JavaScript Examples Bible - UserWorks Technologies

JavaScript Examples Bible - UserWorks Technologies

JavaScript Examples Bible - UserWorks Technologies


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500<br />

Index ✦ B–C<br />

BODY element object<br />

aLink property, 257–258<br />

background property, 258<br />

bgColor property, 257–258<br />

bgProperties property, 258–259<br />

bottomMargin/topMargin properties, 259<br />

createTextRange() method, 261–262<br />

doScroll() method, 262<br />

event handlers, 262–263<br />

leftMargin/rightMargin properties, 259<br />

link property, 257–258<br />

methods, 261–262<br />

noWrap property, 259<br />

onClick event handler, 81<br />

onMouseDown event handler, 63, 115–117<br />

onScroll event handler, 262–263<br />

onUnload event handler, 377<br />

properties, 257–261<br />

scroll property, 260<br />

scrollLeft/scrollTop properties, 260–261<br />

text property, 257–258<br />

vLink property, 257–258<br />

body property, 229<br />

border property<br />

FRAMESET element object, 194<br />

IMG element object, 319<br />

TABLE element object, 383<br />

borderColor property<br />

FRAME element object, 190<br />

FRAMESET element object, 194<br />

TABLE element object, 383–384<br />

borderColorDark/borderColorLight properties,<br />

383–384<br />

bottomMargin/topMargin properties, 259<br />

bottom/top properties, 315–316<br />

bound data<br />

filtering, 18–20<br />

sorting, 18–20<br />

boundingHeight/boundingWidth properties, 297–299<br />

boundingLeft/boundingRight properties, 297–299<br />

browsers<br />

functions to examine, 399–401<br />

reading and writing preferences, 405–406<br />

BUTTON element object<br />

click() method, 345<br />

event handlers, 346<br />

form property, 344–345<br />

methods, 345<br />

name property, 345<br />

onClick event handler, 346<br />

properties, 344–345<br />

value property, 345<br />

C<br />

canHaveChildren property<br />

compatibility, 6<br />

example, 6–7<br />

reading, 6–7<br />

canHaveHTML property, 8<br />

caption property, 384<br />

captureEvents() method<br />

document object, 243<br />

window object, 154–155<br />

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 265<br />

CD-ROM<br />

Adobe Acrobat Reader, 498<br />

contents, 497–498<br />

electronic versions of books, 498<br />

<strong>JavaScript</strong> listings for text editors, 497–498<br />

system requirements, 497<br />

cellIndex property, 392–393<br />

cellPadding property, 384–385<br />

cells property<br />

TABLE element object, 385<br />

TR element object, 391<br />

cellSpacing property, 384–385<br />

CGI submission action, adjusting, 349<br />

character conversions, 472–473<br />

characterSet property, 230<br />

charCode property, 423–424<br />

charset property, 229–230<br />

checkbox input object<br />

checked property, 347<br />

defaultChecked property, 348<br />

event handlers, 349–352<br />

onClick event handler, 349–352<br />

properties, 347–349<br />

value property, 348–349<br />

checked property<br />

as a conditional, 347<br />

checkbox input object, 347<br />

radio input object, 352–353<br />

child nodes<br />

collecting, 9–10<br />

hierarchy, inspecting, 8<br />

childNodes property<br />

compatibility, 8<br />

example, 8–10<br />

importance of, 1<br />

children property<br />

compatibility, 10<br />

example, 10–11<br />

className property<br />

compatibility, 11<br />

example, 11–12

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