Catálogos de l´ıneas espectrales a 6, 12

Catálogos de l´ıneas espectrales a 6, 12

Catálogos de l´ıneas espectrales a 6, 12


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Commissioning <strong>de</strong>l 40m.Paquete WP5000“Definición <strong>de</strong>l Plan Observacional (II)”Catálogos <strong>de</strong> líneas <strong>espectrales</strong> a 6, <strong>12</strong> y 22 GHzV. Bujarrabal, F. Colomer,G. Quintana-Lacaci, T. Alonso, M. Tafalla, S. García-Burillo, J. GraciàInforme Técnico IT-OAN 2007-14

ÍNDICE 1Índice1. Introducción 22. Emisores en máseres <strong>de</strong> metanol a 6.7 y <strong>12</strong> GHz 23. Emisores en máser <strong>de</strong> H 2 O 43.1. Uso <strong>de</strong> los máseres <strong>de</strong> agua para observaciones <strong>de</strong> apuntado y tests <strong>espectrales</strong> 44. Referencias 55. Anexo A: Catálogo <strong>de</strong> máseres <strong>de</strong> metanol a 6.7 GHz 66. Anexo B: Catálogo <strong>de</strong> máseres <strong>de</strong> metanol a <strong>12</strong> GHz 137. Anexo C: Catálogo <strong>de</strong> máseres <strong>de</strong> vapor <strong>de</strong> agua a 22 GHz 15

1 INTRODUCCIÓN 21. IntroducciónEl paquete WP5000 <strong>de</strong>l plan <strong>de</strong> puesta a punto (“commissioning”) <strong>de</strong>l radiotelescopio<strong>de</strong> 40m en Yebes consiste en la i<strong>de</strong>ntificación <strong>de</strong> fuentes astronómicas intensas y biencalibradas para llevar a cabo las primeras observaciones (fase <strong>de</strong> verificación científica -paquete WP<strong>12</strong>000).A<strong>de</strong>más se realizará un plan para observaciones con los primeros receptores disponibles,esto es: a <strong>12</strong> GHz (foco primario), 22 GHz. (Por el momento se pospone la adaptación alos receptores <strong>de</strong> 2 y 8 GHz.)En este informe técnico se presentan los catálogos <strong>de</strong> emisores <strong>de</strong> líneas puestos adisposición <strong>de</strong> los usuarios: fuentes emisoras en máseres <strong>de</strong> metanol, 6.7 y <strong>12</strong> GHz, y fuentesemisoras en máseres <strong>de</strong> agua, a 22 GHz (paquetes WP5300 y WP5400). Se discutirá lafiabilidad <strong>de</strong> los datos en estos catálogos, su utilidad <strong>de</strong> cara a observaciones <strong>de</strong> correción<strong>de</strong> apuntado (en modo seudocontinuo) y su utilidad como fuentes <strong>de</strong> control <strong>de</strong>l sistemay <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>mostración (en modo línea espectral).Dentro <strong>de</strong> este paquete <strong>de</strong> trabajo, se ha realizado también un catálogo <strong>de</strong> fuentes<strong>de</strong> continuo, que se <strong>de</strong>scribe en el informe técnico “Commissioning <strong>de</strong>l 40m. PaqueteWP5000: Catálogos <strong>de</strong> fuentes <strong>de</strong> continuo a 8, 22 y 45 GHz” (informe IT-CAY 2007-13).Los procedimientos <strong>de</strong>sarrollados para la visualización <strong>de</strong> los catálogos se <strong>de</strong>scriben en elcitado informe técnico. El último objetivo <strong>de</strong> este paquete <strong>de</strong> trabajo, la realización <strong>de</strong> unplan <strong>de</strong> trabajos preliminares, se <strong>de</strong>tallará en un futuro informe.Por último notemos que en los siguientes capítulos se <strong>de</strong>scriben brevemente las observaciones<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>mostración basadas en esta búsqueda <strong>de</strong> datos.2. Emisores en máseres <strong>de</strong> metanol a 6.7 y <strong>12</strong> GHzNos hemos basado en el catálogo <strong>de</strong> máseres <strong>de</strong> metanol <strong>de</strong> Pestalozzi et al. (2005),unánimemente reconocido como el más completo. Este catálogo recopila datos a 6 Ghz eincluye los datos a <strong>12</strong> GHz <strong>de</strong> B̷laszkiewicz & Kus (2004).Los máseres <strong>de</strong> 6.7 y <strong>12</strong> GHz pertenecen al tipo II, según la clasificación <strong>de</strong> Menten(1991). Por lo tanto, se presentan siempre en regiones similares dón<strong>de</strong> se está produciendoformación estelar masiva. De hecho, los máseres a <strong>12</strong> GHz sólo aparecen en regionesdón<strong>de</strong> también hay emisión a 6 GHz. No existen, sin embargo, estudios sistemáticos querelacionen con precisión las distribuciones espaciales.Los máseres a <strong>12</strong> GHz suelen ser más débiles, unas 5 ó 10 veces (Blaszkiewicz & Kus,2004), y están mucho menos estudiados. La dispersión <strong>de</strong> la razón <strong>de</strong> intensida<strong>de</strong>s es muyalta, <strong>de</strong> un factor 10 o incluso 30. Por lo tanto, aunque son formas <strong>de</strong> emisión relacionadas,es difícil pre<strong>de</strong>cir al intensidad <strong>de</strong> uno a partir <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>l otro. A<strong>de</strong>más, ambas líneaspresentan una variabilidad importante a diversas escalas <strong>de</strong> tiempo (Goedhart, Gaylard,& Walt, 2005).Las posiciones dadas en el catálogo <strong>de</strong> Pestalozzi et al. pue<strong>de</strong>n haber sido obtenidas<strong>de</strong> observaciones <strong>de</strong> antena única o <strong>de</strong> medidas interferómetricas. Las primeras tienenpoca precisión, pues provienen <strong>de</strong> observaciones a 6 GHz con telescopios menores que el

3 EMISORES EN MÁSER DE H 2O 43. Emisores en máser <strong>de</strong> H 2 ONos hemos basado en el catálogo <strong>de</strong> máseres <strong>de</strong> agua <strong>de</strong> Arcetri, unánimemente reconocidocomo el más completo. Hemos tomado la versión más reciente <strong>de</strong> Val<strong>de</strong>ttaro et al.(2004); ver versiones anteriores en Comoretto et al. (1990) y Brandt et al. (1994).Se han corregido las coor<strong>de</strong>nadas a J2000 y se han comparado las coor<strong>de</strong>nadas dadaspara estrellas con las <strong>de</strong> la base <strong>de</strong> datos SIMBAD. Se ha investigado también la utilidadpara puntería <strong>de</strong> las observaciones <strong>de</strong> objetos no estelares.Nótese que, <strong>de</strong>bido al origen <strong>de</strong> este catálogo, hay principalmente fuentes en el hemisferionorte; en particular, ninguna está más al sur que <strong>de</strong>clinación -30 grados.Sobre el uso <strong>de</strong> este catálogo para medir los errores <strong>de</strong> puntería <strong>de</strong>l telescopio <strong>de</strong> 40m (con medidas <strong>de</strong> seudocontinuo) concluímos lo siguiente:– Las medidas <strong>de</strong> posiciones <strong>de</strong>l catálogo <strong>de</strong> Arcetri son en general bastante buenas, <strong>de</strong>ntro<strong>de</strong> unos 5 ′′ ; pero no siempre, presentando a veces errores mayores <strong>de</strong> 30 segundos <strong>de</strong>arco, no aceptables si se ha <strong>de</strong> usar para la puntería <strong>de</strong>l 40m.– Las fuentes estelares son utilizables para puntería, pues los máseres en ellas ocupanregiones menores que 1 ′′ (p.ej. Colomer et al. 2000) y en muchas se conoce bien laposición por otras observaciones (principalmente en el óptico). Es necesario usar lascoor<strong>de</strong>nadas dadas por SIMBAD, en vez <strong>de</strong> las <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Val<strong>de</strong>ttaro et al., siempre queaquellas sean precisas.– En regiones <strong>de</strong> formación estelar, la estructura es compleja y variable, ocupando amenudo regiones <strong>de</strong>l or<strong>de</strong>n o más <strong>de</strong> 1 ′ . No se recomienda su uso para medir errores<strong>de</strong> puntería, pero sí para medidas <strong>de</strong> comprobación, pues algunas presentan muy altaemisión.Por consiguiente, hemos sustituido las coor<strong>de</strong>nadas <strong>de</strong> las fuentes estelares <strong>de</strong>l catálogo<strong>de</strong> Arcetri por las dadas por SIMBAD, cuando éstas son precisas. En estos casos, se haañadido el comentario STAR+; sólo estas fuentes pue<strong>de</strong>n usarse para medir errores <strong>de</strong>puntería en el telescopio <strong>de</strong> 40 m (en modo seudocontinuo). Otros comentarios (STAR–,SFR, etc) se aplican a fuentes que NO <strong>de</strong>ben usarse para medir errores <strong>de</strong> puntería.En cualquier caso, las fuentes intensas son siempre útiles para testear el sistema enmedidas <strong>espectrales</strong>, ver 3.1.Se han producido tres versiones <strong>de</strong>l catálogo: una imprimible (en formato latex), otraen formato .sou y una tercera en formato xephem. El catálogo incluye el nombre <strong>de</strong> lafuente, coor<strong>de</strong>nadas J2000, velocidad LSR a la que aparece la emisión, intensidad a 22GHz y algunos comentarios incluyendo el tipo <strong>de</strong> fuente.3.1. Uso <strong>de</strong> los máseres <strong>de</strong> agua para observaciones <strong>de</strong> apuntadoy tests <strong>espectrales</strong>La gran calidad <strong>de</strong>l receptor a 22 GHz sugiere que la mayoría <strong>de</strong> las fuentes listadaspodrán ser utilizadas como fuentes <strong>de</strong> puntería en seudocontinuo, en concreto aquellas queexcedan ∼ 10 Jy. Es <strong>de</strong>cir, el flujo integrado <strong>de</strong> fuentes con flujo espectral en pico superiora 10 Jy, suponiendo una anchura conservadora <strong>de</strong> unos pocos km s −1 , será <strong>de</strong>tectado en

4 REFERENCIAS 5cortas integraciones <strong>de</strong> ∼ 1 segundo con S/N superior a 5 σ. Debe tenerse en cuenta que2la emisión es variable con cambios que pue<strong>de</strong>n superar un factor 2.Recor<strong>de</strong>mos que para puntería se recomienda usar sólo fuentes estelares con buenascoor<strong>de</strong>nadas (marcadas STAR+ en el catalogo).Para observaciones <strong>espectrales</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>mostración o tests, sería posible <strong>de</strong>tectar todaslas fuentes listadas en unos minutos y con razonable resolución espectral. En estos casos,sería conveniente utilizar regiones <strong>de</strong> formación estelar, que presentan intensida<strong>de</strong>s muyaltas, no importando tanto la estructura a gran escala <strong>de</strong> la fuente o los (mo<strong>de</strong>rados)errores que se pue<strong>de</strong>n esperar en las coor<strong>de</strong>nadas. Fuentes como W49, SgrB2, W3OH yW51 aseguran <strong>de</strong>tecciones espectaculares y rápidas, presentando en particular complejasestructuras <strong>espectrales</strong>. Algunas estrellas, como VY CMa, también pue<strong>de</strong>n ser útiles aeste respecto.4. ReferenciasB̷laszkiewicz, L., Kus, A.J., 2004, A&A, 413, 233Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Caselli, P., et al., A&AS, 103, 541Colomer, F., Reid, M.J., Menten, K.M., Bujarrabal, V., 2000, A&A, 355, 979Comoretto, G., Palagi, F., Cesaroni, R., et al., 1990, A&AS, 84, 179Goedhart, S., Gaylard, M.J., Walt, D.J., 2005, Ap&SS, 295, 197Menten, K.M., 1991, ApJ, 380, L75Pestalozzi, M.R., Minier, V., Booth, R.S., 2005, A&A, 432, 737Val<strong>de</strong>ttaro, R., Palla, F., Brand, J., et al., 2001, A&A, 368, 845

