, tennis, gymn1lstics and others) and the<br />

ripifications of sportsmen was studied according to this.<br />

Analyses of activity condition differences, the dynamics of mental states of the

S150 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

individual psychological peculiarities of a sportsmen personality. Allowed to<br />

specify the ways of psychological training for competitions, accounting the specialty<br />

of sports. The method to definite the signed typical sportsmen groups became<br />

the modifying experiment, and the organizing of it supposed either the using<br />

of ttainergers. or special organization of training conditions. In both cases the.<br />

main factor is the properly formed aiming for result (individual or group) and its<br />

concrete mark (time. point.etc.). Such a model of activity conditions came into<br />

training process as an essential fragment of sportsmen psychological training for<br />

the concrete competitions. The registration of noted factors promotes to objectivation<br />

the process of psychological training and to select the sportsmen for the<br />

successful in concrete cornpetltions.Here, it is necessary to sign that the selection<br />

of teams' players is connected with the probability prognostication of those results.<br />

which the sportsmen can reach in coming competitions.<br />

Exercise Imagery: How Meaningful is It?<br />

Krista Munroe and Craig Hall. <strong>University</strong> of Western Ontario, London, Canada,<br />

N6A 3K7; Wendy Rodgers. <strong>University</strong> of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.<br />

This study investigated the role of exercise imagery and its relation to behavior,<br />

behavioral intention, self-efficacy, and attitude. Participants were 408 male and<br />

female aerobic participants from two Canadian universities. Forward hierarchical<br />

stepwise regression analysis revealed that behavioral intention. self-efficacy, attitude,<br />

and imagery account for more variance in actual behavior (R2 = .43) than<br />

behavioral intention (R2 = .18). Bandura (1986) and Maddux (995) suggested<br />

that imagery is a determinant of self-efficacy and therefore could be expected to<br />

share significant variance with self-efficacy. However, the forward stepwise entry<br />

in this study demonstrates that imagery accounts for variance over and above that<br />

accounted for by self-efficacy and attitude in both behavior and behavioral intention.<br />

This finding suggests that imagery may be an important vehicle for intervention<br />

in improving exercise motivation. Further research is needed in nonexercising<br />

samples to support this potential.<br />

PACT Program-An Individualized Appl'Uacb to Increasing Pbysical<br />

Activity Adoption and Maintenance<br />

Beth A. Warren. Michael A. Morrey, Katherine M. Vana, Alicia B. Kruger,<br />

Mona H. Geise, Mayo Medical Center, Rochester, .MN 55905<br />

The objective of this :>rudy was to examine the effectiveness of an individualized<br />

approach to adopting and maintaining a physical activity program for sedentary<br />

individuals. One hundred twenty six sedentary employees (22 >=< M; 104 = F) at<br />

a hospital based wellness center enrolled iota Physical Activity Consultation and<br />

Training (PACT) program, a 12 week lifestyle intervention designed to enhance<br />

adherence to physical activity. Baseline measures including height'-weight (BM\).<br />

resting blood pressure, resting heart rate, and body composition were collected.<br />

Participants met with a Health and Wellness Specialist every 2 weeks for 12

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S151<br />

weeks (6 sessions) to design and continuously modify a personalized program<br />

which emphasized goal setting, self-reward, relapse prevention, progress checks,<br />

self-regulation and positive reinforcement. At program conclusion (post 3<br />

months), adherence rates among participants were 65%. Short-term results indicate<br />

that this individualized approach positively affects adherence to the participant's<br />

goals. Baseline measure changes, in addition to longer-term adherence, will<br />

be presented.<br />

The Effects of Social Support on Exercise Adherence in a Walking<br />

Program<br />

Wyatt Inman and David Scott, <strong>University</strong> of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB,<br />

Canada E3B 5A3<br />

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of social support on exercise<br />

adherence in a walking program. A multiple baseline design across four participants<br />

was implemented with baseline and intervention scores for exercise frequency<br />

and duration being recorded, During baseline participants were asked to<br />

walk alone as often as possible during the week, and record all exercise bouts of<br />

at least 20 minutes in duration. In the intervention phase subjects were sequentially<br />

encouraged to walk with a significant other or in a group. Frequency and<br />

duration of exercise bouts, and average duration per exercise bout were plotted<br />

for each week for each participant. Intervention effects were assessed by means<br />

of visual inspection and by the split middle technique. Results revealed that the<br />

intervention had produced an increase in performance during intervention and<br />

that it was effective in arresting the decline in performance experienced by participants<br />

during baseline.<br />

Developing a Reflective Practice Model to Evaluate Applied Sport<br />

Psychology<br />

Ailsa G. Anderson and Andrew Miles, Worcester College of Higher Education,<br />

Henwick Grove, Worcester, England, WR2 6AJ<br />

Anderson and Miles (1998) proposed a model for the evaluation of applied sport<br />

psychology incorporating four factors. The present research addresses the factor<br />

consultant effectiveness and proposes that an interpretive reflective practice<br />

framework would enable a consultant to effectively self-evaluate, thus increasing<br />

their accountability and enhancing their practice.<br />

Interpretive reflective practice is concerned with 'tacit knowledge', which develops<br />

through experience and is constructed by the knower. Reflective practice<br />

involves examining tacit knowledge, enabling the practitioner to develop a deeper<br />

understanding of their practice and take steps to improve it (Schon, 1983). The<br />

present research employed Johns (1993) model of reflective practice incorporating<br />

structured reflection, supervision and a diary. A trainee sport psychologist adopted<br />

the model for a period of 6 months. The subject's and supervisor's experiences<br />

of and developments with reflective practice were recorded. These experiences

Sl52 / Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

and the structured reflection scripts demonstrated the model's value and appropriateness<br />

for increasing the consultant's accountability and enhancing practice.<br />

Effects of Sport Psychology Consultant Athletic Experience, Similarity, and<br />

Academic Training on Division I-A Athletes' Perceptions of Effectiveness<br />

Douglas M. Hankes, <strong>University</strong> of Tennessee, Martin, TN 38238 and Trent<br />

Petrie, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203.<br />

This investigation assessed the effects of sport psychology consultant's (SPC)<br />

previous personal athletic experience, SPC-athlete sport similarity, and SPC academic<br />

training. Division I-A athletes (N = 93) read a written description of a<br />

SPC's previous athletic background and academic training and viewed a videotaped<br />

vignette of the SPC conducting a consultation with an athlete. Participants<br />

completed the Sport Psychology Consultant Evaluation FOOD, the Counselor Rating<br />

Form-Short, and questions assessing willingness to work with the SPC. A 2<br />

(level of SPC previous athletic background: elite, recreational) X 2 (athlete participant<br />

sport: volleyball, coacting team sport) X 2 (level of SPC academic training:<br />

Ph.D., B.A.) MANOVA was used to analyze the dependent variables, Significant<br />

main effects were found for previous SPC athletic experience, F(8, 82)<br />

= 3.51, P < .01 and athlete participant sport, F(8, 82) = 7.65, P < .001. Athletes<br />

rated SPC's with an elite athletic background similar to their own sport as more<br />

effective. -<br />

The Athlete's Experience of Being Coached: An ExistentiaI­<br />

Phenomenological Investigation<br />

Matthew S. Johnson, <strong>University</strong> of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN 37916,<br />

USA<br />

Most research on the coach-athlete relationship has been quantitative in nature.<br />

Various researchers (Dewar and Hom, 1992; Martens, 1987) have discussed the<br />

need to investigate phenomena within sport psychology from a qualitative perspective.<br />

In a recent article, Dale (1996) outlined the existential-phenomenological<br />

research approach to interviewing and developing the thematic structure of<br />

a phenomenon and described its utility within the field of applied sport psychology.<br />

In this study, the existential-phenomenological research method was used to<br />

examine Division I collegiate athletes' experiences of being coached. The thematic<br />

structure of the experience of being coached was found to involve certainty/<br />

uncertainty, familiarity/confusion, feeling special/supported, closeness/distance,<br />

love/hate of sport, coach as a source of resistance/assistance, and coach-focused<br />

vs. playing focused. These results can be useful to researchers in conducting<br />

future causational studies on the coach-athlete relationship and to consultants in<br />

their menta] training activities with athletes.

