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The Media Industry and the Social World

We begin our examination of the mass media by looking at the source of most med1a

products: the media industry. In particular. Part II explores the social forces thai mnuenc("

the media industry, first highlighting relationships between institutions. In Chapr.r 2. we

look at the economic forces that shape the industry and the consequences for med1a ron·

tent. Chapter 3 turns to the political constraints on the media industry. exploring vanous

debates about government regulation of mass media.

We also examine how the organization of the media industry helps shape med1a prod·

ucts. Here the concern is with relationships within the media industry. Chapter 4 analyz~

the professional routines and organizational norms at work in various sectors of the medta

The emphasis in Part II is on the broad structural constraints on media production. how

these economic, political, and organizational forces shape decision making and mfluence

media content; and how actors within the media industry interpret and respond to tht"'Se

constraints. This "production perspective" has been the principal lens through wh1ch much

contemporary sociology has looked at mass media. As we will see. it has a great deal t{}

offer for understanding processes of decision making within the media industnes

However, as a production~oriented perspective tells us little about things such as ho~

people use or interpret media products, it is important to remember that it is only part of

our larger model of media and the social world. Issues of media content. the rolt" of an1H"

audiences, and media influence will be addressed in Parts Ill and IV Production. though_ '"

an important piece ofthis larger media puzzle and a useful place to begin our explorauon

of the complex relationship between media and society.


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