5 ANEXO A: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE METANOL A 6.7 GHZ 65. Anexo A: Catálogo <strong>de</strong> máseres <strong>de</strong> metanol a 6.7GHzTABLA: Fuentes emisoras <strong>de</strong>l máser <strong>de</strong> metanol a 6.7 GHz. Precisión ’+’ significa que setrata <strong>de</strong> un objeto observado en interferometría y cuyas coor<strong>de</strong>nadas son suficientementebuenas como para usar la fuente en medidas <strong>de</strong> apuntado.nombre RA DEC (J2000) V(LSR) prec. F(6GHz) F(<strong>12</strong>GHz)h m s d m s km/s Jy Jy0036+6328 L<strong>12</strong>87 00 36 42.200 +63 28 30.00 –22.4 – 14.0 –0052+5633 NGC281-W 00 52 19.900 +56 33 17.00 –29.1 – 24.0 –0227+6152 W3-IRS5 02 27 03.849 +61 52 25.42 –44.6 + 3741.0 793.0249+6046 02 49 23.100 +60 46 26.00 –45.1 – 21.0 –0539+3545 S231 05 39 13.059 +35 45 51.29 –13.6 + 256.0 –0541+3548 05 41 33.800 +35 48 27.00 –24.1 – 7.5 –0539+3530 05 39 27.600 +35 30 58.00 –14.0 – 5.0 <strong>12</strong>.50530+3347 AFGL6366S 05 30 42.000 +33 47 14.00 +2.100 – 94.0 –0551+2545 05 51 06.000 +25 45 45.00 –4.80 – 18.0 –0609+2150 06 09 06.500 +21 50 26.00 –5.50 – 4.8 –0608+2138 AFGL5180 06 08 53.350 +21 38 28.70 +11.00 + 495.0 91.20608+2130 AFGL6366S 06 08 36.100 +21 30 28.00 +9.200 – 19.0 –0608+2038 S252A 06 08 34.500 +20 38 50.00 +6.000 – 15.0 –06<strong>12</strong>+1759 S255 06 <strong>12</strong> 54.020 +17 59 23.00 +5.000 + 72.0 –0614+1349 S269 06 14 37.060 +13 49 37.00 +15.00 + 61.0 1.350541-0154 NGC2024 FIR4 05 41 44.150 –01 54 44.90 –1.00 + 1.5 –0638+0932 NGC2264 06 38 24.900 +09 32 28.00 +8.000 – 0.07 –0607-0622 MonR2 06 07 47.870 –06 22 57.00 +<strong>12</strong>.00 + 337.0 4.20732-1658 07 32 09.790 –16 58 <strong>12</strong>.50 +23.00 + 162.0 17.81743-2939 17 43 25.670 –29 39 17.50 –4.00 + 17.0 –1744-2928 17 44 40.660 –29 28 17.60 –52.0 + 27.0 –1745-2923 17 45 39.080 –29 23 29.00 +22.50 + 48.0 13.51745-2903 sgrAF 17 45 38.200 –29 03 28.00 +10.00 – 1.7 –1747-2911 17 47 20.150 –29 11 57.20 +23.00 + 1.0 –1746-2845 17 46 07.660 –28 45 20.00 +49.20 + 3.5 –1747-2846 17 47 09.<strong>12</strong>0 –28 46 16.00 +18.00 + 41.2 –1746-2835 17 46 21.420 –28 35 39.50 +37.00 + 0.7 –1746-2837 17 46 41.<strong>12</strong>0 –28 37 05.50 +28.70 + 5.8 –1746-2824 17 46 04.000 –28 24 51.50 +0.800 + 10.0 –1746-2823 17 46 09.800 –28 23 29.00 +7.000 – 11.9 –1750-2854 17 50 14.530 –28 54 31.00 +14.00 + 68.0 3.61747-2824 17 47 18.650 –28 24 25.00 +49.10 + 69.0 –1747-2822 17 47 18.610 –28 22 56.00 +72.20 + 33.7 –1747-2822 17 47 19.230 –28 22 14.50 +73.40 + 4.4 –

5 ANEXO A: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE METANOL A 6.7 GHZ 71747-2821 17 47 24.810 –28 21 43.50 +68.50 + 26.0 –1746-2807 17 46 52.820 –28 07 35.00 +3.500 + 8.1 –1748-2801 17 48 48.470 –28 01 <strong>12</strong>.00 –21.0 + 2.6 –1750-2705 17 50 35.500 –27 05 55.00 +63.00 – 10.0 –1750-2639 17 50 46.480 –26 39 45.00 +4.500 + 88.0 –1754-2534 17 54 39.000 –25 34 48.00 +17.00 – 2.1 –1800-2404 18 00 40.870 –24 04 20.50 +10.00 + 8.0 –1800-2317 18 00 54.050 –23 17 02.00 +1.000 + 5.5 –1801-23<strong>12</strong> 18 01 57.200 –23 <strong>12</strong> 37.00 +26.90 – 146.4 –1803-2148 18 03 01.000 –21 48 47.00 +19.00 – 14.6 –1806-2137 18 06 23.500 –21 37 23.00 +43.00 – 148.0 14.1806-2031 18 06 14.659 –20 31 31.57 +1.000 + 5090.0 180.1807-2018 18 07 50.110 –20 18 57.00 +44.00 + 35.4 –1805-1951 18 05 18.180 –19 51 14.50 +2.000 + 0.4 –1809-2008 18 09 24.200 –20 08 07.00 +39.00 – 9.0 –1809-2005 18 09 01.460 –20 05 08.00 +10.00 + 223.8 –1808-1954 18 08 44.900 –19 54 38.00 +73.00 + 25.0 7.1808-1951 W31 18 08 38.210 –19 51 49.50 +75.00 + 61.0 17.1810-1953 18 10 09.900 –19 53 22.00 –8.00 – 3.4 1.21810-1955 18 10 29.240 –19 55 41.50 +5.000 + 3.6 –1809-1926 18 09 03.300 –19 26 26.00 +16.80 – 4.5 –1809-1926 18 09 39.300 –19 26 28.00 +23.90 + 15.0 –1809-1921 18 09 39.700 –19 21 36.00 +20.00 – 0.7 –1816-1941 18 16 22.130 –19 41 27.50 +6.200 + 116.0 –18<strong>12</strong>-1841 18 <strong>12</strong> 11.440 –18 41 29.00 +42.60 + 49.0 21.1814-1853 18 14 00.890 –18 53 26.50 +32.00 + 47.0 6.818<strong>12</strong>-1840 18 <strong>12</strong> 51.200 –18 40 39.50 +60.20 + 2.3 –18<strong>12</strong>-1831 18 <strong>12</strong> 01.851 –18 31 55.50 +108.0 + 82.0 13.518<strong>12</strong>-1824 18 <strong>12</strong> 39.920 –18 24 17.50 +20.00 + 15.0 –18<strong>12</strong>-1820 18 <strong>12</strong> 31.900 –18 20 11.00 +48.70 – 9.2 –1813-1759 18 13 07.400 –17 59 09.00 +24.40 – 13.0 –1813-1801 W33B 18 13 54.200 –18 01 44.00 +52.00 – 544.0 16.51813-1758 18 13 43.400 –17 58 06.00 +57.70 – 264.0 –1814-1755 W33 18 14 11.100 –17 55 57.00 +36.00 – 5.0 –1811-1731 18 11 51.400 –17 31 30.00 +39.00 + 93.0 24.1814-1752 W33A 18 14 39.520 –17 52 00.00 +39.00 + 317.0 11.51814-1745 18 14 01.100 –17 45 05.00 +58.70 – 8.3 –1814-1728 18 14 00.800 –17 28 05.00 +48.50 – 6.4 –1817-1721 18 17 18.600 –17 21 50.00 +51.00 – 33.0 –1815-1703 18 15 30.200 –17 03 58.00 +51.90 – 3.4 –1815-1638 18 15 41.700 –16 38 57.00 +15.10 – 135.0 7.31818-1647 18 18 53.370 –16 47 39.50 +21.00 + 0.4 –1816-1624 18 16 59.400 –16 24 52.00 +27.00 – 3.0 –1817-1614 18 17 01.140 –16 14 39.00 +24.80 + 2.9 –

5 ANEXO A: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE METANOL A 6.7 GHZ 81820-1611 M17 18 20 24.790 –16 11 35.50 +21.00 + 39.0 <strong>12</strong>.61818-1552 18 18 22.700 –15 52 46.00 +45.80 – 3.1 –1820-1532 18 20 58.300 –15 32 34.00 –3.40 – 33.0 –1821-1447 18 21 15.600 –14 47 33.00 +52.10 – 10.0 –1821-1431 18 21 09.130 –14 31 48.50 +59.00 + 21.0 1.11829-1516 18 29 24.410 –15 16 04.00 +14.60 + 23.0 –1830-1514 18 30 33.900 –15 14 53.00 +23.30 – 3.7 –1822-1409 18 22 08.600 –14 09 29.00 +90.80 – 1.3 –1822-1329 18 22 25.700 –13 29 28.00 +21.00 – 25.0 –1823-1309 18 23 31.300 –13 09 23.00 +55.20 – 3.9 –1823-1304 18 23 37.200 –13 04 23.00 +57.90 – 11.0 –1825-1309 18 25 13.300 –13 09 16.00 +75.20 – 13.0 –1817-<strong>12</strong>06 18 17 54.100 –<strong>12</strong> 06 48.00 +27.70 – 65.0 –1824-<strong>12</strong>51 18 24 36.350 –<strong>12</strong> 51 08.00 +49.00 + 23.0 –1824-<strong>12</strong>39 18 24 48.700 –<strong>12</strong> 39 17.00 +80.20 – 22.0 –1826-<strong>12</strong>39 18 26 24.700 –<strong>12</strong> 39 10.00 +41.10 – 2.3 –1825-<strong>12</strong>26 18 25 <strong>12</strong>.400 –<strong>12</strong> 26 16.00 +38.20 – 3.7 –1826-<strong>12</strong>03 18 26 25.790 –<strong>12</strong> 03 53.00 +26.30 + 6.7 –1826-1152 18 26 00.390 –11 52 22.50 +21.00 + 19.3 81.61827-1156 18 27 37.200 –11 56 27.00 +36.00 – 0.4 –1827-1153 18 27 16.520 –11 53 38.50 +53.00 + 3.6 2.81827-1152 18 27 55.520 –11 52 39.00 +43.60 + 10.0 –1829-1149 18 29 11.700 –11 49 58.00 +46.80 – 2.3 –1828-1<strong>12</strong>8 18 28 10.320 –11 28 47.00 +44.00 + 2.9 –1827-1114 18 27 41.000 –11 14 05.00 +71.40 – 94.0 2.71831-1021 18 31 06.300 –10 21 37.00 +89.10 – 5.2 –1830-1006 18 30 36.500 –10 06 44.00 +117.2 – 8.8 –1831-0949 18 31 01.750 –09 49 01.00 +21.00 + 15.0 –1830-0934 18 30 35.700 –09 34 26.00 +53.80 – 6.1 –1832-0929 18 32 32.100 –09 29 10.00 +35.50 – 28.1 8.31831-0922 18 31 44.130 –09 22 <strong>12</strong>.50 +79.70 + <strong>12</strong>.0 –1832-0924 18 32 41.200 –09 24 34.00 +29.00 – 20.0 5.1832-0924 18 32 45.800 –09 24 06.00 +29.50 – <strong>12</strong>.3 –1834-0900 18 34 40.200 –09 00 36.00 +75.00 – 405.0 26.1834-0856 18 34 26.200 –08 56 35.00 +75.00 – 29.0 –1835-0852 18 35 08.100 –08 52 32.00 +75.20 – 9.2 –1834-0850 18 34 54.400 –08 50 04.00 +81.80 – 23.4 6.91834-0842 18 34 31.260 –08 42 47.00 +64.10 + 4.4 –1834-0840 18 34 49.900 –08 40 34.00 +63.80 – 2.2 –1833-0823 18 33 13.100 –08 23 56.00 +74.10 – 17.0 –1834-0831 18 34 39.270 –08 31 39.00 +103.0 + 77.0 9.1833-0821 18 33 44.050 –08 21 20.50 +87.40 + <strong>12</strong>.0 –1834-0818 18 34 51.700 –08 18 16.00 +82.30 – 7.8 –1835-0817 18 35 <strong>12</strong>.370 –08 17 39.50 +79.00 + 9.2 8.

