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All Jeanne’s artistic and human experiences are

experiences of journeys,crossings and meetings,

which lay down the foundations of her personal

landscape. She is never afraid of embarking on

new and perilous techniques and mixes.

Her use of ceramics, which began in 2013 while she

was in residence at the Cité des Arts in Paris, has

become more and more necessary in her overall

project around the Landscape, its motifs, its visions

and its ramifications. Little by little, we start to see

dialogues and exuberant quasi-confrontations between

small water-colours or oils on paper and ceramics,

appearing in her installations. These are very new

concepts and situations.

Her bright dynamic gouaches supply us with the

patterns, the rhythm of jubilation and the spontaneity

of sketches. As for her ceramics or plaster sculptures,

they conjure up in a most sensual way, the concrete

elements of the landscape, between vegetable and


It was during her residence in Holland at the end of

2015 at the Sundaymorning EKWC (The European

Center of Ceramics) that the fusion occurred.

This residence toppled all her notions of time,

technique, environment and apprenhension ; but

never mind, because Jeanne so enjoyed the total

experience of this newly-acquired technique which

she took on board with greed and good humour.

At the end of 3 months of intense activity, she returned

to France and produced some of her most fascinating

installations or sets. Indeed, her ceramics / paintings

assemblages are really versatile and she’s never

afraid of using both the qualities and the faults

inherent to both media ; in fact she quite enjoys

doing so ! The result is flamboyant. We see one-off

pieces, multiple molds, transpositions from drawings,

enamelled inventions, false vessels, vegetable forms,

hybrid forms, sculptures... Vibrant and sensual

variations on the theme of Nature and Landscape.

Set on a speckled granit plinth, green pots, like

hollowed out trunks with pouring lips, stand erect

like some sort of wobbly forest alignement – they

are glossy and huddled together maybe to watch or

to grow ? The toneware cliff seems to incarnate the

very Earth, a geological slice, a compact and brute

force, where artist and matter come face to face.

The one-off modelled pieces with plantlike forms and

colours (plants and trees) are clearly organic with

uneven dips and bumps left on purpose by the artist’s

fingers and they are sensual and volumptuous, be they

covered in white, blue or pink opaque milky enamel.

Resemblance with anything real, either in shape or

pattern, is not the point. It’s the installations and

combinations of Jeanne’s ceramic pieces which show

us her multiple experiences (connected to real things)

and must be read as a whole landscape; each element,

fragment or group of items go to make up the whole.

We must acknowledge, in this process, the spirit

of the painter, the narrative effect, the decorative

flourishes, the focus on series, the risk-taking and

the transgression. In this elaborate and rich mix of

sculptures, objects, rhythm and tension, a structure

appears in a choreography which emphasizes the

complementarities and the oppositions. It’s a very

strong statement about both landscape and painting,

with references to Mondrian and

to « l’Origine du Monde ».

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