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SI53<br />

Preliminary Validation of the Power in Sport Questionnaire:<br />

Understanding the Power of Coaches and Officials<br />

Daniel L Wann, Murray <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Murray, KY 42071<br />

French and Raven (1959) identified five different sources of power that have<br />

relevance for sport settings: reward, coercive, referent, legitimate, and expert power.<br />

The current investigation was designed to develop a psychometrically sound<br />

instrument for use in assessing these bases of power (labeled the Power in Sport<br />

Questionnaire, PSQ) and to use the instrument to examine the power of sport<br />

coaches and officials. Two I5-itcm forms of the PSQ were constructed. Form<br />

PSQ-O (i.e., other) involved perceptions of the power of others while the PSQ-S<br />

(Le., self) involved perceptions of one's own power. Data were collected from<br />

college varsity athletes, coaches, and officials, and college intramural athletes,<br />

coaches, and officials. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that the hypothesized<br />

five factor model was highly consistent with the data for each group and<br />

for both forms of the PSQ. Further, Cronbach's reliability analyses revealed that<br />

the scales were internally consistent. The validity of both forms was demonstrated<br />

by successfully predicting differences between the power of a) coaches and officials,<br />

b) head coaches and assistant coaches, and c) varsity and intramural levels<br />

of competition.<br />

Ethical and Professional Issues Concerning the Supervision of and<br />

Participation in Sport Psychology Practicum and Internship Experiences<br />

Bruce G. Klonsky, Stale <strong>University</strong> of New York College at Fredonia,<br />

Fredonia, NY 14063<br />

The present paper will discuss some of the major ethical and professional issues<br />

concerning the supervision of and participation in sport psychology internship<br />

and practicum experiences at graduate and undergraduate levels. The American<br />

Psychological Association's (1992) Ethical Guidelines will provide the underpinning<br />

for such discussion. The recent work of Andersen and his colleagues te.g.,<br />

Andersen, 1994) will also be integrated into the paper. The issues to be highlighted<br />

are (a) the competencies of the supervisor and the student, (b) multiple or dual<br />

relationships, and (c) confidentiality. Recommendations will be made with regard<br />

to educating supervisors and students concerning such ethical issues and relevant<br />

risk management procedures.<br />

Termination of the Coach-Athlete Relationship: Effects on the Coach<br />

Deborah B. Colgan, <strong>University</strong> of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 55455, USA<br />

Figure skating coaches and their students may develop an intense relationship due<br />

to the year-round a"pec{ of the sport, the one-to-one style of teaching, and the<br />

possibility that a skater may stay with a single coach for many years. The question<br />

of what happens to the coach after this relationship is terminated formed the basis<br />

of this pilot study. Through a retrospective, open-ended questionnaire 69 coaches

S154 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

were surveyed. Their responses showed that this was indeed a traumatic event<br />

eliciting anger, pain, helplessness and lowered self-esteem. Problems were exacerbated<br />

by having the termination initiated by someone else, such as a parent or<br />

another coach. They coped by talking to other coaches and family, avoiding the<br />

issue, and focusing on other tasks. Coaches also distanced themselves from the<br />

athlete. The work environment was often hostile including rink gossip and solicitation<br />

of students by other coaches. Most coaches were resilient and had moved<br />

on within a year of the breakup. From this questionnaire a second, more specific<br />

one was developed for future use.<br />

The Importance of the Coach's Interpersonal Characteristics for<br />

Explaining the Process of Coaching Team Sports<br />

Gordon A. Bloom, California <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> at Fresno, Fresno, CA, 93740;<br />

John H. Salmela, <strong>University</strong> of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, KIN 6N5<br />

In-depth open-ended interviews were conducted with 16 expert Canadian coaches<br />

from the team sports of basketball, field hockey, ice hockey, and volleyball. The<br />

purpose of the interviews was to examine the characteristics, knowledge, and<br />

strategies of high level team sport coaches regarding their activities in the central<br />

and peripheral components of their profession. All coaches' interviews were transcribed<br />

verbatim and the data were inductively analyzed following the procedures<br />

and techniques outlined by C6te, Salmela, and Russell (1995). This process allowed<br />

the meaning units of the interview transcripts to be grouped into six categories,<br />

which were labeled as organization, training, competition, coach-centered<br />

processes, athlete-centered processes, and contextual factors. Coach-centered<br />

knowledge represented 26.5% of the data base and provided a starting point by<br />

outlining the coaches' attitudes and beliefs about growing. learning, maturing as<br />

a coach, and ways of nurturing this growth process. It also helped the coaches<br />

develop their unique coaching styles and identify the interpersonal variables that<br />

set them apart from their peers. The goal of this presentation is to explain the<br />

importance of the coach-centered processes category for running a successful<br />

athletic team.<br />

Stress and Recovery of Coaches in Elite Sports<br />

Michael Kellmann, Porsdarn <strong>University</strong>, 14415 Potsdam, Germany; K.<br />

Wolfgang Kallus, Wiirzburg <strong>University</strong>, 97070 wuraburg, Gennany; Hans<br />

Bberspacher, Hans-Dieter Hermann, Heidelberg <strong>University</strong>, 69120 Heidelberg,<br />

Germany.<br />

Focusing on reasons for coaches burnout a clear distinction should be made between<br />

professional coaches who work on a full time basis, earning their money<br />

by the job of coaching, and those, who work as semi-professionals on a part time<br />

basis. 46 professional and 9& semi-professional coaches completed the Recovery­<br />

Stress-Questionnaire for Coaches (Kallus & Kellmann, 1995). Results of an univariate<br />

MANOVA revealed that professional coaches describe themselves as more

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SI55<br />

stressed, experience less recovery, and see themselves as less lit in comparison<br />

to their counterparts who do their job as coach in addition to their normal occupation<br />

(F(36,125) = 1,72; p < 0.043). Professional coaches seem to lose their<br />

hobby by coaching as a career. Simultaneously, they often lose the continuous<br />

contact to their athletes and spend much time driving between training camps.<br />

The compensation of occupational stress by being a coach in one's free time<br />

seems to be lost by working as main occupation.<br />

Relatiomhip or Demographic and Psychological Variables to Career<br />

Maturity of Junior Couege Student-Athletes<br />

Alan S. Kornspan, <strong>University</strong> of Akron, Akron, OH 44325; Edward R Etzel,<br />

West Virginia <strong>University</strong>, Morgantown, WV 26505<br />

Recently, investigators have started to research the career maturity of studentathletes<br />

(Riffe & Alexander, 1991). Although sparse, available career maturity<br />

literature suggests that some student-athletes may be less career mature than nonathletes<br />

(Kennedy & Dimick, 1987; Smallman & Sowa, 1996). Thus the purpose<br />

of this study was to identify variables that may predict lower career maturity in<br />

some student-athletes. Participants were 259 junior-college student-athletes who<br />

completed a survey packet consisting of a demographic information questionnaire,<br />

the Career Maturity Inventory, the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale, the Career<br />

Decision Making Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Career Development Locus of<br />

Control Scale. Results revealed that the chosen variables predicted a significant<br />

proportion of the variance in career maturity scores (R2 = .26, F (7, 251) =<br />

12.43, P < .OCXH). Future research should examine if these demographic and<br />

psychological variables are related to career maturity in other samples of college<br />

student-athletes.<br />

Concurrent Validity of the Feelings Profile and the Multiple Affect Attitude<br />

Check List-Revised<br />

Christina Jackson, Collegc of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187­<br />

8795 and Charles W. Jackson, Old Dominion <strong>University</strong>, Norfolk, VA 23529­<br />

0196, USA<br />

The purpose of this study was to further validate the emerging Feelings Profile<br />

(FP) as a viable measure of mood states in a concise and unobtrusive manner.<br />

Prior validation has shown that FP derived items (tension, depression, anger, vigor,<br />

fatigue, confusion and total mood disturbance) are highly related to specific<br />

domains of the Profile of Mood <strong>State</strong>s. Fifty-nine subjects were administered the<br />

FP (19 items) along with the independently devised Multiple Affect Adjective<br />

Check List-Revised (MAACL-R, 120 items). Significant coefficients (.42 to .87)<br />

indicated concurrent validity as follows: MAACL-R anxiety, depression, hostility,<br />

and dysphoria were highly related with FP items tension, depression, anger, confusion<br />

and total mood disturbance, while sensation seeking and PASS (positive<br />

affect + sensation seeking) were highly related to FP's vigor. Overall these 00-

S156 / Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

ditional data suggest that the FP is a solid short measure of mood state which<br />

can be used in clinical interventions or experimental manipulations.<br />

Attitudes of Adolescent Non-anabolic Steroid Users about Anabolic<br />

Steroids<br />

Shawn Chillag, Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center, Charleston, WV,<br />

25304; John Hell, Lewis-Gale Clinic, Roanoke, VA, 24012; and Jane Cormier;<br />

Private Practice, Tallahassee, FL, 32308<br />

From five to ten percent of high school students have used anabolic steroids (AS).<br />