5 ANEXO A: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE METANOL A 6.7 GHZ 91833-0755 18 33 13.000 –07 55 41.00 +76.40 – 9.6 –1835-0801 18 35 22.900 –08 01 11.00 +70.90 – 17.0 –1835-0748 18 35 20.800 –07 48 48.00 +17.70 – 40.0 8.71835-0735 18 35 09.200 –07 35 06.00 +110.0 – 10.8 20.1836-0730 18 36 08.700 –07 30 55.00 +114.4 – 29.0 –1834-0719 18 34 53.000 –07 19 11.00 +106.2 – 15.0 –1837-0731 18 37 25.200 –07 31 53.00 +35.40 – <strong>12</strong>.2 –1836-0724 18 36 48.400 –07 24 25.00 +113.1 – 3.5 –1836-07<strong>12</strong> 18 36 <strong>12</strong>.570 –07 <strong>12</strong> 11.50 +113.0 + 97.0 –1836-0704 18 36 24.000 –07 04 27.00 +109.3 – 13.0 –1836-0705 18 36 29.200 –07 05 05.00 +53.40 – 4.2 –1837-0642 18 37 35.520 –06 42 34.50 +95.70 + 0.0 –1837-0638 18 37 16.920 –06 38 28.00 +96.00 + 24.9 –1836-0624 18 36 32.600 –06 24 26.00 +92.00 + 6.0 –1834-0559 18 34 20.910 –05 59 40.50 +41.90 + 178.0 –1838-0624 18 38 03.150 –06 24 15.00 +92.80 + 364.0 213.71839-0624 18 39 03.630 –06 24 09.50 +91.20 + 70.0 –1840-0549 18 40 40.230 –05 49 07.50 +104.5 + 9.0 –1839-0538 18 39 52.800 –05 38 48.00 +24.60 – 13.0 –1840-0543 18 40 38.550 –05 43 56.00 +109.0 + 19.0 –1839-0534 18 39 51.800 –05 34 52.00 +107.1 – 5.9 –1840-0458 18 40 03.800 –04 58 09.00 +9.100 – 2.8 17.51840-0500 18 40 30.430 –05 00 59.00 +118.0 + 22.0 –1840-0457 18 40 34.480 –04 57 13.50 +34.60 + 21.0 –1841-0501 18 41 50.980 –05 01 28.00 +99.40 + 29.0 20.1842-0441 18 42 57.200 –04 41 59.00 +97.90 – 3.0 –1841-0433 18 41 47.500 –04 33 11.00 +111.8 – 1.9 –1844-0434 18 44 02.100 –04 34 14.00 +16.00 – 3.7 –1842-0415 18 42 42.590 –04 15 32.00 +100.9 + 34.0 23.51842-0413 18 42 58.200 –04 13 59.50 +99.00 + 3.3 –1844-0417 18 44 21.990 –04 17 38.50 +80.70 + 62.0 13.61842-0400 18 42 54.500 –04 00 04.00 +71.10 – 3.4 –1842-0351 18 42 57.700 –03 51 59.00 +27.10 – 1.3 –1842-0335 18 42 13.600 –03 35 07.00 +94.20 – 4.2 –1842-0330 18 42 37.490 –03 30 <strong>12</strong>.50 +91.30 + 6.0 –1842-0325 18 42 <strong>12</strong>.430 –03 25 39.50 +83.30 + 65.0 –1844-0345 18 44 51.090 –03 45 48.00 +86.00 + 73.0 –1844-0344 18 44 47.100 –03 44 39.00 +100.3 – 1.9 –1842-0324 18 42 <strong>12</strong>.800 –03 24 26.00 +83.50 – 2.7 4.71843-0335 18 43 45.100 –03 35 29.00 +105.0 – 1.1 –1845-0317 18 45 24.970 –03 17 44.50 +45.50 + 4.0 –1845-0244 18 45 59.530 –02 44 47.00 +101.4 + 67.0 16.1846-0241 18 46 03.690 –02 41 52.50 +96.80 + 0.0 –1845-0239 18 45 44.180 –02 39 03.50 +99.00 + 0.0 –

5 ANEXO A: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE METANOL A 6.7 GHZ 101846-0239 18 46 03.741 –02 39 21.43 +96.00 + 206.0 18.21846-0238 18 46 11.600 –02 38 42.00 +104.0 – 14.0 4.1846-0236 18 46 09.850 –02 36 30.50 +99.00 + 0.0 –1847-0230 18 47 03.500 –02 30 31.00 +108.0 – 18.7 10.1847-0229 18 47 07.800 –02 29 43.00 +113.0 – 11.7 8.31846-0217 18 46 23.700 –02 17 56.00 +36.70 – 11.0 –1847-0225 18 47 18.600 –02 25 40.00 +1<strong>12</strong>.1 – 3.9 –1847-0223 18 47 51.200 –02 23 15.00 +98.40 – 5.1 –1847-0207 18 47 00.100 –02 07 26.00 +53.00 – 0.6 –1847-0208 18 47 37.500 –02 08 46.00 +115.5 – 2.2 –1847-0206 18 47 18.890 –02 06 07.00 +43.00 + 7.5 –1847-0201 18 47 36.900 –02 01 05.00 +88.00 – 87.0 –1847-0157 18 47 39.730 –01 57 22.00 +92.00 + 68.0 1.51847-0154 18 47 29.900 –01 54 39.00 +91.50 – 23.0 –1846-0148 18 46 41.520 –01 48 32.00 +48.90 + 19.0 16.51846-0148 18 46 48.090 –01 48 46.00 +86.00 + 23.0 9.91847-0154 18 47 46.200 –01 54 14.00 +101.0 – 18.0 0.81846-0145 18 46 37.400 –01 45 14.00 +105.0 – 8.0 –1847-0144 18 47 09.130 –01 44 10.50 +102.0 + 2.4 –1847-0144 18 47 15.000 –01 44 07.00 +104.0 – 95.2 –1847-0142 18 47 23.800 –01 42 39.00 +101.5 – 33.0 6.21848-0148 18 48 19.700 –01 48 59.00 +74.80 – 11.3 –1848-0145 18 48 05.800 –01 45 36.00 +74.70 – 5.9 –1846-0130 18 46 41.500 –01 30 42.00 +80.80 – 4.5 –1847-0137 18 47 41.340 –01 37 21.50 +16.10 + 6.5 –1847-0132 18 47 59.600 –01 32 37.00 +40.80 – 2.9 –1848-0<strong>12</strong>6 W43M 18 48 <strong>12</strong>.390 –01 26 22.60 +110.0 + 71.0 26.21847-01<strong>12</strong> 18 47 34.310 –01 <strong>12</strong> 47.00 +104.0 + 11.0 3.81848-0111 18 48 44.300 –01 11 18.00 +98.40 – 5.6 –1849-0045 18 49 37.300 –00 45 47.00 +92.80 – 93.0 52.81849-0041 18 49 36.700 –00 41 05.00 +93.20 – 31.0 –1851-00<strong>12</strong> 18 51 22.800 –00 <strong>12</strong> 15.00 +39.00 – 47.0 14.81851+0003 18 51 23.000 +00 03 46.00 +91.70 – 27.0 –1851+0007 18 51 58.900 +00 07 27.00 +96.00 – 30.0 0.41852+0007 18 52 07.100 +00 07 56.00 +73.00 – <strong>12</strong>.4 0.61852+0025 18 52 10.600 +00 25 09.00 +105.0 – 20.0 –1853+0031 18 53 28.700 +00 31 58.00 +60.30 – 108.7 –1853+0032 18 53 45.200 +00 32 47.00 +62.60 – 68.0 89.41853+0039 18 53 26.900 +00 39 01.00 +53.60 – 1.4 –1853+0049 18 53 05.200 +00 49 36.00 +64.00 – 3.0 –1853+0055 18 53 24.100 +00 55 13.00 +59.00 – 3.9 –1853+0102 18 53 31.900 +01 02 26.00 +55.90 – 4.8 –1853+0113 18 53 21.500 +01 13 43.00 +55.00 – 20.0 0.91853+0<strong>12</strong>4 18 53 21.500 +01 24 09.00 +55.80 – 27.0 –

5 ANEXO A: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE METANOL A 6.7 GHZ 111855+0134 18 55 03.400 +01 34 17.00 +52.90 – 9.7 –1859+0101 18 59 44.700 +01 01 <strong>12</strong>.00 +46.90 – 31.0 –1854+0200 18 54 00.600 +02 00 50.00 +44.00 – 56.0 –1901+0113 W48 19 01 45.600 +01 13 28.00 +43.50 – 560.0 109.41858+0140 18 58 <strong>12</strong>.700 +01 40 50.00 +28.00 – <strong>12</strong>5.0 32.21857+0227 18 57 16.100 +02 27 44.00 +60.80 – 24.5 –1855+0304 18 55 15.600 +03 04 42.00 +73.00 – 19.0 –1858+0323 18 58 00.900 +03 23 30.00 +53.30 – 8.6 –1858+0337 18 58 59.900 +03 37 40.00 +78.80 – 7.3 –1854+0440 18 54 10.500 +04 40 49.00 +41.10 – 279.0 54.91900+0359 19 00 06.700 +03 59 27.00 +58.40 – <strong>12</strong>.5 –1900+0402 19 00 14.400 +04 02 35.00 +62.60 – 5.7 9.81859+04<strong>12</strong> 18 59 11.600 +04 <strong>12</strong> 08.00 +83.70 – 6.6 –1858+0420 18 58 28.500 +04 20 34.00 +85.80 – 24.3 –1901+0423 19 01 50.000 +04 23 54.00 +55.70 – 18.6 –1901+0430 19 01 47.600 +04 30 32.00 +69.40 – 2.3 –1901+0439 19 01 22.800 +04 39 10.00 +79.80 – 8.4 –1901+0442 19 01 28.700 +04 42 02.00 +15.40 – 7.9 –1903+0509 19 03 40.000 +05 09 29.00 +32.30 – 5.4 –1900+0542 19 00 59.500 +05 42 28.00 +15.30 – 15.3 –1905+0626 19 05 40.600 +06 26 08.00 +74.00 – 18.0 –1902+0658 19 02 37.900 +06 58 25.00 +15.60 – 18.0 –1906+0646 19 06 01.700 +06 46 25.00 +31.00 – 17.0 –1907+0709 19 07 13.800 +07 09 44.00 +63.40 – 3.7 –1907+0716 19 07 19.600 +07 16 45.00 +57.10 – 3.2 –1907+0725 19 07 21.870 +07 25 17.34 +14.00 + 51.0 –1907+0814 19 07 20.800 +08 14 <strong>12</strong>.00 +<strong>12</strong>.50 – <strong>12</strong>.0 –1911+0846 19 11 36.000 +08 46 03.00 +54.80 – 10.0 –1910+0905 W49N 19 10 09.700 +09 05 35.00 +13.00 – 26.0 14.31911+0936 19 11 55.100 +09 36 00.00 +40.00 – 144.0 –1914+0922 19 14 23.400 +09 22 14.00 +47.40 – 34.0 5.21913+1050 19 13 22.400 +10 50 45.00 +58.00 – 33.0 –1914+1108 19 14 17.400 +11 08 45.00 +50.00 – 1.9 2.21914+11<strong>12</strong> 19 14 07.800 +11 <strong>12</strong> 01.00 +65.00 – 7.0 –1914+1113 19 14 10.100 +11 13 05.00 +57.00 – 13.4 –1925+1346 19 25 18.500 +13 46 59.00 +35.50 – 21.0 –1920+1445 19 20 53.300 +14 45 41.00 –<strong>12</strong>.4 – 13.0 27.81923+1431 W51 19 23 39.821 +14 31 04.47 +64.00 + <strong>12</strong>.0 –1923+1430 19 23 44.500 +14 30 31.00 +59.00 – 850.0 21.1923+1437 19 23 23.500 +14 37 52.00 +62.80 – 29.0 8.41923+1434 19 23 53.600 +14 34 54.00 +59.30 – 482.0 –1924+1438 19 24 19.700 +14 38 02.00 +59.60 – 10.0 –1921+1525 19 21 10.500 +15 25 42.00 –5.00 – 6.5 –1921+1543 19 21 22.200 +15 43 43.00 +29.90 – 2.8 –

