PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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JACKSON—Continued.<br />

—^Harry mach rms 739 W Stb<br />

—Harry T dental student h 1336 Lincoln Av<br />

—Harry W money deliverer American Ex Co<br />

b flat 19, 322 W 4th<br />

—Harvey laborer h 754 Pennock al<br />

—Harvey lab h 505 Carlisle Av<br />

—Mrs Hattle h 3145 VanBuren Av<br />

—Hattle cook rms 324 B Pront'<br />

—Hattle domestic b 325 W 6tb<br />

—Mrs Hattle laundress h 838 Wehrman Av<br />

—Mrs Helen rms 329 B Stb<br />

—Helen elk h 6319 Desmond<br />

—Helen student b flat 2, 2504 Chatham<br />

—Henrietta wid Lindsey b 816 W Water<br />

—Henry chef rma 320 Perry<br />

—Henry engineer h 744 State Av<br />

—Henry C brickmason b 3022 Kerper Av<br />


Attorney at Law, 2010 Union Central<br />

Bldg; Telephone Main 388; Residence,<br />

Ft. Mitchell; 'Phone South 4306<br />

—Herman lab b 810 Webb<br />

—Hobert floorlyr h 1627 Race<br />

—Howard C porter b 3577 Purdue<br />

—Howard W foreman 24 Main h 1330 Republic<br />

—Hubert B lab b 1042 Summer<br />

—Huston H postal elk R M S h 4263 Williamson<br />

Pl<br />

—Isaac W salesman 959 W 7tb h 908 W 7th<br />

—Isaiah porter rms 421 W 9tb<br />

—J R butler Mrs Mary M Emery's EdgecUff<br />

Rd<br />

—J Walter tcbr b 948% Churchill Av<br />

—Jack baker rms 505 W Sth<br />

—Jacob lata b 1014 Mound<br />

—Jacob C postal elk RMS res Dayton Ky<br />

^-Jas chauffeur h 950 Churchill Av<br />

^Jas gardener h 1138 Foraker Av<br />

—Jas lab b 611 Smith<br />

—Jas lab h 1063 Clark<br />

—jas lab h 1068 Cutter<br />

-r-Jas lab b 515 Elizataeth<br />

—Jas lab b 507 Chestnut<br />

—Jas lab b 1011 Mound<br />

—Jas lab h 85 Sweeney e <strong>of</strong> Cutter<br />

—Jas lab b 2108 Pogue Av<br />

—Jas musician rms 431 W 4th<br />

•—Jas D salesman h 1888 Edwards Rd<br />

•—Jas B carp 410 George<br />

—Rev Jas H h 769 Barr<br />

—Jas J barber b 527 W Court<br />

—^Jas R h 626 Richmond<br />

—Jane domestic h 558 Pierson<br />

—Jennie b 437 W 9tb<br />

—Mrs Jennie domestic h 906 Mound<br />

—Jennie M elk W U Tel Co res Covington<br />

—Jerome M (McMaban & Jackson Film Co)<br />

2d fl 23 Opera PI, also prop Carrel Theater<br />

4023 Eastern Av h 345 McGregor Av<br />

—Jesse lab h 703 Carlisle Av<br />

—Jesse mach USA rms 737 Burns<br />

—Jobn carp h 735 Clark<br />

—John elk h 6319 Desmond<br />

—John elk b 1035 Pine<br />

—Jobn lata b 609 Central Av<br />

—John lata rms 1015 Cutter<br />

—Jobn lab h 218 Parsons<br />

—John lata b SOS Kenyon Av<br />

—Jobn waiter b 622 CarUsle Av<br />

—Jobn A lab h .6143 Montgomery Pike P R<br />

—John D carp h ISOl Harrison Av<br />

—Jbhn D, U S A b 3323 Warsaw Av<br />

—John B b 1007 Marshall Av<br />

—Rev John H pastor Corinthian Baptist<br />

Cbureb h 3577 Purdue<br />

—John H pipeftr h 1028 Locust<br />

—John J barber rms 502 W 9.tn<br />

—John M barber 1020 Lineoln Av<br />

—John R b 3057 Mentor<br />

—John T carp h 1627 Race ^ , ,<br />

—.lohn W lab b 4107 Ballard Av Oakley<br />

—Jordan driver h 2620 Kemper Lane<br />

—Jos lab rms 515 Carlisle Av<br />

-v-Jos lab b 808 Kenyon Av<br />

-l-J'os lab h 2222 May , ,„<br />

—Jos plumber b flat 67 Washington Terrace<br />

