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ACHEMA Daily 2022 #1

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  • Wasserstoff
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6 ACHEMA DAILY #1 | MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 Breaking News NWR empfiehlt einige Nachbesserungen Nationale Wasserstoffstrategie muss angepasst werden 2020 hat die Bundesregierung die Nationale Wasserstoffstrategie vorgestellt. Seitdem hat sich viel verändert: verschärfte Klimaziele, der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine und die gestiegenen Energiepreise. Um die Nationale Wasserstoffstrategie an die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen anzupassen, hat der Nationale Wasserstoffrat ein neues Eckpunktepapier erarbeitet. Fünf Maßnahmenbündel sollen dabei helfen, den Hochlauf der Wasserstoffwirtschaft zu beschleunigen. „Wir begrüßen sehr, dass die Bundesregierung die bisherige Strategie ambitioniert fortschreiben will. Das ist ein wichtiges Zeichen für den Hochlauf der Wasserstoffwirtschaft in Deutschland und Europa, der in diesen Tagen noch entscheidender und noch dringlicher geworden ist. Als Industrienation muss es unser Ziel sein, Optionen für die Dekarbonisierung aller Wirtschaftssektoren zu schaffen“, so Katherina Reiche, Vorsitzende des Nationalen Wasserstoffrats. „Wasserstoff ist unser Schlüssel, um Ar- Aufgrund der Entwicklungen in der Welt hat der Wasserstoffrat die Nationale Wasserstoffstrategie angepasst Bild: Alexander Limbach – Making our world more productive Connecting the World of Hydrogen – From Source to Service beitsplätze zu erhalten und die Versorgungssicherheit gerade in der aktuellen geopolitischen Lage sicherzustellen. Es ist nur konsequent, jetzt auch die Nationale Wasserstoffstrategie nachzuschärfen. Wesentliche Punkte sind nach wie vor gültig. Darüber hinaus müssen jetzt aber noch weitreichendere Antworten gefunden werden. Dabei ist Warten keine Option – wir müssen schnell handeln.“ Der Nationale Wasserstoffrat beschreibt in seinem Eckpunktepapier fünf Maßnahmenbündel, die aus seiner Sicht zielgerichtet mit hoher Priorität und sehr zeitnah umzusetzen sind: • Schaffung eines Zertifizierungs- und Handelssystems zur Etablierung eines liquiden Wasserstoffmarktes • Zügiger Auf- und Ausbau der Wasserstoffinfrastruktur • Rascher Hochlauf der Verfügbarkeit von klimaneutralem Wasserstoff und seiner Derivate durch einheimische Erzeugung und insbesondere durch frühzeitige Importe aus dem europäischen und außereuropäischen Ausland • Schaffung eines kohärenten (Förder-)Rahmens zum Aufbau von Absatzmärkten für Wasserstoff • Forschung und Entwicklung für eine nachhaltige Wasserstoff-Evolution mit Fokus auf der Realisierung von großskaligen und ganzheitlichen Demonstrationsprojekten Der Nationale Wasserstoffrat, bestehend aus 25 Expertinnen und Experten aus der Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft, hat das Dokument an die Bundesregierung übergeben. Die beteiligten Ministerien werden die Eckpunkte nun eingehend prüfen und in der Strategie berücksichtigen. br Think Hydrogen. Think Linde. Achema 2022 August 22 – 26 Frankfurt, Germany Booth D4, Hall 9.1. Amri magnetic agitatorn The Zeta Group has further developed its magnetic agitators, recently launching the AMRi top-mounted magnetic agitator for the biopharmaceutical industry. The Zeta Amri has an internal magnetic coupling, now enabling application options on a larger scale and for Magnetic Agitators Lower Contamination Risk Source: Zeta Group installation positions with inclines of up to 20 degrees, the company says. The optimized design leads to an increase in transmissible torque with better stability of the agitator shaft and journal, Zeta adds. The Amri has internal magnetic coupling and dry-running ball bearings installed inside the vessel, so they are easy to clean and sterilize in situ. Compared to conventional agitators with mechanical seals, magnetic agitators have significant advantages, including a lower contamination risk and the associated reduction in operating costs. Magnetic agitators combine aseptic process capability with stable operation while enabling high transmission of force. The Zeta Amri is said to offer easy and lowcost maintenance and high stability (even with an inclined agitator shaft). Atex certification is possible. scj Zeta Group Hall 9.1, Stand E4 LE_Achema_AchemaDaily_PrintAd_88x189_55842_RZ.indd 1 04.07.22 09:55

