PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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First National Banlc.<br />



FOR<br />

THOS. COOK & SON<br />

TOURS.<br />

PHONE MAIN 2691.<br />

MCALLISTER—continued.<br />

—Samuel huckster rms 808 Dayton<br />

—Samuel peddler h 2904 Beekman<br />

—Tbos wagon mkr b 807 W Oth<br />

—^Virginia saleslady 35 W Sth res Newport<br />

if^See also "McCalUster"<br />

McALPIN CO. (THE),<br />

Geo. V. Post, President and General<br />

Manager; C. E. Steinkamp, Secretary<br />

and Treasurer; John W. Lewis, Vice<br />

President; Walter L. Bvans. Superintendent;<br />

F. H. Bell, Assistant Secretary<br />

and Treasurer; Department Store; Dealers<br />

in Dry (joods. Coats, Suits and<br />

Dresses, Notions, House Furnishing<br />

Goods, &c., 18 to 23 W 4th; 'Phone Main<br />

91<br />

—rGeo metalwkr b 1011 Purcell Av<br />

—Jas shoemkr b 1040 Espanola<br />

—^Jobn maeh rms 420 W Stb<br />

—Mrs Kate h 1040 Bspanola<br />

—Richard Wm-bkpr 5tb fl S2S Walnut b 1011<br />

Purcell Av<br />

—Thos sboemkr h 1040 Bspanola<br />

—Walter shoewkr h 2182 Storrs<br />

McAnaw Geo lab b 2377 Wbdeler<br />

—jas E fireman h' n s Warner w <strong>of</strong> Fairview<br />

A V<br />

—Mamie elk h 2877 Wheeler<br />

—Mamie maid 146 W McMillan<br />

—Susie housekpr 852 Thrall<br />

McAndrew Jobn bartaer 980 Freeman Av h<br />

fiat 2, 519 Broadway<br />

Mc.^ndrews .\nna waitress h 1810 Rrpmpi<br />

—John letter earrier P O b 885 FalrbanksAv<br />

—'Jos J elk 516 Vine<br />

—Mamie maid Cin'ti Tutaerculosis Sanatorium<br />

—Mary wid Michael h 904 W 9tb"<br />

—Mary wid Peter b 425 E 2d<br />

—Thos boxmkr h 425 E 2d<br />

McAnineh Bert crane op bds 212 W 69th<br />

—John W crane op b 212 W 69tb<br />

McAnn Chas driver rms 6 E Court<br />

McAnney Lorraln Y mgr Community Motion<br />

Picture Bureau 514 Blm rms 1368 Burdette<br />

Av<br />

McAnny Edward res Little Sisters <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Poor Riddle Rd<br />

