09.07.2015 Aufrufe

RF-coaxial connectors HF-Koaxial - IMS Connector Systems

RF-coaxial connectors HF-Koaxial - IMS Connector Systems

RF-coaxial connectors HF-Koaxial - IMS Connector Systems


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1Markets todayMärkte heute<strong>IMS</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> – the company / <strong>IMS</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> – das Unternehmen<strong>IMS</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> is an international, technologydriven company specializing in development and productionof high frequency connections. The productrange includes a large assortment of <strong>coaxial</strong> <strong>RF</strong> <strong>connectors</strong>,<strong>coaxial</strong> cable assemblies, <strong>RF</strong> test switches, <strong>RF</strong>antenna switches, test adapters and test assemblies,battery contacts as well as antennas for mobile devices.AntennasAntennenComputer technologyComputertechnikThe company supplies to many technology markets allover the world. These markets include: Antennas, Automotiveindustry, Transportation, Computers, Industrialequipment like Automation and Manufacturingsystems engineering, Medical equipment, Wireless devices,Telecommunication infrastructure, Measurementequipment and others.Keys to success for <strong>IMS</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> are strongmarket and customer orientation, individual technicalsupport for customers worldwide, continuous innovation,strong competence in <strong>RF</strong> development and highquality standards.<strong>IMS</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> ist ein internationales Technologieunternehmen,das auf Hochfrequenz-Verbindungstechnikspezialisiert ist. Das Produktsortiment umfassteine große Auswahl an koaxialen <strong>HF</strong>-Steckverbindern,koaxialen Kabelkonfektionen, <strong>HF</strong>-Testschaltern, <strong>HF</strong>-Antennenschaltern,Testadaptern und Testkabeln, Batteriekontaktensowie Antennen für mobile Geräte.Industrial applicationsIndustrielle AnwendungenEnd user devicesMobile EndgeräteDas Unternehmen beliefert Technologiebranchen weltweit.Zu diesen zählen Antennen, Automobilindustrie,Transportwesen, Computertechnik, industrielle Anwendungenwie z. B. die Bereiche Automatisierungste chnikund Maschinenbau, Medizintechnik, mobile Geräte fürkabellose Datenübertragung, Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur,Messtechnik und andere.Entscheidend für den Erfolg von <strong>IMS</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>sind dabei ausgeprägte Markt- und Kundenorientierung,individuelle technische Beratung der Kunden weltweit,kontinuierliche Innovation, starke Entwicklungskompetenzund hoher Qualitätsstandard.Medical equipmentMedizintechnikTelecommunicationTelekommunikationMeasurementMesstechnikTransportationTransportwesenOthersSonstiges<strong>IMS</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> –a technology company with traditionIn 1863 Johann Morat founded a company in Eisenbach in the Black Forestwhich focused on the development of machines to produce gear wheelsand axles for mechanical clocks. Over the years, this company grew, dueto his inventive skills and a commitment to highest precision and efficiency.One century later, at the end of the 1960‘s, the company began the productionof gear assemblies.It was a request from a customer that resulted in <strong>IMS</strong> Morat Söhne manufacturing<strong>RF</strong>-<strong>connectors</strong> and cable assemblies. This new line of businessproved to be successful and in 1989, <strong>IMS</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> was foundedfrom the business division which had been previously established in 1972.Reacting to market requirements, the product range was expanded to alsoinclude components for mobile devices and automotive applications.Reacting to market requirements <strong>IMS</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> continuouslyexpands the product range and develops a lot of innovative <strong>RF</strong> solutions likecustomized antennas, miniature <strong>RF</strong> switches and quick lock <strong>connectors</strong>.4

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