ACHEMA DAILY #1 | MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 Breaking News 7 Comprehensive Lifecycle Assessments for Chemical Products Digital Tools that Empower Supply-chain Sustainability Materials produced by the chemical process industries (CPI) are used in nearly all global product chains. According to the Science Based Targets Initiative, around 95 % of manufactured products rely on chemical goods. This ubiquity serves to amplify the supplychain disruptions brought about by labor shortages and the persistent economic effects of the pandemic. Persistent Issues in Supply-chain Management A study conducted in late 2021 access to representative and comprehensive data at all points in a product’s lifecycle is key to fully understanding the environmental implications of global production chains. Smartly Mapping Chemical Supply Chains “As companies and entire industries become more sustainable, one of the hardest challenges — and greatest opportunities — they face is assessing and reducing environmental impacts in their supply chains. Chemical and plastic pacts in global chemical supply chains on a supplier-specific level with full market coverage,” Kätelhön says. Depending on where a company purchases its chemicals or plastics, the production pathways — and associated carbon footprint — can be very different, meaning that within any supply chain, there are very likely opportunities for impact reduction. Carbon Minds’ supplier-specific carbon-footprint data indicate that, in the CPI, the difference in climate impact between an average supplier and emissions. Supplier Carbon Footprints provides data covering 71 bulk chemicals and plastics that are consumed to produce a very large share of manufactured consumer goods. It will provide the information to create supply chains with lower climate impacts and find the right suppliers to achieve this goal. Companies will further be able to use the data to engage existing suppliers and assist them to implement all of their sustainability initiatives.” Net-zero Targets on the Horizon The company is also identifying gaps and expanding its data coverage. Such a comprehensive level of data accessibility is key to help companies understand their supply chain’s climate impact. “Achieving netzero chemicals and plastics will be a necessary step for companies in all sectors to achieve their net-zero targets,” emphasizes Kätelhön. mpb Carbon Minds Hall 6.0, Stand B72 Source: Carbon Minds Carbon Minds‘ database supports lifecycle assessments for over 1,000 chemicals and plastics Visit our burst demonstrations at Hall 9.1, Stand C4 by the American Chemistry Council (ACC) surveyed 67 chemical manufacturers, who overwhelmingly reported that supply-chain problems were creating lost production (66 % of respondents), shipping delays (94 % of respondents) and increased transport costs (93 % of respondents). Furthermore, the ACC study indicated that the materials shortages and cost increases caused by production and shipping disruptions were impacting 85 % of those surveyed. And as more companies and consumers turn their focus to sustainability, manufacturers are also increasingly considering the climate impacts of their products over their full lifecycle. According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the supply chain of chemical companies contributes on average 81% of overall emissions. Thus, supply chains are particularly complex, so it is especially difficult to gather data and generate reliable assessments,” explains Arne Kätelhön, CEO and co-founder of Carbon Minds GmbH (Cologne, Germany; Carbon Minds is a data provider and consultancy that uses a proprietary model of the global chemical industry to offer lifecycle assessment data for over 1,000 chemicals and plastics in 190 geographical regions. “By modeling so many individual chemical production facilities, as well as how these plants are connected to each other through co-production and international trade, we generate a highly representative dataset of the environmental impacts of chemical and plastic supply chains. We are the only company that has modeled environmental ima supplier with the lowest climate impact is around 38%, on average. A Digital Tool to Evaluate Carbon Footprints Carbon Minds is currently collaborating with chemicals intelligence firm ICIS (London; on an analytics tool using supplier- and plantspecific data to help companies assess, manage and reduce their supply chain emissions and to make informed sustainability-focused decisions. The partners are launching a platform called Supplier Carbon Footprints, which will provide insights on emissions across the whole supply chain for 71 chemicals and plastics, empowering companies to reduce their carbon footprint. Kätelhön adds: “This is a huge step forward for chemical companies in managing Scope 3 REMBE® Pressure Relief and Explosion Safety. REMBE ® GmbH Safety+Control Gallbergweg 21 59929 Brilon, Germany T +49 2961 7405-0 © REMBE® | All rights reserved
