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National Hardwood Magazine - Christmas 2021

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In this Christmas edition of the National Hardwood Magazine, look ahead to 2022, learn more about Long's Hardwoods, and go behind the scenes at Atlanta Hardwood Corporation.

etings nds mber. rve You

etings nds mber. rve You Trail 7327 phone fax Yard na Trail A 17327 phone fax oad 691 phone fax 296 Season’s Greetings from your friends at O’Shea Lumber. Two Locations to Serve You 11425 Susquehanna Trail Glen Rock, PA USA 17327 1.717.235.1992 phone 1.717.235.0200 fax Main Office and Yard 11425 Susquehanna Trail Glen Rock, PA USA 17327 1.717.235.1992 phone Satellite Yard 1.717.235.0200 113 North Funk Road fax Wooster, OH USA 44691 1.330.263.1100 phone 1.330.263.1101 fax E-mail: 1.800.638.0296 | | est priority. Your needs are our highest priority. C ntents National Hardwood Magazine Christmas 2021 Volume 95 No. 12 Features & Industry Events 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Hardwood Purchasing Plans: Lumber Buyers Persevere Volatile Year With High Hopes For 2022 Quality And Service Go A Long Way At Long's Hardwoods York Legacy Mill: A Family Tradition Thrives Value-Added Evolution At Atlanta Hardwood Corporation NELA Fall Meeting Strongly Attended Highly Regarded Coach Is Guest Speaker At FCL Gathering SWHMC Zooms An Informative Club Meeting 24 About The Cover DEER PARK LUMBER, INC. Deer Park Lumber, Inc. is a secondgeneration family owned hardwood sawmill located in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with quality, service and reliability. You can be assured of a continuous, reliable supply of quality kiln-dried hardwood lumber. We have vast experience in shipping both domestically and exporting internationally. Deer Park produces over 60,000 board feet of lumber daily. Our annual production is over 15 million board feet and is sold worldwide. By partnering with private landowners, Deer Park manages 65,000 acres of high-quality forestland. This vast timber resource ensures our hardwood customers a quality high yielding inventory. Our attention to detail…reliability…meeting customer deadlines and end quality defines Deer Park Lumber, Inc. For lumber sales please contact: Joe Zona at Jack Monnoyer at Joe Benko at Phone: 570-836-1133 Fax: 570-836-8982 Founded in 1927 by: O.L. Miller – 1894-1963 Publisher: Paul J. Miller – 1963-2010 • Forest Products Export Directory • Imported Wood Purchasing Guide • Import/Export Wood Purchasing News • Hardwood Purchasing Handbook • Green Books’s Hardwood Marketing Directory • Green Books’s Softwood Marketing Directory • The Softwood Forest Products Buyer Paul J. Miller Jr. – President Terry Miller – Vice President Zach Miller – Sales Sue Putnam – Editor Matthew Fite – Staff Writer Lydian Kennin – Who’s Who Coordinator Rachael Stokes – Graphic Artist Pamela McFarland – Graphic Artist Tammy Daugherty – Production Manager Jennifer Trentman – Green Book Market Sales Lisa Carpenter – Circulation Manager Lexi Hardin – Subscription & List Services ADVERTISING OFFICES: 5175 Elmore Rd., Suite 23, Memphis, TN 38134 901-372-8280 FAX: 901-373-6180 Reach us via the Internet at: E-mail addresses: ADVERTISING: EDITORIAL: SUBSCRIPTIONS: EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENTS: Chicago, Los Angeles, High Point, Grand Rapids, Portland, Toronto Controlled circulation postage paid at Memphis, TN (USPS #917-760) 10 Hardwood Calendar 12 News Developments 14 HMA Update 16 AHEC Report 18 NHLA News 58 Trade Talk 62 In Memoriam 68 2021 Buyer’s Guide Product Index The NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE (ISSN 0194-0910) is published monthly, except for two issues in December, for .00 per year and .00 (U.S. dollars) per year for Canada by National Hardwood Magazine, Inc., 5175 Elmore Rd., Suite 23, Memphis, TN 38134. Periodicals Postage paid at Memphis, TN, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to National Hardwood Magazine, P.O. Box 34908, Memphis, TN 38184. Publications mail agreement No. 40739074. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: P.O. Box 503, RPO W. Beaver Cre., Rich-Hill, ON L4B 4R6. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject editorial content and Ads at the staff’s discretion. 4 CHRISTMAS 2021 n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE CHRISTMAS 2021 n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE 5

National Hardwood Magazine

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