5 ANEXO A: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE METANOL A 6.7 GHZ <strong>12</strong>1932+1657 19 32 35.300 +16 57 33.00 +65.00 – 10.0 –1928+1751 19 28 49.900 +17 51 14.00 +10.00 – 3.3 –1929+1756 19 29 13.800 +17 56 15.00 +23.80 – 1.9 –1930+1820 19 30 25.300 +18 20 20.00 +18.70 – 6.3 –1938+2307 19 38 43.900 +23 07 54.00 +34.00 – 2.8 –1943+2344 V645 19 43 11.248 +23 44 03.34 +25.00 + 42.0 15.81940+2404 19 40 59.400 +24 04 39.00 +38.40 – 13.1 –1945+2417 19 45 48.800 +24 17 22.00 +3.600 – 4.1 –2010+3130 ON1 20 10 05.200 +31 30 55.00 +15.10 – 109.0 –2000+3328 20 00 49.600 +33 28 20.00 –26.5 – 9.8 –20<strong>12</strong>+3330 20 <strong>12</strong> 56.800 +33 30 05.00 +10.70 – 5.3 –2008+3558 20 08 04.600 +35 58 47.00 –2.50 – 10.0 –2021+3725 ON2 20 21 40.100 +37 25 37.00 –2.90 – 39.0 –2014+4113 20 14 26.044 +41 13 33.39 –6.10 + 38.0 –2027+4007 20 27 26.800 +40 07 50.00 –39.0 – 3.0 –2030+4102 20 30 50.900 +41 02 26.00 –4.00 – 21.2 –2036+4136 20 36 47.800 +41 36 30.00 –4.10 – 4.3 –2039+4222 DR21 20 39 00.700 +42 22 50.00 +0.000 – 13.0 –2039+4225 W75S 20 39 03.500 +42 25 53.00 –1.00 – 39.0 –2038+4237 W75N 20 38 36.452 +42 37 36.06 +6.000 + 1080.0 –2054+4454 20 54 13.710 +44 54 07.85 –29.5 + 42.0 –2109+5001 21 09 03.700 +50 01 13.00 –70.5 – 27.0 –2139+5013 GL2789 21 39 53.600 +50 13 38.00 –40.9 – 7.0 <strong>12</strong>.32142+5455 21 42 58.100 +54 55 46.00 –61.6 – 3.3 –2228+6413 L<strong>12</strong>06 22 28 52.000 +64 13 22.00 –10.9 – 109.0 –2258+5846 22 58 40.300 +58 46 05.00 –45.7 – 2.8 –2256+6201 CepA 22 56 18.095 +62 01 49.45 –2.50 + 815.0 109.2257+6156 22 57 11.200 +61 56 03.00 –2.40 – 43.0 –2316+5955 23 16 05.400 +59 55 22.00 –38.5 – 4.0 –2313+6<strong>12</strong>8 NGC7538 23 13 45.364 +61 28 10.55 –56.2 + 296.0 64.7

6 ANEXO B: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE METANOL A <strong>12</strong> GHZ 136. Anexo B: Catálogo <strong>de</strong> máseres <strong>de</strong> metanol a <strong>12</strong>GHzTABLA: Fuentes emisoras <strong>de</strong>l máser <strong>de</strong> metanol a <strong>12</strong> GHz. Precisión ’+’ significa que setrata <strong>de</strong> un objeto observado en interferometría y cuyas coor<strong>de</strong>nadas son suficientementebuenas como para usar la fuente en medidas <strong>de</strong> apuntado.nombre RA DEC (J2000) V(LSR) prec F(6GHz) F(<strong>12</strong>GHz)h m s d m s km/s +=punt. Jy Jy0227+6152 W3-IRS5 02 27 03.849 +61 52 25.42 –44.6 + 3741.0 793.0539+3530 05 39 27.600 +35 30 58.00 –14.0 – 5.0 <strong>12</strong>.50608+2138 AFGL5180 06 08 53.350 +21 38 28.70 +11.00 + 495.0 91.20614+1349 S269 06 14 37.060 +13 49 37.00 +15.00 + 61.0 1.350607-0622 MonR2 06 07 47.870 –06 22 57.00 +<strong>12</strong>.00 + 337.0 4.20732-1658 07 32 09.790 –16 58 <strong>12</strong>.50 +23.00 + 162.0 17.81745-2923 17 45 39.080 –29 23 29.00 +22.50 + 48.0 13.51750-2854 17 50 14.530 –28 54 31.00 +14.00 + 68.0 3.61806-2137 18 06 23.500 –21 37 23.00 +43.00 – 148.0 14.1806-2031 18 06 14.659 –20 31 31.57 +1.000 + 5090.0 180.1808-1954 18 08 44.900 –19 54 38.00 +73.00 + 25.0 7.1808-1951 W31 18 08 38.210 –19 51 49.50 +75.00 + 61.0 17.1810-1953 18 10 09.900 –19 53 22.00 –8.00 – 3.4 1.218<strong>12</strong>-1841 18 <strong>12</strong> 11.440 –18 41 29.00 +42.60 + 49.0 21.1814-1853 18 14 00.890 –18 53 26.50 +32.00 + 47.0 6.818<strong>12</strong>-1831 18 <strong>12</strong> 01.851 –18 31 55.50 +108.0 + 82.0 13.51813-1801 W33B 18 13 54.200 –18 01 44.00 +52.00 – 544.0 16.51811-1731 18 11 51.400 –17 31 30.00 +39.00 + 93.0 24.1814-1752 W33A 18 14 39.520 –17 52 00.00 +39.00 + 317.0 11.51815-1638 18 15 41.700 –16 38 57.00 +15.10 – 135.0 7.31820-1611 M17 18 20 24.790 –16 11 35.50 +21.00 + 39.0 <strong>12</strong>.61821-1431 18 21 09.130 –14 31 48.50 +59.00 + 21.0 1.11826-1152 18 26 00.390 –11 52 22.50 +21.00 + 19.3 81.61827-1153 18 27 16.520 –11 53 38.50 +53.00 + 3.6 2.81827-1114 18 27 41.000 –11 14 05.00 +71.40 – 94.0 2.71832-0929 18 32 32.100 –09 29 10.00 +35.50 – 28.1 8.31832-0924 18 32 41.200 –09 24 34.00 +29.00 – 20.0 5.1834-0900 18 34 40.200 –09 00 36.00 +75.00 – 405.0 26.1834-0850 18 34 54.400 –08 50 04.00 +81.80 – 23.4 6.91834-0831 18 34 39.270 –08 31 39.00 +103.0 + 77.0 9.1835-0817 18 35 <strong>12</strong>.370 –08 17 39.50 +79.00 + 9.2 8.1835-0748 18 35 20.800 –07 48 48.00 +17.70 – 40.0 8.71835-0735 18 35 09.200 –07 35 06.00 +110.0 – 10.8 20.

6 ANEXO B: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE METANOL A <strong>12</strong> GHZ 141838-0624 18 38 03.150 –06 24 15.00 +92.80 + 364.0 213.71840-0458 18 40 03.800 –04 58 09.00 +9.100 – 2.8 17.51841-0501 18 41 50.980 –05 01 28.00 +99.40 + 29.0 20.1842-0415 18 42 42.590 –04 15 32.00 +100.9 + 34.0 23.51844-0417 18 44 21.990 –04 17 38.50 +80.70 + 62.0 13.61842-0324 18 42 <strong>12</strong>.800 –03 24 26.00 +83.50 – 2.7 4.71845-0244 18 45 59.530 –02 44 47.00 +101.4 + 67.0 16.1846-0239 18 46 03.741 –02 39 21.43 +96.00 + 206.0 18.21846-0238 18 46 11.600 –02 38 42.00 +104.0 – 14.0 4.1847-0230 18 47 03.500 –02 30 31.00 +108.0 – 18.7 10.1847-0229 18 47 07.800 –02 29 43.00 +113.0 – 11.7 8.31847-0157 18 47 39.730 –01 57 22.00 +92.00 + 68.0 1.51846-0148 18 46 41.520 –01 48 32.00 +48.90 + 19.0 16.51846-0148 18 46 48.090 –01 48 46.00 +86.00 + 23.0 9.91847-0154 18 47 46.200 –01 54 14.00 +101.0 – 18.0 0.81847-0142 18 47 23.800 –01 42 39.00 +101.5 – 33.0 6.21848-0<strong>12</strong>6 W43M 18 48 <strong>12</strong>.390 –01 26 22.60 +110.0 + 71.0 26.21847-01<strong>12</strong> 18 47 34.310 –01 <strong>12</strong> 47.00 +104.0 + 11.0 3.81849-0045 18 49 37.300 –00 45 47.00 +92.80 – 93.0 52.81851-00<strong>12</strong> 18 51 22.800 –00 <strong>12</strong> 15.00 +39.00 – 47.0 14.81851+0007 18 51 58.900 +00 07 27.00 +96.00 – 30.0 0.41852+0007 18 52 07.100 +00 07 56.00 +73.00 – <strong>12</strong>.4 0.61853+0032 18 53 45.200 +00 32 47.00 +62.60 – 68.0 89.41853+0113 18 53 21.500 +01 13 43.00 +55.00 – 20.0 0.91901+0113 W48 19 01 45.600 +01 13 28.00 +43.50 – 560.0 109.41858+0140 18 58 <strong>12</strong>.700 +01 40 50.00 +28.00 – <strong>12</strong>5.0 32.21854+0440 18 54 10.500 +04 40 49.00 +41.10 – 279.0 54.91900+0402 19 00 14.400 +04 02 35.00 +62.60 – 5.7 9.81910+0905 W49N 19 10 09.700 +09 05 35.00 +13.00 – 26.0 14.31914+0922 19 14 23.400 +09 22 14.00 +47.40 – 34.0 5.21914+1108 19 14 17.400 +11 08 45.00 +50.00 – 1.9 2.21920+1445 19 20 53.300 +14 45 41.00 –<strong>12</strong>.4 – 13.0 27.81923+1430 19 23 44.500 +14 30 31.00 +59.00 – 850.0 21.1923+1437 19 23 23.500 +14 37 52.00 +62.80 – 29.0 8.41943+2344 V645 19 43 11.248 +23 44 03.34 +25.00 + 42.0 15.82139+5013 GL2789 21 39 53.600 +50 13 38.00 –40.9 – 7.0 <strong>12</strong>.32256+6201 CepA 22 56 18.095 +62 01 49.45 –2.50 + 815.0 109.2313+6<strong>12</strong>8 NGC7538 23 13 45.364 +61 28 10.55 –56.2 + 296.0 64.7

