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entirely due to swelling of hands and feet, joint pain, carpal tunnel<br />

syndrome, glucose problems, and diabetes.<br />

Steve, on the other hand, hasn’t had any problems with<br />

Serostim for more than seven years. However, he injects only 6.0<br />

mg twice a week. For Steve, a one-month supply lasts four months.<br />

One 12-week supply lasts a year. His energy level has been normal,<br />

and he enjoys the side eff ects, which he said are “looking great, having<br />

better skin, better hair, less fat, and more muscle.”<br />

“Looking great” is not something the FDA considers when<br />

reviewing the evidence of a drug’s safety and eff ectiveness. In 2007,<br />

Serono asked the FDA to approve Serostim to treat excess vat. Th e<br />

FDA denied Serono’s request, saying there wasn’t enough safety and<br />

effi cacy data to give the green light for vat. Also, the FDA expressed<br />

concerns that, once Serostim is stopped, vat comes back. To keep<br />

vat levels low, long-term therapy would be needed. And Serono<br />

hasn’t studied the drug long-term.<br />

With this, the FDA handed Serono a<br />

pharmaceutical smack-down, according<br />

to HIV treatment advocate Tim Horn who<br />

attended an FDA community meeting on<br />

Serostim. “In a very matter-of-fact tone,”<br />

said Horn, “the FDA made it clear that, ‘by<br />

the time Serono has completed a follow-up<br />

study to support a [vat] approval, another<br />

drug will have been approved by the agency<br />

for this indication.’ Obviously the FDA was<br />

talking about tesamorelin.”<br />

Twelve months of tesamorelin<br />

For most of my life, I refused to give in to the idea of exercise.<br />

It seemed reserved for vain people. But aft er turning 40, smoking<br />

cigarettes for years, battling back pain and obesity, I began to see<br />

exercise not as a tool for vanity, but rather as a means to stay healthy<br />

over the long run.<br />

Last year, I made a promise to myself: I will go to the gym at<br />

least three times a week, for at least one hour. Come hell or high<br />

water. It wasn’t easy sticking to this routine over time, but I did.<br />

About two months aft er I started this workout schedule is when I<br />

also joined the clinical trial for tesamorelin.<br />

Tesamorelin (pronounced tessa-more-ellen) is an experimental<br />

pharmaceutical drug that increases levels of growth hormone.<br />

Technically, it’s a “releasing factor” or a “proxy” to human growth<br />

hormone, which means it stimulates the body’s pituitary gland to<br />

produce its own growth hormone. When the body makes its own<br />

growth hormone, it’s called “endogenous.” On the other hand,<br />

somatropin is artifi cially produced and then injected into the body,<br />

which is called “exogenous.”<br />

Beware of dietary supplements that claim to be a “growth hormone<br />

releasing factor.” Dietary supplements are not regulated by<br />

the FDA. As such, makers of these supplements tend to steal catch<br />

phrases from legitimate pharmaceutical research and then integrate<br />

the language into misleading advertising for their products.<br />

Both tesamorelin and somatropin must be injected by needle,<br />

which can be annoying. Th ey also must be refrigerated, so I kept<br />

PA • September / October 2008 • tpan.com • positivelyaware.com<br />

Positively Aware<br />

the tesamorelin box hidden in the crisper drawer. First thing every<br />

morning, I injected the drug into my abdomen. Th e fi rst jab is the<br />

most diffi cult. Like my workouts, the injection routine also got<br />

easier with time.<br />

Since I was getting to the gym regularly and on growth hormone,<br />

I fi gured it was the best time to hire a personal trainer.<br />

Th rough my gym, I connected with a trainer named Brian. We got<br />

along famously. His attitude about fi tness was relentlessly optimistic,<br />

which off set my cynical beliefs about fi tness. Th ree days a week,<br />

he coached me through core-strength and traditional weight training.<br />

I handled cardio on my own.<br />

In the fi rst three months of my tesamorelin/exercise regimen,<br />

I felt a dramatic relief of pressure from my stomach. I hadn’t realized<br />

how bloated my stomach had become until it began to shrink.<br />

However, I oft en felt muscle pain, which started in the evenings and<br />

In terms of safety,<br />

somatropin falls short when<br />

compared to tesamorelin.<br />

continued while I tried to sleep. Sometimes I woke up with cramps<br />

in my calves, thighs, and butt. I found stretching, massage, ibuprofen,<br />

and L-glutamine supplements helped alleviate this particular<br />

kind of muscle pain.<br />

By month six, my belly got fl atter and my muscles got bigger.<br />

My belly-to-butt ratio improved. Good and bad cholesterol<br />

improved, but my high blood pressure didn’t budge. Before the<br />

study, I felt like I was carrying a 20-pound turkey inside my belly.<br />

Aft er six months on the study, the turkey was gone. I went from a<br />

waist size of 36 to a waist size of 34.<br />

My mid-section shrank and my legs and arms gained muscle.<br />

I looked more proportional and felt more normal. Also, the quality<br />

of my skin improved. When I saw my boss in person aft er six<br />

months, she stopped into my offi ce, stared at me for minute, and<br />

then said, “You look 10 years younger.”<br />

By month nine, the weight loss slowed but the muscle growth<br />

continued. On a roll, I decided to quit smoking with a new anti-nicotine<br />

drug called Chantix. It makes you a little crazy and depressed,<br />

but kills the urge to smoke. Once I stopped the Chantix, I found<br />

myself binging on high-carb, high-fat foods. Luckily, my regular<br />

workouts helped off set those extra calories.<br />

By month 12 of tesamorelin/exercise, my weight was back to<br />

baseline. However, I felt completely diff erent: leaner in the belly<br />

and much bigger in the legs, arms, and butt. My absolute weight<br />

seemed less important to me because I felt good about how I looked<br />

in general. I felt normal.<br />

Still, the last few months on tesamorelin, I experienced some<br />

uncomfortable side eff ects. I felt numbness and tingling in my arms,<br />


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