Annual report 2011

Annual report 2011

Annual report 2011


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D r e y f u s S o n s & C o<br />

L I M I T E D<br />

B a n q u i e r s B a s e l<br />

E S T A B L I S H E D 1 8 1 3<br />

A n n u a l R e p o r t<br />

D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 1

Contents<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

8<br />

10<br />

10<br />

12<br />

14<br />

26<br />

28<br />

30<br />

31<br />

Telephone +41 61. 286 66 66<br />

Fax +41 61. 272 24 38<br />

contact@dreyfusbank.ch<br />

www.dreyfusbank.ch<br />

Five-year summary<br />

Board of Directors and Management<br />

Report to the General Meeting<br />

Balance Sheet at December 31, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Profit and Loss Account for the Year<br />

ended December 31, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Notes to Financial Statements<br />

1. Business Activities<br />

2. Principles of Accounting and Valuation<br />

3. Information regarding the Balance Sheet<br />

4. Information concerning Off-Balance Sheet<br />

Transactions<br />

5. Information concerning the Profit and Loss Account<br />

6. Information regarding the Bank’s own resources<br />

Report of the statutory auditors<br />

Aeschenvorstadt 16<br />

P.O. Box<br />

4002 Basel<br />


Total equity<br />

(before appropriation of profit)<br />

Balance sheet total<br />

Net Interest Income<br />

Net Income from Commission<br />

Business and Services<br />

Profit from Trading<br />

Other Ordinary Profit<br />

Subtotal Net Income<br />

Administrative Expenses<br />

Gross Profit<br />

Profit of the year<br />

Number of staff<br />

(expressed as full-time employees)<br />

Total equity/Balance sheet total<br />

(in percent)<br />

Profit of the year/Total equity<br />

(in percent)<br />

Administrative expenses/Net Income<br />

(in percent)<br />

Profit of the year/staff<br />

(in chf)<br />

Five-year summary<br />

(in mio chf)<br />

(in mio chf)<br />

2<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010 2009 2008 2007<br />

457.7 442.1 423.7 414.3 399.4<br />

3 186.1 2 822.0 2 333.2 1 848.6 1 553.2<br />

17.6 16.6 18.5 25.9 26.5<br />

93.0 97.4 94.3 114.4 131.4<br />

10.6 12.4 10.2 9.9 10.0<br />

–0.4 0.4 0.9 –4.9 3.4<br />

120.8 126.8 123.9 145.3 171.3<br />

–69.6 –72.7 –74.1 –78.8 –85.9<br />

51.2 54.1 49.9 66.5 85.4<br />

36.6 37.9 35.3 47.6 59.8<br />

185 185 183 179 179<br />

14.4 15.7 18.2 22.4 25.7<br />

8.0 8.6 8.3 11.5 15.0<br />

57.6 57.3 59.8 54.2 50.1<br />

198 067 205 072 193 009 266 005 334 082

As of General Meeting of March 20, 2012<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Andreas Guth, Chairman<br />

Alexis Blum, Deputy Chairman<br />

Pierre Dreyfus, Deputy Chairman<br />

Otto E. Bargezi Peter Krummenacher<br />

Vladimir B. Dreyfus Dr. Rudolf Roth-Olum<br />

Catherine Dreyfus Soguel François Voss<br />

Paul Dubey<br />

Dr. Sebastian Burckhardt,<br />

Secretary of the Board of Directors<br />

Management<br />

Executive Management:<br />

Otto E. Bargezi, Chairman<br />

Stefan Knöpfel, Deputy Chairman<br />

Peter Krummenacher<br />

Bernard Blum Richard Mayr<br />

Dr. Beat Lehmann René Stalder<br />

Managers: Claude Levy Bernard Soguel-dit-Picard<br />

Alfred Messerli Dr. Daniel Witschi<br />

Dr. Egon Meyer<br />

Deputy Managers: Thierry Bloch René Michel<br />

Pascal Brasey Dieter Minelli<br />

Pierre Buchs Thomas Rosch<br />

Amos Gutermann Guido Schneider<br />

Claude Kiener Jürg Stalder<br />

Daniel Lang Christine Wey<br />

Jean-Jacques Leisi Jean-Pierre Wyss<br />

Assistant Managers: Andres Angst Roger Glaus<br />

Beat Angst Philipp Gygi<br />

Silvio Bächtiger Thomas Krüsi<br />

Grégoire Baudin Clarisse Lyssy<br />

Oliver Born Lukas Müller<br />

Raymond Brunschwig Gilles Pochon<br />

Jacques Buchs Dominik Schneider<br />

Philippe Burnier Dr. Ursula Schneider-Fuchs<br />

Francescantonio Candio Christoph Spreyermann<br />

Roland Erne David Staehelin<br />

Stéphane Fiechter Beat Staub<br />

Markus Flückiger Philippe Tardy<br />

Michael Fringeli Olivier Wohlhauser<br />

Internal Auditor External Auditors<br />

Nicole Gouëllo, KPMG Ltd<br />

Internal Auditor<br />


Report to the General Meeting<br />

In view of the satisfactory economic growth registered in the<br />

industrialised countries and especially in Switzerland, the year<br />

<strong>2011</strong> had got off to quite an optimistic start. However, it very<br />

soon became apparent, that the debt problem in the southern<br />

European euro-zone countries had not by any means been<br />

resolved. And then came the earthquake disaster in Japan and<br />

the accident it caused in the Fukushima nuclear power plant.<br />

Against this backdrop, the capital markets were again<br />

highly volatile during the year under review. In particular, the<br />

Swiss franc appreciated against the euro and the dollar in an<br />

almost scary fashion. Although Switzerland’s economic activity<br />

depends to a considerable extent on the surrounding European<br />

countries, investors appeared to attach more importance to<br />

the stable situation of its public finances.<br />

Thanks to the brave intervention of the Swiss National<br />

Bank, which on September 6, <strong>2011</strong>, set a lower limit for the<br />

