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National Hardwood Magazine - November 2013

Check out the National Hardwood Magazine's latest issue and stay up-to-date on all the trends, news, and industry info you need.

Josey Logan Josey is a

Josey Logan Josey is a vice president of Josey Lumber Co. Inc., Scotland Neck, NC, and is in charge of the lumberyard, maintenance, the dry kilns and boilers. Lumber Company, Inc. Celebrates 30 Years of Success Scotland Neck, NC—Josey Lumber Company Inc., based here, is located approximately 150 miles east of Greensboro, NC, and less than 90 miles northeast of Raleigh, NC. The company is celebrating their 30th year of being in the Hardwood lumber manufacturing business since they were founded in 1983 by Joey Josey, who is the current owner and president of the company that also handles lumber sales. By Gary Miller Today, Josey Lumber Company Inc. has 30 employees that work at their sawmill operation; and 10 employees who work at their new kiln-dried lumber facility called Joco Lumber Inc., which is a division of Josey Lumber Company. Joey is very proud that his sons, Tripp and Logan, work with him in his lumber business. Tripp Josey is a vice president in charge of log procurement, scaling and accounting. He also is a relief sawyer for his family’s band mill facility. Logan Josey is a vice president, as well, that is in charge of the lumberyard, maintenance, the dry kilns and boilers. Logan also helps manage the personnel and he is second in command to Gary Browder, who has been with Josey Lumber Company Inc. for 20 years, and is currently plant manager. Another employee who has been with the firm for 20 years is Janet Harrell. Her responsibilities include being the office manager, controller and bookkeeper for both of Joey Josey’s lumber companies. Earlier this year Joey Josey’s new company, Joco Lumber Inc., installed two new SII dry kilns that have a combined dry kiln capacity of 140,000 board feet per Please turn to page 54 20 NOVEMBER 2013 ■ NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE

(Left to Right): Tripp, Joey, and Logan Josey, Josey Lumber Co. Inc. The company ships mostly straight loads of lumber but does have the capability to offer mixed loads. A load of air dried Cypress is shown here. A view of Josey Lumber’s boiler room is shown here. Janet Harrell has been with the firm for 20 years and serves as the company’s office manager and bookkeeper. Josey Lumber’s boiler and kiln control room. NOVEMBER 2013 ■ NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE 21

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