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sayangi dan hormati. Saya percaya, setiap tindakan dan keputusan yang Tun ambil<br />

sewaktu menjadi PM dulu punya asas yang kuat. Kebijaksanaan dan kepintaran Tun<br />

adalah diakui, dari itu saya yakin setiap apa saja tindakan yang telah Tun buat adalah<br />

yang terbaik untuk negara tercinta. Saya bersyukur kerana masih berpeluang membaca<br />

idea dan pandangan Tun di blog ini.<br />

Teruskan perjuangan, semoga Allah selamatkan bumi tercinta ini dari segala kerosakan.<br />

Dan semoga Allah memberi petunjuk ke jalan yang benar.....<br />

By avles on July 8, 2008 2:06 PM<br />

Holding you in high regards Tun! A true and great leader.The world has been onll blessed<br />

with very few geat leaders of a Nation, like you!Only the blind will not see and call you<br />

names whatever they be.-I am a Singaporean.<br />

By Mrs Ravi on July 8, 2008 2:07 PM<br />

Well ...well well...you can call a rose by any other name its still a rose...Tun we love you.<br />

Mrs Ravi<br />

By CucukSanggul on July 8, 2008 2:09 PM<br />

I strongly DO NOT believe that Tun Dr. Mahathir is or was ever a dictator. NO WAY.<br />

Forget those foreigners, Tun. They know us in peanuts, they accuse like throwing durians<br />

on you! What they say does not matters at all! And for those locals yg dok kata Tun<br />

dictator ni, I would strongly suggest that they go read various kind of dictionaries, so that<br />

they can get the real meaning of the word itself.<br />

It simply disgust & upset me to know and see all these blatant, rude attacks on you, Tun.<br />

Just so they know, that there will always be a supporter like me for each rude<br />

words/accusations or acts they do to you. There are thousands peoples like us for Tun<br />

Dr.M in Malaysia alone!<br />

So they labeled you as a 'dictator' and the whole world subscribes to that. Then, should all<br />

of us now label Tun Dr.Mahathir as 'loveable'..lets see if they will subscribe to this also.<br />

Sheesshh!<br />

My appologies, Tun..meluat yang amat sangat dah kat depa semua nih! Jengkel sangat,<br />

dah tak boleh tahan lagi!! :|<br />

By zali lampai on July 8, 2008 2:09 PM<br />

Assalamualaikum Tun,<br />

Encik Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata blog hanya sebarkan fitnah.<br />

Jadi Blog Tun ni fitnah ka??

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