franc/euro exchange rate at 1.20 and promised to defend it<br />

with all means at its disposal, it was possible to counter the<br />

flight into the Swiss franc. Until that time, the exchange rate of<br />

the dollar to the euro had been quite stable. The depreciation of<br />

the franc against the euro that followed the Swiss National<br />

Bank’s statement also occurred to a similar extent against the<br />

U.S. dollar, so that at the end of the year under review exchange<br />

rates showed only minor changes compared with the beginning<br />

of the year.<br />

In view of this, DREYFUS SONS & CO LTD, BANQUIERS, can be<br />

satisfied to <strong>report</strong> a profit of the year of CHF 36.6 mio., which<br />

represents a reduction of only 3.4%. This year again the balance<br />

sheet total increased because of a further rise in the liquidity<br />

held by our clients. Other amounts due to customers rose by<br />

CHF 609.1 mio. to CHF 2 173.1 mio. Profit from trading<br />

decreased by CHF 1.8 mio. to CHF 10.6 mio., while net income<br />

from commission business and services attained<br />

CHF 93.0 mio., which corresponds to a decrease of 4.5%.<br />

Other ordinary profit includes market-related write-downs<br />

on financial assets amounting to CHF 0.8 mio. Thanks to a<br />

4.3% reduction in administrative expenses, gross profit reached<br />

CHF 51.2 mio., a decrease of 5.4%.<br />

Following reduced provision requirements for default and<br />

operational risks and a slightly lower tax burden, the profit of<br />

the year after tax decreased to the above-mentioned figure of<br />

CHF 36.6 mio. The provisions include an additional contribu-<br />


tion for the Bank’s 200th anniversary in 2013. The staff and<br />

the shareholding family are eagerly looking forward to the<br />

event, which is being prepared by a Committee set up by the<br />

Board of Directors.<br />

Implementing the strategy we adopted a few years ago, we<br />

have begun to build up a stronger local presence in different<br />

regions of Switzerland. Thus an office has been opened in<br />

Lausanne under experienced management and we are in the<br />

process of organising a similar operation in Delémont. The<br />

aim is to reach customers in western Switzerland and the Jura<br />

region. Selected individual locations are to be established over<br />

the next few years to supplement the existing offices.<br />

The Bank continues to serve its demanding clientele according<br />

to the principles of long-term capital preservation<br />

and risk-controlled growth.<br />

Regulatory changes have given rise to many demanding<br />

tasks, which have already been addressed and will continue to<br />

take up a great deal of our time in the future. An initiative<br />

launched with retroactive effect to January 1, 2012, to introduce<br />

a nationwide inheritance tax has prompted many of our clients<br />

to include their descendants in their succession at an early<br />

stage, which naturally involves some additional work on our<br />

part, but according to our experience definitely makes sense.<br />

These multi-faceted tasks are extremely demanding for all<br />

the staff members and colleagues in our Bank. The large<br />

volume of work is performed with a great deal of expertise<br />

and unfailing commitment in the good working atmosphere<br />

which is so important to us. We wish to express to them all<br />

the gratitude of the shareholding family, the entire Board of<br />

Directors and the Management.<br />


Assets<br />

Liquid assets<br />

Off-Balance Sheet Transactions<br />

Contingent liabilities<br />

Irrevocable commitments<br />

Liabilities for calls on shares and<br />

similar obligations<br />

Commitment credits<br />

Derivative financial instruments<br />

Positive replacement values<br />

Negative replacement values<br />

Contract volume<br />

Fiduciary transactions<br />

Balance Sheet at December 31, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Money market paper<br />

