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festival- Katalog 2011 - One Minute Festival

festival- Katalog 2011 - One Minute Festival

festival- Katalog 2011 - One Minute Festival


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Auswahl 5 — <strong>One</strong> <strong>Minute</strong> <strong>One</strong> ShotAuswahl 6 — The <strong>One</strong> <strong>Minute</strong>s<strong>One</strong> <strong>Minute</strong> <strong>One</strong> Shot (Armenien)Samstag, 20. August | 23.30 Uhr | Kino Freier FilmLimitation is merely a word which defines the outer meaningof the word, which in its turn is limited by the user, theconsumer, the producer of the word through his predispositionand perception of the word and through the wish tocommunicate the goal-meaning. Does it really matter by whomand why a word is actually used?Hence for us the word Limitation is limitless and broad; it'sthe immeasurable space which initially has no borders, nolimiting sense etc… Boundary is a word whose definitionis the threshold of acknowledging the Infinite. A stepforeword is the space with no present, no past, and no future,where there's no time, no space, no weight…There is the Infinite itself with its harmonious dialogue. Thetrue acknowledgement of limitless infinity is the exclusionof violence and power abuse.www.accea.infoThe <strong>One</strong> <strong>Minute</strong>s (Holland)Freitag, 19. August | 24 Uhr | Kino Freier FilmSamstag, 20. August | 21.30 Uhr | <strong>One</strong> <strong>Minute</strong> Open AirThe <strong>One</strong> <strong>Minute</strong>s is a worldwide network for the productionand distribution of video art of exactly 60 seconds.Every year a competition, screenings, exhibitions and workshopsare being organized across the world. In March <strong>2011</strong>we launched a new activity; a monthly, theme-based editionof video art available on DVD (and soon as download onour server). 24 minutes per month. 288 art works per year.The <strong>One</strong> <strong>Minute</strong>s series can be seen in unexpected places –a museum, say, or waiting room – across the world. If youare interested to join in: info@theoneminutes.orgFrom all the videos we received last year, we made a seriesThe best 24 of 2010, a personal choice of The <strong>One</strong> <strong>Minute</strong>steam. Videos we like, hope you like them too!www.theoneminutes.org116 117

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