PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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869 CnSICnMNATI 19 r 8 DIRECTORY.<br />

FIRST<br />


BANK<br />

Organized 1863<br />

Charter No. 24<br />

S. E. Cor. 4th<br />

and WalnuL<br />

Your<br />

Account<br />

Invited.<br />

Phone<br />

Main 2691.<br />

HERBERT—Continued.<br />

—Wm macb rms 214 W 9tb<br />

[CT'See also "Herbert".<br />

Herberth W J soda fountain erector 325 E<br />

Stb<br />

—Wm F restaurant 2978 Colerain Av<br />

Herbes Bernard jr h 394 Baum<br />

—Bernardina h 1119 Walnut<br />

—;Carrie wid Wm h 2021 Auburn Av<br />

—^Clarence J salesman h 896 Baum<br />

—Clem L (Banner Vinegar Co) 408 E 2d,<br />

also supt 128 Sycamore h 1023 Celestial<br />

—Edward J (Banner Vinegar Co) 408 E 2d,<br />

also confr 896 Baum h 394 Baum<br />

—Frank mgr Banner Vinegar Co 408 E 2d b<br />

894 Baum<br />

Herbig Albert assembler h 202 Peete<br />

—Andrew peddler b 202 Pfeete<br />

—Andrew, solicitor 114 E Central Parkway h<br />

1324 Walnut<br />

—Augusta (wid Hugo) stockkpr Tbe Alms<br />

& Doepke Co h 1823 Pendleton<br />

—Katberine wid Martin b 2328 Stratford Av<br />

—Fred bartdr h 538 Hope Av<br />

•--Herman bkbinder wks sec Broadway and<br />

Reading Rd<br />

—John A bkpr 1924 Race b 2828 StratfordAv<br />

—Jobn J foreman h 1629 Western Av<br />

—Raymond elk 8470 Reading Rd res St Bernard<br />

Herbison Mrs G h 1518 Linn<br />

Herbner Jos cigarmkr rms 1121 Blm<br />

Herbold Cbas shoectr h 1665 Blue Rock<br />

—Geo E elk 19 B Pearl res Norwood<br />

—Wm A auto repairer h 1138 Groesbeck Rd<br />

—^Wm G salesman 443 E 6th res S Norwood<br />

Herbolsbelmer Albert supt b 4230 ColerainAv<br />

Herborn Edward lab h 812 Oliver<br />

—John boxmkr b 2286 Bogen<br />

Herbert Bernard chef Hamilton Countv Golf<br />

Club<br />

—Bernard H salesman b 1910 Linn<br />

—Clara B b 1910 Linn<br />

—Edward elk b 806 Carr<br />

—Elizabeth M h 1910 Linn<br />

—Henry J teller 2d Nat Bank h 2874 Flora<br />

—John H varnisher b 806 Carr<br />

—Jos B elk 1904 Western Av b 1016 Freeman<br />

Av<br />

—Jos H jr salesman b 1910 Linn<br />

—Wm J bkpr 4th fl 211 B 4th b 1910 Linn<br />

C^See also "Herbert"<br />

Herbreoht Cbas polisher h 8028 W 6tb<br />

—Geo buffer h 608 Delhi Av<br />

Herbrich Amelia wid Emil h 1808 Ryland Av<br />

—Bmil seey The West Virginia & Sou<strong>the</strong>rn<br />

R R Co s w e Water and Central Av h<br />

1808 Ryland Av<br />

—Josephine tchr h 3228 Jefferson Av<br />

HERBSLEB A. F.,<br />

Attorney and Counselor at Law, Office.<br />

720 and 721 First Nationai Bank Bldg:<br />

Telephone Main 3974; Residence, Flat 2,<br />

129 E. 9th. CTSee Card In Special Department<br />

—AmeUa steno h flat 2, 129 E 9tb<br />

Herbst Abraham meatetr 8143 Harrison Av<br />

res Cheviot<br />

—Bertba b 3417 Harvey Av<br />

—Bettle R talloress h 218 W 15th<br />

—Chas A elk Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Ry System Local<br />