Due from banks<br />

Due from customers<br />

Securities and precious metals<br />

held in trading positions<br />

Financial assets<br />

Participations<br />

Fixed assets<br />

Prepayments and accrued income<br />

Other assets<br />

Total assets<br />

Total subordinated loans<br />

Total amounts due from subsidiary<br />

companies and certain associates<br />

(chf)<br />

(chf)<br />

6<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

1 439 246 859 40 867 302<br />

481 451 130 1 275 807 121<br />

498 765 845 741 523 025<br />

92 583 863 85 828 782<br />

57 256 668 27 585 450<br />

603 363 134 633 283 649<br />

550 000 550 000<br />

2 002 000 2 002 000<br />

7 382 610 7 465 066<br />

3 462 809 7 068 827<br />

3 186 064 918 2 821 981 222<br />

0 0<br />

338 454 0<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

22 283 510 25 523 961<br />

19 084 814 25 948 162<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

2 814 000 5 376 323<br />

2 644 630 5 429 161<br />

671 188 893 407 843 602<br />

261 388 595 228 235 462

Liabilities<br />

Due to banks<br />

Due to customers in the form of<br />

fixed and savings deposits<br />

Other amounts due to customers<br />

Prepayments and accrued income<br />

Other liabilities<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

Reserves for general banking risks<br />

Share capital<br />

General legal reserve<br />

Other reserves<br />

Profit brought forward<br />

Profit of the year<br />

Total liabilities<br />

Total amounts due to subsidiary<br />

companies and certain associates<br />

(chf)<br />

Statement of Cash Flow<br />

Due to the limited importance of the balance sheet transactions,<br />

no Statement of Cash Flow has been prepared.<br />

7<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

163 513 882 396 636 094<br />

336 175 361 369 868 796<br />

2 173 126 791 1 564 048 726<br />

11 755 725 5 203 637<br />

7 334 830 9 944 118<br />

36 480 000 34 200 000<br />

10 000 000 10 000 000<br />

30 000 000 30 000 000<br />

55 310 000 53 350 000<br />

324 000 000 309 000 000<br />

1 726 014 1 791 484<br />

36 642 315 37 938 367<br />

3 186 064 918 2 821 981 222<br />

68 235 983 76 675 095

Income and Expenses of Ordinary<br />

Banking Business<br />

Net Interest Income<br />

Interest and Discount Income<br />

Interest and Dividend Income<br />

from Financial Assets<br />

Interest expense<br />

Subtotal Net Interest Income<br />

Net Income from Commission Business<br />

and Services<br />

Commission Income from<br />

Securities Trading and Investments<br />

(chf)<br />

Commission Income from other Services<br />

Commission paid<br />

Subtotal Net Income from<br />

Commission Business and Services<br />

Profit from Trading<br />

Other Ordinary Profit<br />

Profit on sales of Financial Assets<br />

Income from participations<br />

Other ordinary profits<br />

Other ordinary expenses<br />

Subtotal Other Ordinary Profit<br />

Administrative expenses<br />

Personnel expenses<br />

Operating expenses<br />

Subtotal Administrative Expenses<br />

Gross Profit<br />

Profit and Loss Account for the Year<br />

ended December 31, <strong>2011</strong><br />

8<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

7 083 078 5 480 647<br />

17 301 808 17 851 250<br />

–6 732 960 –6 698 835<br />

17 651 926 16 633 062<br />

94 677 052 99 164 030<br />

258 311 204 286<br />

–1 951 099 –1 976 568<br />

92 984 264 97 391 748<br />

10 571 751 12 436 692<br />

102 006 82 736<br />

300 000 300 000<br />

0 0<br />

–790 969 0<br />

–388 963 382 736<br />

–56 389 928 –57 105 322<br />

–13 216 594 –15 602 842<br />

–69 606 522 –72 708 164<br />

51 212 456 54 136 074

Profit of the year<br />

Gross Profit<br />

Depreciation of Capital Assets<br />

Value adjustments, provisions and losses<br />

Provisional Result<br />

Extraordinary income<br />

Extraordinary expenses<br />

Taxes<br />

Profit of the year<br />

Appropriation of Profit <strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

