Metafoodbiom AGenYZ (en)

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to normalize gut microbiota


Microbiome, microbiota, microflora

The human microbiome is a collection of micro-organisms that live in

the human body, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa.

The term was first proposed by an American geneticist in 2001.

Each microbiome contains its own communities, which are called


There are microbiota of the gut, mouth, skin and other organs, and

each mini-ecosystem differs from one part of the body to another.

For example, the composition of bacteria on the left and right feet

will be different.

The terms "microbiome" and "microbiota" are often used

interchangeably. Previously, the more commonly used term was

"microflora", but this is an outdated term, as flora refers to the plant

life, whereas "biota" refers to the collection of microorganisms in the

living world."




§ The gut microbiome consists of

over 3 million genes. 1/3 of the

human gut microbiota is common to

most people.

Different gut

microbiome >



§ 2/3 are individual and create a

unique "identity card"

Different health


The composition of an adult's

microbiota depends on various

factors: genetics, mode of delivery,

sex, age, height, diet, sleep, chronic

diseases, bad habits, medications

taken, living conditions.


The number of micro-organisms in the gut exceeds the total

number of all cells in the human body.

The total mass of gut microbiota ranges from 1 to 3 kg.

An adult weighing 70 kg and height 170 cm contains

around 30 trillion cells and 49 trillion gut bacteria.

Microbiota is an ecosystem dominated by bacteria, mainly strict

anaerobes that do not need oxygen to live. It also contains other

micro-organisms: viruses and bacteriophages, protozoa, archaea

(unicellular living organisms) and fungi. In total there are over

7,000 strains in the microbiota. The gut makes up 2/3 of the

immune system.

According to scientists, each gut cell of an adult provides nutrients to 100,000

other cells in the body.


The microbiota of children

changes from 0 to 3 years old

Gut microbiome in infants

The microbiota changes until adulthood,

then stabilises

Gut microbiome in adults

As we get older, the microbiota

becomes depleted

Gut microbiome in elderly

The newborn inherits the bacteria from the

mother, especially during natural childbirth

and breastfeeding.

During the first hours and days, the

intestines of newborns are predominantly

infected with micrococci, staphylococci,

enterococci and clostridia, followed by

enterobacteria, lactobacilli and


The adult microbiome is fully formed

and is characterised by a rich and

diverse bacteria.

In adults, the gut microbiome is

relatively stable, but largely

depends on lifestyle.

The intestinal microbiota of the

elderly is characterised by lower

diversity, with domination of certain

species and a decrease in the number

of beneficial microorganisms, such as

lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.


3 types of bacteria in the

gut microbiome

Friendly bacteria - they help your immune

system respond quickly to pathogens,

without giving them a chance to multiply

and displace the beneficial inhabitants of

the gut.




Conditionally pathogenic bacteria - are

usually harmless to a healthy person. But

they multiply dramatically when the body is

negatively affected. If a person is injured,

their immune system fails or their microbiota

is out of balance, neutral microbes can

become pathogenic.

Conditionally pathogenic


Escherichia coli



Pathogenic bacteria - can cause illness, but only if their

numbers are too high or they have entered the body with a

weakened immune defence.



Composition of the healthy gut microbiota:

All microorganisms that normally inhabit the

large intestine are divided into three groups:

1. The main ones (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and


2. Companion (E. coli, enterococci),

3. Final (staphylococci, fungi, protozoa).


Functions of the


A state of equilibrium between

microbiota populations is

characteristic of complete health and

the maintenance of a constant internal

environment of the macroorganism,

members of the microbiota are

involved in almost all metabolic


A normally functioning microbiota should have the following


1. Prevent colonisation of the

gastrointestinal tract by

pathogenic microorganisms

2. Promote local and systemic


3. Utilise unabsorbed nutriens

in the small intestine,

regulating energy

expenditure and storage

4. Participate in the regulation

of gastrointestinal motility

5. Synthesise B vitamins, vitamin

K, biologically active and

hormone-like substances

6. Regulate cholesterol

metabolism, oxalate

metabolism, absorption of

calcium and other ions

7. Protect mucosa and distant

organs from damaging effects

of toxins, xenobiotics and procarcinogens

by utilising and

metabolising them


The gut microbiota affects not only the physical,

but also psychological well-being of a person.

The term "psychobiotic" has already been appeared, which refers to living

microorganisms. The intake of psychobiotics has a beneficial effect on the health of

patients with mental illness.

Scientists have been able to prove that, in addition to mood, active and beneficial gut

bacteria also affect the level of susceptibility to stress and anxiety.

A balanced microbiota can help cope with these pressures on mental health.

According to the results of

the study: after 4 weeks of

taking a cocktail of various

beneficial bacteria,

significant changes were

observed in certain areas of

the brain, primarily in areas

that are responsible for

emotions, feelings and pain


§ E. coli can secrete dopamine, serotonin and


§ Lactobacilli produce serotonin, GABA,

acetylcholine and histamine;

§ Bifidobacteria affect central serotonin


§ E. coli, Bacillus and Saccharomyces spp. can

produce noradrenaline;

In this way, probiotics help to

combat stress and the ageing

process associated with it.