A voluntary anonymous questionnaire survey of high school students was conducted<br />

at the time of preparticipation physical examinations in Salem, Virginia<br />

and Charleston, West Virginia. Only nine of 1,025 students reported AS use. A<br />

major barrier to AS use was that anabolic steroids were considered "unfair"<br />

(80.5%). Of those non-AS users who used other drugs, 49% said that they would<br />

use AS if AS were not so dangerous compared to only 22% of non-drug users<br />

who would use AS (p = 0.001). A sports advantage of AS use was felt to be<br />

present by 51.2% of males vs. 36% of females (p < 0.05); 55.9% of males<br />

reported that {hey could obtain AS compared to <strong>33</strong>.8% of females (p < 0.05).<br />

The lack of an association of AS use with performance in athletics has been<br />

demonstrated.<br />

High School Athletes' Attitudes toward Seeking Sport Psychology Services<br />

Scott B. Martin, <strong>University</strong> of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203<br />

Most studies assessing athletes' perceptions of sport psychology services have<br />

focused on the attitudes of college and/or elite athletes. Therefore, the purpose of<br />

the present study was to determine high school athletes' attitudes toward seeking<br />

sport psychology services. The Attitudes Toward Seeking Sport Psychology Consultation<br />

Questionnaire (ATSSPCQ) developed by Martin, Wrisberg, Beitel, and<br />

Lounsbury (1997) was administered to 505 high school athletes (211 males and<br />

294 females). Principal components factor analysis followed by varimax orthogonal<br />

rotation confirmed the original factor structure. A MANOVA and follow-up<br />

univariate analyses were then performed on the three factors (i.e., stigma tolerance,<br />

confidence/recognition of need, and personal openness) to identify which<br />

ones maximized differences for males and females. A significant difference in<br />

stigma tolerance was found for males and females. Female athletes were more<br />

comfortable seeking sport psychology consultation than were male athletes. These<br />

findings are consistent with previous research assessing athletes' attitudes toward<br />

sport psychology.

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S157<br />

Identifying the Sport Psychology Consultant: Education, Expertise, and<br />

Needs for Professionalization<br />

Paul Wylleman and Paul De Knop, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Belgium, & Yves<br />

Vanden Auweele, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium<br />

In order to chart the status of sport psychology consulting in Belgium, 18 consultants<br />

were surveyed regarding academic background, sport psychology training<br />

and consultation expertise. 61 % of consultants had a clinical psychology formation<br />

with a limited training in sport psychological consulting. Consultations focused<br />

in general on athletes' interpersonal relationship skills and communication,<br />

and fear of failure, while stress management techniques, enhancement of relationship<br />

and communication skills, and visualization and goal-setting were used<br />

as intervention techniques. Specialization in sport psychology at academic level,<br />

continued sport psychology consultation training, and a better profiling of sport<br />

psychology consultants toward the world of sports, were identified as recommendations<br />

for enhancing the development of applied sport psychology.<br />

WORKSHOP: Resonance: A Conceptual Framework for Perfonnance<br />

Education<br />

Doug Newburg, Resonance, Inc., Charlottesville, VA 22940; William B. Strean,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H9; Kris Krueger,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904; Jay Kimiecik, Miami<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Oxford, OH; Tom Hanson, Resonance, Inc., Charlottesville, VA<br />

22940<br />

The purpose of this workshop is to provide an experiential introduction to the<br />

Resonance Performance Model. The model, developed from interviews with hundreds<br />

of top performers, is a process-oriented conceptual framework designed to<br />

help performers consistently create the feelings that lead to optimal performance<br />

and personal fulfillment. Participants will engage in self-reflective exercises and<br />

group experiential activities to gain personal understanding of "resonance" as<br />

the key to peak performance. The workshop concludes with a discussion of how<br />

the model has been successfully implemented with sport teams, businesses, and<br />

hospitals.<br />

WORKSHOP: Fresh Air: Bnathing Energy, Creativity and Life into Sport<br />

Psychology Education and Training<br />

Pat Latham Bach, Peak Performance Associates, Loomis, CA 95650; Lois A.<br />

Butcher, Temple <strong>University</strong>, Philadelphia, PA. 19122; and Jane C. Henderson,<br />

John Abbott College, Quebec, Canada H9X 3L9.<br />

If asked, most sport psych graduate students, faculty and even practicing professionals<br />

would admit that not every class, every presentation, every consultation<br />

is a flow experience. Occasionally, lectures, labs, meetings and consultations are<br />

less than scinttillating, peak performance moments. Alternatively, despite best

S158 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

efforts, perhaps the deeper meaning, the essence of the lessons, the "take home"<br />

messages just don't register. These experiences present a dilemma...how to "kindle<br />

the fire" of stakeholder interest while accomplishing the goal of education<br />

and training.-In truth, these are not mutually exclusive tasks. Despite the fact<br />

that learning is serious business, it is possible to infuse enthusiasm, color and<br />

enjoyment into traditional sport psych curriculum and training experiences. Yeats<br />

said: "Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire". The path to success<br />

for sport psychology educators and practitioners is to find creative alternatives to<br />

meet these challenges, to facilitate and enhance the "teachable moments". The<br />

purpose of this workshop is to bring a fresh perspective, a whiff of fresh air, to<br />

make sport psychology education and training a more user friendly and enjoyable<br />

experience for all involved. Goals for this interactive session include: I.) a multimedia<br />

"show and tell" presentation of non-traditional resources, 2.) small group<br />

think: tank exercises to determine best and worst case anecdotal experiences, 3.)<br />

a participant generated list of resources for use in future classroom and consulting<br />

endeavors, 4.) dialogue regarding creativity and its place in sport psych education,<br />

and 5.) a "take home" menu of resources for your Creativity Library developed<br />

by the presenters.<br />

A DevelopmenlaJ Study on Goal Setting Strategies of High School Baseball<br />

Players<br />

Jim Skclton, California <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 92634<br />

The purpose of this research was to identify developmental differences in goalsetting<br />

strategies of high school baseball players. The participants in this study<br />

were male high school baseball players (n = 274) from six Orange County programs.<br />

Subjects completed a goal-setting questionnaire specifically designed for<br />

this investigation. The findings suggested that there is some difference in goalsetting<br />

strategies of high school baseball players. These results further indicated<br />

that changes concur with the maturation and physical development of the individuals.<br />

Specifically, the goal-setting strategies used by individuals to enhance<br />

athletic development appear to change over time as they mature and develop.<br />

Recommendations for future research include examining the goal-setting strategies<br />

of females in comparison to those of males, administering the questionnaire<br />

to athletes of different sports, and using qualitative data to supplement the findings<br />

of the questionnaire.<br />

An Empirical Test of the Full Catastrophe Model in the Anxiety-Athletic<br />

Performance Relationship<br />

Chung-Hee Chung, Seoul National <strong>University</strong>, Seoul, 151-742, Korea; Eun­<br />

Kyu Choi, Konyang <strong>University</strong>, Nonsan, Chungchong-do, 320-711, Korea;<br />

Won-Bae Kim, Seoul National <strong>University</strong>, Seoul, 151-742, Korea; Jun-Hce<br />

Hong, Seoul National <strong>University</strong>, Seoul, 151-742, Korea<br />

This study tested the prediction of a cusp catastrophe model in anxiety-athletic<br />

performance relationship on the collected performance plane through the optimal

5160 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

Canadian master's level swimmers completed a questionnaire immediately following<br />

a swim practice. Situational measures of perceptions of a mastery motivational<br />

climate, perceptions of a perfonnance motivational climate, and flow were assessed.<br />

Results revealed that a mastery motivational climate was positively and<br />

significantly related to the experience of flow. No significant link was obtained<br />

between perceptions of a performance motivational climate and the flow state.<br />

Findings are discussed in light of research and theory on motivation and flow,<br />

directions for future research are presented, and practical implications are addressed.<br />

Concurrent Validity of the Revised Anxiety Rating Scale<br />

Richard H. COX and Marshall Robb, <strong>University</strong> of Missouri, Columbia, MO,<br />

65211<br />

The Anxiety Rating Scale (ARS) is a shortened version of the Competitive <strong>State</strong><br />

Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2). Subsequent use of the ARS led to the suggestion<br />

that minor modifications in the ARS might enhance the concurrent validity of the<br />

instrument. It was the purpose of this investigation to compare the concurrent<br />

validity of the original ARS with two revisions of the ARS. Participants in the<br />

investigation were 180 college age intramural volleyball participants. Results revealed<br />

that for females, revision two yielded the largest correlations with CSAI­<br />

2 subscales; for males, revision two again yielded the largest correlations relative<br />

to cognitive and somatic anxiety, but not for self-confidence.<br />

Collapsing across gender, revision two yielded the highest correlations for cognitive<br />

anxiety, somatic anxiety, and self-confidence. These correlation coefficients<br />

were .71, .70 and .75 respectively. It was concluded that revision two exhibited<br />

the highest level of concurrent validity when research participants were intramural<br />

volleyball players.<br />

Sensation Seeking and Strategy Choice among Elite Traditional Three<br />

Event Waterskiers<br />

John K. Meis, Florida <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Tallahassee, FL 32306; David Pargman,<br />