Profit of the year<br />

Profit brought forward<br />

(chf)<br />

Profit carried to the Balance Sheet<br />

The Board of Directors proposes to the General<br />

Meeting the appropriation of the profit<br />

as follows:<br />

Transfer to general legal reserve<br />

Transfer to other reserves<br />

Distributions relating<br />

to share capital<br />

Other appropriations<br />

Profit brought forward<br />

(chf)<br />

9<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

51 212 456 54 136 074<br />

0 0<br />

–2 404 863 –3 508 063<br />

48 807 593 50 628 011<br />

38 295 86 452<br />

0 –343 967<br />

–12 203 573 –12 432 129<br />

36 642 315 37 938 367<br />

36 642 315 37 938 367<br />

1 726 014 1 791 484<br />

38 368 329 39 729 851<br />

–1 890 000 –1 960 000<br />

–14 000 000 –15 000 000<br />

–16 800 000 –17 400 000<br />

–3 514 232 –3 643 837<br />

2 164 097 1 726 014

Notes to Financial Statements<br />

1. Business Activities<br />

DREYFUS SONS & CO LTD, BANQUIERS, was founded in<br />

Basel by Isaac Dreyfus-Bernheim in the year 1813.<br />

Since then the Bank has been located in Basel and has<br />

no branches elsewhere. In the year under review we<br />

have opened for the first time an office in Lausanne.<br />

Although the Bank became a company limited by<br />

shares in the year 1942, its principal business activities<br />

are carried on in the traditional private banking style,<br />

that is, the individual and comprehensive management<br />

of assets entrusted to it. This includes the administration<br />

of family organisations, corporations, foundations<br />

and trusts. The Bank’s own resources are a multiple of<br />

the legal requirements and are mainly invested in the<br />

money and capital markets.<br />

In order to enable the Bank to advise its clients by<br />

closely following financial markets it also trades – within<br />

appropriate limits – in securities, foreign exchange<br />

and precious metals as principal and as agent. As a rule,<br />

advances are granted only within the scope of assets<br />

under administration, i.e. to customers holding adequate<br />

securities. Mortgage lending and similar business<br />

do not form part of the Bank’s activities.<br />

DREYFUS SONS & CO LTD, BANQUIERS, are representatives<br />

and distributors of MONITOR FUND LTD, NIPPON<br />

PORTFOLIO and DSC EUR BOND FUND. These funds are<br />

authorised foreign collective investment funds in<br />

Switzerland.<br />

The identification, management, limitation and<br />

control of risks are extensively regulated by the Board<br />

of Directors, whereas the implementation of the Bank’s<br />

risk policy and risk control is the responsibility of the<br />

Executive Management. All quantifiable risks are<br />

backed by an adequate underlying capital. Measures<br />

related to risks with respect to organisation, personnel<br />

and infrastructure are implemented. A comprehensive<br />

management information system (MIS) informs the<br />


Board of Directors and the Executive Management on<br />

a daily and monthly basis, respectively. The organisational<br />

structure of DREYFUS SONS & CO LTD, BANQUIERS,<br />

is comparable to the one of a typical private bank. The<br />

regulations concerning the independence of the Board<br />

of Directors are applied in a summarised manner i.e.<br />

some members of the Board of Directors are also<br />

members of the Executive Management. Also there is<br />

no Audit Committee and its functions are exercised by<br />

the president of the Board of Directors, Mr. Andreas<br />

Guth.<br />

Since the Bank grants credits only within its acti -<br />

vities of asset management, the risk of interest rate<br />

changes in the clients business is insignificant.<br />

Counter parties are defined by an internal rating<br />

system with corresponding limits.<br />

The identification, management and limitation of<br />

market risks in the trading portfolio are made on a<br />

daily basis. In general, only tradable instruments with<br />

a high degree of liquidity should be used and attention<br />

is paid to a balanced diversification.<br />

The Bank has outsourced some of its interbank<br />

services.<br />

Number of Personnel (expressed as full-time<br />

employees): At the end of <strong>2011</strong>, the Bank employed 185<br />

staff (prior year 185), among them are also members<br />

of the fifth and sixth generation of the founder’s family.<br />

At present nine of the employees are apprentices.<br />


2. Principles of Accounting and Valuation<br />

The principles of accounting, presentation and valuation<br />

are governed by the provisions of the Swiss Code<br />

of Obligations Governing Corporations, the Federal<br />

Law on Banks and Savings Banks, its Ordinances and<br />

the guidelines of the Swiss Financial Market Super -<br />

visory Authority FINMA. The most significant principles<br />

of valuation are the following:<br />

• Transactions are shown in the balance sheet as at their<br />

date of completion.<br />

• Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies<br />

are converted into Swiss francs at rates of exchange<br />

prevailing at the balance sheet date. Exchange gains and<br />

losses arising from the conversion of currencies are<br />

booked as Profit from Trading.<br />

• Liquid assets, due to and due from banks and customers<br />

are presented as the actual amounts. At the<br />

moment there is no need for individual provisions.<br />

General value adjustments are being made for the<br />

latent risks in the dues from customers and banks. The<br />

reckoning thereof is based on the calculated default<br />

risk according to a recognised rating agency.<br />

• Repurchase and reverse-repurchase agreement trans -<br />

actions are being booked as dues from banks and dues<br />

to banks, respectively.<br />

• Money market paper is shown at market value prevailing<br />

at the balance sheet date.<br />

• Securities and precious metals held in trading positions<br />

are valued at fair value at the balance sheet date and the<br />

resultant profits and losses are included in the heading<br />

Profit from Trading, including interest and dividends.<br />

• Securities shown as financial assets are held as long<br />

term investments. Debt instruments are shown in the<br />

balance sheet at nominal value and are valued according<br />

to the accrual method of valuation: premiums,<br />

respectively discounts on purchases, on premature sales<br />

or redemptions before maturity are entered in the<br />

books as Prepayments and accrued income and apportioned<br />

to accounting periods as Interest and Dividend<br />


Income from Financial Assets. Equity securities are<br />

valued at the lower of cost or market. The cost is determined<br />

by weighted averages of the purchase prices.<br />

• Majority owned participations are presented at acquisition<br />

cost net of any operational write-downs as per<br />

aggregate valuation.<br />

• As a rule, fixed assets are written off in the year of<br />

acquisition. Most of the Bank buildings were purchased<br />

generations ago and therefore the value shown in the<br />

balance sheet is significantly below the fire insurance<br />

value. Maintenance and renovation costs are debited to<br />

the profit and loss account when incurred. Major capital<br />

expenditures are mostly financed by provisions<br />

accumulated in advance. The fixed assets are being<br />

regularly reviewed and their valuations are adjusted<br />

when needed.<br />

• Taxes owed on income and capital as part of current<br />

earnings are booked under liabilities as prepayments<br />

and accrued income.<br />

• Forward positions are valued at prices based on residual<br />

time to expiration. Derivative financial instruments<br />

held for trading purposes are valued at market prices.<br />

Transactions entered into for hedging purposes are<br />

valued by the same method as applied to the underlying<br />

instruments. Replacement values of derivative financial<br />

instruments include positions of both the Bank and of<br />

its customers.<br />

• For all risks known at balance sheet date, provisions<br />

and individual value adjustments are made. Contingent<br />

risks are covered by overall adjustments and provisions.<br />

The reckoning thereof is made according to internal<br />

rules following various methods and objectives. In the<br />

position Value adjustments and provisions the market<br />

risks are calculated according to the value at risk and<br />

operational risks according to the Basic Indicator<br />

approach of Basel II.<br />

• The accounting and valuation principles remain<br />

unchanged.<br />


Loans and Advances<br />

Amounts due from customers<br />

Total Loans and Advances<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

Off-Balance Sheet Transactions<br />

Contingent liabilities<br />

Irrevocable commitments<br />

Liabilities for calls on shares and<br />

similar obligations<br />

Total Off-Balance Sheet<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

There are no impaired claims.<br />

Debt instruments<br />

quoted<br />

not quoted<br />

Equity securities<br />

Precious metals<br />

Total trading positions of securities and<br />

precious metals<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

thereof securities which are<br />

rediscountable with the Central Bank<br />

3. Information regarding the Balance Sheet<br />

3.1<br />

Summary of Collateral<br />

3.2<br />

Trading positions of securities and precious<br />

metals, Financial assets and Participations<br />

3.2.1<br />

Trading positions of securities and precious<br />

metals<br />

14<br />

Secured Unsecured Total<br />

86 963 5 621 92 584<br />

86 963 5 621 92 584<br />

84 568 1 261 85 829<br />

22 284 0 22 284<br />

19 085 0 19 085<br />

0 0 0<br />

41 369 0 41 369<br />

51 472 0 51 472<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

0 0<br />

7 0<br />

130 0<br />

57 120 27 585<br />

57 257 27 585<br />

0 0

valued at the lower of cost or market<br />

Equity securities<br />

Precious metals<br />

Real estate<br />

Total financial assets<br />

3.2.2<br />

Financial assets<br />

thereof securities which are<br />

rediscountable with the Central Bank<br />

3.2.3<br />

Participations<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Book value<br />

