26.09.2013 Aufrufe

Vorwort - Prof. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen

Vorwort - Prof. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen

Vorwort - Prof. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen


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<strong>Rainer</strong> <strong>Kuhlen</strong> The pragmatic added-value of infonnation page SO<br />

Therefore one eould argue that information is not different from the<br />

original subset of knowledge but is only a new persepetive (a view) on<br />

existing knowledge. However, we prefer not to restriet information work to<br />

the selection of parts of knowledge from a eertain point of view but would<br />

like to describe the proeess of the transformation of knowledge into information<br />

as a value-adding process. The transformation produees informationaI<br />

surplus vaIue.<br />

Systematically, it is possible to distinguish between indirect vaIue-adding<br />

proeesses and direct vaIue-adding proeesses. Indirect proeesses have more of<br />

a support function, whereas direct proeesses produee surplus values<br />

immediately.<br />

Examples of indirect value-adding taken from the domain of natural<br />

language proeessing are:<br />

• naturallanguage aeeess to a data base<br />

• aeoustie input faeilities<br />

• automatie translation support on different levels<br />

ward levtl: multilingual thesauri in order to facilitate a multilingual query<br />

formulation for retrieval purposes<br />

sentmee level: controlled syntax for writing multilingual abstracts<br />

tat levtl: automatie translation of full texts<br />

• graphieally supported presentation of retrieval results<br />

Examples of direct value-adding are:<br />

• automatieally produeed flexible text eondensates<br />

• inferenee proeedures from existing knowledge structures

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