13.07.2015 Aufrufe

festival- Katalog 2011 - One Minute Festival

festival- Katalog 2011 - One Minute Festival

festival- Katalog 2011 - One Minute Festival


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WettbewerbPi/4Alexey Khramtsov | Russland | 2010 | 60There are two kind of people in the world, those who sit ontheir chairs and those who act... How about you?Pixel PhaseRodolfo Polanco-Casasola | USA | <strong>2011</strong> | 59A shifting portrait of a young man.Wettbewerb 2.3 — Kunst- und Experimentalfilm122.3ProblemsLanglott Véronique | Deutschland | 2010 | 60Visualisierte «Probleme». Gedanklich, körperlich undaudiovisuell.3Kunst- und Experimentalfilm — 40 Filme aus 17 LändernRevolutionStaeuble Andreas | Schweiz | <strong>2011</strong> | 60Wer stört die Schafe und warum, und was ist mit Jasmine?4RS12Moss Jonathan | Frankreich | 2009 | 60A former concentration camp in the south of France. Used inthe spanish revolution, WW2 and recently as a recidence foreastern europeans without visas seeking a better life.552 53

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