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Metropolitan Anania Japaridze<br />


In the present work it is justified that Georgia must accelerate the internal consoli<strong>da</strong>tion of the Georgian people and<br />

unite firmly the multiethnic and multiconfessional population in the Georgian state. At the beginning of the XX<br />

century, the consoli<strong>da</strong>tion helped the Turkish to create the necessary prerequisites for establishment of the Turkish<br />

state. The Bulgarians, the Romanians, the Greeks and other nations realized similar consoli<strong>da</strong>tion at the end of the<br />

XIX century and at the beginning of the XX century.<br />

The integration of the population of Georgia does not mean that, for example, the ethnic Azerbaijanians will become<br />

the ethnic Georgians. It is meant that the ethnic Azerbaijanians, living in Georgia, will keep their ethnic originality, but<br />

will speak fluently the Georgian language, will recognize Georgia as their native state and will become bearers of the<br />

Georgian culture and fully-fledged citizens of Georgia. What impedes the integration of peoples living in Georgia? –<br />

The absence of common culture, which is a great power uniting the peoples. Under Russia’s sway, which lasted for<br />

200 years, the Georgian language and culture lost their function of international communication inside Georgia and<br />

only the Russian language and culture were common for the people of different nations living in Georgia, which still<br />

impedes their integration in the uniform Georgian state.<br />

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