Folleto de la exposición - Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza

Folleto de la exposición - Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza

Folleto de la exposición - Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza

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Habitación <strong>de</strong> hotel, 1931Óleo sobre lienzo.152,4 x 165,7 cm<strong>Museo</strong> <strong>Thyssen</strong>-<strong>Bornemisza</strong>,Madrid; inv.: 1977.110Hotel Room, 1931Oil on canvas.152.4 x 165.7 cm<strong>Museo</strong> <strong>Thyssen</strong>-<strong>Bornemisza</strong>;Madrid; inv. no. 1977.110Hopper worked for many years as a commercial illustrator but from1918 began to acquire a reputation as a printmaker. His real change of fortunes,however, came about in 1925 when an exhibition of his watercoloursat the Rehn Gallery was completely sold out. This success allowedhim to <strong>de</strong>dicate himself entirely to painting. In 1933 the MoMA ma<strong>de</strong>Hopper the subject of a major solo exhibition, which was followed byanother one in 1950 at the Whitney Museum of American Art. From thatdate onwards, the Whitney embarked on the study and dissemination ofthe artist’s work, of which it now houses the most important collection.TRAINING AND INFLUENCESThe most important influence on Hopper’s training was the realism championedby his teacher Robert Henri. This realism constituted both anopposition to aca<strong>de</strong>micism, which was still notably present in the early20 th century, and to so-called American Impressionism, which was a typeof mo<strong>de</strong>rn art that the realists consi<strong>de</strong>red artificial and alien to Americanculture. The first public manifestation of the new trend was a group show

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