05.12.2012 Aufrufe

Berlin Ausstellung: Der Tod 21. April – 19. Mai 2001

Berlin Ausstellung: Der Tod 21. April – 19. Mai 2001

Berlin Ausstellung: Der Tod 21. April – 19. Mai 2001


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55 >>> Pavel Borodin und Vladimir<br />

Doutschenko<br />

Self-Service Death Meditation Machine<br />

(an installation)<br />

Vladimir Doudtchenko: A native Moscow writer/literature<br />

historian/film director. Seeks for new ways in modern literature,<br />

particularly involvment of movie visual language and non<br />

linear literature. Recently has written some film scripts; now<br />

directing his second movie. Member of group "VideoDOM".<br />

Pavel Borodin: A native Moscow artist/musician. Formerly a<br />

member of underground bands Ganja Renaldo Shaping Club<br />

and Alive. Music: influences and recalls from different styles<br />

and times; most recently: a mixture of 80th-style pop-music,<br />

middle-century big-style film-music, distorted noises and ambient.<br />

Beschreibung: By destroying the saying NO DEATH, each person<br />

admits the fact that there IS death. Everything's done<br />

personally and freely, so it's a sort of self-service meditation.<br />

But, eventually, each participant obtains the idea of DEATH<br />

within himself. This fact is stressed with the common-most<br />

surroundings: a shredder, paper, nothing strange or queer. So,<br />

it's a COMMON DEATH, an everyday death.

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