Florida <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Tallahassee, FL 32306<br />

Sensation seeking tendencies, as measured by Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking<br />

Scale (SSS) (form V) were compared among athletes in the three traditional waterskiing<br />

events: slalom, trick, and jump. The relationship between sensation seeking<br />

score and strategy choice as measured by the Strategic Ball Toss (SBT) (Clementi<br />

& Pargman, 1990) was also examined. The SSS was administered to male<br />

(n = 58) and female (n = <strong>33</strong>) athletes competing at the 1996 Eastern Regional<br />

Waterski Championships. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and 'Iukey's Honestly<br />

Significant Difference analyses examined differences in event and gender variables<br />

on overall SSS scores. Slalom and jump scores were not significantly different,<br />

and trick scores were significantly lower than both. No significant gender<br />

differences in SSS scores were found. Pearson correlations examined the rela-

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I S 161<br />

tionship between SSS scores and SBT strategy selection for males, females and<br />

the combined group. Although the correlation for females was not significant,<br />

both the male and combined correlations were positive and significant.<br />

WORKSHOP: The Process or Assessment in Sport Psychology Consulting:<br />

Part 2: Supervision<br />

Organizer: Cynthia Adams, Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA 02215; Gloria<br />

Balague, <strong>University</strong> of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607; Hap Davis,<br />

Private Practice, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3C5, Canada; Mary Ann Kane,<br />

MindPower Resources, Cambridge, MA 02138; Katherine Kilty, MindPower<br />

Resources, Cambridge, MA 02138; Dave Collins, Manchester Metropolitan<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Alsager, ST72HL, England; Albert Petitpas, Springfield College,<br />

Springfield, MA 01109<br />

Recognition of the importance of supervision in sport psychology consulting has<br />

received considerable attention recently (c.g..; Anderson & Williams-Rice, 1996;<br />

Anderson, Van Raalte & Brewer, 1994; Hale & Collins, 1996). Unfortunately,<br />

many practicing consultants receive little supervision and even less training in<br />

how to be a supervisor (e.g. Pentpas, Brewer, Riviera, & Van Raalte, 1994;<br />

Barney, Anderson & Riggs, 1996). The purpose of this workshop is to demonstrate<br />

the importance of supervision and to show skilled sport psychology supervisors<br />

in action, Each supervisor will model a small group supervision session<br />

with two consultants, who vary in experience levels and theoretical approach. The<br />

consultants will discuss their work with either an athlete or coach. The objectives<br />

of the workshop are to: I) highlight some of the typical issues addressed in<br />

supervision; 2) demonstrate appropriate supervisory styles; 3) show a variety of<br />

consulting and supervisory styles.<br />

WORKSHOP: Au Academic Course Specific to Student-Athlete Needs:<br />

Enhancing Sport Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Hope<br />

Through Active Learning Experiences<br />

Lewis A. Curry, Sameep D, Maniac, Scott D. Sandstedt, & John Sommers­<br />

Flanagan, <strong>University</strong> of Montana, Missoula 59812<br />

An academic course was implemented at an NCAA Division I university with<br />

the goal of introducing life-skills and performance enhancement strategies specific<br />

to the needs of student-athletes, The goal of the proposed workshop is to demonstrate<br />

active-learning strategies conducted in this class. Pre-post data were collected<br />

on 62 student-athletes enrolled in the class across four years and control<br />

groups of 36 student-athletes. Results for athletes taking the class revealed a<br />

significant pre-post increase in trait self-esteem (t = 3.12, P < .01), trait sport<br />

confidence (t = -2.87, P < .02), and trait hope (t = -4.57, P < .01). No significant<br />

pre-post differences were found in the control group. Learner objectives<br />

for workshop participants include participation in demonstrated active learning

SI62 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

techniques and gained appreciation for active learning strategies. An outline of<br />

the class notebook athletes generate in the class will be handed out.<br />

WORKSHOP: An Exploratory Study on EEG Biofeedback<br />

(Neurofeedback) with Elite Athletes<br />

Gayelene 1. Clews, Psychologist, Australian Capital Territory Academy of<br />

Sport, Canberra, 2611, Australia; and Barbara J. Walker, M.A., Union Institute,<br />

Cincinnati, OH 45206, USA.<br />

This study examined the effectiveness of neurofeedback on arousal and concentration<br />

levels used in conjunction with mental imagery. Participants were ten elite<br />

Australian athletes from various sports aged between 17 and 30. Each participant<br />

in the study had identified experiencing anxiety prior to entering the study, and<br />

was given a rating scale developed by the authors to assess present sleep patterns,<br />

menstrual regularity, and reactions to varying competitive situations while under<br />

pressure. Measurement of EEG signals were taken for all ten session with a single<br />

electrode at points C3 and C4 (parietal lobe). Beta (15-18 Hz), sensory motor<br />

rhythm (SMR; 12-15 Hz), and theta (4-7 Hz) range of frequencies were studied.<br />

Results indicate that neurofeedback training enhances the awareness of the individual<br />

to access and maintain different states of physiological arousal, enhances<br />

and supports the mechanisms by which the brain manages cortical hyperexcitability,<br />

and it reinforces equilibrium states, i.e. homeostasis.<br />

W.ORKSHOP: Psychological Skills Training and Practice Regimens for<br />

Perfonnance in Golf and Related Self-paced Sports<br />

Glen Albaugh, <strong>University</strong> of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95211; Bill Moore, East<br />

Carolina <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Green</strong>ville, NC 27858; Beth Kane, <strong>University</strong> of Kansas,<br />

Lawrence, KS 66045<br />

The primary objective of the workshop will demonstrate psychological skills<br />

training and practice strategies used extensively in golf performance workshops<br />

and consultations. There will be an emphasis on closed skill movements, specific<br />

10 golf and other self-paced sport skills, including: 1) concentration routines, 2)<br />

trust, 3) kinesthetic and visualization awareness, 4) practice regimens and 5) emotional<br />

intelligence. Interactive and innovative small group sessions will allow<br />

participants to view demonstrations and to learn from three experienced golf perfonnance<br />

consultants of the role applied sport psychologist consultants play in<br />

the enhancement of golf experiences. Handouts will include worksheets and questionnaires<br />

applicable to the consultant and client relationship.<br />

Insight into Coaches' Thoughts: Factors that Influence the Interactive<br />

Decisions of Youth Ice Hockey Coaches During Practices<br />

St6phane Gaumond, Wade Gilbert, Pierre Trudel and Leon Larocque, <strong>University</strong><br />

of Ottawa, Canada, KIN 6N5<br />

The purpose of this study was to provide a descriptive analysis of the factors that<br />

influence the interactive decisions of youth ice hockey coaches during practices.

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I 5163<br />

Eight coaches of boys competitive youth ice hockey teams (age 10 -15) participated<br />

in the study. Each coach was videotaped during three practices and interviewed<br />

before and after each one. In addition, a stimulated recall interview was<br />

conducted with the coaches following each practice. A total of 24 stimulated<br />

recall interview transcripts were inductively analyzed, revealing 5 types of decisions,<br />

6 types of goals and 19 types of factors. Overall, 168 interactive decisions<br />

were discussed. An average of 2.3 factors were cited for each interactive decision.<br />

The three most often cited factors by the coaches were: (I) player(s) habits and<br />

history (18.2%), (2) player(s) performance on ice (15.1 %), and (3) coach's history<br />

and experience (l0.1%). This study extends the findings of a similar study conducted<br />

with ice hockey coaches during games (Gilbert, Trudel & Haughian, 1997).<br />

When viewed in conjunction, the results of these two studies provide consultants<br />

and researchers with valuable insight into the cognitive component of coaching.<br />

Fun in Youth Sport: Perspectives of Children, Parents, and Coaches<br />

William B. Strean, Gina Arena, Shannon Bredin, and Kim Senecal, <strong>University</strong><br />

of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H9<br />

Having fun is the primary participation motive in youth sport (Ewing & Seefeldt,<br />

1990). Yet there is relatively little information about the specific characteristics<br />

that may increase children's fun in their youth sport participation. Using concept<br />

maps (Novak & Gowan, 1984), and interviews, this study explored children's,<br />

parents', and coaches' perceptions about what enhances and detracts from children's<br />

fun during their youth sport experiences. All participants (N = 164) were<br />

involved with a youth sport program at the time of data collection.We interviewed<br />