§ Streptococci and enterococci synthesise


§ Bacillus can produce dopamine.


Disturbance of the gut microbiota – dysbiosis is a

condition in which the balance between beneficial gut

bacteria (such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) and

pathogenic bacteria (Klebsiella, Proteus,

Enterobacteriaceae, etc.) is disrupted.

The altered composition of the microbiota affects the intestinal

immune system. The immunity activated by gut dysbiosis triggers

a cascade of inflammatory reactions, leading to joint damage, skin

problems, kidney damage, gastrointestinal issues, and more. If the

defence response is excessive, autoimmune diseases develop.

Dysbiosis is not a disease, but it underlies many

conditions including intestinal, systemic

inflammatory, autoimmune and neuropsychiatric


Pathogenic bacteria can be activated

when the immune system is weakened,

during frequent stress, poor diet or

exacerbations of gastrointestinal



The disruption of the gut microbiota is

manifested in the form of

§ Impaired gastrointestinal function, which

leads to abdominal bloating, alternating

constipation and diarrhoea, abdominal

pain, etc.

§ Unexpected allergic reactions to certain

foods, accompanied by nausea, vomiting,

diarrhoea, skin itching, rashes, etc.

§ Impaired nutrient absorption, leading to

iron and vitamin deficiencies, weakened


§ Complaints of weakness,

headaches, lack of appetite

§ Anxiety and depression

§ Inflammatory processes

§ Skin irritation, dull hairand


§ Changes in weight

§ Bad breath

§ Cravings for alcohol or sweets


The main causes of disruption of the gut

microbiota include:

§ Eating on the go, fast food consumption,

eating in a hurry without proper focus on the


§ Uncontrolled intake of medications, such as

antibiotics, which affect both pathogenic and

"beneficial" gut bacteria

§ Incorrect diet, including monotonous food


§ Impaired gastrointestinal motility

§ Uncontrolled adherence to diets

§ Gastrointestinal infections

§ Chronic gastrointestinal diseases

(gastritis, enteritis, colitis, etc.)

§ Endocrine disorders

§ Allergic diseases

§ Stress and depression

§ Alcohol consumption , smoking

§ Climatic and environmental


§ Chemotherapy and radiotherapy for



Diseases associated with disorders of the gut


§ autoimmune hepatitis;

§ fatty hepatosis;

§ insulin resistance;

§ type 2 diabetes;

§ obesity;

§ bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO)

§ irritable bowel syndrome;

§ IBD: Chron’s disease, ulcerative colitis;

§ celiac disease;

§ bronchial asthma;

§ multiple sclerosis;

§ autism;

§ attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder (ADHD);

§ alzheimer’s disease;

§ depression;

§ parkinson’s disease;

§ cognitive impairment.

§ colon cancer;


Gut-brain interactions

Alzheimer's disease


multiple sclerosis


Parkinson's disease

Increased BBB permeability

Systemic inflammation

Intestinal permeability

Bacterial amyloid

LPS (Lipopolysaccharide)






The key to creating and managing a healthy gut

microbiota is regulating the balance between

beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms.

Diet plays a crucial role, not only by providing a

balanced intake of energy, but also supplying

certain nutrients that directly affect the

composition of the microbiota.

The addition of prebiotics is essential for optimal

gut microbiota function.

The positive effects of prebiotics on microbiota

growth and activity are well studied, including

their ability to nourish beneficial commensal

bacteria while helping to inhibit harmful ones.

Natural enzyme preparations are also

important, as they help break down food in the

digestive tract into small particles – cobiotics.

These are what bacteria and cells in the human

gut feed on.


Three simple rules to revitalise your

gut microbiome

1. Always chew your food


2. Eat in a calm state, not

when you are tired and

stressed, and not when

your hands and feet are

cold (because then the

blood supply to your gut

will be poor).

3. Eat only when you feel



If you decide to change your

eating habits, you should not do

so abruptly and immediately

switch to new foods.

A sudden change in diet will

confuse the bacteria in your gut

and this can lead to bloating and

increased gas production.

The amount of new foods

(including nutrients in the form

of fruit and vegetables) in your

diet should be increased







17 strains peptide


Acacia gum

(gum arabic)

Guar and xanthan


Lactic acid

Enzymes: lysozyme,

muromidase, bromelain

BAS from Bacillus



Licorice extract

Fulvic and humic acids


Composition of MetaFoodBiom

Kombucha concentrate

Kombucha is a natural probiotic product obtained by

fermentating tea with symbiotic microorganisms such as

Komagataeibacter bacteria, Acetobacter xylinum and

Zygosaccharomyces fungi (>7 species). It is known as the

'Elixir of Immortality'.

