Curriculum Vitae - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània - UPC

Curriculum Vitae - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània - UPC

Curriculum Vitae - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània - UPC


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- Usunoff, E., J. Carrera, S.F. Mousavi, 1992. An approach to the design ofexperiments for discriminating among alternative conceptual models. Advances inWater Resources, 15(3), pp. 199-214.1993- Carrera, J., A. Medina y G. Galarza, 1993 Groundwater Inverse Problem.Discussion on Geostatistical Formulations and Validation. Hydrogèologie, 4, pp.313-324.- Carrera, J., 1993. An owerview of uncertainties in modelling groundwater solutetransport. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 13, pp. 23-48.- Carrera, J., S.F. Mousavi, E. Usunoff, X. Sanchez-Vila y G. Galarza, 1993. Adiscussion on validation of hydrogeological models. Reliability Engineering andSystem Safety, 42, pp. 201-216.1994- Galarza G. y J. Carrera, 1994. Parameter estimation in non-linear groundwaterproblem: Computational Aspects (sólo resumen). Annales Geophysicae, 12, p. C-477.- Gomez-Hernandez, J. y J. Carrera, 1994. Using Linear Approximations to ComputeRank Statistics in Groundwater Modeling. Application to Worst Case Selection.Water Resources Research, 30(7), pp. 2065-2072.- Kuhlmann, U., J. Carrera y J. Troesch, 1994. Joint inversion of head and flow ratedata from multiple crosshole hydraulic tests (sólo resumen). Annales Geophysicae,12, p. C-478.- Medina, A. y J. Carrera, 1994. Joint inversion of head and concentration dataapplication to regionalized transmissivity (sólo resumen). Annales Geophysicae 12,p. C-478.- Olivella, S., J. Carrera, A. Gens y E. Alonso, 1994. Nonisothermal Multiphase Flowof Brine and Gas Through Saline Media. Transport in Porous Media, 15, pp. 271-293.- Sanchez-Vila, X. y J. Carrera, 1994. A synthesis of approaches to upscaling intransmissivities. EOS Transactions, 75(44), p. 287.1995- Guimerà, J., L. Vives y J. Carrera, 1995. A discussion of scale effects on hydraulicconductivity at a granitic site (El Berrocal, Spain). Geophysical Research Letters,22(11), pp. 1449-1452.- Olivella, S., J.Carrera, A.Gens, E.Alonso, 1995. Porosity variations in saline mediacaused by temperature gradients coupled to multiphase flow anddissolution/precipitation. Transport in porous media, 5, pp. 1-25.- Sanchez-Vila, X., J.P. Girardi, J. Carrera, 1995. A synthesis of approaches toupscaling of hydraulic conductivities. Water Resources Research, 31(4), pp. 867-882.12

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