13.07.2015 Aufrufe

festival- Katalog 2011 - One Minute Festival

festival- Katalog 2011 - One Minute Festival

festival- Katalog 2011 - One Minute Festival


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Wettbewerb 1.1 — Spiel- und DokumentarfilmWettbewerb 1.1 — Spiel- und DokumentarfilmAutosuggestionLIN Jin Man | Frankreich | 2008 | 60Three people trying to turn themselves as motivated aspossible, as if they were capable of winning something.6Chick to CheeksPhilippe Nora | Frankreich | <strong>2011</strong> | 60Chick´s first steps into the world.11Azul (Blue)Aron Matschulat Aguiar | Argentinien | <strong>2011</strong> | 60The wonder of the sky, of nature, of Life... Time passes bywithout notice. Open your eyes before life forces you to.7Chrysanthemum´s the WordToby Roberts | UK | <strong>2011</strong> | 23Love, conflict, deception and sex, all done in 15 seconds.12BalloonsGreminger Raffael | Schweiz | 2010 | 57Ein Ballon geht auf Reisen.8Confession of innoceceMaksymilian Ceron | Polen | 2010 | 60We are just people...13BamWotschke Sebastian | Deutschland | <strong>2011</strong> | 60Mein Leben, der Alkohol und ich.9CrossingFischer Christian | Deutschland | 2010 | 60A man meets a beautiful woman on a railroad crossing.They share a moment together.14Big waveCvetan Krastev | Bulgarien | 2010 | 60In expectation of big wave.10DandelionZikica Jovanovic | Serbien | <strong>2011</strong> | 60A boy who delights in nature, collected a dandelion.Then some inexplicable things happen.1512 13

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