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Notes on the Condensed Interim Statements<br />

for the period 1 April 2016 to 30 September 2016<br />

15. Share capital<br />

Number<br />

(millions) £m<br />

Allotted, called up and fully paid:<br />

At 1 April 2016 1,007.6 503.8<br />

Issue of shares 9.4 4.7<br />

At 30 September 2016 1,017.0 508.5<br />

The Company has one class of ordinary share which carries no right to fixed income. The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive<br />

dividends as declared and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the Company.<br />

Shareholders were able to elect to receive ordinary shares in place of the final dividend for the year to 31 March 2016 of 62.5p (61.8p –<br />

September 2015 in relation to the final dividend for the year to 31 March 2015; 26.9p – March 2016, in relation to the interim dividend for<br />

the year to 31 March 2016) per ordinary share under the terms of the Company’s scrip dividend scheme. This resulted in the issue of<br />

9,395,092 (September 2015 – 10,600,639, March 2016 – 1,172,973) new fully paid ordinary shares.<br />

The Company issued 0.1m shares (2015 – 0.2m, March 2016 – 2.8m) during the period under the savings-related share option schemes,<br />

and discretionary share option schemes for a consideration of £0.9m (2015 - £1.1m, March 2016 - £25.0m).<br />

During the period, on behalf of the Company, the employee share trust purchased 0.3 million shares (2015 – 0.4 million, March 2016 – 0.8<br />

million) for a consideration of £5.0m (2015 – £7.4m, March 2016 – £11.1m) to be held in trust for the benefit of employee share schemes.<br />

16. Capital and Financial Risk Management<br />

Capital management<br />

The Board’s policy is to maintain a strong balance sheet and credit rating so as to support investor counterparty and market confidence<br />

and to underpin future development of the business. The Group’s credit ratings are also important in maintaining an efficient cost of<br />

capital and in determining collateral requirements throughout the Group. Based on latest assessment, the Group’s long term credit rating<br />

was A- negative outlook for Standard & Poor’s, and was A3 stable outlook for Moody’s. Further detail of the capital management<br />

objectives, policies and procedures are included in the ‘Financial management and balance sheet’ section of the Strategy and Finance<br />

section of this report.<br />

The maintenance of a medium-term corporate model is a key control in monitoring the development of the Group’s capital structure, and<br />

allows for detailed scenarios and sensitivity testing. Key ratios drawn from this analysis underpin regular updates to the Board and include<br />

the ratios used by the rating agencies in assessing the Group’s credit ratings.<br />

The Group has the option to purchase its own shares on the market; the timing of these purchases depends on market prices and<br />

economic conditions. The use of share buy-backs shall be implemented if the Directors believe that doing so would be in the best interests<br />

of shareholders. Following the disposal of 16.7% of the group’s stake in Scotia Gas Networks, this method of returning capital to<br />

shareholders could have the advantage of offsetting the earnings per share (EPS) reduction resulting from the potential disposal and<br />

reducing the total dividend outflow in future years.<br />

The Group’s debt requirements are principally met through issuing bonds denominated in Sterling and Euros as well as private placements<br />

and medium term bank loans including those with the European Investment Bank. In addition the Group has issued hybrid capital<br />

securities which bring together features of both debt and equity, are perpetual and subordinate to all senior creditors. The Group has<br />

£1.5bn of committed bank facilities which relate to the Group’s revolving credit and bilateral facilities that can be accessed at short notice<br />

for use in managing the Group’s short term funding requirements; however, these committed facilities remain undrawn for the majority<br />

of the time.<br />

The Group’s intent is to balance returns to shareholders between current returns through dividends and long-term capital investment for<br />

growth. In doing so, the Group will maintain its capital discipline and will continue to operate within the current economic environment<br />

prudently. There were no changes to this capital management approach during the period.<br />

Financial risk management<br />

The Board has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the Group’s risk management framework. The Risk and Trading<br />

Committee, which reports to the Executive Committee, comprises the two Executive Directors and senior managers from the Energy<br />

Portfolio Management, Generation, Retail, Corporate and Finance functions. Its specific remit is to support the Group’s risk management<br />

responsibilities by reviewing the strategic, market, credit, operational and liquidity risks and exposures that arise from the Group’s energy<br />

portfolio management, generation, energy supply and treasury operations. The membership and deliberations of the Risk and Trading<br />

Committee are designed to ensure strict business separation requirements are maintained. The specific financial risks which involve the<br />

use of financial instruments are the Group’s commodity, currency, credit, liquidity and interest rate risks.<br />


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