15 participants (3 coaches,S parents, and 7 children) and 149 participants completed<br />

concept maps (11 coaches, 21 parents, and 117 children). The participants<br />

were involved with boys' and girls' soccer, boys' and girls' curling, boys' volleyball,<br />

and boys' hockey. Results are reported in light of Deci and Ryan's (1985)<br />

Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination Theory, supporting the importance<br />

of interpersonal relatedness, perceptions of competence, and self-determination.<br />

Confirmatory Factor Analysis 01 the Social Support Survey<br />

Tim Rees; Lew Hardy, <strong>University</strong> of Wales, Bangor; and Lynne Evans,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Wales Institute, Cardiff<br />

Assessment of social support in sport has been hampered by inadequate measurement.<br />

The Social Support Survey (555), validated by Richman, Rosenfeld<br />

and Hardy (1993), is a multidimensional self-report measure of social support,<br />

tested with student athletes. The SS5 contains eight dimensions and four qualifying<br />

statements regarding number of people, satisfaction, difficulty of obtaining<br />

more, and importance of support. The present study reports continnatory factor<br />

analyses of the S5S on 416 <strong>University</strong> of Wales athletes. Analyses revealed poor<br />

fits to the models for the eight-factor model of support, and for the four-factor<br />

model. Fits could have been improved by allowing measurement errors to covary,

Sl64 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

however, this would have violated the assumptions of the models. The SSS may<br />

therefore be a useful tool for practitioners, but it has psychometric limitations.<br />

Further, possibly qualitative research is needed to explore the nature and structure<br />

of social support for sportspeople.<br />

Examining the Interaction between Goal Perspectives and Other Motivated<br />

Behaviors<br />

Sarah L. Price, Oklahoma <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Stillwater, OK 74078; and L. Keith<br />

Tennant, <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30117<br />

Recent achievement motivation literature has questioned whether goal orientations<br />

are linked to other motivated behaviors. This investigation was designed to assess<br />

the interaction between goal perspectives, self-efficacy (SE), intrinsic motivation<br />

(1M), and attribution (AB) when success, failure, or no feedback was provided<br />

during practice and competitive settings. Success groups were expected to report<br />

more task or ego feelings for their respective goal orientation and to have greater<br />

SE, 1M, and more functional ABs during practice and competition. Sixty-eight<br />

males, assigned to six groups stratified by two goal orientations, received their<br />

respective feedback during basketball practice and competition settings. Analyses<br />

revealed that during practice task and ego control groups and the ego success<br />

group had more SE than the task failure group. Additionally, 1M data revealed<br />

that control groups felt more competent than all other groups. During competition<br />

winners had more SE than losers and ego control and ego success group winners<br />

had greater SE than all others. All groups experienced lower SE during competition<br />

when compared with their baseline and practice responses. Ego control<br />

winners felt more competent than task failure losers. No changes were observed<br />

for ABs among any of the groups during practice or competition. Overall findings<br />

seem to indicate an interaction between goal orientations and the accompanying<br />

feedback based upon reported SE and 1M, but not with AB.<br />

Observational Learning: Is a Pidu['c Really Worth a Thousand words?<br />

John M. Noble, <strong>University</strong> of Nebraska, Omaha, NE 68182, Penny McCullagh,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309<br />

Following Bendure's (1986) social cognitive framework, this study compared the<br />

effects of visual demonstration and verbal description on the performance of the<br />

motor and cognitive components of an ann sequencing task (Carroll & Bandura,<br />

1982, 1985, 1987, 1990). To test the primary research question, a 2 X 2 X 12<br />

(Demonstration Type X Order of Testing X Trial) multi-factorial design was instituted.<br />

<strong>University</strong> students (N = 64) were randomly assigned to receive either<br />

visual demonstrations or verbal descriptions of the task. During live acquisition<br />

trials and two retention trials, half the subjects performed the motor component<br />

of the task and the other half of the subjects performed the cognitive components.<br />

Following retention, subjects switched to the opposite task component for live<br />

transfer trials. Either visual demonstration or verbal description preceded each

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I 5165<br />

acquisition and transfer trial. Self-efficacy was assessed just before performance<br />

for each trial. Judges were trained in the appropriate techniques for scoring the<br />

task and assessed motor performance via videotaped replays. A doubly multivariate,<br />

repeated measures analysis of variance (OM MANOVA) was applied to the<br />

data (Schutz & Gessaroli, 1987), to determine the effects of the different demonstration<br />

interventions and order of testing on the outcome measures. The results<br />

of the OM MANOVA analyses indicate that, whereas performances of the motor<br />

task and picture (a cognitive task) tests are enhanced by visual demonstrations,<br />

word test (another cognitive task) performance is best enhanced by verbal description.<br />

These results question the experimental practice of only assessing performance<br />

in terms of motor skill and pictorial represenl.ation. It is very possible<br />

that knowledge is being gained as a result of verbal descriptions that is not readily<br />

conveyed in the motor format.<br />

Athletes' Interpersonal Perceptions of the "Parent-coach" in Competitive<br />

Sport<br />

Paul Wylleman & Paul De Knop, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.<br />

The perceptions of 15 athletes (M = 17.1 yrs, national level) coached by their<br />

parent was investigated using a semi-structured interview and the Sport Interpersonal<br />

Relationships Questionnaire. 67% of parent-coaches (PC) started due to a<br />

lack of sport club coaches (53.2%), coaching subjects during the initiation phase<br />

in athletes' sport careers. 80% of PC's competed in high-level sport. Major advantages<br />

of a PC were the guidance during non-training hours (52%), a stronger<br />

interest in athletes' sport career (28%), and a lack of parent-coach conflicts (20%).<br />

Subjects' interpersonal perceptions revealed positive and constructive relationships<br />

with the PC and with the other parent. 30% perceived the PC to spend more<br />

time with them than with their siblings, while 43.5% assessed PC's to be more<br />

strict and demanding for them than for other athletes. Finally, 50% found PC's<br />

to have a more positive attitude toward them than did other coaches, while 20%<br />

assessed PC's to be more negative.<br />

WORKSHOP: Diversifying Your Practice: Transferring Your Performance<br />

Enhancement Skills to Other Populations<br />

Sandra Poster, Stanford <strong>University</strong>, CA 94305; Kate Hays, The Performing<br />

Edge, Toronto, Ontario M5TIM2<br />

A major concern to consultants is me expansion of their practices and how to<br />

accomplish this by diversifying their services. The prime objective of this workshop<br />

is to demonstrate the practical skills that allow the consultant to achieve this<br />

practice diversification. The first premise shared with participants is that performance<br />

enhancement skills add considerable value to the outcomes of people in<br />

many different domains including business and performing arts. A second premise<br />

is that there exist ethical and legal means by which those trained in sport psychology<br />

and sport science can expand their scope of practice beyond me discipline

Sl66 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

of sport. A third premise is that marketing of diversified services can be done in<br />

a manner consistent with those recommended by professional organizations, such<br />

as the Practice Directorate of the American Psychological Association. The two<br />

presenters draw upon their experience of successful practice diversification and<br />

share the strategies that allowed them to expand their service delivery quickly<br />

and effectively to other populations.<br />

COLLOQUUJM: The Role of the Sport Psychologist in the Assessment and<br />

Management of Head Injury in Sports<br />

Frank L. Gardner, New York Rangers Hockey Club, USA; Pamela Karp, St.<br />

Johns <strong>University</strong>, USA<br />

Head injuries, particularly mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) or concussions<br />

pose a significant problem for athletes. At all levels of sport participation, concussion<br />

is receiving increased public and general media attention. The National<br />

Collegiate Athletic Association via its injury surveillance system has suggested<br />

that head injuries account for 2-4.5% of all injuries to college athletes (NCAA,<br />

1992). There is some indication that in some sports the incidence of concussion<br />

during a career could be well over 50% (Echemendia. 1998). High profile athletes<br />

in both professional football and hockey have had highly successful careers prematurely<br />

cut short as the result of MTBI, a situation which has received a great<br />

deal of media attention. The diagnosis and management of MTBI is often frustrating<br />

to the sports medical team as traditional radiology techniques (MR!, CT)<br />

are typically unable to accurately assess structural, chemical or symptomatic<br />

changes that result. Neuropsychological assessment techniques, intended to assess<br />

a broad range of neuro-cognitive functioning including reaction time, fluency,<br />

attention, memory and problem solving have been shown to be highly effective<br />

in accurately evaluating mild head injuries (Lezak, 1996; Barth et al, 1989). This<br />

presentation will: 1. provide information relating to incidence, epidemiology, and<br />

diagnosis of MTBI, including recent classification systems, 2. provide relevant<br />

recent research from high school, college and professional (NFL) levels regarding<br />

the use of neuropsychological procedures in MTBI assessment/management, 3.<br />

provide a detailed description of the background and procedures utilized in the<br />