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 157. Anexo C: Catálogo <strong>de</strong> máseres <strong>de</strong> vapor <strong>de</strong> aguaa 22 GHzTABLA: Fuentes emisoras <strong>de</strong>l máser <strong>de</strong> agua a 22 GHz. Clase ’STAR+’ significa quese trata <strong>de</strong> una estrella cuyas coor<strong>de</strong>nadas son suficientemente buenas como para usar lafuente en medidas <strong>de</strong> apuntado. STAR– significa estrella con coor<strong>de</strong>nadas <strong>de</strong> poca calidady SFR significa región <strong>de</strong> formación estelar.IRAS nombre RA2000 DEC2000 clase V(LSR) F(22GHz)h m s d m s +=punt. km/s Jy00007+5524 Y CAS 00 03 19.63 +55 41 03.0 STAR– –18.9 1.61E+0100050–2546 SY SCL 00 07 36.28 –25 29 38.9 STAR– 19.4 1.03E+0100211+6549 unk 00 23 58.09 +66 06 03.1 SFR –71.1 7.27E+0000232+6437 unk 00 26 06.41 +64 54 04.1 UNKN –44.1 1.79E+0100259+5625 LBN594 00 28 45.82 +56 41 07.8 SFR –40.6 3.79E+0100340+6251 TY CAS 00 36 59.43 +63 08 01.8 STAR+ –59.0 2.84E+0100420+5530 unk 00 44 57.52 +55 47 18.0 SFR –44.7 6.60E+0100428+6854 IRC+700<strong>12</strong> 00 46 00.<strong>12</strong> +69 10 53.4 STAR+ –13.8 8.93E+0000494+5617 NGC 281 00 52 25.16 +56 33 54.3 SFR –28.7 2.26E+0101037+<strong>12</strong>19 IRC+10011 01 06 25.98 +<strong>12</strong> 35 53.0 STAR+ –2.6 2.53E+01CIT 3 01 06 26.89 +<strong>12</strong> 34 44.0 unk –2.8 8.28E+0001134+6429 unk 01 16 47.22 +64 45 42.6 SFR –46.9 1.79E+010<strong>12</strong>65+4624 CEAnd 01 29 33.27 +46 39 33.0 STAR+ –13.2 9.80E+0002192+5821 S PER 02 22 51.71 +58 35 11.4 STAR+ –37.0 4.19E+01W3 (1) 02 25 28.23 +62 06 57.7 unk –34.3 9.07E+0102219+6152 W3 (2) 02 25 40.76 +62 05 51.2 UNKN –40.5 4.28E+02W3 (3) 02 25 53.57 +62 04 10.6 unk –39.3 6.97E+0102232+6138 W3 OH 02 27 04.69 +61 52 25.6 SFR –48.8 1.41E+0402351–2711 IRC–30023 02 37 22.99 –26 58 42.9 STAR+ –3.9 3.82E+0102395+6244 unk 02 43 29.<strong>12</strong> +62 56 59.4 SFR –67.1 2.02E+0102404+2150 unk 02 43 16.73 +22 03 34.5 STAR– –42.3 1.15E+0102420+<strong>12</strong>06 RU Ari 02 44 45.50 +<strong>12</strong> 19 03.0 STAR+ 19.8 3.75E+0102425+6851 unk 02 47 00.16 +69 04 10.9 SFR –13.9 1.93E+0102485+6902 WB453 02 53 07.17 +69 14 36.2 SFR 15.3 1.27E+0103035+5819 HHL–5 03 07 25.61 +58 30 52.4 SFR –28.1 1.03E+0103101+5821 unk 03 14 06.38 +58 33 10.0 SFR –39.1 8.18E+0003167+5848 unk 03 20 44.30 +58 59 33.2 SFR –55.3 1.03E+0103225+3034 unk 03 25 35.54 +30 45 20.5 SFR 2.6 1.26E+0103245+3002 unk 03 27 38.10 +30 <strong>12</strong> 59.5 SFR 2.2 1.40E+0203258+3104 N1333IRS2 03 28 55.41 +31 14 35.1 SFR –16.4 2.90E+0003259+3105 HH7–11(B) 03 29 02.14 +31 15 37.7 SFR 2.8 3.22E+0103453+3207 unk 03 48 32.40 +32 16 43.7 STAR+ –22.0 2.00E+0003507+1115 IK TAU 03 53 28.84 +11 24 22.6 STAR+ 30.4 2.09E+01

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 1603507+3623 IRC+40072 03 54 01.86 +36 32 17.5 STAR– –92.0 7.20E+0004064+3321 IRC+30072 04 09 36.99 +33 29 37.3 STAR+ 5.1 1.14E+0104094–2515 W ERI 04 11 31.06 –25 08 02.3 STAR+ –0.3 5.21E+0104157–1837 RSEri 04 17 55.37 –18 30 25.4 STAR+ 49.6 4.14E+0104255+1003 R TAU 04 28 18.00 +10 09 44.8 STAR+ 15.3 7.92E+0004396+0647 BZ Tau 04 42 21.37 +06 52 38.6 STAR– 13.0 7.20E+0004579+4703 WB599 05 01 39.74 +47 07 23.1 SFR –17.3 5.58E+0105073+5248 IRC+50137 05 11 19.43 +52 52 33.7 STAR+ –11.1 7.78E+0005137+3919 WB621 05 17 13.28 +39 22 14.4 SFR –28.1 6.25E+0105168+3634 WB626 05 20 16.14 +36 37 21.1 SFR –20.6 6.87E+0105274+3345 WB652, 05 30 48.81 +33 47 26.4 SFR 4.3 1.06E+0205302–0537 OriA–w 05 32 41.72 –05 35 47.5 SFR 7.3 2.06E+0105327–0457 unk 05 35 14.39 –04 55 44.5 SFR 10.1 1.18E+01KL IRC 2 05 35 14.47 –05 22 29.6 unk 7.5 2.01E+0505329–0508 OMC(2)2 05 35 26.00 –05 05 43.5 UNKN 7.4 4.42E+0105329–05<strong>12</strong> OMC 2 05 35 27.52 –05 09 36.5 UNKN 7.5 1.53E+0205335+3609 WB668 05 36 52.49 +36 10 49.3 SFR –16.1 1.60E+0105345+3556 WB673 05 37 57.85 +35 58 40.5 SFR –18.1 1.33E+0105345+3157 WB671 05 37 53.13 +31 59 34.6 SFR –27.0 1.27E+0205354+2458 unk 05 38 32.63 +25 00 06.8 STAR+ 2.9 2.30E+0105358+3543 S231 05 39 <strong>12</strong>.91 +35 45 54.1 SFR –17.2 2.38E+0205361+3539 17358+0244 05 39 27.77 +35 40 58.0 SFR –16.5 5.43E+0005363+2454 unk 05 39 28.25 +24 56 32.3 SFR –5.3 4.64E+0105365–1404 RW LEP 05 38 52.73 –14 02 27.2 STAR+ –60.7 8.99E+0005375+3540 S235 05 40 53.32 +35 41 48.8 SFR 0.9 6.78E+00NGC 2024 05 41 45.18 –01 56 04.8 unk 10.2 2.81E+0105413–0104 20601–1548 05 43 51.10 –01 03 00.9 SFR 2.4 3.92E+0105423+2905 unk 05 45 29.92 +29 07 05.4 STAR+ 23.7 2.90E+0005443+2707 AW TAU 05 47 27.49 +27 07 33.7 STAR– –<strong>12</strong>.3 1.65E+0105445+0020 NGC 2071 05 47 05.45 +00 21 50.1 SFR 15.9 5.99E+0205445+0016 unk 05 47 07.77 +00 17 45.9 UNKN 10.9 4.70E+0005466+2316 WB709 05 49 41.84 +23 17 03.7 SFR –4.1 6.10E+0005528+2010 U ORI 05 55 49.17 +20 10 30.7 STAR+ –37.2 1.02E+0105553+1631 WB724 05 58 13.87 +16 32 00.1 SFR 10.9 8.57E+0106001+3014 WB733 06 03 22.88 +30 14 11.2 SFR 16.1 6.50E+00MONR2 06 07 43.16 –06 23 16.4 unk 11.8 3.82E+0106053–0622 MONR2 IRS3 06 07 47.97 –06 23 03.8 SFR 18.1 1.74E+0206055+2039 S252 A 06 08 35.52 +20 39 13.0 SFR 9.2 8.93E+0106058+2138 18895+0089 06 08 53.94 +21 38 36.7 SFR 8.3 3.92E+0106061+2151 WB755 06 09 07.81 +21 50 38.7 SFR –10.0 1.28E+0206067+2138 WB763 06 09 48.03 +21 38 10.7 SFR 4.7 1.49E+0206099+1800 S255/7 06 <strong>12</strong> 53.62 +17 59 27.1 SFR 7.1 3.10E+0106117+1350 S269 06 14 36.46 +13 49 33.4 SFR 19.4 1.50E+0206<strong>12</strong>7+1418 S269 B 06 15 34.63 +14 17 10.2 SFR 11.3 6.60E+00

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 1706291+0421 WB817 06 31 48.07 +04 19 31.1 SFR 9.5 1.32E+0106300+6058 IRC+60169 06 34 33.92 +60 56 26.2 STAR+ –33.2 3.09E+0106306+0437 unk 06 33 16.36 +04 34 56.8 SFR 10.4 6.00E+0006363+5954 U LYN 06 40 46.49 +59 52 01.6 STAR+ –14.4 4.83E+01NGC2264–ou 06 41 07.65 +09 33 42.0 unk 14.1 1.97E+0106423+0905 FXMon 06 45 05.70 +09 02 17.0 STAR– 35.2 3.70E+0006437+0009 2<strong>12</strong>25–0110 06 46 15.59 +00 06 18.6 SFR 33.6 1.11E+0106446+0029 WB886 06 47 <strong>12</strong>.87 +00 26 06.5 SFR 44.8 6.70E+0106501+0143 unk 06 52 45.47 +01 40 14.9 SFR 51.9 5.54E+0106579–0432 unk 07 00 23.07 –04 36 37.8 SFR 30.9 1.92E+0206584–0852 unk 07 00 51.52 –08 56 29.0 SFR 50.4 1.04E+0107006–0654 WB939 07 03 05.10 –06 58 28.3 SFR 31.1 4.94E+0107024–1102 unk 07 04 42.17 –11 06 22.2 SFR 17.9 2.90E+0107045+2418 unk 07 07 33.71 +24 13 19.2 STAR– 39.3 5.60E+0007077–1026 unk 07 10 05.42 –10 31 45.8 SFR 10.2 1.29E+0107111–<strong>12</strong>11 unk 07 13 29.86 –<strong>12</strong> 16 51.1 SFR 15.7 1.62E+0107173–1744 unk 07 19 34.84 –17 50 25.5 SFR 36.0 7.20E+0007180–2356 WB977 07 20 06.55 –24 02 20.9 SFR 21.4 3.35E+0107207–1435 WB985 07 23 01.28 –14 41 32.5 SFR 51.8 1.04E+0207209–2540 VY CMA 07 22 58.33 –25 46 03.2 STAR+ 20.9 2.44E+0207225–2428 HHL–50 07 24 38.65 –24 34 55.6 UNKN 6.5 3.30E+0107279–2038 BBW 33 07 30 05.29 –20 44 04.6 SFR 72.9 5.38E+0007304–2032 Z PUP 07 32 38.06 –20 39 29.3 STAR+ –1.9 1.28E+0107308+3037 AFGL 1141 07 33 57.63 +30 30 39.9 STAR– –5.2 7.91E+0007422–2001 unk 07 44 27.85 –20 08 31.9 SFR 44.9 3.51E+0107427–2400 unk 07 44 51.90 –24 07 40.6 SFR 70.9 3.36E+0107445–2613 CRL1192 07 46 38.18 –26 20 36.7 STAR– 81.5 1.87E+0107536–2830 HU Pup 07 55 40.16 –28 38 54.8 STAR+ 43.8 1.20E+0208534–1901 IRC–20176 08 55 43.80 –19 13 27.6 STAR+ 5.0 2.63E+0009331–1428 X HYA 09 35 30.26 –14 41 28.6 STAR+ 27.2 5.10E+0009425+3444 R LMI 09 45 34.28 +34 30 42.8 STAR+ –0.8 1.14E+0110521+7208 VX UMA 10 55 39.88 +71 52 09.8 STAR+ –50.7 2.76E+0110580–1803 R CRT 11 00 33.85 –18 19 29.6 STAR+ 3.7 3.98E+0211445+4344 unk 11 47 13.80 +43 28 15.9 STAR+ –100.2 1.95E+0111501–0719 S CRT 11 52 45.10 –07 35 48.1 STAR+ 40.5 1.99E+01<strong>12</strong><strong>12</strong>0–0545 T VIR <strong>12</strong> 14 36.73 –06 02 08.9 STAR+ 7.2 1.27E+01<strong>12</strong>449+3838 U CVN <strong>12</strong> 47 19.83 +38 22 31.2 STAR– –22.5 6.71E+00<strong>12</strong>562+2324 T COM <strong>12</strong> 58 38.92 +23 08 21.5 STAR+ 27.6 4.10E+0013001+0527 RT VIR 13 02 37.98 +05 11 08.4 STAR+ 13.6 1.07E+0213462–2807 W HYA 13 49 02.00 –28 22 03.5 STAR+ 42.7 2.15E+0114040+1343 Z BOO 14 06 29.55 +13 29 05.7 STAR+ 48.4 7.24E+0014086–0730 OH334 14 11 18.03 –07 44 47.3 STAR+ –19.0 4.10E+0014086–2839 RU HYA 14 11 34.40 –28 53 07.4 STAR+ –3.6 1.52E+0114219+2555 RX BOO 14 24 11.63 +25 42 13.4 STAR+ 2.4 1.73E+02

