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WP-AD 2010-21<br />

Sexual orientation and household savings.<br />

Do homosexual couples save more? *<br />

Brighita Negrusa and Sonia Oreffice **<br />

Abstract<br />

We analyze how sexual orientation is related to household savings using<br />

2000 US Census data, and find that gay and lesbian couples own more<br />

retirement income than do heterosexual ones, while cohabiting<br />

heterosexuals save more than their married counterparts. In a household<br />

savings model, we interpret this homosexual-specific differential as due to<br />

the extremely low fertility of same-sex households, in addition to the<br />

precautionary motives driving cohabiting couples to save more than<br />

married ones. Evidence from homeowners’ ratio of mortgage payments to<br />

house value exhibits the same pattern of savings differentials by sexual<br />

orientation and cohabiting status.<br />

Keywords: sexual orientation, household savings, retirement, housing.<br />

JEL Classification: D1, D12, J15, J16.<br />

*<br />

Sonia Oreffice acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and<br />

Innovation (ECO 2008-05721/ECON). We thank Pierre-André Chiappori, Lola Collado,<br />

Erik Hurst, Sebastian Negrusa and Climent Quintana-Domeque for helpful comments and<br />

suggestions. Any errors are ours.<br />

*<br />

B. Negrusa: RAND Corporation. S. Oreffice: Universitat d’Alacant and IZA. Contact<br />

author: sonia@merlin.fae.ua.es.<br />


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