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giving them any but to only a select few....so masterfull. Today, you could have fooled us<br />

all but never again is the Malaysian public including the Malays are going to buy the<br />

cheap talk from any politician inc Anwar, Badawi, Tengu Razaliegh or Muyhidin.<br />

You created this generation of politicians....you will be judged!!!<br />

By monday1 on July 8, 2008 3:10 PM<br />

kepp on writing....<br />

kalau mereka abaikan pembaca bolg tun, mungkin setengah darinya akan terus tidak<br />

memangkah bn<br />

kecuali kalau mereka mengambil<br />

jalan terbaik iaitu berjumpa tun...<br />

salahkan kalau mereka berjmpa tun....<br />

pemimpin dulu saling menghormati tapi<br />

sekarang mereka lupa itu apakah hormat<br />

menghormati sebaliknya menyalahkan<br />

fitnah..fitnah fitna fitnah...<br />

tun is a fighter...<br />

depa nun kat ats dan tingkat 4 adalah opportunist towards cronisma...<br />

pendek kata mereka bukan jantan....<br />

1 mahadthir boleh jadi dari no 1 samapai ke ahli biasa<br />

tapi dari ahli biasa sampai no 1 tak boleh jadi mahathir<br />

By pakbelalang on July 8, 2008 3:11 PM<br />

Dear Tun,<br />

The difference between you and Pak Lah is like "langit dan bumi". He is really suffering<br />

from inferiority complex of the first order. So to cover up his weakness he tends to be<br />

authoritative in his action. And the funny part is that the leaders of UMNO seem to like a<br />

weak leader so that they can always be in the comfort zone.As such, these leaders will<br />

feel very secured with their current respective positions. They know that Pak Lah is<br />

hopeless but they do not want to rock the boat because it might affect their position too. It<br />

is a very simple deduction. All these leaders are actually hypocrite leaders only thinking<br />

of their vested interest.In fact, all of them have no credibility and no backbone. They too<br />

are suffering from inferiority complex. In the final analysis, you will see that these haprak<br />

and HP6 UMNO leaders will continue to be "deaf, blind and mute", short of being<br />

moron.It is just like the blind leading the blind and at the end of the day they will fall like<br />

Humpty Dumpty!<br />

Pak Lah is totally lack of wisdom. He is actually just a follower who depends so much on<br />

his "gurkhas". There is nothing in terms of his personal attributes to be classified as a<br />

respectable and honourable Prime Minister. I am really ashamed to have him as Prime<br />

Minister. I am sure you must have regretted picking him as your replacement.

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