Inglese - Italiano - Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo - Università degli ...

Inglese - Italiano - Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo - Università degli ...

Inglese - Italiano - Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo - Università degli ...


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The art of persuasionAdvertising is all about selling things to people who don't need them and can'tafford them and sometimes don't even want them. Advertising is about creatingan image, projecting a lifestyle no matter how ridiculous or farfetched. It is amanifestation of capitalist excess, don't you think?Advertising is big business. The image-creators spend millions of pounds ongetting their message across. They research their markets, they target theiraudience, they conduct elaborate trials on their products etc.How aware are you of the adman's little tricks? Do you enjoy watching advertson the TV and reading them in the glossy magazines or do they wash over you?How influenced are you by them? Do you think they are a waste of money?The following task will allow you to explore these questions with your partners.TaskHaving seen many advertisements for products in both countries and by lookingat the examples in front of you, you can do the following:• Say, first of all, what you think of the adverts (preferences, impressions,impact ...);• examine the image(s) created (power, luxury, romance ...);• comment on the techniques employed (language, graphics,photography...) and the effectiveness of the same;• try to find out what differences there are in approach between the twocountries and speculate as to why that should be so.102

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