Pressurized fluidized bed reactor - KTH

Pressurized fluidized bed reactor - KTH

Pressurized fluidized bed reactor - KTH

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corresponds to a <strong>bed</strong> material particle size of about 1/5-1/10 of the fuel size due to thedifferences in density. The volume of the <strong>bed</strong> material is about 2 litres, corresponding toabout 3 kg. The primary <strong>bed</strong> material is quartz sand - silver sand. The fluidising gas andgasifying agent is normally mixture of nitrogen and oxygen corresponding to a dilutedair.NitrogenFuel hopperNitrogenArgonFeederOxygenPreheaterCatalystQuenchReformerFilterGasAnalysisFluid <strong>bed</strong><strong>reactor</strong>SteamsuperheaterrSteamWaterGasburnerGasanalysisAshSootPressurevalveAshNitrogenStreamgeneratorWaterWaterCondenserWaterFigure 3.2. Pressurised fluidised <strong>bed</strong> <strong>reactor</strong> (LDU).

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