The unique property of kombucha is its ability to inhibit

glycation processes. As a result of glycation, collagen and

elastin molecules are damaged, causing the skin to lose its

elasticity, thin out, and sag, leading to the appearance of

wrinkles. When kombucha is used, glycation decreases by


In vitro, it has antimicrobial activity against Helicobacter

pylori (the main cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers), E. coli,

Staphylococcus aureus and Agrobacterium.

Kombucha restores gut microbiota. It helps

normalize the pH in the intestinal lumen and

promotes active regeneration of intestinal

epithelial cells.


Composition of MetaFoodBiom

Metabiotics (Peptide

ultralysates) of 17 strains

(6 strains of Bifidobacterium and 11 strains of Lactobacillus) are

products resulting from the breakdown of probiotic bacterial

cells into fragments that include fragments of the bacterial cell

wall and their intracellular content.

§ Does not break down in the stomach and reaches the

intestines, acting quickly

§ Safe and suitable for consumers with unbalanced or

compromised immune system who cannot use live


§ Can be used in high doses

§ Have a long shelf life

Metabiotics provide the body with ready-made

metabolically active substances that healthy

person's microbiota should normally produce.


Composition of MetaFoodBiom

Postbiotic metafiltrate contains:

§ Zeolite mineral,

§ Muromidase enzyme - an antibacterial agent

that destroys bacterial cell walls

§ A complex of biologically active substances

released by Bacillus subtilus, which inhibit

pathogenic and opportunistic micro-organisms

and destroy the beta-glucans of the cell wall of

Candida Albicans.

The sorption properties of zeolite are

necessary for binding and removing

bacterial and food toxins.


Composition of MetaFoodBiom

Lactic acid - a natural metabolite of lactic acid

bacteria that creates favourable conditions for the

development of its own microflora.

Lysozyme - is an enzyme that breaks down the cell

walls of pathogenic bacteria.

Lysozyme - is a proteolytic enzyme called

muramidase, synthesized by macrophages,

neutrophils and other phagocytic cells and

constantly present in the body fluids and tissues. It

is found in blood, lymph, tears, milk, semen,

genitourinary tract, mucous membranes of the

respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, and in the


Non-digestible fibres - (Acacia gum) - provides extra

protection and nourishment for normal intestinal


Guar gum - is produced from the culture of guar

beans which contain up to 70% culture, a bean that

contains up to 70% valuable resin.

Xanthan gum - is obtained from the fermentation

reaction of microorganisms Xanthomonas

campestris. It reduces blood sugar levels after meals!

Licorice extract - enhances the effect of other

ingredients and their anti-inflammatory action. It has

a detox effect.


Composition of MetaFoodBiom


Bromelain - is a naturally

occurring proteolytic enzyme:

§ Helps to reduce chronic


§ Speeds up the regeneration

of the intestinal mucosa

Bromelain - is derived

from pineapple, where it's

found in high concentrations in

the solid part of the fruit.

Bromelain has a wide range of action:

§ Increases enzymatic activity

§ Helps the body to break down and

absorb protein foods

§ Normalizes metabolism

§ Also has the ability to break down

fats and reduce the contamination

of the body with toxins

§ Has anti-inflammatory and healing


§ Gently reduces blood clotting.


Composition of MetaFoodBiom

Fulvic and humic acids

Considered to be one of the

best natural detoxifiers.

Cleanse the body of toxins,

cholesterol and remove


Fulvic acid acts as a conductor for

vitamins and minerals and

enhances their bioavailability at

the cellular level to 98%, compared

to the typical 40-50%.

They normalize digestion and

peristalsis, enhance immunity.

Humic acids are selective prebiotics

and improve the growth of bifidogenic



The enteric coating of the

MetaFoodBiom capsule

ensures targeted delivery of

the ingredients into the


The enzymes in the product

need an alkaline environment in

the intestines in order for them

to take full effect.

The stomach has an acidic

environment - it can neutralise

the activity of proteolytic


Therefore, acid-resistant

capsules are preferred.


The functions of the


Recommended when:

§ Reducing inflammatory

reactions in the

gastrointestinal tract

§ Intestinal epithelium


§ Digestive health




and other



§ Detoxification

§ Improving the intestinal


§ Restore water-electrolyte

balance in the intestine

§ Normalization of natural

vitamin B and K synthesis

problems with

the intestine

and skin

in case of

alcoholic and

food poisonings




Advantages and bioinnovations of


§ Probiotic organisms grown using

innovative methods, high fragmentation

of bacterial walls

§ Large diversity of microbial strains - >20!

§ Most effective components for gut


§ Enzymes that protect against pathogenic


§ Metabolic detoxification

§ Increased effectiveness of components

due to synergy


How to use MetaFoodBiom

1. Preventative use:

Take 1 capsule twice a day after meals.

2. After poisoning

Take 2 capsules in the morning on an empty


The recommended minimum course is 2 months.

DO NOT open the capsule

with an enteric coating!

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