Reporting year<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

No market value 550 550<br />

3.3<br />

Indication of name, domicile,<br />

commercial activity, capital stock and of the<br />

share of ownership (percentage of voting<br />

and of capitals as well as possible contractual<br />

commitments) of significant participations<br />

The participations are not significant for the financial condition and<br />

the profit of the Bank, and therefore have not been consolidated.<br />

15<br />

Book value Fair value<br />

Prior year Reporting year<br />

Fair value<br />

Prior year<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Debt instruments<br />

valued according to the accrual method 588 720 620 520 602 565 644 256<br />

0 0<br />

14 181 12 302 14 181 12 848<br />

462 462 595 534<br />

0 0<br />

603 363 633 284 617 341 657 638<br />

454 171 463 005

Participations<br />

majority-owned<br />

minority-owned<br />

Land and buildings<br />

bank buildings<br />

other real estate<br />

Other fixed assets<br />

Fire insurance value<br />

of buildings<br />

Fire insurance value<br />

of other fixed assets<br />

3.4<br />

Analysis of Fixed Assets<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

3.5<br />

Capitalised Formation Costs,<br />

Capital Increase and Organisation Costs<br />

Nil<br />

Replacement values of derivatives<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Compensation account for replacement values<br />

Other assets and liabilities<br />

Other Assets and Other Liabilities<br />

Total other assets and other liabilities<br />

16<br />

Purchase<br />

Cost<br />

Other Assets<br />

Reporting year<br />

Accumulated<br />

depreciation<br />

Net Book<br />

Value end of<br />

prior year<br />

Additions<br />

Reporting year<br />

Other Assets Other Liabilities Other Liabilities<br />

Prior year Reporting year Prior year<br />

Disposals<br />

Reporting year<br />

Depreciation<br />

Reporting year<br />

Net Book<br />

Value end of<br />

<strong>report</strong>ing year<br />

550 550 550<br />

0 0 0<br />

2 814 5 376 2 645 5 429<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

649 1 693 4 690 4 515<br />

3 463 7 069 7 335 9 944<br />

2 000 2 000<br />

2 2<br />

0 0<br />

29 227<br />

12 000

3.6<br />

Pledged or assigned assets as well<br />

as assets subject to reservation of title<br />

Book value of assets pledged and<br />

assigned by way of collateral<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Lending business and repurchase<br />

agreements with securities<br />

Amount due<br />

Amount due<br />

resp. book value utilised resp. book value<br />

Reporting year Reporting year Prior year<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Receivables from cash deposits in connection<br />

with securities borrowing and reverserepurchase<br />

business 292 291* 617 362*<br />

Obligations from cash deposits in connection<br />

with securities lending and repurchase<br />

business 39 000 0<br />

Securities at own disposal lent in connection<br />

with securities lending or delivered as collateral<br />

in connection with securities borrowing as<br />

well as securities at own disposal transferred in<br />

connection with repurchase transactions 46 500 0<br />

thereof unrestricted right to resell<br />

or pledge granted 0 0<br />

Borrowed as collateral in connection with<br />

securities lending or securities borrowing as<br />

well as received securities in connection with<br />

reverse-repurchase transactions with<br />

unrestricted resell or repledge rights 229 423 504 085<br />

thereof repledged or resold securities 0 0<br />

* thereof with value date after the period 63 611 112 883<br />

17<br />

utilised<br />

Prior year<br />

428 329 65 931 300 398 12 460

Reserve for employer contributions<br />

Employer-financed foundation<br />

Welfare Fund<br />

Total<br />

3.7<br />

Commitments to own Pension and<br />

Welfare Funds<br />

A legally separate pension fund as well as an employer-financed<br />

foundation have been established for the employees. The employer<br />

contributions are charged to personnel expenses. On the balance sheet<br />

date, the commitments to the pension funds totalled CHF 54.7 mio.<br />

(prior year CHF 12.1 mio.). There are no further obligations or claims<br />

regarding the transfer of economic benefits.<br />

The financial statements of the pension fund are recorded in accordance<br />

with Swiss GAAP FER 26 and show a coverage ratio of 102.9% (prior<br />

year 103.8%). As per the not yet audited statement <strong>2011</strong> the pension<br />

fund shows a coverage ratio of 101.8%. The employer-financed<br />

foundation has no statutory commitments.<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Nominal value<br />

Reporting year*<br />

18<br />

1 637 3 135<br />

0 0<br />

1 637 3 135<br />

* Basis of the financial statement 2010 employer-financed foundation and Welfare Fund<br />

The Bank renounces to use the reserves for the employer contributions.<br />

This has neither consequences on the Balance Sheet nor on the Profit and Loss Account.<br />

Economic benefits/economic<br />

obligations and welfare expenses<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Nominal value<br />

Prior year<br />

Economic part<br />

of the Bank<br />

Welfare expenses on<br />

personnel expenses<br />

Surplus/Deficit<br />

Contributions<br />

Reporting Year* Reporting year Prior year Reporting year Reporting year Prior year<br />

Employer-financed foundation 25 875 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Welfare Fund with coverage ratio 10 0 0 0 2 877 3 117<br />

Total 25 885 0 0 0 2 877 3 117<br />

* Basis of the financial statement 2010 employer-financed foundation and Welfare Fund

3.8<br />

Debenture Bonds and Mortgage Bonds<br />

outstanding<br />

Nil<br />

3.9<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

Reserves for General Banking Risks<br />

Balance at end<br />

of prior year<br />

Uses and Modification of<br />

releases for appropriation<br />

specific<br />

(new<br />

purposes appropriations)<br />

Recoveries,<br />

overdue<br />

interest,<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

for default risks (security and country risks) 6 250 –1 170 5 080<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

