2013-06-07 © Lou Hedström Bokinge Teologie kand. uppsats

2013-06-07 © Lou Hedström Bokinge Teologie kand. uppsats

2013-06-07 © Lou Hedström Bokinge Teologie kand. uppsats


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© <strong>Lou</strong> Hedström <strong>Bokinge</strong>ABSTRACTOn July 22, 2011 a bomb detonated in the government building in central Oslo in Norway and eightpersons died. Later that day, 69 people, most of them youths, were shot down and killed on the islandof Utøya by a uniformed Norwegian man.The purpose of this study is to analyse Anders Behring Breivik's personality and explain why he becamea killer. I have used a Psychobiographical narrative method, which serves to describe the mindof a human being, linking the mind to motives, scripts, unconscious ideas and personality.My primary sources are Breivik’s Manifest: 2083 A European Declaration of Independence and the interviewswith his father and stepfather, together with the Psychiatric Reports which were submitted tothe District Court of Oslo. I have analysed in what way Breivik’s childhood influenced his behavioras an adult. For this purpose I have used a vulnerability analysis called Sårbarhetsmodellen by Perris &Perris. I have also examined whether Breivik is a product of his personality following Bob AltemeyersRight-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) theory and in what way he has been influenced by theEurabian literature.The conclusion of this thesis is that cultural, biological and psycho-social factors have caused Breivikto develop a personality disorder. This can account for most of the authoritarian aggression shownin Breivik’s Manifest 2083 and also by his actions on July 22, 2011. These actions have almost certainlybeen triggered by fear, in accordance with the theory of authoritarian aggression. My analysisis showing how this fear has been caused by his exclusion from his family, friends and society. Thisfear and anxiety has also contributed to develop his grandiose self-perception and narcissistic personalityas a way to protect his falsely constructed self.Keywords: Psychobiography, Sårbarhetsmodellen, Vulnerability, Carlo Perris & Hjördis Perris,Right-Wing Authoritarianism, RWA, Bob Altemeyer, Authoritarian aggression, Anders BehringBreivik, The PCCTS Knights Templar, 2083 A European Declaration of Independence, Utøya, Oslo,Norway, Rettspsykiatrisk erklæring, Psykiatrisk vurdering, Fedrene NRK tv, Mass murder, Grandiosetraits, Narcissism, Pseudocommando, Revenge, Eurabia literature, Motive, Scripts, Unconsciousideas, Personality conflicts.i

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