Curriculum Vitae - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània - UPC

Curriculum Vitae - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània - UPC

Curriculum Vitae - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània - UPC


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- Perez-Paricio, A., J. Carrera, B. Von Christierson, 2001. Numerical modelling ofclogging. Artificial recharge of groundwater. EC project ENV4-CT95-0071.Luxemburgo, pp.100-107.- Perez-Paricio, A., J. Carrera, A. Lascorz, 2001. Aquifer storage and recovery:Tracers test at the Cornellá site, Spain. Artificial recharge of groundwater. ECproject ENV4-CT95-0071.Luxemburgo, pp. 213-219.- Perez-Paricio, A., J. Carrera, 2001. CLOG, a comprehensive model of clogging.Artificial recharge of groundwater. EC project ENV4-CT95-0071.Luxemburgo, pp.253-262.- Perez-Paricio, A., J. Carrera, 2001.Modelling of physical clogging in recharge web:The Langerak site. Artificial recharge of groundwater. EC project ENV4-CT95-0071.Luxemburgo, pp. 286-293.- Perez-Paricio, A., J. Carrera, 2001. Modelling of biological clogging in soil columns.EC project ENV4-CT95-0071.Luxemburgo, ISBN 92-894-0186-9,pp.301-307.- Perez-Paricio, A., J. Carrera, 2001. Site description Cornellà, Spain. Artificialrecharge of groundwater. EC project ENV4-CT95-0071.Luxemburgo, ISBN 92-894-0186-9,pp.38-41.2002- Domènech, C., Ayora, C., Saaltink, M.W., Carrera, J., 2002. Modelling the oxidationof residual sulphide tailings in soil near Aznalcóllar (southwest Spain).Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution,S.F. Thornton, S.E. Oswald (eds.), IAHS Publ. no. 275, p. 501-506- Saaltink, M.W., Domènech, C., Ayora, C. And Carrera, J., 2002. Modelling theoxidation of sulphides in an unsaturated soil. In: Younger, P.L. and Robins, N.S.(Eds). Mine water hydrology and geochemistry. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Pub.198, 187-204.2003- Carrera J., 2003. Groundwater modeling. Enciclopedia of Water Science DOI:10.1081/E- EWS 1200100080. pp. 350-357- Vázquez-Suñé, E., Soler, A., Custodio, E., Alberich, C., y Carrera, J., 2003. Theuse of tracers in urban hydrogeology.2005- Bronstert, A., J. Carrera, G. Leavesley, N. Mölders, 2005. Chapter 1. Cycles,Feedbacks, and Main Issues, 1.2 Scales Issues Pp. 21-44 Book: Coupled Modelsfor the Hydrological Cycle. Integrating Atmosphere, Biosphere, and Pedosphere.Springer, Barcelona,- Carrera, J., 2005. Chapter 2. Systems Approach: the Nature of Coupled Models,2.0 Introduction Pp. 75-76 Book: Coupled Models for the Hydrological Cycle.Integrating Atmosphere, Biosphere, and Pedosphere. Springer, Barcelona .24

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