National Hockey League Concussion Project, 4. provide guidelines for both the<br />

psychologist and non-psychologist in the proper use of neuropsychological assessment<br />

in the evaluation and management of MTBI. This will include brief<br />

sideline assessment procedures as well as formal testing protocols, criteria and<br />

discussion of return to play decisions,S. discuss the role of the psychologist in<br />

the sports medicine team including training-expertise, ethics and team setting!<br />

issues.<br />

WORKSHOP: Crossing the Human Diversity Barrier Using a Case Studies<br />

Approach<br />

Tova Rubin, North Carolina A&T <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Green</strong>sboro, NC 27403 and<br />

Joy Griffin, <strong>University</strong> of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131.<br />

Addressing the need to train individuals to be aware of and sensitive to issues of<br />

human diversity can be difficult task. The basic methodology used has been the

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts / 5167<br />

traditional readings and discussion route which leaves much to be desired when<br />

intervention application is the favored outcome. The primary focus of this workshop<br />

is the demonstration of a case studies approach to familiarize individuals to<br />

the issues involved with human diversity. The specific objectives of this workshop<br />

are to: (I) review the basic skills needed in dealing with human diversity concerns,<br />

(2) demonstrate how human diversity concerns can be addressed through<br />

the use of case studies, and (3) give the participants of the workshop an experience<br />

with case studies involving human diversity concerns. These objectives will<br />

be met through a discussion and hands-on interactive approach. The facilitators<br />

will share personal experiences on working with diverse populations in exercise<br />

and sport psychology related cases.<br />

WORKSHOP: Adventure Therapy: A Team Building Intervention in Sport<br />

Teresa B. Fletcher and Justine J. Reel, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at<br />

<strong>Green</strong>sboro, <strong>Green</strong>sboro, NC 27412<br />

Adventure Therapy has a basic philosophy of learning through direct experience<br />

with the goal of promoting change by placing people outside of positions of<br />

comfort and into states of dissonance (Guss, 1993). Although adventure therapy<br />

has been primarily used in counseling dysfunctional clients (e.g. Youth at risk,<br />

survivors of violence, families, etc.), there are far-reaching implications as a team<br />

building intervention with athletes. The goals of Ibis presentation are to: (I) define<br />

adventure therapy; (2) use a small group activity to demonstrate adventure therapy;<br />

and (3) to process the meaning of the activity. Adventure therapy will be<br />

explained as related to applied sport psychology. Handouts will be provided to<br />

workshop participants.<br />

WORKSHOP: The Sport Psychologist's Influence on Character<br />

Development: Highly Valued yet Rarely Examined<br />

John Yeager, Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA 02215; Cindy Adams, Boston<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA 02215<br />

The primary objective of this workshop is to address the role that an athlete's<br />

character development has on motivation and performance. Although there are<br />

psychological and social considerations that influence athletic performance. the<br />

development of an athlete's character is an essential dynamic. Good character, for<br />

purposes of this workshop, is the acquisition/development of desirable and admirable<br />

traits that are highly valued in sport. These positive traits include, but<br />

are not limited to respect, responsibility, integrity (consistency of action), courage,<br />

(founded in self-discipline and patience), moderationlbalance and care and compassion.<br />

As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to: I) develop and<br />

apply working definitions of good character to the field of sport psychology; 2)<br />

examine the relationship between psychosocial and character-based dynamics; 3)<br />

investigate the influence of the development of character habits on achievement<br />

motivation. The character development of youth, secondary, collegiate, and pro-

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts I SI69<br />

WORKSHOP: NHL Light the Lamp: A Multimedia Life SkiDs Program<br />

Michael A. Simon, The Sporting Mind, New York, NY 10024; Kenneth M.<br />

Yaffe, National Hockey League, New York, NY 10020.<br />

The objective of this workshop is to introduce NHL Light the Lamp, a multimedia<br />

program that utilizes hockey to teach a variety of life skills lessons to North<br />

American youth who participate in the National Hockey League's grassroots street<br />

hockey program. Initial discussion will focus on the league's rationale for creating<br />

such a program, the demographics of the program, and the design of the multimedia<br />

curriculum. Workshop participants will then have an opportunity to watch<br />

the video and review the instructor's guide and youth workbook. Discussion of<br />

the entire video and print curriculum, coupled with an explanation of the present<br />

state of the program, will allow workshop participants to gain personal insight<br />

into Light the Lamp's development, implementation and assessment.<br />

WORKSHOP: Psychological Barriers to Excellence in Sport Performance<br />

Burton Giges, Springfield College, Springfield, MA 01109 USA<br />

Most interventions in performance enhancement in sport involve mental skills<br />

training. Techniques such as goal setting, relaxation, visualization, self-talk, and<br />

concentraton are among those usually described. The purpose of this presentation<br />

is to describe an alternative approach to performance enhancement, namely, the<br />

identification and removal of psychological barriers to performance excellence.<br />

By including this approach, sport psychology practitioners will have an additional<br />

method to help athletes deal with performance difficulties. The first half of the<br />

workshop will consist of a didactic presentation describing several psychological<br />

barriers, and the process of helping to remove them. Examples of this process<br />

will be presented from my work with athletes. The second half of the workshop<br />

will consist of an interview with an athlete who is experiencing a psychological<br />

banier to performance excellence. Time will be provided to allow for comments<br />

and questions from the workshop participants.<br />

WORKSHOP: Making Sport Psychology Consulting Effective:<br />

Demonstrations from Applied Sport Psychology Classes<br />

Artur Poczwardowski, Clay Sherman, Keith Henschen, <strong>University</strong> of Utah, Salt<br />

Lake City, UT 84112, USA; Rich Gordin, Utah <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Logan, UT<br />

84322, USA; Ken Ravizza, California <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Fullerton, CA 92634,<br />

USA; Grcg Shelley, Ithaca College, NY 14850, USA.<br />

Sport psychology service delivery is in a developmental stage where looking for<br />

standards of practice is critical in establishing credibility for the field. This workshop<br />

will provide an opportunity for its participants to gain insights into their<br />

sport psychology consulting selves. Based on a model of sport psychology service<br />

delivery (Poczwardowski, Sherman, & Henschen, in press) and the collective<br />

experinces of the workshop facilitators in teaching this model to sport psychology

S170 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

graduate students, the participants will explore, explicate, discuss, compare, and<br />

integrate their personal views and consulting experiences with regard to the critical<br />

elements of effective sport psychology service delivery identified in the modeL<br />

The explored issues will include (I) professional boundaries, (2) professional<br />

philosophy, (3) assessment, (4) managing oneself as an instrument of the intervention,<br />

and (5) reflection---conclusions and implications. The leaders will argue<br />

that the model and its five factors discussed can be used (a) as a resource for the<br />

participants' own practice as current and emerging sport psychology consultants<br />

in an effort to maximize an effective and satisfying practice, (b) as educational<br />

goals while developing a graduate curriculum, and (c) as a voice in the discussion<br />

of sport psychology practice standards. As a result of the hands-on experiences<br />

provided during the workshop, the participants will be able to see these factors<br />

as pieces of a developmental process that the sport psychology practitioner may<br />

consider and address over time. The participants will obtain written materials that<br />

will further direct their exploration of their professional selves with regard to<br />

optimizing the development of their sport psychology practice.<br />

WORKSHOP: Critical Points in the Path of an Elite Athlete: Psychological<br />

Stress and Adaptation<br />

Gloria Balague, U. of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; Ralph Vemacchia,<br />

Western Washington <strong>University</strong>, Bellingham, Washington; Rich Gordin, Utah<br />

Stale <strong>University</strong>, Logan, UT; Jim Reardon, Columbus Traumatic Stress Center,<br />

Columbus, OH<br />

This workshop will analyze the pathway of elite athletes, from junior years to<br />

competitive maturity. The authors propose that there are several critical points in<br />

the pathway followed by an elite athlete. AI these times psychological stress is<br />

greatly increased and the athlete must be able to adapt, otherwise there is a major<br />

risk of drop out or of significant decrements in perfonnance. Hobfolls' stress<br />

model, linking stress to the perception of loss of resources will be used as a<br />

framework. The main points described in the workshop will be: the transition<br />

from successful junior athlete to competing at the senior level, often coinciding<br />

with the switch from high school to college; the post-collegiate phase, where the<br />

athlete may find him or herself without clear support or avenues; the stress of<br />

being a champion, being expected to always produce successful performances;<br />

the recovery from an injury; and career termination. Specific descriptions of the<br />

sources of stress and concrete recommendations for interventions will be given<br />

by the presenters, drawing from their experience with high level competitors.<br />

