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<strong>interTALENT</strong> <strong>UNIDEB</strong> <strong>2017</strong>. február 23-24. Debreceni Egyetem<br />

First sterile implans are incubated with Candida<br />

albicans SC5314 for 24 hours solely in 24 well<br />

plates. Then implants are washed repeatedly with<br />

saline. After drying samples are incubated with<br />

crystal violet solution for 15 minutes. Unbound<br />

crystal violet is washed out with saline. Crystal<br />

violet bounded by the biofi lm is dissolved with 95<br />

v/v% ethanol and 100 μl is taken into 96 well plate.<br />

Absorbance is measured.<br />


MTT assay is a colorimetric cell viability test.<br />

Only viable cells are able to convert the<br />

originally yellow colored and water soluble<br />

MTT dye (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl))-2,5-<br />

diphenyltetrazolium bromide) to a purple and<br />

insoluble formazan salt by their mitochondrial<br />

dehydrogenase enzymes. The formazan salt can<br />

be dissolved in the mixture of hydrochloric acid<br />

and isopropyl alcohol than absorbance can be<br />

measured.<br />

METHOD<br />

CaCo-2 cell culture is used as the model of human<br />

intestinal endothelium. Cells were seeded in a 96<br />

well plate (1*10^3/well) until monolayer formation.<br />

The samples are sterilized with 70% ethanol and<br />

UV-light.<br />

Then samples are placed to sterile tubes and<br />

submerged in 2 ml of DMEM medium. The control<br />

is 2 ml of medium with no added material. Samples<br />

are incubated on 37 °C in 5% CO2. Cell viability<br />

tests are performed on the 4., 8. and 12. days, 1., 2.<br />

and 3. month.<br />

First medium is added to the cells and incubated<br />

for 3 hours on 37 °C. Then MTT dye is applied<br />

and incubated for 30 minutes on 37 °C. Finally,<br />

absorbance is measured which is in correlation with<br />

the cell viability.<br />

2. Figure: Cell viability % in the 4. day with 13<br />

samples and the control<br />


Biocompatibility examination is inevitable through<br />

the development of implants because implants<br />

are inserted into the human body so it must be<br />

biologically compatible with the tissues.<br />

Measured results in the MTT cell viability test<br />

indicates us that most of the implants do not<br />

infl uence the CaCo-2 cell viability.<br />

Biofi lm formation results enable us to restrict<br />

the number of applicable implants to further<br />

examinations.<br />

We intend to make examinations on diff erent cell<br />

cultures in MTT assay, in vivo animal tests and<br />

histological research.<br />


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