for other business risks 19 700 –125 25 19 600<br />

Other provisions 8 250 1 170 2 380 11 800<br />

Total value adjustments and provisions 34 200 –125 0 0 2 405 0 36 480<br />

less: value adjustments directly<br />

compensated with assets 0 0<br />

Total value adjustments and provisions<br />

as per balance sheet 34 200 36 480<br />

Reserves for general banking risks (taxed) 10 000 10 000<br />

3.10<br />

Company Capital<br />

Total company capital 30 000 30 000 30 000 30 000 30 000 30 000<br />

Significant shareholders with voting rights<br />

Total nominal<br />

value<br />

in 1000 chf<br />

Reporting year<br />

Nominal value<br />

in 1000 chf<br />

Reporting year<br />

Number of<br />

shares<br />

Reporting year<br />

Capital entitled<br />

to dividend<br />

in 1000 chf<br />

Reporting year<br />

currency<br />

exchange<br />

differences<br />

Total nominal<br />

value<br />

in 1000 chf<br />

Prior year<br />

Family ownership<br />

(descendants of the company’s founder) 30 000 100 30 000 100<br />

19<br />

Percentage of<br />

equity<br />

Reporting year<br />

Nominal value<br />

in 1000 chf<br />

Prior year<br />

Percentage of<br />

equity<br />

Prior year<br />

New provisions<br />

charged to<br />

income<br />

Transfer to<br />

income<br />

Number of<br />

Capital entitled<br />

to dividend<br />

shares in 1000 chf<br />

Prior year Prior year<br />

Balance at end<br />

of <strong>report</strong>ing<br />


(in 1000 chf)<br />

Equity at beginning of <strong>report</strong>ing year<br />

Company capital paid in<br />

General legal reserve<br />

Other reserves<br />

Reserves for general banking risks<br />

Profit carried to the balance sheet<br />

Total equity at beginning of <strong>report</strong>ing year<br />

(before appropriation of profit)<br />

– Dividends and other distributions<br />

from prior year’s profit<br />

+ Profit of the <strong>report</strong>ing year<br />

Total equity at end of <strong>report</strong>ing year<br />

(before appropriation of profit)<br />

thereof<br />

Company capital paid in<br />

General legal reserve<br />

Other reserves<br />

3.11<br />

Reconciliation of Equity<br />

Reserves for general banking risks<br />

Profit carried to the balance sheet<br />

20<br />

30 000<br />

53 350<br />

309 000<br />

10 000<br />

39 730<br />

442 080<br />

–21 044<br />

36 642<br />

457 678<br />

30 000<br />

55 310<br />

324 000<br />

10 000<br />

38 368

Current assets<br />

Liquid assets<br />

Money market paper<br />

Due from banks<br />

Due from customers<br />

Securities and precious<br />

metals held in trading positions<br />

Financial assets<br />

Total current assets<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

Borrowed funds<br />

Due to banks<br />

Due to customers in the form of<br />

fixed and savings deposits<br />

Other amounts due to customers<br />

Total borrowed funds<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

3.12<br />

Maturity profile of Current Assets<br />

and Borrowed Funds<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

3.13<br />

Amounts due from and to<br />

Affiliated Companies and Loans and<br />

Advances granted to Executive Bodies<br />

Nil<br />

21<br />

at sight at call<br />

due within<br />

due<br />

3 months 3 to 12 months<br />

due<br />

12 months<br />

to 5 years<br />

due<br />

after 5 years Total<br />

1 439 247 1 439 247<br />

415 409 66 042 481 451<br />

148 873 14 591 335 302 498 766<br />

43 701 22 578 9 202 9 551 7 552 92 584<br />

57 257 57 257<br />

14 643 5 000 92 290 366 135 125 295 603 363<br />

1 660 020 58 292 778 289 167 534 375 686 132 8473 172 668<br />

192 118 50 1791 919 486 102 292 320 320 220 500 2 804 895<br />

163 514 163 514<br />

336 175 336 175<br />

2 098 925 3 435 50 737 20 030 2 173 127<br />

2 262 439 339 610 50 737 20 030 2 672 816<br />

1 915 341 377 637 27 407 10 169 2 330 554

Assets<br />

Liquid assets<br />

Money market paper<br />

Due from banks<br />

Due from customers<br />

Securities and precious metals<br />

held in trading positions<br />

Financial assets<br />

Participations<br />

Fixed assets<br />

Prepayments and accrued income<br />

Other assets<br />

Total assets<br />

3.14<br />

Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Assets<br />

and Liabilities<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

22<br />

Domestic<br />

Reporting year<br />

Foreign<br />

Reporting year<br />

Domestic<br />

Prior year<br />

Foreign<br />

Prior year<br />

1 437 906 1 341 39 549 1 318<br />

3 500 477 951 854 780 421 027<br />

228 042 270 724 620 503 121 020<br />

31 895 60 689 63 298 22 531<br />

57 159 98 27 585<br />

195 841 407 522 305 022 328 262<br />

550 550<br />

2 002 2 002<br />

3 844 3 538 4 408 3 057<br />

2 050 1 413 4 973 2 096<br />

1 962 789 1 223 276 1 922 670 899 311

Liabilities<br />

Due to banks<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Due to customers in the form of fixed<br />

and savings deposits<br />

Other amounts due to customers<br />

Prepayments and accrued income<br />

Other liabilities<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

Reserves for general banking risks<br />

Share capital<br />

General legal reserve<br />

Other reserves<br />

Profit brought forward<br />

Profit of the year<br />

Total liabilities<br />

Assets<br />

Switzerland<br />

Countries, members of B.I.S.<br />

Other foreign countries<br />

Total assets<br />

3.15<br />

Analysis of Assets by Country/<br />

Groups of Countries<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Domestic<br />