WORKSHOP: Evolution versus Intervention: The Athlete Evolution Model<br />

Don J. Milham, Sportlogic Performance Enhancement Consulting, Philadelphia,<br />

PA 19031 and Lois A. Butcher, Temple <strong>University</strong>, Philadelphia, PA 19122<br />

This workshop will introduce the concept of evolution as opposed to intervention<br />

within the context of sport psychology consulting. Traditionally, counseling psy-

Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts! S171<br />

chologists have employed interventions as a means of altering the client's behavior<br />

or perceptions, implying the behavior needs to be changed or stopped. We<br />

propose introduction of enhancement skills as behavioral evolution leading to<br />

desired performance. Part I of this workshop looks at the athlete's concept of the<br />

counseling process, including stereotypic views, expectations and values as a<br />

springboard for discussion. Video clips and small group problem-solving will be<br />

the focus for an interactive experience. Part II examines application of Athlete<br />

Evolution Model (AEM) techniques designed to develop the complete athlete.<br />

Utilization of more standard techniques in conjunction with AEM techniques will<br />

be discussed in the context of potential treatment plans for hypothetical case<br />

studies.<br />

WORKSHOP: The Nine Mental Skills of Successful athletes: A Holistic<br />

Model for Assessing and Teaching Mental SkiUs to Athletes<br />

Jack J. Lesyk, Ohio Center for Sport Psychology, Beachwood, OH 44122<br />

This is a practical model for systematically integrating the many diverse techniques<br />

used in perfonnance enhancement. The author proposes a hierarchical<br />

model in which nine mental skill groups are defined. Both the model itself and<br />

the definition of the skills are intended to be easily understood and used by<br />

athletes and coaches. The nine skills are presented in three, sequential levels:<br />

Level Lc-skills that constitute a broad base necessary for achieving long-range<br />

goals, learning and developing as an athlete, and sustaining daily practice (attitude,<br />

motivation, goals and commitment, people skills). Level Il-c-skills that are<br />

used inunediately before perfonnance (self-talk, mental imagery), and Levelillskills<br />

that are used during actual performance (dealing with anxiety, dealing with<br />

emotions, and concentration). Each level incorporates and is based upon skills<br />

learned at the preceding levels. The purpose of the workshop is to introduce this<br />

new model to participants and to teach them how to use it in the assessment and<br />

planning of mental skills training programs with their own clients. The author<br />

has used this model successfully and will illustrate its application with an assessment<br />

interview, case examples and audiovisual materials. Handouts wi11 enable<br />

interested participants to apply these concepts to their own work. Finally,<br />

this model provides a framework for applying mental skills learned through sports<br />

participation to other areas of life.<br />

WORKSHOP: Reinventing the Wheel: A New Spin on Addressing Ethical<br />

Dilemmas in Sport<br />

Diana Schwartz, Westfield <strong>State</strong> College, 'westfield, MA 01086; Teresa<br />

Connelly, Springfield College; Lenny Wiersma, Springfield College<br />

The purpose of this workshop is to provide individuals with an opportunity to<br />

learn techniques to actively engage students, athletes, and coaches in discussions<br />

of ethical issues in sport. The specific objectives of the workshop are to have<br />

participants: I) appreciate the need for ethics education in sport; 2) acquire the

5172 I Colloquia, Lectures, Posters & Workshops Abstracts<br />

knowledge necessary to utilize a variety of techniques to engage students, coaches,<br />

and athletes in addressing ethical issues; and 3) participate in ethical skills<br />

training activities. Following an introduction of past and current ethical concerns<br />

in sport, attendees will participate in interactive and small group activities that<br />

will provide an opportunity for creative problem solving and decision-making<br />

regarding various ethical dilemmas in sport.