—Jos shoe shiner h 1Q29 Foraker Av<br />

—Jos, U S A h 802 Barr<br />

—Jos E h 1642 Elkton Pl<br />

—Jos T. boilermkr h 1129 Carney<br />

—.Toa W bartdr b 1029 BaymUler<br />

—Jos W lab rms 686 W 9tb<br />




S. L Cor. Fourth and Walnut, Phone Main 2691.<br />

JACKSON—Continued.<br />

—Josie domestic h 428 W 6th<br />

—Junior teamster b 8089 Eastern Av<br />

—Junius lata rms 547 George<br />

—Kate laundress rms 634 W 4th<br />

—Laura h 418 Carlisle Av<br />

—Laura wld John h 756 Depot<br />

—Laura F (wid Morgan) asst forelady 218 E<br />

Stb h 858 Academy Av<br />

—Lavinia elk W U Tel Co res Covington<br />

—Lee barber h 10 E 18th<br />

—Lee lab b 1289 Chapel<br />

—Lee lab h 409 Cutter<br />

—Lessle b 1023 Mound<br />

—Levy barber nwc Plum and Longworth<br />

—LIUlan cook rms 605 W 4th<br />

—LUlle b flat A Taft's Lane<br />

—Lorena saleslady h 418 W 7th<br />

—Lottie wld Wm b 905 W Liberty<br />

—Mrs Louise h 3565 Irving<br />

—Louise cook h 911 W Sth<br />

' —Louise M tchr h 6145 Montgomery Pike<br />

—Lucille wld Louis C h 3575 Irving<br />

—Lucy h 3115 Murdock Av<br />

—Luella cook 2228 Auburn Av<br />

—Luke flreman h 1907 Linn<br />

—Lulu cook b 610 W 3d<br />

i—Mrs Maggie, laundress b 881 W Sth<br />

' —^"alinda wid h "rear 1027 Loeust<br />

—Malinda wld Wesley b 3137 Syracuse<br />

—Mamie h 409 W Sth<br />

—Mrs Margaret janitress h flat 12, 651 W<br />

.3th<br />

—Margaret wid Frank b rear 1572 Freeman<br />

Av<br />

—Margaret A (wld Patrick) janitress h 745<br />

E ,6tb<br />

—Mrs Mary h 589 W McMicken Av<br />

—Mary domestic rms 409 Cutter<br />

—Mary hair gds 34 Emery Arcade rms flat 6<br />

sec Stb and Main<br />

.—Mary saleslady 28 W Stb res Covington<br />

—Mary waitress b 1007 Marshall Av<br />

—Mary wid John E h 1007 Marshall Av<br />

I—Alary E laundress h 2409 May<br />

•—Mary E wld Bm.Il h 2607 Hemlock<br />

.!—Mattie b 387 W Stb<br />

'.—Mrs Mattle domestic h 728 Barr<br />

i—Mattle Wld David h 728 Barr<br />

•—Mearlte lab b 2103 Pogue Av<br />

'—Mervon elk P O b 8028 Lavinia Av<br />

:—Miles E V pres The Rico & Hutchlns' Cin'ti<br />

Co 38 W 3d res MUford<br />

—Mrs Minnie b 413 CarUsle Av<br />

^—Minnie laundress h 620 Jobn<br />

,—Mrs Minnie A with Bruner Woolen Co b<br />

, flat 2, 2506 Chatham<br />

—Mltcbell M bkpr swc 4th and Plum b<br />

418 W 7tb<br />

;—Morgan J elk tariff bureau CCC&StU^y bds<br />

' Burnet House<br />

i—Nancy wid Jas b 563 B Sth<br />

i—Mrs Nannie cook h 612 Jane<br />

—Nettle H with John Sbilllto Co h 217 W<br />

; Court<br />

!—NIm lab h 218 Parsons<br />

:—Norman lab h flat 3 Washington Terrace<br />

; —Mrs Oma steno 212 E 2d h flat 9 n w c IStb<br />

! and Vine<br />

j^Ora O magazine advertising 601 Gwynne<br />

I Bldg b 6873 Meis Av<br />

I—Orville molder rms 328 Milton<br />

'—Patsy wld Isaac h 3575 Irving<br />

,—Paul W salesman 554 Main rms Gait House<br />

—Pearl elk 9 W 6th bds flat 1, 408 Laurel<br />

'—Perry whitewasher 516 W 6th h 512 W Tth<br />

;—Perry E tel op B&ORR Pass Depot b flat<br />

3, 2516 Vail<br />

I—Peter lab rms 409 W Sth<br />

i—Peter lab. h 2103 Pogue Av<br />

-—Peter jr porter b 2103 PogUe Av<br />

—Porter flreman h 1229 W 7th

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