Reporting year<br />

actual<br />

Reporting year<br />

23<br />

Foreign<br />

Reporting year<br />

% share<br />

Reporting year<br />

Domestic<br />

Prior year<br />

actual<br />

Prior year<br />

Foreign<br />

Prior year<br />

10 972 152 542 235 009 161 627<br />

332 465 3 710 363 437 6 432<br />

858 336 1 314 791 509 969 1 054 080<br />

11 261 495 5 200 4<br />

6 830 505 6 539 3 405<br />

36 480 34 200<br />

10 000 10 000<br />

30 000 30 000<br />

55 310 53 350<br />

324 000 309 000<br />

1 726 1 791<br />

36 642 37 938<br />

1 714 022 1 472 043 1 596 433 1 225 548<br />

% share<br />

Prior year<br />

1 962 789 61.6 1 922 670 68.1<br />

1 049 970 33.0 828 205 29.4<br />

173 306 5.4 71 106 2.5<br />

3 186 065 100.0 2 821 981 100.0

Assets<br />

Liquid assets<br />

Money market paper<br />

Due from banks<br />

Due from customers<br />

Securities and precious metals<br />

held in trading positions<br />

Financial assets<br />

Participations<br />

Fixed assets<br />

Prepayments and accrued income<br />

Other assets<br />

Total balance sheet assets<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Delivery claims from forward exchange deals<br />

and currency options transactions<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

Total assets<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

3.16<br />

Balance Sheet by Currencies<br />

24<br />


USD EUR<br />

Conversion rates<br />

Reporting year 0.9380 1.2170<br />

Prior year 0.9370 1.2515<br />

Other<br />

currencies Total<br />

1 431 922 2 108 4 888 329 1 439 247<br />

10 500 182 783 273 605 14 563 481 451<br />

6 494 193 974 147 434 150 864 498 766<br />

40 774 36 760 14 147 903 92 584<br />

46 91 57 120 57 257<br />

548 663 24 094 29 484 1 122 603 363<br />

550 550<br />

2 002 2 002<br />

7 123 116 138 5 7 382<br />

1 547 1 618 189 109 3 463<br />

2 049 621 441 544 469 885 225 015 3 186 065<br />

1 893 752 441 682 348 313 138 234 2 821 981<br />

145 353 144 347 90 612 7 190 387 502<br />

151 321 116 225 120 788 13 840 402 174<br />

2 194 974 585 891 560 497 232 205 3 573 567<br />

2 045 073 557 907 469 101 152 074 3 224 155

Liabilities<br />

Due to banks<br />

Due to customers in the form<br />

of fixed and savings deposits<br />

Other amounts due to customers<br />

Prepayments and accrued income<br />

Other liabilities<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

Reserves for general banking risks<br />

Share capital<br />

General legal reserve<br />

Other reserves<br />

Profit brought forward<br />

Profit of the year<br />

Total balance sheet liabilities<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Delivery obligations from forward exchange<br />

deals and currency options transactions<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

Total liabilities<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

Net position per currency<br />

Reporting year<br />

Prior year<br />

25<br />


Other<br />

currencies Total<br />

35 424 17 553 76 626 33 911 163 514<br />

336 175 336 175<br />

1 180 036 476 858 391 631 124 602 2 173 127<br />

11 261 493 2 11 756<br />

5 941 206 1 165 23 7 335<br />

36 480 36 480<br />

10 000 10 000<br />

30 000 30 000<br />

55 310 55 310<br />

324 000 324 000<br />

1 726 1 726<br />

36 642 36 642<br />

2 062 995 494 617 469 915 158 538 3 186 065<br />

1 899 598 470 044 347 225 105 114 2 821 981<br />

143 496 81 162 90 578 7 190 322 426<br />

150 507 84 987 120 754 13 840 370 088<br />

2 206 491 575 779 560 493 165 728 3 508 491<br />

2 050 105 555 031 467 979 118 954 3 192 069<br />

–11 517 10 112 4 66 477<br />

–5 032 2 876 1 122 33 120

4. Information concerning Off-Balance Sheet Transactions<br />

4.1<br />

Breakdown of Contingent Liabilities<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Credit commitments in the form of sureties,<br />

endorsements and guarantees 20 413 23 222<br />

Other contingent liabilities 1 871 2 302<br />

Total contingent liabilities 22 284 25 524<br />

4.2<br />

Breakdown of Commitment Credits<br />

Nil<br />

4.3<br />

Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments Trading Instruments Hedging-Instruments<br />

Interest-rate instruments<br />

Forward contracts inc. FRAs<br />

Swaps<br />

Futures<br />

Options (OTC)<br />

Options (exchange-traded)<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Foreign currencies / Precious metals<br />

Forward contracts 2 688 2 565 324 758<br />

Futures 64 953<br />

Options (OTC) 80 80 5 372<br />

Options (exchange-traded)<br />

Equity securities / Indices<br />

Forward contracts<br />

Futures 264 654<br />

Options (OTC)<br />

Options (exchange-traded) 46 11 452<br />

Others<br />

Forward contracts<br />

Futures<br />

Options (OTC)<br />

Options (exchange-traded)<br />

Total<br />

Reporting year 2 814 2 645 671 189<br />

Prior year 5 376 5 429 407 844<br />

There are no netting contracts.<br />

26<br />

Positive<br />

replacement<br />

values<br />

Negative<br />

replacement<br />

values<br />

Contract<br />

volume<br />

Positive<br />

replacement<br />

values<br />

Negative<br />

replacement<br />

values<br />

Contract<br />


4.4<br />

Breakdown of Fiduciary Transactions<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Fiduciary placements with foreign banks<br />

Total Fiduciary transactions<br />

4.5<br />

Assets under management<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Assets with management mandate<br />

Other assets under management<br />

Total assets under management 1<br />

Net increase/decrease of client assets 2<br />

1 cash balances, fiduciary placements and value of total assets<br />

The assets only held for custody purposes are not taken into account.<br />

2 in- and outflows of cash and securities<br />

Interest credited and debited to clients is not taken into account.<br />

27<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

261 389 228 235<br />

261 389 228 235<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

8 297 702 8 710 349<br />

9 547 790 9 852 597<br />

17 845 492 18 562 946<br />

– 217 400 315 500

5. Information concerning the Profit and Loss Account<br />

5.1<br />

Details of Refinancing Income<br />

in the Category Interest and<br />

Discount Income<br />

Nil<br />

5.2<br />

Breakdown of Trading Profits<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Trading in<br />