Collins, D. S85, S1<strong>33</strong>, SI61<br />

Collins, K. E. S 138<br />

Connelly, T. S171<br />

Conroy, D. E. S28, S29<br />

Cooley, D. S107<br />

Coppel, D. B. S65, S66<br />

Cormier; J. S156<br />

Cornelius, A. E. S128, S141<br />

Cox, R. H. S97, S160<br />

Crews, D. S61, S62<br />

Culp, K. M. S96<br />

Culver, D. S79<br />

Curry, L. A. S84, S117, S149, S161<br />

Czech, D. R. SlO5<br />

Dale, G. A. S36, S37, S1<strong>33</strong><br />

Damarjian, N. S63<br />

Danish, S. S49, S87<br />

Davidson, K. W. Sl24<br />

Davis, C. S121<br />

Davis, H. S39, S40, SI61<br />

Davis, J. E. S97<br />

de Prazer, V. A. S90, S122<br />

De Knop,P. S157, S165<br />

DeFrancesco, C. S118<br />

Deiters, J. A. S87<br />

Detling. N. J. S148<br />

Dieffenbach, K. S44, S45, S148<br />

Diehl, N. S. S115<br />

Diffenbach, K. S87<br />

Ditmar, T. D. S128<br />

Doll, G. A. S137<br />

Downey, M. S114<br />

Duda, J. L. $100<br />

Duffy, D. $109<br />

Dugdale, J. S49, $50, S147<br />

Durand-Bush, N. S36, S38, S129<br />

Dweck, C. S. S25<br />

Eberspacher, H. S 154<br />

Eisenbarth, C. A. Sl44<br />

Eisler, L. S 109<br />

Eklund, R. C. $75, $92<br />

Eng, D. S136<br />

Estabrooks, P. A. $75<br />

Etzel, E. F. S53, S54, S57, S93, S155<br />

Evans, L. S163<br />

Farrell, R. S96<br />

Fiero, P. L. S115<br />

Finch, L. $74<br />

Finley, D. L. S112<br />

Fletcher, T. B. S167<br />

Focht, B. C. S137<br />

Fogarty, J. SIB<br />

Fortier, M. S. S74, S75, S98, S159<br />

Fortunato, V. S 119<br />

Foster, S. S65, S165<br />

Fournier, J. F. S30, S31, S134<br />

Fox, L. A. S111<br />

Foy, C. S68<br />

Francis, s. R. S139<br />

Gardner, F. L. S72, S166<br />

Gaumond, S. S162<br />

Geise, M. H. S150<br />

Giges, B. S82, S87, SI69<br />

Gilbert, J. S68<br />

Gilbert, w. S68, S162<br />

Giscafre, N. S112<br />

Goldman, C. L. SlO8<br />

Gordin, R. S65, S169, S170<br />

Gordon, J. Sl44<br />

Gordon, s. S70<br />

Gorely, T. S120<br />

Gould, D. S26, S27, S63, S64<br />

Granito, V. J., Jr. S34, S35, S36<br />

<strong>Green</strong>, B. S93<br />

<strong>Green</strong>, L. B. S146<br />

<strong>Green</strong>, S. L. S127<br />

<strong>Green</strong>berg, D. L. S69<br />

<strong>Green</strong>leaf, C. S26<br />

Griffin, J. S77, Sl66<br />

Grisham, W. $159<br />

Grochowski, D. O. S82<br />

Gross, J. S85<br />

Grove, J. R. $75, SIB<br />

Gruber, K. A. S 136<br />

Guarnieri, A. S 145<br />

Guest, S. M. sroo<br />

Guinan, D. S26, S27<br />

Guivemau, M. sioo<br />

Haase, A. M. S77<br />

Haberl, P. S72

5176 / AB5TRACT INDEX<br />

LeBlanc, L. 598<br />

Lee, K. 5116<br />

Leffingwell, T. 571,5128,51<strong>33</strong><br />

Leonard, G. 5143<br />

Leonhardt, J. M. 5116<br />

Lerner, B. 5. 557,558,5105,5124,<br />

5138<br />

Leslie, P. J. 5148<br />

Lesyk, J. J. 5171<br />

LeUnes, A. S93, SIlO, 5145<br />

Leuschen, P. 5. 5123,5141<br />

Levy, 5. 5108<br />

Liddy, D. SI06<br />

Liedig, L. S 148<br />

Loehr, J. E. 588<br />

Mack, D. E. 576, S119<br />

Mac Mahon, C. 5143<br />

MacNeill, K. 539, 540<br />

Maley, P. 5139<br />

Malkin, v. 5135<br />

Malo, 5. A. 561, 562<br />

Maniar, 5. D. 584,5117,5161<br />

Marahyan, T. 5149<br />

Marchant, D. B. 5102<br />

Marsh, S. M. 5143<br />

Martens, M. P. 879, 598<br />

Martin, J. J. 592<br />

Martin, 5. B. 536,537,551,5102,<br />

51<strong>33</strong>,5148,5156<br />

McCann, 5. C. 536, 565<br />

McCarthy, K. 5100<br />

McCullagh, P. 51,5164<br />

McGovern, 5. 539, 540<br />

McGowan, R. W. 549,587,595,<br />

5112<br />

McGuire, R. 5129<br />

McKenzie, A. D. 594,5113,5120,<br />

S147<br />

McNelis-Kline, c. 51<strong>33</strong><br />

Mcdbery. R. 563, S64<br />

Meis, J. K. 5160<br />

Menickelli, J. 5159<br />

Meyer, B. B. 582<br />

Meyers, A. 571<br />

Meyers, M. 5110<br />

Michalenok, J. 542<br />

Miles, A. SI51<br />

Milham, D. J. 882,5170<br />

MilJer, P. 5. 581<br />

Miller, W. N. 5127<br />

Miyazaki, J. 5147<br />

Moore, B. 5162<br />

Moraes, L. C. S89<br />

Morrey, M. A. 555,556,5150<br />

Motl, R. W. 528,529,5121,5141<br />

Munroe, K. 5150<br />

Murphey, M. Sill, 5137<br />

Murphy, 5. 5124<br />

Murray, J. 551,552<br />

Myers, C. A. 5111<br />

Naito, H. S 147<br />

Nascimento, A. 5109<br />

Nasir, A. 5101<br />

Natsis, P. 598<br />

Navarre, M. J. 5134<br />

Naylor, 5. 5148<br />

Nelson, M. B. 525<br />

Newburg, D. 5157<br />

Newcomer, R. R. 553, 554<br />

Newton, M. 5130<br />

Nikolopoulos, K. 595<br />

Noble, J. M. 5164<br />

Noon, R. D. 534, S36<br />

O'Connor, E. A. 5108,5146<br />

Olrich, T. W. 5131<br />

Oswald, P. L. 5142<br />

Owen, D. 5123<br />

Paccagnella, M. 5113<br />

Page, 5. J. 5108<br />

Pane, 5. 593<br />

Papaioannou, A. 595<br />

Pargman, D. 5160<br />

Parish, T. 5159<br />

Parker, J. 568,5110<br />

Partington, J. T. 525<br />

Payne, 5. C. 5143<br />

Pease, D. G. 5101,5107<br />

Pereira, C. 5136<br />

Perkins, E. 5105<br />

Perna, F. M. 553, 554, 593

Peterson, K. 526, 51<strong>33</strong><br />

Peterson, K. E. S 108<br />

Petitahs, A. 587<br />

Petitpas, A. J, 549,550,5117,5128,<br />

S130, 51<strong>33</strong>, S161<br />

Petlichkoff, L. M. Sl44<br />

Petrie, T. A 537,551,580,5128,<br />

5141,5152<br />

Pinel, B. A. 5120<br />

Pirorh, K. 597<br />

Ploszay, A. J. 595<br />

Poczwardowski, A. S78, S169<br />

Pohbnan, M. H. 5128<br />

Power, K. T. D. 5106<br />

Prakash, K. S69<br />

Prapavessis. H, 577<br />

Price, S. L. Sl64<br />

Ravizza, K. 526, 544, 546, S82,<br />

5129, $169<br />

Razzak, B. A. 5 101<br />

Reardon, J. 5170<br />

Reel, J. J. S78,5167<br />

Rees, T. SI63<br />

Rhea, D. J. S107, SIlO<br />

Richardson, P. A. 537,557<br />

Ritter-Taylor, M. L. S114, S119<br />

Robb, M. 5160<br />

Rodgers, W, 5150<br />

Roh, J. L. 553, 554<br />

Roper, E. A. S81<br />

Rubin, T. S166<br />

Ryska, T. A. 5105, S107<br />

Sachs, M. L. 586<br />

Salmela, J, H. 581, S89, S90, 5114,<br />

S154<br />

Sandberg, J. 584, S130<br />

5andstedt, S. D. 584,5117,5149,<br />

S161<br />

Schneiderman, N. 553<br />

Schurz, R. W. S25<br />

Schwager, E. S109<br />

Schwartz, D. S171<br />

Scott, D. 5139, S151<br />

Senecal, K. SI63<br />

Shambrook, C. J. S45, S59, S60<br />


Sharp, M. S85<br />

Shaw, D. SI15<br />

Shelley, G. A. S78, 5103, 5148, S169<br />

Shennan, C. S169<br />

5hoenfelt, E. L. 583<br />

Silva, J. M. 551, S52, 5108<br />

Silva, J. M., III 598<br />

Simon, M. A. SI69<br />

Skelton, J. SI58<br />

Sklar, J. H. S128<br />

Smith, A. L. S47,548<br />

Smith, A. M. S55, 556, 561, 562<br />

Smith, D. 585<br />

Smith, D. E. S30, S101<br />

Smith, N. D. S86<br />

Snyder, M. S69<br />

Solomon, G. B. 5104,5132<br />

Solt, G. 534, S35<br />

Sommers-Flanagan, J. 584,5161<br />

Sorensen, M. S115<br />

Spink, K, 5. S109<br />

Ste-Marie, D. 569<br />

Stephens, D, E. S132<br />

Stevens, T. S96<br />

Stiles-Shipley, J. S42, 543<br />

Steeve, M. A. 5140<br />

Stratton, R. S 115<br />

Straub, W. S65<br />

Strean, W. B. S157, S163<br />

Streigel, D. SI24<br />

Strickland, M. S26, S27<br />

Striegel, D. A. S88<br />

Subudhi, A, W. 5121<br />

Summerfeldt, J. S39, S41<br />

Sverduk, K. S88<br />

Swain, A. S145<br />

Taki,T. 5140,S142<br />

Tan, H. 530, 5<strong>33</strong><br />

Taylor, J. 5125<br />

Tenenbaum, G. SI13<br />

Tennant, L. K. Sl64­<br />

Terry, P. C. S59<br />

Theodorakis, Y. S98<br />

Thierfelder, B. S53<br />

Tokunaga, M. S30, S31, 5140, S142<br />

Toroyan, A. 530, S<strong>33</strong>

5178 I AB5TRACT INDEX<br />

Treasure, D. C. 5 I06<br />

Tremayne, P. 5122<br />

Trudel, P. 568,579,5162<br />

Tubilleja, K. 5130<br />

Udry, E. M. 5126<br />

Valiquette, 5. M. 5114<br />

Van Raa1te, J. L. 5115, 51l7, 5128<br />

vana, K. M. 5150<br />

Vanden Auwee1e, Y. 5157<br />

Vealey, R. 5. 525<br />

Vemacchia, R. A. 5129,5l70<br />

Waldron, J. 542<br />

Walker, B. J. 573,5162<br />

Walker, J. A. 5121<br />

Walrath, K. P. 5112<br />

Wanlin, C. 544, 546<br />

Wann, D. L. 5104,5153<br />

Warren, B. A. 5150<br />

Waters, F. 539, 541<br />

Watson, J. C. 5138<br />

Watson, J. c., II 557<br />

Webb, D. 5102<br />

Webber, 5. 5. 5143<br />

Weigand, D. 5124<br />

Weinberg, R. 5. 598, 5102, 5113,<br />

5124,5127<br />

Weiss, C. L. 581<br />

Weiss, M. R. 511,571<br />

Welk, G. 547,548<br />

West, G. R. 571<br />

White, 5. A. 599,5100<br />

Whitehead, J. 597<br />

Wiechman, 5. 571<br />

Wiersma, L. 5171<br />

Wiese-Bjomstahl, D. 569<br />

Wiggins, M. 5104<br />

Wightman, P. 5112<br />

Williams, J. 551,571,594<br />

Williams, L. 568<br />

Wilson, M. A. 5100<br />

Wilson, M. J. S103<br />

Wright, J. S94<br />

Wrisberg, C. A. 5148<br />

Wyke, V. 5115<br />

Wylleman, P. S157, S165<br />

Yaffe, K. M. 5169<br />

Yambor, J. S87<br />

Yeager, J. 5167<br />

Yin, Z. S 105, 5107<br />

Young, B. W. 589<br />

Yukelson, D. 551,552,5124<br />

Zaccaro, 5. J. S143<br />

Zaichkowsky, L. S72, S109, 5136<br />

Zhang, J. J. 5107<br />

Zientek, C. E. 587, 599<br />

Zizi, A. J. 579<br />

Zizzi, 5. J. 593, 598

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