CIPREA 20 - Joannes

CIPREA 20 - Joannes

CIPREA 20 - Joannes


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Ciprea <strong>20</strong>After determining the parameter to set, it is necessary to use the following conversion tables to see what value isbeing set, depending on the blinking of the LEDs. OFF means LED switched off, ON means LED switched on andON BL means LED blinking.Red Green Yellow Gas type selectionOFF OFF OFF Natural gasON BL OFF OFF LPGRed Green Yellow Heading idle timeOFF OFF OFF 00-30 secondsON BL OFF OFF 31-62 secondsOFF OFF ON BL 63-94 secondsON BL OFF ON BL 95-126 secondsOFF ON BL OFF 127-158 secondsON BL ON BL OFF 159-190 secondsOFF ON BL ON BL 191-222 secondsON BL ON BL ON BL 223-255 secondsRed Green Yellow Pump post-circulationOFF OFF OFF 0-2 minutesON BL OFF OFF 3-4 minutesOFF OFF ON BL 5-7 minutesON BL OFF ON BL 8-9 minutesOFF ON BL OFF 10-12 minutesON BL ON BL OFF 13-15 minutesOFF ON BL ON BL 16-17 minutesON BL ON BL ON BL 18-<strong>20</strong> minutesRed Green Yellow Maximum heating setpointOFF OFF OFF 30-36°CON BL OFF OFF 37-43°COFF OFF ON BL 44-50°CON BL OFF ON BL 51-57°COFF ON BL OFF 58-64°CON BL ON BL OFF 65-71°COFF ON BL ON BL 72-77°CON BL ON BL ON BL 78-85°CRed Green Yellow Heating rampOFF OFF OFF 0-2 °C/minON BL OFF OFF 3-4 °C/minOFF OFF ON BL 5-7 °C/minON BL OFF ON BL 8-9 °C/minOFF ON BL OFF 10-12 °C/minON BL ON BL OFF 13-15 °C/minOFF ON BL ON BL 16-17 °C/minON BL ON BL ON BL 18-<strong>20</strong> °C/minRed Green Yellow Maximum hot water setpointOFF OFF OFF 55°CON BL OFF OFF 60°COFF OFF ON BL 65°CRed Green Yellow Switching off burner in hot waterOFF OFF OFF Fixed switch-offON BL OFF OFF Tied to user setpointRed Green Yellow Mains Voltage FrequencyOFF OFF OFF 50HzON BL OFF OFF 60Hz26

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