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Studium Generale

Language Center

Englisch Wortschatz (B1)

Der Schwerpunkt dieses Kurses liegt auf dem Ausbau und Gebrauch des

Wortschatzes. Hierbei werden u. a. typische Redewendungen (idioms and

phrasal verbs) vorgestellt und in Übungen angewendet. Außerdem sollen

die Teilnehmer mit den unterschiedlichen Registern und Varietäten der englischen

Sprache vertraut werden.

Das Unterrichtsmaterial wird im Kurs verteilt.

Voraussetzungen: Geeignet für Teilnehmer, die an den Kursen Englisch Auffrischung Grundund

Aufbaustufe erfolgreich teilgenommen haben oder über entsprechende

Vorkenntnisse verfügen.

English Conversation / Discussion training (B2)

This course concentrates solely on discussion training. It is aimed at students

who want to learn how to effectively express their ideas and opinions,

set them against those of others, and generally hone their skills in spontaneous

speech. The ability to discuss controversial subjects is becoming more

and more important in the business world, where being able to convince

others of one’s ideas, particularly at meetings, has become an important

key to success. Learning how to do so in English can give you a considerable

edge in our globalized economy. This course covers the phrases and discourse

markers needed to navigate your way through discussions, gives you

the necessary exercises to practise and master specific discussion situations,

and offers a range of highly-controversial, increasingly demanding discussion

subjects to apply your knowledge to. The subjects are not business-related,

so as to keep the course as interesting as possible.

Voraussetzungen: A very good command of spoken English and a certain degree of spontaneity

and proactiveness are prerequisite for this course. The course is rather

demanding, and if you have no problems reading this text without a dictionary,

it could be just the right thing for you.

Limited to 12 participants!!


HWS 2020

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