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 1814247+0454 RS VIR 14 27 16.39 +04 40 41.1 STAR+ –13.8 2.36E+0115060+0947 unk 15 08 25.78 +09 36 18.4 STAR+ –13.5 1.57E+0115090–0549 Y LIB 15 11 41.31 –06 00 41.4 STAR+ 11.4 3.<strong>12</strong>E+0115193+1429 S SER 15 21 39.53 +14 18 53.1 STAR+ 21.2 7.49E+0015193+3132 S CRB 15 21 23.95 +31 22 02.6 STAR+ 1.7 3.48E+0115255+1944 WX SER 15 27 47.04 +19 33 51.7 STAR+ 8.2 1.11E+0115410–0133 BGSer 15 43 36.77 –01 42 37.7 STAR+ –1.9 7.30E+0015576–<strong>12</strong><strong>12</strong> FS LIB 16 00 23.34 –<strong>12</strong> 20 54.9 STAR– –4.4 7.45E+0016235+1900 U HER 16 25 47.47 +18 53 32.9 STAR+ –14.5 2.61E+0116244–2432 YLW 16 16 27 27.84 –24 39 32.8 UNKN –15.2 3.66E+0216293–2422 unk 16 32 22.76 –24 28 36.1 STRN 6.8 2.27E+0316442–0930 L255 16 46 58.63 –09 35 22.6 SFR –13.4 1.80E+0016503+0529 RX OPH 16 52 47.69 +05 24 29.2 STAR– –47.5 2.54E+0117119+0859 IRC+10322 17 14 19.26 +08 56 01.5 STAR– 7.3 2.81E+0117230+0113 unk 17 25 36.39 +01 11 03.7 STAR– –30.5 9.50E+0017343+1052 V790Oph 17 36 45.03 +10 51 05.4 STAR– –57.0 1.97E+0117402–2938 35914+0003 17 43 27.10 –29 39 27.2 UNKN –1.8 1.39E+0217432–2835 00038+0004 17 46 21.11 –28 35 46.6 SFR 37.9 8.24E+0117441–2822 SGR B2M 17 47 19.71 –28 23 02.3 STRN 65.8 3.42E+0317441–2910 35997–0046 17 47 21.34 –29 <strong>12</strong> 05.2 SFR 20.1 5.25E+0117470–2853 RCW 142 17 50 14.03 –28 54 28.6 SFR 17.0 2.09E+0217527–2439 unk 17 55 49.06 –24 40 20.0 SFR –1.7 1.81E+01G6.08–0.<strong>12</strong> 17 59 53.49 –23 45 31.1 unk 1.8 2.11E+0117574–2403 W28 A2(2) 18 00 30.43 –24 04 16.6 SFR 8.8 1.02E+0217579+2335 unk 18 00 03.80 +23 35 35.8 STAR– 2.6 1.42E+0117582–2234 unk 18 01 17.97 –22 34 56.9 SFR –6.1 6.60E+0017591–2228 00747+0006 18 02 13.<strong>12</strong> –22 28 09.9 SFR –16.6 1.07E+0118009–2019 IRC–20424 18 03 56.42 –20 19 01.2 STAR– –1.0 6.83E+0018024–2119 unk 18 05 25.37 –21 19 39.8 SFR –11.3 3.55E+0118025–2113 IRC–20427 18 05 37.64 –21 13 41.9 STAR– –1.0 1.48E+0118032–2032 00962+0019 18 06 14.80 –20 31 40.3 SFR 5.2 8.90E+0018033+2229 unk 18 05 26.64 +22 30 04.0 STAR+ 24.2 2.30E+0018032–2137 00868–0036 18 06 21.77 –21 37 18.7 SFR 33.2 2.59E+0218039–0813 IRC–10395 18 06 42.74 –08 13 <strong>12</strong>.6 STAR– 20.1 2.13E+0118048–2019 unk 18 07 51.51 –20 18 36.1 SFR 49.2 3.42E+0118050–2213 VX SGR 18 08 04.05 –22 13 26.6 STAR+ –1.3 1.26E+0218052–2205 unk 18 08 17.79 –22 05 <strong>12</strong>.3 SFR –94.7 1.47E+0118056–1952 W31 (1) 18 08 38.32 –19 51 51.7 SFR 60.2 1.46E+0218061–1927 unk 18 09 06.98 –19 27 22.6 UNKN 21.7 5.87E+0118064–2008 unk 18 09 23.28 –20 08 33.4 SFR 33.7 7.69E+0118067–1921 01103+0006 18 09 39.45 –19 21 20.2 SFR 11.8 2.23E+0118075–1956 W31 (2) 18 10 28.70 –19 55 58.6 SFR –0.5 1.47E+0218085+0752 XYOph 18 10 59.04 +07 53 07.8 STAR– –67.9 9.70E+0018089–1732 0<strong>12</strong>89+0049 18 11 51.07 –17 31 30.6 SFR 31.6 4.17E+01

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 190<strong>12</strong>21–0010 18 <strong>12</strong> 39.70 –18 24 20.0 unk 22.6 6.54E+0118097–1825 0<strong>12</strong>22–00<strong>12</strong> 18 <strong>12</strong> 44.51 –18 24 35.6 UNKN 26.7 6.99E+0118099+3<strong>12</strong>7 unk 18 11 47.50 +31 28 20.0 STAR+ 19.2 5.00E+00W33 B 18 13 54.71 –18 01 46.5 unk 61.1 9.27E+0118110–1854 G11.94–.62 18 14 00.92 –18 53 25.2 SFR 39.3 7.28E+01W33 CONT. 18 14 13.67 –17 55 25.3 unk 33.7 7.14E+0018116–1646 01387+0028 18 14 35.38 –16 45 36.5 SFR –26.3 1.65E+0118134–1942 unk 18 16 22.25 –19 41 19.9 SFR 20.8 3.78E+0118135–1641 01417–0006 18 16 25.66 –16 39 57.6 STAR– 48.2 8.82E+0118139–1816 0<strong>12</strong>82–0089 18 16 48.98 –18 14 59.9 STAR– –76.4 1.53E+0118139–1842 S39 18 16 52.46 –18 41 49.6 SFR –35.5 1.85E+0118141–1615 01460+0002 18 17 01.22 –16 14 38.0 SFR 20.8 4.16E+0101445–0010 18 17 09.86 –16 26 11.3 unk 37.0 1.10E+0118144–1723 01366–0060 18 17 24.95 –17 22 <strong>12</strong>.2 SFR 51.2 4.92E+0118148–0440 L483 18 17 29.62 –04 39 04.3 SFR 0.3 2.25E+0118151–<strong>12</strong>08 unk 18 17 57.11 –<strong>12</strong> 07 20.7 SFR 30.3 3.28E+0118153–1651 01423–0051 18 18 <strong>12</strong>.75 –16 49 33.8 SFR 33.6 1.10E+0118152–1346 M16 A 18 18 09.51 –13 45 16.9 UNKN –64.1 7.74E+0118156–1343 unk 18 18 20.96 –13 42 49.0 SFR –64.1 4.20E+0018156–0653 unk 18 18 18.72 –06 51 51.9 STAR– –91.0 1.95E+0118159–1648 01433–0064 18 18 53.81 –16 47 49.7 SFR 22.8 1.21E+0118174–16<strong>12</strong> M17(2,3,4) 18 20 22.33 –16 11 18.2 UNKN 14.3 1.11E+01M17 (1) 18 20 23.20 –16 14 40.2 unk –0.3 1.14E+0118182–1504 OH16.1–0.3 18 21 06.11 –15 03 24.1 UNKN 5.3 1.84E+0118182–1433 01658–0005 18 21 08.75 –14 31 52.9 SFR 60.3 2.72E+0118186+3143 TULyr 18 20 30.28 +31 45 21.3 STAR+ 5.9 8.90E+0018196–1331 OH17.6 18 22 26.78 –13 30 15.1 SFR 27.1 3.31E+0218204–1344 IRC–10414 18 23 17.93 –13 42 46.4 STAR– 41.0 4.65E+0118236–<strong>12</strong>05 unk 18 26 24.30 –<strong>12</strong> 03 45.8 SFR 18.6 2.20E+0118248–1158 01961–0023 18 27 37.84 –11 56 27.5 SFR 27.3 1.16E+0218252–1305 unk 18 28 04.40 –13 03 40.6 STAR– 27.0 1.86E+0118265–1517 L379–IRS3 18 29 24.39 –15 15 14.9 SFR –19.4 1.09E+0118265+0028 unk 18 29 05.81 +00 30 36.4 SFR 5.2 6.00E+0102104–0006 18 29 43.11 –10 35 45.4 unk 36.3 7.64E+0018276+0839 V603Oph 18 30 03.56 +08 41 26.0 STAR+ 69.8 1.70E+0218277–1516 L379 IRS2 18 30 35.27 –15 14 37.8 SFR 20.2 3.94E+0218282–0951 RCW 169 18 31 01.37 –09 48 51.7 SFR 25.1 1.18E+0118290–0924 02236+0006 18 31 44.34 –09 22 18.6 SFR 89.0 2.22E+0118306–0835 G23.27+.08 18 33 23.76 –08 33 33.3 SFR 77.0 8.10E+0018308–0503 unk 18 33 30.41 –05 01 05.7 SFR 53.7 4.47E+0118316–0602 unk 18 34 19.75 –05 59 43.2 SFR 45.1 7.34E+02G22.98–.36 18 34 25.39 –09 00 35.9 unk 76.4 1.05E+0118317–0513 unk 18 34 25.90 –05 10 58.7 SFR 44.9 6.83E+0118319–0802 unk 18 34 38.19 –07 59 35.0 SFR 74.0 1.55E+01

