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Tetapi Presiden PAS ketika itu, Ustaz Fadzil Nor adalah seorang yang opportunis. Beliau<br />

menziarah rumah Anwar dan dari situlah dua pihak yang saling bermusuhan mula<br />

mengadakan kerjasama. "Enemy of my enemy is my friend..."<br />

PAS telah menghentikan segala bentuk pendedahan terhadap Anwar dan bersekongkol<br />

dengan Anwar dalam usaha membunuh karakter/imej Dr. Mahathir dan kerajaan BN serta<br />

kepercayaan orang ramai terhadap sistem perundangan negara.<br />

Namun pada hari ini ramai yang telah lupa atau tidak tahu tentang sejarah penting ini.<br />

Anehnya Pak Lah dan orang-orangnya turut menggunakan permainan yang sama bagi<br />

memburukkan imej Dr. Mahathir. Mereka seolah-olah membenarkan tuduhan<br />

pembangkang terhadap Dr. Mahathir dan kerajaan sebelum ini.<br />

Inilah Pak Lah...<br />

By zebramones on July 8, 2008 2:55 PM<br />

Dearest Tun,<br />

The people who labelled you as a dictator are those who do not have the chance to gain<br />

under your leadership. What I mean is that these people are the ones who you think not<br />

appropriate to lead, not appropiate to award projects to, and so on. So when they don't get<br />

what they want, they go on smearing your image by calling you a dictator.<br />

I would like to think every leader have their own cronies. While the current PM's cronies<br />

are within the family, your cronies are the ones you think approriate to lead the country,<br />

to award projects to and so on, which I don't think they fall under the category of your<br />

cronies.<br />


By mazhar on July 8, 2008 2:56 PM<br />

muak dan bosan dengan politik malaysia yang semakin memperbodohkan rakyat .<br />

By Itik on July 8, 2008 2:57 PM<br />

Dear Tun,<br />

To me, you are never a dictator.. you are the best PM Malaysia ever had and a person<br />

who i much respect. Your contribution towards Malaysia are all infront of our eyes....<br />

Thanks.<br />

It is very sad that looking at the situation right now... most of us are suffering under Pak<br />

Lah regime. None of his work has touch the heart of the rakyat... His biggest contribution

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