McArdle Anna -h 721 S Crescent Av<br />

—Bdward J cutter 106 W 4th<br />

—Grace elk 70S Broadway res Norwood<br />


Merchant TaUor, 106 W. 4tb; 'Phone<br />

Main 2967; Residence, 721 S. Crescent<br />

Av<br />

—Margaret b 721 S Crescent Av<br />

McAroy Edward teamster h 929 Richmond<br />

—Jas potter h 929 Richmond<br />

—John motorman h 929 Richmond<br />

—Julia saleslady 515 Race b 929 Richmond<br />

Mc Arthur Brick Co 313 Johnston Bldg<br />

—Daniel foreman Tbe Globe Autographic<br />

Register Co res Bromley Ky<br />

—Blizabeth wid -^obn b 145 W 74th C<br />

—Eva M elk nec Stb and Cutter res Bromley<br />

—Geo B draftsman h 8688 Handman Av<br />

—Henry maltster h 2864 W 6th<br />

—Jas elk rms 714 Walnut<br />

—.lessie h 143 W 74th C<br />

—John H lata b 2864 W 6tb<br />

—Palmer C macb band b 2864 W 6tb<br />

—Thos B ticket seller Central Union Depot<br />

res Lockland<br />

McABTHUR^-Continued.<br />

—W Tbos elk CIvU Service Commission b<br />

2221 St James Av<br />

—Walter D chauffeur h 2658 Madison Rd<br />

—Wm A condr h 2221 St James Av<br />

McArtor Jas O maeh hand h 3413 Paxton Av<br />

McAsklU Max c<strong>of</strong>finmkr h 1127 Clark<br />

McAtee Doyle macb b flat 5, 1071 Cutter<br />

—EUa wid Walter b 2584 Ring Pl<br />

—Felix J, U S A 2584 Ring Pl<br />

—Geo A solicitor b 834 Laurel<br />

—Howard F salesman nwc Sth and Walnutres<br />

Newport<br />

—Jos tinner h 656 Neave<br />

—Lulu steno 706 Traction Bldg h 884 Laurel<br />

—Nannie wld Richard J h 2132 St Michael<br />

—Virginia S elkStb-3d Nat Bk h 2584 Ring<br />

Pl .<br />

McAuley I Robt salesmari h 778 Summit Av<br />

—Julia wid Wm h 118 W 74tb<br />

—Mary E wid Daniel J h 778 Summit Av<br />

—Nellie tehr b 2855 Victoria Av<br />

ICTSee also "Macauley"<br />

McAuliffe Clifford T, U S A b 1018 W 7th<br />

—Jas A city fireman b 2642 W 6tb<br />

—John Lieutenant Flre Co No 14 b 1018 W<br />

7tb<br />

McAvene Albert bartdr h 908 Linn<br />

McAvoy Alex B acct h 1779 E McMillan<br />

—Bridget wid Thos h 4820 Glenway Av<br />

•—Bdward h 726 Armory Av<br />

—Edward A engineer h 988 Wells<br />

—Emma tcbr b 1255 Ida<br />

—Geo bkpr nwc 9tb and Sycamore res BeU<br />

til Tp<br />

—Geo mach hand rms 1612 Cooper<br />

—Helen h 1779 B McMillan<br />

—Hugh hardware 3304 Warsaw Av h 940<br />

Fairbanks Av<br />

—J Trush driver b 8126 Hillside Av<br />

—LilUan pbone op swc 4tb and Plum h<br />

4820 Glenway Av<br />

—LiUian Marie auditor 22 W 4th b 940 Fairbanks<br />

Av<br />


Attorney at "Law, Office, 814 Gwynne<br />

Bldg. n.e.c. 6th and Main; 'Phone Canal<br />

72; Residence, n.e.e. Observatory Road<br />

and Berry' Av.; 'Phone East 648—R<br />

—Mary steno h 1644 Herbert Av<br />

—Rose h 518 Baum<br />

—Thos J h 4820 Glenway Av<br />

C^See also "McEvoy"<br />

McBee Bdith studebt rms 1029 Wesley Av<br />

—Fred Z supt 1087 Flint bnec Ridge Av<br />

and Montgomery Pike<br />

—Thos lab rms 521 W 7tb<br />

—Wm bostler h 1050 Rittenhouse<br />

McBeth Nellie wid Cbas b 2062 Symmes<br />

—Robt M draftsman rms 348 W 4tb<br />

—Samuel H express 2859 McMicken Av<br />

C^See also "Macbeth''<br />

McBIrney Dairy Co (The) 2455 GUbert Av<br />

McBrayer Addie elk h rear 644 Neave<br />

—Barl, U iS A h 1617 Dewey Av<br />

—John H storekpr B&QRR 220 Mill h rear<br />

644 Neave<br />

—John P lab b rear 644 Neave<br />

—Leroy P watchmkr b 1617 Dewey Av<br />

—Wesley elk h rear 644 Neave<br />

—Wm H cigarwkr b 2815 Inwood Pl<br />

McBreen Cbas b 1610 Broadway<br />

—Clara L bkpr 8 E 4tb res Ft Thomas Ky<br />

—Harry salesman 2363 St Jaijes Av h 412<br />

Reading Rd<br />

—J J elk 8 B 4th res Ft Thomas<br />

—Jas butcher b 1610 Broadway<br />

—^Jas elk 35 W 2d res Covington<br />

—Jobn elect'n h SOS E 18tb<br />

—Jobn lata b 412 E 2d<br />

—Mattbew h 1610 Broadway<br />

—Mat<strong>the</strong>w A gAs Insp h 1843 Pendleton<br />

-Michael U S N retired rms Dennison HotP_l<br />

—R E (Clegg, McFee & Co) lOtb fl 224 E 8tn<br />

rms 123 Mason<br />

—Roy lab b 412 E 2d<br />

—Wm plumber b 3632 Montelth .^v<br />

McBrlde Anna waitress h flat 15, 527 Race<br />

—Arthur switcbman rms flat 2, 109 E Court<br />

—Cora wld Orlando b 22 Eastbourne Terrace<br />

—E P detective b flat 8, 816 Elm<br />

—Bdgar elk bds 686 W 9tb<br />

—Harry salesman 1016 Union Trust Bldg res<br />


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