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 2002344–0018 18 34 39.22 –08 31 28.9 unk 101.3 2.20E+0102301–0041 18 34 40.49 –09 00 38.8 unk 77.2 3.33E+0118321–0854 unk 18 34 51.81 –08 51 39.0 UNKN 78.9 9.10E+0018327–0715 OH24.7+0.2 18 35 29.98 –07 13 10.2 SFR 25.8 9.80E+0018335–0713 W42 18 36 <strong>12</strong>.35 –07 <strong>12</strong> 10.0 UNKN 107.5 3.57E+0118341–0727 unk 18 36 52.30 –07 24 54.3 SFR 113.5 5.90E+0018349+1023 IRC+10365 18 37 19.31 +10 25 42.4 STAR+ –42.7 4.47E+0118352–0148 unk 18 37 50.54 –01 45 47.8 UNKN 43.5 1.34E+0118355–0650 unk 18 38 14.27 –06 47 47.3 SFR 65.0 1.25E+0118359–0334 unk 18 38 34.38 –03 32 05.8 SFR –45.4 1.62E+0118360–0537 unk 18 38 41.66 –05 35 06.3 SFR 104.3 7.16E+0118361–0627 unk 18 38 51.72 –06 25 00.6 SFR 91.1 1.01E+0118372–0541 unk 18 39 55.82 –05 38 45.0 SFR 23.4 9.90E+0018385–05<strong>12</strong> unk 18 41 <strong>12</strong>.04 –05 09 06.5 SFR 18.0 4.14E+0218387–0423 IRC+00363 18 41 25.01 –04 20 35.5 STAR– 47.6 6.40E+0118395–0248 IRC+00364 18 42 08.17 –02 45 15.3 STAR– 63.7 1.48E+0118398+1035 V665 Oph 18 42 09.99 +10 38 55.1 STAR+ 71.2 5.00E+0018403–0440 unk 18 43 01.11 –04 36 40.6 SFR 9.9 1.63E+01G28.79+.24 18 43 01.71 –03 34 22.6 unk 105.8 2.80E+0118411–0338 02886+0007 18 43 45.84 –03 35 36.3 SFR 91.9 8.98E+0118413+1354 IRC+10374 18 43 36.47 +13 57 22.8 STAR+ –20.5 1.62E+0118414–0339 unk 18 44 06.86 –03 36 45.9 SFR 135.0 7.60E+0018431–0403 02872–0058 18 45 48.43 –04 00 46.1 STAR+ 57.8 8.38E+0018432+1343 unk 18 45 35.04 +13 46 21.1 STAR– 47.0 2.70E+0018434–0242 W43 S 18 46 01.46 –02 39 33.7 SFR 96.7 6.52E+0102991–0005 18 46 05.91 –02 42 27.4 unk 35.0 1.08E+0118436+4334 RW LYR 18 45 10.54 +43 38 04.1 STAR– –21.3 1.87E+01G31.06+.47 18 46 21.18 –01 27 20.2 unk 29.9 1.68E+0118444+0734 unk 18 46 49.13 +07 38 11.2 STAR– 35.8 4.60E+0018449–0158 unk 18 47 35.51 –01 55 25.9 SFR 101.7 6.40E+0018449–0115 03141+0031 18 47 34.70 –01 <strong>12</strong> 45.9 SFR 98.8 6.46E+01W43 (M2) 18 47 38.87 –01 58 28.6 unk 48.0 7.59E+0018450–0148 W43 OH 18 47 42.<strong>12</strong> –01 45 09.5 UNKN 117.6 2.73E+01W43 (M3) 18 47 47.00 –01 54 35.1 unk 99.5 2.07E+0218455–0200 W43 (M4) 18 48 08.84 –01 56 53.6 UNKN 94.8 6.20E+0018461–0136 03<strong>12</strong>4–0011 18 48 45.29 –01 33 11.9 SFR 18.6 3.40E+0318469–0132 03140–0026 18 49 32.91 –01 29 03.4 SFR 93.6 2.46E+0118469–0041 03215+0013 18 49 32.24 –00 38 00.5 SFR 92.5 1.63E+0118470–0049 03204+0006 18 49 36.69 –00 45 49.1 SFR 95.3 5.26E+0118479–0005 03280+0019 18 50 31.05 –00 01 54.2 SFR 16.4 1.04E+0118487–0015 03274–0008 18 51 21.95 –00 <strong>12</strong> 08.7 SFR 32.9 8.32E+0118507+0<strong>12</strong>1 unk 18 53 17.41 +01 24 54.6 SFR 56.3 7.22E+0118507+0110 W44 18 53 18.80 +01 14 55.7 SFR 54.1 6.72E+0218517+0437 unk 18 54 13.78 +04 41 31.7 SFR 43.4 2.73E+01

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 21S76 W 18 55 58.72 +07 53 42.3 unk –3.6 1.52E+0118537+0749 S76 E 18 56 11.83 +07 53 24.2 SFR 31.7 1.02E+0218538+0216 03558–0003 18 56 22.17 +02 20 25.7 SFR 49.7 8.57E+0118545+0134 G35.05–.52 18 57 09.05 +01 39 03.0 SFR 47.2 6.90E+0018553+0414 unk 18 57 52.75 +04 18 05.2 SFR 10.5 4.97E+0118556+0136 03520–0074 18 58 <strong>12</strong>.63 +01 40 36.5 SFR 36.1 2.41E+0218563+0428 unk 18 58 52.49 +04 32 <strong>12</strong>.4 SFR 18.5 2.42E+0218581+0409A unk 19 00 37.74 +04 14 10.8 SFR 44.0 3.49E+0118585+0407 unk 19 01 02.18 +04 11 59.6 SFR 64.9 5.56E+0118592+0108 W48 19 01 45.14 +01 13 34.5 SFR 43.8 1.37E+0118593+0408 unk 19 01 53.27 +04 <strong>12</strong> 43.2 SFR 58.4 5.90E+0018596+0315 OH37.1–.9 19 02 06.36 +03 20 15.0 SFR 59.8 1.84E+0119008+0530 unk 19 03 <strong>12</strong>.22 +05 35 48.8 SFR 27.9 1.15E+01190<strong>12</strong>+0505 unk 19 03 43.51 +05 09 47.9 SFR 37.3 3.60E+0019035+0451 unk 19 05 58.69 +04 55 43.4 STAR– 83.7 8.30E+0019039+0809 R AQL 19 06 22.25 +08 13 48.0 STAR+ 47.2 4.07E+0119045+0813 unk 19 06 59.77 +08 18 41.8 SFR 27.5 1.46E+0119046+0734 unk 19 07 04.32 +07 38 59.1 UNKN –50.6 7.80E+0019052+0922 unk 19 07 38.91 +09 27 16.6 STAR+ 10.1 4.80E+0019061+0652 unk 19 08 36.83 +06 57 01.5 SFR 70.8 5.90E+0019065+0529 unk 19 08 57.47 +05 35 23.9 UNKN 55.2 1.38E+0119068+1<strong>12</strong>7 unk 19 09 10.98 +11 32 45.1 STAR– –8.3 7.00E+0019068+0802 OH42.75 19 09 15.67 +08 09 43.3 UNKN 9.9 4.53E+0119071+2934 VLyr 19 09 04.46 +29 39 35.4 STAR– –14.2 3.20E+0019078+0901 W49 N 19 10 13.40 +09 06 14.4 SFR 10.2 3.00E+04W49 S 19 10 21.83 +09 05 00.9 unk 11.2 1.79E+0319081+0903 unk 19 10 33.27 +09 08 26.7 SFR 9.4 3.24E+0219085+0755 unk 19 10 55.47 +08 00 <strong>12</strong>.2 SFR 9.8 3.70E+0019087+0900 unk 19 11 05.64 +09 05 06.0 SFR 9.3 2.<strong>12</strong>E+0119088+0902 unk 19 11 15.90 +09 07 26.7 SFR –5.1 6.08E+0119092+0841 unk 19 11 37.40 +08 46 30.2 SFR 57.5 5.10E+0019095+0930 OH 43.8–.1 19 11 54.27 +09 35 55.4 SFR 42.3 2.20E+0319110+1045 04507+0013 19 13 21.86 +10 50 52.5 UNKN 60.1 4.10E+0119181+1349 04861+0002 19 20 31.26 +13 55 24.2 SFR 34.1 3.28E+01G48.93–.29 19 22 16.34 +14 03 50.4 unk 72.8 6.11E+0119201+1400 unk 19 22 26.08 +14 07 08.1 UNKN 70.9 8.00E+0019207+1410 unk 19 23 01.21 +14 16 40.5 SFR 68.6 5.80E+0019209+1421 W51 W 19 23 10.92 +14 26 38.2 UNKN 52.1 1.19E+0119213+1424 W51 N 19 23 40.05 +14 31 06.2 SFR 55.7 1.40E+0319213+1723 unk 19 23 37.05 +17 28 59.1 SFR –26.8 2.20E+02W51 M 19 23 43.86 +14 30 37.4 SFR 55.6 2.46E+0319229+1708 unk 19 25 <strong>12</strong>.50 +17 14 49.5 STAR+ 27.8 1.69E+0119243+7135 YZ DRA 19 23 45.10 +71 41 13.7 STAR+ <strong>12</strong>.2 7.44E+0019248+1<strong>12</strong>2 IRC+10421 19 27 14.01 +11 29 02.6 STAR– 40.3 3.00E+00

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 2219271+1354 unk 19 29 30.29 +14 00 46.9 STAR– 52.0 5.50E+0019287+1816 unk 19 30 58.34 +18 22 28.0 SFR 24.5 1.14E+0119287+1845 unk 19 30 58.94 +18 52 16.1 SFR 25.0 3.10E+0019296+4331 UVCyg 19 31 13.28 +43 38 13.6 STAR+ 23.9 1.07E+0119303+1651 unk 19 32 31.67 +16 57 33.2 SFR 56.2 9.60E+0019307+1338 unk 19 33 01.77 +13 44 42.3 STAR+ 41.0 1.43E+0119327+0903 unk 19 35 11.00 +09 09 59.2 STAR+ 42.4 8.30E+0019333+1918 unk 19 35 30.78 +19 25 06.5 STAR+ –25.7 4.20E+0019334–0033 IRC+00446 19 36 03.52 –00 26 50.2 STAR– –25.0 1.55E+0119338+2302 unk 19 35 57.11 +23 08 26.2 UNKN 3.4 3.60E+0019356+1136 RT AQL 19 38 01.60 +11 43 18.2 STAR+ –29.8 2.18E+0119361–1658 AFGL2425 19 39 00.74 –16 51 56.6 STAR+ 61.7 5.60E+0019363+2018 unk 19 38 31.69 +20 25 21.4 SFR 36.1 2.27E+0119366+1149 SVAql 19 39 01.75 +11 56 46.4 STAR+ –50.4 3.50E+0019368+2239 unk 19 38 58.02 +22 46 32.2 SFR 36.6 7.10E+0019374+2352 unk 19 39 33.22 +23 59 54.6 SFR 38.9 3.31E+0119388+2357 unk 19 40 59.29 +24 04 39.3 SFR 50.2 3.45E+0119394+4840 V391Cyg 19 40 50.80 +48 47 30.1 STAR– –22.5 7.57E+0119410+2336 05978+0006 19 43 11.55 +23 43 54.0 SFR 26.4 4.32E+02194<strong>12</strong>+0337 IRC+00450 19 43 45.21 +03 44 28.5 STAR– –39.0 1.32E+0119433+2743 unk 19 45 20.86 +27 50 50.6 SFR 18.4 7.00E–0119466+2751 unk 19 48 38.10 +27 59 32.5 STAR– 3.3 1.49E+0119471+2641 unk 19 49 09.88 +26 48 51.5 SFR 23.8 1.<strong>12</strong>E+0119474+2637 unk 19 49 32.59 +26 45 14.0 SFR 21.1 1.40E+0319519+2527 unk 19 54 03.19 +25 35 04.4 STAR– –16.0 1.00E+0119536+3237 V468 CYG 19 55 37.86 +32 45 33.7 STAR– –45.3 1.52E+0119550–0201 RR AQL 19 57 36.06 –01 53 11.3 STAR+ 31.3 6.17E+0119560+3135 unk 19 58 03.33 +31 44 07.0 SFR –70.9 7.20E+0019566+3423 unk 19 58 32.28 +34 31 33.7 STAR+ –41.3 2.31E+0119579+3223 unk 19 59 51.32 +32 32 09.8 STAR+ 16.6 2.80E+0019598+3324 K3–50 20 01 45.60 +33 32 41.1 SFR –19.4 1.<strong>12</strong>E+0<strong>12</strong>0000+4954 Z CYG 20 01 27.03 +50 02 33.9 STAR– –147.8 2.68E+0<strong>12</strong>0010+3011 unk 20 03 05.14 +30 20 <strong>12</strong>.9 STAR+ 22.6 1.17E+0<strong>12</strong>0015+3019 V719Cyg 20 03 38.49 +30 28 09.4 STAR+ 16.4 1.94E+0<strong>12</strong>0047+<strong>12</strong>48 SY AQL 20 07 05.40 +<strong>12</strong> 57 06.3 STAR+ –47.9 2.98E+0<strong>12</strong>0050+2720 unk 20 07 06.75 +27 28 52.9 SFR –2.0 6.85E+0<strong>12</strong>0052+0554 IRC+10451 20 07 43.32 +06 03 13.5 STAR– –78.5 9.30E+0020056+3350 unk 20 07 31.53 +33 59 38.7 SFR 8.4 1.25E+0220062+3550 unk 20 08 09.66 +35 59 20.2 SFR –1.6 1.03E+0<strong>12</strong>0081+3<strong>12</strong>2 ON 1 20 10 09.14 +31 31 37.4 SFR 15.1 1.05E+0220109+3205 V557Cyg 20 <strong>12</strong> 57.97 +32 14 56.4 STAR+ 53.3 8.30E+0020110+3321 unk 20 13 01.90 +33 30 17.0 SFR 16.3 1.76E+0220<strong>12</strong>5+0856 RDel 20 14 55.14 +09 05 21.0 STAR+ –31.5 7.07E+0<strong>12</strong>0<strong>12</strong>6+4104 unk 20 14 26.04 +41 13 31.5 SFR –5.3 7.17E+01

