Missale Romanum (typical of 1954)

Missale Romanum (typical of 1954)

Missale Romanum (typical of 1954)


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Benedictio Cerei 233<br />

1⁄2+ f + g f f j +h g µf d s + a d+ +f f é µf h f 3ds ±t<br />

my-sté-ri- a: et pro tanti Re-gis victó-ri- a tu-ba ín-so-net<br />

1⁄2+ µd f d3µSA a Æ + d µz h h µh + h +æ h h+ µh g µh j 6hg f g ±z<br />

sa-lu-tá- ris. Gáude- at et tel-lus tantis ir-ra-di- á-ta fulgó-<br />

1⁄2+ f f d+ z µh µh h h+ h +µh h +g f +g f Æ j h g µf ±t<br />

ribus: et æ-térni Regis splendó-re il-lustrá-ta, to-tí- us or-<br />

1⁄2+ d µ 2sa + +d f f é f + h 4fd s + +d d3µSA+ +a + Æ d z µh h µh ±u<br />

bis se sénti- at a-mi-sís-se ca-lí-gi- nem. Læ-té-tur et ma-<br />

1⁄2+ µg h j h h + æ h µh h h+ h h + h + h + g f g µf f µj ±i<br />

ter Ecclé- si- a, tan-ti lú-mi-nis ad-orná- ta ful-gó-ri-bus: et<br />

1⁄2+ h g + µf d s µ a + + d f f + é +µh+ +µ+f4µDS d d3µSA a Æ d ±z<br />

magnis po-pu-ló-rum vó-cibus hæc aula re-súl- tet. Qua-<br />

1⁄2+ + z h h h + h h æ h g h+ j + h +h µh h µh h h ±i<br />

própter astántes vos, fratres ca-rís-si-mi, ad tam mi-ram hu-<br />

1⁄2+ µh µh h h+ h h µg f + g f +j µh + µh h µh µhµ æ µh h ±i<br />

jus sancti lú-mi-nis cla-ri- tá-tem, u-na me-cum, quæ-so, De- i<br />

1⁄2+ h µg f g f + d f f f d+ s + d f+ µd3µSA a Æ µd z µh ±i<br />

omni-po-téntis mi- se-ri- córdi- am in-vo-cá- te. Ut, qui me<br />

1⁄2+ h h h µh h+ h æ h + h h +h g +µh j h h æ h h ±i<br />

non me- is mé-ri-tis in-tra Le-vi- tá-rum núme-rum digna-<br />

Diocese <strong>of</strong> Texas North American Old Catholic Church www.Global.org

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