中国铅电池制造和回收行业对健康和环境的影响 - Occupational ...

中国铅电池制造和回收行业对健康和环境的影响 - Occupational ...

中国铅电池制造和回收行业对健康和环境的影响 - Occupational ...

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December 2010, March 2011http://www.chinairr.org/data/D12/201103/26-71528.html19. Analysis of Motorcycle‟s Export in 2010, January 2011http://www.caam.org.cn/motuoche/20110125/1305051700.html1 NDRC, 2007. Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy in China (AbbreviatedVersion).http://www.chinaenvironmentallaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/medium-and-long-termdevelopment-plan-for-renewable-energy.pdf1 Chang, Y., Mao, X., Zhao, Y., Feng, S., Chen, H. and Finlow, D., 2009. Lead-acid battery use in thedevelopment of renewable energy systems in China. Journal of Power Sources 191 (1):176-183.10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.02.0301 Xiaodan Wang, 铅 酸 电 池 高 速 拉 动 铅 需 求 , 招 商 证 券 (Lead Acid Battery Drives Lead Demand toIncrease), March 2009, Page7-13Available from: http://caihuanet.com/hsstock/baogao/200903/P020090320498437568337.pdf23.24.25.1 SusongCai, 太 阳 能 , 风 能 的 发 展 及 储 能 铅 酸 电 池 的 前 景 , 电 池 技 术 (Solar and Wind Power‟sDevelopment and Prospect of Storage Lead Acid Battery),September 2009,Page2-3, Available from:http://www.365powernet.com/UploadFileLibrary/20090926101651.pdf1 NDRC, 2007. Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy in China (AbbreviatedVersion).http://www.chinaenvironmentallaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/medium-and-long-termdevelopment-plan-for-renewable-energy.pdf1 Gottesfeld, P., Cherry, C.R., Lead emissions from solar photovoltaic energy systems in China and India.Energy Policy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.06.02126. 1 http://www.gov.cn/2011lh/content_1825838_2.htm27.28.29.1 Qi Wang, 废 铅 酸 电 池 再 生 于 污 染 控 制 (Reproduction of Lead-acid Battery and Pollution Control),Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, 20101 Qi Wang, 废 铅 酸 电 池 再 生 于 污 染 控 制 (Reproduction of Lead acid Battery and Pollution Control,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences), July 20101 Zhi Liu,Feishang Group, 铅 酸 电 池 行 业 研 究 (Study on Lead Acid Battery Industry),May 2010,Page7-8Available from: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/8cbed37202768e9951e738b1.html30.1 2009 年 中 国 行 业 年 度 报 道 系 列 之 有 色 金 属 (2009 Annual Report of Chinese Industry—Heavy Metal),Page 50-81, Available from:http://doc.mbalib.com/view/3b3273f6f0413ab318f89694ef598842.html31.32.33.1 United Nations Comtrade Online database, http://comtrade.un.org/db/default.aspx1 United Nations Comtrade Online database, http://comtrade.un.org/db/default.aspx1 U.S. International Trade Comission (US ITC) database "Dataweb" available here:56

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