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 2320144+3726 unk 20 16 15.87 +37 35 40.0 SFR –56.8 3.61E+0<strong>12</strong>0144+3526 unk 20 16 21.67 +35 36 05.3 SFR –76.6 1.32E+0<strong>12</strong>0160+3911 A unk 20 17 53.83 +39 20 46.0 UNKN –5.5 2.76E+0<strong>12</strong>0187+4111 V1685 Cyg 20 20 28.37 +41 21 51.3 UNKN –72.6 6.45E+0<strong>12</strong>0188+3928 unk 20 20 39.25 +39 37 51.9 SFR –1.1 2.<strong>12</strong>E+0<strong>12</strong>0191+3723 unk 20 21 02.14 +37 33 19.2 UNKN –66.5 1.78E+0<strong>12</strong>0194+1707 UW Del 20 21 42.62 +17 17 17.7 STAR+ 27.7 2.93E+0<strong>12</strong>0198+3716 ON 2 S 20 21 41.02 +37 25 29.5 SFR 2.7 8.63E+01ON 2 N 20 21 43.90 +37 26 38.7 unk 2.4 2.66E+0220215+3725 unk 20 23 27.61 +37 34 58.8 SFR 5.4 1.52E+0<strong>12</strong>0227+4154 unk 20 24 31.38 +42 04 16.8 SFR –2.0 4.36E+0<strong>12</strong>0231+3440 unk 20 25 07.00 +34 50 05.6 SFR –3.6 1.22E+0<strong>12</strong>0241+3811 KY CYG 20 25 57.28 +38 21 10.7 STAR– –<strong>12</strong>.0 4.85E+0<strong>12</strong>0267+2105 unk 20 28 57.10 +21 15 37.0 STAR+ –87.0 1.00E+0<strong>12</strong>0275+4001 GL 2591 20 29 24.92 +40 11 20.9 SFR –8.8 2.84E+0<strong>12</strong>0286+4105 unk 20 30 27.95 +41 15 47.6 SFR –6.8 1.92E+0<strong>12</strong>0306+3749 unk 20 32 34.53 +37 59 35.7 SFR –89.1 3.67E+01W75 N 20 38 36.93 +42 37 37.5 unk <strong>12</strong>.3 7.92E+02W75 S(1) 20 39 00.16 +42 24 34.8 unk 0.5 2.25E+01W75 OH 20 39 00.61 +42 22 48.9 unk –2.3 1.34E+02W75 S(3) 20 39 03.43 +42 25 53.0 unk –1.3 1.08E+0220403+3700 unk 20 42 18.49 +37 11 41.0 STAR+ –59.3 6.00E+0020417+3759 DRCyg 20 43 40.99 +38 09 55.3 STAR– <strong>12</strong>.9 1.01E+0220440+04<strong>12</strong> BR Del 20 46 33.16 +04 23 36.4 STAR+ –50.5 2.09E+01NML CYG 20 46 25.46 +40 06 59.6 STAR+ –18.5 3.22E+0<strong>12</strong>0529+3013 UX CYG 20 55 05.53 +30 24 52.1 STAR+ –2.7 2.48E+0<strong>12</strong>1007+4951 WB23 21 02 22.86 +50 03 06.4 SFR 3.5 1.54E+0<strong>12</strong>1008+4700 unk 21 02 32.40 +47 <strong>12</strong> 35.8 SFR –49.5 4.24E+0<strong>12</strong>1062+0058 unk 21 08 47.65 +01 10 14.4 STAR+ 20.1 1.27E+0<strong>12</strong>1078+5211 WB43 21 09 25.22 +52 23 43.7 SFR –17.6 3.91E+0<strong>12</strong>1086+5238 IRC+50362 21 10 13.47 +52 51 01.1 STAR– –11.4 2.90E+0021144+5430 WB60 21 15 55.90 +54 43 30.9 SFR –88.5 7.52E+0221173+5450 WB66 21 18 53.17 +55 03 19.3 SFR –82.7 5.90E+002<strong>12</strong>08+7737 GHCep 21 19 58.60 +77 50 35.5 STAR– 35.9 3.30E+002<strong>12</strong>28+5332 WB76 21 24 29.05 +53 45 33.9 SFR –100.6 1.40E+0<strong>12</strong>1306+5540 09753+0317 21 32 <strong>12</strong>.99 +55 52 55.8 SFR –71.0 6.97E+0<strong>12</strong>1307+5049 WB93 21 32 31.46 +51 02 22.4 SFR –48.3 5.00E+0021334+5039 WB94 21 35 09.18 +50 53 09.2 SFR –43.6 9.50E+0021368+5502 WB101 21 38 26.21 +55 16 31.8 SFR –83.9 8.50E+0021379+5106 WB105 21 39 40.81 +51 20 34.8 SFR –41.3 8.60E+0021381+5000 GL 2789 21 39 58.24 +50 14 20.6 SFR –46.1 4.35E+0<strong>12</strong>1391+5026 WB109 21 40 57.33 +50 39 53.0 SFR –42.8 8.40E+0021391+5802 WB110 21 40 42.36 +58 16 09.7 SFR –4.2 1.29E+0221413+5442 WB114 21 43 01.36 +54 56 16.3 SFR –59.7 9.00E+00

7 ANEXO C: CATÁLOGO DE MÁSERES DE VAPOR DE AGUA A 22 GHZ 2421414+7609 AM CEP 21 41 27.29 +76 23 11.5 STAR– –50.3 5.95E+01HH32–35[1] 21 43 00.26 +66 03 25.9 unk –2.5 1.51E+0<strong>12</strong>1418+6552 BS40[2] 21 43 04.02 +66 05 57.1 SFR –31.2 3.11E+01BFS 11–B 21 43 06.08 +66 06 57.1 unk –14.9 1.01E+0<strong>12</strong>1426+<strong>12</strong>28 TUPeg 21 45 04.60 +<strong>12</strong> 41 55.0 STAR+ 10.3 8.40E+0021479+5510 unk 21 49 40.63 +55 24 49.4 SFR –74.4 3.11E+0<strong>12</strong>1527+5727 BFS 10 21 54 21.56 +57 41 13.4 SFR –70.3 8.86E+0021553+5908 unk 21 56 59.41 +59 22 38.3 SFR –87.8 1.42E+0<strong>12</strong>1558+5907 unk 21 57 24.61 +59 21 56.2 SFR –89.6 1.85E+0<strong>12</strong>2142+5206 unk 22 16 10.21 +52 21 32.1 SFR –20.5 6.15E+0<strong>12</strong>2176+6303 S140 22 19 18.33 +63 18 48.4 SFR 5.4 2.74E+0<strong>12</strong>2198+6336 WB176 22 21 27.61 +63 51 45.3 SFR –22.1 2.55E+0222199+6322 L<strong>12</strong>04–B 22 21 33.26 +63 37 21.5 SFR –8.9 2.22E+0<strong>12</strong>2267+6244 unk 22 28 29.35 +62 59 43.7 SFR 1.5 5.00E+0022305+5803 unk 22 32 24.30 +58 18 58.2 SFR –53.0 2.62E+0<strong>12</strong>2343+7501 L<strong>12</strong>51A 22 35 24.22 +75 17 05.7 SFR –11.2 2.35E+0<strong>12</strong>2376+7455 unk 22 38 42.35 +75 10 38.8 SFR 2.1 9.10E+0022475+5939 S146 22 49 29.55 +59 55 36.7 SFR –54.4 1.14E+0<strong>12</strong>2480+6002 unk 22 49 59.16 +60 17 55.3 STAR– –50.3 1.56E+0222506+5944 10860+0049 22 52 36.92 +60 00 47.8 SFR –48.3 2.89E+02225<strong>12</strong>+6100 unk 22 53 <strong>12</strong>.37 +61 17 00.7 STAR+ –49.2 1.66E+0<strong>12</strong>2517+6215 WB216 22 53 40.49 +62 31 59.1 SFR –9.5 7.10E+0022525+6033 MY CEP 22 54 31.71 +60 49 38.9 STAR+ –47.0 7.41E+0022543+6145 CEP A 22 56 17.83 +62 01 46.4 SFR –10.8 3.27E+0222556+5833 S152(AS501) 22 57 40.97 +58 49 <strong>12</strong>.5 STAR+ –52.4 1.69E+0<strong>12</strong>2566+5830 10877–0094 22 58 42.61 +58 47 45.2 SFR –46.6 2.98E+0<strong>12</strong>2566+5828 10876–0098 22 58 47.09 +58 45 11.3 UNKN –59.6 9.43E+0022570+59<strong>12</strong> unk 22 59 06.39 +59 28 27.6 SFR –53.9 3.20E+0023004+5642 unk 23 02 31.56 +56 57 23.5 SFR –50.4 3.25E+0<strong>12</strong>3004+5642 unk 23 02 34.96 +56 58 54.6 SFR –56.1 8.10E+0023030+5958 WB240 23 05 10.02 +60 14 32.4 SFR –46.6 2.50E+0023116+6111 S158 23 13 44.72 +61 28 09.8 SFR –60.0 1.26E+02S158 23 13 44.84 +61 26 50.8 unk –54.9 5.24E+0<strong>12</strong>3138+5945 S157 23 16 04.29 +60 01 40.7 SFR –44.0 6.81E+0023139+5939 11<strong>12</strong>6–0077 23 16 09.72 +59 55 28.8 SFR –55.1 5.55E+0<strong>12</strong>3140+6<strong>12</strong>1 unk 23 16 11.64 +61 37 44.8 SFR –47.0 4.50E+0023151+59<strong>12</strong> unk 23 17 20.99 +59 28 48.8 SFR –53.7 2.83E+0<strong>12</strong>3545+6508 unk 23 57 05.13 +65 25 10.8 SFR –27.3 4.40E+0023558+5106 R CAS 23 58 24.87 +51 23 19.7 STAR+ 27.3 6.62E+01

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