06.08.2020 Aufrufe

VHS 2-20 Internet

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Englisch Stufe B1/B2

Online-Course: A Journey in

Time through London

Englisch Stufe C1

Language and Culture:

Endangered Planet


Dr. Lyn Heiming

ab Di., 01.09. (13x)

18.30 - 20.00 Uhr

26 Ustd./95,50 E


If you wish to learn more about London

and improve your English skills

with a native speaker, then we would

be delighted to welcome you on this

course. This online-course is an introduction

to the history, culture and

places of London. We will read parts

of the book, “Exploring London with

Sherlock Holmes”, together. The online-lessons

are a mixture of reading,

speaking, watching presentations and

participating in activities such as quizzes

and chats. The course will help you

to improve your English and give you

a lot of general information about visiting

London. The online-lessons will

take place once a week, but you will

have access to the online-classroom

every day, during the course. You will

find a lot of worksheets and there is

also the opportunity to participate in a

forum discussion.

Lektüre: Exploring London with Sherlock

Holmes by John Sykes (dtv-Verlag, ISBN


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Verbindung (Tel.: 0 23 62 / 66 41 83).


What will Earth look like in thirty

years? The effects of climate change

and their devastation are reality today.

Yet we have reason to be hopeful. If

nations get together, we can truly

make a difference. But, we must act

now. While reading articles from the

international press followed by

meaningful discussions, we will closely

follow this topic. A regular grammar

practice will also be integrated to

support these language activities.

Englisch Stufe C1

Advanced Fluency Practice

Vormittagskurs - Kleingruppe

This course welcomes students who

have a good knowledge of English and

wish to express themselves in a more

elaborate and accurate way. Focus will

be laid on meaningful creative activities

such as reading stimulating articles,

short stories, extracts from books,

watching video, discussing a wide

variety of current topics and a regular

glance at grammar.

Melanie Jansen-Lobo

ab Mi., 02.09. (12x)

09.00 - 11.30 Uhr

36 Ustd./82,00 E

VHS; Raum 100


Anne Monheim

ab Di., 15.09. (11x)

09.00 - 10.30 Uhr

22 Ustd./82,00 E

VHS; Raum 209


Melanie Jansen-Lobo

ab Do., 03.09. (12x)

09.00 - 11.30 Uhr

36 Ustd./82,00 E

VHS; Raum 108

Englisch Stufe B2/C1

Further Steps in Conversation


Practice makes perfect, so we will keep

practising. This upper-intermediate

level course offers a variety of language

activities to build up your fluency.

Try to voice your opinion on topics of

global interest while reading a wide

range of international articles and stories.

A regular grammar practice will

support you along the way. Learning

English can be so rewarding.


Französisch Stufe A1

Grundkurs 1


Für Anfänger*innen ohne Vorkenntnisse

Das Lehrwerk wird bei Kursbeginn bekannt


Französisch Stufe A1

Wiederholungskurs 1


Danièle Schwander

ab Di., 01.09. (13x)

17.30 - 19.00 Uhr

26 Ustd./95,50 E

VHS; Raum 206


Vormittagskurs - Kleingruppe

Wenn Sie vor langer Zeit Französisch

gelernt haben und nur sehr

lückenhafte Kenntnisse aufweisen,

dann bietet Ihnen dieser Kurs eine

Wiederholung „von Grund auf“.

Auch wenn Sie Anfänger*innen sind,

bereits andere Fremdsprachen gelernt

haben und schnell lernen, ist

der Kurs für Sie geeignet. Wir werden

mit Rollenspielen das Sprechen

und den Wortschatz üben. Anhand

lebendiger Übungen wird die dazugehörige

Grammatik gefestigt.

Das Lehrwerk wird bei Kursbeginn

bekannt gegeben.

Blandine Marie Blömker

ab Di., 01.09. (13x)

11.45 - 13.15 Uhr

26 Ustd./95,50 E

VHS; Raum 208


Info · Petra Duda 0 23 62 · 66 41 83

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