Equities –150 164<br />

Fixed income securities 14 10<br />

Foreign exchange 8 590 10 726<br />

Banknotes 1 063 432<br />

Precious metals and coins 1 055 1 105<br />

Profit from Trading 10 572 12 437<br />

5.3<br />

Breakdown of Personnel Expenses<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

Salaries 49 801 50 272<br />

Social security, invalidity and unemployment<br />

insurance and other legal allowances 3 421 3 411<br />

Contributions to personnel and<br />

Welfare Funds 2 877 3 117<br />

Sundry personnel expenses 291 305<br />

Total personnel expenses 56 390 57 105<br />


5.4<br />

Breakdown of Operating Expenses<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

Premises 976 835<br />

IT, machinery, furniture, vehicles<br />

and other equipment 5 975 7 488<br />

Sundry administrative expenses 6 266 7 280<br />

Total operating expenses 13 217 15 603<br />

5.5<br />

Remarks on Significant Losses,<br />

Extraordinary Income (particularly<br />

Shareholders’ Contributions)<br />

and Expenses, Material Releases of<br />

Inner Reserves and of Reserves for<br />

General Banking Risks and Releases of<br />

Provisions and Value Adjustments<br />

no longer required<br />

No remarks<br />

5.6<br />

Information and Purpose<br />

for Revaluations of Fixed Assets not<br />

exceeding the Acquisition Cost<br />

(Swiss Code of Obligations Art. 665<br />

and 665a Governing Corporations)<br />

No remarks<br />


6. Information regarding the Bank’s own resources<br />

6.1<br />

Eligible capital<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Tier 1 capital 437 364 421 036<br />

Deductions for not consolidated participations –550 –550<br />

Eligible tier 1 capital 436 814 420 486<br />

Tier 2 and tier 3 capital 0 0<br />

Other deductions from tier 2, tier 3<br />

and total capital 0 0<br />

Eligible capital 436 814 420 486<br />

6.2<br />

Required capital<br />

(in 1000 chf)<br />

Credit risk Swiss standardised 66 183 56 229<br />

approach<br />

thereof price risk concerning<br />

stocks in the banking book 1 452 1 250<br />

Non-counterparty risks 401 401<br />

Market risk Standardised approach 13 762 6 748<br />

thereof on<br />

interest instruments 0 0<br />

stocks 0 0<br />

foreign currencies and precious metals 13 762 6 748<br />

commodities 0 0<br />

Operational risk Basic indicator approach 18 578 20 051<br />

Required capital 98 924 83 429<br />

Eligible/required capital (in percent) 442 504<br />

30<br />

Reporting year Prior year<br />

Approach applied<br />

Equity requirements<br />

Reporting year<br />

Equity requirements<br />

Prior year

Report of the statutory auditors<br />

To the General Meeting of<br />

Dreyfus Sons & Co ltd, Banquiers,<br />

Basel<br />

As statutory auditor, we have audited the accompanying<br />

financial statements of DREYFUS SONS & CO LTD,<br />

BANQUIERS, Basel, which comprise the balance sheet,<br />

income statement and notes for the year ended<br />

31 December <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Board of Directors’ Responsibility<br />

The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation<br />

of the financial statements in accordance with the<br />

requirements of Swiss law and the company’s articles of<br />

incorporation. This responsibility includes designing,<br />

implementing and maintaining an internal control<br />

system relevant to the preparation of financial statements<br />

that are free from material misstatement,<br />

whether due to fraud or error. The Board of Directors is<br />

further responsible for selecting and applying appro -<br />

priate accounting policies and making accounting<br />

estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.<br />

Auditor’s Responsibility<br />

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these<br />

financial statements based on our audit. We conducted<br />

our audit in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss<br />

Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we<br />

plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable as -<br />

surance whether the financial statements are free from<br />

material misstatement.<br />

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain<br />

audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in<br />

the financial statements. The procedures selected<br />

depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment<br />

of the risks of material misstatement of the financial<br />

statements, whether due to fraud or error. In<br />

making those risk assessments, the auditor considers<br />

the internal control system relevant to the entity’s<br />

preparation of the financial statements in order to<br />

design audit procedures that are appropriate in the<br />

circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an<br />


Zurich, February 17, 2012<br />

opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal<br />

control system. An audit also includes evaluating the<br />

appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the<br />

reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as<br />

evaluating the overall presentation of the financial<br />

statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have<br />

obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis<br />

for our audit opinion.<br />

Opinion<br />

In our opinion, the financial statements for the year<br />

ended 31 December <strong>2011</strong> comply with Swiss law and<br />

the company’s articles of incorporation.<br />

Report on Other Legal Requirements<br />

We confirm that we meet the legal requirements on<br />

licensing according to the Auditor Oversight Act (AOA)<br />

and independence (article 728 CO and article 11 AOA)<br />

and that there are no circumstances incompatible with<br />

our independence.<br />

In accordance with article 728a paragraph 1 item<br />

3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890, we confirm that<br />

an internal control system exists, which has been<br />

designed for the preparation of financial statements<br />

according to the instructions of the Board of Directors.<br />

We further confirm that the proposed appropriation<br />

of available earnings complies with Swiss law and the<br />

company’s articles of incorporation. We recommend<br />

that the financial statements submitted to you be<br />

approved.<br />

KPMG Ltd<br />

Christoph Gröbli Carl Hollenstein<br />

Licensed Audit Expert Licensed Audit Expert<br />

Auditor in Charge<br />


Telephone +41 61. 286 66 66<br />

Fax +41 61. 272 24 38<br />

contact@dreyfusbank.ch<br />

www.dreyfusbank.ch<br />

Aeschenvorstadt 16<br />

P.O. Box<br />

4002 Basel<br />


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