03.06.2016 Aufrufe

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5 Discussion of the results and future research.<br />

This paper provides an explanation for the continued existence of the gender<br />

wage differential. The model presented has to be seen as a first step<br />

at integrating into a theoretical framework the interrelationship between<br />

gender differences in labour market withdrawal rates, firms’ hiring policy<br />

and pre-market discrimination in the socialization process. Undoubtedly,<br />

girls and boys are not educated<br />

in the same way with respect to the relative<br />

value of market and non market work.<br />

This different treatment is<br />

reflected in women’s labour market behavior. Nevertheless, society evolves.<br />

Parents realize that firms’ policy can change and, consistent with this fact,<br />

try to transmit the most valuable preference (from their own point of view)<br />

to their children.<br />

As the distribution of preferences among the women’s<br />

population changes, women’s probability of leaving the labour market also<br />

changes and, in turn, so do the firms’ policy. Specifically, employers, that<br />

statistically discriminate among workers by gender, will observe how female<br />

exit rates change and, accordingly, they will adapt the optimally designed<br />

jobs for men and women. There is a phenomenon of reinforcement between<br />

these three factors, each effect feeds back into the others.<br />

The main result of the model is that the gender wage differential will<br />

persist, though a decrease is expected. Women will be sorted into jobs that<br />

provide less training than jobs offered to men. This result emerges because<br />

in the long run both types of women’s preferences coexist.<br />


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