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şah ısmaıl hatainin şiirlerindeki atasözü ve deyimler üzerine

şah ısmaıl hatainin şiirlerindeki atasözü ve deyimler üzerine


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ŞAH İSMAİL HATAİ'NIN ŞİİRLERİNDEKIATASÖZÜ.. 107SummaryTHE IDIOMS AND SAYINGS IN THE POETRY OF SHAHISMAIL KHATAIAyşe ULUSOY(Kocatepe Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity, Afyon, Turkey)Sayings and idioms ha<strong>ve</strong> a <strong>ve</strong>ry important place in any language. Theyare one of the main indicators of the unity and integrity of language andliterature. When people use common sayings and idioms, it indicates thatthey are bound by common values, traditions and way of life. Thus, this is animportant step in the process of the strengthening of the common ties amongthe individuals living in the same society. They emerge from people'scommon thoughts, ideas, moral values and traditions, and ha<strong>ve</strong> impact cmtheir way of life by shaping their criteria of "good" and "bad".In the process of the assimilation of one society by another and/or oneculture by another, we see that the individuals of the assimilated society startto use the idioms and sayings of the assimilating society. In other words, theybegin to accommodate and to the ideas, values, traditions and lifestyles ofthe latter. They start to share a common culture, which is the culture of theassimilating society.From this point of view it can be argued that sayings and idioms, as theother elements of culture, show the inner strength and unity of a nation. So,their analysis is subject-matter of not only linguistics, but also sociology andpsychology.Idioms and sayings initially emerge in the oral literature of people, andthen it is used in the written literature by poets and writers. Just as the otherelements of the oral literature, idioms and sayings are quite lyricized. Andthis adds to their fluency and popularity among people. Howe<strong>ve</strong>r, they arefavored by people not merely for their lyrical fluency. They also carry valueas advices and expressions of moral rules. That's why writers, poets andphilosophers ha<strong>ve</strong> been widely using them for centuries.The use of idioms and sayings in the poetry has been a <strong>ve</strong>rywidespread tendency in the oriental societies, especially in the Turkic ones.This article was aimed at analyzing the idioms and sayings in the writings ofjust one poet of the Turkic orient - Shah Ismayil Khatai, and finding out towhat extent those idioms and sayings reflect the common cultural and ethnicbonds among the Anatolian and the Azerbaijani Turks.

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