07.01.2015 Aufrufe


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Getting started for installation<br />

Dear customer,<br />

Thank you for purchasing this product.<br />

1<br />

Complete installation on local computer:<br />

Contents of CD<br />

Please insert the CD in your disk drive.<br />

Folder „Module“<br />

File „EnverdisSoftwareSetup.exe“<br />

File „version.txt“<br />

A system folder. It includes the software components to install.<br />

Run this application. It includes a wizard, which allows you an easy installation of<br />

software components.<br />

Includes version of software components of this CD.<br />

Start installation<br />

Autostart will self-load the setup program. Please follow the instructions of the installation assistant! For manual<br />

installation, open the disk directory in Windows Explorer and execute the file "EnverdisSoftwareSetup.exe".<br />

When installing drivers, a “Windows Logo Test” will be carried out. Confirm the prompt “Continue Anyway” or “Install this<br />

driver software anyway”.<br />

NOTE!<br />

The prompt „Windows Logo Test” will appear with VASCULAR <strong>EXPLORER</strong> 4 times and must always be confirmed<br />

with “Continue Anyway” or “Install this driver software anyway”.<br />

After installation<br />

Typically, the software components will be installed in Windows 7 (64 bit) under the path "c:\Program Files<br />

(x86)\enverdis".<br />

You can run the base application PATIENT <strong>EXPLORER</strong> over the link on the desktop or the link in thestart menu.<br />

You can find the manuals of all software components and devices in installation directory under: "c:\Program<br />

Files (x86)\enverdis\Manuals". There is also a link on desktop.<br />

21 / 32 Version: 8 - 06/2014

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