Frelgbt Depot h flat 3, 2200 Vine<br />

—Chas H porter h 1528 Beech Av<br />

—Cbas H jr plumber h 1528 Beech Av<br />

— Elizabeth tcbr Washington School b .8019<br />

Henshaw Av<br />

HERBST—Continued.<br />

—Es<strong>the</strong>r (Simon Sturm Agency) 1413 igt<br />

Nat Bk Bldg h 3417 Harvey Av<br />

—Eugenia elk 622 Sycamore h 1750 Iliff Av<br />

—Eva tchr Avondale School h 8417 Harvey<br />

Av<br />

—Fred weigher Cin'ti Union Stk Yds Co h<br />

1587 Grove<br />

—Gertrude elk 816 Main res Cheviot<br />

—Helen wld Fred b 1750 Iliff Av<br />

—Irvin draftsman The King Machine Tool<br />

Co res Cheviot<br />

—Jacob lab h 4359 Eastern Av<br />

—Jas woodwkr h 519 E 13th<br />

—Jobn lunch room n w e 8d and Central Av<br />

b 2830 Stanton Av<br />

—Jos driver rms 553 W 6tb<br />

—Jos porter rms 921 Central Av<br />

—Jos P (Bolte & H) 321 Smith b 710 Hopkins<br />

—Leon horse dealer 8161 Spring Grove Av h<br />

3417 Harvey Av<br />

—Louis cook h 3712 Dirr<br />

—Maggie seamstress h flat 10, 525 Smith<br />

—Sophia wid Christ b 3019 Henshaw Av<br />

—Wm cigarmkr h flat 10, 525 Smith<br />

Herbstreit Albert maeh h 1905 Race<br />

—Annie h 2557 Hackberry<br />

—Cbas prop Gilbert Auto Laundry 2421 Gilbert<br />

Av h 3475 Greenlawn Av<br />

—Clifford G b 851 York<br />

—Earl D salesman 806 Walnut b 6203 Hillside<br />

Av<br />

—Edward salesman 119 W Central Parkway<br />

h 1826 Pleasant<br />

—Edward supt Tbe Whitaker Paper Co h<br />

3418 Ibsen Av<br />

—Elizabeth wld Albert J b 460 Conroy<br />

—Elmer J pressman res Mrs.Carrie Meyers'<br />

Lower River Rd Stop 7<br />

—Fred W molder h 824 Charlotte<br />

—Geo lab h Belmore st Delhi<br />

—Julius bds 5314 Whetsel Av<br />

—Louis cutter h 5314 Whetsel Av M<br />

—Mary A dressmkr 125 B University Av<br />

—Robt J stockkpr h 125 E University Av<br />

—Victor res Cin'ti Old Men's Home<br />

—^Walter H shoewkr h 1326 Pleasant<br />

—Wm J gen mgr Morris Isaac & Sons 9 W<br />

3d b 1809 Michigan Av<br />

Herd Edward R supt stereotype dept Cin'ti<br />

Times-Star b 1652 Herbert Av<br />

—Eva laundress Cin'ti Tuberculosis Sanatorium<br />

Herdemann Bernardina wld Theo F h 1428<br />

Republic<br />

—Frank T, U S A h 1428 Republic<br />

—Harry h rear 1610 Pleasant<br />

—Mayme saleslady 515 Race b 1428 Republic<br />

—Rose b 1428 RepubUe<br />

—Theo A macb h 1428 Republic<br />

Herdliska Bdward salesman nec Sth and<br />

Vine b 8129 Troy Av<br />

—Mrs LeotI b flat 5 s e c McMillan and<br />

Copeland<br />

—Mary h 2535 Alms PI „,<br />

—Robt C elk swc 4th and Plum h 2535<br />

Alms PI<br />

Herdtner Ca<strong>the</strong>rine wld John b 1229 B Sd<br />

—Chas elk CCC&StLRy Freight Depot Front<br />

nr Baymiller b 974 E 8d<br />

—Ella seey Tbe Bertling Bros Co 526 Reading<br />

Rd b 1211 B 3d ><br />

—Eugene auto repairer b 989 Hatch<br />

-Eunice elk 426 E 4th h 989 Hatch<br />

—Fannio wid Jacob h 1416 Bastern Ay<br />

—Helen saleslady 28 W Stb h 1211 E 3d<br />

—Henry C mgr h 989 Hatch „<br />

—Irene steno 2013 Union Central Bldg h H»w<br />

Hatch ^ ,„<br />

—Jacob elk Adams Ex Co b 1416 Eastern /-^<br />

—Jobn P tchr Industrial arts dept f""<br />

Schools h 1819 Walker<br />

—Katie cigarmkr h 1416 Bastern Av<br />

—Lula folder h 1211 B 3d<br />

—Maggie hoslerywkr h 1416 Eastern Av<br />

Hereth Adam J salesman 2821 Stanton .*^v a<br />

8943 Llewellyn Av ^ . ,<br />

—Elizabeth housekpr b 1173 GUbert AV<br />

—(5eo J salesman h 3945 Llewellyn Av<br />

—Leo police h 8298 Colerain Av<br />

Heretz Philip macb b 104 W Elder<br />

Herfel Edward shoemkr h 918 W Liberty

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